09x01 - Triggered

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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09x01 - Triggered

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm getting v*olence here.

I'm seeing a body on the floor.

I've been pushed down
these stairs.

Somebody fell down the stairs.

He will get really
aggressive and yell.

This is a child m*rder*r.

That pisses me off.

This is super bad.

This is not a good situation.

My name is Amy Allan.

There's death here.

Don't wanna go down there.

I see dead people.

They hide in the walls
and they watch.

I speak to dead people...

She's definitely
a serial k*ller.

...and they speak to me.

She's going to t*rture them.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

They were all m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

So is this the only time
you've been physically att*cked?

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

There's no question in my mind
that he was talking about Satan.

It's my job to reveal them.

Who do you think
possessed you?

But Steve and I
never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

Well, you're not gonna want
to see this.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

Hell, no.

Or time to get out.

Everyone is in jeopardy.

I'm back here
in Flint, Michigan,

about an hour west of Detroit.

This time, I got a call
from a mom named Carrie.

Now she says
whatever's in the house

is real angry and real violent.

She's got four little girls
to protect

and has no clue on how to do it.

She's hoping Amy and I can
come up with something

before someone
gets seriously hurt.

Before Amy arrives,
I clear the house

of any leading information --

religious icons.

Even children's toys
can influence her findings,

so it's important I cover
or remove them all.

When I'm finished,
the location will be ready

for tonight's walk.

The first thing that I got

in huge, like, bold letters...

was the word "sad."

First thing I'm getting
is a woman upstairs,

and she wants me to
come up there

because she's saying that
the children are in danger.

She's freaking out.
She's freaking out.

So, Carrie, when we spoke
on the phone,

you sounded pretty upset.

What's happening?

This place is tearing
my family apart,

mentally, physically,

and emotionally.

And then my children...

my children are scared
to even be here.

How long have you actually
lived in the house?

I have lived here
a little over 21/2 years.


And when my husband's
grandparents passed away,

we got the home.

Did his grandparents
pass away in the house?

No, they did not.

They passed away
in a nursing home.

Who exactly
lives in the house?

You got myself,
my husband, Chad.

You got my daughter Ariana,
who is 11.

You got my daughter Victoria,
who is 10,

my daughter Layla,
who is 5.

and then Gabrielle,
who is 3.

So, Carrie, do me a favor.

Give me a list of things
that are happening.

We're hearing voices,

Our health is declining.

We're getting
physical att*cks.

I'm seeing shadow figures.

Is everybody being affected,
or is it just specific people?

It's affecting my husband.

We were happily married.

Recently, he started becoming
really depressed.

What makes you so convinced
that his changes

have anything to do
with the paranormal?

Because before we moved
into here, we never fought.

And then his depression
started kicking in.

Once second, he's happy,

and the next minute, he's
snapping and yelling at people,

trying to accuse me of doing
something wrong that I'm not.


I think there's something here
that is attached to him.

It won't let him go.

Whatever is going on can't
be good for the marriage.

This could be the end of it

if we don't figure out
what is going on.

You know, it's heartbreaking
to listen to you talk.

And, you know, one of
the reasons I took the case

is 'cause of the kids.

But it sounds like
you're the one

that really needs
the help here.


I ain't got no one
to turn to.

And I need help.

I want this fixed.

I want to be better.

There's a male,
and he's over to my right.

He's dead.

He's like,
"Lies! They're saying lies!"

His energy is crazy strong.

I'm getting v*olence here.


Like, I'm hearing a living man

screaming, crying,
wanting to k*ll.

Something is influencing males

to be violent.

So you brought me up here.

I'm assuming you've
had experiences.

Yeah. I have been seeing
a small shadow.

Well, how tall
are we talking about?

Probably about
my daughter Layla's size.

Could that shadow
have been Layla?

No, because when
I come up here and check,

either Layla is sleeping

or she's gone at her grandma's
for the weekend.

Okay. Have you seen any other
shadows besides that one?

Yeah. I've seen one that is
a lot taller than that one.

How often you seeing these?

