05x09 - Opie's Fortune

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*
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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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05x09 - Opie's Fortune

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Andy Griffith...

With Ronny Howard...

Also starring Don knotts.

You gonna let me have
a piece of paper?

Uh, well...

Want the front page?

Thank you.

Boy, I sure do get a kick
out of this red akins'

"Mayberry after midnight,"
don't you?


He sure knows how to dig up
the dirt in this town.

For a -year-old boy,
he really gets around.

Guess who's getting married.


Rhoda apple.

How'd you know?

I guessed.

Did you see it in the paper?

No, I didn't see it.

Did you run into red akins?

I just guessed.

All right. You're so
good at guessing...

Guess who's getting divorced.

I don't know.

Lorraine and Howard felcher.

They are?
They're splitting up?

Oh, I knew that marriage
would never last.

I'll be dogged. I thought
they was getting along so good.

Well, on the outside.

What went wrong?

Are you kidding?


I'll be dogged.

I didn't know
Howard was a drinker.

Not Howard, Lorraine.


When did you find
out about that?

Well, you know Phoebe Gilbert,

limley Gilbert's sister
down at the beauty parlor?


Well, I took her out
a couple of times

and she told me that
Lorraine was one of those...

You mean you took Phoebe out?

Yeah. I took her out
a couple of times. Anyways...

Does Thelma Lou know
you took her out?

Well, no, as a matter of fact,
Thelma Lou doesn't know

but this was a long time ago

so it doesn't...
Anyway, she said...

Where did you go?

You and Phoebe, where'd you go?

We went to that place out on the
highway, the blu vue, there.

Oh, you went out to
the blu vue. Uh-huh.

What did you do?

Well, anyway...
Well, we sat around.

We ate and then we took a drive.

What's the difference?

You want to hear
about Lorraine or don't you?

I'll tell you the truth...

I'd rather hear
about you and Phoebe.

I don't even hear you.
Go on and talk.

Phoebe, huh? Wow.


... ...

... ...


dollars. Gosh!

Paw! Guess what I found!

Well, who shot you
out of a Cannon?

I was walking along, paw.

I was just walking along.

Take it easy.
Get your breath.

Now, what happened?

Well, I was walking
home from school, paw.

Just walking along
kicking a tin can.


Well, I kicked the
tin can into the grass

and when I went to kick it out,

look what I found!
Open it, paw.

Look what's inside.


Holy jumping catfish.

How much is it, Andy?

$ . I counted it.

That's how much
it is, all right.


People sure are
silly, you know that?

$ and no identification.

Yeah. It's a man's
purse, ain't it?


Boy, there's a fella

that's going to have
to do some explaining

when he gets home tonight.

Yeah. You
better know it.

Well, it'll be safe
right in here.

Gee, paw. I could take it home
and keep it safe.

Well, this money isn't yours.

Yeah, but I found it.

I know, but whoever
lost this money

might not have even discovered

that it's missing yet.

It's only fair that
we give him time

to find out that it's missing

and time to try to find it.

You can understand
that, can't you?

Oh. I guess so.

Well, good.

We'll keep it
right here in the drawer.

Paw, you mean you got to keep

that money in your
desk drawer forever

unless whoever lost
it comes for it?

No, I didn't say that.

I said we got to give him time

to find out that it's missing

and time to try to find it,

but if in a reasonable
amount of time

the fella that lost the money

don't show up, then it's yours.

How much time
do I have to give him?

Well, as a rule,
we keep lost money for...Seven days.

Ain't that right, Barn?

That's correct.

And then if the rightful owner
does not appear

to claim said funds,
finders same, keep same.

That's seven days, ope.

Is that for children, too?

Children, adults... the rules
do not differentiate.

If the rightful owner does not
appear to claim said funds,

finders same, keep same.

That's right.

If the rightful owner
does not appear...

You want to quit saying that?

That's seven days, ope.

Gee, paw,
that sure is a long time.

Well, that's the rule,
and it's a fair one

but if in a week's time...

That's next Wednesday, ange.

That's right.
If next Wednesday...

What time next Wednesday?

Well, um...

Uh, next Wednesday
at, uh... : .

Opie's been here
five minutes already.

Well, next Wednesday
at, uh, : ?

Okay. Next Wednesday
at : exactly

if nobody comes
to claim the money,

it's all yours.

Oh, boy! All mine! $ !

