01x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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01x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »


WOMAN: Morning!

Hello, Nurse Lee.

MATURE JENNY: Before I came to
Poplar, I'd been sheltered.

I was shy, shielded
from life's more... unsavoury facts.

I'd kept my guard up,
kept my head down,

kept my distance from the world
and believed myself content.

What? Getting a good look, are you?

Be nice. You might well
be seeing a lot more of me.

MATURE JENNY: Life in the East End
had begun to make its mark.

I was growing bolder.

But there was still a great deal
I was keeping in reserve.

Another early one?
Aren't they always?

Sometimes you want to tell them
to cross their legs till lunch time.

A happy customer donated
half a cow to our dinner table.

Must have been quite a delivery.

Butcher's baby.

It's not fireworks, is it, Fred?


Well, that's something at least.

Fred has another moneyspinning idea
and won't tell us what it is.

You're welcome to guess,
but you won't get it.

It's a winner, this one,
I'm telling you.

Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Fortune favours the bold.

Thus Virgil.

Quite right, Sister.

Caput inter nubilia condo.
I hide my head among the clouds.

Also Virgil.

It's too early for Virgil.

Only for the ignorant.


I'm sure you wanted a
rest after the night

you've had, but I'm
afraid you're needed.

This is the one, ladies.
I can feel it.

"Who's got that big house on the hill?
" people will ask, and it'll be me.

You see if it ain't.

And everyone will say,
"He's not such a fool as we thought."


The patient is Joe Collett.

He suffers with ulcers on his legs

and requires his dressings
to be changed three times a week.


I know you weren't on the district
nursing rota for several weeks,

but numbers at Nonnatus are limited,

and the needs of our community
are only ever expanding, so...

Of course.

Enjoy yourself.

He is an interesting old man,
I have found.

Hurry up.

Sorry, it's my blasted slip.

I took it in last night,
but I think I've overdone it.

It's somewhat restrictive
to the breathing.

Planning to work in that?
I'm fine.

Unless I bend. Or sit.

Or laugh. Or cough. Or if I...


Morning, officers.

Good morning, Sister.

I am so, so sorry.
No harm done.

You're something of a menace
on that thing.

I know.

Er... Constable Noakes is the, um...

the officer I managed to crash into
a few weeks ago.

If it's any consolation, she's a menace
no matter how she conveys herself.

Well, like I say,
no harm done at all.

Although maybe it'd be best
if you had hit me.

I wouldn't say no to more
of that whiskey you brought over.

I'm sure it can be arranged.
The whiskey,

not deliberately levelling you
with my bicycle.

You look well.
And you.

Very well.

As do you.


I'd best be getting on.

Uphold the law, good sir.


Chummy...! Why on earth
did I say that?

At times like this, I'm more
grateful than ever that I took vows.

Now come along.



Mr Collett, I'm Nurse Jenny Lee.
I'm here to see about your ulcers.

Ah, yeah, well,
it's my pleasure to have you here.

I'm sure we're going to get along

Follow me.

I've, er...
I've got the boiling water ready.



Um... where can I lay out
my instruments?

Oh, just move that out the way.

I'm going to clean the wounds now.
It may sting, Mr Collett.

Joe. Joe will do fine. Yeah.


Would you... would you like
a cup of tea?

I'm fine, thank you.
Oh, it's no bother.

It won't take but a minute.

Oh, um... There.

What... what's wrong?

I'd actually, er... prefer a cold
drink, if you had one.

Then that's what you shall have,
my maiden.

Oh, no, I can't drink on duty.
I meant orange squash or something.


Well, I'm sorry.
I... I don't have anything else.

It doesn't matter.

I got them from g*n wounds
during the w*r.

The Boer w*r, this was.

I thought you must be a soldier.

A soldier!


I was 17.

No older than you.

You're flattering me, Mr Collett.

I... I am. Is it working?


Over here.

Beautiful bunch, eh?

Lovely. Yeah.

My two sons, they, er...
joined the Great w*r and...

they never came home.

And my Sally... Yeah.

A firebomb during the Blitz.

I'm sorry. Don't be.

I loved them.

They loved me.


There. All done.

Now, are you sure
I can't offer you a drink?

