08x25 - Sentences

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x25 - Sentences

Post by bunniefuu »

You make a tool of yourself with that tramp
at the Oil Baron's and all you say is so

She's no tramp.

So Dallas' renowned stud
has been smitten?

I want you to forget me. You're free.

Bobby has been miserable
ever since you left him.

You and Bobby
ought to get back together.

- That's right.

Bobby always talked about being so honest
and he lied to me.

I don't think I'll ever feel
the same way about him.

I don't think
I ever want to see him again.

Now, listen to me, Harv, this family has
already lost one legal battle this morning.

I don't wanna hear there's even a chance
of losing to Cliff Barnes, you understand?

Now, don't you even think it
or I'll find myself another law firm.

All right, goodbye.



SLY: Mr. Billings
of the Texas Energy Commission is here.

Good. Show him in.


Right this way.

- Nathan, I'm delighted you could make it.
- J.R. Ha, ha.

Will there be anything else? Coffee?

No, thank you.
I never have anything between meals.

Is that a fact? That's all. Thank you.

- Sit down.
- Thank you.

You wanted to see me
to talk about the campaign?

Yeah, yeah, but before we do that...

I really wanna thank you for finding
something for Rhonda Cummings to do.

How did you know about that?

Oh, well, she was so excited, she dropped
by here and told me all about it.

- Oh.
- It's really hard to believe, she's so young.

Young, yeah.
but she's a college graduate.

Oh, yes, she is, but she's just real smart.

I don't think she's even 21 yet,
but she seems to know what she's doing.

Yes, I'm sure she's gonna be an asset.
Now, you want to talk politics?


But before we get into that,
Rhonda dropped this by.

- Thought it'd be important to your career.
- What's that?

Oh, just a little amateur production.

Uh... I think it's relevant.

Well, look at that. That's you, isn't it?

Well, looking good. Real good.



That's right.

You went to all that trouble
because I shutdown one of your fields?

Oh, no, I get big plans for you.

I just wanted to guarantee
your cooperation.




- Good morning.
- Oh, well, well, look who's home.

Why didn't you call me?

Well, I picked up Christopher at Southfork
right after Sue Ellen and I landed.

And when I got home,
I just collapsed from jet lag.

- Okay.
- Yesterday was a lost day.

I'm glad you're home.

I'm sorry your search for Mark
didn't work out.

- But you certainly did everything you could.
- I know.

I'm glad I spent some time
with Sue Ellen in Tokyo.

It gave me time to regain my perspective.

I think I can finally accept the fact
that Mark d*ed in that plane crash.

Now, I know how difficult that is
for you to say.

I think this whole search
was my way of denying Mark's death.

Miss Ellie did it
for the longest time over Jock.

Now I have to go on with my life.

Well, there's lots to do around here.

I've got a new deal in the works
with Jordan Lee.

I'm expecting a court date
on the Ewing Oil tight.

And you know we're gonna win that.
All the evidence is pointing our way.

You know I'm still behind you and Jamie.
I'll do whatever I can to support you both.

Let me get you the tile
on Jordan Lee, huh?

- J ac ki e ?
- Yes, Cliff?

- Bring Jordan Lee's file in, please.
flight away.

I'm getting a little static
from Lee Wakefield on this thing.

- I want your opinion.
- I just heard a news flash.

- Oh?
- Jenna Wade was convicted.


That's terrible.

That's it, Jackie. Thank you, thank you.

If I know Bobby, he'll be spending day and
night trying to prove Jenna's innocence.

It's awful for both of them.

Come in.

Well, I was wondering
if you were going to bed or not.

Bobby, I can't sleep.

I understand, honey.

I'm really scared.

My father's dead, my mama's in jail.

I know she didn't k*ll him, Bobby.
Mama couldn't k*ll anyone.

Of course she didn't k*ll him...

...and I'm gonna do everything I can
to help her too.

Mama really loves you, Bobby.
She didn't wanna many anyone but you.

I know. I know.


I bet he was really mean to her.

Hey, now, don't think about that.

You just remember that your mama
would never hurt anybody.

But I feel so funny now.

Funny how?

Kind of lost, like I don't belong anyplace.

I thought I was gonna live at Southfork
and you'd be my daddy.

