Honeyland (2019)

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Honeyland (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

Jackie, you're greedy.

Eat slowly! - Eh?
- And stretch your legs out.

I said stretch them out and eat properly.

Stretch your legs out like this, mum.

Just stretch them out, woman.

Stretch them out.

- I can't.
- Why not? Stretch them out.

They hurt.
- So? --Stretch them out.


Like that.
Out, so they don't go numb.

I can't.
- Okay.

Have it your way.

There's no reasoning with you.

This leg moves slowly.

Of course it moves slowly.
You made it moves slowly.

I said 'stretch'.
You don't listen.

Oh dear... I'm dying fo water

My dear daughter...


- Eh?

Can you see the light?
- I can.

There it is.

I can see with this eye
but not withe the other.

Do you want me to take you out
into the sun tomororrow?

I can't go out.

You can't take me out.
I become like a tree.

I'm not dying.
I'm just making your life a mysery.

Not dying.

And I don't intend to die.

I eat bread. I drink water.

I eat whatever I want.

Mashalla! Mashalla!

One half fo me, one half for you.

Take a bit.
A spoonful or two.

Open your mouth.

Don't give me honey.
- Just a bit.

It's honey. Just honey.

Just a bit woman. Wait.

- I don't want to.
- A tiny bit.

Just a tiny bit.

I sell it for 16 euros.

It's straight from beehive,
with honeycomb in it.

Very good.

Taste it.

Why is yours so cheap?

The prices are lower because the demant has fallen.
It's not selling well. - I see.

Mine sell well, even though
it's more expansive.

Some times up to 20 euros.

Other time down to 10 or 15 euros.

Are you Bosnian?
- Albanian on my father's side, Bosnian on my mother's.

Very good.

All the Albanians and Turks left our village
except for us and we're Turks

I don't remember those families.
I was born in 1964.

Right. Right.

Not all honey a remedy,
especially if it's mixed.

People add sugar to make more of it.
But mine is raw.

Thank you.

It's a red honeycomb, made as a cure.
- To cure?

Yes, specially made to cure.
- Very nice.

We'll, take a deal, don't worry.
Normally it's 16 euros, but I'll cut the price for you.

Don't worry, I'll lower the price.

I have pure honey at home.
Only in winter, though. I'll come back then.

Anh I'll bring you a jar as a present.

Don't worry, I'll filter it.
For you to put in your tea and enjoy.

Have you found anything?

I'm looking for hair dye.
Chestnut colour.

- Yes.

This is chestnut.
That's what I need.

This is a nice one.
- Yes, that one. How much is it?

2,50 euros.
- That's very expensive, isn't it?

Take the chestnut.
It's really nice.

Yes, it is.
- This one's nice. Chestnut.

I'll buy this too.

For my mother. She's ill.

She's 85.
- How old? 85? And ill, too?

Four years in bed now.
- Don't pay then. It's for your mother.

May she be sound and safe.
It's a souvenir from Skopje.

Thank you so much.


Get up.

I'm back from Skopje. Let's eat.

You went to Skopje?
- Uh-huh.

I went and sold some honey there.
- Eh?

I WENT there and SOLD the honey!
- Why?

I went to sell some honey!
- Aha...

And I bought some bananas.

What's this?

It's a fan to cool you down and chase the flies away.

That's right.

You'll choke! Wait a bit.

Take it easy. Smaller bites.

Is it good?

Hold this and feel.

Can you feel it?
- It's beautiful.

It's a tail, mum. A peacock's tail.
Be careful not to poke your eye.

Wait. Like this.
Not like that. You'll poke your eye out.

Like this.

This way mum, this way.

Did you sell the honey?
- Uh-huh.

How much for?

As much as I could. 10 euros a jar.
- Eh?

10 euro a jar.

They're Turkish.

Open your mouth.

Open again.

Come on! Come on!

Slow down!

They are coming out!

Bring it here. Alcho!

Turn it!
So they can come back.


Well, you mean that?
How's the calf?

Kiss me, kiss me.

Is it nice?

What are you doing?
Did you come to see my mother?

She's asleep.