Lot of money for a little fella.

That's a lot of money
for any size fella.

Well, bye, paw.

Bye, Barney!

So long.

The little scoundrel.

Well, that made
his day, didn't it?

Yeah. Well,
it'd make my day, too.

I've never found $ .
Did you?


I found a dollar once.

What did you do with it?

Spent it all on a girl.

You did?

Yeah. Spent the whole
dollar on a girl.

Who'd you spend it on?

What did you all do
out at the blu vue?

Did you go out to lover's leap?

Oh, thanks, aunt bee.

Opie, don't bolt your dessert.

Andy, tell him not to eat
so fast.

Well, I reckon he figures
the faster he eats,

the faster next Wednesday
will be here.

It'll be here soon enough.
Take it easy.

- Hi, everybody.
- Hi, Barney.

Hello, Barney.
How about a nice piece

of homemade
chocolate layer cake, hmm?

Oh, no, thanks, aunt bee.

No? It's your favorite.

I know, but I just
came from the diner

and I'm up to here in tapioca.

If I cut you a piece
and wrap it up

will you take it home?

Oh, yeah.

Look, Barney.
I have some catalogues.

Want to look
through them with me

and pick out some things
for me to buy?

Sure. Let's get over
under the light.

See, Barney, there's
the fishing rod I picked out.

Oh, yeah.
That's neat.

Yeah. Let's see what else
you got down here.

Oh, look at that.

They got the same kind
of erector sets

they had when I was a kid.

Boy, you can build
beautiful things with them...

Bridges and Ferris wheels.

Yeah. I had one once.

Built all kinds
of things with it.

Do you think I can buy
one of those sets, paw?


I remember I got one
for Christmas once

and there was a little creek
close to the house

and I built a little drawbridge
across the creek.

Had some little boats
floating around in the water.

I had a little steam engine
with some pulleys

and I could raise
and lower the bridge.

Had a little windup tractor

that could go across the bridge
and everything. It was fun.

Gee, paw, I sure would
like to build one of those.

Well, maybe you can.
Will you help us?

I'd be glad to.

Come on, ope. Let's see
what else you picked out.

Now, ope...

I want to remind you
one more time

you mig be putting
the cart before the horse.

Somebody could show up
to claim that money.

Well, it can't hurt to plan.

Come on. Let's
keep looking, ope.

Ope, how come your light's...?


I was just doing
some adding, paw.

I see.

I was figuring how
much I could spend.

Well, you won't be spending
anything tonight.

You got to go to sleep.

But it's only and
a half more hours.

Ope, why don't you

just forget about it
till tomorrow?

I keep trying to tell you
that somebody could still

show up and claim that money.

I know, but can't I look
just a little bit longer?

Well, I reckon I can stand it
for one more night.

Gee, thanks, paw.

Go to sleep soon.

I will.

You're going to be
in your office tomorrow?

Oh, yeah. I'll be there.

Me, too.

Well, one more minute

and when the time's up,
it's all yours.

It's the paper.


Ten, nine, eight...

Seven, six, five...

Four, three...

Two, one.

: sharp.

Oh, boy, that money's mine now!

It's all yours, ope.
Looky there.


Now, how do you feel,
Mr. Rockefeller?

Gee, paw, is it really mine?

Sure, it's all yours.

The rightful owner
didn't appear.

That's right.
$ . Wow.

Hey, paw?

What would happen

if the fella who lost it
came along right now?

Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.

If the fella
hasn't missed $ by now

I don't expect
we'll ever see him.

Besides, finders keepers,
losers weepers.

That's what they say.

Can I go look at some
of the stores now?

but one thing.

What, paw?

What fellas usually do

when they come into a
lot of money like this

is they'll spend some of it
and save some of it.

Now, I expect you'd want to do
the same thing, wouldn't you?

Yeah, paw.

You know, save a little
for a rainy day.


I'll save a dollar.

I don't know.

That don't...That
don't sound like much.

How would you feel
about spending ten

and saving $ ?

Well...how about
$ and $ ?

Oh, I don't know.

I don't know. That...

That ten dollars and $ just kind
of, I don't know, feels right.

Don't it feel right
to you, Barn?

Yeah. It feels right to me.

It feels right.

I think I'll save $ .

That's a time

and figuring that
we'd probably wind up

seeing eye-to-eye on this thing

I bought you a little present.

Gee, thanks.

