01x05 - The Find

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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01x05 - The Find

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on The Curse

of Oak Island...

This is the most

sophisticated equipment that's

ever been on this island.

That's what we're

looking for.

Wow, this could be it.

This could be the find.

What are you

getting, Rick?

What are you getting,

big brother?



Are you serious?

Well, that's a


It predates the

Money Pit by at least 150 years.

It's the first piece

of evidence that I've been able

to hold in my hand.

This is the most

valuable thing that's ever been

found on Oak Island.


There is a

mysterious island in the North

Atlantic... where for more than

200 years people have been

looking for treasure.

So far they have found

underground tunnels and shafts,

bizarre booby traps...

even a stone slab with strange

symbols carved into it--

but nothing of value.

Still, they dig, deeper...

and deeper.

Six men have lost their lives in

the search.

And according to legend, one

more will have to die before the

mystery can be solved.

Subtitled by Diego Moraes

Oh, let's go get it.

Let's get Big Max in the swamp.

This is exciting.

I mean, I don't believe it,

okay, 'cause I'm not gonna

believe it till I see it, but

still, cool.

Rick and Marty

Lagina may be on the verge of a

breakthrough in solving the

mystery of Oak Island.

Let's go, let's figure

this out.

Look at the grin on that guy's


Come on, let's go.

It's not very heavy,



A few minutes ago,

Rick Lagina stumbled onto

something that he hopes will

finally answer the biggest

question of all:

What lies below?

Holy (bleep).

After partially

draining the Oak Island swamp,

and using a simple metal

detector, he located what he

believes is a large

square-edged object lying just a

few feet beneath the water.

All right, let's go

get this thing.

Come on, let's go.

Located in the

middle of the island, the

strange triangle-shaped swamp

has long been thought to be

man-made-- but why?

I found the treasure

map leading to Oak Island.

According to

Norwegian researcher Petter

Amundsen, the swamp may very

well have been the place where

the Knights Templar, or their

descendants, buried priceless

religious artifacts rescued from

the Great Temple of Jerusalem

during the Crusades.

Shakespeare holds the


His theory is based

on what he believes is an

elaborate series of codes

concealed within the first

printed folios of William


And the codes, in turn, lead to

what Amundsen calls the "Mercy

point," which is right where

Rick Lagina believes he has

located a mysterious

square-edged object.

Yeah, if you want to

start imaging and go out there

and do your ground balancing...

Okay, let's do a ground balance.

Level coil.

Is he level?

Ground balance one.

Earlier, the swamp

was scanned using a conventional

metal detector.

Will you check your

data logger, make sure it's on?

Data logger's on.

Now the team has

returned and is using a bigger

and even more sophisticated

metal-detection device called

the Deepmax X6.

It can scan to a depth of nearly

40 feet, and can identify what

type of metal objects or

material might lie below.

If you see this

spike up, you know you're over


Now that we got the

Deepmax unit out here, we can

confirm the data and we can see

it for the first time.

On Rick's mark, he

will say "Zero."

Zero starts the run.

You guys walk at a slow pace,

steady, try to get this coil as

far down as you can.

Teeter on the edge of falling

off if you have to, Will.

Don't step off in that muck.

He's got a belt on.

Okay, no steel here.

How big is the belt buckle?

Since the Deepmax

X6 will pick up any trace of


Let's take it off.

...it's imperative

the team members don't

accidentally compromise the


Give me your belt.

Yeah, we're gonna have

a little show here when your

pants fall off.

I've never done this


While Rick and

Marty's nephew David and his

friend Will use the Deepmax unit

to scan the swamp, Rick follows

behind wearing a data recorder.

Rick, on your mark.


Zero start.





I think this is the

most sophisticated equipment

that's ever been on this island,

these metal detectors that can

sense very deep.

It's great.

Left side up, Will.

Keep going, keep going.

Okay, get it as far back-- get

the coil as far back as you can.

Get right on the edge of the


Hey, David, if you fall off, you

know you're far enough.


What you getting, Rick?

Just nothing.

I got nothing.