- Daily.
- Daily?

- Yeah.
- Anything else?

I've been pushed down
these stairs.

I actually broke my foot.

You're lucky you
didn't get k*lled.

How hard did you get pushed?
Show me. Give me a shove.

- Like that.
- All right.

So you know how lucky
you are, right?

I mean, you could have got
knocked unconscious,

broke your neck, anything.
- Yeah.

The dead guy,
he knows that he can

take his energy and throw it.

Living people, I'd think,
be prone to falls here.

When he puts out
his energy like this,

it definitely affects
your equilibrium.

People would feel like
their feet

are coming out from under them.

Somebody fell down the stairs.

If he is able to...

throw somebody down the stairs,

that's not good.

Okay, what's going on
up here?

Well, I have been touched
inappropriately in the bathroom.

Mind me asking what happened?

I thought it was Chad.

It felt like somebody
just grabbed my rear.

I jumped out the shower
pretty quick.

And I went and yelled
at Chad, you know,

"Why the hell
did you do that?"

And I look in here, and he's in
the bedroom, sitting on the bed.

Now did that ever
happen again?


It happened one more time when
I was laying in bed at night.

Same touch?

Like, the inside of my legs.

- Okay. And...
- Chad was sleeping.

Okay. Not that
I'm not believing you,

but, I mean,
you have a dog right here.

You sure she or he
didn't just...

No, 'cause at the time,

she was sleeping
down in the living room.

All right.
What else is going on?

My declining health.

I have had
four partial hysterectomies.

I have had
my appendix taken out.

I've had my gall bladder
taken out.

Whenever I'm getting anxiety,

it makes me feel like
I'm having a heart att*ck.

Well, living here and telling me
what you're going through --

getting pushed down
a flight of stairs,

somebody grabbing your...
in the shower,

I mean, I'd be
a little anxious, too.

This house is k*lling me.

What are you hoping
we can do for you?

I am hoping that my relationship
with my husband

goes back to normal
like it was.

I'm worried that we're gonna
end up going our separate ways.

I want to be the way we were
2 years ago,

happily married.

I think if living people
are having the experience,

I could kind of see them

possibly thinking
they were being grabbed.

And I got a bad pain in my head,
really, really bad.

Ooh, ooh.

Wow. What did he do?


I'm nauseous and dizzy.

The left side of my head
is wicked bad.


I think this is associated
with the dead male.

He's yelling, "You stupid!
Ha, ha, ha!"

Ariana and Victoria,


Ariana, how old are you?

- You're 11. Victoria?

- I'm 10.

Now let me ask you guys
a question.

Do you want to stay
in the house?

I don't really feel like
staying here most of the time.

Like, my eyes water up
and I start crying.

Can you tell me about some of
the things that frighten you?

I was getting ready
to fall asleep,

and something grabbed
my foot.

When your foot got grabbed,

show me how hard,
on my wrist, how you...

It grabbed me
just like that. Like, hard.


What about you, Victoria?
What's going on?

I have bad nightmares.

Do you remember them?

All I remember about them,
my mom had to,

and my stepdad,
had to wake me up.

Ariana, anything else that
you've seen that scared you?

I have seen a really tall
shadow man

with, like, a top hat
and facial hair.

Okay. Now where did you
see that?

It is mainly
in the hallways.

Are you sure it wasn't
your stepdad?


So, guys, I was talking
to Mom and Dad.

I'm curious. Have you seen
a change in either one of them?

Chad. He's been
getting really mean.

When your stepdad Chad
gets angry, what happens?

He will get really aggressive
and yell above his normal voice.

That's not good.

I- I...

feel like there's...

two living females

that are...hiding,

and I'm just hearing, like,
yelling from...

I guess this room.

There is a living male, like,
acting out, like, just snapping.

Like a complete change.

So, Chad, I was talking
to your wife.

In her opinion,
since you guys moved in here,

your personality changed.

- Yeah. I agree with her.
- All right.

So when you're feeling
this change in personality

coming over you, what happens?
How you feeling?

Angry, very angry.

