08x15 - Lockup in Laredo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x15 - Lockup in Laredo

Post by bunniefuu »

Bobby, we had a call
a little while ago from Jenna.

They're charging her with the m*rder
of Naldo Marchetta.

How about coming back
to my apartment?

That's the best way of spending
an afternoon I can think 01. Ha, ha, ha.

- It's all right. Just tell me what happened.
- I don't know!

You were groping and kissing her, probably
spent the afternoon in bed with her.

- J.R., how could you do that to Sue Ellen?
- I'd like to know the answer to that.

And under the circumstances,
we ask that she be held without bail.

CLAYTON: Well, did they happen to say
where they were going?

All right. Well, I doubt they'd come back.

But if they do, please.
tell them to call home, it's urgent.

Thanks, Dora Mae.

Well, they left the Oil Baron's Club
over an hour ago.

Maybe they've gone
to a nightclub or something.

Which one?
There's hundreds of them in Dallas.

SUE ELLEN: They still must be up.
All the lights are on.

- Hi.
- Well, hi.

We were gonna go dancing, but we decided
to have a nightcap with you instead.

- Well, didn't Bobby come back with you?
- Yeah, I'm here. Hi.

What's the matter with you guys?
Looks like the root tell in on you.

Bobby, we had a call
a little while ago from Jenna.

She's been arrested.

- For what?
- For m*rder.

m*rder? What are you talking about?

She called from the police station
in Laredo.

They're charging her with the m*rder
of Naldo Marchetta.

Did she say anything else?

They wouldn't let her talk too long.

I've got to get to Laredo. J.R., call the
airport, tell them to get the plane ready.

- She's gonna need a lawyer.
- I'm gonna get her the best criminal lawyer.

Good morning.

Good morning, Mrs. Ewing.

- I already had coffee. Hope you don't mind.
- No, I don't mind.

Breakfast for the lady?
- No, thank you. Just coffee.

Yes, ma'am.

I don't know whether it's the weather
or the ocean...

...but I slept like a bear in winter.

Well, I didn't.

I woke up in the middle of night
with the strangest feeling.

I don't know what it was,
like a premonition or something.

About Mr. Graison?

No, not about anybody.

It was just a feeling...

...like I should get on a plane
and go right back to Dallas.

I even called my brother
to tell him about it.

What'd he say?

That I ought to go on looking for Mark.

Satisfy myself
one way or the other about him.

So you wanna go on to Jamaica?

Well, of course.

The doctor at the clinic advised Mark
to go to Jamaica.

I can't think of a better place
to look for him, can you?

No. No, it's just, um...


I was wondering whether you changed
your mind about going on with the search.

When we're this close to finding him?

I'd be foolish to stop now, wouldn't I?

Mrs. Ewing, there's, uh.
something I'd like to, uh...

What is it?

Are you sure you're not getting
your hopes up too high?


Mark has been seen in the Caribbean.

If he's not on this island,
then maybe he's in Jamaica.

But he is alive
and we're going to find him.

Yes, ma'am. I was just asking.

If you want, we can leave for Jamaica
right after breakfast.


And, Mr. Kane, you're the last person
who ought to be having any doubts.

After all,
you're the one who brought Mark here.




I noticed you were out of milk yesterday,
so I bought some.

What a flimsy excuse.
You're here because you missed me.


- That's what you get for deserting me.
- I didn't desert you.

I told you I need one night at my apartment
to take care of a few things.

Half my plants were turning brown.

I'm glad you're here.
You can fix me breakfast.

Oh, lucky me.


Holy smoke. Did you read this?

- What?
- Jenna Wade arrested for m*rder.


Yeah, “found in Laredo Hotel next to the
body other husband, Renaldo Marchetta.“

Her husband?

Wait a minute. Renaldo Marchetta.

That's the guy she ran off with
years ago.

What do you mean, ran off?

She dumped Bobby and married him.

Maybe they never got a divorce.

That's why she didn't show up
at the wedding.

She couldn't many Bobby.

Right, I'll tell you something bizarre.

Pam called me at 3:00 this morning...

...said she woke up with a premonition
that she ought to come home.

- You're gonna call her now?
- Pam? Hell, no.

