15x22 - And In The End...

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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15x22 - And In The End...

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

[train chugging]

[instrumental music]

[thunder rumbling]

[indistinct chatter]

'Who do we got comin' in?'

54's got an unconscious kid.

Uh, sorry, I should have asked
if you wanted a coffee.

No, that's alright,
I had a couple of hundred

cups tonight already.

I feel like I got ants
crawling all over me.

Probably fleas from that
homeless guy with the dogs.

I saw a rat over there
by the dumpsters.

I thought it was
a cat at first.

Call Jerry, he'll have
maintenance bring

out a couple extra traps.

More like a couple
of shotguns.

That thing was the size
of a beaver.

[siren blaring]

- 'Here you go, girls.'
- Alright.

What do you got?

Fifteen year old female
found passed out by a toilet

after playing
a drinking game

at a slumber party.

Unresponsive, sats 93
over two liters

BP's 72 palp.

Couldn't get a line.
Name's Stacey.

Alright, Stacey,
can you hear me? Stacey!

- How long has she been down?
- Not sure.

Bunch of kids that were at the
party are in a car behind us.

- Jerry, what's open?
- Uh, they're both open.

- Take your pick.
- Alright, access.

EtOH level, tox screen,
D-stick, and lytes.

she's hypoxic.'

Get ready
for a transfer.

One, two, three.

Dr. Morris?


Dr. Morris?


Fire's bringing in
an altered old lady.

Found her out in the rain.

'How's the escalator lady?'

Ortho took her up
to screw her hip.

diarrhea guy?

The Loperamide must be working,
he's sleeping.

- Belly pain back from CT?
- Nope.

Oh, I hate
working nights.

Really? I like it.


Lets me babysit
my grandkids.

[siren blaring]

- What do you got?
- Found her out in the rain.

Looks like
she slipped and fell.

We called for a paramedic unit,
but she passed out.

Figured we were
only a couple blocks away.

It'd be quicker to just
bring her in ourselves.

She's cold, warm saline,
humidified O2.

- And the Bair Hugger.
- Right here.

- 'Jerry?'
- 'Trauma two.'

- 'Open your eyes, ma'am.'
- 'Pulse is weak and thready.'

Looks like she broke
her wrist when she fell.

Maybe hit her head too.
She'll need a CT.

'Make some room!'

Pupils equal
and reactive.

Fourteen liters by mask.

CBC, chem panel,
UA, EKG and chest X-ray.

Core temp is 90 degrees.
Hugger's ready.

What's your name, dear?

We got a name, ID?

Nothing but her nightgown.

Excuse me.

Blood alcohol level
is back, 420.

Alright, no gag,
she needs a tube.

- 'Systolic's only 66.'
- BA of 420.

What is that, like,
a gallon of tequila?

Dr. Gates, a bunch of the girl's
friends are out there.

They wanna come back
and see if she's okay.

Does she look like
she's okay, Jerry?

Give me that. Another 250 to
the IO. Where's my access?

'The veins blow out every time.'

Mac 3 and 7-0.

Damn it. Lost it
with the flush.

- A pair of gloves and a Cordis.
- The tube won't pass.

- Alright, try cricoid.
- 'Resps are shallow.'

[theme music]

[car horn honks]

(woman on radio)
'The is gonna continue.'

'And that cold weather
will cross the, uh..'


It's still raining?

I was thinking
about renting a boat

and rowing to work.

- How are the inmates?
- Cranky.

So what's with

out in the
waiting room?

Uh, they came in
with the kid

with alcohol poisoning.

Gates has been flogging her
for hours.

Okay, kids, looks like
it's just us.

So grab a coffee. We'll work
the board in 15 minutes.

PV in three needs
an H & P, honey.

- Mm, lucky you.
- What's a PV?

Projectile vomiting. Blah!

Guy's like a champ.
Puke went eight feet.

We thought he might
have broken a window.

Isn't this a nurse's job?

Why God created
med students.

Did you finish your
overnight lab paperwork

or leave your usual mess
for me to clean up?

Love you too, Frank.
So long, sucka.

Ow! What?

Didn't see you put anything
in the donut jar.

No pay, no eat.

No, I swear, five bucks
last week.

- Mm-hmm.
- Hey, Morris.

Your old lady standing
in the rain is back from CT.

Night, everybody.

I think I even put
a ten spot

in there the week
before that.

Sure you did.

Next time, write your name
on it just so I know.

- You don't trust me?
- You got it, champ.

Money with your
name on it before

you leave today,

I've got a three year old
with otitis media.

Mom poured hot garlic oil
into the kid's ear.

Looks like he has
second-degree burns.

- Man.
- What the hell was that?

PV patient. Thought
he'd be out of a*mo by now.

- Otitis kid?
- You know, find Brenner.

I'm off. I gotta finish up
with a few patients first.

CT negative for fracture
or bleed.

Uh-huh. No anemia. EKG's normal.

- And chemistries are okay.
- That's cold.

- She's awake?
- Started coming around in CT.


Hello there.

What's your name?

- Beverly.
- What's your last name?

- My name is Beverly.
- Temp's up to 97.

Uh, that means you don't need
this big blanket anymore.

Hey, do you remember what
happened to you, Beverly?

- No.
- You were out in the rain.

And you got cold.

We think you slipped
and broke your wrist.

Oh, my wrist hurts.

Tubular stockinette.

Oh-hoo, hoo-hoo.

Oh, your hands are so warm.


And soft and strong..

...just like my Bobby's.

'Alright, what do you see?'

'She must have aspirated'

when she was unconscious
in the bathroom.


That her brain
is oxygen deprived

and she still may be altered
when she sobers up.

Alright, two grams of
ceftriaxone with 500 of Clinda.

Repeat an EtOH, please.

So what do we do now?

Now we wait.

Do you mind
if I take off?

My shift ended, like,
20 minutes ago.

- Yeah, go ahead. Go. Go.
- And I'm b*at. Thanks.

Her friends are still out front
asking if they can come back.

Yeah, send 'em in.

'You think that's a good idea?'

Letting them see
her like this?

Well, they're the ones
that helped her get here.

They should see
the consequences.

So it's okay with you if I go?

Yeah, go.

Get some rest.
Go ahead.

[cellphone beeps]

[telephone ringing]

- Tony?
- 'Hey. Did I wake you?'

No, I'm, uh, just getting
Alex off to school.

Happy birthday.

'I got the day right,
didn't I? '


- 'You want me to sing for you?'
- No. God, no.

Mom, let's go.
I don't wanna be late.

- You gonna do anything special?
- 'Like what?'

I don't know.
Uh, get a tattoo.

Go skydiving.

Hang out with your friends.

Come on!

Uh, I gotta go.

Happy birthday.

'Thank you.'



[clears throat]

Hi, I'm Dr. Gates.

- Hi, d*ck and Heather White.
- You're Stacey's parents?

No, uh, Stacey stayed
at our house last night.

'Her parents were in
Springfield for a wedding.'

'So, you've contacted them?'

'Yes, they're already coming.'

They should be here soon.

Is she gonna be okay?

She's in a coma,
and she may have brain damage.

And we're not gonna know if
she's okay until she wakes up.

Why does she need the tube?

To give her some oxygen
and, uh, protect her lungs.

It keeps her from choking
to death on her own saliva.

Uh, what were
you guys drinking?

Vodka. Vodka
and Kool-Aid.

'We were playing
"I Never."'

Stacey won.

Where'd you get the vodka?

Kids drink.
We all know that.

We just wanted them to be
doing it somewhere safe.

So you supplied the alcohol?

I'd rather they drink at home

than out where
they could be driving.

Can I give her something?

Come on, girls.
Let's go out.