Do you want kitten?
Want to take one?

Wich one do you want?
White? Ginger? Or this one?

Are we going out?

You want to stay here or go outside? Eh?

Want to go outside?

Let's go.

Way to go!
You've already broken something?

He pusched her and she fell on her chest.

She fell by herself and broke my leg.
May your head fall off, Alit!

It's nothing. Nothing.
- He injured her chest.

Come here, Gamze, let me see.
Gamze, come! Let me see you.

She's hurt badly.

Don't make a fuss! Shut up, will you!

Just shut up.

See what he did.

You'll get what's coming to you at home!

You've no idea what's waitting for you.

This stick will come down hard on you.

You'll see at home.

I'll make you black and blue all over.

So you feel her pain.
- She broke my teeth.

I'll knock every one of your teeth out,
you'll see.

You hit my hand badly.

Bring another nail.

There. It's good.

Cloudy weather in Macedonia

with more sun in the south in the south east.

... with moderate winds from
the north becoming stronger...

tomorrow it will be unstable with...

Is it a different station?

It says Radio Skopje. Listen.

Go on. Sing.
- What are you waiting for?

Come on. Come on.

You'll feel pretty.

A treat for your hair too!
- Just a bit.

Hold it. Easy.

I'll get your medicine now.

And a banana to eat.

Only if there are still some left.

There's one left.
- Who brought them?

I bought them. Who else?

I've already eaten.

Just eat! There are plenty of bananas for today and tomorrow.

This is for today,
the rest are for tomorrow.

I'll buy new ones when I to go the city.

Go on! Stay in there!

She's getting up.

Pray to God it's not male.

Here! Here!

It's a male.
Get out of here!

What are you using in the smoker?
Dry dung.

The honeycomb's ready.
Soon there'll be larvae.

Are those larvae?

I just appply a layer of dung
and they make it themselves.

How much honey is there?

No matter how much there is -
there's enough for all of us.

In a good year 10 kilos.
It depends on the year and the bees.

Anyway I have to leave five kilos.

I want to, but ...
- It's still early...

There's honey now. But by September it'll be full.

Even next month it will be full.

What price do you sell it for?
- In a good year, 10 euros.

When do you collect it?

This year in
September or October.

It depends on the weather.

Mustafa's closed the place off well.
We'll put them there.

Yeaah. Anh the windows are
all closed up?

- Yes.

What about the beehives?

It's clean and closed there.
With no garbage.

No garbage is good for the bees.

Get protected Gamze.


Obviously, just go.

You go, and I'll do this.
- To the truck?

Good. We'll put this here.

Give me the pump.

They'll sting us.

Turn it

Gamze, come here!

Bring here.
I'll cut it here.

Close it tight!

It'll sting again.

You wacko!
- Shut your mouth! Get lost!

- Here.

Where is the bee?

Good weather,
and plenty of space here.

Will you take all of it?
- Eh?

- Are you taking it all?
- No. Just two or three frames.

Take that rack and
leave the others...

... so they don't come
and att*ck my bees.

There's enough for them and for you. There's...
- Yes, yes, there is plenty for everyone.

These are full. You can collect them.
The other ones need time.

Sure, that's what I'll do.
- You take half, but you leave half.

... so they don't att*ck my bees.

Go away! Away! Away!

No man from Skopje
has ever done me wrong.

I say too myself he's man, so give way a bit.

He wanted to confuse me.
He told me each frame was 1,5 kilo.

I asked him:
'Who are you trying to make a fool of?'

'Did you weigh them?'
- No, I didn't.

He claimed he'd weighed them.
- Why don't you get a scale?

I do have one.
It runs on batteries and it breaks easily.

A digital scale.
- When I weigh, it's always precise.

My measures are always accurate.

No more from now on it's over.

All of them need something...
Gamze needs 3 euros.

Veli needs 7 euro,
Ali 0,5 euro.

And then Mustafa...
I give them every thing.

He relly was bad.

Come here!

Pour more brandy.
You hardly poured a drop.

You pay poorly, I pour little!

I'll pay you, Hatidze.
- It's good quality brandy.

This brandy has messed up many minds!

