Shadows, The (2014)

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Shadows, The (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

[orchestra serene music playing]

[narrator] I shall
tell you a story

from the Land of Shadows.

A place far to the north,

hidden from the eyes of man.

It begins
with a black-hearted witch.


[narrator] Once the cruelest,
most evil sorceress

who ever lived.

[heartbeat stops]

[narrator] But now,
in the Mountain of the Skull,

behind an icy door,

the witch lies frozen
in the white snow.

Her magic mirrors
cracked and broken.

Her wicked words silenced.

But who knows what cruel
vibrations of thought

may still stir within her.

Calling out
across the frozen wastes

and deep into the darkest
Shadow caves,

where her greatest enemies

[inaudible whispering]

These are the people of Shadow.

A race of gentle mystics.

Deep inside the mountains
is the Shadow cathedral,

a temple of ancient secrets,

where Shadows learn
to take form at will.

In the highest cave,
the great Shadow elder

looks to the heavens,

reading dark omens
in the celestial light.

The hour has come,

and soon,
a young Shadow prince

is drawn to the witch's lair.

[door creaking]

[narrator] By the light
of an enchanted mirror,

the spell of the great Shadow
elder is broken forever

and soon the witch
can breathe once more.



You have risked much,

coming here
and waking me from my sleep.

Why do you help me,
Shadow prince?

I saw your face in a dream.

Every night I closed eyes,
I've heard you calling me here.

[whispering] Come to me,
come to me...


So you really have
a black heart?

As black as your tunic.

Did you bring my crown?

They've hidden it.

I saw the great elder
with his servant.

[indistinct conversation]

There is to be a king
from the world of man.

They've taken the crown
and hidden it there.

[indistinct conversation]

I should've stopped them,

but I was afraid
of the elder's power.

Oh, prince,
how you disappoint me.

Now, I have
no further need of you.

- [sizzling lightning]
- [grunts]

[narrator] Thus was evil
reborn in the Land of Shadows.

As her black hearts
beats in her chest,

the witch begins to dream.

She dreams
of the ancient Shadow crown,

which has ever eluded her grasp.

And now it is hidden far away,
far across the Magic Path

in a green land
in the world of man.

[chickens clucking]

Give me a hug, Matthew?

It's lovely to see you.

[oldies playing on radio]

- [grandmother] A cup of tea.
- [mother] Thanks, Mom.

[indistinct comment]

What's that thing in the

Your granddad made it,
just before he died.

- [Matthew] What does it do?
- [grandmother] Nothing really.

He built it on top
of an old drain

so it was nice to have
that covered up at least.

He looks happy.

He was. He spent ages
making that thing.

[wind howling, clock ticking]

- Who's that with him?
- Where?

The shadow beside him.
Was there someone helping him?

No. I don't see anything.

Now, come on,
you must be hungry.

You won't be afraid on your own,
will you?


- [grandmother] Night, Matty.
- Night, granny.


[wind continues howling]


[birds chirping]

[alarm ringing]

[Matthew's mother] Thanks
for letting us stay, Ma.

It's just until
I get another job.

[grandmother] Stay
here as long as you want.

There's a lovely little
school down the road

that Matthew could go to.

[Matthew's mother] Ah, he
has never really liked school.

He finds it hard to concentrate.

I think he's in a daydream
all the time.

[grandmother] But he's
a lovely little boy.

[mother] Ah yeah,
I know.

[Matthew] Signed, Linus Redle.


[grandmother] He built it
on top of an old drain.

- [Matthew] He looks happy.
- [grandmother] He was.

There's the trapdoor.

There's the lock.
Where's the key?

It might be open.

- [Matthew groans]
- [grandmother] What's going on?

[conversation drowned out]

[mother] I worry about Matthew

In his old school, the teachers
even called me in about it.

He spend most
of his time alone.

He's never really had
a proper father.

Now, maybe that's what's wrong.

He always felt different.

[grandmother] I know one
of the teachers

at the school
of the end of the road.

He's a nice young man,

I'll ask him to help
Matthew settle in.

Don't worry.