Call the cops.
Get 'em down here.

'Hey, nine month old
with bronchiolitis'

'on continuous nebs,
waiting on the PICU.'

In two, we have testicular pain
after a pommel horse incident.

That sport
should be outlawed.

Twenty eight year old with
leukemia cutis.

Oncology's gonna see him.
Then we have the DKA.

A is gone, but still has the K,
so he needs to come in.

- What is that smell?
- The guy's a geyser.

- Who?
- PV guy.

It's like dodging
a*tillery in there.

I don't think the wipes
are gonna do it.

Okay, once we're
done here

grab some scrubs
and ditch the clothes.

Don't ditch. Burn.

Guy in 3 torched his fingers
making creme brulee.

Displaced tib-fib
gonna Ortho

and hallucinating
trombone player in sutures

needs a tox screen
and a psych consult.

And with that,
my job here is done.

Okay, Sanchez,
testicular pain

trombone guy and
displaced tib-fib.

Julia, leukemia cutis,
creme brulee and the DKA.

Chaz, Chaz, we have a group
of prospective medical students

coming in here today
for their interviews

and Dr. Anspaugh asked me
to show them around

but as I don't
really want to

and you're the low guy
on this particular

totem pole
you're elected.

- Med students?
- Prospective med students.

Right now they're just
a bunch of overeducated

fiercely ambitious
seniors tryin'

to claw their way over
each other to get into

a prestigious program.

'So show 'em a good time.'


- Okay.
- Morris?

Shh! I'm gonna
put it back.

- Alright.
- 'Hey!'

Here, money's in the jar, Frank.

- 'Morris?'
- I'm out the door.

Beverly's daughter
showed up.


Old lady with
the broken wrist.

Hello, I'm Dr. Morris.

Temp's 99.
All her labs check out.

God, she scared us
half to death.

Mom, you scared us
half to death.

I went in to make sure
she was getting up

and her bed was empty.

'I looked around the house,
around the yard.'

I ran up and down
the street in the rain.

Tom got the car. He drove
all over the neighborhood.

- Well, the CT is..
- I went over to the church.

To Emma's! I called the police
and about 20 hospitals.

I was out of my mind with worry.
Out of my mind!

She's gonna be fine...

Sometimes she wanders
out of the house

and into the yard,
but she never, ever

leaves the yard, never.

You can't leave
the yard, Mom!

She broke her wrist.
We put a cast..

You're going to give me
a stroke!

You can get that from stress,
can't you, Doctor?

A stroke? Well, yes, stress
can cause a stroke..

What am I supposed
to do about this?

Am I supposed to sew
a LoJack into your nightgown

so I can find you
when you wander off?

Well, we're just glad
she's safe now.

Okay, so you'll have
to bring her back

'in a couple days
for a cast check.'

Well, come back sooner
if there is any pain

redness or swelling.

Take care, Beverly.

- 'Dr. Morris.'
- No, no, no.

Get away from me
or I'll hit you.

- The kid in--
- I mean it, right in the face.


- What was that all about?
- Hell if I know.

The police are here on
your alcohol poisoning girl.

'You're kidding. Wait a minute.'

- You called the cops?
- Damn right, I called the cops.

- Easy.
- This isn't our fault.

- Well, whose fault is it?
- Look, everybody does it.

All the parents.

She had a blood alcohol
level of 420.

That's not like giving a kid
a sip of wine at dinner.

Hey, back up.

You just gonna have me
arrested now, is that it?

Yeah, you're damn right
they're gonna arrest you.

That kid almost d*ed.

She could have permanent
brain damage. 420?

'What the hell were you doing
when those kids'

'were in there trying to drink
themselves to death?'

Watch TV?
Were you in the kitchen?

Mixin' up another batch
of vodka and Kool-Aid?

- No, get off him.
- Come on!

- Daddy!
- Stay down! Ma'am, please!

- 'Stay down! Stay down!'
- I wanna call my lawyer.

- You better have a good one.
- Hey, Doc, you know what?

Shut the hell up.


[thunder rumbling]

Wow, should we be
building an ark?

Well, the news said we could get
as much as five inches today.

I'm glad I'm not
an EMT anymore.

A day like this
you get wet early

you stay wet
the whole shift.

- You'll never get dry.
- There you go.

Thirty seven year old
construction worker.

Took a 15-foot fall
from the scaffolding.

Diffuse abdominal pain,
impaled thigh.

No pulse in
the right foot.

Bagged his femoral artery.
Let's get him in.

BP 90 palp with three liters
of saline over 45 minutes.

'Kind of a long transport time.'

We had to wait for City Fire
to saw him off the rebar.

His name's Dickie,
Dickie DeAngelo.

That looks nasty.

Look at this idiot.

Who drives into that?

What did he think
it was like just a puddle?

Dr. Gates, that alcohol

girl's parents are here.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Hey, Doc, you got time
for a kid with a bellyache?

Grandma only
speaks Spanish.

My Spanish is pretty shaky.

I've been taking
a course, but..

It's got to be
better than mine.

All I got is,
Hola, Que paso?

Four year old boy.

Only thing I can think
of is something

to do with
his stomach.

The administrative,
social worker

and counseling offices are
all on the second floor

along with the
wellness classrooms

and the therapy rooms.


Oh, my gosh.

This is..

- This is-this is beautiful.

36 exam rooms, radiology suite,
two dental suites

shower facilities
for the homeless, OBGYN

optometry, pharmacy,

rapid HIV testing
and support reproductive health.

Wow, I-I can't believe you were
actually able to pull this off.

You had doubts?

No, I-I was pretty sure
you were going to fail.

Tell me, are you gonna
be able to get funding

for the county to staff this?

No, I'm gonna be

for the rest of my life.

But we have enough
to open the doors.

Keep us going for
the first year

while I try to build up
some sort of endowment.

Carter, I knew
you were rich.

I didn't know
you were this rich.

Ill-begotten gains
of my Carter forefathers

put to good use.


Maybe so.

Your grandma
would be so proud.

Grandfather's rolling
over in his grave.

He thought the Carter
money was gonna last

longer than
the pyramids.

You spent it all?

No, but most of it.

You've done a great
thing here, John.

A truly great thing.

'Paramedics are pulling in'

with a 47 year old male
with chest pain

and I've got a 60 year old man
short of breath.

Okay, Julia, take
the short of breath.

Chaz, you're with me
for the rule out MI.

He looked like crap
so I brought him right back.

Sats were 72%,
so I went ahead

and hooked him up
with some oxygen.


Hello. I'm Dr. Wise.

And you are Mr. Gandhi?

My mom was a Mahatma fan.

And how long
have you been sick?

About 20 years.

More recently?

Trouble breathing?
A couple weeks.

Do you have lung disease?

Not that I know of.

- Heart problems?
- No.

Any fever?

Just...can't breathe.


Portable chest,
100% nonrebreather

EKG, first day labs.


Start a saline lock.

Well, wear gloves.


I have AIDS.

[speaking Spanish]


No, no, no, uh..

[speaking in Spanish]


- Should we intubate?
- Not yet.

Tachypneic, still
hypoxic on 100%?

What do you see?

'Bilateral effusions.'

'Well, that explains
his shortness of breath.'

Mm-hmm, and gives us
something to fix.

Two Thoracentesis trays, please.

You're still gonna
have to tube him

if he has
underlying pneumonia.

One step at a time.

What are you two
talking about?

You have a lot of fluid
outside your lungs.

That's making it hard
for you to breathe.

What can you do for that?

'Well, we can drain the fluid'

which is gonna make
you feel a lot better.

So put your mask back on
and let's lean you forward.

Just dangle your legs.

That's it.

Now we're gonna clean the
skin with a bit of Betadine.

