08x17 - Bail Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x17 - Bail Out

Post by bunniefuu »

Get out of my office, Barnes.

This isn't gonna be your office
that much longer.

You were gonna many Mark
because he needed you?


Now, he's gone.

Cliff Barnes came into these offices,
came strutting in here like a rooster.

Well, you know how he talks.

He might have something to back him up.

Is this the man you saw?

Yes, that's him. Absolutely.

Here's to your health.

To yours.

Scotty, what are you doing here?

Waiting for you.
I had some material here to study.

I thought I'd do it up here. How is she?

Well, she's tired, but she's all right.

Did you tell her about her mama?

Yeah. Yeah, I told her on the plane.


Bobby, where are we?

Well, we're in a hotel room in Laredo.

And this gentleman is Scotty Demarest.

He's your mama's lawyer.

Hi, Charlie.


Bobby, can I see mama now?

Well, I don't think you're gonna be able
to keep your eyes open...

...to see anybody right now.

Besides that, the jails aren't open
for visitors at night.

- We'll see your mama tomorrow, okay?
- Okay.

All right. You just get some sleep.

- Poor kid. It's been along day for her.
- Yes, it has.

Did you tell Jenna that I found her?

Yes, and she's much relieved.

But she doesn't want us
to bring her to the jail.

Where else are they gonna see
one another?

Well, the judge has set
a new bail hearing for tomorrow.

And it we do well, Jenna will be released
and they can see each other after that.


Well, that's terrific.

But don't forget, Bobby.
the judge is an emery son 01a g*n.

He's liable to make her
wait out her trial behind bars.


- Mrs. Fallow.
- Hm?

Lunch will be ready
in about 10 minutes.

Would you like to have it
in the dining room?

No, it's a lovely day. I'll eat outside.

Yes, ma'am.


Oh, good morning. You slept late.

Yeah, I know.

Sue Ellen, are you all right?

I'm just a little groggy. that's all.

Are you sure?

I couldn't sleep last night,
so about 4:00 this morning, I took a pill.

I think I'm still feeling
the aftereffects, that's all.

I'll be fine.


Did John Ross get off
to school on time?

Yes. J.R. drove him over.

He wasn't really in any hurry
to get to his office.

I... I think he's very worried
about that document Jamie's got.

He ought to be.

Jamie's very angry right now...

...and I have a feeling that she's going
to come after her piece of Ewing Oil.

I can't conceive of her really doing that.

I think it's very possible.

If you were to ask me, I think
we'd all be better off it it were split up.

Sue Ellen, how can you say such a thing?

Do you think that we need to go through
another battle like we did two years ago?

Of course not,
but we have to keep what is ours.

That company means everything
to this family.

You went to court yourself
not too long ago...

...to try to get Jock's will overturned.

Now, the real reason was that you wanted
to try to sell Ewing Oil.

Yes, but that was different.

That was to keep Bobby and J.R.
from battling each other for the company.

This time, we're talking
about losing control to outsiders.

It would serve J.R. right if it did happen.

Nobody's to blame for this
more than he is.


Well, I know that you were very hurt
by what he did.

But before you turn your back
on that company, think of your own son.

In a few years,
John Ross will be running Ewing Oil.

I know.

That used to matter to me very much.

You wouldn't want him to lose it,
would you?

Maybe he'd be better off without it,
Miss Ellie.

Without all the power tights
that ruined the lives of the rest of us.

Well, this is a pretty surprising piece
of paper.

It sure could send shock waves
through the Dallas oil community.

Will it hold up in court?


You're a lawyer, Mr. Barnes.
What do you think?

I was affiliated with the DA's office.

I don't really have
a background in contracts.

Mr. Ferguson,
can't you just give us your opinion?

Well, before we could do anything...

...we'd have to prove
that this agreement is authentic.

Well, my daddy carried it around
for almost 50 years.

Perhaps he did, but that alone
isn't enough to prove that it's authentic.

We'd have to have
some corroborating evidence.

Well, I have a picture here
that was taken of all four of them...

...the day the discovery well came in.

And I have a copy of it also.

I figure each of them got one.