It comes to the point
where I feel like

I want to rip walls apart,

tear 'em down,
anyone in my way.

Your wife told me
about her experiences.

How about you?
Any experiences?

I got out of the shower
one time.

Me and my wife, when we seen
on the mirror, from the fog,

it said "k*ll" and "die"
on it.

So I ran down the hallway
and woke the girls up

out of a dead sleep.

I was furious.
I told them,

"Are you guys playing games?"
- Right.

They almost started crying,
"It wasn't us.

It wasn't us.
It wasn't us."

You're pretty convinced
the kids didn't do it.

I'm 100%.

Okay. Has anything else

When I'm sleeping, I feel
like something's choking me

and sitting on my chest.

Wait. Describe
the feeling to me.

It feels like you
can't breathe or...

Sit up and...
You know.

I thought it was trying
to k*ll me, suffocate me.

Couldn't get no air.

Now do you suffer from any
asthma or anything like that?


Now how were you reacting
when this happened?


- Okay.
- Furious.

Furious towards everybody
and everything.

The dead guy,
he can be very physical.

Living people here

will feel their beds jolt,

and it feels like an earthquake.

I think that that guy,

you know, who can direct
his energy,

is doing that.

Like, you're in the shower,
and the shower curtain,

you know, might pull back.

This is super bad.

He's showing people
people sitting, sitting here,

and he's showing me him
smacking them upside the head.

You know? Like, just whap.

All of a sudden,
they start feeling

like they're getting smacked on
the, you know, like...

So from what Carrie told me,

you inherited this house
from your grandparents.


How far apart
did they pass away?

A year.

I see you're looking over here.
Is this them?

That is them. Yes, it is.

What did they die from?

Actually, my grandmother
had a brain tumor.

And your grandfather?

He d*ed from gangrene,
pretty much.

And he just kind of rotted
from his feet up.

What kind of guy was he?

He's a good guy,
but he didn't like women.

He had
a very super bad temper.

Any abuse?

Yeah, I've never seen him
ever do physical abuse

but a lot of mental.

Do you think
your grandparents are here?

Yeah. I do.

You think he's taking out
his aggressions

on your wife and kids?

Wife and my kids, yes.

'Cause they're all women.

The dead guy,
he showed me him, like,

grabbing somebody by the neck,

a female, and holding her
up against the wall

to the point where her feet
were, like,

this much off the floor.

Any idea who this dead guy
was in life?

He was white.

Like, max, I would say, 5'10".

I see him with an older woman.

There was abuse.

So he lived here at some point,
and then he d*ed.

He didn't die here,
you know what I'm saying?

But he's back here.

And he's a big problem here.

This is our third investigation
in Flint,

so I've gotten to know a lot
of the local experts here.

One historian
just called me back,

and he said he found
a bizarre string of murders

with a direct connection
to Chad and Carrie's property.

Well, Walt, thanks
for meeting me.

I really appreciate that.

Now you mentioned on the phone
there was a sting of homicides

to my clients' property.

Before we get to that, who owned
the land when this happened?

Well, Steve,
the original landowner

was Thomas Brandt.

He owned over 70,000 acres
of land here in Genesee County.

Okay, 70,000 acres.

Was my client's house
and property even close

to where this guy was?

Yes. As a matter of fact,
Thomas Brandt's estate was here.

Your client's property was
in this area here.

So this was pretty close.


So what is the story
with the murders?

Thomas' daughter, Charlotte,
in 1858, falls in love

with a tenant farmer next door,
Davillo Palmer.

Well, there are two problems
with this relationship.

One, Charlotte's mother
does not approve,

and two,
Palmer is already married.

What happens with Charlotte?

Charlotte turns up pregnant,
and not long after that,

Davillo Palmer's wife suddenly
and mysteriously, disappears.

Pretty convenient.

Some accounts say that there was
a child who also went missing

at the same time
as the mother.

Were they able
to pin this on Davillo?

Surprisingly, no.

m*rder was suspected,

but they could never pin
any charges on Davillo.

There's a little girl
running around here.

She's probably
5 or 6 years old.

