12x20 - April Showers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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12x20 - April Showers

Post by bunniefuu »

Last on Dallas:

You're through, J.R. Take your assets
and your lies and get out of my company.

- Are you afraid of a commitment?
- I'm afraid of mistaking attraction for love.

It took me a long time to get over my wife.
Be a long time before I'm sure of anyone.

J. R: It's a windfall, I'm not kidding you.
What the hell?

- What are we gonna do now?
- Shut up.

Don't like you rubbing up against me.

- I'm no Bobby if that's what you mean.
- Good night.

- He left us a hell of a legacy, didn't he?
- He sure made fighters out of us.

You're still my brother and I love you.


You frozen rich b*tches are all alike.


Wake up.


You're back in.

Full partner in Ewing Oil.

And the three of us
will put the screws to Westar, okay?

Oh, Bobby, you just made me
the happiest man in the world.


I'd be a hell of a lot happier
if I didn't have this hangover.

Oh, God.

Oh, that smell.
It's like skid row in that elevator.

Oh, and guess what I found in my desk.


Seems the boys had a little Mardi Gras
of their own here last night.

Yeah, and it's still going strong.

Well, like I told you earlier on, Cally,
everything is fine...

...considering the fact that Bobby and I
have been stuck in an elevator for 13 hours.


No, l... Darling...

I got a lot of work to do here.

So if you promise to stop calling me,
I promise to get home just as soon as I can.

And I'll give you all the details.

Yeah, I love you too. Mm-hm.


You got the figures. What do you think?

These are awesome numbers, J.R. Uh...

These numbers are so big, they'd make
even Daddy catch his breath.

You're not getting cold feet, are you?

No, not a chance.

Look, this deal is plenty big.

Why don't we just talk to McKay,
and see if he'll cut us in on it.

It'll be a subzero morning in hell
before McKay gives us a piece of this pie.

No, he's gonna swallow it whole and
let the rest of us just lick up the crumbs.

Are you sure? Are you really sure?

Would you share this with anybody else?

No. No, I wouldn't.

You ready to ride on this?

With g*ns blazing.

That's my brother.

Now, if I'm going into battle,
I'm gonna do it after I take a shower.

J. R:
Hey, Bobby.

You'll never regret taking me back.

We're gonna raise hell together,
aren't we?


Hey, Ratagan, it's J.R. Here.

Yeah, I got another job for you.

Yeah, meet me in an hour, usual place.


- Hello.
- Hi, uh...

- Come on in.
- Thank you.

- Here, let me clear this chair for you.
- No, it's okay. Really, I'd rather stand.

Um, look, I've got a problem with
your brother, and I need your help.

If it's not working out,
why don't you break it off.

I tried to.

And he kicked down my front door
and threatened me.

I'm sorry, I just don't believe that.

Why would I make it up?

Because Tommy's not like that.

I guess you don't know
your brother very well. He's dangerous.

Please, just tell him to back off
and leave me alone.

Who else have you been telling
these stories to?

Tracey, you're not listening.

Tommy has been working very hard
trying to turn things around.

Now, I'm not about to let someone
like you spoil it all.

Someone like me?

Just who do you think I am?

Since you asked...

...I think you're Dallas' number one
all-around champion party girl.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Your psycho brother's
running around loose...

...you're calling me names.

No wonder Bobby's having
second thoughts about you.

Ha, ha, I was wondering
when you'd bring him up.

This is really about Bobby, isn't it?
You're jealous.

This is not about Bobby.

This is about your brother.

And if you won't believe me,
I'll find somebody who will.


Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting.

Tracey, I wanted to remind you about the
passports and the plane tickets to Vienna.

It's all taken care of. Tommy's too.

Tommy's going away?

Well, this is Westar's big day in the sun.

I want the whole family to share it.

Well, I hope you all
live happily ever after.

What was that all about?


Well, I gotta hand it to you, Ratty.

You sure know how to enjoy
the better side of life.

Everybody's gotta have a hobby.

Yeah, but not when it comes to business.

Uh, to refresh your memory,
I've got a list of those Europeans...

...who were at that meeting
that you arranged for me to listen in on.

