06x24 - Cuba Libre

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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06x24 - Cuba Libre

Post by bunniefuu »

Between the beach
and all this atmosphere...

...I don't want you to fall in love
with me for the wrong reason.

And what would the wrong reason be?

I have to meet him in Cuba.

If you want your $40 million. that's
where you'll have to go to pick it up.

No wonder my brother stepped
all over you every chance he got.

Just keep your nose
out of my affairs...

...or I'm gonna do the same thing.

Do not cause trouble.

Hey. wait.

Yes. Señor Garcia.
It has been along time.

You know. in our last conversation
I felt I acted a little hasty.

I'd like to meet in person.

Pd be only too happy
to meet with you, Mr. Ewing.

Perhaps you can
arrange to visit Puerto Rico?

As luck would have it.
I booked a flight to San Juan.

Well. splendid.

And I'm sure when we have
the time to talk...

...you will see that my fee for arranging
the release of your funds from Cuba...

...is more than reasonable.

Well. I certainly wanna discuss
that with you.

I'll just grab a cab at the airport.

I know where your office is.
Meet you there.

Until then, Señor.

Until then.

Hello. darling.

Going someplace?

Yeah. just a just a quick trip
to Puerto Rico. down and back.

Why Puerto Rico?

There's a fella there who holds the keys
to a lot of money Ewing Oil could use.

Will you be home tonight?

Well. if all goes well. I hope to.
You wanna come down with me?

No. I have some things I have to do.

I'll bring you
something back real pretty.

Don't bother.

Is everything all right here?

Anything the matter?


I’m-- I'm sorry.

Have a nice flight.

All right. darling. Thank you.


Ms. Katherine Wentworth
and a Mr. Forrest are here.

Send them in.

- Good morning.
- Hello. dear.

Thank you. Phyllis.

This is Andrew Forrest. Bobby Ewing.

- How do you do.
- Mr. Ewing.

He is from Wentworth Industries
in Houston.

I asked him to fly up here because I
couldn't explain what it was you needed.

Well. I'll try my best.
Come on in. sit down.

Very grateful for you
coming up here like this.

Tell you the truth. Mr. Forrest.
I'm in a very tight spot right now.

Perhaps if you'd tell me
what the problem is. maybe I can help.

I know you've been drilling on
the North Slope. or at least trying to.

According to Ms. Wentworth...

...you seem to be sitting on a huge pool
of low-sulfur crude that you can't get to.

That's right. I already tried the artificial
diamond drill bit and that's a no-go.

Just doesn't work under those
freezing conditions and the hard rocks.

So. what you're really after
is a new drill bit.

One that'll work under the extreme
conditions you're encountering.

I have my people trying everywhere.

I know there are prototypes
being developed.

Those research and development people
won't let you near until it's proven.

If anyone knew what was going on
at Wentworth it'd be you. Mr. Forrest.

Perhaps you should see Preston
over at Tool and Die.

If other companies have this bit
in development. I'm sure he will too.

Well. I'll do that.
After all. I am one of the owners.

Wouldn't hurt to remind him of that.

As Mr. Ewing says. these R&D people
are a tight-mouthed group.

Well. if there's nothing else
I guess I'll head on back to Houston.

Well. I appreciate your suggestion.

I hope something comes of it.

- Ms. Wentworth.
- Thank you.

Well. you know. I think I'll go on over
to Tool and Die right now...

...and talk to Mr. Preston.
If they have something. I'll get it.

Hey. wait. wait. wait.

Before you scamper off
and save my company...

-...l'd like to talk for a minute.
- You're right.

I guess I'm just excited
I may be able to help you.

Well. I'm grateful.

But as the chief babysitter.
I'd like to ask you how my son's doing.

Oh. he's adorable. I really love him.

I don't see how Pam could...

Run off and leave him?

Look. I--

I didn't mean that.
I shouldn't have said anything.

I understand her reasons.

That puts you one-up on me because
I don't understand a thing she's doing.

Has she called since she left?

Well. I haven't talked to her.
but I know she did talk to the nurse.

I tell you what. after work tonight...

...I’m gonna stop by the hotel.
pack up Christopher's things...

...and take him out to Southfork.

As long as she's gone there's no reason
I shouldn't have him every chance I get.

All right. I'll go over
and talk to Mr. Preston right now...

...and I'll meet you
at the hotel tonight.

