Midnight Stallion (2013)

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Midnight Stallion (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

All I need
is my woman's love

A piece of land and a dog that hunts of off country road

That winds and runs
for miles and miles

To a little town
with a little church

Where they ain't afraid
to preach the word

'Cause it's
the simple things in my life

Like my baby's
homemade apple pie

And it's a porch swing swinging,
sipping sweet tea

Hot sun setting down,
her kissing on me

I love you,
baby And I thank you, Lord, at night

'Cause it's my kind of life


It's my kind of life

Well, my daddy
always told me

Don't knock it
till you've tried it

But I can say firsthand
the big city ain't for me

'Cause all I need
is my woman's love

A piece of land and a dog that hunts of off country road

That winds and runs
for miles and miles

To a little town
with a little church

Where they ain't afraid
to preach the word

'Cause it's
the simple things in my life

Like my baby's
homemade apple pie

And it's a porch swing swinging,
sipping sweet tea

Hot sun setting down,
her kissing on me

I love you,
baby And I thank you, Lord, at night

And it's my kind of life

It's my kind of life


It's my kind of life


I think I love it.

You think you love it
or you love it?

I love it, a lot!

Thanks, Mom.

Happy birthday.

Now go thank your dad,
he picked the color.


Come here.

Happy birthday.

I'm glad you like it,

your mom picked out
the color.

I just nodded.

Thank God
you're not a boy.

Let's go for a ride.

Hop on.

If you're gonna
wear that thing

you best start
breaking it in.

My dad used to say that a man,
or in your case,

a beautiful young woman,

doesn't choose the hat,
the hat chooses him or her.

They say your hat defines
just what kind of a person

who wears it.

I guess that makes you
a purple person...

Whatever that means.

Here comes trouble.

Howdy, Jack. Rita.


Just in time to help me
rip some railings.

The old Tom Sawyer ploy.

No, sir, I am too smart
to be tricked into hard work

by you or Mark Twain.

Sweet tea?

My favorite.

That sure makes the drive
out here worthwhile.

But I'm feeling
a little disappointed

because I've been here
all of a minute

and Jack here
hasn't invited me

to go duck hunting
with him yet.

How can
we do that, Donald?

You shot
them all last year.

That I did.
Thank you, darling.

What do you think?

Purple... Ah! Real pretty.

When I get my iPhone I'm gonna get a cover that matches it.

Megan, go grab some apples
and fresh milk for Donald.

Well, uh...
Me being the new president of Chaney Bank,

I guess you both know
what this visit's about.

Oh, darn it, Jack, Rita...
This is hard for me.

Ever since Brett Chaney
bought the bank...

Well, you know how he likes
to throw his weight around.

I'm still trying to get
my head around

someone buying a bank.

Like father like son.

My dad never had much time
for old man Chaney.

It's a changing world, Jack,
not always for the better.

Well, young Brett's cleaning
house over at the bank

and he's crackin' down
hard on tardy debt.

Now you've missed...

We know.

Three payments.

That puts you
$11,100 behind.

That's a big number.

If we could just have a little more time,
we could...

Ninety days in arrears
is their limit, Rita.

Another missed month

and Chaney will
foreclose on you.

What'd I miss?

Now I'm sure you've heard
that Brett Chaney

is the new owner
of the bank,

gonna bring some
of that, uh,

east coast, big city
financial learning

to our
once quiet community.

Just what we need.

Well, he says that
his roots are here.

Calls it giving back.

He's talking big changes,
and poor Donald Dubree has become his foot soldier.

Ooh, they're probably talking about us.

You know, I actually think
they're talking about

their son Ross who happens
to be chatting up

your lovely daughter
over there.

How are things
at the farm?

It's a small town, Pastor,

it's no secret
we're struggling.

Yeah, milk prices are down
and water, fertilizer, fuel

are all sky high, so...

Well, things will turn around,
you just keep the faith.

If Dad were alive
he'd know what to do.

He'd stop all this
farming and milking,

get back to horse ranching.

Well, that'd be great if it
made any economic sense.

Horses are for hobby,
not for business.

I keep telling Jack
we need a smarter crop,

we need a high dollar crop that makes good use of our land

instead of growing alfalfa
to feed livestock.

This is not the place
to be airing our...

Well I, I didn't mean to rock the ark,
so to speak. I was just...

It's okay.

Listen, you two
have a fine day

and don't you be too tough on him.
- Ugh.

Mom, Dad, this is Ross.

Hi, Mrs. Shephard.

Uh... I've got something
for you, Mr. Shephard.

I'm sure you've heard my dad is sponsoring a big horse race.

Somebody's gonna win big,
if you've got a fast horse

it could be worth your while.

Hello... Uh, Belinda Chaney,
I don't believe we've met.

Not officially but I've seen
you at the feed store.

Oh... Right, right.

You're the people
who milk cows, right?

We're one of the suppliers
for Milner Dairy.

Oh... We gave up dairy
years ago.

We are soy
all the way now.

Brett Chaney and uh,
you are?

Jack Shephard.

This is my wife Rita,
our daughter Megan.


I see you've got
one of our flyers.

We're just getting started.

I'm gonna make this race big,

turn it into a yearly event,
put our little hometown on the map.

Mmm. Milner could use
a makeover, right?

Put a little lipstick
on the pig, so to speak.

I don't know... I kinda like
Milner the way it is.

We're uh... A little
old fashioned.