Now I don't have anybody.

That's not true. You've got me.

And you're gonna stay
right here on the ranch.

I can stay here?

Of course you can.

Yeah, but will they let you keep me?

I don't see any way they can stop me.

Yeah, but nobody thought Mama
would be convicted and she was.

Charlie, I swear to you,
nothing is gonna happen.

Oh, Bobby, please, help her.

Now, come on.
you get in bed and get some sleep.

You need your rest.

Okay. Good night, honey.

Good night.

- Bobby.
- Hello, Pam.

I hope you don't mind
my coming here like this.

I just heard about Jenna
and I'm really very sorry.

Well, I know you are. Thank you.

I never thought she'd be convicted.

She's innocent. Somebody framed her.
I don't know who would do that.

Every place we went looking for answers,
we kept coming up empty.

Our star witness was m*rder*d
flying in to give testimony...

...and the police don't even think
that was a m*rder.

Charlie's upstairs crying her heart out.
Frankly, I don't know what to do.

I wish there was something
I could do to help.

I'm not even sure I can do anything.

I hire the best lawyer to defend her
and he says he doesn't even have a case.

It's not your fault.

I know how concerned you are,
and I know you'll keep trying.

And if there's anything that can be
done to help, I know you'll do it.

It helps knowing you care.

- Can I make you a drink?
- I'd like that.

Well, come on.

Give me the key.

JAMIE: No, no, no.
- Wait a minute, you're not even close.

Watch this, now. Watch this.


Magic, magic.

You know, I never have had
that much trouble before.

Well, maybe you're allergic to champagne.
That's probably it.

I don't know.
I haven't had that much of it before, Cliff.

All right, now, the main thing is,
did you have a good time?

Yes, I had a wonderful time.

- Well, me too.
- Mm-hm.

Everything's fine.
My sister's home and she's all right.

And me, I'm in partnership with the most
delightful woman I have ever known.


Thank you.


But I think
that you're just a little bit drunk.



But I would have said
the same thing about you.

I think we should do this again real soon.

- Okay.
- Like when we get the trial date set.



I better go.

No, Cliff, you can't leave like that. Um...

I know. I'll make us a pot of coffee.
Is instant okay?

It's okay, but I tell you the truth, I kind
of hate to take the glow off the champagne.



- Oh, no.
- I know what's wrong.

The landlord shut the water off again.
Ha, ha.

Oh, I hate this place.

It's no problem.

Oh, Cliff, it is.
I mean, I don't want you driving like this.

It's not to worry, I'm all right.

But, Cliff, I will worry.

You will?


You really care?

Stop talking so much.

Oh, Cliff, it's been such along time.

All rise.

Criminal court for the county of Dallas,
State of Texas, now in session.

The Honorable Roberta Feneny presiding.

Please be seated.

This is case 85-19478.

State of Texas v. Jenna Wade-Marchetta.

This is the penalty phase.

It has been requested by the state
and the defense that the judge...

...set the term of sentence
instead of the jury.

I am prepared to do that now.
Will the defendant please rise?

Jenna Wade-Marchetta, you have been
found guilty of voluntary manslaughter.

The law prescribes a term of two
to 20 years for that offense.

Although this is the first time
you have been convicted of a felony...

...I find the taking of a life of a fellow
human being to be especially abhorrent.

The fact that the victim was your husband
and presumably close to you...

...makes this k*lling, to my mind,
a heinous deed.

Despite the fact
that you have no prior record...

...I cannot, in all good conscience,
sentence you to serve the minimum term.

Therefore, I am going to sentence you
to serve seven years in state prison.

Oh, no.


Now, we have the matter of the minor child,
Charlotte Wade.

With her mother going to prison
and her father dead...

...and apparently no relative
to come forward on her behalf...

...I'm going to have no choice
except to make her a ward of the state.

Your Honor.

Charlie's living at Southfork right now
and should continue to do so.

Mr. Ewing.
you're not involved in this matter.

On the contrary, Your Honor,
I'm very much involved.

Really, Mr. Ewing? Why is that?

Because Naldo Marchetta
was not Charlie's father.



All right.

All right, Mr. Ewing.
what is this all about?

Your Honor, I am Charlie's father.

