06x01 - Infamous

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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06x01 - Infamous

Post by bunniefuu »


Do you have the golden scroll, Lloyd?

I sure do, Kai.
But I don't know what it says.

Can anyone help me read it?

We can because reading
is the first step to every adventure.

Go reading go!

And, cut. Brilliance plus perfection.

Clean up, little fellows, and make some
headway here. That's a wrap!

A wrap? ljust got here. Dareth said--

Hey, hey, there's my boys.

I knew you could Spinjitzu,
but that acting knocked me out.

Oh. Hey, sweetheart.

Mind sticking around for a segment
to teach girls how to apply make-up?

You're gonna need make-up
when I rearrange your face!

Easy! Nya's one of us now.

There's no reason
she should be treated differently.

No reason?
You added a girl to the group.

You know how much that hurts your image?
You're a boy band. A hunk machine.

No, we're equals. Our power comes from no
one being more important than the other.

Important, no. Irresistible? Debatable.

Oh, my God, it is him.

He winked at me!

I don't tell ya how to do your business,
don't tell me how to do mine.

Remember how every time you saved
Ninjago no one cared?

Well, now Dareth's in charge
and Dareth says don't change the recipe.

You boys are the face of the franchise,
and now the face of Teen Idol!

"Sensei Lloyd"?
But I'm only a Sensei in training.

And what's this about me and Jay
still fighting over Nya? That's old news.

Who cares if it's real or not?
Isn't this what you've always dreamed of?

You're the hottest thing in Ninjago!

Fold your drawers,
hot off their new LP,

it's the sensei-tion sweeping the nation.

The pop that can't seem to stop.

Here's another number one hit
from Go-Ninja-Go.

My favorite? Easy. Lloyd. He's the best.

I like Kai. He's like, so hot. Literally.

Crime down. Ninja way up.

Who doesn't like these five Ninja?
Correction, six.

Jay. He is so funny. And cute...

I like Cole. I mean, he's a ghost.
You want him, but you can't have him.

Who likes Nya?

Like her? Meh. Do I want to be her?

And get to hang out with them?
Oh, my gosh!

Ah. Just between you and me, Nya.
Jay or Cole?

Honestly, not a chance. We're a team.
Instead, I'd rather talk about...

Uh-huh. Not a chance, really?

- l'm telling you, never gonna happen.

Thane. Definitely Thane.
He'th cool.

Ninjago is safer because they are here,

-hiding in plain sight,
- My mom thays I'm cool.

Waiting to defend us
from wherever evil lurks.

But the real question we all want
to know is, where are the Ninja now?

Look inward...
When one is a ghost,

one may have new abilities.
Focus and discover them.


Did you see me? I disappeared!
I mean, did you not see me?

Very good, Cole.

Only you can unlock what is truly inside.

That is it for today.

Dareth wants me to teach girls
how to cook?

How about I teach them how to do this!

I win again.


Mini-Droid chess. What's the tally now?
100 games to none?

Set 'em up, Zane, we're going again!
What's got you so cheery?

Remember back in the Tomb
of the First Spinjitzu Master,

when we all saw the reflection
of our future selves?

- You mean when you couldn't see anything?
- Yeah, it wasn't because I'm a goner.

It's because I can disappear!

Oh, then why don't you make like a ghost
and vanish. I need full concentration.

Oh, touchy are we?
Teach him a lesson, Zane.


You still haven't told him what you saw
in your future's reflection, have you?

And ruin our friendship? No, thanks.

Besides, even if it were true,
her mind's made up.

It's never gonna happen.
I was fine, until I saw us together.

Now it's all I think about.

Bad day? You are supposed to hit them,
not destroy them.

I'm a girl,
but I'm also a lot of other things.

But what does that matter when everyone
only sees me as one thing: the girl Ninja.

I just want to be given a fair shot.

Why? To make things easier?

The harder it is, the more you will excel.

You'll never be happy if you let the world
define you, you've got to define yourself.

Now again.
And this time, destroy all the targets.

What are you looking at?


Even though it's fate, I still can't win.

Checkmate. Again.

101 to zero.

Sensei's back... And there's trouble.

What is it?
Have they sold out of Kai action figures?

I knew there wasn't enough.

No. It appears when you destroyed the
Cursed Realm, one ghost escaped.

And you know him all too well, Clouse.

Security footage shows him
buying a train ticket

that will arrive in Stiix
in just a few hours.

Clouse? The sorcerer from Chen's Island?

What does he want with Stiix?
That place is just a salvage yard now.