That doesn't sound


Go that way.

Holy (bleep).

You got to be kidding me.

That's it.

Right when you went

over that spot?

What'd you get, big


Full scale, almost a

sheet and a half.

Full scale.

That's what we're

looking for.

There were so many


I mean, it goes off in your hand

and you think, wow, this could

be it, this could be the find.

So, you got a spike

over that spot?


That's what I

want to hear.

It was quite


You know, it mimicked what Steve

found, to a tee.

You know, I try not

to let my expectations rise too

much, 'cause you get


He got a big hit out there

straightaway, yeah, it's

exciting, but I'm not gonna let

my emotions get carried away

until we actually see something.

So it's great.

Uh, we got a lot more work to


Uh, yeah, after we

get back.

Yeah, he got the data,



Let's run it

through software, see what we


Yeah, absolutely.

Head for the w*r room.

To the w*r room!

After getting a

series of hits indicating that

there may very well be metal

objects somewhere buried in the

swamp, Rick, Marty and the team

return to the w*r room to

analyze the results gathered by

the Deepmax X6 data recorder.

You brought everything

we need to see, right, Steve?

Yes, sir.

Metal detection

expert Steve Zazulyk will try to

give Rick and Marty an idea of

what they found-- with the help

of a computer model.

All of our data is in.

It's very good that you keep

things in perspective.

So, I just want to kind of start

off by telling everybody what we

want to see, so you kind of

understand what we're looking


Basically, when you're

detecting you're looking for a

nonferrous, uh... target.


A ferrous is a...

would be iron.

Nonferrous would be...

Gold, silver.

Yeah, gold and silver

are nonferrous.

Spendable, right,



After decades of

hard work, thousands of hours of

planning, and millions of

dollars invested, are Rick,

Marty and their Oak Island

partners about to find out that

they've found something of great

value on Oak Island?

Could this mystery, for which

so many lives have been

sacrificed, really be close to

getting solved?

So, with this type

of machine, nonferrous will

come up as orange or red.

So let's take a look at, uh, the

screen and I can show you guys

what we have.


Let's do that.

I see red.

All right!

Look at my boat!

Those look like some

mountains of red.

Okay, so let's take

a look at, uh, the screen and I

can show you guys what we have.


Let's do that.

After using a

sophisticated metal detection

device to scan the area of the

swamp known as the Mercy point,

Rick, Marty and the team have

gotten together in the w*r room

to review their findings.

The data's gonna

display in colors.

All right, what color

we want?

Dave, what we want is

we want red.

It could be gold, it could be


I see red.

All right!

Look at my boat!

Those look like some

mountains of red.

Yeah, we want red.

The data was exciting.

I mean, the color was


Each one of these

is a layer.

Corresponding to


Uh, yes, sir.

So, as you can see, where we are

right here, there's a lot of red

and orange.

Oh, yeah.

Okay, so now you look

at a cross section of this.

Look at all the red.

When you get down towards the

blue down here, um, it's

basically nothing, so this is

just deeper.

And these are all layers, right?

And here we've got more red.

We've got a lot of red.



Well, we like that.

I see my boat there, Marty!

The handheld responses

came from that area, right?

How big is it, David?


Looks like about a



So is this

confirmation of something to dig


You know, with this

data and the, uh, data that

we've got from the handheld, in

my opinion, it's definitely an

area of interest for you.

I mean, quite frankly, if you're

gonna hide something somewhere,

it's a great spot to put it.

I think what we need

to do...

I mean, I think there

are muck divers, you know, swamp

divers, uh, who will go in there

and, you know, actually go and

feel around on the bottom.

Don't be looking at me

when you say "muck divers."


That is not happening.

Why don't we see, you

know, Tony the Divemaster that

took Alex and I out?

Give him a call and see

if he's available.

We just need to know

it's there.

No problem.

What's your saying,

Rick, what's your quote?

Once in, all in?

One in, all in.

Once in, forever in.

He's talking about the


Once in, forever in.

Let's go!

Why have two

centuries of treasure hunters

been drawn to Oak Island?

