05x09 - Boy Crazy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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05x09 - Boy Crazy

Post by bunniefuu »

September ,

would you mind?

watch this,baby doll.

leave the new kid alone,red.

what's your bag,man?

gloria thinks the new kid's cherry.

you're thicker than a five-dollar
malt,surprised you can read.

what the hell?

look at what we got here!

he's a she!

and he's a jackass!

boss wants to see me.

iad is wrapping it up,finally.

what do you got?

well,vera's talking to this
guy-- info on a floater from ' .

drowned in a lake at fdr.

he got a name?


wait,that's a boy.

- right?
- wrong.

samantha randall, .

the body washed up a
half-mile down from the bridge.

su1c1de point--
that bridge.

ain't our jurisdiction
when teenagers jump.

only our guy says she didn't.

i've been a drunk my whole life,but i...

i got sober this year.

i got six months.

good for you.

in aa,they say that you're
only sick as your secrets.

anytime you want to
get to the point,bub.

the point is,everybody said
that girl jumped from the bridge,

but she didn't.

and how do you know?

'cause i was on the bridge that night.

well,maybe your memory's a little fuzzy.

i heard a car pull up and
then this little splash.

i look down in the water and a
girl floats by right in front of me.

you're here to clear your

so why don't you save us the
song and dance,admit you did it.

i admit those were dark
times,but not that dark.

the only one i was k*lling was myself.

there's no water in her lungs.

not likely she drowned.

saying she was dead
when she hit the water?

no one caught it back then?

wasn't going for a midnight
swim in this red dress.

so somebody dumped her.

tough to k*ll yourself
if you're already dead.

you wanted to see me,boss?

have a seat,scotty.


iad is recommending
suspension-- days,unpaid.

just like that,huh?

they're citing procedure,perimeter.

you've been around long
enough to know how it goes.

so,do i just... leave now?

if i thought you were
wrong,you'd be gone by now.

get back to work.


i'm suspended,right?

they're commended suspension.

so,you got to come up with a
counteroffer now,or something?

do your job,scotty; let me do mine.

samantha randall,some kids found
her body washed up at fdr park.

yup,it's a girl.

not where i come from.

i was a tomboy when i was little.

used to beat my brothers arm wrestling.

guessing you didn't
take it this far,though.

to each their own.

a classmate said samantha
only wore boys' clothes.

until the night she died,that is.

well,she was the new kid in town.

enrolled at grays ferry high school,

couple months before she died.

kids must've loved her.

the cops ruled it a
su1c1de,chalked it up to her...

behavior problem.

ran away from home every few weeks,

had three arrests for
public intoxication.

we thinking she was gay?

back in ' that was a disease.

could've been acting out,confused.

doer might've taught "the freak" a lesson.

put her in a dress to
drive the point home.

so how did she die?

the marks on her temples
might be bruises,burns?

i'll see if she got family left.

find out just how rough
this tomboy had it.

archie randall?

you found him.

philly homicide.

i got some questions,if you don't mind.


what is this?

maybe you'd like to speak in private.

finish without me.

i'm looking into your daughter's death.

i don't understand.

sam... k*lled herself.

you told officers she was
having behavior problems.

well,you would,too,if your
mom died when you were little.

i raised her on my own.

did the best i could anyway.

was she always a tomboy?

like the son i never had.

she loved to build tree
forts and play in the mud.

but... around age ,trouble started.

what kind of troubles?

oh,sassing her teachers and
skipping school and fighting.

got kicked out of...

a few high schools upstate.

that why you moved to grays ferry?

twice we had to pack up
and move to a new town.

we were damned lucky not
to end up in the poorhouse.

i hope you don't mind me asking,but
sam's alternative behaviour.

How far did it go?

I'm not sure i catch your meaning.

Did your kary prefer the
company of other girls?


She wasn't one of those.

Can you think of anyone who
would want to hurt your daughter?

I got to admit,sam didn't
have a lot of friends.

She always acted like it
was her against the world.

It's hard Adjusting to a new school,

isn't that right,tim?

Red picked on me so why am
i the one brought in herE.

Because you can't come to
school dressed like that.

You want to me to dress like a girl?

Because it will make them feel better.

You will dress like a girl
because you're a girl.samantha

It's sam

Sam is a boy's name, let gets this straight

You will go by samantha at school

Did your mother ever take
you shopping for clothes,dear?

She mass a closet
full of skirts at home.

Price tags on all of them.

Girls like her run into
trouble later on in life.

Personality disorders. Alcohol abuse.

There are places that can help
her if she's not willing to change.

Let's nip this in the bud now,shall we?

Why can't i just be who i am.

And who or what exactly is that?

Now,it says here you've
registered for shop class.