- You want some more surveillance?
- I wanna know if they're still in town.

You got it. I'll get back to you.

That's the ticket.

Well, if that's it, I'm out of here.




Where's your phone, honey?

Let me ask, may I use your phone, please?


Westar Oil.

Uh, Mr. McKay there, please.

I'm afraid he's in a meeting right now.

Oh, well, don't disturb him.
I'll call back later. Thank you.


Tommy McKay.

- Say, Tommy.
- Yeah.

This is J.R. Ewing here.

Are you still hungry for some money?

I'm in the market for some information.

LOCKWOOD: Would you at least pretend
like you were impressed?

Now, I've damn near finished
the first draft at a speed...

...which should guarantee me a place
in the screenwriter's hall of fame.

Ha, ha, well, I just assumed
that you would've been finished by now.

- Have you been sleeping on that couch?
- Yeah.

Saves that long commute to the hotel.

When I'm on a roll, as they say here,
I like to gather no moss.

Or am I mixing metaphors?
I don't know. I'm exhausted.

Maybe you need a little break.

What do you have in mind?

Bruce, can you come in, please?

Don, you marvel.

Rumor has it that the script
is nearly through.

Clearly, it's writing itself.

Spoken like a true producer.

Bruce has a few thoughts
about casting our film.

Well, with the script almost finished...

...I think that we should push ahead
and start locking up some big names.

That makes sense.

Well, unfortunately, the Texas talent pool
is a little bit too small for our needs.

Now, to do this right,
I think that we should cast in L.A.

I suppose it doesn't make financial sense
to ship in actors to read for us here.

Well, Bruce thinks that we should leave
for the coast right away.

Could be fun.

How soon can we start reading people?

Well, I've got this great casting director.
She's chomping at the bit.

How's tomorrow?

Well, I'll just pack my suit book.

This painting is better than the last one.

You know, Cally, for someone
who hadn't had any formal training...

...you are showing a lot of talent.

That's real nice of you to say.

In fact, I was even thinking
about taking art classes.

Oh, I think that's a wonderful idea.

Except I never liked school much.

Truth is, there's a different kind
of learning I crave.

- But I'll need some help.
- What's that?

Well, now that I'm J.R.'s wife,
I wanna learn how to talk proper.

Every time I open my mouth, I can see
folks making up their minds about me.

There's nothing wrong with who you are.

Well, I appreciate that, Miss Ellie...

...but I'm aiming to kick the hayseed out
of my voice and shine up my manners.

You know, an old friend of mine...

...owned Dallas' finest
finishing school for young ladies.

Why don't we give him a call
and see what he suggests.

Oh, Clayton, that'd be wonderful.

Smells like somebody threw a bash
out there.

Didn't invite me.

- Good morning.
PHYLLIS: Morning.

- I'd better call Bobby.
- Yeah.

- Is that Cliff?
- Yes.


Wish me luck.


You did what?

Yeah. All right now,
just wait a second, okay?

- There is a reason.
- The reason is you've lost your mind.

- Poor Bobby, you've gone over the edge.
- It doesn't make sense to you.

I made the decision,
I'm gonna stick with it.

Give me a couple of days to pack.

- Wait, pack, where you going?
- What? I'm resigning.

You're not resigning.
Look at this, come here.

Wait a minute, I came in here
as a full partner.

I'm not gonna take any crap from J.R.

So if it's gonna be two Ewings
against one Barnes...

...be honest and tell me now,
so we can call it quits.

Would you just calm down and look at this?
This is the deal J.R. Is bringing in with him.

If we can get this away from Westar...

You know what this is gonna mean
to Ewing Oil?


Well, that's pretty incredible.

Hey, what's the problem, man?

I'm only 40 grand light out of 300.



How much you got? Let's see it.

Hey, come on, man.
Money's still in the bank.

If I had it with me now,
I'd be dead already, right?

You've got that right, friend.

We'll give you an extra day
to come up with that full payment.

Plus an extra 25 grand
for the slight delay.

Look, now, just give me the stuff, man,
I'll make a few sales.


MAN: For a guy who did a hard time
in South America...

...you don't know nothing, man.


You give us all the money,
we'll give you the stuff.


