08x16 - Deadly Kin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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08x16 - Deadly Kin

Post by bunniefuu »

There's death here.

They were all m*rder*d.

There's something
evil going on here.

I think somebody
maybe d*ed in this room.

It felt like somebody
kicking me in the back.

You're lucky you're alive.

They are losing their minds.

This is a terrible,
terrible place.

This seems like a possession.

My name is Amy Allan.

Everything was built on blood.

I see dead people.

Very disturbing.

I speak to dead people.

There's victims around him.

And they speak to me.

Her voice sounds like death.

But there's only one way
to know if my findings are real.

The living don't
stand a chance here.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

You could have
got k*lled.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

This is coming
straight from hell.

It's my job to reveal them.

Your mom was m*rder*d
right here in this room?

Yes, she was.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end...

This was
just the beginning.

...when we uncover
if it's safe for you to stay...

Oh, my God.

...or time to get out.

They're very bad.

This house
is going to k*ll me.

I'm out here
in Louisville, Kentucky.

I got called in by a woman
who begged me to take this case.

Now, she says her entire
family's being terrorized,

and she thinks she knows
who's doing it --

her dead grandmother.

She sounds real bad
and says if we don't help,

someone's going to get k*lled.

Before Amy arrives,
I clear the area

of any leading information.

Family photos, jewelry,

even dream catchers
can influence her findings.

So it's important
that I remove them all.

When I'm done, the location will
be ready for tonight's walk.

The living here have
done things in order

to reach out to the dead.

And then this is the bad thing.

Out of the dirt comes
Native American women

and children, no men.

I think that they were
all m*rder*d at once.

They're extremely angry
because of how they d*ed

and how they were buried,
and they're pissed.

Well, Crystal,
I'm glad I'm here.

Our conversation on the phone,
you sounded terrified.

Very terrified.

I'm scared for my family.

There's something
going on here.

My mom, I found her
in the driveway unable to move.

What happened?

She says she was pushed
from somebody you can't see.

That's bizarre.

Who exactly
is living in the house?

My mother, Martha.

That's Alex.
He's 12.

My son Phillip.
He's 17.

That's my husband, Sean.

That's my daughter, Brianna,
and she's 13.

Give me a rundown on what
you guys are going through.

Footsteps, voices,
shadow people, apparitions.

And on top of that,
our health is declining.

What do you think
is causing all this?

Well, I think there's
several things here.

But the bad thing, I think,
here is my grandmother Neva.

So what makes you think it's her
causing all this problems?

Well, she d*ed in the house,
but besides that, she was mean.

I mean, she was hateful
to my mother.

She was evil.

Do you think there was
some good stuff here?

I think maybe my dad's here.

These are pictures
of my father, Ronnie.

This one was taken
when he bought the house,

and this one was
taken a year later.

This is only a year apart?


So, Crystal, when did
your father die?

He passed away in 2012.

So how old was your father
when he passed?

He was 67.

Now, how was your relationship
with your father?

We were really, really close,
but when he got here,

his personally
just changed.

He tried to commit su1c1de
in the basement.

He took a g*n and tried
to sh**t himself.

He missed.

What do you
think happened?

I think whatever is
in this house took him.

I'm sorry.

I just want it
to go away.

I see two people,
a dead Native American woman

who looks like a witch

and a dead relative
that they're keeping here.

And I get father or grandfather,
not quite sure.

Do you know who's
keeping the dead relative here?

It's a living woman.

So how is she doing this?

Well, I think this person
has abilities, but I don't know

if she's doing this
on purpose or not.

She likes to have
the dead around her.

It's like she's becoming
a hoarder of the dead.

All right, Crystal,
so I see this bed

and one over there,
but what's with the tent?

Alex, my 12-year-old,
he sleeps in the tent

because he is scared
of the shadow people.

So he sleeps in there
so he doesn't have to see it.

- Yes.
- All right.

So is your son the only
one seeing these shadow figures?

What about you?

No, everybody sees them.
All throughout the house.

Now, can you describe what
these shadow figures look like?

A blob.
They are blacker than black.

All right.
Anything else?

We hear banging sounds above us,
same time every night.