She got, like, a little dress on
and then an apron thing on.

So I would say, like,
that was...

like, 1870s or 1880s.

Something happened to her
that wasn't good,

and I feel like
whatever happened to her

happened here.

Like, I'm seeing...

So she's outside
and it's sunny.

It's getting dark.

She knows the person...

and then she's dead.

All right, so Davillo's wife
and possible child

are out of the picture.
What happens next?

Charlotte and Davillo
wind up getting married,

and 6 months later,

Charlotte's mother dies
under mysterious circumstances.

What is the cause of death?

The autopsy shows that she d*ed
of arsenic poisoning.

I mean, they already
like Davillo with one homicide.

Did they look at him
for this one?

He was a person of interest
in his mother-in-law's death,

but he disappeared before
he could be indicted.

So, Walt, we got at least
two murders, maybe three,

pretty close to
my client's property,

and nobody served a day of time
for any of it.

That's correct.

The little girl,
she sees a monster.

It looked like
when tar is bubbling,

but make it big,
like a human being.

And is that something
that the living

are affected by anyway,
or is it just her?

That thing is the culprit
of everything.

It seems like this monster

went dormant until now.

It has to have the people
that are predispositioned

to the v*olence and the anger.

So those living people
who move here

who have that predisposition
triggers everything.

So I just got a call back
from a sergeant

with the local
police department.

He says he found something
I definitely need to know about.

Apparently, a pregnant woman
was found m*rder*d

less than a mile
from Carrie and Chad's house,

and this remains
an unsolved case to this day.

Now he's going through
all the records for me,

and he's going to tell me
exactly what happened.

Well, Sergeant, I appreciate
you looking into this for me.

The body that was found close
to my client's property,

what can you tell me
about it?

Her name was Hope Johnson.

She went missing
on January 29, 1988.

Okay. So this is
a pretty cold homicide.


She's a pretty girl.

All right. So what do we know
about this girl?

At the time
of her disappearance,

Hope Johnson
was 8 months pregnant

and had a 4-year-old son.

She was last seen by her
boyfriend January 29, 1988,

and he reported her missing
to the police department

on February 2, 1988.

How long
before they find her?

Roughly 6 weeks after
she was reported missing,

she was found on March 12th.

Her body was found
on the side of the road,

roughly 1 mile
from the client's house.

Was the boyfriend a suspect
at all?

We were not able to develop him
as a suspect in this case.

They questioned a lot
of people.

Okay, and nobody
ever got arrested?

No one was ever arrested.

Now I know it's an open case,
and you can't tell me anything

about the details
of her m*rder.

But when I worked these cases
in the past,

it's always been
somebody they knew

and a lot of rage involved.

I just hope you guys
get a break on it

because this is
a pretty sad case.

Yes, very sad.

Is this living man
being influenced

by this tar thing at all?


This is a child m*rder*r.

I think that this person

is completely insane

and probably
just thrives off of...

v*olence and, you know,
gets its kicks off of that

and is still capable
of doing it.

I think that it could
be satisfied

with an adult
k*lling another adult.

I think that it probably
prefers children.

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So far, I've got clients

being physically att*cked
on a property

where a man was suspected
of murdering his wife,

mother-in-law, and possibly
even his own child.

But I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I find an article about

an auto plant
right down the street

from Chad and Carrie's property.

Turns out an employee
suffered a gruesome death

while working there.

I'm on my way to
the old Packard plant in Detroit

to meet an autoworker
turned historian.

Now he says he found a couple
of other deaths

in the plants surrounding
Chad and Carrie's property.

So, Gerry, that article
I found in my research,

it sounds like this guy
d*ed a pretty brutal death.

What were we able to find out?

That on October 3, 1963,

a worker by the name
of Michael McDonough,

who was 26 years old,

d*ed when a boom
struck him in the head.

So, Gerry, let me ask you,
how far is this plant

from my client's property?

Less than a mile.

Now does he die
right there on the spot?

in a General Motors factory,

because of their insurance,

that if you die
on the property,

it's double a payout.