I'm calling Jackie to tell her, in case
Pam calls in the office this morning...

...just be sure not to say anything
about this.

The less she knows
about Bobby's affairs, the better.

Cliff, I hope you're doing the right thing.

I am, I am, believe me.

In here.

Sit down. She'll be right with you.

- Bobby, I'm so glad you're here.
- Shh.

It's gonna be all right.

Are you okay?

Bobby, I...

Easy, just tell me what happened.

I don't know what happened.

I just--

Bobby, you've gotta find Charlie.

Find Charlie?

- Wasn't she with you?
- No.

- You don't know where she is?
- No, Naldo sent her to Home. I just...

Wait a minute, Jenna.
you're not making any sense. Slow down.

Naldo kidnapped her.
He took her from school.

He turned her over to some woman
who was working with him.

- She's been with he! ever since.
- When? When did all this happen?

The day before you and I
were supposed to be married.

That's why I went away with him.

He said if I didn't do everything he said,
I'd never see Charlie again.

- He forced you to marry him?
- Yes.

- We've got to find her.
- We will.

We will, I promise.

But I've gotta have more to go on.

Naldo said she's in Home?
Where? Where in Home?

Maybe Naldo's parents.
He said they wanted to see her.

Do you have a phone number
or an address?

Something else I can work with?


I don't.

Maybe in Naldo's things.
The police have the suitcases in the car.

All right, I'll see what I can find out.
But I've also gotta get you out of this place.

Jenna, what happened here?
Here in Laredo?


We didn't get here till after dark.
We'd been driving for hours.

I thought we were going to some airport,
then on to Home.

- But then he brought me to that hotel.
- Did he say why?

To meet someone to get some money.

- Meet them at the hotel?
- I don't know.

All right. All right. Just go on.

He wanted me to go to the room with him.
I didn't wanna go.

I just wanted to get Charlie back.
I was led up with his stalling.

But then he promised me that he'd call
Home and I could speak with Charlie.

Then he showed me
he was carrying a g*n.

All right. Then what happened?

He unlocked the door
and he went inside.

That's it. I don't know.

- What do you mean, you don't know?
- That's just it. I don't know.

Well, what happened in the room?

I started to go inside the room.

Before I could, someone grabbed me.

I must have passed out.

The next thing I remember,
the police were there.

Naldo's dead.
I've got the g*n in my hand.

Bobby, I'm scared.

It's okay. You're gonna be all right.

I'm getting the best lawyer
that I possibly can.

But, Jenna, you've got to calm down.

You gotta think very clearly
and very logically...

...because he's gonna wanna know
all the information you can remember.


The most important thing,
we gotta get Charlie back.

Of course, but I've gotta get you
out of this place too.

DONNA: Did I tell you Ray and I
are going down to Austin tomorrow?

- You are? For what?
- Well, they found more of Sam's papers.

Donna's still trying to find
a copy of that document that Jamie has.

Well, good, I think you should.

Although I'm not sure
that Ellie feels that way about it.

Well, I'm not sure I do either.

Ray thinks that we should stay here
in case Bobby needs us.

Well, after what's happened to Jenna,
I just think that paper is not very important.

If they really need you, they can always
get in touch with you in Austin.

I guess that's true.

Thal was JR. on (he phone.

He got Scotty Demarest
to take Jenna's case.

Demarest, that's great.

- Dinner's served.
- Oh, thank you, Teresa.

Scotty Demarest, that is great.

He's one of the best lawyers in Texas.
Jenna will really be in good hands.

Yes, she certainly will be.

Well, Demarest is a terrific lawyer.
If he's gonna be handling Jenna's case...

...I guess I don't feel that bad
about leaving for Austin.


Good boy. Now can we eat?
I'm starving.

Thank you.

Mr. Demarest,
how does your client plead?

- Not guilty.
- My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor.

We would now
like to ask the court to set the bail.

Mr. Wolfe, does the state have any
objection to my setting bail at this time?

Yes, Your Honor, it does.

The defendant was found
with the body of her dead husband.

The w*apon that k*lled him
was in her hand.

She's not a resident of Laredo.

we understand that her daughter...

...her only living relative,
is somewhere out of the country.

- Yes, but--
- Now, hold on.