Well, we're here
to bring some, uh,

new fashion,
boost the town's bottom line. Mmm-hmm.

What are all those doing in your hands still, Ross?

Your job was to hand
them out.

All of them.

I'll call you?

Oh... Well... My phone...
Got turned off.

It's just temporary, darling,
until things get better.

If there's any of those left in your hand
by the time we get to the Escalade,

you're walking home.

You folks have a nice day.


I think that Chaney boy
is head over heels for you.

What are you drawing?

Our field, I'm figuring out
row count and plant spacing.

I have an idea.

About what?

About an alternative crop,

I've been studying up on it.

What crop?

Wheat grass and there is
good money in it.

Wheat grass?


Wheat is a grass,
help me out here.

No, this is different.

Trust me I think this might
be our answer.

Cows seem satisfied,
horses before them.

Well, wheat grass,
for your information,

is not for cows
it's for people.

It produces a rich,
delicious nectar

that is rich in antioxidants,
it's healthy...

Where are you going?

Clear my head.

Go, go! Go!


Come on, boy.

Good thing you don't have
other horses here,

she's coming out of her
most fertile cycle now.

Good lure for a wild stallion.

Oh, whoa...
Careful, my friend.

You may catch this apparition

but it's a good way
to get hurt if you ask me.

Or k*lled.
Mom, don't say that!

That animal outran my horse

and Chester's the fastest
we've got.

Can you talk some sense
into him?

He wants to enter that horse
in Chaney's big race.


Don't push your luck, Jack.

Megan, bye-bye.
Bye, Dr. Owens.



This is no ordinary horse.

He's wild. One of a kind.

I know the type, that's what
scares me the most.

Now if the wind will just blow her scent in his direction...

We got him.

He's ours.

Good morning, girl.



What's wrong, girl?

Mom, Dad!

Are you all right?

Did he kick you?

Look at me! Are you all right?
He didn't kick me.

It says here that wheat grass is a high yield plant

that does well
in our climate

and it's 60-day grow cycle.

That's a quick
turnover, Jack.

Oh, and our timing
is perfect,

plants go in early May.

This is a sorry excuse
for a dinner.

Family needs a proper meal,
a hot meal.

Family needs a home,
I'm trying to keep ours.

By growing something
we know nothing about?

I know plenty about it.

I have been researching this and I have thought it through.

Please, just listen
with an open mind. Okay?

So here's our situation.

We're $11,000 behind on three months of missed mortgage payments

but if we can pay up
just one month,

that'll buy us
an extra 30 days.

Donald says that the bank,
they won't foreclose

unless we're over
90 days in arrears.

Follow me?

I've done a budget
for the initial cost

of wheat grass cultivation
and we could,

we could till
the front pasture,

we could get a starter crop
going for just $9,000.

Nine thousand dollars?

And plow
our feed crop under?

You're talking
crazy here, Rita.

Where are we gonna
get that kind of money?

Well, we talk to Donald
and we ask for a bank loan.

I mean, not against the land
and the buildings,

that's all been
mortgaged out.

But against
everything else.

Vehicles and the equipment,

it'll be right down
to our furnishings

and our
life insurance policy.

What's this?

This is a loan proposal
that I made up for Donald,

it lists all of our assets
and their value.

If the bank will give
us $9,000

and we sell the Holsteins...

Sell our stock?

We could pay off
one month of mortgage,

we could plant the grass and still have $4,300 left over

for food and living expenses to carry us through until harvest.

Sixty days from planting
to harvest...

That's still two more missed
mortgage payments.

That's right.

But if the crop looks healthy... Well,
Tristate Co-op,

they said they'd give us
half in advance of harvest.

The health food stores,

they can't get enough
of this stuff.

With what we already owe that'd put us
almost $30,000 in debt with the bank.

That's the riskiest plan
I can imagine.

I know you disapprove

and I know that your father probably would've disapproved.

This is a long way
from horse ranching.

You got that right.

But I also
know this,

he would not want us
to lose everything

he had worked
so hard to build up.

Let's do this to honor him.

Just until we get back
on our feet.


I'm willing to stand behind
you on this, Rita,

if Donald will agree
to give us the loan.

All right.

A toast.

Oh, Mom, this is gross!

You gotta be kidding me.

People actually drink
this stuff?

Yes... And they will gladly
pay $3 a shot.

Three dollars?

For a cup this big?

We just have to deliver
the grass

and then our job is over.

The health food stores,

they juice it
right on the spot.

Another shot?

I wouldn't want to
deprive some health nut

of his daily dose of antitoxic soylent green or whatever it is.

Antitoxin, not antitoxic.

Three dollars a swallow?
- Mmm-hmm.

Hit me again.

I love you.

Roll me in dirty diapers!

Three dollars?
For that much?

Dag nab it, I'm in
the wrong business. Oh!

This wasn't easy,

I went to the wire
on this Jack...

And uh, Brett, uh...

The bank is willing to give you $9,000 loan on your collateral.

You got Belinda to thank for pushing this over the top.

What... Belinda Chaney?

Had to listen
to the virtues of this stuff

and other unpronounceable health things for almost an hour.

She asked me if I wanted
to try spelt flour,

I said "F-L-O-U-R".
I thought I got it right.

Yeah. You know,
with all the hype,

I'm... I'm just a little
surprised at the taste.

Tell me about it.

I'll grow it but I'll leave
the drinking to someone

with money to burn.

You're selling
the milk cows?

If what Rita's
found out is true...

And I trust her judgment
on this one.