I want to learn how to build
a turbo engine from scratch.

I've taken the liberty of enrolling
you in home economics instead.

Why? So I can change diapers and mick
cups of coffee for people like you.


Why don't you leave me alone.

The new kid,you get the dress yet?

What dress.

Every since home room everyone's saying
you're the shoon-in for homecoming.


You must be real proud.

Tom Baring What a surprise.

Excuse me.

No one was on her side,not even me.

This tom baring,he said
sam should wear a dress?

Kids were always cruel to her.

Did he and sam ever get into it again?

I don't know.

She shut me out of her life.

I guess i can't blame her.

Thank you for your time,mr.Randall.

I used to tell her it's a phase.

When you're older,you will look back

and laugh at yourself
for acting this way.

Guess i was wrong.

Here to pick up or place an order?


We want to talk to
you about sam randall.

That's a name i haven't
heard in a while.

She died,back in ' ,' ,right?

November,' .

We think someone k*lled her.

My god.

Found wearing a dress.

Just like you said she should.

I used to sh**t my
mouth off all the time.

Thought i was a real bad ass
but i was just a bored kid.

Had quite a rap sheet
at the tender age of .

Breakfasting and entering*************

And i skipped school too. Do
you want it write that down.

I didn't k*ll her

where were you the night she died?

Home,trying to keep dad
from beating mom unconscious.

Real norman rockwell stuff.

She pissed you off,didn't she?sam?

Oh,yeah,she pissed everyone off
much that's what i liked about her.

And you got familiar?

That must have hurt her reputation.

I didn't give a damn what
the other kids thought.

We both didn't.

It made us cool.

How did this great friendship start?

Bunch of guys used to
drag race out in the pines.

Once sam found out about
it,nothing could keep her away.


Thought you would chicken out.

I wouldn't miss it for the world,red.


What are you squawking about?
I spent a month working on this.

How much gas have you got in there?

About a quarter t*nk.

Too much. Pop it.

Hey,what are you doing?

I don't let just anyone touch my car.

I know everything about engines.

Trust me,will you.

Man,you must be desperate.

So,red,what are we racing for?

How about pink slips.

You can keep that gentleman loppy.

How about her instead.

One day


My car for your girl.

He's going to leave you
in the dust candy ass.


Yeah,we're partners.

Race some rubber.



What did you put in the t*nk?


Told you you would win,didn't I?

Full of all sorts of
surprises,aren't new.

You cheated,you freak.


We won fair and square,red.

Layoff the kid.

You think you can screw red buckley
over,you're crazier than you look.

Sam was fun.

And she knew what it was
like to be an outsider.

Like you.

Sam was my only friend.

Bingo in both ways.

You never thought to go
to the cops about this.

I didn't think it mattered.

They said she k*lled herself.

What about red?

Did he ever make good on his threat?

Must have.

If she didn't k*ll herself,right?

Thanks for your time.

The town bully,lost his pride
and his girl in the same night.



Is he giving gordon hell?

And the chief of detectives.

Guess I should pack my bags.

Look like john's giving
as good as he gets.

Red buckley.

I've been asking around about you.

If I knew cops were this cute I
would have come in sooner.********

You have quite the bad boy
reputation in high school.

Ladies man,in the hot rod.

Still got that little chevy in my
backyard if you would like to take a spin.


People are still talking about
those drag races out in the ponds.


All through high school.

That car was a rocket.

Actually,i heard different.

One legendary night,

you got served your ass
on a plate,by a girl.

Who,sam randall?

That wasn't a girl.

You bullied sam.

Hated her for showing you up.

If she would just put on a skirt.

Us guys would have let her be.

Threatened by her,weren't you?

Freaked out more like.

Everyone was,even the girls.

Are you saying she
got into it with them?

You know how you females can be.


Live it up gals,rent a hungry man.

I I believe you get credit for this.

Red nose whot winner is.

He's tasted my pie before.

I bet he has.


Did you say something?

Don't be A*****

Nice apron.

You got to try lipstick some time.

So I can look like a dip,too?

At least I'm not a lesbo.

How many hours a day
are you taking it on?

Stuffing your bra?

Just wondering.

These are primo % real.

You should try it.

Looking like a girl,i mean.

A lot of work being a skirt.

No thanks.

Look,butch,I don't know how
they dress at your last school

but at grace ferry,girls look like this.

You might want to take some notes.

Looks like someone is
a pony missing its tale.


You messed with the wrong girl.

Sounds like janey had
a nasty little temper.

Once,a chick winked at me
jenny gave her a black eye.

And sam grabbed the tiara right off the
beauty beaten queen's head so to speak.


Where were you the night sam died?

at home coming dance.

Spent most of the night behind
the gym trying to get something.

