19x24 - Time-Flight - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x24 - Time-Flight - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 24 March 1982
Running time: 23:58

(Plasmatons manifest themselves around the Doctor. He finds himself captivated by their bubble machines. Then it looks as if he's lying down in the bubbles. Stapley makes a move toward the bubbly mass but Nyssa stops him.)

NYSSA: Stop! You mustn't fight it. The Doctor will be all right.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: But how could he-?

NYSSA: I just know.

BUBBLE VOICE: Doctor. Help. Help. Help Me ...

TEGAN: What's happening now?

(The bubbles disappear. Tegan and Stapley help the Doctor to sit upright. He has a dazed look on his face.)

DOCTOR: Captain Stapley, are you all right?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Am I all right? Those were the creatures that got a hold of Bilton and Scobie.

DOCTOR: What creatures?

TEGAN: Those blobs.

DOCTOR: Oh you mean the Plasmatons.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Whatever you want to call them.

DOCTOR: Protein agglomeration, random particles assembled from the atmosphere. Quite harmless I assure you.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Doctor there's no technique that can make matter like that out of thin air.

DOCTOR: Oh isn't there? Now what about the energy that telepathically generated the idea we were at Heathrow; you think that that can't operate on a physical level?

NYSSA: Doctor.

DOCTOR: It's simply a form of psychokinesis.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: You mean like that spoon bending nonsense.

TEGAN: So it seems.

NYSSA: Doctor those people were taking away the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: What!?

(Back in the freaky silver Kalid dude's snow globe. Scobie and Bilton appear before Kalid, who has obviously never seen a dentist. Cut back to the high quality backdrop with the Doc, Nyssa, Beagle and Captain Stapley.)

DOCTOR: Didn't you even bother to look to see where they were taking it?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Hey! (walks slowly onto the scene) Are you from the other Concorde?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Yes, Captain Stapley, British Airways.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Professor Hayter, University of Darlington.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: You must be from flight 1-9-2! Where are all the other passengers, what happened to you?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: You're not hallucinating.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Certainly not.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: You have no idea what it's been like resisting alone.


PROFESSOR HAYTER: Who are these people?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Oh. This is the Doctor.

DOCTOR: This is Nyssa and Tegan.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: You're all with Captain Stapley?

DOCTOR: Yes, I am sorry if we seem like an unlikely rescue party.


DOCTOR: Well, well don't worry, you're not imagining this.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: If it hadn't been for the Doctor we would never have found you.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: At least you're here. How did the Russians let you land?


PROFESSOR HAYTER: Well, aren't we behind the Iron Curtain, Siberia?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Well uh, not exactly.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Then where are we?

(Back in Kalid's chamber, the people from the other Concorde have set the TARDIS down in a corner and turn to face Kalid for further orders.)

KALID: You will return to your other work.


KALID: To your work!

ANDREW BILTON: Rope.. Rope... That's it, ROPE TRICK!

KALID: Ram sharaa, inoora xuror! (he pauses to let his spell take effect) You will proceed with your work.

ANDREW BILTON: Concorde? Concorde. Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2 cleared for take-off.

(Back outside.)

PROFESSOR HAYTER: I must have passed out during the hijack, I think we all did. The next thing I knew we were in this mausoleum. They got everybody under some sort of hypnosis. At Darlington that's my speciality, so I was able to counter-suggest. Not easy I can tell you. Hyperstimulation of eidetic images, the most powerful hallucinatory induction I have ever come across. They must be using ultrasonics.

DOCTOR: Who are they, Professor Hayter?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: I don't know, even the guards are disguised.

DOCTOR: Guards? Oh you mean the plasmatons.


DOCTOR: Oh, it doesn't matter. At least you managed to get away without alerting these guards. Look, I want you to show us the way to this mausoleum.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: You're not serious.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Hayter, I've got to find my crew.

DOCTOR: And I've got to find my TARDIS.


TEGAN: Without it, we'll never get back to the 20th century.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: What did you say?

NYSSA: She's absolutely right. We've all travelled 140 million years down a time contour.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: They're both hallucinating.

TEGAN: It's true. Your aircraft got caught in a time warp.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Unless we get them away from here ...