We're gonna get our chance.

It is the position of the state
that under the circumstances...

...any bail she might post might be
less important for her than getting away.

Therefore, we ask
that she be held without bail.

Thank you. Mr. Demarest?

Your Honor,
the state's position is very severe.

My client isn't a criminal.

She has no prior record of any kind.
She's always been a responsible citizen.

She even has a business of her own.

Not in Laredo.

No, in Dallas.

But Dallas is still a part
of the state of Texas.

As far as Miss Wade's daughter
being out of the country...

...it's important to note
that the girl was kidnapped.

Your Honor, the police
have no report of any kidnapping.

All we have is the word of the accused.

But she was kidnapped.

Your Honor, we haven't had much time...

...to gather the necessary evidence...

...but I assure you,
it will be forthcoming.

Well, when it is, I'll examine it.

But until then,
I'm inclined to agree with the state.

DEMAREST: Your Honor, may I have
a moment to confer with someone?

- Go ahead.
- Thank you.

Scotty, what is going on?
m*rder is a bailable offense.

Look at Cliff Barnes or Ka--

It's only bailable
if the judge wants it to be.

And the district attorney's
being very hard-nosed about it.

Now, wait a minute.

If we put the bail up high enough,
it might work.

Let's say I propose a million dollars.
Are you willing to put it up?

Anything, whatever it takes.

- You got it.
- Okay.

Oh, thank you, Your Honor.

Your Honor, my client here
is not a wealthy woman.

However, she was engaged
to Mr. Bobby Ewing of Dallas...

...before this unfortunate event occurred.

He agrees to post any bail
that you might choose.

If you'd like to set a figure
of a million dollars, hell, $2 million...

Your Honor,
if she was engaged to Mr. Ewing...

...why did she just many the deceased?

There was coercion involved.

The evidence will come out
in the examining trial.

It's very complex, Your Honor.

Certainly is.

Too complex for the court to release her
without knowing a lot more.

Well, if the Ewings are not afraid Miss Wade
will skip bail, why should the state he?

Maybe the Ewings can afford the loss.

No, I'm afraid I'll have to rule
for the state on this one.

Bail denied.

I'm sorry you didn't find your friend,
but there are other clinics here in Jamaica.

He may be in one of them.

Well, thank you
for letting me walk through.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

That was so depressing.
Those poor people.

Maybe you wanna hold off
before you go through any more clinics.

No, I'm gonna keep going.

If Mark's in Jamaica,
we're going to find him.

What if he isn't?

Then we'll go back to Dallas
and talk to that private investigator I hired...

...to start looking in other directions.

You sure are putting yourself
under an awful lot of strain.

I don't have any choice,
especially after seeing these people.

I hope to God Mark's not that sick.

But if he is,
he's going to need me more than ever.

LUCY: Okay, stop.
EDDIE: Here?

Yeah, right here. Come on.

Well, how do you like it?

- How do I like what?
- The lot.

- I'm thinking about buying it.
- Oh...

Well, it's big enough.
You put some horses on it, some cattle.

Maybe a couple of oil wells.

No, not the whole thing.
They're dividing it into sections.

And I'm thinking about buying this one.
Build a house on it.

- For who?
- For us.

Wait a minute, Lucy.

We hardly know each other.

Don't tell me you're already picturing
a house and a little picket fence.

No, and I'm not picturing marriage either.
This is just business.

Look, you said yourself you were tired
of pounding nails to make a living.

I was thinking we could buy this plot...

...build a house on it, maybe even
a couple of apartments, and then sell them.

What are you, nuts?

I don't have any money
to start a business.

You don't need any money.

I'll finance it. You just do the work.

Oh, well.
Lucy, how's that gonna help me?

All that does is get me another job,
working for you.

And I'm not sure I'd like working for you.

You're really thickheaded, aren't you?
Don't you understand?

We'll form a partnership.

I'll invest the money,
you invest the time and the know-how.

And whatever profits we make,
we'll split 50-50.

You know, for a pint-sized lady,
you've got some pretty big ideas.

All right.

Give me a couple of days
to think about it, okay?

Well, I'm surprised you need them,
but okay.

You wanna follow me, sir.
I'll unlock the car for you.

You're not gonna find very much inside.