I don't want to question
your good judgment,

but right now
it's a field crop.

What if it freezes?

What about insects, birds...

What if the health
market softens?

Health does not go
out of style.

We know the risks.

Another shot?

No, thank you, ma'am.

You're pledging the whole
ball o' wax on this one.

Now, I just don't see a back door out for you on this.

If... If this doesn't pan out,
you'll lose it all.

Give me that pen.

All right then, well,
let's get these loan documents signed.

Tell me, Jack,
am I looking green?

'Cause I'm feeling green.

Hey! Easy, boy.


Well, come
and get 'em, silly.

Until we meet again...


That's your name now.


Come on!

It's okay, he's cool.

Come on now, Midnight.

It's just an apple.

You've gotta trust me.

I need another apple.

Did you see that?

Oh, my whole body
is shaking.

You are not the only one.

Hold on. I wanna get
a shot of you and him.


A flash?



Sorry. Really.

He let me touch him!

It was incredible.


What are you talking about?

The stallion,
I petted his mane!

Take me there.

Yes, now.

What are you gonna do?

Gonna catch me a stallion
if I can.

Grab some oats
while I saddle up.

Better take them
back, darling.

I gotta help your mom.

Well, it's time to take
a well-deserved breather.

Sit back and feel proud of
all that we've accomplished.

Yeah, we successfully planted
an entire field of grass

that tastes so bad
even a cow won't eat it.


Can you believe how happy
your father looked

when that last plant
went in the ground?


And where were you
this morning?

Just riding.

And how is Ross?

Dad... Stop it.

We saw Dad's stallion.

Well, now that Old MacDonald's done with all his farming,

how about showing me the last place you saw our stallion.

His name is Midnight.

I named him.

I've got a pretty good idea
of where he hangs out.

Take me there.

I'm standing by your plan
but that doesn't mean

I have to give up on mine.

It's gonna be dark
in an hour.

Well, then, first thing
in the morning.

There he is!

Let's get closer.

Easy now,
this is a wild horse and we're on his turf.




You're not gonna try
and lasso him, are you?

No, not yet.

Not out here.

He likes apples.

All horses like apples.

What are you gonna do?

Listen to him.

Listen to him?

He'll tell us what
we ought to do.

I could show you how
he lets me touch him.


Don't take that lightly,
he's dangerous.

He's wild, he's free...

And he's fast.

He wants to play,
look at him!

Feel what he's saying
to you.

"Okay, all right,
sure I wanna see how fast you really are."

And you heard him say that?

Clear as day.

I'm listening, Midnight.




You think
we could catch him?

He's like a rocket!


He's gonna make one heck
of a race horse.

If anyone can ever
catch him.

Until we meet
again, Midnight!

Dad, I... I hardly think
he's gonna understand that.

What... What did he say?

Not sure.

It sounded like
"See ya again."

And then something about that purple thing on your hat.

What does that book say
about flash floods?

Alfalfa's hearty,
it can take bad weather.

I don't know about this
wheat grass stuff.

This crop won't survive.

I am so sorry, Jack,
for pushing you into this.

Freak weather's
nobody's fault,

it's the peril of farming.

Why can't something
go our way in life?

I mean, why does everything
have to be so hard?

We'll pull through this.

We're not down yet,
not by a long shot.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah.

Hey, big guy.

Remember me?

We talked yesterday.

I'm Jack.

I'm just here to
hang out with you,

I'll just let you come to me.

I'm not even here.

Nope, not me.

See, I'm not even
looking at you.

Might not even be talking
to you.

You don't have to
be afraid of me.

So what do you say
you come and meet me here.

His name's Midnight, Dad.

Stay where you are,
he knows me better.

What'd I tell you
about this?

You said listen.

So listen.

Hello, Midnight,
I missed you.

That's my dad.


I wanna try and ride him.

No, I don't think this tornado's ready to ride yet.

Then at least
come and meet him.

That's what I've been
trying to do.

Yeah, he's beautiful.

And I think he likes you!

Yeah, I think he does.

Let's see how much
he likes both of us.

We've built enough
good trust for today,

it's time we leave.

I'm pretty sure Midnight's
got a busy schedule.

Schedule, Dad? Really?

I think that's a pretty
big word for a horse.

He's following us!

Don't look back.

Say something to him.

About his schedule?

Oh, about anything.

It's not so much what you say,
it's how you say it.

Quick, say something else.

You say something.

You started it!

I don't wanna
fight about it...

Give him the wrong idea.

You're weird.

You can say anything you want,
just make it sound good.

You go first.

Tell him a joke.

Okay... Uh, this horse goes
into a grocery store...

Not that one, Dad!

That's why he left.

You think
it's something we said?

I think it was that old joke.


He probably heard
my sweet voice.

Or maybe his schedule
opened up.

Easy, boy.

You're home now.

I know you're hungry.

How about some oats?

Wow. You don't waste
any time, do you?


It's my turn to have a go at getting us out of this mess.

You sound just like
your dad.

Only he let 'em beat him.

Jack, whatever you do
at this point,

I'm right there with you.

No one's gonna beat us.

Me too, Dad.

Nobody can beat Midnight.

I'm gonna race him, Rita,
and I'm gonna win.

Can you break and train
this stallion in time?

I mean, that race is less
than two weeks away.

Mom's right, Dad.

You haven't even
got a saddle on him yet.

Well, that's why
they invented tomorrow.

Is that a steak dinner
I smell?