All right, good.

I see yours is signed.

That reminds me,
you'll have to get handwriting samples...

...so an expert can verify
the signatures on the document.

Well, that shouldn't be difficult.
I have a lot of Digger's stuff...

...and Sam Culver's
is just a matter of public record.

And I have some legal papers
that my daddy signed.

How about Jock Ewing?

That will be harder, but we'll get his too.

Jock Ewing must have signed
enough papers...

...during his lifetime to fill a railroad car.

It's just a matter of finding one
that's on file with the agencies.

I should think so.


Well, why don't you start
collecting them for me?

If we decide to proceed,
we'll need them.

Meantime, I'll do some research
and check legal precedent.

I should have an opinion for you
in a day or so.

All right. The sooner, the better.

Thank you, Mr. Ferguson, for everything.

You're welcome.

Mr. Barnes, as a lawyer,
I'm sure you understand...

...how tricky a situation this is
you're dealing with.

Even if that document
does prove to be real...

...the Ewings aren't gonna hand
their company over on a silver platter.

You bet they won't.

We'll just have to build a strong enough
case to take it away from them.


Okay, there you are.

Oh, by the way.
did you get a hold of Harv Smithfield?

Yes. He'll be here tonight and so will
Mr. Fallow and Mr. and Mrs. Krebbs.

Okay, I won't need you anymore today.
Thank you, darling.



Well, hello there. Nice talking to you.

I was afraid I might get
your answering machine.

Hello, J.R. What do you want?

Well, I wanna see you, that's what I want.
I thought maybe we'd get together.

For what? So you can tell me about
the latest manipulations of J.R. Ewing?

- Uh, Mandy, is something wrong?
- I'm a woman, not an oilman.

And I don't give a damn
about your wheeling and dealing.

Well, I try to talk about
other things on occasion.




Yes, come in.

Pam, there's a Dr. Miller here
with another gentleman.

- Do you know them?
- Dr. Miller?

He said he met you
at his clinic in Jamaica.

Yes. Yes, show him in.

Please come in.

- Hello.
- Hello.

I hope you don't mind
my dropping in unannounced like this.

No, of course not.

I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine,
Dr. Albert Matsuda.

Albert, this is Mrs. Pamela Ewing.

- How do you do?
- Mrs. Ewing.

Well, I'm so surprised.
What are you doing herein Dallas?

Actually, it was very sudden for me.

I got a call two days ago
to fly up and consult...

...on a rather interesting medical case.

At any rate, I ran into Dr. Matsuda...

...who's been practicing medicine
in Hong Kong for several years.

And I was telling him how strange it was
that I should suddenly find myself here.

Especially since I had just met
a lady from Dallas...

...who was in Jamaica
looking for a friend of hers.

We discussed your friend's disease
for a while...

...and I mentioned
he was a Dallas industrialist.

Yes, and that struck me
as rather curious.

You see, I met an industrialist from Dallas
not long ago in Hong Kong.

He came to my clinic for treatment
for the same sort of disease.

Well, what was his name?

He said it was Swanson.

We didn't have the proper facilities,
so I sent him on to another hospital.

I do remember
what he looked like though.

Tall, quite handsome.
He had a mustache.

It sounded very much
like Mr. Graison to me.

Well, did you show Dr. Matsuda
the picture I gave you?

No, it's not one of the things
I packed in my suitcase.

Oh, no, I guess it wouldn't be. I'm sorry.

But that's why
I brought him hereto see you.

You must have another picture
you can show him.

Yes. Yes, I do.

Is this the man you saw?

Yes, that's him. Absolutely.

Harv, the agreement
that Jamie wanted me to read...

...was handwritten on the back
of an old oil lease form.


And you haven't been able to find
a copy of it among Sam's things?

No. Nor did we find
a more formal agreement.


By any chance,
did he happen to note down...

...any other meetings
between himself and the boys?

Harv, the only thing that we came up with
is those two entries...

...that you have
in those journals right there.

But what I don't understand is,
if that agreement he has is real...

...they should all have a copy,
especially Sam Culver.