So normally, most of them
that you will find,

they're usually pronounced dead
in the hospital by a physician.


There's no way this guy wasn't
dead when this thing hit him.

Probably not.

Now you mentioned on the phone
there was a couple other ones.

What'd you find out?

Found one in factory 31,
the axle plant, June 19th,

and that was 1979.

And this is a different plant
close to my client's property?

Yes. John Holstein, who was
a 21-year-old worker.

So a hydraulic line broke
and sprayed him down

head to toe
with hydraulic fluid

that was flammable
at that time,

and a spark
from unknown origin

is what turned him
into the human torch.

And a witness to that,
it just so happens,

was a friend of mine.

And he seen him running
for quite some ways

before he finally dropped.

Did he die right away?

He passed away 2 weeks later
in the hospital.

Ouch. Now, Gerry, what else
were you able to find out?

Another one at the Buick plant
in the body shop.

It was on December 23, 1994.

- It was Willy Anderson.
- Okay.

And he was a die setter.

He forgot to unhook a block --
80,000 pounds --

and this die just
instantly crushed him

between a guard rail
and the die.

Before you became a historian,
you worked in this plant.


Were these accidents you just
described to me commonplace,

or is it something that was,
you know, once in a blue moon?

They were pretty commonplace,
and, at that time,

speed was the name
of the game.

We were trying to save
the Buick plant.

And look where that got you.

This is where we're at.

I'm seeing a body on the floor.

I think it's a man.

I'm getting, like,
some chaos here.

Like, I hear a woman crying.

I'm hearing somebody
yelling for help.

And I'm feeling, like,
a lot of people running around.


I saw several disturbing
things on my walk,

but the violent dead man
had me very concerned.

He did have a mustache.

He had a thick, short neck.

Next, I described the dead man
attacking a living person.

He was showing me him, like,

actually holding this person
above the stairs,

and he was saying how

he threw someone down there.

I do believe it was a female,

and that this person was
smaller than him.

Amy, is this what you saw?

Yes. that's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So, Amy, I'd like you to meet
Carrie and Chad.

They live here,

and they're raising these
four beautiful girls.

This is Layla. She's 5.

This is Tori, who is 10.

This is Gabbie, who is 3.

This is Ariana, who is 11.

Now we're here, so obviously,

you guys have a lot
of activity going on.

But the big issue here is Chad.

The whole family
is convinced he's changed

since he moved in here,

and if you can't help,

they say it's going
to rip their family apart.

With that being said,
I'm gonna ask Amy

to tell us about her walk.

When I first got here, I was
getting a lot of information.

So I go upstairs,
and I saw two living females

hiding behind a door.

They were reacting
to a living male

who was upset
and yelling and screaming.

I felt such anger
from the living man.

Like, he had murderous rage
coming out.

This living male had
gone through a complete change,

and I believe it's due
to an influence

that's within this house.

Wow. Carrie,
why don't you tell Amy

how you feel Chad's changed?

Before we moved in here, he used
to be a happy-go-lucky man.

Now, he's very
just depressed and angry.

So, Chad,
explain to Amy yourself

how you feel you've changed.

I don't know,

but the range inside of me
comes over me heavy, fast.

Sometimes, he just don't realize
that he is being very angry.

It hurts me to hurt my family
in any direction.

I'm seeing that you were

in some dark situations
in the past,

and that's making it easier for
what is here to influence you.

My background ain't good.

I saw an older man,

and this older dead male
is extremely active.

There's a lot of ways

that living people
could experience him.

I thought maybe you would see
him because he is very solid.

Now, let's talk about
the tall shadow person

that you mentioned to me.

We will see him
sh**t down the hallway.

My children also see
this tall shadow man.

He can also
be very physical.

I had extreme neck
and head pain the entire time,

and I saw him coming up

and smacking people
on the back of the head.

Carrie, do me a favor.

Just tell her about how you were
getting grabbed in the shower.

I have been grabbed
inappropriately in the shower.

I've been grabbed in my bed.

Now, Chad, you've been held down
in bed and choked, right?