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: There's no time to explain Hayter I need you to show me where I can find my crew, the Doctor has to get back his, er, equipment.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: If you insist Captain. The prison center is somewhere on the other side of that hill. What is this equipment of the Doctor's?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Well it's ... ahem. You wouldn't believe me.

(Back in Kalid's chamber he circles the TARDIS in admiration, trying to find the way inside. He rattles the door handle but is distracted by an alarm noise ringing near his central podium thingy. He strides over to it and sees the approaching party in his snow globe.)

KALID: Ram ram, zorak naraam!

(Back to backdrop land with the others.)


DOCTOR: How did that get built in this wilderness?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: sl*ve labor I expect.

DOCTOR: Come on then!

(Nyssa stops and begins to freak out, like she can't catch her breath. Unfortunately instead of just letting her die, the others stop to check on her.)

NYSSA: Doctor! No! (Gasp) Something's happening! I can't - I can't -

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: What's happening to her?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: It's the radiation. I said we should keep away from this place.

DOCTOR: Ah, keep still!

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: We must help her!

(Nyssa suddenly calms down and seems to be able to breathe again.)

NYSSA: Do not approach the citadel. Return to your ship. There is great danger.

DOCTOR: Who are you?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: What's happening to her?

DOCTOR: The intelligence, it's using Nysser as a medium.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: More like hysteria, created by ultrasonics.

DOCTOR: Be quiet! Who are you? What do you want?

NYSSA: We are - we are - The control divides us, but the control shall be resisted, resisted!

KALID: Yoshee something something, my child.

NYSSA: There's so little time. You must resist, resist.

TEGAN: Look! It's happening again.

NYSSA: Resist.

TEGAN: It's the same stuff as the plasmatons are made out of.

DOCTOR: Someone wanted to stop her talking.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: We've got to get her out of there.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid we don't have the right kind of energy.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: But we can't just leave her!

DOCTOR: Well if we can find the source of the power we might be able to free her.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: You go on Doctor, I'll stay with Nyssa.

TEGAN: No, you're more use to the Doctor. I'll stay with her.

(Nyssa lies immersed in bubble bath.)

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Going on is madness.

TEGAN: Look if we don't get the TARDIS back we could be stuck here forever.

DOCTOR: Tegan's right. Now look she'll be perfectly all right. As soon as she's free you both go back to the Concorde.

TEGAN: You bet. Good luck.

DOCTOR: And don't try and follow us. Captain, Professor.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Don't you realize we've got to get away from here. The effect will only get worse the nearer we get to the center of the radiation.

DOCTOR: Is that a reason for abandoning your fellow passengers?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: If the intelligence is trying to contact us, who is trying to stop it?

DOCTOR: Something with the same resource of psychokinetic energy.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Another Intelligence.

DOCTOR: Could well be.

TEGAN: Nyssa, can you hear me. Nyssa.

(Back at Kalid's crib.)

KALID: Sharaa sharaa, sharam sharong.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: The place is deserted.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Don't you believe it, those guards appear from nowhere.

DOCTOR: Those guards as you call them are fully occupied with Nyssa.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: What do you mean?

DOCTOR: The creatures you saw are particles of protoplasm bonded by psychic energy. The essential protoplasm can take any shape.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Such as the shield around Nyssa.

DOCTOR: Yes, but I suspect the power and raw material is limited so as long as Nyssa is trapped...

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: No plasmatons!

PROFESSOR HAYTER: I've never heard such an extravagant explanation.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: How else do you explain what happened to Nyssa?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Well, some form of projection. Maybe part hallucination. Scientifically speaking -

DOCTOR: Scientifically speaking I think we should find the others.

(Back to Nyssa and Tegan, briefly.)

TEGAN: Nyssa... Nyssa... can you hear me?

(Back in the citadel, the three men come upon a chamber in which the passengers and crew from the other Concorde, along with Bilton and Scobie, are busy working at a giant angular clam-like object in the center of the chamber.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: That's Bilton and Scobie!

DOCTOR: I wonder if they know where the TARDIS is.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: I doubt if they can even remember their names, they're in a state of trance.

DOCTOR: Well it can't be far away.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: If we could separate them.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Look out for the guards.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: The Doctor's theory is... Where is the Doctor?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Forget him. Let's get out of here.