That's why I want you to go there and stop
whatever it is he's planning to do.

But Dareth wanted us to visit
the hospital for that Grant-A-Wish thing.

Hey, we take orders from Sensei Wu,
not Dareth.

Lil' Nelson only has a broken leg.

If his wish is to be a Ninja for a Day,
that day can be tomorrow. Suit up.

They are growing up.

Yes, they are. But I'd still like to
think Ninjago would fall apart without us.

Back to the grind.

Ha! If it weren't for the Bounty,

I don't think
we'd ever get any peace and quiet.

We're just over Ninjago City.
Isn't that where Lil' Nelson is?

What do you say, drop by for a quick stop?
In and out.

We don't have time.

Technically, we do as long as
we don't encounter any problems.

What does Sensei always say?

Never put off till tomorrow
what can be done today?

As a part of the Grant-A-Wish Foundation,
we dub you an Honorary Ninja for the Day.

Aw, lwish I broke both my legs.

Could you stay to sign their casts?

Wish we could, but duty calls.

Not sure how far we'll get,
looks like we've got company.

How did they find us?

"Reply. Of course I'm at the hospital,
my hair is sick. Send."

Are you sending out a Chirp?

Uh, my followers have needs too.

If you recall, I said we would
get to Stiix in time minus any problems.

This constitutes a major problem.

Yeah, well I don't see us flying
out of here with these birds in the sky.

Cole's right. No dragons.

If we're going to escape,
we can't be followed.

His hair is sick. He is here! Whoo!

For Pete's sake, put me down.
I'm a grown-up.

They're coming. What do we do?

You say I'm a Ninja for the Day?
Call me The Purple Ninja!

That hood looks legit. Did you make that?

You have a lot of time on your hands
when you break both your legs.

This way. Double leg! Hyah!

This is as far as I can go.

Follow this up to the rooftop.
From there, take back streets.

I'll hold them off at the pass.

Lil' Nelson, I mean, Purple Ninja, thanks.

No. Thank you. You made my wish come true.

Whew! Looks like we lost them.

But the nearest rooftop
is still too far to jump.

- Airjitzu?
- Whoa!

I just learned how to make a water dragon,

I haven't even earned
my Airjitzu suit yet.

But if we don't leave now,
we'll never get to Stiix to stop Clouse.

We're a team. We stick together.

Thanks, but I can stick up for myself.

He was only trying to be nice.

It's okay, right now
we're just having our first fight.

What do you mean "right now"?
And just what are you implying by "we"?

They're going see us.
Quick, take cover.

Nya, you need to hide too.

Forget what I said, just take my hand.

No. What did you mean when you said "we"?
I'm a Ninja, and I'm nobody's girl.

Just take his hand, Nya.
Or else we're gonna be spotted.

Too late.
So much for stopping Clouse.

Let's just hope he missed his train.

They found us, now what do we do?

Just do what you're doing,
but don't run away from the cameras.

Run toward them.
"Ninja visit hospital," this is gold!

We don't need more publicity,
we need less!

We have to get to Stiix to stop Clouse.

Could be a big scoop. Say no more! Hop in!

No. No. No.



The Teapot of Tyrahn.

Work, darn you.

I am free? Where am I?

What year is it?

Nadakhan. It's you. I've freed a genie.

I prefer the term Djinn.

Who cares. I want my three wishes!

I must warn you. You cannot wish for love,
death, and most certainly...

More wishes. Yes, yes, I know the rules.

I wish for my Book of Spells!

Very well. Your wish is yours to keep.

Tricked you! Now with my spells,
who needs more wishes.

Oh! Wha... What's happening?

You should've known the book
was last thrown into a fire.

Perhaps you should wish
for more than a pile of ash.

You conniving genie!

The Djinn! And for your second wish?

There's no way I can defeat those Ninja
if I continue to be a ghost.

I wish... I wish to become mortal again.

Your wish is yours to keep.

Yes, yes, it's working.

I can... I can feel again.

My hands, my head. The pain...

Yes, becoming physical
is a painful process.

I wish it could be over soon,

but right now you're probably thinking
about your last wish.

But the pain is too unbearable
to think clearly.

Wish it all to go away.

I wish it all to go away.

Your wish is yours to keep.

Be careful what you wish for.

I detect no trace of Clouse.

He isn't here.

He could be long gone by now.

But look what I found,
a Kai Action Figure.

Some fan probably lost it. No way anyone
threw this out. Practically priceless.

No sign of Clouse.

NHSAKO". Better keep looking.

Wu's at the Domu Library researching
what Clouse could be looking for.