[clock ticking]

[chickens clucking]

[birds chirping]

[Shadow] Matthew, Matthew...

Who's there?

Welcome, Matthew.

Do not be afraid.

How do you know my name?

Your grandfather
and I often spoke of you.

Did you know my granddad?

Yes, we spoke together
in the time you call dreams.

- Are you a man?
- I am a Shadow man.

My name is Yorrick.

Sometimes the fates of man
and Shadows are intertwined.

Have you heard
of a magician called Merlin?

He was a Shadow, like me,
and he lived among man.

He still lives somewhere,
in a cave.

Like this, waiting to return

if danger should thr*aten
his kingdom.

Why are you here?

I am the keeper
of the great treasure.

Can I see it?


But first I must make sure
that your intentions are good.

Permit me to look
into your thoughts.

[grandmother] Would
you like that, Matthew?

[cartoon girl on TV] Ooh!
Come back at three o'clock

and I'll be all dressed up
for the...

Very well,
you may see the treasure.

Now, by the light
of the Shadow crystal...


Silver coins.

Precious stones.


But the greatest treasure
of all is here.

The ancient Shadow crown.

The secret of the crown
is that only the purest soul

may wield its power.

Wow, is that gold?

More precious than gold,
young sir.

When the crown is lost
amongst the wicked,

the destructive forces
of the world will hold sway.

But when the crown sits upon
the head of the chosen one,

it will herald a golden age.

Are you looking for a mirror?

There are no mirrors down here.

Witches can hide
themselves in mirrors

and cross from place to place.

I do not wish to have
a visit from Geldren.

Who's that?

She is the cruelest and most
evil witch who ever lived.

The greatest enemy
of the Shadows.

I was sent here
by the great Shadow elder.

He once crossed the Magic Path,
and came to live amongst man.

He even took a wife.

But told no one
of his Shadow past.

When his time here was complete,

he ascended to a higher
state of consciousness

and his shadow now burns white,
in celestial light.

Look at your shadow,
on the wall.

Look to your right hand.

See that you are now holding
the w*apon of a king,

a shadow sword.

- Can I have a real sword?
- Perhaps, in time.

[metal clanging]

Look, the crystal has changed

Evil is nearby.


Above our heads.


Up there, through the earth,

up unto the forest floor,

a servant of the witch
is coming this way.

Right above us now.



I must lead him astray,
to a trap in the woods.

- Will you help me now, Matthew?
- Yes.

Place the crown in that bag,

let it bring us victory
against our enemies.

We'll take a new path
to the surface.

Climb on and I will follow you.

[Yorrick] Matthew, Matthew.

Where are you?

[Yorrick] Matthew,
down here, at your feet.

When I leave the cave
I must become a Shadow.

Now take cover by that tree,

Shh. Listen.
I hear him.




Stay out of sight, Matthew.

I will lead him into a trap.

Come, woodsman.

I know what you seek.

You will find all
the secrets of the forest

if you can catch a Shadow.

[leaves shuffling]


What have I here,
a little boy

keeping the company of Shadows?

Your friend tried to trick me,

but I'm too clever
to chase Shadows.

You will stay.

I found it.

I know someone who will
pay handsomely for this.

Not with money.

Something better than money.

I could be a king.

She and I can rule together.

My rise will be legendary,
from the gutter to the throne.

The patriarch...

[hissing] Stay still, stay.

What am I gonna do
with you, boy?

Shall I be mean to you,
shall I show mercy?

Or shall I punish you for
the theft of my crown?

What shall I do?

[Yorrick] Hurry Matthew,
before he wakes.

Take the crown back to the cave.

I will deal with him.



I left our friend
many miles away.

And I placed a warning
in his mind.

I showed him,
that if he ever returns here,

he will rot in a Shadow trap.

There are many such traps
in the forest.

It is my duty to oppose
all who come here,

with evil intent
in their hearts.

The crystal is my guide,

for it detects the poisoned
blood of hate.

I see you have another visitor.

- Where?
- There.

Come forward, show yourself.


Do not be shy.