PROFESSOR HAYTER: I don't know what this Doctor's qualifications are, but if you ask me the man's a lunatic.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I don't believe I did.

(The Doctor has wandered off in search of the TARDIS among the tunnels and chambers. At a junction he stops, indecisive, and takes out a coin. He flips the coin and slaps it on the back of his hand. Unhappy with the result, he turns the coin over and moves off to his left. He moves cautiously along the wall and eventually arrives at a dead-end. Frustrated, he stops for a moment and suddenly hears a door sliding open behind him. He enters through the door. The first thing he sees is the TARDIS standing in the corner. He strides into the chamber and heads straight for the TARDIS, stopping in front to stare at it happily. Kalid steps into the chamber behind him.)

KALID: Soooo... You're here at last Doctor.

(Back in the heart of the citadel.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: What's behind that thing?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Another thing I shouldn't wonder. It's called hard labor.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: The Doctor's theory is that this is a hijack in time rather than space. This isn't the Soviet Union, Professor.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: This Doctor needs his head examined.

(Back in Kalid's chamber.)

DOCTOR: So you're the conjurer.

KALID: I am Kalid.

DOCTOR: You say that as if you expect a round of applause.

KALID: Have a care Doctor, you are not summoned to my domain to play the clown.

DOCTOR: Your domain, hm?

KALID: Here Kalid rules.

DOCTOR: I apologize for my levity, not to mention my curiosity.

KALID: What ah, troubles your mind, Doctor.

DOCTOR: What your doing in this time zone for a start.

KALID: Shall Kalid not travel where the spirit leads him.

DOCTOR: Would this spirit have anything to do with the ruins of that spaceship out there.

KALID: Spaceship?


KALID: Space is within us, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Then exactly how do you travel.

KALID: By the power of the great one. In the deserts of Arabia I learned all the magic arts.

DOCTOR: Magic... Arabia... Oh come on you can do better than that.

KALID: You mock me Doctor. But do not doubt that I can summon furies and cacodemons. A company of cherubim, or Lucifer himself.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes. You're surrounded by a lot of powerful bio-energetics, Kalid. But I can't help feeling there's something a great deal more mechanistic about all of this.

KALID: Mechanistic?

DOCTOR: What are you doing sitting at the end of a time contour like a spider in a web, and what do you want with my TARDIS?

KALID: My familiar spirits have told me of your miraculous cabinet. The spirits have told me you would come.

DOCTOR: Your spirits are very well informed.

KALID: I hold the whole genius of Night bound to my will and now the Great Elemental has summoned you, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Not just me Kalid, what do you want with all these passengers?

KALID: Slaves are required in my domain.

DOCTOR: You have the plasmatons.

KALID: They have other uses.

DOCTOR: You mean you need the psychotronic energy for something else.

(Tony looks pissed that the Doctor's so smart. Back to Tegan hanging out with Nyssa Bubble.)

BUBBLE VOICE: Resistance, Kalid shall be resisted.

NYSSA: Who are you?

(Back inside Kalid's chamber.)

KALID: The power shall be used for the great work we shall do together.


KALID: Together we shall scourge the entirety of space and time.

DOCTOR: You can exclude me from your wizardry.

KALID: You cannot resist, Doctor, in this place all things obey Kalid. Come. Look. Vizaan vizaan zanoor minaaz.

(Kalid gestures at the globe where Tegan and Nyssa appear.)

KALID: You see your friends? Vizaan vizaan!

(The image changes to the heart of the citadel with Stapley and Hayter.)

KALID: Your Captain Stapley, and his fellow mortal.

DOCTOR: Very impressive Kalid, but your incantation is just triggering someone else's energy. You're not in control here, your just as mortal as anyone else.

(Back in the heart of the citadel.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I wish the Doctor wouldn't wander off.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: I thought you were in charge, Captain Stapley.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I am but I happen to respect his judgment.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: You also came here to rescue your crew, or do you need to ask the Doctor's permission first?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Don't provoke me, Professor.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Your crew is in front of you, haven't we wasted enough time?


(He walks around the shell towards Bilton.)


ANDREW BILTON: Hello Captain, I've got the Met' report, we'll clear those thunderstorms.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Wake up, Bilton.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: You must listen carefully to what I say.