Any idea
what's causing them?

I believe it's Neva falling
where she d*ed.

You think the sounds
you're hearing are coming

from your dead grandmother?

- Yes.
- Wow.

All right.
Anything else?

I was kicked in the back
by something,

and then I flew
down the stairs.

Every step, my head hit.

I'm lucky I didn't
break my neck.

Okay. And you're sure
you didn't trip.


So, Crystal, what are you
hoping we can do

for you with this case?

My mom's being att*cked.
We're being att*cked.

I want us to be safe

and to have the old us back
before this happened.

Okay, so this is where
the dead guy likes to be.

This is his area.

He doesn't want
living people down here.

He's just screaming at me,
"Get them --

Get them the [bleep] out!"

He does not, does not, not,
not like these people.

Does he interact with the living
in here in any way?

I mean, he's doing
a lot of [bleep]

I think that the living
can see him.

I do see -- Well, I see him
shaking a living person

down here.

So basically, he saying
that they're disgusting,

they're dysfunctional,
they're all a mess,

and he can't live
like this anymore.

He can't live with their crazy.

He goes, "If I have
to k*ll one of them, I will."

So, Phillip, I understand
you're Crystal's son, right?

- Yes, sir.
- Okay.

How old are you?


I understand this was
your grandfather's room.

Yes, sir.

Now, were you close with him?

Yeah, he was like
my best friend.

I think about him
before I go to school,

when I come home
from school.

Every day, I miss him.

You've had experiences,

I'll be laying in bed,

and I see shadow figures
walking through the hallway.

It'll go from the door,
my grandma's door.

And you're sure nobody's
walking around...

...with a light on and maybe
causing a shadow?

Yeah, I'm positive.

So you're seeing
these shadow people.

What else is going on?

I was laying in bed one day,

and I just felt something
slap me in the face.

How hard of a slap was it?

Enough to wake me up fully.

It felt like
an adult's hand.

All right.
Anything else?

The whole family
experiences very violent

and terrible mood swings.

So all this fighting's got
to be stressing you out,

I would assume.

It's stressing me
out pretty bad.

It's stressing my sister
and my brother out too.

I actually just want to get
out of the house,

and I've actually
just wanted to go

to a psych ward
than be here.


There's a living person
who's very depressed in here.

This person feels like
a younger person,

but they're hypersensitive
and freaking out.

Okay, so there's, like,
some mental issues happening.

This person is losing
their minds.

Desperate crying.
Desperate crying.

Make it stop.
Make it stop.

I can't take it anymore.

So, Brianna,
how old are you?


Everybody seems to be
having a tough time here.

- What about yourself?
- Yeah.

Tell me about some of
the experiences you're having.

I hear knocking from that
corner right there.

- Right here?
- Yeah.

This is an outside wall.

You're sure that's not a noise
you're hearing from maybe

somebody hitting
from the outside or...

No, because it feels
like it's in the room,

like someone's trying to get my
attention to go to that corner.

Anything else?

I feel watched
all the time.

Any place
in particular or...

In that corner
over there.


And I'll turn around,
and the curtain will be moving.

Any sense of who
or what it might be?

A woman.

You think it's something
that wants to harm you?


It's just hard.
I'm scared.

Brianna, I was talking
to Mom, and she said

she thinks
your great-grandmother

might be causing
some of this.

- Do you agree with that?
- Mm-hmm.

- You do.
- Yeah.

She d*ed over there
in that hallway.

- Right out here?
- Mm-hmm.

And this was her bedroom.

This was her bedroom.


Oh, okay.

That's interesting.

I'm getting some really
uncomfortable stuff.

I'm hearing
"fight," "chaos," "bad."

So we have this
Native American chick

who's running around
like a [bleep] witch,

hiding in the corners,
creeping out people.

I don't like her.

She has very,
very bad intentions.

I'm seeing abuse physically
or mentally or emotionally.

I don't know.

So this witch is
abusing this person?


I think that the living
see her moving,

like something moving past them,

shadow reaching out
from the corners, all darkness.

They see this at night
in the dark.

If there's children around,
she's on them.

I feel like she would
like to collect them.