Jenna and I were engaged
to be married a few years ago...

...and the marriage never took place,
but I fathered the child.

Do you have proof of this?

Yes, Your Honor.

She was born in Home.

- You were traveling?
- I was living there at the time.

And you were married
to Mr. Marchetta at this time too?

We were divorced by the time
my daughter was born.

- Did he know about Mr. Ewing?
- Yes.

You have woven yourself quite
a tangled web, Mrs. Marchetta.

How does your daughter feel
about Mr. Ewing?

She cares for him very much.

Well, we'll see about this.

- Yes, Your Honor.
- Send in Charlotte Wade, please.

Hello, Charlotte.

Hello, Your Honor.

Come on over here
so we can have a talk.

Yes, ma'am.

Does everybody call you Charlie?


Charlie, tell me.
how do you feel about Bobby Ewing?

I love him a lot.

Has he talked to you
about living at Southfork?


How do you feel about that?

It's what I really want.

All right. I'm gonna let you live there.

- Thanks.
- Come on.

- The three of you can have a few minutes.
- Thank you.

You're gonna be fine, honey.

Bobby and Miss Ellie and the family
are gonna take good care of you.

I know.

I love you very much.


Mrs. Marchetta.

All right.

You're gonna be fine, I promise.


I'm really glad that you agreed
to have lunch with me today.

So am I.

I know that the last time we were together,
Sue Ellen, I was pretty sharp with you.

I'm sorry.

I've no business butting into your life.

It's okay. I understand.

So tell me, what's happening with you?

Well, I think I'm getting involved
with someone.

A romance? That's wonderful.

I guess so. I'm not sure yet.

I haven't had a man in my life
in such along time.

I don't know.
Maybe I'm making too much of it.

Does your man have a name?

Yes. In fact, it's someone that you know.

Oh, who?

I don't want you to get upset with me.

Ah. Why would anyone
you're seeing upset me?

Because you were involved
with him once.

- Me?
- Mm-hm.

You don't mean Cliff?


Cliff was along time ago for me.

If he makes you happy.
then I think that's wonderful.

So do I. Thank you.


Good afternoon, Mrs. Stone.
I have your table ready.

Thank you, Dora Mae. Come on, Arnold.

Uh, go on ahead.
I'll see you at the table later.


Marilee. I haven't seen you since--

The Ewing barbecue.
It's all right, Sue Ellen.

Jamie and I have made up since then.

In fact, it was right here
at the Oil Baron's.

Well, I'm happy to hear that.

Yes, everything is fine.

That was some evening.
Did you tell Sue Ellen about it?

No, I don't think she wants to know.

You dumb kid, how is she not gonna know?
It happened in front of a crowd.

- What happened?
- Please, Sue Ellen, it's not imp-

JR. decked Cliff right over there.

Hmm. So what?
Why should I care about that?

Mrs. Stone.

The fight was over a woman.
Cliff's former girlfriend, Mandy Winger.


Honey, J.R.'s been Haunting her
in public.

I just thought you'd wanna hear it
from a friend instead of a stranger.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings,
Sue Ellen...

...but I didn't want half of Dallas
snickering behind your back.

Well, I've gotta get to my date.

That woman is so crude.

- And you were here when this happened?
- Yes.

Why did I have to hear about it from her?
Why couldn't you tell me?

Because I didn't know how to.

What do you mean,
you didn't know how to?

Sue Ellen, you're my friend.

No friend would let that woman
do what she just did to me.

Is there anything I can get for you?

Yes, you can put this
on my husband's bill.


J.R., I didn't know
you were coming over.

Well, I was afraid if I told you,
you might find an excuse not to see me.

- Can I come in?
- Oh, okay, but I'm leaving.

Where are you going?
It's the middle of the afternoon.

I have to model in this restaurant tonight.
I'm so late.

- They have new clothes. I have to be fitted.
- Well, I guess my timing's off.

Oh, I didn't know I was gonna get
to see you this afternoon...

...what with Jenna's being sentenced and
Bobby's announcement about her daughter.

What announcement?
I haven't seen Bobby yet.

It was on the radio.

He stood up in court
and said he was Charlie's natural father.

Oh, that, yeah.