We took all the personal things
up to the property house.

I know, we've been there.

We don't find any more here than we did
in the suitcases, we're gonna be in trouble.

I just don't understand
why the judge is being so tough on Jenna.

You believe her story...

...but they haven't found
nothing yet to back it up.

Come on, Scotty, she didn't k*ll that guy.
Someone else did.

Haven't you been able to find anybody
who saw another person with them...

-...or even hanging around the room?
- Not yet.

Maybe you need some help.

- Let's get some more guys--
- Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.

We're gonna take care of it.
Police are gonna take care of it.

Got a lot of people to talk to.

POLICEMAN: It's all opened up, sir.
- Thank you, son.

An awful lot of people.
It's a transient hotel.

Guests come in and out every day.

We've got a lot of home addresses
to check out. Yeah.

Got a lot of work to do.

Funny thing is, I'm more concerned
with getting Jenna out of jail than she is.

The only thing she's worried about
is finding Charlie again.

- Nothing in there?
- No, just some road maps.

Well, one of the reasons bail was denied
was Charlie was out of the country.

Now, if we could produce her,
we can get the judge to reverse himself.


Now, what's this?

- Who is this?
- That's Charlie.

Now, who is the woman?

BOBBY: It must be the woman
that Naldo had working with him.

I see. Can you read
the numbers on that plane?

No, we'll need a magnifying glass.

If we can get the number,
we can trace the plane.

Bobby, are you thinking
of flying back to Dallas?

That depends.
When can I see Jenna again?

Well, maybe take a day or two.

Now, as a lawyer...

...I can see her anytime I want,
but the jails are overcrowded...

...and they've restricted everyone else
to twice a week.

I guess I will fly back, then. Wrap things up
at the office and get a set of clothes.

Good, I'll go along with you.

There's not a lot I can do here
until some new evidence reports come in.

It'll be easier for me to check out
these photographs in the Dallas office.

- Okay, let's go.
- Hey, Bobby.

Now, I know how hard it is
seeing Jenna in jail...

...but as soon as we find somebody
to back up her story...

...we're gonna get her out.

We're gonna find them.

Hi, this is Mandy.

I can't come to the phone now,
but if you wait for the beep...

...vou can leave me a message
and I'll call you back. Bye.

Probably out with that idiot Barnes.


Hello, Mandy.

I was hoping we could get together
this afternoon...

...and decorate my box
at Texas Stadium...

...but, tsk, I guess since I can't reach you,
we'll have to put it 0” till another time.

It's old J.R. here.
Hope to see you soon, honey.




KENDALL [ON PHONE]: J.H., there's a call on Line 3.

It's someone named Serena.
Do you wanna take it?

Oh, Serena. Yeah, yeah, I'll take it.

Hello there, stranger. How you doing?

- It's been along time.
J.R [ON PHONE]: Well, I--

I've been real busy at the office, honey.
but I think of you a lot.

I'd like to see you.

I'd like to see you too.
How about this afternoon, huh?

I can't today.
I was thinking about tomorrow.

Maybe a late lunch?

All right, why don't you meet me
at the Cafe Leo, say, about 2:00?

Wonderful. J.R., I've got some news
I'm dying to tell you in person.

Ha, ha, ha. Can't wait to hear what it is.

See you there.

SUE ELLEN: Bobby, don't you worry
about Christopher.

- He's gonna be fine right here.

I'll take care of him while you're away,
Uncle Bobby.


Well, the only thing is, buddy.
I might be gone quite a while.

That's okay.
I've got a lot of stuff to show him.

Ah. Tonight, you're gonna have
to show him upstairs.

Because I want Christopher
to take a bath before he goes to bed.

You too, John Ross, come on.

Oh, Mom.


- You like baths?
- Here we go.

Yes, Teresa, what is it?

- It's for you. It's Mr. Demarest.
- Oh, thank you.

- Sue Ellen, do you mind?
-01 course not, Bobby.

Come on, I'll give you a bath.
I'll be back.

- Listen. I'll be upstairs to tuck you in, okay?
- Okay, Daddy.

- All right, sweetheart. Thank you.
- Come on.

- I'm sorry, Scotty. What have you got?
- Nothing good.