This is not a good room.

I think somebody
maybe d*ed in this room.

So, Martha,
you're Crystal's mom.

Yes, sir.

Okay, how long
have you been here?

In 2011, I moved in
with my husband, Ronnie.

I want to get
to your experiences.

What's going on with you?

Well, wake up to scratches
or bruises all over my arms.

Martha, I know you guys
have a few dogs.

You sure it's not them
causing these scratches?

No, it happens whether the dogs
are around or not.

Crystal mentioned
you got injured

in the back stairs
going outside?
Yes, sir.

So what happened there?

I was standing there, and
all of a sudden, just boom,

got pushed out
and landed on my knees.

Oh, my gosh.
The pain was horrible.

So you mean it felt like
somebody physically pushed you?

Physically pushed me.

It was like somebody
holding my shoulders

and kicking me in the back.

It felt like
a manly presence.

You're lucky you're alive.

- You really are.
- I know.

I'm afraid to even ask you
what else is going on.

I woke up,

and it felt like somebody
was sitting on my chest,

so I couldn't breathe
at all.

And they took me
to the hospital,

and it looked like
I was having a heart att*ck.

So what happened when
you got to the hospital?

What did they say happened?

They didn't know
what happened.

I'm seeing the angry guy again.

I think he's really focused
on this older woman.

Why is she afraid of him?

It's because he does
get physical with her.

Any idea how?

Things like getting b*at
on the chest,

and she wakes up like
she can't breathe

and she's choking
and coughing.

She feels like she's having
a heart att*ck or something.

Now, Crystal told me
she thinks your mother-in-law

is here causing
all these problems.

I mean,
do you agree with that?

I agree with that,
but I think there's more.

What else
do you think is here?

I think Ronnie
may be around.

When Ronnie tried
to commit su1c1de,

did you even
see it coming?

Like, did you have
any indication?

No. No.

None whatsoever.


You think something in the house
changed your husband?


He worshipped the ground
I walked on,

but when we moved
in this house,

his personality
completely changed.

I became a whipping post.

This angry guy is tormenting
a living woman in here.

It's getting worse.
It's getting worse.

She's being held down now.
She's being held down.

He won't let her up.
Why is he doing this?

Why? Why? Why?

She doesn't like that.

It hurts.
It's scary.

She was afraid of him
when he was alive too.

This guy's pretty physical.


You know, I'm going to say
he was abusive in life.

He's got problems, I think.

Maybe alcohol.

Do you know what
his relationship

is to this living person?

I mean, it would be [bleep]
if they are related.

That would be really bad,
like, really, really bad.

So I made my usual calls,

and when I reached out
to a local historian,

he knew all about
my client's property

and the family
who used to own it.

Now, he says the man
of the house

was a ruthless businessman

who got real
rich real fast.

But his troublemaker of a son
nearly threw it all away.

It sounds like this could
definitely help my case.

So, Bryan,
first things first.

Who was this ruthless
business guy,

and when did he wind up
on my client's property?

This is J. Price Hudson.

He bought your client's
property in 1863.

By this point, he was
already an ambitious,

wealthy man running
a livestock business

in the heart
of the Civil w*r.

So how successful
was he?

He was nationally known
and even internationally known

for his livestock.

He was making hundreds
of thousands of dollars.

In our-time money,
it'd be millions of dollars.

Now, you mentioned on the phone
this guy had a knucklehead

of a son that practically
lost all their money.

What's his story?

J. Price Hudson Jr.

is now vice president
of the company.

Unfortunately, he was a huge
embarrassment to his father.

And here he goes,
abandoning his child,

abandoning his wife,
running off to New Orleans,

doing "riotous living,"
as she claimed,

and leaving her destitute.

She actually sued him
for alimony.

So how's the wife
do with the lawsuit?

She actually wins
the lawsuit.

All the assets
from his company

ended up being
handed over to her.

You know, if I was Hudson,

I would have kicked this
little bastard to the curb.

Okay, so what happens
with Hudson Sr.?

He dies in 1913.

A couple years later,

sons couldn't get along
with each other,

and they finally end up
liquidating the company

and selling off
the dividends.