- You knew?
- Well, I know the story behind it, yes.

I wonder if Pam does.
She's still so hung up on Bobby.

Reason she's so obsessed with finding Mark
is because of Bobby and Jenna's romance.

Well, you put all that together
very astutely.

I heard she's back from Hong Kong
and she obviously didn't find Mark.

Now with this confession from Bobby,
I think it could destroy her.

- I didn't know you were so fond of her.
- Yeah.

I heard you're not, though.

- We've had our differences.
- Differences?

I was told you hated her.

I was opposed to her marrying Bobby.

With Jenna in prison, there's no chance
of Pam and Bobby ever getting together.

- Is that a fact?
- J.R.

You sound like you're up to something.
I'd love to stay and discuss, but I am late.

Put this in water for me.
You can stay if you want.



Poor pitiful Pam.



Hello, Eddie.

- Have a seat.
- Thanks.

Would you like some iced tea?

Sure, why not?

I got the power of attorney.

You can close the company
without my signature now.

That's what you're gonna do, isn't it?

Might as well.

I don't know anything
about building houses by myself.

Well, Lucy, you could probably
get somebody to take over for me.

I wouldn't do that.
I mean, there'd be no point in it.

That company
was supposed to be for us.

Yeah, I know.


So, what are you gonna do now?
You gonna go back to work for your uncle?

No, I don't wanna do that.


I'm leaving Dallas.


There's so much building going on here.
You could be working all the time.

I'm leaving Dallas because I messed things
up so bad that I don't even wanna stay.


Lucy, I'm not trying to lay
a guilt trip on you or anything.

I did it all myself.

I know there's no way
you and I could ever start over again.

Got a job lined up in El Paso.

El Paso?

That's where Betty is.


We'll probably end up
getting back together.

Betty's right for me.

I know now
it could've never worked for us.

I couldn't live up
to your expectations, Lucy.

I didn't have any expectations, Eddie.
All I wanted was an honest relationship.


I guess there's nothing more to say.

Good luck.



Lucy, you are a real sweetheart...

...and I hope someday you just find a guy
that appreciates that.


Come in.

- Pam.
- Yes, Jackie.

Will you be needing me any more
this evening?

No, I don't think so. Good night.

Good night. Pam, I'm sorry.

I was on the radio in my office.
I just heard the damnedest thing.

They were talking about Jenna's trial--
I guess she got sentenced today.

--And Bobby stands up in court
and confesses to having fathered her child.

What's the kid's name? Charlie?

- I know.
- Oh.

Don't you think that's kind of odd,
after all these years?

- He lied to me, Cliff.
- Yeah.

Bobby always talked about being
so honest, and he lied to me.

I asked him about Charlie.

I asked him if he was her father,
and he told me no.

I don't think I'll ever feel
the same way about him.

I don't think
I ever want to see him again.

Well, good evening.

Hello, J.R.

It's kind 01a surprise, seeing you
sitting there on my bed waiting for me.

Have you suddenly been gripped
by an uncontrollable passion?


No, I just thought it was time
for us to have a little talk.


Good. It's been along time coming.

Aside from one brief,
venomous att*ck...

...you have hardly said a word to me
since you got back from the Far East.

We didn't have anything to talk about.

- But now we have.
- All right.

Do you remember when Jamie saw you
with Congressman h**ker's daughter?

And you were trying to explain it to me.

Telling me who she was and how you
were sending her around the world.


And how I didn't wanna hear
an explanation because I was so hurt.

Well, now I'm ready for an explanation.

About Congressman h**ker's daughter?
We've been through all this.

It's in the past. Forget about it.


I'm not interested
in the congressman's daughter.

I want you to explain Mandy Winger.
And this time, I'm ready to listen.

Mandy Winger? Well, what's to explain?
I hardly know the girl.

- But you do know her.
- Yes, of course I do.

In the biblical sense, J.R.?

Don't be ridiculous, Sue Ellen, really.

Ridiculous? Me?

You're the one who gets into a public brawl
with Cliff Barnes over her.

I suppose you picked up that little tidbit
from our cousin Jamie.

It would have been
a lot less embarrassing if I had.

I heard it right from that Ioudmouth...

-...Marilee Stone.
- So?

