08x17 - Lust to k*ll

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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08x17 - Lust to k*ll

Post by bunniefuu »

Everyone is in jeopardy.

She's, definitely,
a serial k*ller.

If somebody grabbed me in bed,
I'd be running out the door.

They wouldn't mind if there was
never any living people here.

That was the turning point.
I wasn't a skeptic any more.

She's completely insane.

Everybody here is in danger.

This seems like a possession.

My name is Amy Allan.

Everything was built on blood.

I see dead people.

Very disturbing.

I speak to dead people.

There's victims around him.

And they speak to me.

Her voice sounds like death.

But there's only one way
to know if my findings are real.

The living don't
stand a chance here.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

You could have
got k*lled.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

This is coming
straight from Hell.

It's my job to reveal them.

Your mom was m*rder*d
right here in this room?

Yes, she was.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end...

This was
just the beginning.

...when we uncover
if it's safe for you to stay...

Oh, my God.

...or time to get out.

They're very bad.

This house
is going to k*ll me.

I'm in the small town of
Victor, New York,

about a half hour south
of Rochester.

I got a call from a woman
who's desperate

to keep her family safe.

She and her husband
are ex-m*llitary,

but they have no idea

how to fight
whatever's in their house.

She told me she's out
of options,

and if Amy and I can't help,

death isn't far behind.

Before Amy arrives,
I clear the area

of any leading information --

dream catchers, personal items,

and family photos
can influence her findings.

So it's important
that I remove them all.

When I'm done, the location will
be ready for tonight's walk.

Oh, boy.

This isn't good.

There's dead people in here.

They were like, "Who
the [bleep] is this [bleep]?"

There was a battle.

A battle was had.

They claimed this space.

It is not good.

So, Lisa,
when we spoke on the phone,

you sounded like you were
at the end of your rope.

But what exactly
is happening here?

The activity's at a level --

It's just out of control
at this point.

One of the main reasons
I took the case

is 'cause
there's kids involved.

Who exactly lives
in the house?

Well, there's mine, his,
and ours, we call it

Our crazy eight.

Now, are all six kids
having experiences?

Oh, yeah.

Did you guys all move in

No, it was me and my ex-husband
and our three children.

We were here
about a year and a half,

and then he and I separated
and started the divorce.

When we moved in,
his personality

was slowly escalating
from bad to worse,

like all-out fits of rage,
zero patience,

daily att*ck is
what it felt like.

And this was not
what you dealt with

before you moved
in the house.

No, not like this.

So, Lisa,
not to pick on you,

but why would you stay
in a house

that you think might have
caused your divorce?

My family's been here
since as long as I can remember.

So, this house is not
just a house to you.

It's memories.


Did you have experiences
in this house

when you were younger?


The biggest one I can remember,
just walking up the staircase,

and it was like you'd scramble
to get upstairs

like somebody's right behind you
trying to get you.

So, Lisa, if you can,
just give me an idea

what you guys
are going through.

You smell things.

There's been a number
of apparition,

shadow figures,
started to get physical.

Have you done anything
to try to combat what's here?

Brought in a pagan
high priestess

to do a cleansing ritual.

Did it work?

Got better for a little while
before it would kind of

come back again
and escalate from there.

You think what's here
is dangerous?


and what's already
happened to me

I don't want
happening to the kids.

How you holding up?

Not very well.

It's hard on everybody.

It's hard to watch them
be put through it.

You know, if it were just me,
it'd be one thing.

So what are you hoping
we can do for you?

Given what we've done
hasn't worked,

if there's any other way
to stop the activity,

eliminate the fear,

you know,
make it a home again.

The dead feel like the living
are fighting with them.

They're being mean to them,
and they're trying to hurt them.

Do they say what the living
are doing to them?

I'm trying to get that.

Living temporarily
put them in blackness.

The intention from
the living is not good.

I'm seeing
a woman and a man.

They're a rowdy couple.

I think maybe they liked
Bonnie and Clyde.

They're drinking.

They're smoking.

Woman says, "This is where
we hide from the living."

Okay, Lisa.

So what kind of experiences
are you having?

There's voices
all over the house.

You can hear it,
no matter where you are,

just like somebody's
talking in another room.