You're gonna feel a sting while
we we numb the skin, Mr. Gandhi.


Yeah, his mother
was an admirer.

Now you're going
to feel some pressure

while the needle
passes through the ribs.

The fluid looks
a little bloody.

Okay, let's send it
for a cell count

culture and gram stain,
AFB, and cytology.


Uh, you're gonna have some
coughing as your lungs expand

but that's a good thing,
that means it's working.


[thunder rumbling]

No change?

Alright, we're gonna
have to move her.

We need the trauma room
for an MVC.

Come on, guys.

Why don't you go home.

I'll call you
if anything changes.

Hey, Frank, I'm goin' home.

Call me if anything changes
with the Taylor girl, will ya?

- Who?
- Alcohol poisoning.

Oh, another one of those kids
showed up askin' about her.

She's the one with braids
out in the waiting.

Hi. I'm Dr. Gates.

Are you here to see
Stacey Taylor?

- Yeah.
- 'Okay.'

Well, she's in a coma..

...and we don't know
when or if

she's going to regain

Were you at the party
last night?

Um, no.
I heard what happened.

You're here by yourself?

You know, uh, her friends

and, uh, her parents
are on the second floor.

Maybe you wanna
go up there.

You might be
more comfortable.

I should have done something.

Well, you-you weren't
there, right?

Stacey was texting me.

My parents wouldn't let me go.

I was really angry
I wasn't there.

So she was texting me
all night

to tell me
about the party.

She told me
she was sick

really sick
and throwin' up.

And I..

...thought it was funny.

I should have called somebody.

I could have..

Maybe I could have.


The ER is the nerve center
where it all begins.

Between the ER
and Urgent Care

we see over 200,000
patients a year.

As med students, this is gonna
be your first rotation.

Four years to see
if you've got what it takes

to be on the front line
of urban medicine

or if you're a little
bit more suited

for dermatology or plastics,
something a little bit more..

...a little bit more safe

that you can practice
out in the suburbs.

Triage is
our first stop.

We rely on our
talented nursing staff

to determine who's
gonna be first

and who is gonna
have to wait.

And wait and wait.

These highly trained

can tell the difference
between a hot MI

and a common indigestion
just by lookin' at a guy.

After triage,
the patient is brought back.

Their chart is racked.

You pick up the next in line
no matter what.

You get caught swapping, fecal
incontinence for knee pain,

you'll never hear
the end of it.

Glad you learned your lesson.

Our curtain areas

'are for our
subacute patients.'

Over there is the break room
where we got bad coffee

and stale bagels.

'Trust me, you don't wanna
be going over there.'

Uh, excuse me. Keep up, okay?

'So here's the deal about
being a med student.'

Some docs like to teach
but most just see us

as being a pain
in the ass.

So they're not gonna be
issuing no formal invitation

to the cool stuff.

You got to keep
your eye open

and go after the action.

It's not gonna
come to you.

Come on.

Another epi
and let's shock him.

Shock him again.

- Chaz.
- This is Dr. Brenner.

One of our fine
ER attendings.

Dr. Brenner, this is a
tour of prospective

medical students
that you asked..

Chaz, get them
the hell out of here!


So who wants to see
the suture room?


Anybody seen Brenner?

Down in Trauma
with a chest pain.

You okay?

Just got results back
on a patient.

Bad news?

You want company?

No, I should do it.

No time like
the present.


Post tap film
came back.

Your lungs have

No pneumonia.
Are you feeling better?

I can breathe again.

You said you've been sick
for a number of years.

Well, I got the AIDS diagnosis
in 1987.

Started AZT soon
as it was out.

It's great that you've been able
to fight it off this long.

'Come on, doctor,
no holding back.'

I can take it.

Believe me.

Your test results came back.

There were atypical lymphocytes.

Large immunoblastic cells.

And what does that mean?

It means that you have cancer.

[thunder rumbling]

Whoa, it's a little nasty
out there today.

Keeps up, we're gonna start
handing out life jackets.

How are you?

I'm on the mend.

Everything workin'
down there?

No complaints
with the plumbing.

Wish I could say the same.

I was up six, seven times
last night.

Kind of a quiet day today, huh?

Yeah, I'm thinkin' of
pulling out a crossword puzzle

just to fill the time.

I just had lunch with
Susan Lewis and Kerry Weaver.


How is the old dragon lady?

She's good.

Susan actually looks fantastic.

What are they
doin' in town?

Tonight's the opening
of the Carter Center.

They...came in for it.

Open bar, free food
on fancy little crackers.

All that.

Housekeeping needs
to clean up trauma two.

It's still a mess after
that shotgun accident kid.

They're down
in Radiology

tryin' to mop up a roof leak.

- What's up?
- Pregnant woman coming in, MVA.

Here they are.

Hey, store that for me,
would you?


[instrumental music]

(female #1)
'Thirty six year old female'

'nine months pregnant
with twins.'

'Broke her water at home.'

Oh, contraction!

Traffic collision on
the way to the hospital.

T-boned by a CTA bus.

'This is your first pregnancy?'

- Fourth!
- Struck on the passenger side.

With abdominal pain
and contusions.

Tachy to 120,
BP's normal.

'Get me off of this!'

As soon as we assess you, ma'am.
Let's get her inside!



On my count.
One, two, three.

My husband should
be here any minute.

He was on his way
to meet me at Mount Sinai.

Alright, check the perineum.

I'll do a primary survey.


- 'I got to push!'
- It's okay. Not yet.

- 'Not yet, not yet!'
- 'I got to!'

Sterile gloves
and an OB kit.

- What do we need, Julia?
- CBC, coags, type, Rh.


- Um..
- Fetal monitor.

Uh, right.
Fetal monitor.

You, uh, care to pitch in,
Dr. Carter?

- Oh, I thought you'd never ask.
- I'll start a second line.


Now, don't move your
neck until

we make sure that
it's not broken.

I'm fine!

I guess the C-spine
is clear.

She's crowning.

All right, mom,
you can push now.


Head is out.

Okay, get ready.
Twins go quick.

Delivering the shoulders.


[baby crying]


- Umbilical clamp.
- Is she okay?

She's got a great
set of lungs.

Uh, baby looks great.

Apgar of 9,
one off for color.

[baby crying]

Congratulations, mom.
One down, one to go.

[baby continues crying]

Hey, baby.
Want to go see mom?

Hi. You're beautiful.


We paged OB down
for the twins.

Has anybody seen them?

Coburn's in an
emergency C section

said she'd send
down a resident

as soon as she
could free one up.

The husband
just showed.

He's the wet,
anxious guy.

- Mr. Salamunovich?
- Yeah Chris. Is Lisa okay?

The first baby's
out and healthy

and we're waiting
on the second.

Oh, God.

Can I help you?

You don't remember me.

Should I?

God, it's amazing how little
has changed around here.

- My dad used to be on staff.
- Mm-hmm.

Mark Greene.
I'm his daughter, Rachel.

[instrumental music]


We have three boys
under the age of ten at home.

- Three?
- 'Yep.'

It's a madhouse.

But I wanted a girl,
so before Chris went in

to get snipped, we decided
to try one more time.

- We ended up with twins.
- Hey.

What are the chances
of that, huh?

Hello, Camille. Hey.

We're still going with Camille
for the first one, right?

Yeah, fine by me.

It was my grandmother's name.

Honey, keep an eye
on the clock.

Preschool pickup's in an hour.

I'll just have my mom
go get them.

No, no, no. You should..


- 'Another contraction.'
- Okay.

Big push this time.


Okay. Big push.


- Fetal heart rate's down.
- Wh-what does that mean?

Could be a sign of distress.

Okay, mom, let's get
this baby out, huh?