- Yeah.
- So tell Amy what happened.

I couldn't move.
I was being held down.

It was like being suffocated.

Next thing I know, the bed is
in the middle of the room.

Could that be this guy?

Yeah. Definitely.

There's nothing I can
do about it.

That is what drives me
the most crazy.

It angers me, and I've...
I feed off of it.

I just want to get ahold of it.

Can this guy do anything else?

He can make you
really, really dizzy,

and I just saw
people falling,

and I also saw him
picking up a woman

and throwing her down
the stairs.

I did have a sketch done
of what I saw.

When you take a look at this,
you'll know you're not crazy.


My god.

That is just insane.

Do me a favor and describe
to Amy what happened.

I was coming down the stairs,

and I felt just
this big blow to my back,

and I went all the way
down the steps.

I wish I could sh**t
the son of a bitch.

Did you get any sense
of who you think this guy was

when he was alive?

I got that he did, in fact,
live here.

I was putting him in the '70s
or the '80s,

maybe, you know,
the very start of the '90s.

When he lived here,

he experienced hauntings
as well.

I had met a woman outside,

and she said that he was
abusive towards her,

and I felt like
that was his wife.

The wife told me that
he had d*ed somewhere else

but had been sucked back
to this house.

I know exactly
who she's talking about.

Well, Amy, there's something
you should know.

Chad's grandparents lived
in this house

from the day it was built
in the early '60s...

...until they gave it to Chad
a few years ago...

...upon their passing.
Do me a favor.

Why don't you describe
your grandfather to Amy for me?

My grandpa was very old-school.

He didn't like women.

He didn't like my mom.
He didn't like my sister.

He didn't like my grandmother.

He was a very angry man.

And I've been telling him
since day one that

that angry man that I see
is his grandfather,

and I knew that his grandfather
did not like women,

and I felt
that he was the one

that did not want me
in this home.

Now I got a photo of him
when he was younger,

and then I have another one here
as much older.

Now you think his grandfather
is the guy you saw?

I had a sketch done.

You guys tell me.

My heart's pounding.


That looks like my pops.

Not my dad, my pops.

All right,
so let's get this cleared up.

Who is that?

Chad's grandfather's cousin.

His grandfather's cousin. Okay.

Now did he ever spend time
in this house?

Yes, he did, off and on.


Now do you remember this guy
and what he was like?

What kind of man he was?

He was a violent man.
That's what I remember.

And he was a violent man
up to his death.

He was abused by his dad,
and my grandma brought him in.

Took him in as a child.

It looks just like him.

Okay. Anything else?

So I saw this dead little girl
playing in the backyard.

I thought that maybe
you might see her

'cause she is
very physical.

So this child showed me
a location in the backyard

where she had been m*rder*d.

This person who m*rder*d her

is, basically, everything
that's going on here.

I got that she knew the person
who m*rder*d her,

and the thing about her

is that she sees
this m*rder*r as a monster.

What I saw was
black skeleton arms

and then, like,
a black, like, you know,

the tar when you pour it,
and it's bubbly hot?

So the body is like that.

Because of how this
little kid was dressed,

I put her
in the 1870s, 1880s.

Not a ton to go on,
but there was a m*rder

you described
sounds like something

I came across in research.

Now back in 1837, this rich guy
named Thomas Brandt

bought 70,000 acres
of land in Flint.

Your house sits
right in the middle of it.

I got a photo of Brandt.

This is guy who bought
the property originally.

He had a daughter named
Charlotte, and she was in love

with a tenant farmer
named Davillo Palmer

who lived right next door
to your house.

Charlotte's mother, Francisca,
didn't approve of this guy

and, you know, for good reason.

Guy was married.

At some point,
Charlotte winds up

getting pregnant
with Palmer's kid.

Days later,
Palmer's wife goes missing.

Now records were
pretty bad back then,

but the historian I spoke to
said that they believe

there was a child as well
that also went missing.

- Wow.
- Damn.

And this is, literally, right
next to where your house sits.

Police flagged him
for the murders

but couldn't make a case.