Because logic suggests that if

someone went to so much trouble

to hide something, using booby

traps and sophisticated

underground engineering, then it

must be to protect something of

enormous value.

But what?

Knights Templar treasure?

Millions in Spanish gold?

Priceless historical artifacts?

No one knows for sure, although

stories persist about a wealthy

landowner named Anthony Graves

who lived on the island 150

years ago.

Although he never actively

participated in any of the

documented treasure hunts, he is

rumored to have paid for goods

on the mainland with 17th

century Spanish coins.

When asked where he got them,

Graves would never say.

Well, there she is,


Back again.

Oak Island.

To investigate what

they believe to be a mysterious

structure lying at the bottom of

the swamp, Rick and Marty have

brought in Tony Sampson, a local


A treasure hunter in his own

right, Tony has been exploring

the waters around Oak Island for

decades, but this time he will

face a unique challenge, as the

water he will be getting into

will offer zero visibility.

And you've done

similar stuff, right?

Oh, God, yeah, yeah.

Used to recover (bleep) in

(bleep) for-for the police

force, yeah.

We used to dive in the, uh... in

the surge ponds...

Oh, God.

...tryin' to find,

uh... yeah, like, stolen

property, you know, m*rder

weapons, all that sort of stuff.

Yeah, well, this, I

think, is gonna be not exactly

that but about as close as you

can get.

I mean, it stinks.

It's just pretty damn nasty.

Once you're down there,

it's a slow, slow job, Marty,

because you're moving pretty

much hands and knees, you know,

a foot... a foot at a time.

Well, have you been

able to find stuff in, you

know... let's just call it zero

visibility water before?



I use lighter gloves, so pretty

much everything's by Braille.

So you can feel it?

Exactly, yeah.

Just close your eyes and go Zen,


Just start feeling.

(both laugh)

Tony is a very

competent diver.

It's clear when I was talking to


I know a little bit about diving

and I know a little bit about

technology of diving.

He's a guy I believe we can

count on.

What can we... what can

we do?

What can we carry or what can

we help with?

Um, well, we're just

gonna have a look first, Marty.

Okay, great, great.

Then you know what gear to get.

Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Well, you're gonna be

delighted to see this.

Yeah, wait till you see


You're gonna be so

happy to see this.

The (bleep) that's

here, uh, just in front of the

ply, that's-that's the stuff we

can get out with the metal rakes

and crap.

What Tony suggested we

do is to remove as much

vegetation as possible so he can

actually submerge and get down

to the bottom of the swamp and

then metal-detect, probe and

actually physically feel what's

down there.

Okay, Tony, we're

gonna... we're gonna take you

out to where I got that hit,


So just-just seriously watch

your step.

How am I, Charles?



Rick, give me some guidance.

I think we're close.

It was a little bit

further, to your left.

Yeah, like, right

here, right?

Right there.

almost see where we went in.



So... there's definitely

something hard down there, and I

felt it flat.

It could be a flat rock, it

could be a box.

I don't know.

A box?

Could this be the so-called

mystery box that was written

about in Bobby Restall's


The one that he and his father

were close to finding, right

before the tragic accident that

claimed four lives in 1965?

Okay, spring into

action, crew.

Yeah, I'm getting a

hit here.


Right there.

Move your shovel.

There's something there.

He must be getting


You on to something?

Think it's some...

It may be something small.

See that?

See that?

(staticky beeping)

Oh, (bleep).

What is it?

This could be

something big.





Is it a coin?

I believe this is a



You serious?



A coin?

Found in the Oak Island swamp?

Is that a...

What's that eight on it?

What the hell is that?

Oh, that's an eight.

What is it?


It is an eight, isn't it?


A strange coin with

an eight on it?


What is it?

I got no idea, man.

Could this be the

first of many waiting to be


Part of a mother lode?

Were those trapezoid

edges at one time, do you think?

Well, it's copper.


You know, I've seen

something like this.

They're called, uh, like

m-mervadas or something like


I-I've seen something like this


Mervadas, that's


That's Spanish.



