04x25 - The Graduates

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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04x25 - The Graduates

Post by bunniefuu »


Have you seen my piggy?

Your piggy? No. Is he lost?

Yes. I looked everywhere.

Well, I'll tell you
what, michelle.

Whenever I lose
a stuffed animal,

There's only one thing that
helps me through the night.

I play the blues.

I'll tell you what...
I'll get started,

And then you tell me the story.

♪ Michelle lost her piggy ♪

♪ Oh, where could he be? ♪

♪ He's not in my room ♪

♪ I just remembered ♪

♪ I left him in the kitchen ♪

♪ My baby done left me ♪

♪ Left me for a pig ♪

♪ He wasn't very smart ♪

♪ But, man, he must be big ♪

♪ Yeah... Ooh, ooh, yeah ♪♪

Thank you, ladies.

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' tv? ♪

♪ How did I get
delivered here? ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪
♪ there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪♪

Good morning.

Morning. Hey, danny.

All right, boys, your
waffles are ready.

Everybody grab a fork.
It's all you can scrape.

Actually, I'm in a cereal
mood this morning.

Yeah, me, too.

Yeah, me, too, also.

So, danny, how'd your
blind date go last night?

Not so good. We played
the guess-your-age game,

And she guessed I was 33.
The nerve of that woman.

You are 33.

So it's common courtesy

To knock off 4 or 5 years.

Maybe she thought she did.

Danny, come on you do
have a few gray hairs.

I don't have any gray hairs.

Sure you do.

There's one right... Ow!


Wait, I see one.

Oh, look. I found one, too.

You made your point.
Just leave them here.

I might need them as
plugs for a hair transplant.

Hello, people.

Good morning,
michelle. Hey, michelle.

Michelle, I want to
ask you a question.

How old do I look?



Thank you very, very much.

Want to hear my graduation song?

Graduation song again?
Michelle, no offense,

But the wheels on the bus

Is not exactly the
coolest song in the world.

Hit it.

♪ The wheels on the
bus go round and round ♪

♪ Round and round ♪

♪ Round and round ♪

♪ The wheels on the
bus go round and round ♪

♪ All through the town ♪


Michelle, why don't you wait

And sing that song in the car

With the other kids?


Thank you, joey.

No problem, jess.

It's your day to drive car pool.

All right. Let's go, michelle.

♪ The wheels on the bus ♪

♪ Go round and round ♪

♪ Round and round... ♪♪

Becky: bye, sweetheart.

Good morning.

Morning, girls. Morning, girls.

D.j., How old do I look?

I don't know. You're my dad.

You look old.

Deej, how's your speech
for graduation going?

The speech is fine.

I'm just worried about speaking

In front of 300 people.

Well, d.j., I'll tell
you what helps me

When I speak in front of crowds.

I just pretend everybody
is in their underwear.


I don't know. It's just fun.

Bye, everyone.



Why don't I get a graduation?

Steph, you will.

You're just going from
third grade to fourth grade.


It so happens I'm going

From lower elementary
into upper elementary.

I'll be playing on a completely
different playground

With no monkey bars.

This is a very big deal.

And nobody cares. How rude!

Bye, steph.

Oh, man. I am
really getting old.

D.j.'S graduating junior high,

Michelle's graduating preschool,

And steph is about
to go to a playground

With no monkey bars.

Danny, this is all part of life.

Yeah, pretty soon,
the girls will move out,

Get married, have kids.

Before you know it, you'll
be old, bald, and alone.

Well, listen, have a nice day.

1, 2! 1, 2!

1, 2! 1, 2!

And rest.

Oh, gee, what a shame.
I could do this all day.

Sure, danny.

Well, thank you, jerry jacobs,

Star of the new home
workout video, body by jer.

Remember, the
most important thing

Is to stretch after
every workout,

Especially for us older guys.

Right, danny?


What do you mean?
How old do I look?

Do I have any gray hairs?
I thought I got them all.

Well, join us tomorrow

On wake up, san francisco

As we watch danny
age gracefully.

Have a good day, everybody.

Bye. Bye. Bye.

And we're clear.

Keith, next time, more
makeup under my eyes, please.

I looked tired or something.

Great show, danny.

Oh, hi, kirsten.

Thanks again for letting me

Do my college
internship on your show.

But I have to be honest.

I was shocked during
that exercise segment.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I haven't done a squat
thrust since grade school.

I meant when he called
you an older guy.

You can't be more
than, what, 27? 28?

Well, I guess I could be,
but who'd believe it, huh?

He must have said that
because you project

Such an aura of
wisdom and maturity.

Well, not only did
you just nail my age,

But you got my aura right on.

You are so cute.

Well, I should
get back to class.


Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Kirsten, wait up.

I was just wondering, uh...

Maybe if you weren't
doing anything tonight,

You and I could, like, hang out?