Very funny.

No, it's blue box night,

With tuna and peas.

Where's Megan?

Two guesses.

Neither include Ross
this time.

She's with Midnight.

That horse scares me, Jack.

Relax, she's probably
trying to break

the Guinness Record on how
many apples a horse can eat.

Hey, Midnight.

Here's an apple for you.


Easy, Midnight.

We can do this.

What are you thinking?

He's not ready for this,
he's still wild!

You gotta take it slow.

You can't expect him
to just let you ride him.

You scared him.

What about her?
What about our daughter?

I will have no more of her
on that horse, I mean it!

She could've been hurt
or paralyzed!

Mom, I'm fine.

Nothing's wrong.

Not a word!

It's not his fault!

I shouldn't have tried
to ride him.

Shh! Easy boy.

I guess now's a good
a time as any.

My daddy used to say when
you get dumped off a horse,

you get back on.




Dad, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah.

What'd he say?

He said he'd rather
do it tomorrow.

Easy, Midnight,
let's just walk around

and get used to each other.

That's it, just follow me.

What's he doing?

It's called
horse whispering.

Like the dog whisperer
on TV?

Shh! Watch.

What's that prize money
looking like?



I thought you were talking
to him, sorry.

Uh, $20,000, as of this morning,
Mr. Shephard.

$40,000 after Dad
matches it.

$40,000. You hear
that, Midnight?

That would buy
a lot of oats.

Whoa, whoa, hey...

There's no way you're getting back on that thing.

You're gonna break a leg.

Maybe it's too soon.

Okay. Off, off the fence!


Easy, easy.

Easy, easy.

Yes, good boy.

Thanks for the ride and for the looks on those faces.

Thanks, Teddy.

Oh, you know
we need two bags, right?

Yeah, I know Mrs. Shephard.

The manager wouldn't let
me bring the other one

because he says you're charged to the max this month.

Oh, right.

Yeah. No, we're gonna
get that paid up.


You have to
close your eyes.

Why, what is it?

Well, if I tell you
it won't be a surprise.

Okay, but it better not be
a trick or something.

It's not a trick.

What are you doing?

Just keep them closed.
I am!

Okay, almost time.

All right.

Oh, I've heard
this song before.

I really like it, thanks!

Oh, not the song...
The player.

I'm giving it to you.

No, I can't.

I can't, it's too expensive.

No, don't think
about the money.

It's a gift.

No, Ross. Really, I can't.

I can't.

Do you wanna hang out
this afternoon?


There you are, Ross!

I've been looking
all over for you.

We're running late.

Uh, late for what?

I thought you said that I could get a ride home with Dad.

Those plans changed.

Come on. Hi, Megan.

Hey, Mrs. Chaney. Ross.

Hi, Mrs. Shephard.

How are you?

He's fine and we're late.

Come here.

I like you and you like me

and we both
wanna do this together.

So don't put me back
in the dirt, okay?

Is that a deal?

You talk to him like he understands every word you're saying.

Ah, I don't know
if he understands

every word that I'm saying but I think he knows what I mean.

Connect with him, Dad.

He's gotta feel like you're a part of him,
like a team.

We are sort of a team.

He's the punter
and I'm the football.

We're better than a team,
we're like one.

Talk to him.

He likes it when
you do that.

I like it when you do that.

Oh, I'm so sorry, Dad!

Oh, it's okay.

Midnight loves apples.

Is a check all right?

I'm going to have
to call this in.

Hi, Mr. Shephard.

Hey, Ross,
behind the lines today.

Yeah, Dad hired me to help
out with the race.

Hey, Mr. Shephard... Um...

It's great that you're entering Midnight into the race

but 350 bucks
is a lot of money

and, you know,
it's not refundable.

Lately, Ross, my whole life
seems to be non-refundable.

You know, hold on!

Before you do that...

What was that about?

Who'd you call?
My dad.

I tried to get him to give you a break on the entry fee,

but he said
if he did that for you,

he'd have to do it
for everyone.

I wish
you hadn't done that, Ross.

I'm no charity case.

We good here or not?

Yes, sir, Mr. Shephard.

We'll take
those flowers, too.

You'll have to pay
for those inside.

You spent a lot of money
we need for food and living

by entering that race.

I heard talk about
the prize money

being over $50,000.

And I read
in the paper

about all the professionally trained horses that are gonna be in this race.

Have you even considered the odds stacked against you actually winning?

With that kinda money
we might even get this place

back to being a horse
ranching operation again.

Are you hearing a single word I am saying or are you still dreaming?

I hear you.

What's wrong
with dreaming?

Nothing's wrong with it,
it just scares me, that's all.

'Cause I don't have a better
solution anymore.

Guess I'm the one
who's lost.

Well, Midnight's gonna help
you find your way home.

I gotta go, just close it!

What is this?

Jack Shephard actually
entered a horse in my race?

What do these yokels
think I'm running?

There's gonna be some
serious horse flesh here.

Not just any horse, Dad,
it's an amazing horse.

Did he pay the full fee?

Yeah, I took
the money myself.

Guy's up to his neck in debt,

he's got no business wasting
my money like this.

Do you know how silly you sound?
Your money.

He thinks he can win.

On what, one of his
farm animals?

No, Midnight is
no farm animal.

Oh, no, not just a "horse"
this Midnight.

He's wild and powerful
and beautiful too.

Power and beauty
will not win a race.

I've seen him run,
nothing can catch him.