I can see the head.


- DeLee suction now, please.
- What's meconium?

It's in the baby's intestine
prior to birth.

It could pass it
into the amniotic fluid

and get into their
lungs during birth.


How-how bad is that?


And cut.

'If it gets into
the baby's lungs'

then she has to be intubated.

It has to be sucked out.


It's another girl, honey.


She's not crying.

That's intentional. We don't
want her to breathe in the mec.

and suction, please.

- Mom's heart rate's up to 140.
- Some bleeding here.

Okay, two liters of saline,
wide open.

- A lot of bleeding.
- Let's get some more access.

Alright, I want you to put
gentle traction on the cord.

Let's get two units
from the blood bank.

'Meconium at
the epiglottis.'

'She's cyanotic. Poor tone.'

Honey, is she okay?

Systolic's down to 90.

Alright, prime
the rapid infuser.

Where the hell is OB?


Is that the placenta?

That looks like
uterine inversion.

- 'Set up for a Cordis.'
- What?

Give me some steriles.

The uterus has
turned itself inside out

and has pushed itself
through the cervix.

I need you to push it back in.


- It won't go!
- Alright, IV nitro, right now!


Let's set up for an intubation
on mom. Two units of FFP.

Let's have the blood bank
stay ahead four units.


[engine revving]


[indistinct chatter]


Pressure's only 65/45.
Second unit's in.

Hang two more.

No, it won't go.

- Alright, four units of mag.
- What's happening?

If we can't get your
wife's uterus in

we're gonna have to
take her up to the OR

for general anesthesia
and see if we can

relax the uterus
up there.

'Heart rate's up to 140.'

'Alright, you try
one more time.'

Really push hard.

Really push.

Come on. Get in there!
Really push!

- It's in!
- It's in?

- 'Yeah.'
- Oh, great.

Hold off on the nitro.

20 of pit in a liter,
wide open.

Keep pressure on the cervix
with your fingers.

No, no, push in, all the way
up to your forearm.

With your other hand,
I want you to massage

the uterus
at the umbilicus.

OB's here.
Heard you have twins.

Yeah, we just reduced
an inverted uterus.

She's still bleeding with an
accreta. Alright, call the OR.

Tell Coburn I'm bringing her up.

- What are you going to do?
- You're the dad?


We need to stop
the bleeding or else

we may have to give her
a hysterectomy.

- How about the twins?
- First one's good.

Second one aspirated some mec.

- I paged Pedes.
- Should I let go?

Do not let go until
they tell you to in the OR.

Should I go
with Lisa or stay?

Your wife's gonna be under
general anesthesia for a while

but we'll give you updates
from the operating room.

'Your wife
mentioned something'

about having to pick up
kids at school.

If you need to
make a call

you can use that phone
on the wall there.

[indistinct chatter]




What's goin' on? Thought you
couldn't pick me up today.

I couldn't sleep. Get in.

But I was gonna go to Madison's
to study for the trig test.

I'll give you a ride. I have
to meet Alex to finish the car.

So what's up, Tony?

You ever play "I Never?"

Drinking game.

I haven't been drinking, okay?

"I Never?"

I've heard of it.

I mean, some kids from school
have played it

at parties and stuff.

How many drinks
do you think it would take

to be drunk enough to die?

- What?
- How many.. What do you weigh?

How much, 90 pounds?

How many drinks
would you have to down

before the alcohol
would k*ll you?

What do you think?

- I don't know.
- Five? 10? 20? 50?

- I don't know, 20?
- Try six.

- Six?
- Yeah.

That could do it.
That could-that could k*ll you.

Give me your phone.

Give me your..
I'll give it back to you.

That's fine. Give it.

Do me a favor.

Next time you're at a party
and you're drinking

and you've had too much to drink
or you're throwing up

or your friends are
or somebody's texting you

saying they're throwing up..

...hit that.


- 'Who does it call?'
- Me.

And I'll come,
no questions asked.

I'll help you.
I'll help your friends.

I'll make sure you're okay.

No questions asked.

[train chugging]

'When did it stop raining?'

How's that second
twin doing?

waiting for Pedes.

- Your mom get to the OR okay?
- Yeah.

I'm going across
the street for coffee.

- Anybody want a latte?
- Sure. Nonfat, double sh*t.

- Nonfat, double sh*t.
- Mocha frap, extra foam.

- Mocha frap.
- 'Excuse me.'

I'm not sure I'm
in the right place.

My daughter-in-law's
here somewhere, having twins.

Is her name Lisa?
Come with me.

Go right in here and just check
in with that nurse at the desk.

- Thank you.
- Julia, there's a call for you.

- Oncology.
- Thanks.

Hey, you guys know a doctor

used to work here named Greene?

'His daughter was
on my tour today.'

- She's applying to med school.
- Rachel?

- Yeah, I think so.
- 'You're kidding me.'

Is she still around?

I dropped the tour off
at the dean's office.

They're doin' their
interviews this afternoon.

[indistinct chatter]


Dr. Carter!

Hey...look at you.

You're all grown up.
How old are you?

- Twenty two.
- Oh, my God.

I remember you
when you were..

Now you're going to
medical school, huh?

Took your MCATs and everything?


Where are you doing
your undergraduate?

- Duke.
- Great.

Yeah, Elizabeth's
on faculty there

so I get a really
good deal on tuition.

- Elizabeth Corday?
- Yeah.

Yeah, actually,
she flew up with me.

- Elizabeth is in Chicago?
- Uh-huh.

Oh, what are you both
doing later tonight?

Uh, I don't know, I think
we're seeing some old friends.

No, no, no, no,
you have to come

to this thing
that we're doing.

Rachel Greene!

This is my number.
Give this to Elizabeth.

- Have her call me.
- Yeah.

- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.

- 'Good luck in there.'
- Thanks.

Thanks. Yeah.

Path says it's primary
effusion lymphoma.

Who's this?

- My guy who couldn't breathe.
- What's his prognosis?

- Median survival's two months.
- And his options?

Well, chemo and radiation
could give him another

couple of months.

- You told him he has cancer?
- Yeah, a couple of hours ago.

- Brave.
- Or maybe just relieved.

- Relieved?
- Dr. Brenner?

To finally know how and when
after all these years.


Nice and slow.
Keep it clean.


That'll do it.

Yeah, man, that looks good.

I think you were right
about the color.

I don't know. The cobalt blue
would've been cool too.

No. Red is more your mother.

Phew. Yeah, all fire.

Well, that's better
than cold and distant.

- If you say so.
- I know so.

She's gonna love this.


Sorry I've been gone so long.
Something came up.

Oh, that's okay.
Gerry came by.

Gerry Gugliemotto, Dr. Wise.

She's very nice.

- Great to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Gerry brought
me gardenias.

I just love gardenias,
don't you?

'I mean, the smell..'

Uh, the rest of your labs
came back.

Everything looks clear.

Except for the cancer.

But it means your body
could tolerate chemotherapy.

No. No, thanks.

It could buy you
a few more months.

I've already had
an extra 20 years, doc.

I should have d*ed with
all my friends in the '80s.

You're still here.

Tommy and Bill.

Jeff and David.

Remember Michael?
Michael Thomas?

Of course I do.

Little Bobby?

So many people I loved.

I've been trying
to live for them, you know?

Keep their memories alive.

But I've had my time.
No regrets.

I went skydiving
last year in Hawaii.

It was the most
remarkable thing.

I was floating...free.

I-I couldn't feel my body.

I'm afraid of heights,
but-but-but I wasn't up there.

'I guess that's kind of what
I hope death is like, doc.'

'Floating, free in the air..'

'...above everything.'

Just...just watching
the world drift by.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

Yeah, th-there is.