Now, here's your ten dollars.

Put that in your pocket.

Now, this $ , that's yours, too

but we'll put that in
here and save it for...

A college education
or something.

That's a good idea.

Every time you find $ ,
you can put $ of it in there.

Now, you take that home
and put it in your room.

I will, paw. Thanks.

Bye, Barney, bye, paw.

Bye, ope.

Well, he's happy, ain't he?

Yeah. Well, that's the biggest
financial week he ever had.

Yeah. I guess so.

Maybe now we can get
down to some normal living.

I'm glad he's happy

'cause I'll tell
you the truth...

I wouldn't want him
to find $ every day.

He's been about
driving me crazy.


Oh, look at this.
This is nice.

Earl pike bought his boy

a brand-new car
for his birthday.

Well, that is nice.

How old is his boy now?

He's , isn't he?


Listen to this.

Barn, do you always
have to read the paper to me?

Why can't I ever
read the paper myself?

Listen to this... it's
under "lost and found."

"Lost, vicinity of Mayberry

"a black leather change
purse with $ in it.

"If found, please
contact parnell Rigsby

rfd # , bannertown."

Ain't that one for the books?

Now, why did I have to
read the paper today?

Why couldn't I have
seen it yesterday?

'Cause it wasn't out yesterday.

That's why this town

ought to have a daily newspaper.

Then things like this
wouldn't happen.

It's one for the books,
I'm telling you.

only one thing to do.

I'll have to explain it to Opie

and give this Mr. Rigsby
back his money.

A mistake's been made.

It's got to be corrected.

Well, I know that,

but how are you going
to explain it to Opie?

It'll break his heart.

Well, it's not going to be easy

and I sure ain't gonna enjoy it,
but it's got to be done.

Poor kid.
Just a few minutes ago

we gave him the money
and told him it was all his.

I know...

And I know he'll be
pretty disappointed at first,

but Opie's a good boy.

He'll understand.

Yeah...maybe so

but I don't want to be around
when you tell him.

I don't think I could take it

seeing his poor little face

when you...Pull his whole world
out from under him like that.

Barney, don't.

Paw, Barney, I was just down
at the sporting goods store

and you should see some
of the stuff they got.

They got a glass fishing
rod that's a real beauty

and they got a swell
fielder's glove...

Well, uh...
And a nifty football helmet...

Just like the kind
they wear in college.

Yeah, ope, listen, sit down.

I got to tell you something.

Nothing's the matter,
is there, paw?

Well, ope...

Don't be afraid, paw.
I know it sounds like a lot

but I won't spend more
than ten dollars.

It's just so hard to decide.

It's like having
an extra Christmas.

What's wrong with Barney, paw?

Oh, I guess he's,
uh, taken a cold.

Just like having
another Christmas, huh?


Well, I reckon
a fella don't have

two christmases
in one year very often.

So you just enjoy it.

But I can't make up
my mind what to buy.


Maybe you better
go back over to the store

and look over all that stuff
again, okay?

Yeah. I guess that's
the best idea,

but it sure ain't
easy being rich.

Well, so long, paw.
So long.

Hey, Barn?

I couldn't do it.

I know. I heard.


Ain't that one of
the saddest bankbooks

you ever saw.

What are you going to do?

Well, I've got to give
Mr. Rigsby back his money.

Got no other choice.

When I tell Opie about it,
he'll give the money back.

He's that kind of boy.

You know...

There's not many fathers
that'd do what you're doing...

Take the money
out of their own pocket.

Hey, paw! Barney!
Look what I got!

Hey, Barney?


I don't exactly look like
no old catfish to you, do I?

I'm sorry, mister.

I was just practicing
with my new rod.

Mm-hmm. Mighty sharp.

It's made of fiberglass.

Fiberglass, eh?

I reckon bamboo must be kind
of hard to get these days.

Sheriff around?

No, sir.

Know when he'll be back?


Well, when you see him, son,
do me a favor

and tell him
parnell Rigsby was here.

Parnell Rigsby.

Yes, sir, I'll tell him.

I was kind of hoping somebody
might turn in the purse I lost.

It had $ in it.


Now, don't forget to tell him

and good luck with your fishing.

I hope you land a whopper.

Well, we're sure sorry
that we missed Mr. Rigsby.

So am I.

He'll be so surprised
when he sees this.

He gave up all hope
of ever getting it back.