Do you know what the old folks say?
- What?

A village without a river
is no village at all.

Winter is hard.
It is hard. There is hardly any water.

My older sister d*ed,
whe she was eight...

I had two other sisters,
who d*ed too.

One was nine...
And other was only 3 months old.

They're all buried over there.


- Get up. Get up for some watermelon.

Have some watermelon.

- Have what?
- Some watermelon..

I don't want to.
- But it's nice. It's very sweet.

Did they bring it?
- Yes, Ljutvie and Hussein brought it.

Hold it so it doesn't drip on you.

There aren't any smaller pieces.
- They're small!

They can't be smaller than this.

Is it sweet?
- Uh-huh.

It's a local watermelon.
No chemicals inside.

Not like the ones,
you buy at the market.

I'll go to bed.
- Wait.

Cover me.

I even had some watermelon.

Will there be any honey?
A kilo or two at least?

A kilo is not a big deal.
I'll give you one, no problem.

Check if there's a kilo or two...
- I hope there'd be more.

Come and take these over there...

Take them.

You're not leaving me
without any honey, are you?

There's no...
Let's see this one.

But without a pump they'll sting us.

Let me just take a look, eh?

It looks like there's enough to take.
- No, no, there isn't.

What do you mean?
- I mean there isn't enough.

Put it back.
- The honey's good.

The honey's good, but there isn't enough.
- It's good.

There's not enough.

We're ready.
Let's see how much honey there is.

When I open it,
blow the smoke with the pump.

So they don't sting us.

Mashallah! There's plenty.

1, 2, 3... 4 honeycombs.

Now we'll leave them half.

They gave us half,
we'll leave half and close it.

Bees from breeders who colect their honey earlier...

... come to my bees...
...and eat their honey.

Don't take all the honey out!
- I won't.

Don't take it all out!
- I'm not taking it, just placing it lower down.

The weather's getting colder.
The upper level...

The upper level should come out.

See, it's empty
- Maybe they made it on the other level.

No they haven't.
- You put it there yourself.

Hatidze's hives have honey on both levels.
Ours have none.

Sure they don't.
- Because you're not taking good care.

No, it's because you take their honey.
- No, you're not taking good care.

And no more going to see Hatidze.

Do you hear me?

Do you understand me?
- Not at all.

I'm doing this for you.
I don't need any of this.

I already have what I need.
It's not much, but it's enough.

But you don't.
I know how to breed bees.

Get the matches and light the pump.
- I'll get mum to do it.

Don't wait for your mother!
Get the matches and light the fire.

No more going to Hatidze, understood?

I know how it's done.
- My ass you do.

We'll collect our own honey.
- You'll collect my ass.

I'm doing this for you.
Only for you, I don't need any of it.

You need it, I don't need anything.

Sure you need money for school.

For clothes.

I bought them everything. Everything!

They disobey me.
Now I won't by them a thing.

Not a thing.
I won't even give them what I have. Not even what I have.

Careful with the towel.

- You dropped the towel.

Take it.

Why did you get up?
- To sit for a while.

Don't pull me!

Everybody likes to look nice mum
- Even me.

Who does?
- I do.

I can't hear you, dear.

I don't know if you're cursing or praising...

Don't you kow?
Tomorrow is Hidrellez...

- Did you know?

- I don't know.

So desperate for my help?

Rememer when you used to help me?
- The time when I helped have long gone.

How so?

It's so difficult.

Back to bed?

Didn't you say you'd help?

Well, have a rest then.

I can't help you, you know.

Then I won't help you either.

Is anyone making you help me?

I want to.

Is it night?

There's a long time till,
night comes, mum.

- How can I help?
- Just tie my scarf.

Tie it here.
Just a bit.

Where are the ends?

Here, here.

Be safe and sound my daughter.

Let me give you a kiss now.

Let me give you one too.
- Give me one back.

That's enough.

You say we argue all the time?
That I'm restless?

You may be restless,
but most of all you're reliable.

♪'My girl, I'm gonna buy you candies

♪before we get married and leave this village!'

Like it?

Your honey's really good.