Can you make out
if it's a male or a female?

There's only one male voice
I've heard in the bedroom,

and you wake up
to somebody yelling,

"Hey," real loud.

What else?

You get an odd fragrance
from time to time,

and I say odd because

they're nothing
that would pertain to us.

So describe
the smells to me.

There's cologne,

tobacco smoke of some kind.

Okay. So,
where do you smell them?

The cologne's a little bit
of everywhere.

The smoke
is only upstairs.

Your husband smoke?

Nobody smokes.

You have a couple up here
who is partying all the time

and, basically,
creating havoc for the living.

The dead couple,
they smoke all the time.

The living would smell it,
taste it, breathe it in,

and they would hear this couple,

the talking and the laughing,

and they're hearing music.

The couple gets wasted,
and then they're, like,

banging into the wall.

I think that this would make
the living anxious.

I feel like
they did bad things.

They want to do bad things.

It's not good.

What's going on here?

You'll feel shoves
in the side of the bed,

like somebody fell into it

or pushed on it real hard,
you know.

I know you guys have
a few dogs.

You sure it's not them?

Definitely not.

Anything else?

I've had my foot grabbed
laying here in bed.

Feel like a human hand?


It could be a smaller man,
if it is a man,

or a good, strong woman,
if it is a woman.

Somebody grabbed me in bed,
I'd be running out the door.

What else is going on?

Oh, it just seems like ever
since we moved here,

my health, in general, has
just gotten worse.

I go through every single day
with some level of pain.

It's taking whatever
I have left of me.

And then I'm not even around
to protect the kids.

So, Lisa, from what you told me,
you're a wife.

You're a mom.

You're a step-mom
being frightened.

You got a lot
on your shoulders.

Well, I'd like to think
that as a soldier,

you're taught
to stand and fight.

You don't retreat.
You don't back down.

You don't
leave anybody behind.

A little different,
we're not on the b*ttlefield.

Different b*ttlefield.

Do you feel like you're
doing this all on your own?

Sometimes, yeah,
a lot of the time.

It breaks my heart to see
you going through this,

being upset by it.


Is this dead couple
aware of the living?


They're very aware,
and they know their environment,

and living people
are in the bed

and flopping into the bed.

Do they have any intent
toward the living.

They wouldn't mind
if there was

never any living people here
to get in their way.

I don't know how the people get
any [bleep] sleep here.

You know, imagine
living with two

raging alcoholics/party people.

The living are probably
feeling sick.

This dead guy,

he can get physical
with the living.

They would feel like
they were getting hit.

Any idea why
he's doing that?

He's retaliating
against them

for banishing them
to the darkness.

So, Brad,
I was talking to Lisa.

She told me some
really strange stuff

that's going on
in this house.

Did she even tell you
this place was haunted

before you moved in?

She touched
a little on it.

She explained
some of the interactions

the children have had.

When you heard that,
what did you think?

That they were just stories
like everything else.

So, now that
you've been here a while,

you still a skeptic?

My mind has definitely
changed on that.

What were the experiences
that changed your mind?

I feel like I'm just
being watched

ever since I've come
to the property.

Where are you
feeling watched?


It's the whole house,
even outside.

Okay, anything else?

One night, the wife and I
were laying in bed,

and we saw
this dark shadow,

and it was hovering
over top of us.

We were frozen --

couldn't move,
couldn't speak,

felt like
we couldn't breathe.

Okay, so you both were
seeing this?

and it was just all dark.

That was the turning point.
I wasn't a skeptic any more.

You have six kids here.

You got to be
worried about them.

Feel helpless.

If a guy came into the house,
I could handle it hands on.

What I can't see is
mind wrecking.

There's this other woman

who did live her.

I think she's a widow.

The living are very affected
by this woman.

Can't, like, get away
from her if you want to.

This chick is
a big [bleep] problem.

They would probably perceive
something hovering over them.

I'm getting that she tried
to k*ll someone here.

So, Kortney,
I was talking to Mom

and stuff that's
going on here.

And she told me you
were, what, 18?


Now, what about
your own experiences?

Have you had any?

A couple, yeah.

I saw an apparition
of a small black creature.