So it sounds like
this one son

caused major destruction
on the whole family.

So much to the point
he's not in the family plot.

I'm seeing the angry guy
and the living woman again.

I'm not sure that they're
actually related,

but there's also the possibility

that they are working out issues

they have or had
with other people

in their life or lives.

This dude doesn't like her

because she reminds him
of his kid.

He had a kid that he didn't
particularly care for.

They remind each other
of the two people

that they hate the most.

And they're torturing
each other.

Do you know what this
angry guy looks like?

He's in his late 60s,
early 70s.

And he's tall.
He's got gray hair.

I feel like he was,
like, an accountant.

Like, there's something
with numbers.

I feel like he lived here.

I'm thinking he d*ed here
probably not in the best way

because he's freaking out
the living woman.

So far, I know
my client's property

was once owned
by a rich businessman

whose son blew
the family fortune.

But I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching for old records,
I find a young girl

who was brutally m*rder*d by
a young man named Steven Payne.

I'm on my way to meet
with a local crime

author who knows
all about the case.

Turns out, the k*ller
was a suspect in another m*rder,

and his alibi for that one is

that he was on Crystal's
property at the time.

What'd you find out
about the k*ller?

Here's a picture of our guy.

That's Steven Payne.

And, in 1931, Payne was working
for a woman named Flora Sparks.

Sometime after he started
working for her,

they had a falling out,

and it must have been
pretty severe

because Flora Sparks
kicked Payne

and his common-law wife,
Viola, off of the property,

and she had a restraining
order filed against him.

Steven Payne went down the road
to get another job,

and he worked
for Morris Stout,

who was the owner of your
current client's property.

Several months later,
that's when Flora Sparks

was found m*rder*d,
on December 18, 1931.

She had been tied to a chair,
and she was tortured

and beaten to death.

All right.
So did the cops pick him up?

No, because Morris Stout

insisted that the night
in question,

Steven Payne had been home
the whole night

and had never left
his room.

Guy that owned
my client's property

at the time
gave him an alibi?

That's right.

So what about the m*rder
we know he did?

How'd that go down?

Five months later, Payne
and his wife had a big fight.

She left him,
and people suspect it was

because she knew
that he had k*lled Flora.

And she went to live
with her mother.

How's he take it?

Well, he doesn't
take it very well.

He kind of goes crazy.

The morning of July 24, 1932,
he got his revolver,

and he tracked down
his wife

and mother-in-law
on the main street

of your client's

He sh*t at least
15 times in the air.

Guy's got a revolver.

With the amount of sh*ts
you're talking about,

he had to reload at least two
or three times.

Yeah, the neighbors
said it was bedlam.

His wife, Viola,
was sh*t twice, and she d*ed.

Viola was only 23 years old.

His mother-in-law was sh*t once,
and she survived.

Do the cops grab him then?

Yeah, and he quickly

and he said he had never
really meant to k*ll them.

He was only trying
to scare them.

All right.
So he confesses to this.

What kind of sentence
did he get?

He was judged insane,

and he was sent
to a mental asylum.

Finally, in 1952,
he was paroled.

I'm seeing a young woman.

She was outside,
probably late teens, early 20s.

She had dark hair,
went to her shoulders.

She's wearing a short day dress,
nothing fancy.

And it's torn.

She's running,
and there's sh*ts being fired.

Do you know
when this was?

It was in the 1920s or '30s.

It's prior to the house
being built.

She's hiding by a car,
and a man comes up,

and he grabs her,
and he's dragging her off.

There's g*nf*re.

They're not meant to get her.

It's just meant to scare her.

He definitely didn't want
to sh**t her.

It's really, really bad.

If you need us
to investigate

unexplained activity
in your home,

Click on "Help Me, Dead Files!"
to submit your story,

and we'll help if we can.

Now, another thing
caught my eye in research.

The guy, Morris Stout,

who provided an alibi
for the k*ller,

had a lot of tragedy of his own

when he was living
on Crystal's property.

I had a genealogist look
into it for me,

and she tells me his time

there was marked with sickness,
sadness, and death.

Okay, Phyllis,
the Stout family,

what are you able
to find out?