And Jock, but we haven't been able
to come up with anything yet.

Maybe their copies were destroyed.

Well, I have to tell you, J.R., a lot of those
papers in Austin were in really bad shape.

Some of them had been ruined
by water and mold.

Who knows, after all these years,
how many of them have been lost?

A lot of years have gone by
since they hit that first we...

No, still doesn't make sense to me.

Obviously, Cliff Barnes didn't know any
more about that document than we did...

...or he'd have taken us to court
long time ago.

- Yeah, I can guarantee you that.
- I don't seen how you can doubt that paper.

Sam confirms it himself
right there in his journal.

He said that he drew up an agreement...

...that gave Jock, Jason and Digger
each one-third of Ewing Oil.


And we haven't any reason
to question that journal.

I'm sorry, sir, you can't go in there.
They're in a meeting.

Ewing! Ewing!

Now what the hell is that?

I'm sorry. He barged right in.

Well, I thought I might catch you alone, J.R.
I'm sorry, I see you got company.

What are you doing here, Barnes?

I just dropped by
to try to save you some money.

- That will be the day.
J.R.: What are you talking about?

You cannot believe how surprised I was
to discover that not all Ewings are bad.

As a matter of fact,
I have one for a partner now.

And she gave me a copy of this document
that says that I own one-third of Ewing Oil.

Of course, I know you already know that.

But I thought we'd save ourselves
a lot of aggravation...

...if we just split up the company now.

It'll be cold in hell
before you get a piece of my company.

Whatever the weather is,
I can wait, because it's mine.

You see, I figured as much
as we're all gonna be partners...

...why deplete our assets
with a lot of heavy legal fees?

Oh, no offense, Harv.

- Get out of my office, Barnes.
- Ha, ha, I'm just trying to be nice.

Oh, incidentally, this isn't gonna be
your office that much longer.

You see, your little cousin Jamie and I
will be the majority stockholders...

...and we might want
that office for ourselves.

But if you play your cards right...

...we might let you and Bobby
split up this secretary area.


Anybody else wanna tell me what a sweet
misunderstood little girl Jamie Ewing is?

JAMIE: I really wish
you hadn't gone up there, Cliff.

Why? J.R. would have found out
that we were working together.

I just wanted to see the expression
on his face when he did, that's all.

What have we got?

Uh. Well, here's a copy
of my daddy's driver's license.

- Little license.
- Mm-hm.

And here's a power of attorney
that he once gave to me.

- He had it notarized in Alaska.
- Good.

And I also went to the county clerk's office,
the hall of records.

- And I found this.
- What is it?

It's a copy of the title to some land
that Jock Ewing sold about 10 years ago.

- That's his signature right there.
- Jamie, you are really on the ball.

I've got plenty of Digger's stuff.
Now, what about Sam Culver?

Well, I didn't find anything on him today.

But I thought that we might look
into that tomorrow.

I know we've got a case.
I got a feeling in my bones.

Now, if Ferguson agrees--

We'll see what he says, Cliff.

- Mandy.
- Hello.

Mandy, I want you to meet Jamie Ewing.
You've heard me talk about her.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- What are you doing?
- Jamie and I are going into partnership.

No, I take that back.
We're already partners.

We were just working on a strategy here
on how to claim what's rightfully ours.

You really are going to go
after Ewing Oil?

Well, we're not completely sure
of that yet.

Oh, good. Maybe there's still time
for him to wake up, then.

You really are crazy
to start this kind of battle.

No, I'd be crazy not to.

I'm sick of letting the Ewings keep
what was stolen from my family.

You really are obsessed with them,
aren't you?

Yeah, I guess I am.
I've damn good reason to be.

No, you don't.

You've got a good reason
to look after your own company.

Not this.

You made a terrific strike in the Gulf, Cliff.
But you're not doing anything to build on it.

The oil is flowing.
There is nothing else to do.

Oh, no. Nothing else but risk everything
you own for this stupid fight.

Mandy, you don't know what you're
talking about. I'm risking nothing.

This is the biggest chance of my life
and you're gonna help me.

Oh, no. No, I'm not.

Mandy, we're in this together.