Describe it to me.

Well, it was very black
and kind of bony.

You could see that it
was very skinny

and about 4-feet tall

and, like, it drew a fist back
like it was going to hit me.

Anything else?

I was sleeping one night,
and something grabbed my foot.


It was just kind of, like,
a force being dragged backwards.

On both feet or just one?

Just one.

Did you have any marks
on your feet or anything

like that,
nothing around the ankles?


Now, do you think your younger
siblings are in danger here?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

This dead lady who lived here,
she's evil.

She's mad.

She was on my shoulders.

This is something
she likes to do,

is stand behind people
or crawl up on their back

and then push down
on their shoulders.

She makes people
feel extreme stress.

She wants everybody,
living and dead,

out of this [bleep] house.

She's a problem.

I started
talking to the boys

to see what
experiences they've had.

When I was playing games,
I heard, like,

footsteps come up
behind me.

But when I would, like,
look behind me,

there would just be
nothing there.

And everyone had
a story to tell.

It was maybe 3:30
in the morning.

It felt like somebody had placed
their hand on my left shoulder.

It's really just --
I feel a presence.

But it's what the little ones
had to tell me

that really broke my heart.

Dad says a lot of the stuff
that's going on here

is really scaring
you guys.

That true?


Scariest thing I saw
in the house was

the door slam shut,

and I didn't see anybody.

The scariest thing I saw
in the house was

the little boy
who walked up the stairs.

Was he about your age,

or your brother's age,
do you know?

He was about...

Oh, real tiny.


Oh, a toddler.

Are you guys afraid
to be here?


All right.

So this woman, the widow,
she comes in here.

I don't think
she likes anyone,

in particular,
under the age of 18.

So that's a problem.

Yeah, she likes to [bleep]
hurt people's necks.

She's showing me, like,
doing stuff to their bones

and their skulls,

and she's very into it.

Feel like doing [bleep]
to their brains.

What is she doing
to their brains?

She's exploring them.

The living might have, like,
memory lapses, headaches.

It's almost like,
while she's doing it,

they're having
some kind of seizures.

Do you know
why she's doing that?

Because she's
completely insane,

and she can do
whatever she wants now.

So, the first thing I did was
make my usual calls --

local law enforcement,
historians, et cetera.

Turns out the guy
who built Lisa's house

k*lled himself by jumping
in front of a train.

I'm heading over to meet
with an author

who says what happened
to his widow afterwards

is even more of a tragedy.

So what can
you tell me about this guy

that jumped
in front of the train?

George Bement is his name,
and he was a native of Victor,

and he married a spinster
named Mary Brown in 1889.

How did they come
onto the property?

The next year, his mom passes
and left him the land,

and then he and Mary built
this big house

that your client
came to own.

Take me to the day
he gets k*lled.

What happened?

Well, it was
22nd of April, 1899,

and he came to
the train crossing.

For some reason,
the gate was down,

but he went around it,

and he stepped in front
of a moving locomotive

going 40 miles an hour.

So this guy's body must have
been a mess.

Yeah, it was thrown
across the street.

1,700 feet from his home,
he d*ed instantly.

Was there any information
out there that said

he might have been down and out
and depressed or anything?

No, I don't think
he was down and out

because he left his wife
an inheritance.

All right.
So George is dead.

Now, you mentioned on the phone
that his widow

suffered more tragedy
after he d*ed.

What'd you mean?

Yeah. Well, Mary moved in her
extended family right away.

She moved in both parents,
a brother and an uncle.

So what happened?

Within the first nine years,
all four of them d*ed.

So I have the four death records
for you right here.

Was there anything unusual
about these deaths?

Just the frequency,
I would say.

So what happens to her?

She remained in the home
another 14 years

until her own death
in the house in 1923.

I have a copy of Mary's
death certificate here.

She was 73 years of age
when she d*ed.

All right.
So what happens to the property?

In the last year of her life,

she transferred the property
to her brother, Abry,

and while Abry was
living there,

four more people d*ed
in the house,

and I have those death records
here, as well.

So we've got the possible
su1c1de of the original owner

and nine deaths
inside the house.

I haven't seen this many bodies
since I was working in homicide.

really wrong.