This is Alice,
your Shadow guardian.

She has traveled far to see you.

[whispering] You have
a great destiny, Matthew.

In the times ahead,
you will be tested.

And you must be strong.

[Matthew's mother]


[Matthew's mother] Matthew?

I hear something
above our heads.



Your mother is calling you.
Time for you to return home.

Hurry now, Matthew,
back the way you came.


[chickens clucking, dog barking]


[chickens clucking]


[dog barking ]

[Yorrick] Your grandfather
and I often spoke of you.

We spoke together
in the time you call dreams.

Sometimes the fates of man
and Shadows are intertwined.

Matthew where were you?
I couldn't find you!

I was in the woods
behind the garden.

You can't be going off
like that without telling me.

I was okay.

Oh, and when did you do that?

In the garden.
I tore it in the garden.

- How?
- In the twisty thing.

Hmm, that's the second time

you've hurt yourself
around that thing.

[sighs] Well...
Your tea is ready.

- Are you hungry?
- Yeah, I'm starving.

Okay, come on.

[Yorrick] Shh, shh, shh.

[Matthew's mother] Matthew?

[narrator] New friends
are made amongst the Shadows.

But now, in the darkness
of the forest,

the Magic Path is revealed.

And the woodsman makes the crossing to the other world.

[wind howling]

Mistress, where are you?

- [panting]
- Alexander...


How dare you enter here
without my permission.

The door was open.

I have news,
I've got news.

- News?

- What news?
- I've seen the crown.

[Geldren] I see your
thoughts, Alexander.

You had my crown,
but you couldn't keep it.

A Shadow man took it
from you, and a boy,

a boy who hides
in the Shadow cave.

- By a rotting trunk...
- By a rotting trunk!


You will return to this forest,

where the Shadows
have their cave.

Prepare the way for me,
and I will come.

Now get out of here.

[Alexander] Yes mistress

I must know
what the future holds.

My prisoner will tell me.

Wake up.

Mistress, I fell asleep.

But what a joy it is
to behold your beautiful face.

Your eyes, so blue,
like a nice new sky.

The golden locks of your hair,
the way they flay in the sun

- and then...
- Shut up.

Shutting up, shutting up
mistress, shutting up.

Tell me,
what does the future hold?

It is not yet clear, mistress.
I must look deep within.


I see a crown of gold
upon your head.

But I sense it sparkles more
upon the head of another.

What do you mean?

I'm trying to see,
but the images, they're fading.

Fading away...

- And now they're gone.
- Bring them back.

But mistress,
it's so cold down here.

I cannot do my visions right.

Last night, I had a snot
come from my nose.

Dripping down it was,
solid frozen,

I pulled it off
and looked at it,

a frozen snot, a snotsicle.

What am I supposed to do
with a snotsicle, mistress?

Ah, no, please.
Oh no...

Ah you're a right
miserable sorceress.

I thought the predictions
aren't done for you.

Talk about not having fun.

[Matthew] You'll never get
my treasure!

- [man] How can you stop me?
- [Matthew] I have a sword.

[grunting, metal clanging]

He's just playing.

[Geldren] I will give you revenge against the Shadow man.

When the sun
is highest in the sky,

and the Shadow man is asleep,

smear the earth of the Shadow
cave on your boots,

then his crystal will not
warm him of your approach.

[Alexander snickers]

Now Shadow man, I'll be ready
for you this time.

[Geldren] I will give you
a potion to deepen his sleep.

Spray the air above his head
with the vapors,

and he will sleep
for a long time.

[whispering] Where's the crown?


[Geldren] When you
have found the crown,

speak the incantation
and I will come.

It is true,
without untruth.

Certain and most true.

The wind carries it
in its stomach.

The earth, it's receptacle.

You separate the fire
from the earth.

The subtle from the gross.

Gently, with great industry.


It climbs from the earth
and descends from the sky.

[oldies playing on radio
in the distance]

We're going to town now,
Matthew, come on.

But I want to stay here.

Let him stay there
if he wants to.

He'll be fine, he hasn't
left the yard in days.