Yeah, like 1500s or

1600s or something like that.

For more than 200

years, people have been

wondering about just what, if

anything, lies buried on Oak


In addition to theories about

the Knights Templar or their

successors, the Freemasons,

having hidden priceless

religious artifacts deep within

booby-trapped vaults...

there are those that tell

stories of Spanish explorers

hiding a portion of their golden

plunder rather than turn it

all over to the king.

Could finding a Spanish coin on

Oak Island be evidence that this

theory is true?

This is, this is, this

is probably the most valuable

looking thing that's ever been

found on Oak Island.

To date.

But we've got a long

ways to go.

Oh, yeah.

For Marty Lagina,

finding tangible evidence of

something valuable being buried

on Oak Island is critical if he

is to continue pumping more time

and money into this project.

It's a great thing to

be here with Rick right now.

It's like here we are, off

again, collecting money from our

paper route, only this time it's

a pirate coin in the swamp.

I'm just ecstatic about that,

'cause I-I see the happiness in

my brother's face and that's


But, even so-- the other day I

had a serious discussion with

Rick about throwing in the


I said, geez, Rick, we don't

have a lot here.

I need to see irrefutable proof.

Could this be the

proof Marty has been looking


A small copper coin?

This at least says a


We got to figure out what it is.

He's always looking

for proof, show me the proof.

Okay, here's the coin, here's

the proof.

Okay, I just have one quick


Yeah, yeah, I can feel

this coming.


Talk to me.

I'm sorry I doubted


How's that?

How's that, brother?

That's a good deal.


But just one

doesn't quite get you all the

way there, all right?

Let's keep going.

Let's go, get your suit on,

let's go.

You get in the water.

After finding the

coin, Rick and Marty are even

more eager to get Tony into the

swamp so that he can find what

else, if anything, is down


Tony will be diving in the area

of the swamp known as the Mercy


The same area where Norwegian

filmmaker and writer Petter

Amundsen believes is the

location of an entrance to a

large underground treasure


According to Amundsen's theory,

the Rosicrucians or their

successors, the Freemasons,

traveled to Oak Island more than

400 years ago.

There they buried the sacred

treasures the Knights Templar

had captured during the


Among the precious objects were

the Holy Grail...

the Ark of the Covenant...

and the golden menorah of the

Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Could this be why the metal

detectors have indicated the

presence of nonferrous metals

like gold and silver at the

bottom of the swamp?

Is there anything here?

And could the

large, flat object that Rick

Lagina believes he found really

be the entrance to an ancient

underground treasure vault?

Ready to dive?

Tony has more than

four feet of muck and mud to dig

through before he can actually

touch the strange object Rick

believes is down there.

Because he will not be able to

see, Tony will have little to

rely on other than a small,

handheld metal detector and his

years of diving experience.

You know what, this is

not the fun part of treasure


Watching somebody else do the


Watching him and I thought,

you know what?

Maybe I just put some duct tape

over my mouth, and I just jump

in with him.

I mean, that's what I wanted to


But you can see the man is

technically skilled and that he

loves what he's doing.



You got a hit?

Right below you?

All right.

What kind of hit do

you have, Tony?

You know, he seems to

be interested in something.


Yeah, what is that?

What the hell?


God, that stuff is

thick, eh?

It's not just muck, it's


You know, it's a swamp.

It's, it's, there's four feet of

organic material in there.

I know it's torturing


He couldn't do his

diving and handle the detector

and do his discovery work, so we

had to jump in and help him.

But it was just a simple process

of scooping this stuff up and

throwing it off to the side.

You're making me feel


You want me in there?



Oh, yeah, this is just frigging


I decided to jump in myself

because I couldn't stand to see

my brother up to his armpits in

mud doing all that hard work, I

just, you know, felt bad.


We're in this together, and I

wanted to be shoulder to

shoulder with him.

In the muck.

Oh, boy, here we go.

Here we go.

Ooh, baby.

Boots in the air.

That's what we wanted.

There's something


There is something there.


I heard that.