ANGELA CLIFFORD: Will you please sit down sir and fasten your seat belt we're about to take off.


ANGELA CLIFFORD: The bar will be open as soon as we're airborne.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: We're not at Heathrow.

ANDREW BILTON: Oxygen Check. Flight control inverters on. Anti-stall systems on.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Stop it Andrew. No ...

ANDREW BILTON: Altimeters checked, navigation radios set.






ANDREW BILTON: Throttle masters?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Professor! Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2 to tower request permission to start engines.



PROFESSOR HAYTER: Concentrate. What about the Doctor, Captain Stapley?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Doctor? The Doctor! And my crew. Bilton! Bilton! Remember what happened at Heathrow?

ANDREW BILTON: What's that Captain?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Remember the Doctor. Remember Nyssa and Tegan? Remember? Tegan?


(Back in Kalid's chamber.)

KALID: Ohhhh. Together with your box, the power will be absolute. We shall command the whole universe.

DOCTOR: I have always found domination such an unattractive prospect.

KALID: Shall I be forced to compel you, Doctor?

DOCTOR: There is no power that will give you control of the TARDIS.

(An alarm starts to ring on Kalid's controls. He rushes over to see what is happening.)

KALID: Sharaa sharaa kartaan!

(Back to Nyssa and Tegan. The bubbles disappear from Nyssa as Tegan steps backward in alarm. Nyssa falls stiffly to the ground, eyes wide open like a robot. Back again to the heart of the citadel.)

ANDREW BILTON: Come on Roger, wake up now, come on.


(More solid-looking Plasmatons appear inside the citadel chamber and appear to hobble toward Stapley and his men. Back to Nyssa and Tegan.)

TEGAN: Nyssa, are you all right?

NYSSA: Of course.

TEGAN: What happened?

NYSSA: The power dissolved, it was needed elsewhere.

TEGAN: What are you talking about?

NYSSA: I don't know. I keep getting this intuition.

(Back to Kalid's chamber.)

KALID: Sharaa sharaa tumaal, nadim. Nadim!

(Back by the shell the Plasmatons wobble threateningly.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Come on, Roger, you're coming with us!

(Back to Nyssa and Tegan.)

KALID: Iznamin. Iznamin.

TEGAN: I promised the Doctor we'd get back to Concorde.


TEGAN: But Nyssa!

NYSSA: I must go to the citadel.

TEGAN: We'll only get caught.

NYSSA: The Doctor's in danger. Kalid!

(Tegan looks stupefied as Nyssa runs off. Back to Kalid's chamber, he appears to be summoning a cloud.When the cloud disappears it leaves Stapley, Scobie, Bilton and Hayter standing there.)


PROFESSOR HAYTER: Who is this man?

DOCTOR: Kalid.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Are you responsible for the abduction of my passengers and crew?

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Is it you who authorized mass hallucination?

KALID: Your questions are irrelevant.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I don't think so!


(Kalid waves his hand and Stapley finds he cannot move.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: What's happening?

DOCTOR: He's thrown up a barrier. I did try and warn you.

(Nyssa and Tegan are already wandering around inside the citadel.)

TEGAN: Where are we going?

NYSSA: To help the Doctor.

TEGAN: Is this your intuition again?

NYSSA: Yes. Can't you feel it too?


NYSSA: We must find the center, trust me.

(They walk on for a bit and come to the end of the tunnel.)

TEGAN: Why not. It's a dead end.

(The wall slides back revealing an opening.)

(Back in Kalid's chamber.)

NYSSA: We must continue.

KALID: Freedom of yourselves and your fellow passengers is in the hands of the Doctor.

DOCTOR: You're wasting your time, Kalid.

KALID: I require the key to the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: I've already told you ...

(An alarm goes off in background.)

KALID: Arogogorah abrao abelatha!

(We join Nyssa and Tegan in another fine Papier Mache set, courtesy of the BBC.)

TEGAN: Adric!

NYSSA: No. Adric's dead!

TEGAN: But how can we be sure?

ADRIC: Go back, Tegan, or you will destroy me.

NYSSA: It's only imagination. It's the only power Kalid has left to stop us.

ADRIC: If you advance you will k*ll me, Nyssa.

TEGAN: We can't take that risk.

NYSSA: The badge.

TEGAN: What?