I don't want it to hurt.

We can help with that.

Sixty six year woman
ruling in for MI.

She's going to the
cath lab any second.

Hula girl needs an X-ray
of her wrist.

We've got an SBO who's NPO
and not happy about it.

Sickler with a fever.

Dislodged G-tube on an old gal
that came in from Lakeshore

and a three week old
with lethargy and cardiomegaly

admitted for echo.

And, as you can see,
the hallucinating

trombone guy's still here.

The tox was negative,
but we're trying to find

a psych bed
somewhere in Chicago.

Is my alcohol poisoning
girl still here?

The family didn't want
her admitted here

so they're transferring
her to Mercy

but Mercy hasn't
picked her up yet.


'Hey, Jerry, look
at this inbox.'


All of my day shift
paperwork is completed.

Look. It's a think of beauty.
It's a clericalMona Lisa.

I just wanted you to see
what a empty inbox looks like

so you can try,
try to replicate that

for when I come in
tomorrow. Okay?

Tough day?

About the same
as every other.

- Goodnight, y'all.
- Night.

Watch out for the guy in three,
he's a grabber.



You look nice.

Oh, I got a thing to go to.

You saw a med school applicant
today Rachel Greene.

- She's pretty great.
- She a student of yours?

No, she's Mark Greene's

Mm-hmm, so you have
no firsthand knowledge

of her academic qualifications?

No, I've known her
since she was kid

and Mark was
a pretty great doctor.

I'm sure the apple didn't fall
too far from the tree.


She did well
on the interview.

I can't say if she'll
make our final list

but she made
the first cut.

'So, he's a bit of a boozer?'

(Neela on speaker)
'Stinks of bourbon by noon.'

'It doesn't affect his work?'

'No, that's the irritating
thing, drunk as a skunk'

'and he's still
a wonderful surgeon.'

- Is that Neela?
- Yeah.

- Hey!
- Hey.

How's the
teaching going?

Oh, I've got mostly R3s.

Very polite, follow me
around like ducklings.

I'm sure they're in awe

of the depth of your
surgical brilliance.

It's either that or
your exceptional beauty.

Ah, I think they may
just be stupid.

Hey, is that Neela?

- Yeah.
- Hey!

- Hey!
- 'How's life on the bayou?'

The bayou's, like,
a hundred miles away, Morris.

Dr. Brenner,
Pedes finally showed up

to extubate
the mec twin.

Okay, thanks.
Uh, I've got to go.

- I'll, uh, speak to you later.
- Oh, okay.

How's the mom?

Still in surgery,
I think.

She's still in the OR?

As far as I know, yeah.

Hey, you mind
if I tag along with you?

- 'See you, Neela.'
- Okay, bye.

Hey, Joe.
How we doin'?

Suctioned out
the trachea and the stomach.

No mec below the cords.

Satting at 100%.

Vigorous tone,
good respiratory effort.

Think we can extubate.

Blow by oxygen
is ready.

Here we go.

[instrumental music]

Good air movement.

- Can I hold her?
- By all means.

How about you go and grab
the rest of the kids?

Oh. I gotta go.

Good work, Doctors.

- Thanks, Joe.
- Yeah.

[baby crying]

What's the mom still
doing up in the OR?

She's probably
already out.

Sometimes they
forget to call.

Hey, guys, do you wanna
meet your sisters?

- Yeah.
- Yes.

- Come on.
- Oh, boy.


Kiddo, look at this.

I love you.

'Look at this.'

They're sisters.

Where is my mom?

[instrumental music]

'Eighty two year old woman
with history of MS'

and pyelonephritis
on home IV therapy.

Now with altered mental status
and respiratory distress.

BP's 60 palp.

'Gave 500cc's of saline
to get her pressure up'

'but it's all
going to her lungs.'

She's been coughing
and groaning terrible.

- She's burning up.
- Pulmonary edema.

Probably septic.

'This is the second time
we've been here.'

We've been taken care
of by Dr. Gates.

Her parents around?

They've been here all day.

They must be around
here somewhere.

Hey, Tony?

Elderly MS lady
just came in with sepsis.

Husband said you've
been treating her.

- You look tired.
- Thanks.


Are you okay?

Yeah. This..

This 17-year-old girl
came in last night

with alcohol poisoning

BA, 420.

- Mm.
- Still hasn't come around.

She was texting
her friend all night

telling her
she was throwing up.

Her friend thought it was cool.

Mr. Manning.

Marjorie's not doing
too well, huh?

I know a lot of us never

actually thought
that this day would come.

In fact..I think
I was one of them.


But here we are,
in this beautiful facility

finally ready to provide

outpatient services

to the HIV/AIDS community,
the homeless

families in need.

Medical care,
dental care, day care..



Services that have
been sorely lacking

at County for many years.

I, uh..

don't wanna try your patience
by rambling on too long.

Um, but I hope
you'll bear with me

'for a moment'

'while I talk about
why we chose to name this'

'the Joshua Carter Center.'

'My wife and I had a son'

and we named him Joshua.

And he d*ed.

[dramatic music]

[clears throat]
Excuse me.

And it seemed so..

It seemed so senseless
that we..

That we, my wife and I

we struggled to find some..

...sort of meaning in it.

'And, in the aftermath
of our small tragedy'

'we realized that we could
make a difference'

'in other people's lives.'

Other people experiencing
their own small tragedies.

'And that made, somehow..'

'...the loss
of Joshua bearable.'

[dramatic music]

Thank you so much for coming.


- Well done, Carter.
- I didn't embarrass myself?

I wouldn't go that far.

You came.

I didn't think you would.

Neither did I.

Sorry I was late.
Flight was delayed.


That was a beautiful speech.

(male #1)
'Hey, John.'

I just want you
to meet Wendy Spence

from the Fort Foundation.
Right over here.

'Your wife has low blood
pressure from the sepsis'

but giving her IV fluids

will only cause more
damage to the lungs.

'We discussed this'

'when you wanted
to take her home, Paul'

that this would
most likely happen.

I didn't realize.

Please. Do something.

Marjorie has a DNR. She doesn't
want us to intervene.

Oh. I've got her
power of attorney here.

Out here, uh..

That-that means I can decide
for her, right?

Your wife has a
degenerative disease

that's left her debilitated

without enough strength
to fight off this infection.

Even with aggressive treatment..

'She would only live a week
or two in the ICU on machines.'

A ventilator, dialysis, IV pumps

to keep her blood pressure up.

It's only going to prolong
her pain and suffering.

I'm not ready to lose her.

[dramatic music]

It's time to talk
about how to make her

as comfortable as possible.




Excuse me. I'm here
to check on a patient.

- And you are?
- Dr. Wise from the ER.

I called, but I got put on hold.

Yeah, we're swamped.
Couple of people called in sick.

Stomach flu.

We brought a woman up,
inverted uterus

bleeding with an accreta.

- 'Her name's Salamunovich.'
- Uh..

Dr. Zwerling just went out
to find the family.

They're still downstairs.
They have a bunch of kids.

One of the twins had mec.

Did she have to have
the hysterectomy?

No, she went into DIC.

They coded her for over
an hour, and she d*ed.

* Happy birthday to you *

* Happy birthday to you *

* Happy birthday dear Sam *

* Happy birthday to you *

It wasn't me. It wasn't me.

Here, make a wish
and blow out the candles.

- 'Ah!'
- There.


Very funny. Very funny.

What did you wish?

I wished that nobody told

you guys it was my birthday.

'Cut the cake.'

Hey. What are you doing here?

I wanted to give you
your present.

- How did you get here?
- I drove.

Drove? Drove what?

Well, you wanna see it?

Go ahead. We got it.


'The twins are doing great.'