No! I'm sick of being used!

You wanna go after Ewing Oil,
you do it on your own.

The only person I'm gonna help
from now on is myself!

Mandy, wait a minute.

Ha. Well, I'm really sorry about that.

PAM: Good morning.
- Morning.

I just got off the phone
with the travel agent...

...and you're on a flight
to Hong Kong day after tomorrow.

- Oh, couldn't you get something sooner?
- Everything's booked.

Did you get me a hotel room?

Yes, but they're calling me back
to confirm it.



I'll see if she's in.
May I ask who's calling?

One moment. It's Gerald Kane.

Oh, thank you.

Hello, Mr. Kane. Are you back in town?

No, no, I'm in Corpus Christi.

Um, listen, Mrs. Ewing.
the reason I called is...

Well, I'd like to talk to you.

- All right.
- No, no, I don't mean on the phone.

Um, I'd like it if we could meet.

Well, I don't know when.

I found out that Mark may be in Hong Kong
and I'm going there the day after tomorrow.

It's important that I see you
before you go.

Are you sure it's not something
you can talk about now?

I hate for you to come
all the way from Corpus Christi.

Well, frankly, I'd prefer it.

All right. Goodbye.

PETE: And that's all the information
you've got?

That's it. All I know is that
on August 10th, 1930...

...a discovery well was brought in
in Nacogdoches County.

And as a result of that strike,
an oil company was formed.

Does the company still exist?

You're standing right in the middle of it.
It's called Ewing Oil.

Oh, I see.

Pete, what I want you to do is send some
of your investigators down to Nacogdoches.

Go to city hall, go through all the records
you can, the library and so forth...

...and see it you can find anybody
who was alive at the time of that strike.

Can you tell me what sort
of information?

Well, no, not specifically.
That's the trouble.

I'll have to go through everything you bring
and hope we can find something helpful.

- We'll get right on it.
- All right.

Here's a list of everything I've got so far.
It's not much but it'll get you started.

Did you put down names
of all the people involved?

Yeah, Jock and Jason Ewing...

...Sam Culver
and maybe Willard “Digger“ Barnes.

Well, I appreciate your using
our agency again.


- That's my private phone.
- Whatever's down there, I'll find it.

Good. That's what I'm counting on, Pete.


Hi. It's Mandy.

Well, hello. Nice to hear from you.

Yeah, look.
I'm really sorry about yesterday.

I was kind of surprised
the way you hit my head off.

You said you wanted to see me.

J.R. [OVER TELEPHONE]: [sure do.
- Where?

How about meeting me
at the Barham Hotel, say 8:00?

Eight o'clock.

Yes, Club Nineteen Hundred
on the 19th floor.

Fine, I'll be there.

I'm looking forward to it.


Your Honor, as I told you
when I requested a new hearing...

...there's been a major change
in my client's circumstances.

Her daughter,
who we thought was out of the country...

...has now been returned.

Where is she?

She's outside waiting in the corridor
with Mr. Bobby Ewing.

And Miss Wade didn't want her child
to see her under these conditions.

She's back.
I've seen her myself in chambers.

Go on, Mr. Demarest.

Well, he! being away, Your Honor...

...was a major obstacle
to releasing my client on bail.

Now that that major obstacle
has been removed...

...we would like the court to reconsider.

What's the state's position
in this instance?

We still object, Your Honor.

- How can they?
- Now, Jenna, hold on.

The girl being away was certainly
a factor in our initial objection...

...but it was only one of several.

We're dealing here with a felony m*rder.

And every bit of evidence so far points
to this woman's having committed it.

And even if her wealthy friends
might post bail...

...we're concerned that she might
weigh the odds and disappear.

Your Honor, as I indicated
in the previous hearing...

...Miss Wade is very close
to the Ewing family in Dallas...

...who would put up the bail.

Now, she wouldn't disappear.

She's very loyal to them.

And they're loyal to her too, aren't they?

As a matter of fact, I received a phone call
from a Judge Samuelson in Dallas.

It seems the Ewings want him to put
pressure on me to reverse my decision.