I'll have Christopher all ready.

- All right. Bye-bye.
- Bye.


- Hello.

Yes. this is Donna.

This is Lil Trotter here.

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

No. it's good to hear your voice.
How are you doing?

Well. I’m-- I'm fine. Thank you.

I don't suppose Michael is near abouts?

No. he and Ray are both out working.

Well. I know I'm the one who
sort of talked Raymond into...

...taking him back to Texas with you...

...but I do miss him.

Well. I don't think you have to worry. Lil.

I mean. Ray's taking
real good care of him.

He's behaving himself?
He's not getting into any trouble?

No. Ray's kind of keeping him
too busy for that.

I don't“ I don't want to
keep you tied up all day...

...I just miss Michael
and I wanted to talk to him.

Look Lil. why don't--

Why don't you fly out here
and spend some time with us.

We'd love to see you
and I know it'd make Mickey happy.

Oh. I don't know about flying
all the way out there.

Oh. sure you do.
I mean. I'll make all the plans.

Now. come on.
I will not take no for an answer.

You really think I should?

Sure I do. yeah.
I'll call you with all the details.

I really would like to see Michael.

Well. my dear. that is exactly
what you are gonna do.

I'll talk to you later.


Bye. Donna.

Bye. Lil.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- You've been shopping in this weather?
- Just a little present for you.

Actually. for better weather.

- Here.
- Thank you.

Mark. this is really sweet.

It's for the beach.

The way styles change I was afraid
you might not know what they wear.

A box this big for a bathing suit?

Actually. it fits very nicely
in the little box there.

If this is a bathing suit.
I wore a larger size when I was 5.

If that's what they're wearing.
I'm in the wrong place.

It cost a fortune.
you're not gonna wear it?

Not in public.
You better get your money back.

Well. if it made you laugh.
It's worth it.

It's so good to see you this way.

I feel wonderful.

You know. I'd almost forgotten
how good it feels just to relax.

You know. Dr. Graison has the cure
for all your ills.

But I told you you'd have your
own space and that's the way it'll be.

And I'm glad you're a man of your word.

Between the beaches.
the nights. this atmosphere...

...I wouldn't want you to fall in love
with me for the wrong reason.

And what would the wrong reason be?

That for the first time in along time...

...you're at ease and at peace
and you're not tearing yourself apart.

So let's just relax
and enjoy what we have right now.

- Deal?
- Deal.



Oh. Sue Ellen. come in. Hey.

I don't think J.R. is in today.

I know that. That's why I'm here.
I wanted to talk to you.

Well. Sue Ellen.
If this has to do with Pamela...

...my marriage or anything like that.
I'd just as soon not discuss it.

No. It's about J.R.

I might not be the best possible choice
to discuss him either.

Bobby. whatever our relationship
has been. I've always trusted you.

I always knew I could come to you with
anything and you'd never lie to me.

Well. that's pretty much true.
I wouldn't lie to you.

- Sit down.
- Thank you.

What can I do for you?

Is there a connection between
J.R. and Holly Harwood?

Why do you ask?

It's important to me.

All right.

When J.R. was kicked out of Ewing Oil.
Holly hired him to run her company.

He demanded. and got. 25 percent
of that company for making decisions.

They' re business partners?

That's right. He makes the decisions.
she carries them out.

I can tell you, however...

...she'd give about anything
to be out of that relationship.


Is there a personal involvement?

Sue Ellen. as far as I know.
Holly despises your husband.

Would she have any reason
to want to hurt him?

J.R. got her into a deal
that lost her company $17 million.

Yeah. I'd say she has a reason or two.

Bobby. thank you.

Thank you very much.

You've helped me a great deal.

I don't know what I did.
but if it helped I'm glad.

It has helped.

And I'm really sorry that
this has happened for all of us.

Sue Ellen. please.

Bobby. what I'm trying to say is...

...I truly like you, yet--

Well. there's only gonna be one winner.

And I know you're alone right now...

...but I'm behind J.R. all the way.

Well. that's the way it should be.

It's not often that I envy J.R...

...maybe today I do. just a little.


Bye-bye and thanks.

Horse is running through the fire.
kicking everything over.

By the time this guy gets a rope
around the horse's neck...

...old Jack's got this herd turned around.
he's heading them back all by himself.

I tell you. he must have been
some kind of man.

He was. that's a fact.