J.R., I've got what you asked for.

Two of the Europeans are back in Vienna,
but Helstrom, he's still in the area.

Good. Where's he staying?

I'm working on it.
I have to do a little more checking.

Well, I want him found
before he leaves town, you hear?

Yes, sir.

Well, looks like you're running up
some bills on my credit card.

But it's real fun stuff.
I hired this lady to help me.

- Did you?
- Yeah.

She's what's called a fashion expert.

I'm gonna be making
a few changes, J. R...

...and I expect you're gonna like
what you see.

Ha, ha, I like the fact
that you wanna please me, honey.

I just wish I could help you more
with your work.

Well, now that you mention it, there is
a little project you could help me with.

Really? I'd love to.

Are you sure it's okay?

That's one of the joys
of being a Ewing wife, darling.

You also get to serve
as a business asset.

Come here.

You know what?

I think this little dress
is gonna come in real handy.


- Wait, are you going out?
- I've got some dinner with some friends.

Well, I was gonna cook for us tonight.

You're kidding me.

Peruvian goulash, that's my specialty.

Sorry to miss that.

Well, that's okay, uh...
I'll make it some other night.

You know, I was kind of hoping that
you'd come with Tracey and me to Vienna.

It'd give us a chance
to spend some quality time together.

What do you say?

Well, I'd love to, Dad.


But I am super hot
on this import business thing.

I'm gonna stay here and stick with it.

Oh, well, I've... I like your dedication.

That's good.

Just one more thing.

I've just gotten a great new opportunity.

Some top quality native crafts
from Belize.

All I need is another 65 grand.
It's a steal.

I've told you twice,
you've got your stake.

Don't try to work me for more.


Tommy McKay.

No, he just left. Can I take a message?

Gustav Helstrom, Richardson Registry.

No, don't worry, I'll tell him.


Bobby, it's April Stevens on line two.

Okay, thank you.

April, hi, how are you?

I've been better.

Listen, I overheard some information
I thought you might be interested in.

Well, I can always use a hot tip.
What is it?

Well, it concerns Carter McKay
and a certain European deal.

So tell me about that.

I'd like it if you could come over
to my place.

Look, this is just an excuse.

I really need to talk to you
about something very personal.

Uh, April, I'm, uh...
I'm a little tied up tonight.

I could cancel it if you want.

No, that's all right.

Um, what about tomorrow night?

- Eight o'clock?
- Tomorrow's good for me.

Good. I look forward to it.

- Bye.
- I'll see you then.

Well, I see you have real highbrow taste
in reading material.

Heh, heh.

So, what kind of information
are you looking for?

Can't find a guy named Helstrom.

That's easy.

He's at the Richardson Registry.

All right.

That little piece of information
is worth $5000.

I need a whole lot more.

Well, it's all it's worth.

Take it or leave it.

Ha, ha. Well, he doesn't have
such bad taste after all.

This is such a beautiful place to work.

I love it here.

I may never go home.

This makes me wonder.

Do you think
you could ever leave Texas for good?

I don't know, I never thought about it.

Let's get back to work.

How you doing, Alison?

Must be difficult to cast a film
that doesn't even have a final script.

Oh, so far, so good.

Alison's putting together an A-list
with some big, big names on it.

Based on what you tell me,
have you come up with a strategy?

Cameos for the smaller roles.
Hot new talent for the supporting cast.

And, at least, one bankable lead
to play either Sue Ellen or J.R.

We've discussed trying an unknown for J.R.
Any new thoughts on that, Sue Ellen?

Obviously, he's the key role, so I think
we should see as many actors as possible.

Hm, well, I'll have a dozen of my best J.R.'s
here tomorrow morning.

A dozen J.R.'s, what a nightmare.

Nonsense, we'll have fun.

It is so relaxing here, I think I'd like
to take the day off and enjoy the beach.

Been in town two hours.

Already she's gone native.

Heh, heh, heh. Well, why not?

A, I, O, E, U.

A, I, O, E, U.

A, I, O, E, U.

I, O, E, U.

Cally, you've come along real fine.

I've been reading the books you got
from that charm school fellow.

They're real fascinating.