I'll track melissa down.

See what she said.

Let me know if she's single.

Sam randall made a fool out
of you,exposed you as a fake.

And she was right.

I was the bell of the ball with
my b*llet bra and w*r paint.

I take it you're more
involved than that now?

I like to think so.

What made you change,janey?


No,living through the feminist
movement,it changed my life.

Come a long way since high school.

When you threatened sam randall.

Look,I was a bitch on wheels back then.

I wasn't proud of it.

Sam frightened me.

She did more than frighten you.

She turned you into a punch line.


I had to score a
settle but not with sam.

Sam's friend dom.

He stood me up for our stupid date.

What does this have to
do with sam's m*rder?

I went to find him. giving a peace of my mind

He and sam were at the lake.


The regular hangout.

That's when I found
out what sam really was.

Damn,it's hot.

Jia thought rp taking
janey to the movie tonight?



I wag was going to take you parking but
just have to talk to her on the ride home.

A lot of chicks are like that.no funs



Nobody's judging you.

Trying to make you something you're not.

I wish i could stay here forever.

Why don't you?


It's just the way i am.

I don't know what that makes me.

Feels right,you know.

I think so.

And i used to get match
box cars every christmas.

He brought me a barbie
and i balled my eyes out.

I'm not trying to be like anybody else.

Just me.

We'll never let them change you.

Always be free. I'll die trying.



You like chicks the way i do.


what do you like?

I like you...

- What the hell are you doing?
- I don't know.

I'm not some q*eer.

- I just wants to be with you,dom,I'm sorry.
- Shut up.

Try that again,and
i'll beat your head in.


I know it was confusing.

You can say that again.

And i made sure it got
around the next day at school.

Excuse me.

So the gender bending girl makes a
pass at a bad boy and everyone knows.

Maybe dom wasn't such a
sensitive guy after all.

She was a boy inside of
a girl who liked a boy?

That about sums it up.

Make my head hurt here.

Yes,probably why cops
dropped it like a hot potato.

Still don't explain
the marks on her head.

Or why she ended up in girl's
clothes the night she died.

Dom's got a little explaining to do.

Will,want to step in for a second?


I'm going to need you to keep an eye on
things around here for a little while.

What do you mean?

You're the senior man on the squad.

Listen,you have a seat.

What's going on,john?

I'm going to have to take a
-day rest,starting friday.

I can use the time,i haven't
been fishing in six years.

Ied,they're suspending you?

I told them i signed off
the sh**ting in barely.

To they's hands were tied.

You're taking the hit.

Scotty's a good cop.

He doesn't need some stink on his rap.

And do you?

I'm set.

I've been around long enough, i don't have
to worry about what is coming after mE.

I don't know what to say.

Say you will keep the trains running.

- Just for days.
- Who knows?

I might take a shine to it.

Come on,you can't leave us.

At what part? The hours,the politics?

Seriously,john,what are you going to do?

I don't know.

Maybe it's time i found out.

The lazy afternoons fishing.

To old friends.

Amen to that.

I heard sam got fresh
with you at the lake.

In ' ,common clenches of
a girl who looks like a boy.

I didn't kiss her.

Witnesses say it got hot and heavy.

I'm not that way.

What way?

Sam looked like boy.

You've seen pictures.

It was confusing.

I bet it was.

Especially when the
whole school found out.

And you your buddy,

made you a little
involved by association.

***********And get rid of the freak.

She wasn't freak.


she was just lost.

I should have handled it differently.

- And not k*lled her you mean.
- I didn't k*ll her.

I shut her out,i gave
her the cold shoulder.

But you didn't give a damn about
what the other kids thought,right?


I did.

And i abandoned sam
when she needed me the most.

Looky here.She's crying.

Boys don't cry.

Are you a boy,huh?

Or you just like kissing them.

So you a q*eer now,too?

Makeup your mind what you are,freak.

You want to get with boys,you
got to look like a girl.





- Hold her still
- Hold her still

- No
- samatha randol

my office now

Sam had more guts and integrity than
anyone in that school,including me.

What did the principal do?

Called her father.

Yanked her out of school,i guess.

Sam was expelled?

Her dad came to pick her up that day.

I never saw her again.

But you lied to us,had
to pull up six again,

maybe he didn't have
anymore moves left in him?

Never told us sam got kicked out
of the grace ferry. What was that?

Third high school in three years.

A not sure what you're getting at here.

Your daughter thought she was a
boy and had a nasty temper to boot.

I loved sam.

Only wanted what was best for her.

Couldn't move again,though,couldn't?

You were at your wits ends.

I didn't know what else to do.

So you lost your temper?

Maybe things got out of
hand,you hit her archy?


I did something much worse.