You make a tool of yourself with that tramp
at the Oil Baron's and all you say is “so“?

She's no tramp.


So Dallas' renowned stud
has been smitten?

Sue Ellen,
why are you carrying on like this?

You drew up the rules,
I'm playing by them.

You wanted to live separate lives...

...and now you seem surprised
that I don't choose to live like a monk.

Now, don't be naive.

Oh, I'm not naive.
I expected you to be with other women.

You always have been.

But I did think, however, that you
would be smart enough to be discreet...

...and not to flaunt
your little tan in public.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Or is it your lady friend,
or maybe your lover?


What Mandy is in my life
is none of your business.

When you go public with her,
it is my business.

But just remember, J.R., two can play
that little game, it that's what you want.

If you don't like what's going on,
you can change it.

You started this arrangement,
and you can end it.

You can divorce me, Sue Ellen.
It's as simple as that.

So you can be free for Mandy Winger?

Why do you care?

I don't care.

And I may do just that,
only this time, it'll be for good.

Sue Ellen.

Remember, no matter what,
John Ross stays here with me.

And I mean that.


Neg, Jackie?
- Mr. Ferguson is here.

- Ahem.
- Show him in.

- Oh, Miss Ewing, what a nice surprise.
- Thank you. Nice to see you.

- Mr. Barnes.
- Mr. Ferguson.

Uh, would anybody like
some coffee or tea?

Oh, nothing for me, thanks.

Thank you, no, Jackie.

- Ahem.
- I'm happy to find the two of you.

- What's up?
- We finally have a date.

Two weeks from today, we go into court
to press our suit for your share of Ewing Oil.


After all these years...

...I can't believe that I finally have a chance
to win what was stolen from my daddy.

- My daddy too.
- Yeah.

I would like to go over
these documents with you.

- All right.
- Ahem.

I can't believe this is happening.

Jamie, we have to go out tonight.
We have to celebrate.

- Mr. Ferguson, would you like to join us?
- Oh...

Thank you, I can't.
My in-Iaws are coming for dinner.

I have a better idea for tonight.

And we don't even have to go out.


- You want some more crackers?
- Yes, please.

Okay. Here's two more.


Oh, Louise, would you get that, please?

Yes, ma'am.

I wonder who that is.
I'm not expecting anybody.

Who do you think it is?

Maybe it's Daddy.

No, it's just Uncle J.R.


- What are you doing here?
- Not in front of the boy, Pam.

Say, give your old uncle a big kiss, huh?



- Yes, ma'am?
- Take Christopher to the kitchen, please.

Come on, Christopher. Come on.
Come on, let's go.

All right, okay. Say goodbye.

Goodbye, Uncle J.R.

Ha, ha, ha.
Goodbye. Goodbye, Christopher.

Get out.

- Pam, I come as a friend.
- That'll be the day.

I know what you think of me,
and you've been right.

I know that. So?

But you also know
how much I care for Bobby.

Sometimes you have
a strange way of showing it.

But, yes, I think you do.

Pam, you know, I have done everything
in my power to keep you and Bobby apart.

I even worked with your brother
and Katherine Wentworth to do it.

Well, that's quite a confession, but I never
doubted for one moment your involvement.

And as terrible as this may sound...

...I was the one that sent you on
that wild goose chase to the Caribbean...

...Iooking for Mark Graison.

So I wasn't wrong.
I knew it wasn't Cliff.

Well, you've cleared that up.
What about Hong Kong?

No, I had nothing to do with that.

I'm not so sure I believe you.

But why this sudden desire
to confess all?

Did you suddenly find religion...

...or did your doctor tell you
that you only have a week to live?

I told you the truth about the past
because I think it's important...

...that you believe
what I'm gonna tell you now.

Oh, well. This must really be something.

Charlie Wade was not fathered by Bobby.

Naldo Marchetta
is the natural father of that girl.

Birth certificate
Bobby showed the judge?

Jenna was afraid that Marchetta
was gonna claim the girl...

...take Charlie away from her.

And that's why she put Bobby's name
on that birth certificate.

How do you know?

I know, and it's true.

If you ask Bobby, he'll confirm it.

And what do you get
out of telling me all this?

What could I possibly get?
You know how I feel about you.