- Thanks, Granny!
- Bye, Matthew.

[radio music continues playing]

[whispering] Yorrick, wake up.

Wake up Yorrick.

[twigs breaking]

So you are the one who
would steal my crown?

- I didn't.
- Silence.

Come, let us look
at your friends.


Are they dead?

I did not k*ll them, boy.

But they will stay asleep for
as long as I want them to be.

Are you afraid, boy?

Perhaps I will spare you,
for now.

But do not meddle in my world.

There are forces at work here
which do not concern you.

Go back to your home, boy.

Go back to your home.

[narrator] Now is the crown
lost among the wicked.

And when the Shadows wake
from their enchanted sleep,

they have much to tell
their young friend.

Is this the one you saw?


As I feared, this is Geldren.

She is so consumed by hate,

that her heart has turned
black as pitch.

But, the great elder has
magic as powerful as hers.

He fashioned this blade,
the Serpent's Tongue,

to be used against her,
when the time is right.

[narrator] As the boy
returns home,

his mind is filled
with the terrors

and wonders of the Shadow world.

He remembers the embrace
of the Shadow girl

as he left the cave.

And how it seemed to melt
all the fear in his heart.

But what was the great
destiny she had promised him?

Would he become ruler
of a faraway kingdom someday?

Perhaps he'd find out tomorrow.

For now, it was getting late,
and if he hurried back...

[Alice] This is the dance
of the Shadows.

When we celebrate
the birth of spring,

the sun shines
through a portal of light

and we dance around
it's gold embrace in shadow...

[Matthew's mother]
Matthew, can I come in?

Okay, Mom.

Look at the state
of your clothes.

You're filthy.
Come on, get changed.

Were you playing around with
that thing in the garden again?

- Yeah.
- Ugh, I don't like it.

- [Matthew] Why not?
- I just don't like it.

I wish the garden was like
the way it used to be.

There's a teacher from
your new school coming

here this evening.
He's gonna help you settle in.

So be a good boy, won't you?

- Hello.
- Hi, Mr. Golloman.

- Oh, it's Bob.
- This is Carol, Mr. Golloman.

- [Bob] Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Golloman.

- Ahem.
- Okay, come on in.

- [Bob] Okay, thank you.
- Would you like a cup of tea?

I'd love one,
thank you very much.

- It's Bob.
- [grandmother] Well, okay.

[Bob] Yeah, cheers.
Thanks. Uh, oh, yeah, cheers.

[Bob] What age is he now?

Nine and three quarters
he told me last week.

[Bob] Wow, that's fine.
Well, there's plenty of room

for him in fourth class.

Um, do you teach all
subjects there, Mr. Golloman?

It's Bob. Uh, yeah,
I'm a jack of all trades.

Um, but, I like history
the most.

We study all types of eras.
My favorite is the iron age.

Oh, such a radically different
society, the old Celtic world.

Like, the rules and customs
are totally alien

to the way we live.

I would love to go back in time
just to see how they lived,

you know?

Actually, did you know
there were...

- I'm boring you now aren't I?
- Not at all.

Mind some...

Are you okay?!

[choking] I'm fine.

It went...
it went with my breath. [coughs]

Just... [coughs]



I'm fine.

Pff, much better, ah.

[Carol whispering, inaudible]

I know it isn't, but it's fine.
Look, don't worry about it.

Okay? It was really nice
to meet you.

- Yeah, um...
- If you need me...

- can call me okay?
- Okay. [laughs awkwardly]

- Well, thank you.
- Alright, so, um,

I'll talk to you soon.

Okay, okay, well, there
is actually something

about the spiral
in the garden...

[whispering, inaudible]

- Okay.
- I'm sorry...[mumbles]

so I have to... [mumbles]

So maybe in a few days,
if you wanna come over.

Maybe next week evening
or something.

- [Bob] Sure.
- Well, I wanna hear...

- ...from you again okay?
- Yeah? No problem.

- Yeah, okay.
- Okay, so...

- ...have a good journey up.
- It was very nice. Okay, cheers.

I'll talk to you soon.
[Carol] Okay.