How about the cassettes?

Well, I've been working real hard
on my A's and O's.

Plus, I got that movie from the TV store,
the one you were telling me about.

How'd you like it?

Well, remember the part where
"The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain"?

The rain in Spain falls mainly
on the plain.

- By George, she's got the hang of it.
- Thanks so much for helping me, Clayton.

Maybe we can set up a regular time,
and I can help some more.

I'd like to help you too, Cally.

That's real sweet of you both.

But there's just one thing.

I can understand you wanting
to be a more acceptable wife for J. R...

...but I'd hate to see you
become someone you're not.

No disrespect, Miss Ellie...

...but if I don't change, J.R.'s gonna get
bored with this little country mouse...

...and I aim never to let that happen.

Oh, my. Oops!

- You're late for something?
- Yes, ma'am.

I gotta go get ready.

J.R. And I got some big plans for tonight.


Well, that was a wonderful evening.
We talked about everything under the sun.

- Except our relationship.
- Now, why spoil the evening, huh?

That's a joke, you know, "Ha-ha-ha-ha."

- Now, I wanna apologize.
- What for?

For being unavailable to you, emotionally.

I've been so preoccupied
by Tommy and his problems...

...l've kind of shortchanged you.

Now that Tommy's back on his feet
maybe our relationship can do the same.

- Oh, yeah?
- Hm.


- That was nice.
- Well, at least it has to be better...

...than straightening
out your brother's hassles, huh?

Don't suppose you'd be willing
to help me with one last problem.

Oh, no.

April Stevens has been spreading terrible
stories about Tommy threatening her.

Maybe you could stop her?

She wouldn't make up
something like that.

She's a tease, Bobby.
I wouldn't put anything past her.

There's a lot more to her
than people think.

She's jerking my brother around.

your brother's not exactly a saint.

- Why do you assume that he's telling...?
- Because I know Tommy.

I have this terrible feeling
you're only seeing what you wanna see.

That's not true.

Tracey, I know that you wanna belong
to a big, happy family.

But lying won't make it so.

I'd like to go home.


- There you are, sir.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me.

But do you have the time?

Yes, it's, um...

It's, uh, 9:30.

Thank you.


- Oh, no. I'm sorry.
- It's fine, it's fine. Not to worry.

- Let me buy you another one.
- No, honestly, you don't have to.

Oh, please, I really insist.

- Let me help you with that.
HELSTROM: Thank you.

Well, all right.
Uh, as long as you join me.

Well, that'd be nice.

- I'm Cally.
- I'm Gustav.

Would you like some champagne?

That's the stuff
with the little bubbles, right?


- I'd love some.
- Two champagne cocktails, please.

Certainly, sir.

You have a beautiful accent, Cally.

Well, so do you.
You must be from New York or something.

Actually, I'm Scandinavian.

What's a Scandinavian?


It's a long story.

- There you are.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Here's to meeting new people.
- Especially beautiful ones.

Well, look who's here.
I'm sorry I'm late, darling.

But I'm glad to see my little wife
found a new friend.

Uh, J.R., honey, this is Gustav.

He's been so nice to me.

J. R:
Yeah, I can see that.

Would you like to sit down?

Yes, thanks.

I can tell from your speech
you're not from these parts.

- Oh, he's a Scandinavian.
J. R: Oh, is that right?

Uh, just taking in the sights?

I'm a big fan of Texas.

Actually, I'm here on business.

Well, Texas has only got
three businesses: Cattle, banks and oil.

None of them are growing great g*ns
right now.

Well, hopefully, there's still some money
to be made in oil.

That's why I've come to Dallas.

Well, that's a coincidence,
isn't it, darling?

Uh, I don't suppose you ever heard
of Ewing Oil.

Of course I have.

Well, how about that?

Ewing's my name, and oil's my game.
Ha, ha.

Thanks for dinner.


I've gotta make it an early night.

Uh, big work day tomorrow?

Yeah, that's it.

I'll call you.

If you feel like it.



We've lost it, haven't we?


Whatever it was, the magic, the fire...

...it's gone.

I'm not sure anymore.

We seem to keep missing on every level.

It's just so damn frustrating.