I'm quite all right, really.

Yes, of course, er...

you have a great deal to do,
no doubt.

I have the evening off tonight.

I could... come back then
and share a glass with you?

If... if you wanted that, I mean.

Well, that would be a delight,
my maiden.

A thousand welcomes.


Pregnant, eh?

We're having a baby, you know.
Me and my wife.

Just found out today.

I'm going to be a dad.

Hush, Ted.
Sorry, love.

Got no chance now, have I?

Not now it's two against one.

Mrs Lawson?

That's us. Ted and Winnie.

I'm sorry.
We don't allow men back here.

I can't stay with her?

I'm sorry, Mr Lawson.

I'll be right here, love,
if you need me. Right here.

We went to the doctor's
this morning.

I thought Win was ill, didn't I?

Lost my first wife to cancer,
so I was thinking the worst.

She's been so tired.

And there it is. Pregnant.

Thought I was too old.
I've got three already.

Done most of their growing.

I never even thought about another.


36 centimetres fundal height.

That means you're 36 weeks along.
Due in a month.

That soon?

Your husband said
you only found out today?

I... I knew I was getting bigger.

So did Ted, though, bless him,
he never said nothing.

I thought maybe I was going through
the change or... I don't know.

Maybe I just didn't want to think
I could be in the family way again.

Not now.

Mrs Lawson, are you all right?

Just a bit of a shock.

I'm 41. I'm too old.

All that all over again.

It's just a bit of a shock.

Thank you, Mr Collett. Joe.

Joe. Joe.

Yeah, well...

I was afraid you wouldn't come.

Here you are.
Mm. Well, of course I am.

How are your legs?
Oh, very comfortable, thanks to you.

Do you mind?
Not at all.

This is luxury, isn't it?

Ah, but it is.

When I was young, I would... I'd
never have dreamed of such luxury.

A warm bed at night.
Enough food to eat.

Huh! Oh.

My Sally loved it here.



Twice in one day, I know.
Probably the last thing you want.

But I thought I should drop round
your delivery pack.

Come in.

Did you have any questions or...?

No, you've been kind enough as it is,
bringing this over.

Now, Ted, I'm sure he'd
be full of questions.

Fortunately for you, he's out.

He seems very excited.

It's his first. You must think
we make quite the pair.

Not at all.

My first husband walked out one day
without a word, never came back.

How awful.

With three children to look out for,
I got a job in a paper shop.

Ted used to come in to
that shop every day

and just stare at
this bar of chocolate

and he'd leave without saying a word.

I thought he was mad.

Anyway, finally I ask him,
"What are you up to?"

And he says his wife
used to love that chocolate.

Then I started talking to him
whenever he came in,

and soon enough,
he asked me to the pictures.

A year later, we were married.

That's lovely.

Truth be told, I...
I didn't marry him for love.

It was for my children.

Making a future for 'em, a life.

But he's so kind, so patient.

As time went by, I...
I knew I hadn't done the wrong thing.

(SOBS) But...

What's wrong, Mrs Lawson?


Nurse? Everything all right?

Absolutely. I just came
to drop round the delivery pack.

And that's all fine,
so I should probably be on my way.

I went to get some books.

Margaret Myles, Midwifery.

Grantly d*ck-Read,
Childbirth Without Fear.

You'll know more than me
by the time you've read that lot!

I'll see you both soon.

We were only 16 apiece, but I knew she
was the only girl in the world for me.

She agreed to wait
until I got back from the w*r.

Three years she waited.

And she was the reason
I came back at all.

How romantic!

That's my one weakness.


What about you?

You must surely have a beau
in your life?

Not really, Mr Collett.
I'm far too busy.

Oh, never! A lively young girl
like you? I don't believe it.

There'll be plenty of time for
romance when I'm older.

Now, how about some more
of those biscuits?

Of course.
No, I'll get them.


Are you all right?

Yes, yes, I'm fine.

I, er... Do you know,
I really think I should be going.

Yeah, of course.

You've... you've had a day's work
today and you need your beauty sleep.

No, no, don't get up.
I'll... I'll see myself out.



How was the old man? He must have been
handsome to keep you out so late.