We could hear audio,

we could hear audibly, ping,

ping, ping.

Oh, yeah.

Everybody's ears pick

up, everybody's standing there

quite excited, because we had

just found the coin, and now

we're thinking, maybe we found

what we're looking for.

This is right where

we all jumped in right here.

And we got the, all the major

hits right along this line.

Rick and Marty are

hoping they're just moments away

from the biggest discovery in

the history of Oak Island.

But they also know that the

island has fooled and frustrated

treasure hunters for more than

200 years.

They want to be excited.

Come on, Tony.

But it's best to be



Wait, wait, wait, wait.

He's coming up.



What the hell?

Wait, wait.

He's coming up.



What the hell?

That's a big piece of


I have no idea what to

make of it.

Although Tony

hasn't found evidence of the

gold or silver objects that set

off the metal detector, he is

finding a number of strange flat


Why might this be significant?

When the original Money Pit was

excavated in 1795, a number of

flat stones were found along

with oak planks every ten feet.

At 90 feet, a large flat stone

was discovered that had a series

of strange markings, like

hieroglyphs, carved into it.

According to reports, this stone

had an unusual olive color.

And the stones Tony is

discovering seem to match that


That's not granite.

That's not granite.

That's not granite.

It's almost a


I think it was old


The Romans made


It's weird.

It's weird!


I'm so tired of "That's weird."


So many things have that name

put to them.

That's weird has been probably

the most common phrase here this


Okay, so far, I'd take several

of those pieces of eight,

instead of this rock.




You've got to save


Tony came up with a

couple rocks that we're going to

have analyzed that were odd, but

not what we wanted.

We wanted metal.

We wanted a box.

We wanted coins.

We wanted something definitive.


What say you?

Tell us.

It was weird, because,

initially, I got a hit about

two-thirds of the way down.

Sort of feeling across

everything as I was going, and I

thought, "What the hell is it?"

And, um, I did a test on my

ring, yeah, and it's the same

sort of sound-- obviously, gold.

Yeah, yeah.

Um, and I was going

through, like, inch-by-inch.

Obviously, if there was a coin

or something there, I would've

found it.

But, um, it was the same thing.

I was getting it, and then,




Then you wouldn't get it there


Exactly, just gone.

How is it possible

that the strong signals that the

team was getting from the metal

detectors, indicating the

presence of objects made of gold

or silver, have now suddenly


Are you going to take

a break then, or do you have one

more in you, or...?

Oh, (bleep), yeah.

I could go all day, man.

Could the readings

the team got earlier have been

the result of a technical


A glitch?

Or could there be another


Tony, could you see

if you can duplicate those hits

you got earlier?

Sure, man.

It has long been

reported that electrical devices

inexplicably break down while

being used on Oak Island,

especially in the area of the


The one thing that's

the strangest thing here is that

we've had hits on all three

detectors, by three different

people, that have gone off in


I've never seen that before.


If I had an explanation

for you, I'd give it to you.

Is Oak Island up to

its old tricks?

Baiting its victims?

Giving them a glimpse of

success, only to snatch it away?

But the good news is,

we had a good day, you know?

We had a fantastic


And although

finding the coin may turn out to

be significant, is that all

there is?


I don't think we found anything.

Come aboard, Tony.





Bloody weird, man.

32 years of this (bleep), and

I've never seen anything like

this place.



It's just crazy.

You get a hit, it goes away.

You know, and you come up with


How is that possible?

I got no idea, man.

Oak Island.

Discovering what he

believes to be a Spanish coin

has convinced Rick Lagina that

he and his brother are on the

right path to solving the Oak

Island mystery, but Marty

remains doubtful.

I'm the skeptic.

I'm not as sure as him.

I've never been as sure as him.

Yeah, I got to think about it a

little bit.

I don't get "hits and no hits,"



You know, we turned that metal

detector on.

We were getting hits all over

the place.

Well, I don't know.

I really...

I've never seen anything like

it, either.

Ghost targets that just keep on

going everywhere, and that's

all... the only way you can

explain it is ghost targets.