I'm sorry about that, Your Honor.
That shouldn't have happened.

You're right. It shouldn't.

My decisions are not to be bought
and sold, Mr. Demarest.

I don't care how much money
the Ewings have.

I don't like being pressured.

No, sir. I'm sure you don't.

I regret it occurred.

On the other hand, my client didn't have
anything to do with it. Neither did I.

I certainly hope not.

In any case, it doesn't change the fact...

...that Miss Wade's daughter
has been returned...

...and the risk of her running away
is considerably less.

All right, I'll set bail.

If the Ewings are still willing...

...to put up the $2 million
that you suggested at the first hearing.

Ha, ha, ha, I know I proposed that,
Your Honor, but isn't that a bit too high?

Mr. Demarest,
do you want her out or don't you?

Yes, sir. We do.

Then post the bail. Next case.


Charlie. Charlie.

I missed you, Mama.


Here's all the handwriting samples
that you asked for.

You can see that they are all notarized.

Fine. I'll tum them over
to our handwriting expert.

Let them compare them with the signatures
on the original document.

They'll check out. I'd stake my life on it.

All right, let's assume that they do.

I've discussed your situation
with my partners...

...and went through
some precedential cases.

Given the amount of time
that's passed...

...and the fact
that you're now making a claim...

...which you should have made years ago,
you may be facing a real uphill battle.

Now, wait a minute.
We haven't had those papers before now.

That doesn't make much difference.

No, but there's no statute of limitations
on a case like this.

Even if there's not, it looks to me like
it's gonna be along and protracted affair.

But why should it be?
We have the document.

No, I know what he's saying. He's right.

He just means it's not gonna be
as simple as all that.

Ideally, you should have witnesses
to back up your claim.

I'd be very surprised
if you could find any after so long.

You've got to understand,
the Ewings are very powerful.

They're gonna put up
every legal blockade they can.

I'm sure they will.

You know, at this point,
there's no need to rush.

Take your time and think it through.

I don't need to think it through.
I've been doing that all my life.

All I've been waiting for is the opportunity,
and this lady just handed it to me.

How about you, Jamie?

I don't know. I'm not so sure now.

Now, wait a minute. What do you mean?
I mean, what do you have to worry about?


Well, I just never realized
how involved it would be.

Or how much money it would take.

I expect the cost of your legal services
is going to be quite high.

You don't have to worry about the money.
I'm taking care of that.

But that means I have to stay in Dallas.
I'll have to find a job.

Look, if it's living expenses
you're worried about, don't.

- I'll take care of that too.
- Oh, no.

Oh, look, consider it an investment.

I don't like that arrangement.

Jamie, you made a decision
to go through with this.

- Now, don't back out on me now.
- I don't like taking money from people.

Whatever money it costs to support you
while we're fighting this...

...will be well worth it.

The case is much stronger
it the two of you stick together.

You validate each other's claims.

Jamie, if it'll make you feel better...

...after we win, you could pay me back
out of your settlement.

Please, tell the man we're proceeding.


Mr. Ferguson, let's go get them.

We can bring some more
of your things over tomorrow.

But I was thinking maybe you'd like to have
Charlie just stay here a couple of days...

...before she goes back to school,
let her relax.

We'll see.


Well, here we are.

You look kind of tired.
Is the room all right?

The room's beautiful.

The last time I stayed in it,
I was very happy...

...because the next day,
I was supposed to many the man I loved.

We would've had our own room here.

I would've been a member
of the Ewing family, not just a guest.

Jenna, you are not just a guest.

You're practically
a member of the family.

That practically
makes a big difference to me.

All right, we'll erase it.

We'll get in the car tomorrow, we'll find
a justice of the peace and we'll get married.

I still want you to be my wife.

No, Bobby.

Not with that trial hanging over my head.

Married 01 not,
we're gonna fight it together.

All right?

There she is.

Hi. I hope
I haven't kept you waiting long.

No. We just got here ourselves.

Pamela, I want you to meet Jamie Ewing.

Jamie, this is my sister
and partner, Pamela.

- Hi.
- Hello.

I've heard a lot about you.