[narrator] It was the darkest
night the boy could remember.

And as he tried to sleep,

fear of the witch crept
back into his heart.

[Alice] Matthew.

I can't sleep.

[Alice] Don't be afraid.

Remember, you have
the greatest strength in you.

I don't feel strong.

You've always felt
different to the other boys

in school, haven't you?

That's because
you are different.

Only the strongest can
withstand the greatest tests.

When all else seems lost,
look within

and you will find your strength.

You won't leave me, will you?

[Alice] I will be close by
when you need me.

[Matthew] Can I see
your face again?

[Alice] I must remain in shadow
when I leave the cave.

These are the instructions
of the great elder.

In the past,
some Shadows were tempted

to seek control
of the weaker minds of man.

And lost themselves
in evil ways.

Only the wisest Shadows may
live freely amongst man.

But I'm still here by your side.

[Matthew] But it's not the same.

[Alice] Matthew.

Now, go to sleep.

[narrator] Far away
from the boy's fitful sleep,

the witch's dreams of glory
are short lived.

For her corrupted soul can draw no power from the crown.

And her black heart
is filled with fear.

[breathing heavily]

My heart...

My heart feels weaker today.

I can feel the space
between its beats.

The space between my thoughts,
growing larger every second.

Why does the Shadow crown
not bring me power?

Hard to perceive.
A magic spell.

The white shadow
of the great elder.

Can the spell be undone?

It is a language
beyond my knowing.

Perhaps an ancient
Shadow tongue.

I will destroy the great elder.

You are not powerful
enough now, mistress.

You must draw
the life energy of another

to make you strong again.

I must draw from the life
energy of another.

Aye, that's what I just said.

But who, who do I know
that can serve this purpose?

Well, you don't know too
many people now, do you?

I've always said
you should get out more.

I mean, you hardly ever
leave this place.

Maybe when you do,
you can bring me with you.

I mean, I'll be no trouble.


For company, like. We could
have such fun together.

Oh, no, don't!

Not again.

[dwarf ] I'll just keep talking.

I know you can hear me.


[grunts] Alright.

Maybe I'll walk.

[Geldren] I will not
let my light go out.

I will live
for a thousand years.

And will rule
for a thousand years.


No magic can contain me.

The Shadows will serve me again.


I will not release my grip.

Let them try to take it from me.

I will burn them, every one.

Like a coal in my fire.


[narrator] The fury of the witch
is felt in the earth.

[louder rumbling]

Tremors strike the Shadow caves.

Shadows, young and old,
cower in fear.

And then...

[rumbling stops]

...there is silence.

[wind gushing]

indistinct conversation]


[muffled rumbling]

[narrator] As the Spiral
lies broken on the ground,

across the Magic Path,
the great elder

sent Shadow spies
to the lair of the witch.

Come brother, let us
listen at the witch's door.


- [Geldren] What good...
- Listen.

[Geldren] ...are you to me now?

I have wanted you for so long.

But now, I can take
no pleasure in you.

Even your power cannot renew me.

How your face shines in the sun.

You're laughing at me.

I curse you now.


[weakly breathing]

[Alice] Matthew.

You came back, Alice.

Whilst you slept,
I heard great news.

Shadow spies have been
watching the witch's lair.

She can draw no power
from the crown.

She grows weaker every day.

Soon she will be dead
and gone forever.



I hear someone at your door.

Matthew, it's dinnertime.

[Alice] It's your mother.

Matthew have you
locked this door?

- [Alice] Answer her.
- What will I say?

[Alice] Say what I tell you.

Are you there?

[Alice] Sorry, Mom.

Sorry mom.

[Alice] I forgot
I locked the door.

I forgot I locked the door.

[Alice] I'll open it
in a second.

I'll open it in a second.

[Alice] What's for dinner,

What's for dinner, Mom?

I got fresh peas for you.

[Alice] Oh great,
I love fresh peas.

Oh great.

[whispering] But I don't like
fresh peas.

[Alice] Just say it, Matthew.

Oh great, I love fresh peas.

