01x01 - Smoke gets in your eyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Mad Men". Aired: July 2007 to May 2015.*
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A drama about one of New York's most prestigious ad agencies at the beginning of the 1960s, focusing on one of the firm's most talented ad executives, Don.
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01x01 - Smoke gets in your eyes

Post by bunniefuu »

Old Gold man, huh?

Lucky Strike here.

Can I ask you a question?
Why do you smoke Old Gold?

I'm sorry, sir.
Is Sam here bothering you?

He can be
a little chatty.

No, we're actually just
having a conversation.

Is that okay?

Can I get you
another drink?

Yeah. Do this again.

Old-fashioned, please.

So you obviously need to relax
after working here all night.

I guess.
I don't know.

But what is it?
I mean, low-tar?

Those new filters?
Why, I mean, why Old Gold?

They gave 'em to us
in the service...

a carton a week
for free.

So you're used to 'em,
is that it?


They're a habit.

I could never get you
to try another brand...

say, my Luckies?

I love my Old Golds.

All right, well,
let's just say tomorrow

a tobacco weevil comes
and eats every last

Old Gold on the planet.

That's a sad story.

It's a tragedy.

Would you
just stop smoking?

I think I could
find something.

I love smoking.

"I love smoking. "
That's very good.

My wife hates it.

Reader's Digest
says it will k*ll you.

I heard about that.

Ladies love
their magazines.

Yes, they do.

You weren't worried
about waking me, were you?

Am I interrupting anything?

Mmm, no.

You're lucky
I'm still up working

and I'm all alone.

How's it going?

They invented
something called

Grandmother's Day.

That ought to keep me
busy drawing puppies

for a few months.

Can I run a few ideas
past you?

Does that mean what I think it means?

Because I'm familiar
with most of your ideas.

I'm having a situation
with my cigarette account.

You really are here
to talk.

The Trade Commission
is cracking down

on all of our health claims.

I get Reader's Digest.

This is the same scare
you had five years ago.

You dealt with it.

I know
I slept a lot better,

knowing doctors smoke.

Well, that's just it.

The whole "safer cigarette"
thing is over.

No more doctors,
no more testimonials,

no more cough-free,
soothes your T-zone,

low-tar, low-nicotine,
filter tip.


All I have
is a crush-proof box

and "four out of five
dead people smoke your brand. "

Is this the part
where I say,

"Don Draper
is the greatest

ad man ever,
"and his big, strong brain

will find a way
to lead the sheep

to the slaughterhouse"?

I don't want to go
to school tomorrow.

You gonna pitch to me
or not?

Midge, I'm serious.
I have nothing.

I am over, and they're
finally gonna know it.

Next time you see me,

there'll be a bunch of young executives
picking meat off my ribs.

That's a pretty picture.

What's your secret?

Nine different ways
to say...

"I love you, Grandma. "

We should get married.

You think I'd make
a good ex-wife?

I'm serious.

You have your own business.

You don't mind
when I come over.

What size Cadillac
do you take?

You know the rules.

I don't make plans,
and I don't make


Sterling's having
the tobacco people in

in nine hours,
and I have nothing.

People love smoking.

There's nothing that you,
the Trade Commission,

or Reader's Digest
can do to change that.

There's this kid who comes
by my office every day,

looks where he's gonna
put his plants.

Is he handsome?


Uh, not right away.

Pal, could you take the long way up?

I am really enjoying
the view here.

You going to Campbell's
bachelor party?

Yeah, I want to be there
before they tie

an anchor around his neck
and drag him out to sea.

I hear
she's a nice girl.

who wants that?

What did you do that for?

She'll probably be
assigned to one of us.

Then she'll know
what she's in for.

You got to let them know
what kind of guy you are.

Then they'll know
what kind of girl to be.

I have a feeling we won't be going
to your bachelor party soon.

Yeah, well, compared to Campbell,
I'm a Boy Scout.

Excuse me.
Is he expecting you?

He's not expecting anything.

Oh, honey, don't worry.
I'll get home safely.

I have an important
appointment right now,

so why don't you go
shopping or something?

Take your mother to lunch.

Tell her it was my idea.

Wow. He's good.

It's just
a bachelor party, dear.

No, I really don't know
what they have planned,

but judging from
the creative brain power around here,

we'll probably end up
seeing My Fair Lady.

I'll tell you what.

I'll drop by your place
on my way home.

Your mother can check
under my fingernails.

Of course I love you.

I'm giving up my life
to be with you, aren't I?

What a great gal.

I tell ya, boys,
she stole my heart.

And her old man's

Now, this is
the executive floor.

It should be organized,
but it's not,

so you'll find
account executives

and creative executives
all mixed in together.

- Please don't ask me the difference.
- Great.

Hopefully, if you follow my lead,
you can avoid some of the mistakes

I've made here.

- Hello, Joan.
- Like that one.

- So how many trains did it take you?
- Only one, but I got up very early.

In a couple of years,
with the right moves,

you'll be in the city
with the rest of us.

Of course,
if you really make the right moves,

you'll be out in the country,
and you won't be going to work at all.

You'll be here
just across the aisle from me.

We'll both take care of Mr. Draper
for the time being.

I don't know what your goals are,

but don't overdo it with the perfume.

Keep a fifth of something
in your desk.

Mr. Draper drinks dry.

Also, invest in some
aspirin, Band-Aids,

and a needle and thread.

Rye is Canadian, right?

You better find out.

He may act like
he wants a secretary,

but most of the time,
they're looking for something

between a mother and a waitress.

And the rest
of the time, well...

Go home,
take a paper bag,

and cut some eyeholes
out of it.