I think this dead widow
is able to influence

the living
to do horrible things.

People here will be, like,
out of the blue,

for no [bleep] reason,
k*ll themselves.

So, she, actually,
lived here.

And then,
I got money with her.

The one thing that
she showed me

is that she has been
kind of damned

to walk her family's graves.

And there's four --
four people that are buried,

that specifically belong to her
in this particular situation.

I am suspicious that
she k*lled her family.

She's, definitely,
a serial k*ller.

I've just started
my investigation.

I already have nine deaths
on my client's property.

It's pretty staggering,

but I need to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I find William Dryer.

Turns out William's family
also suffered

several unusual deaths

during the time he lived
on Lisa's property.

This is one
of the highest body counts

I've ever seen
on a client's property.

So, I'm headed over to meet
with a local genealogist

who was looking into
the Dryer family for me.

So, Barb, what can you tell me
about William Dryer?

Well, William Dryer was born
in 1810 in Victor.

Here is a picture
of the gentleman.

So what did this guy, William,
do to make a living?

Oh, he did a lot
of different things.

He was a miller.

He ran a hotel.

He was a master carpenter.

He was the postmaster of Victor
for many years.

So what's the deal?

Does this guy get married
and have a family?

Well, in 1830,
he married a local girl

named Caroline Wright,

and in 1833, they had
a daughter named Julia.

Shortly after this,
in 1834,

he bought
a large parcel of land.

Okay, and that land he bought is
where my clients live now?


Shortly after the purchase
of this property,

their daughter, Julia,
passes away

at about the age
of a year.

Any idea why?

this is pre-death records.

So we don't really know.

So, now William loses
his baby daughter.

What happens with William
and Caroline at this point?

Not long after Julia's death,
Caroline started to become sick.

And she passed away
in 1837

from one of the long forms
of consumption.

So, she had TB.


And she was only 22
when she passed away.

This is her obituary.

So, what happens
to William?

He married another local girl
named Phoebe Ball in 1839.

So did they have kids?

Yes, they had two.

They had a son, and then
they had another daughter.

Unfortunately, she passed away
when she was 16 years old.

We know how she d*ed?

No, because we don't have
the death record.

All right. So, William loses
his first wife,

a child with her
and then another child

with another wife.

So, what happens
with William?

He lived to be
80 years old.

And there is a copy
of his obituary.

He d*ed in 1891.

That's at least a dozen deaths
on my client's property.

I've rarely seen
anything like it.

I'm seeing these
older dead people.

I feel like they d*ed
from natural causes.

They lived here, it seems like,

for a bit.

The older dead man I'm seeing
is very bitter.

He was a laborer and, you know,

like, building, construction,

railroad, something like that.

She might have been
a school teacher.

So something happened
where her kid got sick.

I'm seeing kid on the table,
and they had to do surgery.

But then the kid d*ed.

If you need us
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and we'll help
if we can.

So, another thing caught
my eye in research.

Back in the 1900s, there was
a brutal double homicide

that happened real close
to Lisa's property.

So I called the local sheriff.
He knew all about the case.

And he tells me it was
the bloodiest k*lling

in the county's history.

Well, Sheriff Povero,
you mentioned on the phone

this double homicide
was pretty brutal.

What can you tell me
about it?

Well, back in 1918,
there was a farmer

by the name
of McClellan Mosher.

And he owned a farm
very near to the location

that you're investigating.

So what do we know
about this guy, Mosher?

Mosher lived on the farm
with his wife

and his 15-year-old daughter,

They employed a farmhand
by the name of Earl Austin

who was 32 years old.

This is a picture
of Earl Austin

that appeared in
the local newspaper at the time.

All right.
So, I know this is our k*ller,

but what happened
that night?

Yeah, on April 27th, 1918,

McClellan and Earl Austin
had an argument

while they were
working on the farm.

Austin left the farm,

but he did come back
later that evening.

He waited for Mosher
to go to sleep.

Austin took an axe
into Mosher's bedroom,

and he bludgeoned
them to death.

Does he stick around?
What happened?

Mosher's daughter, Blanche,
and her cousin, Wilma,

returned later
in the evening

with Austin still hiding
inside the house.