Come on, how fast
can he be?

Well, he's the fastest horse
I've ever seen.

And smart too.

He listens to Mr. Shephard.

What do you mean
he listens?

He horse whispers him.

Broke him in without a whip
or anything.

Spare the rod...

Doesn't work on horses,
and it doesn't work on people.

You're proof of that.


You don't know
where he trains, do you?

Donald called.

Brett Chaney got wind
of our crop failure

and wants Donald to start drawing up the foreclosure papers.

You gotta have
a little faith, baby.

In me and in Midnight.

We can win this thing,
I know it.

Right... Maybe I should
just go out and buy

a winning lottery ticket,
or maybe a meteor

will crash down in
the middle of our field.

You know,
I hear they're more valuable than gold lately.

Rita, please, I'm working
with what I got here.

What we've got here.

Midnight won't let us down.

I'm sorry, I just...
I feel helpless.

I want a future for Megan
where this doesn't happen,

she deserves that.

Hey, I want
that too.

I'll make it right,
I promise.

It's not like we're betting
our whole lives

on a horse race here.

Not funny.

You're right. Not funny.

I'm just trying to
lighten things up a little.

Everything's gonna be okay.

I promise.

I know it's hard,
maybe even impossible

but try to look at it
as an opportunity.

And when
opportunity knocks...

Afternoon, Jack.


What brings you here?

My boy tells me that
you talk to horses,

and crazier than that,
they listen.

My father taught me.

Yeah, my father
was a horseman too...

He taught me the only things
horses understand

are power and fear.

Your power
and the horses' fear.

That's not how I train.

You look worried, Jack.

Seeing me at your door,
with what you owe me...

We're working on that mortgage,
but we need time.

Well, that's why I'm here.

I want to sell you
a six-month extension,

give you time to get
back on your feet

so maybe you can
keep this place.

Six months
would be a lifesaver.

But how can I buy
an extension

when I can't even make
the mortgage?

I don't want money,

I just want that stallion
I see down in your coral,

uh, Midnight.

My boy, he's been around
horses his whole life

and he says he has never
seen a faster one.

You give me that stallion
and I'll give you a year.

Now that's more
than the winnings

and I'll even refund
your entry fee.

All this for Midnight?


Why do you think, Jack?

To race him.

With some strong-arm
whip training

and an aggressive jockey,

a horse like that has the potential to go all the way.

Nationals, Preakness,
Kentucky Derby!

There I go again.

Belinda is always on me
for dreaming too big,

and saying too much and giving away my advantage.

You know, that's...
I can't help it.

Well... What do you say?

I don't know.

Can you give me a little time to consider this?

All you want.

How about an hour?

Gotta close on some
real estate down the road,

old man Billers.

Finally bought the farm.

Or should I say,
he sold it.

I'll stop by
on my way back.

You give me the word
and I'll have my people

draw up those
extension papers.

It's as simple as that.

You can't do it, Dad.

He'll beat Midnight,
you know he will!

He said so.

Midnight is just as much
my horse as he is yours,

I won't let you.

First, that horse doesn't belong to any of us.

He belongs out there.

His name is Midnight,
not that horse.

He cares about us as much as we care about him,

you know that.

You feel it!

At least
I thought you did.

I thought you were
better than Chaney.

I guess I was wrong.

Oh, Midnight...

Buddy, I just don't know
what to do anymore.

I really need
your help here.

You know I don't wanna do it
but I may not have a choice.

You've already
made your choice.

You're going to ride Midnight in the race.

Our life and future
are on the line.

Your future.

What about
Midnight's life and future?

That's important too.

Not as important
as our home and family.

So I give you a lifeline
and you turn me down?

I thought this property meant something to you, Jack.

Your dad's ranch and all...

It's only a horse
we're talking about.

No, it's a special horse
with spirit and speed

like I've never seen
in any animal before.

I've decided to keep him
and ride him in your race.

All right. Well, then
here's one for you...

I'll make you a bet.

I'll forgive your house debt,
mortgage and all

if you ride your horse
in my race and win.

Hey, I'll even let you keep the prize money.

But if you lose,
I get everything.

House, property...

If I lose you get
everything anyway.

Where's the catch?

I said everything, Jack,
including Midnight.

Do it, Dad!

Midnight won't let you down.

Unless that horse
isn't as fast as you say.

Well, I guess we'll find out.

What are you doing?

Looking for
a four-leaf clover.


I wanna make a wish.

Forget it.

I already made one.

Well, it doesn't get
much better than this.

You're right,
except for one thing.

Riding Midnight across that finish line.

And I believe you will.

You know, Megan stands
behind you and I do too.

Can you believe
that little spitfire?

Passion in her heart
for that horse.

How are you gonna feel when she has that passion in her eyes for Ross?

I can't stay out too late.

I know.

Remember when
we were like that?

I don't have to remember.

You were so shy.

Gosh, I love that
about you.

Always coming up with these
silly reasons to touch me.


Like telling you
there was a bee on your head

just so I could run my fingers through your hair?


Remember our first kiss?

I remember you
chickening out.

You didn't hold back.

I knew what I wanted.


Can I help you?

Uh, hi... Mort.

Mort Gridley Real Estate.

Nobody tell you
I was coming?

No. Coming for what?

Getting the property
ready to market.

Brett Chaney
gave me the listing but...

I, uh... Hey, I didn't
mean to intrude.

I thought you knew.

Property's not for sale,
not yet anyway.