Well, Morris and his wife,
Minnie, and their son, Warren,

moved onto the property in 1911
and started a dairy farm.

I have a photo here.

This is Morris
in his later years.


This is also a picture
of his wife, Minnie.

Okay, so how did
that go for them?

The farm was one of the few
in the area

that actually survived
the Great Depression

and actually lasted
beyond World w*r II.

So he's obviously
a good businessman.

What kind of a person
was he though?

I think he was
a very caring individual.

During the Great Depression,
he hired farm laborers

who were in desperate
need of work at the time,

even going so far
as to allowing them

to live in the house
with the family.

All right,
so let's get to the tragedies.

What happened?

Well, it started in 1919.

Minnie moved her mother
in to join them on the farm

where they could
take care of her.

But, unfortunately,
she d*ed just two years later

very suddenly
of a cerebral hemorrhage,

and I have her death
certificate right here.

And she winds up dying
on the property.

She d*ed on the property
at the age of 66.

Okay, so this is one death.
What else happened?

Well, a few years later,
Morris' grandson

Lawrence came down
with strep throat.

He dies in the hospital
at 5 months old.

And, oh, I have his
death certificate here.

All right.

So they lose the mother
and now a grandson.

What else happened?

Well, Minnie had a lot
of health issues herself.

In 1927, she was diagnosed
with breast cancer,

and they discovered that
she also was battling throat,

lung, and liver cancer.

She underwent surgery,
where the doctors

tried to remove the tumors.

She did manage to survive
four more years,

but she was suffering.

Okay. Do we know she passed
away at the house?

She did.

She d*ed in 1931
at the age of 56.

And I have her
death certificate here.

All right.
So Morris lost his in-laws,

his wife, grandson.

What happened to him?

Well, he lived on
the property until 1947.

At that point, he suffered
a major heart att*ck

while he was on the farm.

He's rushed to the hospital
but is pronounced dead

on arrival
at the age of 80.

Kind of a sad story
when you think about it.

I just feel illness.

Sick, very sick, very sick.

Throwing up.

Sick, sick.

Illness, illness.

Now vomiting, vomiting.

Oh, God, now I feel
horribly ill.

Talk about massive
stomach issues.

Holy crap.

This is a terrible,
terrible room.

I hate it.

There's death.
There's death.

There's death here.

During my walk, I saw
several dead people,

but the angry guy
attacking a living woman

had me the most concerned.

she's asleep, okay?

This guy comes in, and he smacks
her right here in the chest.

She's clenching her chest,
leaning up in bed.

Almost feels like
everything's collapsing.

Amy, is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to meet
Crystal and her mother, Martha.

The thing is, since the day
Crystal moved in here

with her family,

the activity has been
aggressive and nonstop.

So here's a picture
of the family.

This is Alex, who's 12,
her son Phillip, who's 17,

and her daughter,
Brianna, who's 13.

Now, Crystal called us
in because whatever is here

is going after her
mother and the kids.

She told me if
we can't help her,

one of them's going
to get k*lled.

So now that Amy knows
your situation,

I'm going to ask her
to describe her walk.

During my walk,
I saw a female.

She was outside.

She was very young,
probably late teens, early 20s.

She was wearing, like,
a house dress, I would say,

from, like
the '20s or '30s.

She was running,
and I hear g*nshots.

I hear boom, boom, boom.

And I see this man.

Basically, the man was sh**ting
the g*n to scare her.

He didn't
want to k*ll her.

I got a pretty good idea
of what you saw out there.

Now, you said the scene was back
in the '20s and '30s, right?

Correct, yes.

Now, back in the early 1930s,
there was a guy, Steven Payne,

that lived and worked
on your property.

We got a photo of him.

He's scary.

Now, in 1932,
Payne went crazy

and terrorized
this neighborhood.

Now, Payne was pissed off
that his wife left him.

So he grabbed his p*stol
and wound up chasing her

and her mother
into the street.

Payne fired his g*n
15 times in the air

before he turned the g*n
on his wife

and his mother-in-law.

Viola tried to run,
but two sh*ts hit her,

one of them right
through her heart.

Now, she d*ed on the spot.