Do you like slaughter?

I'm basically non-violent.

Slaughter, the band.

Oh, of course, I know.

I was just teasing you.

I'm a major slaughterhead.

Great! I have
tickets for tonight.

I'll pick you up
after my last class,

And you can be my date.


I made the coffee on
the set this morning.

♪ The wheels on the
bus go round and round ♪

♪ Round and round ♪

♪ Round and round ♪

♪ The wheels on the
bus go round and round ♪

♪ All over town ♪♪

Hi, uncle jesse.

Children: hi, uncle jesse!

Hi, rugrats.

Listen, I know I'm early
to pick up michelle,

But I'll just wait over
here, quiet as a mouse.

It's ok. There's always
room on the magic carpet

For uncle jesse.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

How did you like our
graduation song?

Oh, it's ok for a
song about a bus

With a bunch of
wheels that go round.

You said it was not cool.

All right, I'm busted.
The song's a loser.

Perhaps uncle
jesse could teach us

A song that's a winner!

Yay! Yay! Yay!

No, no, no, no, no.
No yay, no yay, no yay.

Uncle jesse's a
little busy for that.

Just pick a cool song.

I bet you don't know
any cool songs.

I know millions of 'em.

Name one.

Viva las vegas.

Never heard of it.

Your uncle is a monkeyhead.

He's not a monkeyhead.

He knows lots of cool songs.

No, he doesn't.

Yes, he does.

No, he doesn't.

Yes, I do.

No, you don't!

Yes, I do. I know
millions of 'em.

I'll teach you one right now.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

Thank you so much
for volunteering.

Well, just call me
uncle monkeyhead.

Uncle monkeyhead!

Uncle monkeyhead
is gonna help us

With our graduation show.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

Get the monkeyhead!

No, wait, wait, whoa, whoa!

Yay! Yay! Yay!

Watch the monkey hair!

♪ I wanna rock
'n' roll all night ♪

Huh! Yeah! ♪ And
party every day ♪

♪ I wanna... ♪


♪ Rock 'n' roll all night ♪

[Doorbell rings]

♪ And party every day ♪

♪ I wanna rock 'n'
roll all night ♪♪

Hi, danny.

Cool pants.

Oh, thanks, kirsten.

I've had 'em for years.

Isn't that a price tag?


Yeah, well, I got a good
deal, and I'm darn proud of it.

Well, let's go
get slaughterized.

Can I use your bathroom?

I've got to do a
quick hair check.

Check away.


Oh, danny, my
tickets fell through,

But I know an usher
who can sneak us in.

Won't we get in trouble?

I... I mean I hope so
because I live for trouble.


♪ I wanna ♪... Whoa.

♪ And party every day ♪

♪ I wanna rock
'n' roll all night ♪

Huh! Huh!

♪ And party every day ♪♪

What are you people
doing home so early?

You're supposed to
be out eating dinner?

They don't call it
fast food for nothing.

Dad, aren't you going
out on a date tonight?

And have you
looked in the mirror?

What is this, the third degree?

You're not even
supposed to be here.

Since you've already had dinner,

Be a great time for dessert.

What better place to find
dessert than the kitchen?

Would you all please
go into the kitchen

And just help yourselves
to some dessert?

That'd be really
great. Thank you.

Hi, everybody.

Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.

Are you here to play with d.j.?


No, michelle. She's
here to play with me.

Everybody, this is, uh...

This is kirsten... My date.

Where are you taking
her, chuck e. Cheese?

Danny and I are sneaking
into the slaughter concert.

Dad, you're gonna go see
slaughter? You're so lucky.

So, danny, what's your
favorite slaughter song?

Uh... I like their early stuff.

Nice try, mr. T., But they
only have one album.

I meant early on their album...

First side, first cut.

D.j., Why don't you take
kimmy up to your room

And work on your
graduation speech?


And, michelle, why don't you go

Work on your graduation song.


And steph, why
don't you go, uh...

I'll go upstairs and think about
how everyone else gets a graduation

And I get diddly squat.

Well, I guess we
better be jammin'.

[Imitating walter
brennan] well...

You kids run along now, and...

By gosh... Have fun,

And by golly, don't
stay out too late.

Hey! Great ronald reagan.

That's, uh, walter brennan.

Oh. Well, anyway,
we won't be out late.

I have to be back at the
sorority house by 12:30.

In that case, danny, your
curfew's extended to 12:45.

Wow. On a school
night. Gee, thanks.

Those guys love to
kid around. [Chuckles]

I'll get you for this.


So this is a
preschool graduation.

Did I mention that
I never got one?

I never got a kindergarten
graduation, either.

Well, the important
thing is you're not bitter.

Welcome to the meadow
crest preschool graduation.

Today's program was put
together by jesse katsopolis.

Thank you.