NYSSA: Adric's wearing his badge.

TEGAN: But it was shattered when the Doctor destroyed the Cyberleader!

NYSSA: Exactly.

TEGAN: Come on.

ADRIC: Arrrrggggghhhhhh!

(Back in Kalid's chamber.)

KALID: The power must prevent all mortal advance.

DOCTOR: Out of bounds, are they, Kalid?

KALID: Not even I have dared penetrate the heart of the Citadel!

DOCTOR: You mean you've not been able to.

KALID: You will watch them suffer for this! Sharam shara, shara sharam!

(Back in the tunnel again.)

TEGAN: What is it?

NYSSA: Melkur. What comes from it k*lled my father. I don't believe in you!

TEGAN: Come on.

(Kalid's chamber again.)

DOCTOR: Well, Kalid, it seems a power greater than yours is protecting them.

KALID: Faraam, nadeeem!

(Tunnel again.)

TEGAN: You're not real!

(They move on and yet another door slides open. Slowly they walk into a dimly lit chamber with an interesting centerpiece. We get the feeling that hey have reached the end of their journey. Back in Kalid's chamber, he's pissed.)

KALID: They have entered the sanctum!

DOCTOR: t's your powerhouse is it?

KALID: Doctor you will give me the key of the TARDIS.


KALID: Then you'll see your friends here destroyed, and you yourself annihilated.

DOCTOR: don't think so, we've all got quite good at resisting your sorcery.

KALID: Sotus saral, sotus mondaru, sato agrowol!


KALID: You will not resist my command.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: These things have proven themselves harmless!

DOCTOR: I'm not so sure about this one.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Aah. It's just a ball of cotton wool.

DOCTOR: Kalid is drawing on deeper reserves of power. That thing is bonding itself into something far more dangerous than a plasmaton.

KALID: Well, Doctor?

DOCTOR: The answer is still no, Kalid.

KALID: The TARDIS key, Doctor!


KALID: Do you really want to see your friends die!

(Tegan and Nyssa are in the center, which looks to be made of rich creamery butter. Boy, I could go for a Good Morning Burger right now.)

NYSSA: The Doctor ... Help me!

(She goes over to some things sticking up from the side of the sanctum and starts doing something. Weird. She must like the crappy sculpture because she wants to take part of it home.)

TEGAN: What?

NYSSA: Just help me!

TEGAN: It won't budge.

NYSSA: We must!

TEGAN: What are you doing?

(Nyssa tosses the big hunk of crap into the IKEA sofa. Back in Kalid's chamber, the creatures that Kalid summoned vanish. Kalid falls to the floor behind his podium. Instead of checking on Kalid, or perhaps attempting to restrain him now that he's momentarily stunned, he ignores him and goes to Stapley and his friends.)

DOCTOR: The power is gone.


(The man's got one hell of a runny nose.)

PROFESSOR HAYTER: There's got to be a perfectly simple orthodox explanation. Bio-energetic powers. Intellectual garbage.

DOCTOR: Your won't find what you're looking for.

PROFESSOR HAYTER: Won't I? You come and look at this. Psychotronics, was it Doctor? I call it electronics.

DOCTOR: I don't understand.

THE MASTER: No Doctor you never do understand.

(Kalid is rising from the floor, taking off his flapping, snot-covered face to reveal that so he was the Master all the time, aaaah.)

THE MASTER: (Laughs) You never do. (Laughs some more)

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Sarah Sutton

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

The Master
Leon Ny Taiy/Anthony Ainley

Professor Hayter
Nigel Stock

Captain Stapley
Richard Easton

Andrew Bilton
Michael Cashman

Roger Scobie
Keith Drinkel

Matthew Waterhouse

Peter Cellier

Angela Clifford
Judith Byfield

Hugh Hayes

Captain Urquhart
John Flint

Peter Dahlsen

Brian McDermott

André Winterton

Assistant Floor Manager
Lynn Richards

Amy Roberts

Richard McManan-Smith

Film Cameraman
Peter Chapman

Film Editor
Mike Houghton

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Dorka Nieradzik

Production Assistant
Joan Elliott

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Eric Wallis

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Visual Effects
Peter Logan

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Peter Grimwade

John Nathan-Turner

Ron Jones
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