'They're keeping one
overnight in the NICU'

but the other one's already
on the way to the nursery.


- What are you doing, Alex?
- Just one second.

- Just give me one second.
- I'm working.

Mom, just one minute.
You'll love it.

What are you doing?

You drove that?

'Whose car is that?'


- 'Do they know you have it?'
- Mom.

Nobody is going to let a
16-year-old kid drive that car.

Open this.

Whose car is that, Alex?

Just open the box.

Mom, it's yours.

It was pretty
banged up at first

but Tony helped me fix it up.

- Alex did all the work.
- No. No.

- Get in.
- What?

- 'Go.'
- Go, Mom.

Oh, my God. Are you kidding?


It's beautiful.

Are you serious?

'Are you..'

Mom, just turn it over.

[engine revving]

Oh, my God!

'I don't know if I can do this.'

Do what?


Every day.

'Sure, you can.'

People need help,
and you know how to help them.

And if I can't help them?

You do the best you can.

'Then you go home,
you get some sleep'

'and you come back
the next day.'

'And you help the next one.'

I'll see you tomorrow.

Ah, I should have grabbed
a jacket. It's freezing.

It feels good. I like it brisk.

Brisk? You could
hang meat out here.

- I can't feel my feet.
- So go wait inside.

Not like we need you
to push a couple gurneys.

Global warming?

A couple of these scientists

should spend April in Chicago.

49-year-old woman laceration
to the right forehead

from a broken bottle
vitals stable en route.

- What happened?
- Drunken brawl at the Marriott.

The bitch cut me.
I can't believe it.

It was a free-for-all. Chairs
flying, champagne bottles.

We got there first,
had to wait for the cops

to arrive to break it up.

Right. Take her.
I'll get the next one.

28-year-old female.
Blunt trauma to the head

and superficial lacerations
to the left forearm.

She broke my damn arm.

Tiffany, you're dead!
You hear me? You're dead.

You're the one that
hit me with a chair!

You wouldn't have believed it.

It was like All-Star
Wrestling in there.

- At a wedding?
- My wedding!

You did this
at my wedding, Mom!

That's what you wanted
all along, right? Isn't it?

To ruin it, ruin everything?

- That's your mother?
- Worse.

My new mother-in-law.

[indistinct chatter]

- Totally not true.
- Yes, it is.

You were there. Yes!

No, I never

pulled a guy's Foley

without deflating
the balloon first.

Yes, you did.
And the patient was so angry

'he threw an emesis
basin at his head..'

A Foley is for collecting urine.

'Yes, and what about the time
where he got crazy'

'with the Dermabond and glued
the lady's eye shut?'

Okay, that I did do, actually.

What about the time
when he spent

like, three hours
doing a one-inch head lac

without an X-ray, then, all
of the sudden, he discovers

there's still glass in it and he
had to go back and do it again?

Really glad you came.
Don't believe them, Reese.

So, should we head out
for a nightcap?

Oh, yeah. I'm in.
You coming?

Ah, you know what?
I gotta get

this young man home.

- Come on.
- No, no, no, no.

It's a school night.

No. Get you home. Go to sleep.

'Why don't you drop Reese off'

with Cleo, then come back out?

The night's young.

I was gonna try Elizabeth.

See if they wanna drop by.


Elizabeth is an old friend.

No. A friend.


- 'So'
- So, we in?

- 'Yeah.'
- Uh, you know, maybe. Maybe.

- Yeah.
- Alright.

'Alright. Ready?'

- 'Yeah.'
- Meet you there.

- Yeah, great.
- See you later.

What were you talking about?

- What?
- With Kerry Weaver.


Africa. She was back
just last summer..

...to visit friends.

It's gorgeous, John.

Do you, uh, wanna
join us for drinks?

I'm a bit tired.

It's 5:00 a.m. in Paris.

How long are you staying?

I leave tomorrow night.

[dramatic music]

It's hard for me
to be here, John.

I know.

I'm glad you came.

Me, too.

Can I buy you lunch tomorrow?

We'll go to Shaw's.
Eat too much seafood.

Take a walk by the lake.

It's supposed to be a nice day.

I was thinking about Joshua.

[music continues]

He'd be five, nearly six.

I think about him

almost every day.



Call me in the morning.


78-year-old man

'in from the nursing home'

'with penile pain,
deformity, and bruising.'

'Sorry I called you in on this.'

'I just don't feel very
comfortable with him alone.'

'He's kind of...randy.'

Welcome back, doc.

You bring yourself a chaperone?

Mr. Thunhurst,
you're having penile pain?

Oh. Hurts
like a son of a bitch, Doc.

Let's take a look.

You're, uh,
sexually active, I take it?

Oh, yeah, yeah. Don't
need Viagra, either.

The odds at the
nursing home are great.

I mean, women outlive men.
It's at least four to one.


You use condoms, I take it?

Oh, you betcha..

The big ones.

Alright, you, uh,
fractured your penis.


There's a bone in there?

No bone, a tear
of a fibrous sheath

called the Tunica albuginea.

'Swelling, bruising, hematoma,
standard eggplant deformity'

tender to the touch.

Usually happens
when a female's on top.

Was your partner on top, sir?

What? Cowgirl position?

Oh, no, no, that's not for me.

We were going at it
at the nurses' station

while they were running
the movie night.

I slipped out, and Mr. Fred
hit the edge of the desk.

Alright, he's gonna need
a retrograde urethrogram

to make sure there's no damage

and surgery to evacuate

the hematoma
and repair the albuginea.

- Mm-hmm.
- Tony?


How long am I
gonna be out of action?

About six weeks.

Good Lord.

What am I gonna tell the girls?

Paramedics have a chest pain

and the MS lady's breathing

is scaring the hell
out of her husband.

So, you like the car?

Oh, it's incredible

and amazingly cool

but I can't keep it.

Why not?

Because Alex couldn't have
afforded to do that.

I barely give him enough
to support his iTunes habit.

He worked his ass off
on that car.

I can't take a car
from you, Tony.

It was a piece of junk.

He did all the work.
We found the parts.

It still must've cost you
hundreds of dollars.

Thousands of dollars?

Alex learned how to rebuild
a car from the struts up.

You don't take it,
you're gonna break his heart.

Hey, that rule MI's pulling up.

Alright, talk Mr. Manning

through what's going
on with his wife

and tell him I'll be
in there as soon as I can.

Sam, if you're thinking
about selling the Mustang

I will give you $500 cash
for it right now.

- Go away, Jerry.
- $700?

- Oh, is Dr. Gates coming?
- He'll be here soon.

Because she,
she stopped breathing

and I thought she was gonna..

and then she started up again.

Yeah, her irregular breathing
is completely natural.


It's, uh, all part
of the dying process.


72 years..

I'm sorry?

'72 years.'

I met her in the sixth grade.

That's how long we've known
each other, 72 years.

And her family had moved in
from Nebraska

because they lost their farm

you know, during the Depression.



Mrs. Ross, our teacher..

She said to take the empty desk
next to mine...

That was it.

'You know..'

'I never looked
at another girl for 72 years.'

You hear that, Mrs. Manning?

Not once, sweetheart.

Excuse me.

[indistinct chatter]

'Yeah, just, like, let it out.'

Well, this is a thoroughly
disreputable-looking group.

Oh, my God, Elizabeth!
Oh, it's good to see you.

- How are you, sweetheart?
- I'm good.

- Hi, Susan.
- Hi!

- John.
- Thank God you showed.

You were the bait we used to

lure him out late
on a school night.

Oh, come on. That's not true.

You remember Rachel.

- Hey.
- 'Oh, my goodness.'

- Hello, Peter.
- Hey.

I've known you since
you were this big.