The desk clerk
remembers signing them in.

He said they were like ice to each other.
It I were the DA, I'd love this case.

What about the bellhops?
Did anybody talk to them?

They said Nalda and Jenna
went upstairs alone.

Nobody went up after them.

There was nothing found
to indicate that anybody...

...but Naldo and Jenna
were in that room.

Now, Bobby, I don't know.

Could she be hiding something from us?

I wouldn't think so.

Look, if I'm gonna get her out of jail,
I need more information than I got new.

Look, talk to her again tomorrow.
That's all I can tell you.

All right, Bobby.
I'll pick you up in the morning.

- Good night, son-
- Good night.


That... That was Scotty.

- No luck?
- No.

Not a shred of evidence we can use.

Damn it, I was so sure that something
would have turned up by now.

I think Scotty is even starting
to doubt Jenna's story.

He just asked me if there might be
something she's hiding from us.

Maybe there is.

Well, I'd sure hate to think that.

Maybe there's something
she's afraid to tell you.

Well, like what?

I don't know, but right now,
she's gotta be scared out of her wits.

Are you telling me you think she's lying?

That's a pretty strong word,
but suppose she is.

The only reason she would lie...

...is if she actually k*lled Naldo
and she was trying to cover it up.

- Is that what you think?
- What I think doesn't matter.

It's what the court thinks.

Unfortunately, right now.
all the evidence they have...

...points to her having done it.

Excuse me, Mr. Demarest is here.

Oh, show him in, Teresa. Thank you.

- Scotty.
- Hi, Bobby.

- Come on in. Where are your bags?
- I left them out there in the car.

Oh. Sit down for a second.

- Coffee?
- No, thank you .

- That will be all, Teresa, thank you.
- We've got a slight break.

It's not much. My investigator called me
before I left home.

He said we have located the plane
that took Jenna's daughter out of Dallas.

That's wonderful.
Did you talk to the pilot?

Yep. He flew Charlie
and that woman, Veronica, to Chicago.


They arrived about 4:00 in the afternoon.

Now, he got the impression,
from what Veronica said...

...that they were leaving
for Home that evening.

Did you check these flights?

Yes, there's one direct flight
to Home out of O'Hare.

It leaves at 5 p.m.


Well, that timing sounds about perfect,
doesn't it?

Charlie was not on the passenger list.
Now, there are other flights to Europe.

In order to get to Home,
you have to change planes.

I have my people checking out
those passenger lists.

However, Charlie may be traveling
under an assumed name.

No. No, I don't think she could do that.

She'd have to use whatever name
was on her passport.

That'd be Wade or Marchetta.

Well, we're checking out
under both names.

Let's get back to Laredo.
I wanna talk to Jenna again.

And I'd like to talk to her too.

DONNA: Do all of Sam's records
and papers still exist?

Sure do.

Here they are.

Which section belonged to Sam Culver?

It all belonged to him.

Sam was a real stickler
for keeping records.


I guess he was.

Ah... Thank you, Mr. Hansen. Um...

We really don't need you
to stay around here with us.

I hope not.

If you're planning to go through all this,
you're gonna be here forever.

That's a real possibility.

There's a coffee machine
around the come! if you like.

And I'll be down at my desk
if you need me.

DONNA: Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Good luck.

You sure you didn't bite off
more than you could chew?

Well, I probably did.

But if we don't get after it, we're gonna
be here for the rest of our lives.

Well, is there any particular place
you'd like to start, my dear?

Ah. I think we ought to pick a spot
and dive in.

Just knock when you wanna come out.

Thank you, son.

- Hello, Jenna.
- Have you heard anything about Charlie?

- Didn't come here to talk about Charlie.
- You've got to find her.

We're looking everywhere.

We've put out
missing persons bulletins...

...contact the airlines,
Italian immigration.

Everything possible is being done.
Now, let's talk about you.

I want you to go over what happened
when you went to that hotel.

- Oh. Not again.
- It's important.

I told you before, I don't remember.

You went up to the room with him.

- We went over that.
- We're gonna go over it again.

What happened?

- Naldo opened the door and went inside.
- You followed him.

Before I could,
someone grabbed me and pulled me in.

- Who was that?
- I don't know.