I don't know what to

make of it.

I don't think there's anything


The diver had gone down,

couldn't verify the Deepmax



There's something inconsistent

about that data.

Let's move on.

So, I wanted to see if we can

figure out what's really going


For Rick and Marty

Lagina, scouring the area of the

Oak Island swamp known as "the

Mercy point" has been both a

strange and frustrating


On two separate occasions, and

using the latest in

sophisticated metal detection


Keep going!

Keep going!

...they received

evidence that there was

something large and metallic

lying beneath the murky water.

Nonferrous will come

up as "red."

Those are like some

mountains of red!

But now the

readings have stopped, and the

evidence they were convinced

they'd found has strangely


And nothing?


Still, they may

have in their possession the

possible evidence that the

legends about Oak Island are


Something that could prove that

all of their hard work has not

been in vain.

Before heading home to clean up,

Marty, Rick and the team head

over to Dan Blankenship's house.

Dan has devoted most of his life

to looking for treasure on the

island, and they are eager to

show him their latest find.

Come on in!

Hey, Dan!


How you doing?

Yeah, how you doing,



We can't come in any


Looks like you guys

went swimming today.

Swimming in mud.

You've got the

evidence to prove it.

Yeah, we do.

That's right.

I don't want to get too

close to them.


What you doing?

Back off here.

That's right.

Over the years, Dan

Blankenship has found many

strange objects.

Like early 18th century Spanish

scissors, a rock with a Masonic

symbol carved into it, and the

remains of man-made structures

at Smith's Cove.

And while he was digging the

235-foot deep treasure shaft,

known as 10-X, he claims he saw

underground tunnels...

ancient tools...

treasure chests...

and even a dead body.

No, we just brought

something we want to show you.


Want to sit down?

Looks like I'm gonna

have to.

When Rick handed that

coin to Dan, I knew it was a big

deal for Rick, and I knew it was

a big deal for Dan, you know?

It meant something in

that moment.

Yeah, it meant

something, you know?

He's got something to hold in

his hand to justify 48 years of


I mean, it's not a treasure, but

it's a treasure in what it


What do you think?

That's Spanish.

I know.



Today, after nearly

a half-century of searching, Dan

Blankenship is holding the first

solid evidence that there may

have been people on Oak Island

prior to 1795, and that those

people really might have buried

treasure here.

It confirms a lot of

things, Marty.


You know?


It definitely does

confirm my suspicion that the

Spanish did it.

I've always said, the Spanish

did it.

Presumably, sometime

between 1500 and 1550.


You know?



And that's the first

thing I've held in my hands...

I know.

...since I've been

here almost 48 years.


That's why we came

right here.

And that's the first

thing I have, the real evidence,

you know.


I told you we were

going to solve this.

That's just the start of it.

Up until now, myself,

especially, have been, uh,

operating on faith.



And, uh, you got to

give us credit for persevering,


Oh, yeah.

And believing in


You believed.

I know you did.

In the same token, Dave has

never held anything in his hand,


Dan takes the coin,

hands it to David.

It's almost like the passing of

the torch.

It was a great moment.

But now, we got to

find something more than that.

We're on it.

I want something this

thick, this wide, about this

long, oh, about 40 pounds, gold


Well, we needed a

luck change.



Let's hope.


Uh, I know you've

spent a small fortune up to


I know that.

And, uh, I hope and pray that

this doesn't make you spend

another fortune before you see

something that is in a

container, you know?



All right, well, it's

almost time to have a drink.

I would love to join


Nice to see you, Dan.


Give me that, too,

Dan, again.

Glad to.


It's been an

exciting day for Rick, Marty and

their team.

Although they didn't find a

long-lost treasure vault, they

did discover what may very well

be an important piece of

evidence, possibly a clue that

might help them solve the Oak

Island mystery.

But after extensive scientific

examination, will the strange

copper object found in the swamp

prove to be an authentic 17th

century Spanish treasure coin?

Or will Marty Lagina be forced

to tell his brother that this

summer on Oak Island will have

to be...

their last?