And now let's bring on
our proud grads, shall we?

[Pomp and circumstance plays]

Did I mention I never
got a robe or a flat hat?

Over here, michelle.

Don't these kids
look great, huh?

All right, kids, go get
ready. Go get ready.

All right. All right.

All right. Welcome,
parents and friends.

This year our kids have
learned about sharing.

They've learned about respect.

And most importantly,
they've learned

Not to put their mouths
on the drinking fountain.

And now we'd like to show
you how our year in preschool

Has made our grads a
little older, a little wiser,

And... Thanks to me...
Definitely a lot hipper.

Here they are...
Jesse's little rippers!

[Rock music plays]

Jesse: shake it up!

♪ Shake it up, baby ♪

♪ Shake it up, baby ♪

♪ Twist and shout ♪

♪ Twist and shout ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ Work it on out ♪

♪ Work it on out ♪

♪ Work it out ♪

♪ Work it out ♪

♪ You look so good ♪

♪ You look so good ♪

♪ You got me goin' ♪

♪ You got me goin' ♪

♪ Like I knew you would ♪

♪ Like I knew you would ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Aah! ♪

Now I present the class of 1991.

Yay! Yay!

[Applause and laughter]


Steph, get in here, please.

What is it?

Stephanie judith tanner,

This is your
graduation ceremony.

[Humming pomp and circumstance]

It's a dream come true.

How did you ever
know I wanted this?

First, we present to you

This graduation trophy.

This is a bowling trophy.

Yes, that man is
proudly bowling his way

Into the fourth grade.

And there's more.

Are these bowling shoes?

Well, open 'em up and find out.

Wow! My first
pair of high heels!

Thanks, everybody.

You're welcome,
honey. You're welcome.

[Heavy metal music plays]

What the heck is that? D.j.!

Young lady, you are not
the only one in this house.

Oh! Kirsten!

Oh, whoa, danny.

You sounded just like my dad.

I did?

Well, maybe that's
because I am a dad.

And that's how dads sound
when they talk to kids.

I just came by early
to give d.j. This tape.

I thought you and I could get
some pizza before the dance.

Deej, could I talk to
kirsten for a minute?

Sure. I'll go work on my speech.

Kirsten, you have to tell me
where you buy your clothes.

Hey, next time I go
shopping, we'll go together.

This is great! I finally
have a friend with a car.

Look, uh, kirsten, um...

I want you to know I really
think you're a wonderful girl...

I mean woman. I mean... Person.

But, look, you're
21, and I'm 33.

Are you trying to say you
don't want to see me again?


No, no. Absolutely not.


Age doesn't matter.

I really like you a lot.

I like you, too.

But I haven't been
completely honest with you.

I'm not really a slaughterhead.

And I hated sneaking
into that concert.

I mailed them a check today.

The truth is, you and i, we
have very different interests.

I was hoping you'd understand

And we could still be friends.

I'd like that, too.

But before we're just friends...

Bye, danny.

[Mock sobbing]

♪ Young girl, get
out of my mind ♪

♪ My love for you
is way out of line ♪

♪ Better run, girl ♪

♪ You're much too young, girl ♪

Dad, are you going
through some kind of crisis?


But, uh, I'll be fine.

Well, look at you in
your cap and gown.

I can't believe my little
baby's finally graduating.

Well, not till tomorrow.

I'm just practicing
reading my speech

With the tassel in my
face. You want to hear it?

Sure, honey.

"Today, as we say good-bye

"To van atta junior high,

"We realize that
everything up until now

"Has been but preparation
for the future.

"Finally we're ready
to enter high school,

And our lives are
about to begin."

What do you think so far?

Well... I'm just curious, but...

What about the last 14 years?

It sounds like you're saying

Your life hasn't
even started yet.

Well, it hasn't.

But when I get into high school,

I get to go out on
dates, stay up really late,

Backpack across
europe with my boyfriend.

Wait... Wait a minute. We'll...
We'll fight about that part later.

My point is, don't miss out

On what's happening
right now just 'cause

You're waiting for something
better to come along.

You can't live for the future

Just like you can't
live in the past.

Well, I'm not
living in the past.

Oh, I know you're not.

But... I was.

I was tryin' to
pretend I was 21 again.

I was pretty silly, huh?

Well, I have to admit

Kimmy and I were laughing at
you in those neon pants for hours.

Dad, check out these heels.

You can't believe
how cool it is up here.

They're beautiful, honey.


Do I smell chocolate cake?

Yes, you do.

Weren't you in your
bed sound asleep?

My nose woke me up.

Get over here.

Ohhh... Mmm.

You know, girls, I
may not be 21 anymore,

But 33 is feelin'
pretty good right now.

Can life be any
better than this?

It would be better if I
had some chocolate cake.

Ok. I just happen to
have an entire cake here.
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