But Bobby has been miserable
ever since you left him...

...and it's time he has some happiness
back in his life.

I think you and Bobby
ought to get back together.

I think you ought to remarry.

It's nice to have someone do this for me
instead of the other way around.


- Thank you.
- Thank you, Phyllis.

You're welcome.

Ms. Hopper, we wanna thank you
for coming here and talking to us today.

Oh, call me Janice, please.

Okay, Janice.

But I don't know how I can help you.

I explained to Janice...

...that since she was a flight attendant
on Conwest Air, Flight 211

...the flight on which
Veronica Robinson d*ed...

...that she might remember something
that was overlooked.

Does this have to do
with Miss Robinson's death?

- Yes, it does.
- It's odd that you're asking about that.

The police only questioned me briefly
right after the body was found.

They never followed up.

They've closed the case.

They think she d*ed of an overdose
of dr*gs, and we think it was m*rder.


She was flying in to give testimony
on behalf of my fiancee, Jenna Wade.

Yes, I read about that case.

So we'd like to know anything that you
can remember about Veronica Robinson.

Like who sat next to her on the flight,
anything like that.

Uh... I've been on a lot of flights
since then.

Please try.

Well, I do remember
the flight was a busy one.

We had a lot of kids back in coach.
The flight attendants had their hands full.

We had to switch around a lot.

I know I served Miss Robinson
at least once.

Yeah. She was drinking a lot.

I talked to a Mr. Parrish
who sat next to her on that flight.

Mm-hm. I know Mr. Parrish.
I've flown with him before.

Well, he said he got up
and moved to another seat to take a nap.

That's possible.

We", did anyone else sit next to Veronica
after Mr. Parrish left his seat?

Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Ewing.
I can't remember a thing.

I don't even remember Parrish
moving to another seat.

Now, Janice, this is very important.

Yes, I know. I wish I could help you.

You see, we believe that
whoever k*lled Veronica Robinson...

...also committed the m*rder
Jenna's sent to prison for.

I understand
how important this is to you.

I didn't have a regular post that day.

Is there anyone who would know
who sat next to her?

Mr. Ewing, there isn't
anything more I can do for you.

All right. Listen, thank you again
for taking the time to come down here.


If you have any influence
with anyone at Conwest Air, use it.

They just might have a way to help you.

Why? What are you talking about?

I can't say anything else. Just call them.

DORA MAE: Good evening.
J.R.: Dora Mae.

You didn't make a reservation,
but if you like a table--

No. I'm looking for a Mr. Nathan Billings.

Mr. Billings, of course.
He's here with his wife, right over there.

- Mm-hm.
- This way.

Thank you.


Thank you, Dora Mae.

Well, Nathan. Ha, ha.

- J.R.
- How you doing?

Don't get up. Don't get up.

- And this must be Mrs. Billings.
- Yes.

Bernice, this is Mr. J.H. Ewing,
Ewing Oil.

- Mr. Ewing.
- So good to meet you.

You know, your husband here has told me
the most delightful things about you.

It's such a pleasure to see a couple
that's married as long as you have...

...that are still so much in love.

Well, thank you.


Yeah, I can see why you're gonna win
that seat in the senate.

You're a real asset.

Well, I expect my husband
to win that race hands down.

So do I, so do I.

And I just want you to know...

...that he has my solid backing
both financially and morally.

I mean, anybody who has the courage
to shutdown one of my fields...

...because of a little tiny leak,
well, he's my kind of man.

Yeah, I think he'll be able to withstand
all the pressures of the state senate.

Well, he can do that because
he's a very strong-minded man.

Oh, I know he is.

And, Nathan, I hope you act
just as quickly to stop that offshore leak.

What offshore leak? Offshore leak?
I don't know--

- Oh, you haven't heard?
- No.

Well, you will. You will.

Hi, Ray.

Well, don't you look
like the businesswoman today.

You mean the
going-out-of-business woman.

I'm on my way in to see Harv Smithfield
about dissolving my company.

What happened?

Well, I guess your instincts
about Eddie were right.

It just didn't work out.

You mean he messed up the deal?

He messed up our lives.

I'm sorry, Lucy.

Yeah, well, it's just par for the course.