Her diagnosis is gender
identity disorder.

****We keep girls like samantha
to dress,talk and walk like ladies.

How,what will you do to her?

Behaviour moifbs,medication,

worst case scenario,electro
con vuflsive therapy.

I don't know about that.

You are do want what's
best for your daughter?

Of course i do but sam's never
been away from home before.

We can help her.

Just last month a former patient
got engaged to be married.

Get me out of here.

Don't make it harder.

I'll be a girl,please,I'll
wear whatever you want.

She won't need these boys' clothes.

Samantha will be wearing
a dress like a normal girl.

Daddy,please don't make me stay here.

I'm sorry,samantha,i love
you but it's the only way.

No,daddy,I'll be good.




I'll be good.

I'll be good.I promise!

She was calling for me
and i just walked away.

I thought i was doing the right thing.

How long was she at that hospital?

Two weeks.

And then she ran away.

That's what they told me.

Same night she died?


Maybe if she wasn't scared,i
would bring her back to that place.

Maybe she would have come home.

Thanks for your time,mR.Randall.





You got something?

Been looking no brookview:


Shut down in ' after three
teenagers went through ect.

- ********
- ********

It was still experimental,

current too high patients
came up brain dead.


Russell concerns died of cancer in ' .

And any other leads?

Poly learned,nurse at the school.

Also worked the night shift on the
gender disorder ward at brookview.

Quit right around the time sam died.

Bring her?

Already did.

All right,good work.

Jeffrey said you're
taking my suspension.

It wasn't yours to take,scotty.


Water under the bridge. It's done.

Thanks for... looking out.

Leonard is waiting.


You coming,boss?

As i said,i baring remember the girl.

*******Hard to keep them all straight.

We know about the other
zombies the hospital turned out.

Three,to be exact.

All under your care.

It was horrible what they were doing
to those young people. Terrible.

You just stood by and let it happened.

Doctors don't listen to nurses.

It was out of my hands.

Why did you quit?

After sam died,you
just ran for the hills.

I didn't run for any damn hills.

My whole life I've been holding my
tongue,watching men make mistakes.

But i begged dr.Cancer to stop.

But doctors don't listen to nurses.

I thought thought we were
helping in the beginning

but sam had so much fight in her.

They did everything they
could to snuff it out.

And one more time,pull out your chair...

lower yourself slowly
into the seat,don't plop.

Excellent progress,samantha.

Don't scrape the chair if he felicia.

And hands in your lap.


Louise,do you want dr.Kearns to
sends you back to the ect room?

Now,let's move on to grooming.

Today is lipstick.

Remove the cap.

Place the lid on the table.

Hold the compact mirror
open in yoeftur l palm.

Now start at the centre of the
upper lip and move down to the right.


You must participate if
you're going get better.

But I can't get better if I'm not sick.

You know this isn't right.

You have no idea what these
people are capable of,sam.

Just Do it.

Put on the lipstick,now!

You put on the lipstick,buster.

And while you're at it,take this!

I'm not crazy.

This is crazy. Not me.

You will behave like a young lady.

You call me a lady or a freak...

there's nothing wrong with mE.



Sam was right.

There was nothing wrong with her.

I just couldn't stand
watching them destroy her.

So i quit.

Left her there to rot,too.

Real noble of you.

I found a friends of hers from school
and i let him know what happened.

A friend?

You mean donald aaron?

He was the only one who talked to her.

He seemed to be the type
who would do the right thing,

even if he had to do
something against the rules.

But you told him to save her?

It was my first and
last act of rebellion.

How did he get past the hospital gate?

I gave him the key.

Beautiful work.

You're not here to talk
about stained glass,are you?

Same image,over and over.

Every piece,that...

one figure.

Alone against the world.

Kind of like sam.

I already told you,we were just friends.

Hard to believe. Seeing this.

Hypothetically speaking,if
you love a girl,

who is actually a boy
inside,what does that make new.

I... i didn't...

love sam.

Why did you save her?

Boy girl,his words,right?

*******not what is in here.

why do you doing this?

You made a deal at the lake to
never let them change you,die trying.

That's why you brought her back there,

the one place she could be free.

She was.


In the ends.

i made sure of that.

You didn't put a name on
it but it still matters.

It Was the only thing that mattered.

That's why i went to her.

Come on,sam.

Let's go,we're getting
out of here. Let's gO.



Come back,come back.


Just come back.

******You've got to come back.

We had a deal,remember.

Is he lake,we can never
let them change us.

We can always be free or die trying,huh?

You remember?

Make me free.

All right.

I can't,

i won't,i won't do that,sam.

I won't,no way,no way.

I know you're in there,sam.

I know it's you.

But I won't do that,you hear me,i won't.

I won't.


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