Was Naldo alone?
Was anybody else there?

I don't know.
It was dark, I didn't see anybody.

That hand grabbed me.
That's all I remember.

Maybe it was Naldo who grabbed you.

- No.
- How do you know?

He went in first, turned around,
grabbed you.

- You told me he tried to r*pe you.
- That was then.

- Maybe he tried to r*pe you again.
- Don't you think I'd remember?

I don't think you're telling me
what you remember.

Mr. Demarest!

Why are you pushing me like this?

If I'm gonna help you, Jenna,
I've got to know what happened.

Come on.

All I know is what Naldo told me.

We went to the hotel to rest,
then he was gonna have this meeting...

...then we're going to Home.

All right.
Suppose there was no meeting.

- What do you mean?
- Suppose he was lying about the meeting.

He had no reason to lie about that.

He did it he took you to that hotel
to r*pe you.

Now, we talked to a lot of folks
on that floor.

Nobody saw anybody...

...but you and him
that went in or out of that room.

- There had to be somebody else there.
- If there was, you would have seen him!

All right, Jenna, all right.

Now, somebody grabbed you.

Now, you must have struggled.

I think I did for a minute.

- I was groggy.
- Groggy, what do you mean?

- Somebody hit you on the head?
- No.

- Did you feel anything?
- No.

Did you hear anything?

Did you smell anything?

There was this funny odor.

Funny odor, what do you mean?
Paint, perfume, what? What?

A chemical smell.


I don't know what that smells like,
but it's possible.

Then why couldn't Naldo have done it?

Think about it.

He got you in the room,
he chloroformed you...

...but you didn't pass out right away.

You were awake long enough
to struggle with him.

He tried to r*pe you, you grabbed
for his g*n and you sh*t him with it!

- No!
- And then you passed out.


How do you know?
You say you don't remember.

I'm sure I would have remembered
something like that.

Now, if it happened, I need to know.
Don't hold back on me now.

I'm not.

Jenna, understand this now,
if things had gone any way like that...

...then it would change
the state's whole case against you.

They couldn't charge you
with m*rder anymore.

It's self-defense.

I'm sorry.

I just don't think that's what happened.

But you're not sure.


I don't know.


Maybe something like that did happen.

I just don't remember.

Tsk, tsk.



Ewing Oil.

BOBBY: Who is this? Jamie, is that you?
- Hi, Bobby.

How's everything going?

Well, there's no change.
Lock, is J.R. around?

No, I think he had a lunch appointment.

What about Phyllis or Kendall?

They're out to lunch too.
I'm the only one in the office.

You've gonna have to gel to JR. in! me.

I want him to get in touch
with Judge Samuelson.

Have him call me herein Laredo.

Okay, Judge Samuelson.
Is there anything else?

No, that's it for now,
but it's very important, Jamie.

Have him get to Judge Samuelson
as fast as he can.

I sure will. Take care, Bobby.

- Bye.
- Goodbye.

All right, Serena, you've had me
on tenterhooks all afternoon.

What's this news you got?


I'm getting married.


Oh, darling, that's just wonderful.
What? Who's the lucky man?

He's a plumbing contractor
in San Francisco.

I'll be moving up there.

Well, I'll be damned. How about that?

So I suppose
this is our goodbye lunch, huh?

- I'm gonna miss you, honey.
- Well, I'm gonna miss you too.

How is everything with you, J.R.?

Like I told you,
I've been pretty busy at the office.

That's why we haven't gotten together
for the last few months.

What about home? Are things
a little better with you and Sue Ellen?

Yeah, things are going
very well with her.

As a matter of fact,
maybe a little too well.

To tell you the truth,
I'm starting to get a little bored.


Same old J.R. Is there somebody else?

Well, no, not exactly.

Well, what is that supposed to mean?

I've got my eye on somebody,
but nothing's happened yet.

If I know J.R. Ewing,
he'll make it happen.

You're damn right I will.

Serena, I tell you, this is the most beautiful
woman I've ever seen in my life.

I'm gonna make something happen
all right, when I do...

...it's gonna be the sweetest victory
I've ever had.


Because she's the girlfriend of Cliff Barnes,
and I'm gonna take her away from him.