All right, I was just
gonna take a few pictures

but I can see this isn't a good time.
So, um...

You folks have yourselves a nice day,
all right.

Well, my friend, I may have
really done it this time.

No pressure.

I just want you to know it's all on the line,
all of it.

Everything I love in life...

Rita, Megan, my daddy's ranch,
the whole shebang.

And a whole lot more.

Anyway, you know
what they say

about putting all your eggs in one basket...

Midnight's smart but I don't
think he gets analogies yet.

He does.

If Midnight could talk,

he'd tell you
how proud he is of you.

Just like Mom and I.

He won't let you down, Dad.

It's not him
I'm worried about.

I'm the one who got us
into this mess

and now I'm talking
to a horse,

asking him
to get me out of it.

You go inside and give
your mom a hand.

I'll be there before
she flips her bacon.

Mom! Mom!

Dad's hurt! Hurry!

Dad... I can't lift it!

I can't breathe.

Get your mom.
Mom, it's too heavy!

Oh, no! Jack!
Jack, I'm here. I'm here!

Use Midnight.

Get a rope!

Do it!

Good girl.

Okay, Jack, just hang on!


Pull, Midnight! Pull!

Pull, Midnight! Pull!

Oh, my God.

I thought I lost you, Jack.

No, I got more important
things to do than dying.

But you might've
lost that bacon.


You need
a real doctor, Jack.

You got at least three
cracked ribs

and the hairline fracture to your wrist,
it could get worse.

You are a real doctor, AJ,
and a friend.

Besides, a real doctor doesn't give you a sugar cube

when he's done.

I just can't have Chaney
finding out about this

before I've figured out
what to do.

What to do?

Well, you have to tell him
you can't do the race,

he'll understand,
in your condition.

He's not...
He'll take it all, Rita.

I sort of bet the farm.

Yeah, yeah, I heard.

Look, Rita's right,
your family needs you in one piece.

Then I'll ride Midnight.

No, it's too dangerous.
I won't allow it.

So you're just going
to give up?

Let Chaney take it all?

You're gonna
give him Midnight?

I said no.

I hope you have a plan.

I gotta talk it over
with Midnight,

he'll know what to do.

Talk it over?

What, with the horse?

Sounds like you're gonna need more than a regular doctor.

I never should've brought you here in the first place.

Using you
in this crazy scheme,

thinking you were some
easy ticket out of this mess,

that's done nothing but
put my family in a place

that's up to me to find
a way out of.

And I can only do that,
thanks to you.

I owe you
my life, Midnight...

And I've come to return
the favor.

It's okay, it's okay.


I know you can hear me.

I need your help.

I know what my dad did
was the right thing.

And... I would never do anything to hurt you in any way.

But... I really need you
right now.


Midnight, you heard me.

You really heard me,
didn't you?

Well, listen up,
'cause I'm not done yet...


Did you take your pills?

They were like
horse pills.

They were horse pills.

Where's Megs?

Mmm. She's out by the barn.

You could've
let her say goodbye.

I didn't plan it,
I just did it.

Seemed like the only thing to do considering the alternatives.

Hard enough as it was,

do you think
she wants to come with me

when I break
the news to Chaney?

Well, if I were you,
I'd ask her when you're done.

You eat, that's orders.

So you're just
gonna tell him

that Midnight up
and took off

and you expect him
to believe that?

More than I expect him to believe that the horse and I

had a heart to heart and he decided he'd rather run away

than live with Chaney.



Oh, no...

? Who's standing there
right by your side

? Gets to get lost
in your eyes

? Hold your hand
Put a smile

? On that perfect
pretty face

? Who gets to carry
you away

? Every single day

? When that picture
that you picture comes true

? I want to be
in it with you

? I want to be in it
with you

? I want to be in it
with you

? Every minute, I want
to be in it with you ?

Okay, let's have a big hand for Aaron Pritchett and his band

for a rocking start
to today's big race.

Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls, on your marks.

Whip Vickers here from
Tallahassee, Florida

to call the first annual Brett Chaney-Chaney Bank Milner Classic.

Please turn your attention to
the Chaney Bank mega-screen.

Get ready and set for
a good old country race.

It's a three-mile course with
enough hazards and obstacles

to test the mettle of the most
skilled horse and rider.

And we are proud to welcome competitors, equestrians,
one and all.

...assembled here today to inaugurate the
first annual Chaney Bank Milner Classic.

Nice try, darling,
but you can't do that.

I'm the registered rider.

Actually, Mr. Shephard,
anyone can ride.

You registered the horse.

No! It is too dangerous,
we won't allow it. Absolutely not.

Ross, you go find
your father.

Now! Go!

I'm racing him
and that's that.

Midnight won't let anything
bad happen to me.

He's a part of our family.

He saved you, Dad.

Dad, you have to talk
to Jack Shephard.

There's a problem,
he broke his arm and Megan is insisting

that she ride in the race.

That could be a blessing.

What are you
talking about?

I need you to ride our entry
Steeler in the race.

What? Why?

My jockey, he's a no show.

The little creep called,
he's still an hour out.

By the sound of his voice,
half asleep or worse.

We have no one else and the race starts in less than 20 minutes.

I can't. I mean...

Why not?
You're an excellent rider.

You're a Chaney, Ross.

You can't back down
when things get tough.

Brett, he doesn't want to race against the Shephard girl.

Ride for
the family name, Ross.

He'll take care of me,

and if you don't believe me
then just ask him.