I had the most terrifying

I looked down and saw,
right on the table...

there were hundreds of insects.

Just crawling about!
Oh, those.

Yes, they are a nuisance.

It was revolting. It set off
my asthma. You poor thing.

Some of the insects I saw in India
were as big as your hand,

and their jaws, you
saw every sharp

glistening tooth, like,
trying to bite you.

Oh, sorry.

All the tenements are
full of insects.

I'm surprised you hadn't
seen them before.

It's no wonder there's talk
of closing the buildings down.

There's always been talk.
They're not hygienic. It's about time.

I hold the insect in high esteem.

I've often wished I had a thorax
and a small pair of wings.

Who on earth would wish to be an insect?
We are all God's creatures.

And I would have thought you
above all people, Sister,

would appreciate
a more slender thorax.

Behave yourself.

I can't go back there, not with
those things crawling about.

Calm yourself, Nurse Lee.
They do not infest human beings.

And as for never going back there,
it's out of the question.

But, Sister...
Your comfort is not important.

You have a job to do with Mr Collett
and you will do it.









What on earth are you doing here?

I'm in a bit of a tight spot, Jenny.
Can I come in?

I'm not dressed.


Thanks, Jen. You're a brick.
(Keep your voice down.)


How long have you been in London?

About seven hours.

I'm sorry. I did come by earlier,
but you were out.

Thank God you've still got
that hideous clock.

I saw it in the window
and I knew I had the right room.

I can't believe you're a nun now.

(I'm not a nun, you fool.
I'm a nurse who works with nuns.)


Thank heavens. You're far
too attractive to be a nun.

Mind your cheek, Jimmy.

If I can't be cheeky
to a girl I've known

for 18 years, then
what hope is there?

What are you doing here?

You remember when you were studying?
I was a bit short of cash.

So Chris and I stayed in the drying
room at the nurses' home.

I do. Three months of nail-biting
fear that you'd be found out.

Why do you mention that?

Oh, no. You can't stay here.

A man in Nonnatus House?

I'd be dismissed for sure.

One night.

I've nowhere else to go.

(This way.)

You better be gone by the crack of
dawn. Scout's honour.



I assume there's a story here.

I have no idea.

All told, this might be the strangest
night of my life. Good night.



Your guest made an early departure.

Jimmy's an old friend. He had
nowhere to stay. I didn't think...

Don't worry, Nurse Lee,
I shan't be telling any tales...

since you no doubt caught sight that I
had a few overnight guests of my own.

Yes. They're quails.

I'm a little short of space at home,
and they'll do better in the warm.

It all started with potatoes.
I was growing 'em, see.

But there's no money in spuds,
so I switched to onions.

And onions got me thinking,
naturally, of chickens.


And that got me thinking,
"Well, hang on, Fred.

What about quails?" You know?

Not really.

People are always talking about

Chickens this and chickens that,
like they can't do no wrong.

But I say... move over chickens,
there's a new fella in town.

Your quail.

Ah, he tastes very similar,

but he's half the size
and twice the price.

Ah... good for you.

Don't worry, Nurse Lee.
I shan't forget you when I'm rich.

I'm telling you, I'm fine.

Shush, just another minute.

This is silly. I've got to do
the washing.

The book says we need to keep alert
for any surges in temperature.

You and your damn books.

Let me help with the washing, love.

The book says you'll be unsteady
on your feet about now.

We don't want you losing
your balance, do we?

I'm not a damned invalid, Ted.

So put those bloody books away
and let me be!


Nothing to apologise for, love.

You seeing that smelly old man again?

Bad enough I've got madam
living on one side,

I've got that disgusting old bugger on
the other, stinking the place out...

I'm telling you, you nurses ought
to have something better to do

than keep running around after him
all the time.


I'm glad you came back.

Oh, of course.


Most kind.

And now, please, you'll join me,

seeing as it's the end of the day.

Oh, allow me.

A reunion of the Scots Guards?
How exciting!

Oh, yes, it's quite an occasion,
you know.

I used to enjoy them a great deal.

You're not going?

Oh, not for years now,
thanks to these legs of mine.


Well, what if I were to take you?