- Well. how about that beer?
- Yeah. Could use it.

Donna left you a note. Ray.

- Let me see that.
- You got it.

Hey. look here. it says:

“Ray. your Aunt Lil called from Kansas.
She misses her darling son.

Invited her out for a visit.

She arrives tomorrow
at 11:00 a.m. at DFW.

See you tonight. I love you. Donna.“

Well. how about that.

Your mama's coming out. that's nice.

Yeah. how about that.

Eleven o'clock tomorrow. right?

Yeah. what's wrong with you?
You don't seem too happy.

It's just that I've changed so much
since I seen her last.

And this place is so different
than old Emporia.

Well. not this. but Southfork and--

Well. I just don't know
how well Ma will fit in.

Your ma's a terrific lady.
She's gonna fit in fine.

Besides. she's coming out here
to see you.

Not Southfork and not Lucy.
If that's what you had on your mind.

Well. I just don't want her
to feel uncomfortable.

Well. why would she?
You know what this sounds like to me?

- What?
- Like you're ashamed of your mama.

Well. I'm not.

I'm not. It's-- Not exactly.

Listen to me here.
Let me tell you something...

...your mama's just as fine a lady
as anybody who lives here on Southfork.

She may not have all this money...

...and she may be a little overpowered
by some of this...

...but I was too when I got here.

And so were you.

Now. you. me. your ma.
we're all out of the same stock...

...and we're just as good as anyone.

Don't you forget that.

Here. Here's your beer.

Looking forward to a good
working relationship.

I am yours sincerely.
et cetera. et cetera.

Is that all. sir?


Is Mr. Ewing still out there?

Yes. sir. I believe for four hours, now.

Good. Ask him to come in. please.

Mr. Ewing.
Señor Garcia will see you now.

Thank you.

Come in. señor. please.

A thousand pardons
for keeping you waiting...

...but you know.
I had so many things to attend to.

Oh. I understand.

When I have the upper hand.
I play it to the hiIt myself.

Very good.

Sit down. please.

Well. now...

I believe we have
a little unfinished business.


Finally you have realized
that 30 million is better than nothing.

Yes. I do.

But I also realize that $39 million
is even better than 30.

I'm sorry. I don't understand.

Oh. sure you do.

You don't think I'm fool enough
to pay you $10 million, do you?

But I'm sure you realize that
$1 million is a lot better than nothing.

As you say. Señor Ewing.
$1 million is better than nothing.

Now. before I give you this.
I want you to call your contact in Cuba...

...and tell him to meet me here
with my 40 million.

That he will not do.

Why? He has your oil and your money.
Why should he come to see you?

What am I supposed to do?

Why don't you let me contact him
and arrange a meeting for you.

Now. of course. there will be certain
considerations that you'll have to meet.

I have to pay him off too.

Well. he also has gone through
much trouble.

And I have to meet him in Cuba.

If you want your $40 million
that's where you gotta go to pick it up.

I'm surprised you haven't been there.
I think it's one of the finest restaurants.

We found some places we like.
so we keep going back.

I don't even bother with the menu.

The only thing I order is swordfish.

- If you like swordfish, you'll love tonight.
- They broil it?

It isn't so much that. They have
a lemon butter that's just heaven.

Good evening. everybody.

- Oh. Bobby.
- Bobby. howdy.

You brought Christopher home.

Oh. my goodness.
How he's grown since I saw him last.

- Cute. isn't he?
- Yeah. but it's time for him to go to bed.

Let me help.
I've missed tucking him in.

- Sure. come on up.
- Please don't leave me out.

Okay. All right.

Freshen your drink, Punk?

Oh. I think I'm okay. thank you.

You know. Clayton...

...Ellie really seems to be feeling
like her old self again.

I don't mean to talk out of turn.
but I think you had a lot to do with it.

Ellie's a wonderful woman. Punk.
I truly enjoy her friendship.

- I see how much she thinks of you too.
- You trying to get to something?

Well. you know how long me and Mavis
have known her.

We're just protective about her.

You want to know if my intentions
are honorable?

Well. something like that. I reckon.

Well. I'll tell you the truth, Punk.

I don't think Ellie will ever leave
Southfork for anyone.

And with what's happening
between J.R. and Bobby...

no matter how I feel about Ellie...

...I just don't think this house
is big enough for another man.

- Hello. Sue Ellen.