Yes, I know,
Everyone's been saying that.

Well, I can imagine.
Look at you!

What can I get you?

Oh, I'll just have
a cranberry juice.

- You look great.
- Thank you.

Hey, and for you?

I'd like a margarita, no salt.

- 'See some ID?'
- 'Absolutely.'

- Oh, my God!
- So, how's Ella?

Oh, she's nine and gorgeous.

Now, Peter, you and Cleo
are still right?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

She's an associate professor

at University of Chicago.

'Oh, no, no, I'm dating again.'

[indistinct chatter]

Roger Anderson, 48,
with eight hours

of substernal chest pain.

Why'd you wait so long?

I thought it would go away.

Good vitals, no ST changes.

Am I having a heart att*ck?

'Too soon to tell.'

'Unbelievable. First she traps
Donnie into getting married'

by getting herself pregnant.

'Right, innocent little Donnie'

'perfect little Donnie.'

I have news for you, Linda

your little Donnie
'bout r*ped me in the backseat

of his Camaro.

I warned him,
I warned him from day one

that all she was after was

his paycheck
and health benefits.

Oh, right,
his incredible salary working

for the post office. Ouch!

'Then she insisted on inviting'

all of her inbred Kentucky
relatives to the reception.

Hey, it wasn't my Uncle Phil
who was found pissing

in the lobby fountain! Ouch!

Keep still then.

Am I gonna have a scar?

A little one.

You hear that, Tiffany?
I'm gonna have a scar.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna be on

my once-in-a-lifetime

Caribbean beach honeymoon

with a cast on my arm!

Tiff, are you okay?

Oh, honey, baby,
she broke my arm.

Donnie? Donnie, is that you?

Yeah, Mom, it's me.

Donnie, she cut me.

I'm getting stitches in my face!

- Donnie, hold my hand, please.
- Donnie, come here.

'Come here and see
what she did to me.'

Donnie, sweetheart?

- Donnie, hold my hand.
- Donnie?

- Donnie?
- Donnie.

- Donnie, come here right now.
- Donnie, come here!

Donnie, you come here right now!

'I wanna prepare you.'

Your mom is unconscious

and the sepsis has made
her breathing more difficult.

We have her on oxygen to help

and Morphine
to relieve any pain.

So she's dying?




'Would you look at that?'

How much he loves her.

I never could understand
how he put up with that woman.

Tough as nails.

Hard on him, hard on us.

[dramatic music]

'Then she gets sick,
and he takes care of her'

'for all these years.'

'I would have left her by the
side of the road somewhere.'

You know what
I was doing in the car

the whole way down
from Milwaukee?


Crying my eyes out.

b*ating myself up trying
to remember what it was

we fought about
last time we talked.

Isn't that something?

As if it mattered anymore.

[music continues]

Hey, um, you mind if I eat
this last piece of cake?

No, knock yourself out.

Thank you.

[telephone ringing]



What's up?

[dramatic music]

I know, Soldier Field.

No, Tommy's gonna
get us tickets.

Yeah...that's fine.

Mom. Hey, did I wake you?

Uh, yeah.

Oh, who, who does Leno have on?

No, I'm working tonight.

How was your day?

Yeah, they got me a cake.


That crazy grandson of yours,
Alex, tell you

what he got me for my birthday?

A car.



- Whoa!
- It got so cold!

So you wanna come and see

what a real doctor
does for a living?

Oh, yes, a doctor
in an underfunded

over-utilized, insane asylum

that passes for an
urban medical center.

- I'm in.
- Oh, no, it's very late.

- Oh!
- Don't start.

Well, how are you gonna
get back to the hotel?

- I'll call a cab.
- Oh, come on.

She's not a baby anymore.

We'll make sure
she gets back safely.

You gonna come, Kerry?

No, I've got an early flight.

- Peter?
- No, 7:00 a.m. rounds.

Ah, there's a cab.

I'm gonna go.

- Bye.
- Bye.

So good seeing you.

Alright, bye, guys.

Well, ready?

Hey, our flight leaves at 9:00!

The car's coming to pick us up
at the hotel at 7:00!


She's not a kid anymore.

Yeah, her mother would
absolutely k*ll me

if she knew I'd let
Carter haul her off

to the ER in the middle
of the night

on a field trip.

Hey, uh, want me
to get you a cab?

Oh, uh, no.
I've got a rental car.

Alright. Well,
want me to walk you?


Thanks. Yeah.

So...is Cleo good?

Yeah, really good.

Do you have any more children?

No, no, no, no. What about you?

- What about me?
- Do you have any more kids?

Oh, no, no.

Are you, uh, in, a relationship?

- No.
- Dating?

No, not really.

Uh, well, I've got
a nine-year-old

at home and a busy career.

Maybe when Ella's
a little older

I might, but, uh..


This is me.

[horn honks]


As usual, there was a problem
with the rental reservation.

This is all they had.

It's, um..

It's big.

- Yeah.
- Wow.

Well, you know, if you need
to transport an infantry

for any reason, uh..

Yeah, or a rap star's entourage.


[dramatic music]

It was really nice
seeing you again, Peter.

Yeah, it was.

Take care.

[music continues]

[siren wailing]

'Jerry, you remember Rachel?'

Yeah, I heard you were around.

- Hi, Jerry.
- Hi. You remember me?

- No way!
- Jerry!

There's a spirit
of camaraderie around here.

It's kind of what
makes this place work.

Everybody helps
everybody else out.

Oh, God, maggots.

Tracy, this is Rachel.

She's thinking about a career
in emergency medicine.

Run, don't walk, to radiology.

Trust me, you don't ever,
ever want to have to do this.

(male #2)
'I am the chosen one.'

Come to be known as Uhdia..

Ten of Haldol and restraints!

...and he who believeth in me
shall have eternal life!

'Hey, Morris.'

Hey, Carter.
How'd the opening go?

It was good.
Sorry you missed it.

Well, you know work.

Can't wait to see it
when it's finished.

Give me a call.
I'll give you a tour.

Rachel? Rachel Greene?

- Hi, Chuny.
- Oh, my God.

Look at you. You going
to be around for a while?


Don't you dare leave

before we get
a chance to catch up.

And I will deliver..

Haldol, miracle drug.

Laverne, what have you got?

Mr. Meyer here polished off

a few too many bottles
of fine burgundy

fell off the curb
in front of Spiaggia

broke his ankle, hit his head.

Waiting on CT and Ortho.

Mind if I take over the IV?

Oh, sure, no problem.

You ever done
one of these before?


Okay. Well, we use an angiocath

with a 16-gauge needle.

It's a large bore,
but you need that in case

there's bleeding
and you have to transfuse him.

What you want to do

is pull that skin tight
so that the vein doesn't roll

go in low, bevel up.

Once you're in the vein you
just pull this little gizmo out

and tape it down.

Gates, is it my imagination

or is Dr. Carter,
who is not on duty, by the way

in Trauma 1 with a patient
demonstrating IV placement

to a college student?


Never mind.

Jerry, why is
Dr. Carter performing

medical procedures
on our patients?

Uh...because he's a doctor?


Excuse me one second.

Perfect timing.

That poor bastard's son
and daughter are having..

Marjorie Manning d*ed.



That's it?


[dramatic music]

Can I stay with her..

...a little longer?

Of course.

Stay as long as you'd like.

Oh, yeah.



What is that?

Uh, meat lovers' special.

You want a piece?

You better call a cardiologist

and schedule your
first angioplasty.

Mm, it's good.

How old are you?

- 37.
- Hmm, yeah,

Make an appointment
for three years from now.

You keep eating like that,
40 ought to be just about right.

'No, come on!'

'It's true!'


You're right,
they don't get it.

They don't get it!