You know, I've got some time
before I have to meet my fiance.

How do you feel about
coming back to my apartment...

...so that we can really say goodbye?

That's the best way of spending
an afternoon I can think of.

Come on.

Are you sure that I have
seen everyone, doctor?

Yes, you've seen everyone. I'm sorry.

I don't understand it.
We were told that Mark went to Jamaica.

You say you offered a reward
for information about him?

Yes, I had notices posted
all over the island.

- And there was no response?
- Nothing.

Then frankly, Mrs. Ewing.
I think you're wasting your time.

You've tried the only medical clinics
he might have been to.

And I'm sure that the reward you offered
sent everybody out looking.

Well, maybe Mark paid people
to keep quiet about him.

Jamaica is a very poor island,
Mrs. Ewing.

There's always somebody
who would give him away.

Look, let me check
with colleagues of mine...

...at other medical facilities
on some of the other islands.

But why don't you go home?
If anything turns up, I'll call you.

I am so sure that he's still alive.

Well, if he's anywhere in the Caribbean,
we'll find him.

- Thank you, doctor.
- I haven't done anything.

But I would like to tell you
something though.

I'm sure you've probably heard it
a dozen times.

I know. Don't get my hopes up.

Thank you.

That's it for me. I quit.

I'm getting eyestrain
looking at all this stuff.

This is interesting.

I don't know how I let you talk me into this,
sitting around a dusty room all day.

Don't even have any windows.
You can't even tell if it's day or nighttime.


Look what time it is.
No wonder I'm so hungry.

Come on, woman. That's enough.

It'll just be a few more minutes, Ray.

Look, I wanna go back to the hotel.

I wanna take a shower,
get something to eat, huh?

Ray, I think I found something.

- What?
- Look at this.

It's a notation that Sam made in a diary,
August 8th, 1930.

“It looks like Jock, Jason and Digger
are getting real close to oil.

They'd better hit
in a couple of days though...

...or they're gonna run out of money.“

Looks like you're on the right track.

- Looks like I'm close. I'll keep on looking.
- No, not tonight.

Or you're gonna be minus one husband.

- Oh, Ray.
- Come on.

- That's it. I've had it.
- Okay.

Okay, if you promise...

...that we will come back here
first thing in the morning.

- It's gonna be right there.
- Cross your heart?

- I cross my heart.
- Okay.

Right there.



Jackie? Cliff.

Hi, Cliff.

Uh. I tried to catch you
before you went home from the office.

But, hey, my meeting
just went on and on.

Anyway, tomorrow, I'm not gonna be in,
so cancel that appointment with Turner.

All right.

You didn't hear from Pam, did you?

No, I haven't heard from her.

Well, if you do, be sure and
not say anything about Jenna Wade.

- I won't.
- Okay, thanks, love.

I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Hey, look at that.

What did you do?
Stop 0” and buy me those flowers?

No, these are from your friend
J.R. Ewing.

I stopped by my apartment
and I found these...

...along with a message
on my answering machine.

He wants to see you again?

Very much.

Well, I've been thinking about this.

Are you sure he doesn't know
about you and me?

Ha. Not unless he's been keeping it
a pretty good secret.

Well, it's unusual.

Because, generally, when he's interested
in somebody, he checks them out.


Oh, well, put them in a vase
and help me make some dinner.

Oh, Cliff, we're not
gonna eat here again tonight.

- I got some chicken I wanna heat up.
- I wanna go out.

Some place nice.

We can do that anytime.

I wanted to fix something here.
Just hang out, watch a little TV together.

You know, you could take a lesson
from your friend J.R.

He might be a k*ller in business,
but he sure knows how to treat a lady.


You're not falling for that
champagne and caviar bit?

It's nice to be spoiled sometimes.

And it's not like you can't afford it.

Sure I can afford it.
I just don't wanna spoil you.

I don't wanna change the simple,
sweet girl you were when I first met you.

Come on,
make some salad dressing, please?

CLAYTON: You seemed very quiet
at dinner this evening.

You all right?

Well, I guess everything's
beginning to get me.

Well, I'm not surprised.

- That business with Jenna is a real shocker.
- Mm.

It's not only that.

It's that paper that Jamie's got.

I know you think it doesn't worry me,
but it does.