Oh, I've heard a lot about you too.

I think we saw one another
at the Oil Baron's Ball.

Oh, that's right.

Isn't Mandy joining us?

I don't know where she is.
I guess she got tied up.

There's nothing wrong
between the two of you?

Well, we had a little argument,
but nothing serious.

Would you like something from the bar,
Mrs. Ewing?

- Uh, just white wine, please.
- Yes, ma'am.

Jamie and I just saw a lawyer.

We've decided to join forces
and take the Ewings to court.

We're going to fight
for our share of Ewing Oil.

- Why would you do that?
- Why not?

Haven't you wasted enough of your life
fighting the Ewings?

Are you kidding?

This young lady just gave me
my first real w*apon against them.

I can finally prove in court
what Digger always said was true.

So what?
I mean, what are you gonna get out of it?

My third of the company.

You don't need it.

Cliff, you have more money
than you can ever spend.

It's not a question of money.

I'm doing it for my daddy,
just like Jamie's doing it for hers.

And you ought to be with us
for the same reasons.

All right, Digger wasn't your actual father,
but he raised you and loved you...

...just like you loved him.

Remember how they used to treat him?
Like he was a nobody.

Well, I'm gonna show J.R.
that Digger's son isn't a nobody.

- We want you with us.
- I'm sorry, Cliff. I can't.

Here you are, Mrs. Ewing.

- Thank you, Cassie.
- You're welcome.

We really could use your help, Pam.

Even if I had the desire or the time,
which I don't, I wouldn't do it.

Fighting J.R. is one thing,
but I'd have to fight Bobby too...

...and that company means
so much to him.

What do you think it means to us?
It's two-thirds ours.

He's right, Pam.
It's hard for me to fight my family too.

But why should we let them keep
what our daddies founded?

I understand how you feel,
but it's different for me.

I won't stand in your way,
but I am not joining in your fight.

Welcome to Club Nineteen Hundred.

I should have known.


Is this another one of your possessions?

Do you like it?

Oh, it's first-class.
Just like everything else I know about you.

- Well, thank you.
- Except for the way you use people.

Oh, how's that?

You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

No, honestly, I don't.

You know Cliff Barnes
is the man I'm involved with.

You've been feeding me phony information
figuring it'd get back to him.

And that's the only reason
you've been seeing me.

Oh, no, that's not the only reason.
I'm very attracted to you.

Oh, stop it. You've been using me
since you first met me.

Uh, Mandy, even before I met you...

When I first saw you working
in that restaurant...

...I didn't know who you were.

All I knew was that you were the most
beautiful creature I ever laid my eyes on.

You didn't remember
I was with Cliff at the Oil Baron's Ball?

Well, yes, I admit that. I guess I did take
advantage of you a little bit, didn't I?

You're damn right, you did.

Well, no more than you took
advantage of me, honey.

Before you get too high and mighty,
you might wanna examine that little tact.

I was nothing more than a conduit
between you and him.


Come on, you knew what you were doing.
You were pumping me for information.

- But I didn't wanna be doing it.
- No, you didn't.

But you did anyhow, didn't you?
And I bet you enjoyed it.

Maybe I did at first, but not anymore.

I'm sick of playing these kind of games.

Well, then don't play those games anymore.
What kind of game would you like to play?

None. I hate games.

And I hate you.

Hate is an emotion I can appreciate.

You and Cliff, you're both cut
from the same piece of cloth.

Oh, no, darling, we're worlds apart.

With Barnes,
what you're buying is synthetic.

With me, you get the real thing.
Here's to your health.


To yours.





The pence (an a check
on Jenna and Name...

...from the time they left her condo
till they arrived in Laredo.

I have my own men going anyway.

I want them to talk to everybody
who might have seen the two of them.

- Hopefully, we'll come up with something.
- Hopefully is right.

Look, I don't believe Jenna k*lled
that man any more than you do...

...but we've got to come up with something
else besides our own personal feelings.

Now, incidentally, you got
the license number of that woman's car?

Yeah, this is it. I hope it's right.
They were California plates.

It was an American make,
late model, four-door sedan, dark blue.