Who are you?

Oh, hi, I'm, uh,
Dr. Susan Lewis.

I used to work here.

- Hi.
- Hmm..

What is it with men
and their penises?

Oh, yeah, I've been trying to
figure that one out for years.

Amen to that.

My trouble-urinating guy?

It turns out that he has
erectile dysfunction

and he can't afford Viagra.

So, he takes a tube
of bathroom caulk

the kind you use around the tub

and squeezes it
into his urethra.

It's not a religious talisman.

Get that thing
in a biohazard bag.

Police brought in
an altered old woman

found her on the street
wearing one of our bracelets.

It had your name on it.


- Hello.
- Hello.

How's her temperature?

Core is 96.

My name is Beverly.

Yes, I know.

She was in here yesterday.

Her daughter's name and number

should be in the chart
here somewhere.

- Martha or Mary...
- Margaret.

Margaret, that's right.

You know, she's gonna be worried

about where you are.

Margaret is a lovely girl.

Just quiet and thoughtful.

How's your wrist? Any pain?

- I broke my wrist.
- I know.

I fixed it yesterday.

I fell out of a tree.

Margaret was telling me
to go higher and I fell.

Really? Margaret was
telling you to go higher?

Mm-hmm, she's..

Margaret's my sister.

'Just a lovely girl.'

You know, you really
shouldn't leave your yard.

It's not safe.

Ooh, you have such strong hands.

Warm and strong.

You can tell a lot
about a man by his hands.

Yes, ma'am.

[dramatic music]

Where's the daughter?

Uh, she went to call
the mortuary, I think.


For what?

For everything you do with Alex.

I really appreciate it.

[music continues]


A little cold out here to be
playing basketball, huh?

I'm just trying to stay awake.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yep.

I've got a, um..

Important phone call to make
in a couple hours.

I'm afraid if I close my eyes,
I'll sleep through it.

Don't you own an alarm clock?


Can't chance it.


- Love or money?
- What?

Well, if it's that important

it can only be,
uh, one of two things

love or money.

- Love!
- Oh!

Hey! Put a towel
around that guy!

- 'There's women in there!'
- Whoa!

I thought streakers
went out with disco

and the Ford administration.

I'm going across the street.

You guys want
a microwave burrito?

- Bean and beef is pretty good.
- I'm fine.

I'll pass.

Man's a culinary
freak of nature.


Where's your little ward?

Who, Rachel?

The women stole her
from me an hour ago.

- Coming back, boss?
- What?

You're hanging
around here enough.

Take some shifts.
Get paid for it.

I don't know. Maybe.

Hey, Tony, I need you.

Those transport guys
from Mercy

finally showed up for your
alcohol poisoning girl.

Soon as they tried to move her

she started groaning
and thrashing around.

Is she responsive?

I didn't stick around
long enough to find out.

Went looking for you.

- Stacey?
- What? What's happening?

Stacey? Alright,
she responds to stimuli.

- What does that mean?
- Stacey, can you hear me?

- 'Honey..'
- Stacey, alright

you're in the hospital.

Okay, I'm Dr. Gates.

You were at a party last night.

You had a little too much
to drink.

- Stacey?
- Please, is she alright?

Stacey? Stacey?

I need another CT, guys.
It's gonna take a little while.

- How long?
- Hour, maybe two.

I'll call Dispatch.


She's responding,
but not in a purposeful way.

'It may be a sign of lack
of oxygen to the brain.'

'I'm gonna order another CT'

'make sure there's no
swelling in the brain.'

But she's going to be okay?

Well, it's too early to tell
if her mental status

will improve from, um,
from what you see now.

- 'But it could?'
- 'Maybe in time.'

CT can take her now.

Okay, good.

Can we go with her?

Of course, yeah.

My first ER rotation

they sent me to a jail
ward to do a rectal

on this prisoner
with a GI bleed.

So, this guy is very sketchy

you know, and he's
kind of a leech

but I don't wanna
seem like a wimp.

So, I close the door
to give him some privacy

and I pull on my glove,
lube up my finger

and go ahead with the exam.

When I'm done, I go
to the door to leave

and it's locked!

It's a jail ward.

The doors don't open
from the inside.

So, here I am, stuck
with creepy convict guy

who is now laughing,
pulling up his pants

and asking me if it was

as good for me
as it was for him.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, it took me ten minutes

of banging on that door

to finally get a nurse's
attention to let me out.

Guy in Exam two
is coughing red snappers.

Be sure and wear a mask.

- What's a red snapper?
- TB.

- Tuberculosis?
- Yep.

My first week in the ER

I forgot Haleh's name

'and called her Nurse.'

As in "Nurse, can you
get me some more 4x4s?"

Ooh, bad idea.

Nurses hate being called Nurse.

- Why?
- 'Cause we actually have names.

Or because we know a lot
more than med students.

Yeah, more than the interns.

And more than most doctors.

So, anyway

Haleh decides to punish me

by paging me for Tylenol
orders every 20 minutes.

I would have paged
you every ten.

Every five.

'My first year in med school'

'the dean comes into our very
first lecture and he says'

'"I want you to look to your
left and to your right."'

'"A year from now, one
of you will be gone."'

Dean told us that old chestnut
when I was in med school, too.

Was it true?

No, but it scared
the hell out of us.

I mean, as if we weren't
worried enough already.

- Hey, what are you doing here?
- Couldn't sleep.

'I just thought I'd come in
and catch up on some charts.'

Maybe check up on a baby in the
NICU I helped deliver yesterday.

Where's Banfield?

Down in sutures
stitching up naked drunk

'and disorderly guy.'

Get her down here now.

What is it?

expl*si*n at a power substation

multiple burn and blast victims.

- Three minutes out.
- How many?

At least eight.

Chuny, clear the trauma rooms.

Jerry, get the blood bank
to send all their O-neg

and Dawn,
make sure we have enough

Morphine and rapid infusers.


You wanna be an ER doc?

This is the fun part.

[instrumental music]

Industrial expl*si*n.

[sirens wailing in the distance]

Dr. C.

[sirens wailing]

Morris! Triage!

(male #3)
'55-year-old man
thrown 20 feet against a wall.'

Diffuse abdominal pain.
BP 80 palp.

Rigid abdomen, probably
spleen or liver. Tracy!

- 'Yeah?'
- Two of O-neg.

'Hold for the OR.'

Open femur, good distal pulses.

I'll take this one. Chuny!

'Gram of Ancef, 100 of gent.'

Titrate Dilaudid and call Ortho.

- Julia, you're up!
- 'Laverne!'

- I got Bardelli's..
- Good!

Found him down in V-fib
on a high-power line.

'Epi, Lidocaine, and ten shocks'

'put him into asystole.'

- Trauma 2?
- No, Curtain 3.

We have to hold trauma
for the ones we can save.

27-year-old male.
Short of breath, pulse ox 82.

Come on. Come on!

Decreased breath sounds
on the right.

- Okay, no facial burns.
- 'Pneumothorax.'

Okay, set up for a chest tube!

Arm was blown off
below the elbow.

- Intubated after ten of MS.
- Alright, Sam!

Anything to re-implant?

- Bits and pieces.
- Go.

- Dr. Carter?
- What? I'm sorry. What?

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

Just a little deja vu.

Carter, you working?

- Absolutely.
- Come on!

Burns over 90% of his body.

'Soot at the vocal chords.'

Three liters of Ringers.

'Let's call the burn service.'

- Okay, let's go.
- Yeah.

Dr. Greene.

You coming?

[sirens wailing]

Tight wheezing
throughout the ride.

Pulse ox 88.

Singed nasal hairs
from smoke inhalation..

Set up for intubation!

[theme music]

[theme music]
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