Where are you?
I thought you'd he home.

Well. they left me
cooling my heels all day.

I missed the last plane out.

I'll take the first one out tomorrow.

Well. make it early. I miss you.

And I miss you too. darling.
I'll see you tomorrow.

Have a nice evening.

- Good night, now.
- Good night.

- Hello?
- Miss Harwood. Sue Ellen Ewing here.

- How are you, Sue Ellen?
- I dun 't think that's important.

- I'd like ta meet with you and talk.
- When?

- Tomorrow would be fine.
- A restaurant, my office“?

No. Someplace more" More private.

Why don't you come to
my home about 3?

-I'll be there.
- Fine.

Well. this is really a treat. Miss Ellie.

Even though I did practically kidnap you
just to get you here for breakfast.

Have I been that busy?
Doesn't seem like it.

Well. maybe you haven't...

...but you sure have been away
from the house a lot lately.

Well. trying to help Clayton find a house
has practically become a full-time job.

Not that I mind it.

I didn't think you would.

Clayton's move to Dallas
came at a good time.

Gave me a chance to do something
away from Southfork.

And I could stay out of the conflict
between J.R. and Bobby.

Is that all it is? House-hunting?

No. of course not.

He's fun to be with.

We have so much in common.

He loves the land
the way my daddy did.

You have come along way. Miss Ellie.

What do you mean?

Well. I can remember a time
in the not too distant past...

...when you didn't even wanna talk
about going out with another man.

Well. Clayton's a special friend.

Just a friend?

We're comfortable together.

It's never seemed necessary
to put a label on it.

Well. he is a very attractive man.

I mean. I've seen him at parties and
most women find him very appealing.

What are you saying. Donna?

Look. Miss Ellie. Clayton is a good guy.

You and he enjoy each other's company.

Have you given any thought
of what your feelings for him really are?

I don't think I wanna
examine my feelings.

I like the way it is
with Clayton and me. I’m--

I'm not ready for any changes.

I understand.

Clayton's friendship
is all I want right now.

- Would you like me to mail these? Sure.
- Would you please?

- Hello. Kendal.
- Good morning. Mr. Ewing.

- How are you?
- Fine. Morning. ladies.

- I didn't think you'd be early.
- I came straight from the airport.

- Mr. McIntyre in my office?
- Yes.

- He got coffee?
- Yes. sir.

- Hold my calls.
- All right.

- Boy. I'm glad to see you.
- Good morning. J.R.

How was Washington?

Well. the same grease
still makes the same wheels turn.

- You got it?
- It was rather circuitous...

...but you now have your Cuban visa.

Issued through
the Cuban Interest Section...

...of the Czechoslovakian embassy
in Washington.

There will be no slip-ups?
I can get into Cuba?

As a matter of fact...

...I've arranged for a couple
of citizens to join you on your excursion.

When do I leave?

How about tomorrow?

I can't tell you how much
I appreciate this. I'll never forget it.

J.R.. what are friends for.

It's not a bad idea. but I don't know
much about recreational developments.

Punk. was in that Takapa deal.
That turned out pretty well. didn't it?

Just barely.
You gotta watch the environmentalists.

We almost lost the whole deal there.

So we just have to have that
checked out real well.

Hey. there's Bobby. Bobby. over here.

Buy you a drink.

- Hey. Bobby. how are you?
- Punk.

Sure was good to see
that little boy of yours.

-It's kind of nice having him.
-I'll bet.

Pam know that you took him back?

If she bothered to call the hotel.
she does.

Don't get on your high horse with me.

It's not Pam's fault you're losing
the Canadian deal.

I'm not losing any deal.

Why did Thornton McLeish call me
and want me to buy you out?

Because he talked to you
before he talked to me.

He didn't realize that I am
gonna stick it out with him.

How long? That field's frozen.

I'll get all the oil that's there.
don't worry.

The difference between us is...

...that I can hold on to it
until next year and you can't.

I am willing to give you your purchase
price back. You won't lose a penny.

Barnes. hell will freeze a lot colder
than that field...

...before I sell anything to you.

So will your marriage.

Keep your nose out of my marriage.

Maybe losing Ewing Oil is what it'll take
to get you and Pam back together.

You know. Barnes.
you are a nasty little man.

No wonder my brother stepped
all over you every chance he got.

Now. you just keep your nose
out of my affairs...