Well, I...
I don't want you to feel obliged.

Mr Collett, it doesn't
seem right that a man who

fought for his country
should be penned up at home.

Besides, it's not every girl
has the opportunity

to dine with so many men in uniform.

You darling girl!

What a day we'll have!

What a day!


In spite of everything,
he stays so cheerful.

I only hope I can be like that
when I'm old.

It sounds like he's had a full life.

More than just work.

Oh, stop it. There's more to me
than work.

I've had my share of adventures.

Have you, now?

When I was 17,
there was a concert in London.

My parents wouldn't let me go,
so I stole out of the window,

hitchhiked to London,
saw the show anyway.

And that's just the tip of
the iceberg.

Well, well.

What else haven't you told me?

Are you secretly married?

Wouldn't you like to know!

Oh, please.

I'll buy you these hideous earrings
as a bribe.


No, what about these?

Listen, I was hoping I could avail
myself of the boiler room again tonight.

I thought you were studying to be an
architect, not a professional vagrant.

I know, I know,
but rent's so fearfully expensive,

and I can't take any of Mother's
money, she's barely any.

So, I've been going from floor
to floor.

And tonight's floor
has other occupants?

Something like that.

I promise I'll be discreet.


I'll throw in these.


Fine, fine!

Although I think I know a way
you can pay me back.

Mr Lawson, is your wife
on her way or...?

Actually, it's, er... it's just me,

if that's allowed.
Of course.

I'm trying to arrange the nursery,
make all the preparations, you know.

I've tried to talk to Winnie
about it, but, well...

she's busy around the house.

We can talk about the
nursery, Mr Lawson,

but is that why
you're really here?


Am I that see-through?

Take a seat.

Truth is, I'm worried about her.

She ain't been herself.

She's been... closed off.
Barely talks to me.

And when she does speak,
she's angry or she's...


I don't know what to do.

There are a lot of hormonal changes
that happen when you're pregnant.

A lot of women can get rather

But you can't take it to heart,
Mr Lawson.

Support her,
and she will get through this.


Oh, my goodness!

You look wonderful!

You should have let me help you.

And missed the look on your face?


Someone call for the cavalry?


I've heard a lot about you,
Mr Collett.

Then you'll know
I prefer to be called Joe.

I'm afraid Jenny hasn't returned the
favour and I know very little about you.

Well, I'm her secret w*apon.
Oh, yeah?



Looks like quite a turnout.


Private Joseph Collett.

Now, gentlemen, here is a truly
distinguished old guardsman.

Collett, yes.

To an esteemed old soldier.
MEN: To an esteemed old soldier!



I... I won't forget this in a hurry.

Thank you, Jenny.

The pleasure is all mine.

Maiden, I do hope
you'll forgive me saying,


I do believe
your young man's sweet on you.


I'm sure I don't know
what you mean. You do!

Now, then, sir, I'm sure you have
many stories you can tell us all.

Oh, I don't know.

I do, and he does.


Stand by your beds!

Now, I don't know how many of you
remember your first sergeant major.

The first sergeant major I had
was very fond of poetry...

MUSIC: "Magic Moments" by Perry Como

# When two hearts are caring

# Magic moments

# Memories we've been sharing

# I'll never forget the moment
we kissed the night of the hay ride

# The way that we hugged to try to
keep warm while taking a sleigh ride

# Magic moments

# Memories we've been sharing

# Magic moments

# When two hearts are caring

# Time can't erase

# The memory of

# These magic moments... #

Excuse me. Can you watch
where you're going, please?


You're probably wondering what
I'm doing with all these apples.

I wasn't, really.

Gonna take them home, dip 'em in toffee,
put a stick in, and what have you got?

Toffee apples.

Another business venture?
Huge profit margin in this one.

Good luck with it, Fred.

And be careful!

Your ulcers are improving
wonderfully, Mr Collett.

Joe, please.

What's wrong?
You've been awfully quiet.

They're closing the building.

They're tearing the whole place down.

Oh, there's been rumours for years,
of course.

I... I just never thought...

But why?

They say it's unsound.

Lord knows why.

It was still here after the Blitz.

Me and Sally, we were here
over 50 years.

Raised our boys here.