I'm holding you to that.

I think you just got
your answer.

It's important, honey,
for all of us.

Someone has to
ride Steeler,

otherwise we have
to withdraw.

Yes. Thank you,
thank you, I love you both!

We're going
to win this, Dad!

Midnight is going
to win this for us!

...wild stallion
named Midnight.

One more thing...

If you get any ideas,
Chaneys don't lose.

Our most prestigious entry,

all the way from Chattanooga, Tennessee,
Bixby racing pride and joy, Steeler.

I must say if this horse runs
anything like he looks,

well, he could be
the one to beat.

Steeler will be ridden by
champion jockey...

Hold on, we have
a rider change here.

Steeler made his mark as the undefeated wonder horse

making it all the way
to the Kentucky Derby

where he made a stunning debut

placing half a length behind
the triple crown threat,

In The Meadow.

Okay, here's the update.

Special note, Brett Chaney
doubled the prize money

just to be able to enter
a horse in his own race.

And if Steeler should win,
the prize money will be donated

to the charity
Belinda Chaney founded,

Women Who Serve.

Well, with one exception,

all riders are on
the starting line.

Any rider and horse not in position by the one-minute mark

will be disqualified.

Some of you locals might want to give it up for your school mate

and Milner High class president,
Ross Chaney.

This young man following
the footsteps of his father

will attempt to further the Cheney legacy that has left

its mark on Milner.

Oopsy doopsy, we have yet
another rider shake up.

Milner's own Jack Shephard
was injured

in a farm accident yesterday

and his young daughter Megan Shephard will be taking his place

atop the wild-as-a-tiger stallion they call Midnight.

That is one magnificent horse who looks like he may be missing

the wide-open wilderness
that he no doubt...

Oh, hold on.
Hold on, cowgirl.

This could be good.

If she times out,
it's a forfeit.

I could win before the race
even starts.

Right now,
it looks like a toss up as to whether she can get

this powerful beast
settled in time.

And looking at the clock with less than 30 seconds to go,

this race could be over
for her before it starts.

But not today my friends,

Megan Shephard has tamed
the beast

and Midnight and his
courageous young rider

are officially
in the race.


Why didn't you tell me you were riding Steeler in the race?

I didn't know! My dad's jockey bailed,
I was the only rider he had.

You won't lose, Megan,
I won't let it happen.

If you let me win, Ross,

I will never respect you
or speak to you again.

You sure
don't make it easy.

Just keep it an honest race.

Riders, are you
ready to ride?

10, 9, 8, 7, 6,

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

And they are off!


It looks like
our little cowgirl

is still having trouble
with that wild stallion.

While Steeler takes an impressive lead as they thunder down the track.

Midnight, it looks like he doesn't know whether he's coming or going.

You can do it, Megan.

Megan Shephard has taken control and they are in the race.

Unfortunately trailing far,
far behind.

If you turn your attention
to the mega-screen,

Steeler holds his lead as they head down the windy hairpin

followed by Avalanche,
Dixie Mae and Mr. Swiftie...

Just in from our track officials,
there's been a little pile up...

Come on, baby!
...and all involved have been eliminated.

Oh, and look who it is,
Megan and Midnight

have moved up the pack and are gaining on the leaders.

You go, girl.

As they approach one of the most difficult challenges,

just look at Steeler churning the water hazard into a thing of beauty.

Splashing into second place,

Dixie Mae with Mr. Swiftie
on her tail.

Oh! Look out, rider down.

We've got a washout.

So much for Positive Thinking and his rider Oliver...

Mr. Swiftie moves into third

and here comes Megan
on Midnight.

This girl
is in it to win it.

Steeler and Dixie Mae clearing the bridge jump.

Mr. Swiftie gaining fast.

Hold on, Mr. Swiftie doesn't
like the look of that jump.

Let's see if he's going to go
for it or not.

And Mr. Swiftie says no way.

And it looks like that rider and horse are out of the race.


And here comes Midnight.

This kind of spirit is what
horse racing is all about.

Look at her glide over that jump.
Not slowing as they race toward the homestretch.

They are out of the woods and breaking for the finish line.

Steeler dominating,
maintaining the lead he has held from the start.

And a tremendous showing,
closing the gap is none other

than the girl who's earning
a place in our hearts,

Megan Shephard on Midnight.

Here they come.

Ross Chaney rides Steeler to a first place finish for heat No.

And here's our gal climbing all the way to fourth position,

let's have a big round of applause for Midnight

and the "No stopping me now"
spitfire, Megan Shephard.

Heat No. 2 will start
in five minutes.

Really bad start. Sorry.

Nothing to be sorry about.

It's not how you start,
it's how you finish.

You just take care of yourself, okay? Yeah.

We're ready.

Horses on the line
and riders in their saddles.

Let's get ready to race.

It's the second heat,
starting g*n is up.

Riders, steady your mounts.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

And they're off.

No waiting for Midnight
this time,

not by a long shot.

Oh, ouch!

They don't call it a water hazard for nothing, folks.

That cowboy is going home
as Midnight dances away

across the water
into third place.

Is that all you got?

You said win!
I'm not even in high gear yet.

You mean like this?

And as they come
bursting out of the woods...

It's Steeler and Midnight!

Steeler and Midnight!


Talk about a comeback!

She not only tamed the beast,

she's riding him
like a whirlwind.

Go, Megan!

This is going to be
a close ride.

Midnight's gaining,
they're neck and neck...

Across the finish line.