Then you're done. Completely done.

Come here!
It was a well-deserved victory!

I prayed for you win,

and you didn't let me down!

Tuck in! Try this.

This is for you, Hussein.

And some more for you, Hussein.

There enough to eat and drink.

What are you doing, Safet?
Hold on.

Eat like kings!

So are you okay with the deal, Hussein?

What do you think?

Don't! Let the kids have it.
Don't give it to me.

Let the kid have it.

Let them have it.

You can't sell by the kilo.
I need 200 kilos at once.

So we've closed the deal, right?

At 10 euros a kilo.
I'll buy 200. I give you my word.

Leave here alone.
Stop bullying her.

Alcho, your father will b*at you.

You're asking for it.

Stand till. It won't sting.
Now low the smoke.

Bring the Kn*fe!
Are the jars ready, woman?

Bring the big pot first.

And a pan.
- I left the pan there.

It stung me.

Oy! Why aren't you coming?

What are you waiting for?

We need to collect honey.
Bring the pan here. And hold it.

Take the jars to your mum
to wash them. Hurry! Quickly! What is this.

God forbid anyone ever asks you
to do anything.

Put the mask on.

Put the mask on.

Gamze, hurry. Veli, you too.

Veli, come here!

See this rascal!
He only works when he's force to.

Cut it up!
- It'll sting me.

- It won't. Don't be afraid.
- I'm blowing this. You're safe.

Go on, tear it apart!

It stung me too.

Cut me right through.
f*cked me up.

Keep smoking!

Veli, don't run away or
I'll cut your head off!

Why is the kid not coming?
Is he a kid or what?

Cut me again.
f*cked me up totally.

And a sting on the head too.

Get the mask!

Faster, faster!

Who doen't want more?

There are 13,5 kilos here.
13,5 kilos.

2, 3, 4, 5...

May you spend it in good health.

What matters now is that,
you collect 20 kilos more.

It must be something else, Hatidze.

What else?
It's your taking it.

If you ask me it must be the weather.
It's changeable! Must be that.

Look! Not even five left alive!
- It's not because of that, Hatidze.

I told you to leave half!
Look what your bees have done to mine!

We left a frame for each.
- Either you take yours away or I'll move mine!

- There nowhere to take them.
- That's not my problem.

Here I have my kids to help me.

- And who will help me?
At least you have children. I have none.

- I still think it's something else.

- I'm asking you to move
your bees away from here.

Hatidze, where can I take them?
Our house is here.We live here.

And where should I take them?

Nowhere. It's over. They're dead.

No, it's not true!
I swear on my children.

Wait, wait... There are lawyers...
there the court...! Let's settle the dispute there!

If I go to court, let's see,
what he's do...

- Don't open it!
- What can he do to me?

But who is lying to you, Hatidze?

He told me he took them and
that I should give them...

We didn't sell any bees or hive or honey.
All of it's here.

I told him it's too early,
that the comb will collapse...

His father yelled at him,
for collecting the honey, saying...

... you don't collect honey now.
It's too early.

Aim the smoker directly at the head.

There no dung in it.
- Yes, there is.

It stung me on the face!

Don't be afraid.

Go collect it yourself!

As if you brought it yourself,
you filthy dog!


You can force me!

There's no reasoning with them.
You're the most responsible one.

Nobody else takes resposibility.

See these?
They chase our bees away.

It stung me.

They look like flying stars.

Be careful, it might drop on my hair
and set it on fire.

It burn my legs.

My God, this yawning.

Hatidze, why don't you leave this place?

If I'd had a son like you...

things would have been different.

But I don't.

You b*rned it!

Take a look at what you did.

What can I do, Hatidze?
I have to make this fire.

Just think about what you did!

We need new grass.
There no use for the juniper tree.

There'll be no grass for the bees.
- There's no harm.

You need it, but I need it too.

- I need to burn. We need new grass.
- I need new grass as well.

I told him to burn it down.
- You've done a good deed!

If it burn we'll have more grass.

But look!

Okay, I won't light the fire,
if you take care of my kids.

What can I do if you've set
your mind on it?

What are you waiting for? Move!