...or I'm gonna do the same thing.

Come on. boys. back off. Let's keep it
under control, what do you say?

You just remember what I said.

And don't cross me.

Never seen Bobby like that before.

He always was a hothead.


I think the battle with J.R.
is getting him down.


Raymond owns all this land?

It's now almost 600 acres.

Oh, "W-

Six hundred acres.

Well. this is it.

And Raymond built this
with his own hands?

Almost two years
before we were married.

I sort of thought that Raymond
and Michael would be here to meet us.

Well. they both wanted to come.
but they had so much work to do...

...they promised they'd get here
just as soon as they finished.

I find it so difficult to believe
that he's changed so much.

Don't you worry. because you're still
gonna see a lot of the old Mickey.

Come on.
let me show you your room.

Then I'll make you some coffee.

Oh. I don't wanna make you any work.


Mrs. Ewing is here.

Send her up. Elliot.

Can I get you anything?

- Sue Ellen?
- Nothing.

That will be all. Elliot.

All right. you wanted to talk.


I want you to know your rotten attempt
to destroy my marriage has failed.

For a while I thought
you were telling the truth...

...because I saw no reason
you should lie about that.

You think I was lying?

I know you were and I know why.

You and J.R. are partners.

I know that.

And I also know that you lost
a lot of money because of him.

If you know so much, you must know
the truth about us. which I told you.

I know you are beneath contempt.

Because you and he failed
in a business deal...

...you wanted to get revenge on him
through me.

By your vicious lies against him.
you tried to ruin our marriage.

You are a very sick little girl.

And I don't wanna ever
see you or hear of you again.

Sue Ellen.

I'm afraid we will see each other again.

I doubt that.

Well. where were you?
I was really worried.

- Why?
- Well. I called the room hours ago.

They said you'd gone out.
You didn't say where.

I just went for a walk.
It's a beautiful night.

Pam. this isn't Dallas.
You can't just go for a walk.

You don't know your way around.
It's not that safe.

I had a really nice walk
and I was perfectly safe.

It was sweet of you to worry.
but it wasn't necessary.

Well. I mean. I am responsible for you.

And besides, I don't like being alone.

Wait a minute. Didn't we agree I wasn't
coming here just to be with you?

Didn't you say I wouldn't
even know you'd be around?

Is that a correct quote?

Yeah. that's correct.

But I lied.

I want to be with you a lot.

Mark. you're really sweet
and you've been a lot of fun...

...and despite my better judgment.
I like you...

...but I've got a lot of things to sort out
and you confuse me.

Well. it's a start.

Good night.

Mark. thanks for worrying.

See you tomorrow.

- Bobby?
- Yes. it's me.

- Come on in.
- Thank you.

- Well.
- You like?

Very nice.

- You seem to be in a pretty good mood.
- I am indeed.

- I think I can put you in one.
-I'll buy that.

Can I get you something
to drink or eat?

- One of those there.
- All right.

If you have any good news.
I could use some.

- Okay. Scotch, right?
- That will do.

All right. News?

I think it'd be easier to rob Fort Knox
than get a secret...

...out of research and development
at Wentworth.

- You did that?
- Well. I got a lead. not confirmed, but--

You know. I could be ex*cuted at dawn
for telling you--

No. listen. your secret is very safe
with me. Just tell me what it is.

All right. There's a prototype...

...cold-weather drill bit
called the Tundra Torque.

It hasn't been tested.

- Hardly anyone wants to admit it exists.
- Who do I talk to? The sooner the better.

All right. The head of the project's
named Sperry.

I couldn't understand him.
I don't know anything about drilling.

Now. he's agreed. because
I'm a Wentworth. to meet with you.

- Where?
- Just to talk about possibilities.

All right. but where? When?

I don't know for sure. I'm gonna
meet with him tomorrow...

...and I'll try to get him to your office.

If you can do this for me.
I can't tell you what it'll mean.

Bobby. I told you before.
I only want the best for you.

If I can do anything for you.
anything at all, please. just let me know.

Well. in that case...

...how about taking me out
to a proper dinner?

I've just about had it with hotel food.

Sure. Come on.
Absolutely. come on.

Get your bag and we'll go.
Where would you like to go? Anyplace.

How did you like your dinner?

Well. it tastes much better
than it sounds on the menu.

Oh. I think it just takes
a little getting used to.