For me too.

So then what is it?

What's wrong with us?

Tracey, I can take part
of the blame myself, l...

I haven't always been patient with
the obsession that you have for your family.

But I think...

...maybe we started our sexual relationship
before we established a love relationship.

And that just doesn't work.


So you don't think
I'm capable of the real thing?

Oh, no. You're capable.

I just don't think either one of us
was really ready.

And that means that our...

...relationship is dead in the water.

We could change.

Tomorrow, next week,
six months from now, we could change.

Meaning, don't burn any bridges?


But we are gonna cool it for a while.

I don't see
that we have a choice, Tracey.

Do you?


Do me a favor.

Don't just take care of your family.

Take care of yourself too.

I'll do my best.

Goodbye, Bobby.

You know the funny thing is,
Bobby, that's my brother...

...he and I were talking about expanding
into Europe last night.

I remember.

- That is a coincidence.
J. R: Yeah.

But we need a good European agent.
Somebody who knows the lay of the land.

Wasn't Bobby upset about how much
you wanted to pay this agent?

Well, to get the right man, darling,
you've gotta offer profit participation.

Maybe a cash bonus.

I'd like to hear what you have
to say about that.

Well, it's getting a little late, why don't
we, uh, talk about this at some other time.

Oh, okay. Why don't you drop
by the office, say, Thursday.

And I'll give you the tour.

I'll be there. Goodbye.

Nice meeting you, Gustav.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

Ha, ha. You did real good, darling.

- I reckon I wasn't that much of a help.
- Oh, yes, you were.

It's getting to look more and more...

...like we're staring a European honeymoon
right in the face.


Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me.

- Don?
- Eh?

Don Lockwood.


Tanya Wilkinson.
I don't believe it, ha, ha.


Hey, Tanya starred in a film of mine
a few years ago.

You look better than ever.
How do you do it?

According to the tabloids,
only my plastic surgeon knows for sure.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Tanya Wilkinson, Sue Ellen Ewing.

Watch out, Sue Ellen, Don is a handful.

At least, that's his reputation.

I'm used to challenges.

Great to see you, Don.

Nice meeting you.


Lousy actress with a great body.

I bet.

Well, don't tell me you're jealous.

- Don.
- Huh?


Promise me one thing.


If you ever want another woman,
tell me about it before not after.

You see, the one thing I can't live with
is having you pull a J.R. On me.

Open and honest.


Whoever cuts this deal is gonna be
an instant legend in the oil business.

As long as it's not Westar
and Carter McKay.

- We're gonna have to go for the throat.
- My favorite spot.

We're gonna have to double production,
flat out, full-bore.

- Gonna have to buy up a few companies.
- As long as nobody knows that it's us.

We don't even know
who these Europeans are working for.

Not yet, but I've thrown a few hooks
in the water.

I'll bet you have.

J. R: Yeah. And I'm prepared
to book my ticket to Vienna.

Somebody's gotta punch this deal home.

Just wait a minute, anybody cuts this deal,
it's gonna be me.

Wait a minute, what about me?
Am I leftover chili? I'm going too.

We're getting way ahead of ourselves,
you guys. We got a lot of work to do.

And we don't have
a whole lot of time to do it.



Be right there, Bobby.


I told you to stay away.

This time we're doing it my way.

- What do you want from me anyway?
- Sixty-five grand.

- You're crazy.
- Oh, yeah? I figure you owe me.

- For what?
- For holding out on me.

You push too hard. You move too fast.

What are you on anyway?


It's none of your damn business.


I want the money now.

Get out!

Well, this time we're gonna be
singing it my way, my tune.




I don't keep any money here. I swear it.


Stop it! Just stop it!

"They bring the flowers
in blooming May..."

Stop it!


Let go of me.

- No.
- Where's your checkbook?

APRIL: Stop!
- I need 65 grand.


- Get me the money!

BOBBY: April!
APRIL: Help, Bobby!

BOBBY: April!



Yeah, send an ambulance
to North Park Plaza.

Number 8 and hurry.

Oh, April.

DOCTOR: Battered and bruised
and has a mild concussion.

So far, there's no sign
of internal bleeding.