This is a photograph
of Blanche.

This is a photograph
of cousin Wilma.

Austin came into the bedroom.
He struck the cousin, Wilma.

She was dazed
but managed to run off,

and Austin turned
to Blanche

and bludgeoned her to death
in her bed.

All right.
So Wilma's dazed,

and Blanche is DOA
at this point.

What happens next?

Wilma was a very intelligent
19-year-old girl.

And despite being dazed,
she convinced Austin

that she really didn't
like her relatives,

and she convinced him
that they should elope together.

She and Austin left and went
to a nearby train station.

When they arrived there,

she alerted the conductor,
and Austin fled.

So, she played him good.

She played him good.
Okay, Sheriff.

So now he takes off.
Does he ever get apprehended?

Austin, actually,
is apprehended about 10 miles

from the train station.

Austin gave
a full confession.

He was convicted
of first-degree m*rder.

So, does he die
in prison?

No, Austin spent the next
31 years

in a state mental hospital

until he d*ed on
November 14, 1949.

There's another guy here.

He's, like, wigging out.

He's just, like,
sitting there crying

and mumbling
that he didn't do it.

He did not do it.

What do you mean?

I think
he k*lled somebody.

This was a long time ago.

So I don't know
if he, like,

snuck out here
or something.

He says he didn't k*ll her.

He says it was an accident.

He absolutely did not k*ll her,

and so he was saying
he didn't do it,

and then I look down,
and she's, obviously, dead.

During my walk, I encountered
several dead people,

but two concerned me
the most.

First, the crying man
who kept saying

he didn't k*ll a woman.

He was about
late 20s, early 30s,

no facial hair.

He had kind of
larger eyes.

Next, I described the widow

attacking the living
in the house.

She likes to strangle people.

So she likes
to, literally, like,

get her hands
around their neck.

And she has, like,
these dark eyes.

It goes all to black,
like gaping holes.

is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So, Amy, I'd like you to meet
Lisa and her husband, Brad.

They're both army veterans
and used to combat conditions,

but nothing could have
prepared them

for what they're
dealing with now.

Activity in the house
is out of control,

and they're afraid
it's going after their kids.

This is the whole tribe
right here.

Lisa called us in because
she doesn't think it's safe

for the kids here.

If we can't
help them out,

she thinks somebody's
going to get k*lled.

So now that Amy knows
a little bit about you guys,

I'm going to ask her
to describe her walk.

When I first got here,

I was getting
a lot of information.

Out in the backyard,

I saw a male,

and he was really hyper

and freaking out.

I felt like he was not
directly attached

to this property

but that he had been here
at some point.

He was kind of
out of his mind.

He kept mumbling over
and over and over again

that he didn't do it,
he didn't do it.

And then I saw a woman
laying at his feet.

She was dead.

I felt like he did
k*ll this woman.

Now, the guy you saw,
how old do you think he was?

I would have thought
he was in his 20s.

Some of the things
you're saying reminded me

of a case I came across
in my research.

Back in the early 1900s,

there was a guy
named McClellan Mosher,

had a farm right next door
to this property.

Mosher lived there
with his wife

and his 15-year-old daughter,

Now, at the time, Mosher
employed a 32-year-old farmhand

by the name
of Earl Austin.

April of 1918,
Mosher and Austin had a fight

while working on the farm.

Austin backed down
and left.

He wind up coming
back later that night.

Now, you said the guy
you saw snuck out here?

Well, Austin snuck
into Mosher's house

while he was sleeping.

He took an axe, and he
bludgeoned him to death.

But that
wasn't the end of it.

Austin waited in the house

for the 15-year-old daughter,

and her cousin, Wilma,
to come home.

I actually got a photo
of both girls.

So this is the daughter,

and then this
is her cousin, Wilma.

Once the girls were
in bed,

this sick bastard snuck
into their rooms.

He took the axe
and k*lled Blanche.

He went to k*ll Wilma next,
but she lied to him

and somehow convinced him
to elope

and go to a train station
that night.

Now, at the train station,

Wilma rats out Earl
to a conductor,

and he took off.

Cops caught up to him
about a couple hours later.