Maybe it's Veronica's sister's car.

Well, we'll check it out
with the California DMV.

See what we come up with.

Now, if we could find Veronica,
it would open up a whole case for us.

- Keep me posted, Scotty.
- I sure will.

Thank you.

-0h. JR.
Sunny. good to see you.

Say, listen, I just wanted to tell you...

...how much my family appreciates
the way you jumped into this case.

Jenna's very precious to us.

Well, I'm glad I had the time.

Good, we're all grateful,
and the Ewings never forget a friend.

- All right.
- See you now.

Bye, Scotty.

He's a good man.

Yeah, he is.

Say, Bobby.
we gotta talk about the company.

I didn't tell you, but Cliff Barnes
came into these offices the other night.

- Here?
- That's right. Can you believe it?

Came strutting in here like a rooster,
crowing about how he had Jamie's paper...

...and the two of them were gonna
take over Ewing Oil and kick us out.

Well, you know how he talks.

Yeah. But this time, he might
have something to back him up.

That little piece of paper might be a lot
more dangerous than any of us figured.

I must admit I never thought she'd use it.

Well, I hate to be the one
to say I told you so.

Bob, I know this is
the worst possible time...

...you having to deal
with Jenna's defense and all that but--

- Don't worry, I'll manage.
- That's what I wanted to hear.

Well, I have to, don't I?

There's no way they're gonna take
this company away from us.

No way.

Not with the two of us fighting together.

Yeah, but, honey, do you really think
all the apartments should be the same size?

They're the same square footage,
but they're divided up differently.

These two here are three bedrooms.

And this unit over here has two bedrooms
but it's got a bigger living room and a den.

- Hi, Ray.
- Howdy.

- How you doing?
- Pretty good.

What you got there?

Oh, these are the plans for the building
that we're gonna put up.

I told you Eddie wouldn't
waste any time getting started.

Time is money.


He had the plans drawn up,
and we're checking them.

Well, I didn't have the plans drawn up,
I paid for them.

They're standard contractor's plans.

Have you done your title search yet?

Oh, yeah, that's taken care 01.
Lucy owns the land.

Good, you don't wanna spend
a lot of money on plans...

...if you don't have
a clear title to your land.

Well, like I said, we got it.

Good. How about the bore test?

- The what?
- That's for soil stability.

- Have you seen any engineers yet?
- We're working on it.

You wanna have that done
before you break ground.

Don't you think
we're aware of these things?

Well, I don't know if you are or not.
I doubt if Lucy is.

Well, I am.
Look, I know what I'm doing here, okay?

Look, I'm sorry.
If you don't want me to butt in, I won't.

But you don't need to get your back up.

Oh, thanks, Ray. We'll be all right.

I care a great deal
about this little niece of mine right here.

I'm just trying to make sure
nothing goes wrong for her.

Well, that's why I'm here.

Okay, Eddie.

You have a good day.

Thank you, Mrs. Ewing.

Pam, you know, it's embarrassing.

We're always going out to lunch
and you never let me pay.

- Oh, don't be silly.
- Pam.


- Are you two just leaving?
- Mm-hm.

It's a shame I didn't get here earlier.

Why? Are you eating alone?

Yeah, I am today.

I'd be glad to buy both of you
a cup of coffee if you want.

Uh, no. I'll leave you two together.

Uh, see you back at the office.
Bye, Bobby.

Goodbye, Jackie.

Uh, Pam will have coffee.
I'll have a beer, Dora Mae.

- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.

- This okay?
- Mm-hm.

So how are you?

I'm okay. How about you?

How's Jenna's case going?

Well, we're still looking for some
witnesses that will back up her story.

It's gonna be a hard case to win,
but we'll do it.

I hope so.

It's been quite a time for you.

The wedding being called off
and the kidnapping. Now this.

- Thank you, Cassie.
CASSIE: You're welcome.

Thank you.

You remember the day
you were supposed to be married?

I was so unhappy.

Then when I heard that the wedding
had been called off...

...well, I guess I let
my fantasies take over.

Your fantasies?

Yeah, you know, the dream
that you and I would get back together.