Now, when he got arrested,
he told the cops

he wasn't trying to k*ll her.

He was just trying to scare her
by sh**ting at them.

Payne later pled insanity
to escape the death penalty.

Now, is this the m*rder
you think you might have seen?


This is a shock.

Okay, so what else happened
when you got to the house?

When I went into the back
bedroom to the left...

- That's Brianna's room.
- Yes.

...I encountered
a dead female.

This woman has taken on
looking like a witch.

And I think
that the living

would experience her
in a few ways.

The first one is,
obviously, seeing her.

I think that, mostly,
living people would see her as,

like, a dark shadow
moving by.

Now, Amy, when I talked
to Brianna,

she told me she sees
shadows all the time,

and she always feels
like somebody in the room

is watching her.

Oh, my gosh.

We need to get her
out of that room.

I got to get her out.

But the most concerning way
that she interacted

with the living
was via their emotions.

She's emotionally tormenting
individuals in the house

and mentally abusing the person
who sleeps in that room.

She's extremely focused on the
younger children in the house.

She wants to take
the children away.

I also got an overwhelming
feeling of sickness and death,

and I felt like someone
had d*ed in there.

Before Brianna moved
into that room,

it belonged to Martha's
mother-in-law, Neva.

You felt like somebody
d*ed in the room?

Well, she dropped dead right in
the hallway next to the bedroom.

Tell her what kind
of woman she was.

She was just evil.
She hated me with a passion.

She hated everybody.

Amy, you said this woman
is emotionally

tormenting people here.

Let's talk about Brianna's
emotional changes

that you noticed.

When she's in the house, she
reminds me of my grandmother.

It's not my daughter.

Crystal did give me
a photo of the grandmother.

Well, this is her happy face
since she's older in it.


Is there a chance
Neva could be the witch

you're talking about
that's in this room?

Not from what I was told.

That's surprising.

The woman I saw
is a Native American.

Someone who lived in this house
at some point, had abilities,

and trapped her here.

Then I walked into
the front bedroom.

I felt that the individual
in that room

was extremely depressed
and stressed out.

The stress is directly related
to the activity in the house.

The person's not handling
it very well at all.

I kind of got that that
individual is heading towards

a little bit
of a mental breakdown.

I heard them, like, crying,
"Make it stop.

I can't take it anymore."

I got that this person had been
very affected by a death

that had occurred.

This death was weighing
very heavily on this person,

and they couldn't
quite get over it.

Now, that room you're talking
about belongs to Phillip.

He told me he'd rather be
in a psychiatric

hospital than the house.

He said that, "Nobody loves me.
Nobody cares."

I just thought
it was for attention.

I'm sorry.

No, don't be.

You mentioned that he's having
a tough time with death.


When Phillip's grandfather d*ed,
which was Martha's husband,

he didn't take it well.

He was really
broken up by it.

I mean, he told me
they were like best friends.

They went
everywhere together.

Whenever you'd see one,
you'd see the other.

So what else happened
on the walk?

I encountered
the most confusing

and frustrating part
of this walk.

There was an older man.

And, initially, I was
very confused about who he was.

But now I know he was a relative
of someone in the house.

I'm extremely concerned
about him.

He is out of control.

He goes all over the house,
but he loves the basement.

He seemed to be
in his late 60s, early 70s.

Told you.

Tall, gray hair?

I got that he was extremely
controlling and very meticulous.

He was an alcoholic.

He was abusive.

The way he was acting,
like, I was like,

"If he's really a relative,

it's a very messed-up

So it was hard
for me to believe

that this would be somebody
who was directly related.

I know who that is.

I think we all do.

Crystal, why don't you start
and do me a favor

and tell Amy
about your father?

My dad was a Marine,

Everything had its place.

When they moved up here,

he wasn't the same
person anymore.


He was always an alcoholic,
but he started drinking

more and more
and more and more.

He was a good man.

When we moved in the house,
he became very abusive.

The other thing is,
you hit something that was --

the basement.

That was my dad's spot.


He had an incident
down there.

Yeah, he tried to k*ll
himself with a g*n.

And he would have succeeded
if he had not been so drunk.