Austin never claimed he k*lled
these two people by accident,

but he did plead insanity.

So Austin got transferred
to a mental hospital

and stayed there
until he d*ed in 1949.

I met with the local sheriff,
and he told me this was

the most brutal homicide
in this county's history.

As a matter of fact,
he actually gave me

a photo
of the perpetrator.

This is Earl Austin here.

Did you get
a good look at him?

- Yeah.
- Is this our guy?

I had a sketch done.

It's a pretty damn
close description of this guy.


Lips and the chin.

So, Amy, you think
this is possible who you saw?


Okay, so what else
did you see?

Upstairs, I met a couple.

From how they were
both dressed,

I would place them
in the '20s or '30s.

There was something Bonnie
and Clyde-ish about them.

They were extremely rebellious
when they were alive,

and they are
the same now in death.

I think that different ways
you would experience them

would be that they are
constantly partying.

So they make a lot of noise.

You would hear them
talking, laughing.

They're constantly
drinking and smoking.

I think that you would,

might smell some
of the smoke.

There's the first bedroom
over the kitchen, I think.

They love it in there.

They kind of go nuts
in there,

and so they're bumping
into walls and the doors.

They're flopping
on the bed together.

The living would experience

that kind of activity
and energy

as anxiety,

and I, honestly,
don't know

how anybody can
get any sleep up there.

The couple can also
make people sick.

The other thing I got,
and this bothered me,

the male indicated
that he can become physical

and that he may have
punched some people.

You hit on a lot
of experiences

our clients
are dealing with here.

Let's take them one
at a time.

Lisa, you've heard voices
and conversations.

That damn laughing.

Kids' friends don't stay
the night any more

because they get kept up
all night

from the damn laughing.

You guys both
smell cigarettes,

but no one in the house
smokes, right?

Lisa and I both have.

We brought it to
each other's attention.

Something Amy talked about,
you and I discussed upstairs,

the bed being shook.

It's like somebody's bumping
into the bed.


It's not just like,
you know, a little knock.

It's really a jolt.

Your daughter, Kortney,
and you have been grabbed

by the foot or the ankle?

Yeah, you can feel like somebody
puts their hands on you,

and it's a good shake.

Could you tell if
it was male or female?

It's either a weak man
or strong woman.

That's interesting.

Amy, you also said
they can make people sick.

Lisa, do me a favor and tell Amy
what you've been going through.

My heart'll just race.

My chest will get tight.

I went through...

I don't know,
months of passing out,

and it's not uncommon
to wake up with migraines.

So this is being caused
by this gangster couple.

I think the majority
of it is.

The migraines might be
something else.

Now, why are they
doing this?

They have felt like the living
have tried to att*ck them,

and I was trying
to talk to them about

how the living
were doing this to them.

And they told me that

they were banished
to the darkness.

Lisa, tell her
about who you brought in

and what they did.

I had a coven pagan
high priestess

come to do a circle ritual
for cleansing,

and there was some good
stern get out.

Can we assume
that when she did that,

it made things worse?

Yeah, when I spoke
to the dead couple,

they said it's been
extremely emotionally,

you know,
distressing for them.

We've seen it before
where people say

they've had teams come in.

Next thing you know,
everything gets worse.

You have several dead
people here,

but one woman
really stands out.

This is the person that

I'm the most concerned
about here.

I got that she would have
been here in the 1800s.

I felt that
she lived here,

either in this house,
or on this property.

I thought that
she might have been rich

or came from
a wealthy family.

I believe she was a widow

and that she suffered
a lot of loss

because the initial thing
she showed me were four graves,

and she kept saying that
she buried four.

Initially, I felt bad
because she told me,

"I am damned to walk
their graves for eternity."

And then I got the impression

that she possibly made
her family sick.

I think she might have
poisoned them.

What you're saying
made me think

of someone
who actually lived her.

Back in 1889,
a woman named Mary Bement

moved onto this property

after she married
her husband, George.

George and Mary built this house
in the early 1890s.

Nobody knows why,
but George, her husband,

committed su1c1de in 1899

by walking in front
of a freight train

right down the block
from here.

You said you thought
she was wealthy.

Mary, George's widow,
inherited the property

as well as George's assets.