You are okay about us
taking down that spiral thing,

in the garden, aren't you?

- [Alice] Yes, Mom.
- Yes, Mom.

It was just too dangerous
to have you playing around it,

that's all.

Mr. Golloman is gonna help us
make a nice flowerbed instead.

- [Alice] That would be nice.
- That would be nice, Mom.

[whispering] No, it wouldn't!

[Alice] You go on ahead,
and I'll be down in a second.

You go on ahead,
I'll be down in a second.

Well, don't be long.

[Geldren] The crown will sparkle on the head of another.

But who?

The elder cannot wear it.

So who is the chosen one?

[Shadow man] It must be
a king from the world of man.

[Geldren] A king
from the world of man.

Who is the chosen one?

That boy.

Of course.
I saw the ground shine

when he held it in his hands.

The boy will become
the Shadow king.

If I were to kidnap that boy,
and bring him here,

I could take the power
of the crown for myself.

- Then the great elder...
- [dwarf ] Mistress, mistress!

[Geldren] ...will kneel
at my feet.

[dwarf ] I sense the most
evil thoughts in your head.

Would you not leave
that wee boy alone?

He's no threat to you.

It'll be worse for you if you decide to go after him.

Would you...[screams]


Never interrupt an evil genius
at work.

[dwarf ] Well, don't say
I didn't warn you.

[Geldren] Little boy
with golden hair

and eyes of azure.

Frightened little drops of azure
in a sea of perfect white.

From the mirror in my hand,

to the mirror on your wall,

I see you now.

It seems our destinies
are linked, boy.

Soon we will meet again.

I thought you said
you liked my peas?

They're okay.

[leaves ruffling in wind]

[wood chair creaking]

[Geldren] This body
gets weaker every day.

I must have more strength
to make the journey.

[Alexander] Mistress,
I have fresh game.

I'll leave it by the door.

[Geldren] You may come in.
Come in Alexander.

Come here and sit by me.

That's right.

You have been a good
servant to me, Alexander.

[dwarf muffled] Hey, hey

- [Geldren] A good servant.
- [dwarf muffled] It's a trap

you cockney twit

You're in danger.

You should have a good reward.

[dwarf muffled]
You had better get away!

- Thank you mistress.
- [dwarf muffled] Alexander!

[dwarf grunts]

I have seen the way you
look at me, Alexander.

Come closer.

Would you like to kiss me,


I've always hoped
that you would invite me

to come and sit by your side.

- In time, I've always hoped...
- Shh.

Do not talk too much or
I will change my mind.

[sizzling lightning]

[dwarf ] Too late, Alexander,.
Now, you're toast.

And your life force
will be gone.

In one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven seconds.

Well, you will not be
a patriarch now.

What's happening, brother?

I can see something through
the panels of the door.

I see the boots of her servant.

And the crown, I see the crown.

- What's he...
- Shh, she approaches.

[footsteps approaching]

She is burying the crown,
burying it in the snow.

[Geldren chanting softly]

Listen, I hear her voice.

She's whispering a spell.

Now, there's smoke
filling the room.

[chanting stops]

She is gone.

Let's go in and get the crown.

Through the door, come on.

[Shadow outside] Careful,
brother, it might be a trap.

The coast is clear, come on.

Where did you see the crown?

[left Shadow] Down there,
by the back wall.

Look over there in the corner,

she has left something else

Hey you, Shadow man,
can you get me out?

- What's that?
- He must've been shrunk.

I'm a dwarf you pair
of nincompoops.

If you're looking for the crown,

I can tell you
where it's hidden.

But for that information,

I will require these favors,

One, an audience with
the great Shadow elder,

to which I will negotiate
the terms for my new kingdom.

I don't know,
but the...

Two, a lifetime
of commonly maiden service.

A child or two...
Ah, no! Wait, wait, don't!

Wretched pair
of double-crossing, no-good,

low-life, see-through twits.

What is the world coming to,

when I cannot
even trust a Shadow.

[dog barking, chickens clucking]

[Alice] Matthew,
I must tell you,

Yorrick has new instructions
from the great elder.