I know. and that's why
I'm so proud of Michael.

How's that. Mrs. Trotter?

Well. it's a bit overwhelming
coming to a place like this...

...after a small town like Emporia.

It's not that different. Ma.

It's still in United States.

Well. I know that.

I thought you might be in over your
head. but I see you're doing just fine.

He's done really well. Aunt Lil.
Made me real proud of him.

Me too.

I thought he was just a cocky kid
when we met...

...but there's a lot more there.

Well. hearing that from a fine girl
like you. it makes me feel real good.

Well. you're right about one thing. Ma.

Lucy's one fine girl.

You two sound as if
you're getting pretty serious.

You're not gonna rush into anything.

Oh. I think they're just real good friends.

Is that true. Michael?

Well. maybe a little more than that.

I don't mean to pry. but--

I don't know. it seems today that...

...young folks go rushing
right into things...

...without even stopping to think
where they're going.

Don't worry.
We're not going to rush into anything.

Honest. Mrs. Trotter.

Well. how about a little dessert.
Aunt Lil?

Not until I finish everything on my plate.

- Hello. Clayton.
- Good evening. Sue Ellen.

- When did you get here?
- A few minutes ago.

Ellie and I are going out to dinner.

Can I fix you something?

Sure. Club soda's fine.

It's so nice to see you again.

And you.

Clayton. let's stop this.

I am so tired of this cocktail party talk.

Being so civil.

Whatever the situation is now...

...we really did care about each other
a great deal. And I still care.

And I'd hate for us not to be friends.

Sue Ellen. we will always be friends.

And you're right, we're going to be
around each other a great deal...

...and there's no reason we shouldn't
be comfortable with one another.

You don't know how happy
that makes me feel.

Here's to friendship.

You're still one of the finest men
I've ever known.

I'm gonna be gone
next couple of days.

Any calls. you just take messages.

You don't know where I am.

That's true.
but don't you think I should know?

If I need you. I'll get in touch.

- And what about Bobby?
- What about him?

He may want to know where you are.

That's why I think it's best
you don't know.

If he tortures you.
you won't be able to tell him anything.

Oh. J.R.

You get a hold of
Franklin Horner at the bank?

Yes. sir.
He'll be there for you at 8 a.m.

That's all I need for tonight.

All right.

- Well. good night.
- Good night.

Oh. J.R..
Ms. Harwood is here to see you.

Send her in.

Ms. Harwood.

Thanks. Sly.

Evening. J.R.

You usually wait until staff's gone home.

You don't usually keep them
this late.

My feelings are a little hurt
because I haven't heard from you.

I'm sorry. Been busy.

Too busy for me?

Holly. I am planning a little trip.
at great personal risk I might add...

-...to Cuba.
- Cuba?

When I come back I'll have our money
minus a few bribes along the way.


I don't think anyone in the world but you
could get that money back...

...and I'm gonna make you glad you did.

In what way?

We'll have a little celebration.

Will we. now?

Once I get my money back...

...I promise you a night
you will never forget.

If you will follow me. please.
I'll escort you through customs myself.

- Mighty nice of you.
- Well. you sure are organized.

Any chance of us meeting Fidel today?

I do not know. I only know
I'm to escort you through customs.

How long will that take?

It is a very simple process, señor...

...especially for visitors of importance
as yourselves.

- Good. I've got important people to see.
- I’m sure you have, señor.

This way. Señores.

Señor J.R. Ewing?

Yes. I'm J.R. Ewing.

You are to come with me.

- Where we going?
- Do not ask questions.

Hey. wait a minute.
What's going on here?

Do not cause trouble.

Hold on. Now. wait a minute!

Damn it, I'm an American citizen!

Well. you can tell me where we're going.

Mr. Sperry. I can't thank you enough
for stopping by.

- Ms. Wentworth is very persuasive.
- She is that.

I suppose you know already
the problems we're having strata-wise.

Yes. and combined with
the freeze-thaw weather...

...you don't have a drill bit to do the job.

But if what Katherine says is true.
you do.

Well. we may.

We think the Tundra Torque drill bit
can bite through anything.

But that's only a theory.

We have a prototype model
that hasn't been tested yet.

Mr. Sperry. I'd like to test
that drill bit for you in my Canadian field.

Well. a practical field test like that
would be invaluable to us but...

But what?
I thought we'd agreed he could use it.