Mary immediately moved
her family in --

her mother and father
and her brother and her uncle.

Well, as soon as these people
moved in with Mary,

they started dropping dead.

No [bleep] way.

You saw four graves.

All four of her family members
d*ed in this house.

I got a stack of obits
and death certificates here.

Now, none of the death records
report any poisoning,

but back in those days,
unless you had an indication

for it,
why would you check for it?

Mary stayed at the house by
herself here for 14 more years.

She also d*ed
in the house in 1923.

After Mary passed away,
the house went to her brother.

Now, her brother and his family
moved into the house.

Shortly after that, four more
of them d*ed in the house.

I got their death certificates
right here.

Oh, she did.

Now, you got a total
of nine deaths in the house

and her husband,
who k*lled himself, which is 10.

Is it possible Mary is
the widow you saw?


Okay, so you're convinced
that she k*lled

everybody in this house
when she was alive.

All right.

Now, what about
the other people?

She's k*lled everybody.

So she k*lled those other four
while she was dead.


She's a serial k*ller.

She's extremely advanced
and dangerous,

and there's many,

many different ways
you would experience her.

I think they would
feel a presence.

I think they would feel
something hovering over them.

And when she does this,

the living might feel
like they're choking.

You tell the story about the
thing hovering above your bed.

We were getting ready
to go to bed.

I saw a shadow figure of some
sort in our doorway,

and, next thing we know,
it is hovering,

over the top of us.

We were frozen.
We couldn't speak.

It felt like
we couldn't breathe.


The room in the front
with the two beds

is her main, like, area.

So that's where
Jayden and Mason sleep, right?


She was saying
that she hates children,

especially if
they're under the age of 18.

So she'll actually sit
on the side of the bed,

and she's actually
taking her finger

and pushing various parts
of the brain.

She can cause headaches,
memory lapses,

extreme personality swings
and seizures.

Amy, Lisa moved in here
with her ex,

and his personality
changed a lot

while he was here
as well, right?


Could that be the influence
of this woman?

It could
absolutely be her.

I had a sketch done
of an example

of what she is doing.

Are you kidding me?

I don't even know
what to say about that.

I'm thinking, "This thing is
this close to my kid."

What's happening
in my own home,

and I can't put any type
of stop to it.

It's very disturbing.

How much danger do you think
the kids are in?

This is really bad...

...for everyone.

If this goes unchecked,
what happens?

Left unchecked,
she would k*ll everybody.

Everybody here is
in danger.

Everyone is in jeopardy.

Well, Lisa and Brad,
it's probably a good thing

you called us in when you did.

Now, we know who's been
attacking you people

and scaring the hell
out of your kids.

But the big question is,
is it safe for you to safe here,

or should you just
pack up your bags

and get the hell out?

For that answer, I'm going
to turn it over to Amy.

So, I want to
be clear here.

You do need to vacate the house
as soon as possible.

And upon doing that,
you need to have,

waiting for you,
a healer.

What they will do is remove
all the attachments

that she has formed
to all of you guys.

So you need to have those
severed as quickly as possible.

The only way to remove her

is going to be
via a priest,


Once you have
all of the stuff done,

you do have to help
the dead that are trapped here.

So you do need to have
a medium come in

so that they can leave
and be free and clear.

And then,
if they did all that,

could they come back
to the house?


But I say, you know,
burn the [bleep] down.

Don't let anybody else
ever [bleep] live here

or have this property
because it's bad.


I would say to people,

you know, are you going
to take Amy's advice?

Are you going to
take Amy's advice?

It's almost like
you got no choice here.

I don't think
staying's an option.

I wouldn't put the kids
at risk for anything.

I don't care
how attached I am.

How about you, Brad?
How do you feel about that?

I'm for moving.

This is my family
you're talking about.

Got to do
what we got to do.


Memories will be there.

You can take those
with you.

But if something happens,
that's just something that

I don't want riding on us.

Can actually clean up the mess
and get it taken care of.

We'll stand
and battle together.

I wish I had
better news for Lisa and Brad,

but the widow
has become so powerful

that the only way to ensure
their family remains safe

is to leave
and then have everyone

in the family exercised.
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