Doc, am I gonna be in your way here?

Not at all.

I think she's coming out of it.

I'll have a nurse check on her regularly
through the night.

- Don't worry.
- I'll stick around anyway.




It's me. It's Bobby.

I guess I'm gonna live.

Well, it's not serious...

...but they wanna keep you here
for a little while.

Keep an eye on you.

Guess you've done a pretty good job
just by yourself.

Can you stay here for a bit?

- I'm here.
- Mm-hm.

Must be hell always being
such a good guy.

April, the police were here,
but I couldn't tell them very much.

They assumed that you surprised
an intruder?


Tommy McKay.

He did this to you?




You awake yet?


You look like something
the cat was too picky to drag in.

What time is it?

It's nearly 9.


Just picked up our passports.

I was kind of hoping you might've
changed your mind about Vienna.


I gotta get out of town, all right.

Just not with you guys.

Tommy, what's wrong?

What's going on?

A couple of South Americans.

It's an old grudge.

Bad news.

Well, maybe I can help.

- Talk to me, Tommy.
- I gotta split.

Talk to me. What's going on?

Where are you going?
I mean, what...? Tommy?

I gotta get out of here.

- Lf you're in trouble, at least talk to Dad.
- He's the last person I'd go to.

You should lock your front door.
You never know who might walk in.

Bobby, what's wrong?

You keep away from me, man.

- Like you kept away from April?
- What's going on?

She had it coming.

So do you.


Stop it. Stop it!


Bobby, please...


Why the hell did he have
to be your brother?


I'm glad you came back.

I was starting to miss you.


...I didn't realize
I was such good company.

Every time I woke up last night,
you were there.

No big deal.

I had no place to go.


Beyond the call of duty, Bobby Ewing.

April, I'm so sorry this happened.

But I can guarantee you
it won't happen again.

When I get out of here...

...l'm gonna press charges against him.

I did everything I could to avoid it...

...so I'm not gonna blame myself.

I'd say that's a pretty good attitude.


I wanna apologize for all the times
I've caused you trouble.

Oh, come on.
Did you forget who I live with?

J.R. I'm used to trouble.

Because I had all these feelings for you...

...I spent all this energy trying
to pretend they didn't exist.

You don't have to explain this to me.

I need to.

Because I want you
to be honest with me.

I care for you.

And I have for a long time.


...I guess all that anger
that I felt towards you...

...was because I thought
it was just one-sided.

And now you're not so sure?

I'm not very good with mixed signals.

Is my past relationship with J.R.
Always gonna stand in the way?

Let's not get into this now.

I think we need to.

That happened a long time ago.

We're different people now.

I'm not gonna be perfect, Bobby.


I can't imagine anything worse.

So I'm not crossed off your list?

Let's just say that I'm open to you
as a friend or...

...or anything else
we might be to each other in the future.

That lip is gonna have to heal real quick.

- I'll be back to check in on you.

Dr. Quero, surgery, please. Dr. Quero.

J. R: Just got your message. How is she?
BOBBY: She's better now.

Tommy McKay is gonna pay for this.

He's already paid a small price.

You tore his head off, didn't you?

J.R., I wasn't thinking clearly.
I'm not sure it was right to do.

Hey, he had it coming to him.
We all know that.


You nearly k*lled my boy.

All right, McKay, I'll give you that one.
But I'm not giving you another one.

Tommy needed help.
He didn't need what you gave him.

You explain that to April. She's in there
if you wanna look at what your boy did.

And who made you
the damned hanging judge?

My two kids are the only things
that mean anything to me.

And you've hurt them both.

I won't forget this, Bobby.

Next on Dallas:

- Who's your employer?
- That's confidential.

I respect that. There's nothing
more important to me than loyalty.

- Tommy's gone.
- Damn that Bobby Ewing.

- I'm gonna miss you.
- I'm gonna miss you too.

- Hi, Afton.
- Hi, Cliff.

LOCKWOOD: I don't give a damn about her.
WOMAN: Get rid of her!

- Hey, you're earlier than I expected.
- Obviously.

I just love sharing your life.
It's so exciting.


WOMAN: I think he's dead.
- Let's get out of here.
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