So Palmer never went
to trial, nothing.

So Palmer and Charlotte
get married,

and they have a kid
4 months later.

Now, it gets better.

In 1859, Charlotte's mother,
Francisca, was m*rder*d

by being poisoned with arsenic.

Now Palmer was a suspect,

and before the cops
could even talk to him,

he took off
and fell off the planet.

Considering Palmer may
have k*lled his wife, his child,

and his mother-in-law,

and this all happened
in the 1850s,

you think this is the person
who that could be?

If, in fact, he did k*ll his
wife and kid,

and then...yeah.

Now you mentioned
this tar thing is everything.

What do you mean by that?

It used to be a human being,

and it's been here
since it d*ed.

The thing about it is that
it'll lie dormant for years.

Only when it sees somebody who
matches its same degree of anger

and potential v*olence.

That is what triggers it.

And then
it can influence them.

So it sounds like this tar thing

is trying to use Chad here
to hurt other living people.

Pisses me off so bad.
It pisses me off.

So, Carrie, it sounds like
you were right.

Something was influencing
your husband.

I do feel relieved
knowing that.

But it's just still hard to --
to cope with all of this.

Now let me ask you a question
about this tar thing, though.

Why is it going after Chad?

I mean,
what's the purpose of it?


was a child m*rder*r.

He's insane,
potentially a serial k*ller.

So obviously, he just wants
to continue doing the same

and making v*olence happen,

hoping for the end result
to be m*rder.

If you k*ll
another adult, great.

If you k*ll a kid,
even better.

Could the things that are here
influence him enough

to maybe hurt these kids?

That's what
I'm worried about.

I love my babies.
I'd die for my babies.

I knew this was what it was.

I knew, deep down,
he had bad attachments to him.

And I keep telling him
and telling him,

and he doesn't want
to believe me.

I just didn't think
it was this...this bad.

It makes me want to explode.

Carrie, Chad,
I know this has been

a rough night on both of you.

But we know two things --

you're not crazy, and you
called us in just in time.

Now to answer
the big important question.

Can you stay here
with your four daughters,

and if you can,
what's it gonna take?

For that, I'm gonna
turn it over to Amy.

It's going to take
a little bit of work,

but there is a way for you
to stay here safely.

First, you need to find
a male medium

who is tough,

and that's because
this k*ller

is a psychopathic,
tough male.

He needs someone
that can match him

in attitude and stance.

You also need to find
a chaos magician,

and that also needs
to be a male.

These two males need
to come here.

They need to go out
into the backyard,

and the male medium will summon
the k*ller to come.

He'll come with
the little girl.

The chaos magician is going
to trap the k*ller

and then send him
to the other side.

The little girl is gonna
remain behind,

and the male medium will
take care of moving her on.

Then these two males are gonna
come inside the house

and they're going to do
the same thing

to take care of this guy.


And this will take
probably about 24 hours

for this whole process
to take place.

So once that's done,

those dead energies,
they'll be gone.

But you'll still have
your attachments.

A Reiki master needs
to come for four sessions.

They will focus on getting
your personal living energy

all aligned and clean.

After that, you're going
to need to work on

letting go psychologically
of your past.

You need to go see
a psychotherapist.

It's hard 'cause you are
going to relive

the worst experiences
you've had in your life,

but you're going to feel
so much lighter,

and it's not going
to haunt you any more.

You willing to do that?

I'm going to do
whatever I got to do.

Ready to do it.
Ready to get it done.

I'm tired
of living like this.

I'd rather have him back
to the way he was

before we moved in here.

Once they take these steps,
will things get better here?

You're gonna feel
a huge difference,

huge difference.
- It's a win-win situation.

You'll get your husband back,

and you get to keep the house
your grandparents left you.


I'm so amazed
by all this right now.

It's overwhelming.

I really hope
Chad and Carrie

contact a medium
and a chaos magician

to remove the dead
terrorizing their family.

And with the help
of a therapist,

Chad can free himself
of negative attachments,

allowing this family to find

the peace
it's been looking for.
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