Well, we're sure glad
he did get it back.

We sure are.

It's our duty and our pleasure.

Oh, there's parnell now.

Parnell! Parnell.

Parnell, this is
sheriff Taylor...

Mr. Rigsby.

And deputy Fife...

Hi, Mr. Rigsby.

And do you know what?

They found your money.
They didn't?

Oh, yes, we did.

It's all here.

Why, I can't believe it.

I never dreamed
I'd see this money again.

As a matter of fact,

I just dropped by your office
a little while ago.

Oh, you did?

Nobody there, except for
this little fella

with a great, big,
brand-new fishing rod.

Oh, that's my son, Opie.

You didn't say nothing to him

about the money, did you?

I told him about the money,

but he didn't know
nothing about it.

You mean that Opie...?

Uh, I make it a point

never to discuss police
business with the family.

You understand.

Well, we better be
getting on back.

Goodbye, sheriff.


Deputy, and thanks again
for returning the money.

You're very welcome.

What about that?

Now, Andy, there's probably
a very good reason

why Opie didn't say
he found the money.

Maybe he didn't hear
Mr. Rigsby mention it.

Many's the time I don't hear
what you're saying to me.

Get in the car.

What I didn't even hear that.

Get in the car!


Opie, you up there?!

No, Andy, it's me.
Opie's not home.

He went out about
a half an hour ago.

Know where he went?

No, but I suspect he went
out to buy something.

He was working awfully hard

getting money
out of his new bank.

Is anything wrong?

That young 'un is on a spending
spree is what's wrong.

Well, howdy, sheriff.

Hi, paw.
Hello, Max.

Opie here was just... I know.

But, paw, I was just...
Let's go, Opie.

Sit down.
Gee, paw...

Sit down.

Opie, I'm mad
and I think you know

what I'm mad about, don't you?

Well, I guess you're mad
'cause I broke the bank.

That's part of it.

Ever hear of a man
named parnell Rigsby?

You know about him?


He was in here this afternoon,
wasn't he?

And when he told you he was
the one that lost the money

you just stood there and didn't
say a word about it, didn't you?

And even after he told you
he was the one that lost it,

you went straight out
to spend some more.

But I wasn't buying anything
at the store, paw.


I was getting my ten dollars

back for the fishing rod.

$ . It's all there.

I don't understand.

Well, paw...

After Mr. Rigsby left,
I got to thinking

and, well...Even though
you said the money was mine

and that I could spend it,

I knew that I couldn't have
much fun doing that

on account of the money
wasn't really mine.

So I decided to give it back.

I'm sorry about breaking
the piggy bank, paw.

That was the only way
I could get the money out.

Will you give Mr. Rigsby
the money back for me, paw?


I did it again, didn't I?

Did what, paw?

Oh, not realizing...

You're really something,
you know that, ope?

Oh, boy!
This is swell, paw!

Is that the one you wanted?

It sure is, paw.

This is the one I picked out.

Well, I figure
after all that trouble,

I owe you a little present.

Gee, thanks, paw.

Now, take care of that rod.

I will, paw.

Can I try it out this afternoon?

Well, okay, but don't get
more than your limit.

I won't, paw.


Bye, Barney!
Bye, ope!

Have a good time.

I will. Bye!

Well, that was really something.

Yeah, I don't want to go
on and on about it.

But I believe that's as good
a boy as you're gonna find.

Oh, yeah.

Boy, oh, boy.

If that don't beat everything.

Guess who's getting engaged.

Virginia beesley
and early gilly.

How'd you know?
Read it in the paper.

It'll never come off.

As soon as early finds out
about Virginia,

that'll be the end
of that engagement.

What about Virginia?


I heard this from Phoebe.


Phoebe Gilbert.

See, Phoebe told...
When did you see Phoebe?

Oh, I had to run some papers out
to her brother limley's place

and she was there,

so we just sat around.

Well, anyway, she said...

Was limley there?
Uh, no.

Limley wasn't there.


What did you do?

Oh, we just...Sat around.

You know.

Well, anyway...
What did you do?!

Well, we sat around,
and then, you know, we...

Well, what

Barney, I'll tell you the truth.
I got to go on patrol.

You know, you start something,
and you don't finish it.

You run off the mouth,
and you don't say nothing.

Boy, I'll tell you something.

I wouldn't believe a word
Phoebe Gilbert said anyway!

What do you think of that?
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