The second heat is
virtually a tie.

Let's go, hurry.

What a race
we have today, folks!

Who could have imagined this.

You okay?
It was like we were one.

He told me, Dad.

I knew I could count on you to do exactly what I knew you would do.

What's that all about?
Are you crazy?

Crazy. How about stupid!

For thinking you'd hold up
your end of the deal.

The race is not over!

It is for you!

You can't do this.

It's my race, I can do just
about anything I want.

And right now
I want Rico on Steeler.

What's going on?

Hey, I'm talking to you!

Who are you?

I don't like this, Jack.

That's my daughter
up there.

I guess we know what that means now,
don't we?

You take care of her.

We're good.

Attention, if anyone needs
their business taken care of

now's the time
to get it done.

The third and final heat
will start in two minutes.

Here's a shocker!

International racing champion
Rico Martinez

will replace Ross Chaney
as the rider of Steeler.

Let's have a big hand
for young Ross.

Martinez has raced at Pimlico,
Belmont and Churchill Downs.

That's right.
Home of the Kentucky Derby.

Your father and I
wanted you here with us.

We're a family, Ross,

the community needs
to see that.

That's not
the real reason, at all.

Tell me the real reason.

Megan, she's the real reason.

You don't want me with her.

We want what's best
for you, Ross.

What about what I want?

There are better
choices, Ross.

People need to see your good taste and judgment

in who you spend
your time with, Ross.

It reflects on us.

If you're worried about
what people think

then you never should've hired that professional jockey.

But worse,
when you couldn't buy Midnight... Shh.

...you bring in Steeler,
a professional racehorse.

And you put the Shephard's ranch up for sale early

because you knew that they
were gonna lose.

That is cheating, Dad!

Cheating is
a harsh word, Ross.

Okay, Brett, I'm sure
he didn't mean...

No, I meant exactly
what I said, Mom.

And I don't wanna be
like that.

Well, you seem to prefer the Shephards' company to ours.

They care about
people and animals

and I care about
what happens to them.

You don't know anything
about caring, Dad...

It's not something
you can buy.

It looks like bringing in
a pro like Martinez

has been a game changer
here today,

as Dixie Mae has suddenly dropped out of the race.

Even Midnight senses
that the stakes have changed.

But it looks like Milner's own,
Megan Shephard...

Horses, on the line.
We're ready for the third heat,

it's virtually a two horse race,
winner take all,

run for the roses
and the $50,000 purse.

3, 2, 1...

And they are off!

Steeler out in front and Midnight holding his own alongside.

Anyone thinking that
Rico Martinez was going

to run away with this race,
better think again.

Midnight says,
"Move over Steeler,"

and takes the lead
on the one horse bridge.


...Rico's back in the lead!

Come on, Megan!

...with Midnight
on his tail.

It ain't over till it's over
and Milner's not giving up

on their hometown girl.

Midnight flies over the final jump as they head to the straightaway.

Hey! What are you doing?


Stop hitting my horse!

Let go of my arm!

Come on, Midnight!

Go, Midnight!

I hear you, Midnight.
I hear you.

Let's finish this thing.

I can hear the thundering hoofs as they head out of the woods

and onto the homestretch.

Midnight is in the lead!

Steeler gaining.
Midnight charging forward.

Neck and neck.

We've got a photo finish
on our hands.

Pulling ahead and across
the finish line first,

Midnight wins!

Megan Shephard has done it.

Taking that wild stallion,

all the way to victory.

There's gotta be some
mighty proud parents

in the stands right now.

Give it up for Milner's
new shining star!


The winner of the first
annual Milner Classic,

Megan Shephard.

These are for you, Mom,
for believing in us.

Now about that wish?

Did I just lose
this battle also?


Well, this is just about
a miracle, isn't it, Jack?


Know anything about this?

No, nothing.

I hope we're not intruding.

You're not intruding.

Uh, what can we do for you?

Please, Jack, call me Brett.

Belinda and I figured we owed you a congratulations

on your win.

I can't remember a race where I have been more excited.

It was amazing.

I hope our son hasn't worn out his welcome around here.

Oh... Not at all,
we like Ross.

This is Melvin Weiger,
he's a breeding scout.

He saw the race and he would
like to speak to you.

Nothing has changed.

Midnight's not for sale,
if that's why you're here.

Well, Jack, I'll let
him tell you why

but first I wanted to tell you that there will be no whips

or meanness of any kind involved in my horse training

in the future.

I've seen the results
of your talk training

with that feral stallion.

If you can do that
with a wild animal...

Boy, I'd sure be grateful for a lesson or two down the road.

Well, you might get
some tips from Ross.

He's picking up on it
pretty good.

It's all about bonding.

I'd like to congratulate
you too, Mr. Shephard,

and I'm not interested
in buying your horse.

But I do think
there's good business

in studding out Midnight
and I'd like to be your agent.

I even have
your first client lined up.

My first client?
As a stud fee-paying client?

Yes, sir.

That'd be
Mr. Brett Chaney here.

He wants your stallion
to sire his top mare.

For a healthy fee,
if you're game.

Oh, we're game.

You all are invited
to join us for lunch.

Unless you don't
like barbecue,

Jack's thick,
juicy steak and my homemade potato salad.

Well, I am watching
my figure

but that sounds
too tasty to pass up.

We would love to join you.

Ross, come and help me get some extra plates and things.


Thank you.

There's your miracle.


Brett, can you open
that for me?
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