I've got a photo of
the father right here.

I have another photo of him.

Believe it or not,
this photo here

is only less
than a year later.


So I'm curious, Amy,

based on what you're hearing,

you think Ronnie
is the guy you saw?

Yes, absolutely.

Is he trying to hurt us?


The living would definitely have
interactions with this person.

He's extremely angry.

He feels, at this point,
that his only option

is to lash out
and retaliate,

physically attacking
you guys.

Oh, my gosh.

He is able to get
physical with everyone,

but he seems to be
directing his aggression

towards an older female.

I mean, that's why
they called us in.

Her mom got pushed off
the back stairs.

I came over to see her,
and she was in the driveway.

She had been there
for four hours.

Oh, my gosh.

She kept saying,
"Somebody pushed me.

Somebody pushed me."

It broke my leg.

I also saw him hitting
this woman in the chest

while she was
in bed asleep.

So I saw her going
and she couldn't breathe,

and she's clutching
her chest,

and she thinks she's
having a heart att*ck.

Tell her what happened.

I woke up one night,
and I couldn't breathe.

And I felt like something
was sitting on my chest.

And I thought I was having
a heart att*ck.

But by the time I got
to the hospital, I was fine.

I wanted to show you
a sketch

of what I saw
happening in the bedroom.

I don't even want to show
this to you guys.

That bad?

It's not good.

Oh, my gosh.

You okay, honey?

- Can I have a minute?
- Sure.

Just watch it.

I'm sorry.

That's okay.
You all right?

You need anything?


Crystal, you thought
your mom was in danger.

You were right.


It's just hard to know
it was my dad.

I just knew it was him.

She told me she thought
it was him.

It's tough to hear, sweetie.

Amy, how much danger
are they in?

There are two
major threats here,

your husband
and the Native American woman

who looks like a witch.

I am very worried about Brianna,
and it also makes me worried

about your son Phillip.

What could she do to the kids?
What's her goal?

She can influence people and
bring out the darkness in them.

Then there's Ronnie.

Is he going to k*ll me,
eventually k*ll me or...

Yes, he is
an absolute thr*at.

I mean, how do you feel
knowing your late husband's

trying to k*ll you?

Hurt, like somebody stabbed
a Kn*fe in my heart.

But I knew.

I just didn't want
to believe it.

I just want him to go, but as
long as Crystal talks about him

all the time and cries
over him,

he's not going to leave.

So, ladies, I know this night
hasn't been easy for you,

and you got way more
than you bargained for,

but at least now you finally
know who's haunting your family.

But we still haven't
answered the big question --

Can you stay
in the house safely,

or should you just get out?

Well, for that answer, I'm going
to turn it over to Amy.

There's a couple of things
that you'll need to do.

A shaman
needs to be contacted.

And what they need
to do specifically

is a proper Native American
burial ritual,

and then they need
to cleanse

and protect your land
and your home.

This is going to get rid
of the Native American woman.

The next thing is
a medium needs to come in,

and you need to have
a reading done with your father.

When that reading
is taking place,

you need to be away
from the location.

Why can't I be there?

She needs to have that time
alone with the medium

and her father.

That gives you
and your father a chance

to kind of discuss things,

put some closure
in there.

Once that's done, the medium
will then assist him to move on.

The medium will also then
reach out to the other dead

that are hanging around
and move them on, as well.

I mean, how do you feel
about knowing that at least

you can try and help
move your father on?

I want to help him move on.

I don't want him hurting
my mother.

I'm heartbroken that
he's the one doing it.

It's hard to realize
that our heroes have flaws.

Now, if, let's say,
this is all done

and everything goes to plan,

will they feel
better afterwards?

Oh, hell yeah.

You'll notice a huge change
as far as the emotion,

like the emotional things,

like the depression
and the stress.

Are you guys up for it?

We're going to get
started on this.


I'm glad we were able
to help somehow.

I can't imagine the pain
Martha and Crystal

feel knowing the person
they knew and loved in life

is trying to k*ll them in death.

But with the help of a shaman
and a medium,

they can move Ronnie on

and banish
the Native American woman,

allowing them to lead a safe
and peaceful life.
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