Cursed be the neighbours...

It hurts to see you like this, daughter...

Oh God! It hurts to see you...

When matchmakers were coming...
you didn't accept any?

I don't know.
- When they were asking for my hand?

I welcomed them and accepted them...

I accepted them.

Who didn't, then?
- Your father.

Even if there was a chance now,
I wouldn't leave.

- No reason.

Don't say that.
- Why?

That's not good.
- There nothing else to do.

How could I leave you?
- Easy.

I'll come too.

The son-in-law will take care of us.

Let your caretaker be safe and sound.

I won't collect it!

Collect it yourself, you f*cking...

Shut up!

I can't believe how much
this woman gets on may nerves!

Do not gather.

Throw them on the drawer.

You just sit there.

Is it so difficult to believe
there's none left?

You tell me there none,
but let's see if there any.

Let's check together.
If there is any, it's no big deal.

- You think I'm laying? Why would I do that?
Who doen't want money... But Hussein...

All good, but let's take a look...
...and check all the hives to see if there's any...

We will, but there no point.
There isn't any.

You have some but you aren't
give me any.

Can't you understand
The simple fact there isn't any?

I'm not going to open the hives
just to make the bees anxious.

You don't say.
- One year, one kid. - One kid? - Yes.

- God bless you.
- One year, one kid.

God bless you.

What can we do? We need kids.
They're a real treasure.


It's very cold.
- What do you mean cold?

Put your legs up. Is that better?

Hold on.

Pull! Faster!
Don't let them drown.

There's the queen.

If you were a baby

I'd just take you up in my arms and run!

They've k*lled all my bees.
I have no bees...

We're left without a solution.

You will die soon. What am I going to do then?

You will die one day.
What will I do then?

Get married.
- Godspeed.

Let them have it their way.

I don't want to have
anything to do with them.

God will punish them.

Don't you worry to much...

I can make it without them.

God will punish them!

May God burn their livers!

Do you understand?
Fifty d*ed!

Why did they die?
- They were sick.

Should've care more.
I talk, and talk and talk...

It looks fine?
- Fine? It looks half dead!

No care at all!

This is sick too.
- Yeah, sure!

You take no care!
- No, you take no care.

I do, and much more ...

Work the land!

You took care?
Look at the buckets! Empty!

Why only me?
Why not Muzo too?

Then you take all the care!
- And let you do what?

Take care by yourself?
- And see you do what?

God forbid, woman.
Not a bit of care.

Do you think that's okay?
- I have the kids.

What are you doing here at all?

As if you did.

Sit on your ass all day?
- I did take care.

You f*cking...

They took care of them...
- Sure they did, and good care too, my...

Did you see how many calves d*ed?

You eat all day, but give nothing to them.

You knew it was sick!
- Sick, but not dead!

It's not just one.
50 have d*ed so far.

When there's no food for them...
- There is food!

The bags were full!
Was it so difficult to grind corn?

You have the mill there.

They can't operate the mill.

You can! But you didn't!
You can only eat but not mill.

What can you do for yourself?

You've spoiled them.
- Do it yourself.

That's why they misbehave.
But there will be nothing to eat.

I'll bring food.
Not for you, though!

You should feel hunger.
Bees are not enough. We need cattle too.

We can't survive
without them in this desert.

Come to my lap.

Were you cold?

Where have you bean, little kitten?
In the wardrobe?

What did you eat?
Milk and skimmed cream?

... and left none for you.

Want some more?

Is there more?
- As much as you can eat. I don't want any more.

Throw it away!
Nu du har lavet det.

Didn't you want milk?

I wanted milk, not 'ayran'.
I don't want it!

Then I'll give it to the cats.

Spring. Spring.
Can you imagine spring coming?


Spring. Spring.
Can you imagine spring coming?

Spring. Spring!

You like spring coming?

Is there spring?

Sure there is.

Too many winters have passed.

Mum, can you hear the music?


Mum, can you hear the songs?

Run away, you devil!

Here Jackie, come, come..

Sit there. Are you cold?

Come on then.

Here, kitty, kitty.

Come here, kitty, come.
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