Now, I suppose...

all my ghosts will be cleared
with the rubble.

Will they rest in peace? Huh.

I wonder.

Will I?

Where will you go?

Oh, er... St Mark's... in Mile End.

When I was young,
it used to be a workhouse.

It's not right, Mr Collett.

They can't make you leave
your own home, can they?

Oh, now.

Don't bother so.

Don't cry over an old codger
like myself.

It's just a flat, dear.

But the block won't be demolished

Why can't Mr Collett stay longer?

At least until we find him somewhere
better than an old workhouse.

Nurse Lee, the decision
has been made.

The buildings are being closed
and the tenants evicted.

The best you can do
is help ease the transition for him.

But it's not fair!
His legs need constant attention.

Who will look after him now?

God once said to St Peter, "When you
are young, you go where you wish.

"When you are old, others will take
you where you do not wish to go."

Is Fred about? The boiler's making
all kinds of noises.

I don't believe
he's currently on the premises.

It sounds like someone's
clattering about in there.

I'm going to take a look.


Sister Bernadette!

Sister? Yes?

I was thinking...

we ought to grow more vegetables
in our allotment.

Whatever you please.

I needed your advice.

On what to grow.

Because there's so much choice.


obviously, are helpful,

but also...

cauliflower is delicious.

Do we grow onions? Please stop
wittering about vegetables.

I could not care less.

What are you still doing here?
I overslept. It's so warm in there.

You can't keep coming to stay here,
Jimmy. What if someone comes?


Sister Julienne.

This is Jimmy.
He's an old school friend.

He's here for...

He's an old friend

and... I just moved to Poplar.

I work nearby and...
and dropped in to say hello.


Given the hour, I would be remiss if I
didn't ask you to join us for lunch.

Oh, no, no, I couldn't.

You'd be doing us a great service.

We usually entertain retired
missionaries and visiting preachers.

A lively young man
would be a pleasure for us all.



Oh! Winnie!


What's happened? I'm all right.

You're not. You're having
contractions, aren't you?

Leave me be! No, no.

The book says that when
they're this close

together then the
birth's on its way.

We gotta call the midwives.

My word.

If I'd expected this kind of feast, I'd
have worn more forgiving trousers.

CHUMMY: Frightfully sorry I'm late.

I just found out my old friend
Binkie's getting spliced at last.

(Oh, gosh.)

Chummy, this is my friend, Jimmy.
Jimmy, Chummy.

Yes, gosh, marvellous.
Um... good to meet you.


So, James,
you and Nurse Lee are old friends?

Oh, we go a long way back.
Jenny's always been good to me...

way back when I used to stay in
the drying room at her nurses' home.

Nurse Lee! Quite the rebel,
were you?

Um... I...


I remember when four
young men were found

in the broom cupboard
at St Thomas's.

We never found the culprits,

which was just... as well!

That's an awfully roomy cupboard.
Were they sleeping standing up?

This is too much. I can't...

I shall never forget...
What happened?

Oh, come on, be a sport.
I couldn't possibly...

Sister, you can't keep them
in suspense.

Oh, I shall remember
the hours that we spent.

In age, I'll remember
and not to repent.

Don't say another word, my dear.

'Twill only debase your memories.

Well, now we'll never hear
the end of the story, Sister.

You're quite the spoilsport.

Now, tell me, young man,

when are you two to be married?

No, Jimmy and I are...
are just friends, Sister.


Oh, no.

I don't think so.

He's very handsome, isn't he?

I knew a young man
that looked like that once.

I think.

Young people have so much licence

It must be so precious

to be young and in love.

Well, no arguments from me, Sister...

though I'm not sure Jenny
would agree.

Sometimes I think she
might be harbouring

secret desires to join
the order herself.


I'm glad you think my personal life
is such a source of amusement.

I didn't mean any harm.

I'll go.


How are you doing, Mrs Lawson?
Not so bad.

You're going to be all right, love.

Just take deep breaths.
I'm right here with you.

Stop it! Just stop it!

Mr Lawson, would you mind popping
downstairs while we examine your wife?

She needs me here.

We need hot water in good supply,
and warm towels.


Right, of course.
I'll, um... I'll get right to it.