It Donna and Ray find something in Austin
to prove that that document is real...

I mean.
that would frighten me very much.

I can't imagine Ewing Oil being split up.

Well, let's wait and see
if they really do find something.

Well, you know...

...J.R. has been getting along better
with Jamie.

In fact,
he is getting along with everybody.

He and Sue Ellen
have solved their problems and...

Well, he's been wonderful
to Bobby and Jenna.

I've had no run-ins with him.

Well, there you are.



Isn't it funny.
when everything else is going so badly...

...he's the one bright spot in the family?

You say he's getting along better
with Jamie?


As a matter of fact...

...she told him directly that she had
no intention of ever using that document.

Well, let's hope it stays that way.

Because if that document is for real...

...Jamie's goodwill
is gonna be very important.

Oh, I know.

Mr. Ewing, your call to Dallas is ready.

Thank you, operator.

- Jamie, hi.

Look, I'm calling to see if J.R.
get a hold of Judge Samuelson yet.

No, actually, he didn't come back
to the office all afternoon.

BOBBY [ON PHONE]: Damn it, that was important.

I know, so I called Judge Samuelson
for you myself. I asked him to call you.

Good, I'll probably hear from him tomorrow.
Thank you, I appreciate it.

Oh, you're welcome, Bobby.

- Good night.
- Good night-

Did I just hear you say
you talked to Judge Samuelson?

Yes. Bobby needed
to get in touch with him.

Well, the judge is a very important man.
I should have done that.

I know, and Bobby wanted you to.

But you weren't there,
so I called him myself.

You just don't pick up a phone
and call people like that.

- You should have waited for me.
- Waited for you?

I did more than that.
I went out to try and find you.

Find me?


I called the restaurant
where you were at.

But you left specific orders
you didn't wanna be disturbed.

So I went there myself
because it was so important...

...and there you were.

Hugging some tall, gorgeous blond
who seemed to know you pretty well.

That happens to be
a business associate.

Ah. Another business associate?

Like the one that you were hugging
at the barbecue?

Only this time,
you weren't just hugging her.

You were groping her and kissing her...

...and you probably spent
the afternoon in bed with her.

- That's a hell of an assumption.
- You didn't come back to the office.

J.R., how could you do that to Sue Ellen?

I'd like to know the answer
to that question myself.

Sue Ellen.

You bastard.

I knew things between us
were too good to last.

It's not what it looks like.
This girl saw it wrong.

Groping and kissing?
That's hard to see wrong.

She's lying.

I'm so sorry, Sue Ellen.
I didn't mean for you to hear this.

There's a lot of things you don't mean.

But you go ahead and do them,
and people get hurt.

I'm not the one hurting people. You are.

- You've got a lot of gall.
- Don't you dare twist it around.

It's not Jamie's fault.

Whose fault is it? She sees something she
doesn't understand, then broadcasts lies.

I'm not lying.

The hell you're not.
You've been lying since you got here.

I'm sick and tired of it.
I want you out and off this property.

- She's not going anywhere.
- She's a troublemaker.

- I want her out of this house tonight.
- No!

That's okay, Sue Ellen. I don't
wanna stay here anymore anyway.

I've had all that I can take.

And you know, J.R., I told you
I wasn't gonna use that document.

I never wanted to hurt the family.

But maybe now, I will.

Maybe now I'll show you
just how real a Ewing I am.

You heard what she said.
I told you we couldn't trust her.

It's happening allover again, isn't it?
The sneaking around, the cheating.

I'm not cheating on you.

Shut up!
I don't wanna hear any more of your lies.

She's the one who's lying.

I doubt that very much.

Jamie and I have built
a wonderful friendship...

...over the past months,
and she cares about it as much as I do.

You're the one who ruined it.

I told you to leave her alone.
Stay away from her, but no.

You had to destroy that friendship.

Just like you've destroyed
everything else in my life.

- Sue Ellen, would you listen to me?
- No, I will not listen to you.

Ha. Congratulations.

You had a wonderful day for yourself,
didn't you?

You got rid of Jamie
and you got rid of me.

I hope she fights you for Ewing Oil,
and I hope she wins.

Because then you'll know
exactly how I feel tonight.
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