[Matthew] What are they?

[Alice] I don't know.

I will find out when
I go back to the cave.

Perhaps the witch
has finally died.

I've left a special whistle
by your bed.

If you need me,
give me a signal.

Like this.

[low pitch noise]

It is a sound that only
Shadows can hear.

And if I hear that sound,
I will come back to you.

Oh and Matthew,
the school teacher is here.

Ah, him.

[Alice] Don't be too
hard on him, Matthew.

He's not a bad man.
I think he likes your mother.

Try to give him a chance.

He broke down the Spiral.
That's all that's left.

[Alice] He didn't mean
any harm.

He did it for you mother,

and she just wants
you to be safe.

Now, I must go,
but I will be back soon.

[soft music playing on radio]

- I wanted to give you this.
- What is it?

It's just a little present
for you.

- Oh, thanks.
- It's nothing special

or anything. It's just something
I made at home.

I thought that
maybe you could wear.

Or as soon as you open it,
you'll probably hate it

- and throw it in the bin.
- Oh, no, I'm sure it's lovely.

You don't have to take it
or anything.

It doesn't mean anything.


Oh my.
No, it's lovely. Thank you.

I thought you could
maybe wear it as a brooch?

Do women wear brooches still?

I don't really know
much about...

Well, it's lovely, but I
just don't think I can take it.

It's fine, I understand.

[wood branches rolling on floor]


Oh, my lord.

[Elder] I bring news of
our enemy, the witch Geldren.

She has taken the life
force from her servant,

and will be strong for a time.

I can no longer intervene
from this plane.

Therefore I give you
new powers to do my bidding.

You will now walk freely
amongst man,

in shadow or in form.

I give you this blade,
fashioned by my own hand.

Pierce the black heart
of the witch,

and she will be gone forever.

The boy is most precious to us.

It is for him that I came
to the world of man,

so many years ago.

My heart beats in that boy.

My strength resides in him,

for I was once his grandfather.

Shadows, beware
of the mind force of the witch.

[distant music playing on radio,
clock ticking]

So boy,
we meet again.

I will not harm you, child.

But you must return with me now,
to my lair of ice.

[wind howling]

- [gasps]
- [Geldren] Do not be afraid.

You and I can rule together.

Do not resist.


[low pitch noise]


[Geldren] Put away your toys
and come with me.

[Yorrick whispering]
Leave him alone.

Geldren, your time
will end tonight.

[Geldren] Never.

- [Yorrick grunting]
- Feel the pain in your hand,

Shadow man?
And now, in your head.

- You'd not dare to challenge me.
- Yorrick, no!

You are weak.

I control you now.


- You will learn obedience.
- No.

Raise your hands
towards the girl.

- Do not try to resist.
- [grunting]

Raise your hands towards her.

Closer to her neck.
You will have to obey me.

[Alice] Matthew, look within...

find your strength.

[Geldren] I will keep you imprisoned for a thousand years.

You are stronger than
I thought, Shadow man.

But now your resistance
is weaker.

And we begin again.


[soft rustling]


[narrator] At last,
the witch was dead.

And her body melted away
into the vapors of the air.

That night, the Shadows
left by the Magic Path.

They promised to return again,

and take Matthew on a journey
to meet his grandfather

and discover his future destiny.

Until then, he promised
he would try

to be happy
in the world of man.


♪ So to dark world

♪ Soon to mark you

♪ One thought will be
Night song to guide you ♪

Mr. Golloman?

[sighs] Yes, Matthew?

Do you like my mom?

It's okay if you do.

Tea's ready, Bob.

♪ So from dark world


- You too, Matthew.
- Okay, Mom.

♪ One song will be sought

♪ Oh, which I bid you to home

♪ Bid you

♪ Home

[narrator] And so
the legend begins.

How the young king
slew the mighty witch.

Trumpets sound
in the Shadow world,

for the golden age has begun.

And in time, the king
will claim his crown of light.

Subtitles by explosiveskull

["Come Out, Come Out, Wherever
You Are" by Gloria Dehaven]
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