What is it? You listen.

Fetal heartbeat is slow.
Call Dr Turner, please.

They say we've got to go.
I know.

Go where? Somewhere where no-one'll
know me and I won't know no-one?

It's not right.
Can't you lot do something?

You sisters, you have a say in how
things go on around here, don't you?

There's nothing I can do. I'm sorry.



Still falling. Where's Dr Turner?

He said he'd come
as quickly as he could.

Mrs Lawson, we need you
to start pushing.


But it's too soon. I'm not ready.


Your body's telling you to push.

Your baby wants to come out now.
I can't!

Please, Mrs Lawson.
We're just trying to help you.

I can't have this baby!


I can't!

Yes, you can, my love.

I'm scared!

We're going to take good care of you.
Don't worry.

You don't understand! I'm scared.

What are you so afraid of,
Mrs Lawson?

I'm scared it's going to be black.

I don't care if it's green,
red or orange.

Your child's heart rate is dropping
and I need you to start pushing.




Perfect. That's just right.

Now I need you to do that again.
I can't.

You have to.


Get the towel ready.
It's an asphyxiation.

What's wrong?

Little one's got the cord
around its neck.

Oh, God!

But don't worry.
We'll take care of that.

We've done it plenty of times.

It's too tight.
Get me the clamps.

What's happening?

FOOTSTEPS You're doing
brilliantly, Mrs Lawson.

Now just hold off pushing for me.

Upstairs. Breathe.

And breathe.

I got here as fast as I could.

The cord's clamped now.

Mrs Lawson, we just need to
cut this.


Now, Mrs Lawson,
we just need one last big push.



There's a heartbeat.

Why isn't my baby crying?
What's happening?

Let's just give it a minute.

Let those lungs adjust.



It's a boy.

Let me see him.



I'll... go and give your husband
the good news.


I'll let you know
when the placenta's delivered.


Shh, shh.

Shh. There, there, now.




It's a boy.

A boy!

My little boy.

Er... it... it's probably best
to wait a little...

until she's... she's ready
for visitors.



When Ted and I first married,
I didn't know how lucky I was.

I felt trapped, being with him.

One night, I stayed out late.

I'd had a drink.

That's when I let a navvy
with a nice smile charm me.

One night is all it was.

One night.

It took me so long to find Ted.

To really find him.

Now I'm going to lose him.

You don't know that.

No offence, sweetheart,
but you live and work in a convent.

In the real world, a black baby...




I reckon we'd best get it over with.


You can come up now, Mr Lawson.

A boy! You don't know
what this means to me, Win...

Can I hold the baby?




I don't reckon to know much
about babies...

but I can see how this is the most
beautiful baby in the world.


What are we going to call him?

Why don't you choose, Ted, love?

We'll call him Edward, then.

Good old family name.

My son, Ted.

Oh, my word!

Do you think he didn't notice?

He was emotional, excited.
He wasn't thinking straight.

Or he chose to ignore it,
because he loves his wife

and wants to spend his life
with her. Time will tell, I suppose.


Oh! Constable Noakes!

What are you... what are you
doing here?

Actually I'm, er...
I'm here to see Fred.

What can I do for you,
Constable Noakes?

I came to warn you
about your toffee apples.

There's been complaints that, um...

there are feathers stuck
to some of your apples.

Oh. What's a few feathers here and
there? Don't make no difference.

There have also been reports
that some apples have...

well, that they have blood
on them. What you getting at?

You're slaughtering quails in the same
place you're making toffee apples.

That's illegal, Fred.

There's some safety boffins on their
way to your house to shut you down.

Look, I'll tell
you what this is.

This is persecution,
that's what this is.

This is government interference,
and I won't put up with it.

I won't stand for it. I'll
fight 'em. I'll fight 'em in court.

Or you could just dash
back and take care of

things before they
make their inspection.

Yeah, I could do that, couldn't I?


Good evening.

You look well.

Well, and you.

Oh, enough.

I cannot watch any more.

Constable Noakes,

would you like to take Nurse Browne
to the pictures on Friday evening?

I, er...

Simple question. Yes or no.

Yes. Yes, I would.