If I hear of anything,
you'll be the first to know.

Come on, guys. Let's keep our eyes peeled.

Look, another Kai Doll!

There's dozens!

Watch where you're going! Ha!
Nice hair, bozo.

You look lost. Can I be of assistance?

Are you trapped too?

I'm sorry, I don't understand your query.

You are talking to Info-Vision.
Ask a question, and maybe lean answer it.

Where is my crew?

You'll have to be more specific.

The crew of Misfortune's Keep.

Misfortune's Keep. The most feared
pirate ship that ruled the high seas,

taken down by Captain Soto
and his Destiny's Bounty

at the end of
the Era of the Stone Warrior.

The Misfortune's captain, Nadakhan the
Djinn, with power to grant others' wishes,

was trapped in the Teapot of Tyrahn,

while his crew was later marooned
in separate realms.

Separate realms?

After the Ninja
discovered the Realm Crystal

in the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master,

it is common knowledge that
Ninjago is one of 16 realms...

Which realm is Delara in?

No known image of Delara,

Quartermaster of Misfortune's Keep

and love of Nadakhan the Djinn.

Died shortly
after Nadakhan': imprisonment.

- Died?
- Died. To expire. To croak. Or to...

Where is this Realm Crystal?

Location is classified.

Since Realm crossing is prohibited.

It is under the protection of Sensei Wu
and the Masters of Spinjitzu.

Then tell me how to find them.

Eh, no sign of Clouse?

I don't get it, you'd think
they'd remember seeing another ghost.

I know, I haven't even been asked
to give a single autograph.

Not that I want the attention.

Where are the Ninja?
This reporter has the answer.

Hey, can you turn it up?

Hey, no one here cares
for them fruit-colored Ninja.

Excuse me, what fruit is black?

- Blackberries?
- Shut it, Jay.

- They're calling it
- Guys, listen.

The Crime Wave of the Century.
Earlier today, Green Ninja Lloyd Garmadon

was caught on tape robbing the City Bank.

Whoa! That looks like me.

And that's not all.
At Mega Monster Amusement Park,

Zane was on a rampage
of vandalism and mayhem.

Hey, wait.
My memory has no recollection of that.

Oh! Someone's pretending to be us.

- But why?
- And how?

I am ashamed lever wore their underwear,
I mean T-shirts.

Any comment about your son's offenses?

Jay would never do this. And if he did,
he had good reason... l hope.

You hope? It wasn't me, Dad! It wasn't me.

Jay... Shh.

You believe 'em? They destroy our village,

act like they saved the place,
and then go around doing as they please.

Yeah! You're right. Ninja, ugh, hate 'em!

Maybe now's a good time to leave.

The Ninja are at large.
They are armed and dangerous.

And they have legs.
If you see them, do not approach.

Call local law enforcement
so that we can apprehend.

Hello, local law enforcement?
We are the...

Zane, what are you doing?

I am programmed to obey the law.

Not telling them our location
would be a direct violation.

Hey, aren't you...

No, no. We're not the Ninja.

We're that other group with a Nindroid,
a ghost, a girl...

Six on six. At least it's an even number.

We're not going to fight them. Right now
it's us who look like the bad guys.

How are we supposed to defend ourselves?
Witty banter?

ZANE". Statistically speaking,

your witty banter
tends to only get us into more trouble.

I liked it better when they were fans.

- Thanks for the help.
-l've got a visual.

There's no time, come on!

There's nowhere to hide.

There may be one place. NINJAAAA-GO!

They're under the floorboards!

Mom, we're in a bit of ajam!

I saw the news and I am en route.

Looks like you've gone
from fame to framed.

LLOYD". And we'll never find out who
did this to us unless we get outta here.

I can hear them over here.

Someone get on those cranes!
Let's find those Ninja!

I think I saw one right below us.

Crane three. Down. Now.

10 feet east. Now!

Did we get them?

Can you see them?


Ha! Home, sweet home!

Take her down.

Oh, no!

Lower all the cranes and check them out!

Those fruit-colored bozos
could be hiding anywhere.

- We need to split up.
- Split up?

But we're all in this together.

We have a better chance of getting
outta here if we divide.

Nothing ever good comes
when we're split up.

That's when bad things happen!
Chen's Island! Yang's Temple!

Morro's possession! All bad things!

We have no other choice,
we have to go. Now!

This one's empty, sir.

I hate them fruit-colored Ninja!

We didn't catch the Ninja,

We will, oh, we will.

"Be careful what you wish for."


Did somebody say "wish"?
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