I keep picking men
who are wrong for me.

You're being too hard on yourself.

You're not the only one
that ever messed their love life.

Plenty of people a lot older, supposedly a lot
more experienced, done the same thing.

I guess.

Now, you look...

You've had two good men in your life.

You had my nephew, Mickey.

And what about your ex-husband,
Mitch Cooper?

He was a terrific guy.

Sure, and what happened?

I practically drove him into an affair
with another woman.

But he didn't have the affair, did he?


I should have worked harder
at keeping Mitch.

You know, he's been on my mind
an awful lot lately.


Why don't you call him?

Write him a letter.


Yeah, maybe I will.

- Well, good luck today, honey.
- Thanks.

Thanks, Jordan. I'm gonna win this fight.

Everything is going my way lately.

Jamie? She's wonderful.

I never knew anybody
with the name of Ewing could be so great.

Hey, hey, hey.
don't read anything into that.

If there are any romantic announcements,
you'll be the first to know.

Jordan. 01 course it doesn't have anything
to do with the fight for Ewing Oil.


Okay, I'll talk to you. Goodbye.


- Yeah, Jackie?
- There's 5 Nathan Billings here to see you.

- Bi I I I n g s ?
- Texas Energy Commission.

Oh, okay. Show him in.

Mr. Billings?

Mr. Barnes.

- I'm sorry to bring you bad news.
- Bad news? What's that?

The TEC is ordering your tract 340
in the Gulf shut down.

Shut down? Why?

Oil leak.

We're trying to prevent
environmental damage.

I haven't heard anything
about an oil leak.

- It just happened.
- Well, we'll just get it fixed.

Jackie, find out who's on duty
on Gold Canyon 340 in the Gulf.

- Get him on the phone.
- Yes, sir.

We'll get that fixed in a couple hours.

That's fine. That's the kind
of cooperation we like to see.

We have to inspect repairs.
Make sure they're environmentally sound.

I understand that.
How long will that take?

Well, that's hard to say.

A week, month, maybe longer.
Good day, Mr. Barnes.

Jackie, how long does it take to get
somebody on the phone from the Gulf?

Pam, I just can't go through
another divorce.

There's got to be another way.

This whole escapade with Mandy Winger
is very embarrassing.

I'm really surprised at Mandy.
I thought she was a very decent person.

Maybe she is.

But she happens
to be dating a married man.

Who knows? Anyone who hangs
around JR. "rs bound to get corrupted.

Look what I've done in my life.

Somehow, though, I find it hard to forgive
a woman who's trying to steal my husband.


Sue Ellen, I think you need some help.

You mean like analysis?


Do you know how much time
I spent in therapy with Dr. Elby?

I know, but there's this new place
that just opened in Dallas...

...and I hear really good things
about them.

It's like a holistic center.
They treat your mind and your body.

It's therapy, exercise, nutrition.

Well, I'm at a point in my life right now
where I'd do almost anything.

What's it called?

- I'll get the name for you before you go.
- Okay.

I hate to see you hurting like this.

I've gotta do something
before J.R. pushes me over the edge again.

Did you know he was here?

- J.R.?
- Mm-hm.

What did he want?

Apparently, he wants me
to get back together with Bobby.

I don't believe that.

He has done everything he possibly can do
to break you two up, keep you apart.

Did he say why?

We“, you know JR.

He said it's because
he cares so much about Bobby.

You know better than that.
There's gotta be another reason.

Oh, I think so too. J.R. doesn't feel me.

But he did start me thinking.

Pam, I know you still love Bobby.

Yes, I do.

But I don't know if it's possible for us
to reconcile under any circumstances.

So much has happened.

Including Jenna Wade.

I'm grateful for what you're doing
for Charlie.

- Honey, we're gonna get you out of here.
- Bobby, I don't wanna talk about that now.

I kept my hopes up for as long as I could,
until I heard that verdict.

Maybe I am guilty.
I don't know anymore.

Well, I do know. You're not guilty.

They're transferring me
to the state prison tomorrow.

I don't want you to visit me.

- Jenna, I don't want you--
- Bobby.

I want you to lead your own life.
I don't want you to feel obligated to me.

I guess what I'm saying is,
I want you to forget me.

You're free.
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