Nurse Browne, would you like to go?

I'd love to.


How marvellous for you both.

Now I can get on and enjoy my cake.

Have you come to scrounge a bed
again? Because I'm not in the mood.

I came to apologise.

I brought chocolates.

I'm sorry I offended you at
the lunch. I meant nothing by it.

I may be private about
my feelings, Jimmy.

It doesn't mean I'm
about to become a nun.

I know.

It was a joke...

and not a very good one.

It was no way to repay your kindness
for the last few weeks.

I'm on my way out.

I promise not to come bothering you
any more.



Oh! Oh!

I told you I'd visit, Mr Collett.

My maiden! You... you've come here.

I went to your flat and
got quite a surprise.

Oh, yeah. I'm sorry.

I... I don't like goodbyes.

Besides, you're here now.
And I'm grateful for it.

And you're comfortable?

Oh, yes.

Doing very nicely, thank you.

How are your legs? Oh. A little bit
itchy now and again, yeah.

Did you know
they don't let you smoke in here?

You're only allowed out on the steps,

and I can't find anyone to take me.

They're very busy, I suppose.

Well, I'm not.


Sheer luxury.


Are they looking after you here,

Oh, hush, hush. Enough of that.

Let's just enjoy each other's
company, shall we?

How's that young man of yours?

He's not my...
Not your young man.

I know. I know.

I miss my family.

Their absence is an ache
I feel every waking moment.

But if you open yourself to love, it
follows you open yourself to heartache.

You'll know the secret of life,
my dear, when you know how to love.

# Before the ending of the day

# Creator of the world, we pray

# That with thy wonted favour, thou

# Would'st be our guard
and keeper now

# From all ill dreams
defend our eyes

# From nightly fears and fantasies

# Tread underfoot our ghostly foe

# That no pollution we may know

# O, Father
that we ask be done... #

MATURE JENNY: Removed from his home
and the care of district nurses,

Joe could not be given
the necessary care.

His ulcers became gangrenous

and both legs had to be amputated
at the knee.

# ..Doth live and reign eternally

# Amen. #

It's me, Mr Collett.

Joe, it's me.


My legs are itching.

Could you...
could you scratch them, my maiden?

They're terribly itchy.

Of course I will.

Don't cry, my dear.


I'll be all right.

SISTER BERNADETTE: # Lord, now lettest
thou thy servant depart in peace

SISTERS: # According to thy word

# For mine eyes have seen

# Thy salvation

# Which thou hast prepared

# Before the face of all people

# To be a light to lighten
the Gentiles

# And to be the glory... #


# ..Of thy people of Israel... #

Joe died soon after his operation.

There was no Last Post.

No solemn drum roll.

No final salute.

# World without end

# Amen. #

MATURE JENNY: Joe remembered me
in his will.

He didn't have to,
for I would not forget him.

I'd seen so many lives begin,

but it was the end of his
that opened up my heart.

MUSIC: "You're Just In Love"
by Perry Como

# I hear singing
and there's no-one there

# I smell blossoms
and the trees are bare

# All day long I seem to walk on air

# I wonder why

# I wonder why... #


Mr Lawson.

How is the little one?

Some kind of cough, I think. Thought
I'd better get him looked at.

# Stars that used to twinkle... #

He still seems besotted.

He certainly does.

# I wonder why... #

Ted loved purely and completely...

and he asked no questions.

And in the end,
nor did anybody else.

# I smell blossoms
and the trees are bare... #

To Joe.

My friend.

To Joe.

# I wonder why

# I wonder why. #

It seems I'm going to a dance...

Aren't we the lucky fellows?

Gillian! Have you seen my baby?
She was in her pram!

Please, someone help me! Someone
help me! Someone's taken my baby!

She was overheard stating she
wanted to hurt her baby.

That's utterly ridiculous.

I love her.
I wouldn't hurt her for the world.

Help. Help me. Help me, please.

It will be distressing. Are you sure
you'll be able to handle it?

Of course.

# It is not so surprising

# That you feel very strange but nice

# Your heart goes pitter-patter

# I know just what's the matter

# Because I've been there
once or twice

# Put your head on my shoulder

# You need someone who's older... #
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