Well. we only have one.

You could use it on a test rig. but you
can't drill a whole field with one drill bit.

I don't want to drill the whole field.
I just want one well.

When that well comes in I'll test the oil
for its quality and the quantity.

I'll sell out. make my profit, leave the
worrying about drilling to somebody else.

Well. all right.

I'll go back and attend
to the finishing touches.

We'll arrange the clearances and
the bit should be yours within the week.

That's what I wanted to hear.

I hope the bit turns out to be
everything we hope.

- I do too.
- Thank you. Mr. Sperry.


All right.
Oh. that's wonderful.

How am I ever gonna to thank you
for all this?

Gee. well.
for starters. how about lunch?

- Done.
- Okay. And then. I'll think of something.

All right. Come on.

I need to talk to Thornton McLeish

- Get him on the line.
- Yes. sir.

If you need me. I'll be at the
Cattleman's Club for a celebration.

-It's nice to see you happy.
-It's nice to be happy.

And I owe it all to Katherine.

See you later.

This sure is a beautiful place.

I'm glad you like it.

This ain't where I live. Ma.

This is where the rich folks live.

Will you stop that.

All I got is a little bunkhouse
I have to share with three other guys.

Well. some folks would be pleased
to have a place that nice.

If that's what you want to settle for.

I think I'm gonna go in the house
and get some lemonade.

Can I get you anything else?

Oh. no. no. thank you.

I just don't feel right
having you waiting on me like this.

Don't be silly.
I'm hardly waiting on you.

Nice. isn't she. Ma?

She seems like a real fine little thing.


But you and she got nothing in common.

That's what I used to think.

- But not now?
- That's right.

She's a nice girl. but she's rich.

She's really rich.

And the rich is different from us.

You saying I'm not good enough for her?

No. no. I'm saying different is different.

They're people. Ma. just like you and me.

Ray's good enough for them
and so am I.

I don't want to see you get hurt. son.

Ma. Lucy wouldn't hurt me.

All I'm saying is go slow.

You come along way in a short time...

...and just how easy would you
feel around here...

...if you were just plain Michael Trotter
from Emporia...

...and not Ray Krebbs' cousin?

- Well done.
- Thank you.

Here you go.

- All right.
- And some for you.

Thank you.
That will be just fine.

Would you like some menus now?

- No. Let's wait a little while.
- All right.

Here is to the Tundra Torque.

To the Tundra Torque.

And the nice lady who got it for me.

- And to the nicest man I know.
- Thank you.

Bobby. aren't you with the wrong sister?

- Cliff. this isn't any of your business.
- No?

Bobby. I'm very sorry.
We'll go someplace else.

- Come on.
- Yeah. I don't want to upset Bobby.

You guys go on with your celebration.


- Cliff. please.
- No. wait. This will only take a minute.

Excuse me. forgot.

I got a call an hour ago from Mr. Sperry
over at Research and Development...

-...from Wentworth Tool and Die.
- So?

He told me that you'd agreed
to let Bobby field-test...

...this new drill bit that he developed.

That's right, the Tundra Torque.

You're gonna use it in the Canadian field
to try to hit that low-sulfur crude.

If that drill bit works...

...it'll mean millions in future sales
for you and Wentworth Tool and Die.

Well. I know that.

We're gonna have to have
somebody else find out for us.

What do you mean?
I told Bobby he could use it.

But he can't. because it needs my okay.

You see. Katherine. you're only one vote
and that's not enough.

Never in this life will I let a Ewing
get his hand on anything...

...from Wentworth Tool and Die.

That's the way it is.

Don't worry about that check.
I'll take care of it.

Bobby. I'm really sorry.

One big mistake here. boys.

That officer of yours--

When Señor Perez hears about this
I'm gonna have his ears for breakfast.

Well. by now my friends have gotten
diplomatic help...

...and I'm gonna be out of here
any minute.

Well. it's about time you got here.

Found out you made a little mistake.
did you?

I want my passport, my luggage
and I want an apology...

...and I want the apology damn quick.

It's about time.

You're making one big mistake. boy.

I want you to call Señor Perez.
tell him you're detaining me.

Hey. get your hands off me.

Wait. one minute. damn it! Hey!

You can't do this to me, boys. Come on.

I'm not gonna be silent for anybody.
You can't do this to me.

Hey. Hey!

My name is J.R. Ewing.
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