The discovery of

what appears to be a 17th

century Spanish treasure coin

makes this an important day for

the team on Oak Island.

But could finding one small coin

really be the proof Marty Lagina

needs to continue to support his

brother's dream?


You happy happy?

You know, I'm having

trouble believing it.

I mean, do you feel that, sort




Is it enough to

convince him that all the hard

work and all the money spent

have not been in vain?

Hey, Alex!

Hey, guys.

How you doing?

Hey, Alex.

Good, good.


Big news, right?

Big news, yes.

The big news of the day is the


Charles, you're gonna tell us

all about it, right?


I've done some

research, and, uh, I think

you're gonna be, uh, surprised.

Pleasantly surprised

or... greatly surprised?


Okay, uh... it's a Spanish



Eight cob.

Probably from the 1600s.

And unfortunately, the date is

obscured on the back, but

possibly predates the Money Pit

by at least 150 years.

That... that's wildly


The maravedí eight

cob was a common form of

currency used by the Spanish

after the discovery of the New

World by Columbus in 1492.

Because of its tendency to be

sought after by pirates, it has

also been referred to as a

treasure coin.

Could its presence on Oak Island

suggest that the stories about

Spanish ships stashing their

plunder on the island are true?

Or could it be that Spanish

explorers, or possibly pirates,

on hearing stories about an

incredible treasure being buried

on Oak Island years before by

the Knights Templar or the

Rosicrucians came to the island

in the 1600s?

Perhaps they dug the Money Pit

in an effort to find that

treasure, but later...

went away empty-handed.

Here's the funny thing

about it.

There it is right there, it's

real, uh, and I still am having

trouble getting my head around


So where are we going, Rick?

There's only one

question to ask:

Do we want to go forward?

I say we need to take a vote.

Let's have a show of


I am.

I'll show my hands.

Yes, sir.

If I had a vote, I


Both hands go up with


Yeah, both hands.


Um, I think there's

still questions that we could

answer, so I'm gonna say yes.

Thank you, Alex.

Where do you stand,


Yeah, I didn't see your

hand, Marty.

Well... you know, I

was sort of playing this in my

mind, and I'd say, well, there's

a group of these guys and they

go out and spend a bunch of

money and they bust their ass,

up to their necks in swamp, then

at the end of their summer

quest, they find a pirate


and then they quit.

So, I guess...

All right, so we're all in.

All my life I've tried

to convince my brother that Oak

Island is for real.

If I've done that, then I truly

am the richest man in the world.

You know, I realize this is just

one coin, but it's always been a

step-by-step process, and this

will lead us to where we want

to go.

We're on a journey--

a Fellowship of the Dig, if you

will-- and we are going to

follow wherever this leads us.

I think he's-- uh, how shall I

say it?-- uh, he's...

now invested.

I won't say obsessed, but he's

now invested in this discovery


God, I hope I'm not


Let's see where it leads us.


For more than 200

years... men have been searching

for something of great value on

Oak Island.

They have found bits of paper,

coconut fiber, even scraps of

metal, but little proof that any

of the stories about Spanish

pirates or Knights Templar

visiting the island were true.

Not... until now.

It's been a good day.

How cold is this water?

Who cares?

There you go.

For the first time

in the history of Oak Island, an

object has been found that seems

to validate all of the centuries

of digging-- and all the lost

dreams of those who sacrificed

their lives.

If we hadn't come up

with that coin...


...I was gonna ask you

to call it quits.

I'm not sure what the

answer would have been.

But as far as Rick

and Marty Lagina are concerned,

their search has only just


But here's the thing--

I'm still in.

Let's go.

One in, all in.

Once in, forever in.

It's a good day, Rick.

It's not just a good

day, it's a great day.

One for us.

But where do they

go next?

Back to the swamp?

To Smith's Cove?

Or 10-X?

Perhaps the answers still lie

deep down at the bottom of the

Money Pit.

Answers that wait patiently...


defying those who seek them...

and waiting for the next

opportunity for the curse of Oak

Island to strike...

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