Pam, did you really think
that was still possible?

Well, if it hadn't been for Katherine,
we probably would have.

It was that phony letter
she wrote in my name...

...and her manipulations
that kept us apart.

What about Mark Graison?
You were gonna marry him.

You didn't know why?

I assumed because you loved him.

I did love Mark...

...but in a very different way
than I loved you.

I was going to many Mark
because I found out that he was dying.

And I didn't want him to face
the end of his life alone.

You were gonna many Mark
because he needed you?


Now, he's gone.

And now, Jenna needs you.

Yes, she does.

Right now.
I'm just about all that she's got.

Hi, Jenna.

Hi. Want some iced tea?

No, thanks.

Let me know if you change your mind.

Well, now that you're back...

...I guess you'll start thinking
about the wedding again.


Certainly not till after my trial.

Really? I thought you and Bobby
were gonna get married right away.

He asked me, but I just can't.

What if I am sent to prison?

It would be terrible for him.

Well, I really can't believe
that you're gonna be sent to prison.

But I think your holding back on marrying
him is the best thing you can do.

What do you mean?

Think about it.

You can live here at Southfork...

...and see exactly how
the Ewings operate...

...without being locked in
till death do you part.

Oh, it's a rare opportunity, Jenna.

You're luckier than you know.

Sue Ellen, you sound so bitter. Why?

Because I know
what the Ewing brothers are like.

Right now.
you and Bobby, you're in love.

And in that respect,
life is very wonderful for you.

But wait until the battle
for Ewing Oil starts.

And believe me it will
and it's gonna be ugly.

Then you're gonna see
a side of Bobby Ewing...

...that you have never seen before.

Well, he may be tough in business,
but he won't be different toward me.

You may be surprised.

Wait until he starts wheeling
and dealing to save his company.

I guarantee you, you're gonna be nothing
but an ornament for him.

Are you ready for that?

Are you ready for your life
to be changed at the drop 01a hat?

He's gonna manipulate you
to get whatever he needs...

...just as long as it helps Ewing Oil.

Sue Ellen, I think you're talking
about J.R., not Bobby.

Wait and see.

You see, the Ewing boys
are alike in certain ways.

I found that out and so did Pam.

Well, you're wrong.


Jenna, I didn't mean to upset you.

I just think it's something
that you should be aware of.

Maybe seeing Ewing life up close...

...will make you smarter than I was.

Maybe you'll do yourself a huge favor
and decide never to many a Ewing.


Yes, Jackie?

JACKIE [ON INTERCOM]: Pam, Mr. Kane's here to see you.

Oh, show him in.

Mr. Kane. Thank you, Jackie.

You've certainly come a long way
for just a conversation.

I figured I owed it to you to say
what I have to say to you in person.

Please sit down.

I surely don't feel too good
about what I've done.

Well, what have you done?

I've lied to you, Mrs. Ewing.

I never flew Mark Graison
down to the Caribbean.

Truth of it is, I've never even laid eyes
on the man you were looking for.

I know I should have told you
all this before.

I tried to three or four times
when we were down there, but...

Well, I never could convince myself
to do it until now.

But what about San Serrano?

Mark was in the clinic down there.

And just yesterday, Dr. Miller was here.
The doctor from the clinic in Jamaica.

Well, he came here with another doctor
who actually saw Mark in Hong Kong.

I don't think so.

What do you mean, you don't think so?

You think they were lying too?

Well, why would they lie to me?

Why would you lie to me?

I was persuaded to.

Who persuaded you?

Somebody who convinced me
that it would be easier on you...

...if you still believed
that Mark Graison was alive.

And I went along with it because I saw
how desperately you wanted to believe.

Mark Graison is alive
and there's no doubt about that.

Believe me, Mrs. Ewing.
the whole thing was a hoax.

I don't know about these doctors
you saw, but...

Well, if I could be bought 0”,
so can they.

You mean that someone paid you
to lie to me?


No one has any reason
to do something like that to me.

Obviously, somebody has.

Who? Tell me who.
I want to know their name.

J.R. Ewing.


J.R. Ewing?

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