Put it over your head,
get undressed,

and look at yourself
in the mirror.

Really evaluate
where your strengths

and weaknesses are,
and be honest.

I always try to be honest.

Good for you.

Now, try not to be overwhelmed
by all this technology.

It looks complicated,

but the men who designed it made it
simple enough for a woman to use.

I sure hope so.

At lunch, pick up
a box of chocolates,

a dozen carnations,
and some bath salts.

- I'll explain later.
- Thank you, Miss Holloway.

You're really wonderful for looking out
for me this way.

It's Joan.

And listen,
don't take this

the wrong way,
but a girl like you,

with those darling
little ankles,

I'd find a way
to make 'em sing.

Also, men love scarves.

Good morning, Mr. Draper.

Oh! And Mr. Sterling.

How are you?

Morning, girls.

You look like a hundred bucks.
Long night?

It's not this
tobacco thing, is it?

It's been on my mind.

Yeah, well,
I should hope so.

Lee Garner, his father,
the whole Lucky Strike family

will be here at .

You worried?


If I was worried,
I'd ask you what you've got,

but I'm not, so I'm just going to assume
you've got something,

which means you should be worried.

So you came here because you wanted
to watch me get dressed?

No, I wanted to make sure
you were here.

In body. Give me
about a half hour

for the rest of it.


How do I put this?

Have we
ever hired any Jews?

Not on my watch.

That's very funny.
It's not what I meant.

We've got an Italian.

Salvatore, my art director.

That won't work.

Most of the Jewish guys
work for the Jewish firms.

Yeah, I know.

Selling Jewish products
to Jewish people.

That's very good.

It's just that our :
is with Menken's Department Store

and I wish we had someone to make them
feel... comfortable.

Want me to run to the deli
and grab somebody?

You missed a button.

Ah. Look at you, Gidget.

Still trying
to fill out that bikini?

Summer's coming.

Without the medical claims,
all we have is a white box

with a red spot on it.

My neighbor posed for that.

Believe me, he always
looks very relaxed.

Of course,
he doesn't smoke.

Had him hold a pencil.

If I know these guys, you're better off
with a little sex appeal.

Can you give me a woman
in a bathing suit,

put her next to your guy?

A sexy girl?

I can do that.

Give you a chance to get a real model.

Oh, I love my work.

Speaking of sexy girls,
are you going to Pete's

bachelor party?

I'm not really big
on those things.

Tell me about it.

It's so embarrassing.

If a girl's gonna shake it in my face,

I want to be alone
so I can do something.

Should we drink before
the meeting or after?

Or both?

So... that's it, huh?


Don't be short with me.

You're the writer.

I thought
it was worth a try.

Greta Guttman
is here to see you.

- Send her in.
- Oh, great.

Now we get to hear from
our man in research.

Mr. Draper, Mr. Romano,
you both seemed more relaxed

than I expected.

Do you have some kind of surprise
for the tobacco people?

I'm doing
my own research.

If you're planning to continue with
medical testimony,

you'll only be inviting
further government interference.

We must police ourselves.

- There's your slogan.
- The medical thing is dead.

- We understand that.
- Yes, dead.

An apt choice of words,
considering the public

is convinced
that cigarettes are poisonous.

If we can't insist that they're not,

I believe my most recent surveys
have provided a solution.

We can still suggest that cigarettes
are part of American life,

or too good to give up,

or, most appealing,
an assertion of independence.

So, basically, if you love danger,
you'll love smoking.

We can put a skull
and crossbones on the label.

I love it.

Before the w*r,
when I studied

with Adler in Vienna,
we postulated

that what Freud called
the death wish

is as powerful a drive
as those for

sexual reproduction
and physical sustenance.

Freud, you say?

What agency is he with?

We're supposed
to believe

that people are all
living one way

and secretly thinking
the exact opposite?

That's ridiculous.

Let me tell you something,
Miss Guttman...


Dr. Guttman.

Psychology might be great
at cocktail parties,

but it so happens that people
were buying cigarettes

before Freud was born.

The issue here isn't
why should people smoke.

It's why should people
smoke Lucky Strike.

that our customers have a...

What did you call it?

A death wish?

I just don't see that
on a billboard.

So what if Reader's Digest
says they're dangerous?

They also said Bambi was
the book of the century.

There's no proof.

There's conclusive proof
that none of these

low-tar, low-nicotine,
or filtration systems

have any effect
on the incidences

of lung cancer.

Just give me the damn report.

I think you'll find it
very convincing.

I'm sure I will.

You're the one who found all of our
medical testimonials in the first place.

- That's true, Mr. Drape but I...
- Has anyone else seen this?

Of course not.
It's your account.


I don't want to hear
about it anymore.

I'm sorry. I just find
your whole approach perverse.

Good luck at the meeting.

I'm sure it will be a quick one.

Sal, I'll take that drink now.

Mr. Draper.

Excuse me.

Mr. Draper.

I'm sorry to wake you,
but Mr. Campbell is outside.

He doesn't know
I'm sleeping in here, does he?

- No, sir.
- That's good.

Who are you?

I'm Peggy Olson.
The new girl.

Can you go out there
and entertain him?

I know it's my first day

and I don't want to seem uncooperative,
but do I have to?

I see your point.

I brought you some aspirin.

Send him in.

You look like
a hundred bucks.

Ready to go sweet-talk
some retail Jews?

You are tough to take
first thing in the morning, Pete.

I've never
had any complaints.

Speaking of which,
who's your little friend here?

She's the new girl.

You always
get the new girl.

gets all the perks.

Where are you from,

Miss Deaver's
Secretarial School.

Top notch.

But I meant where are you from?
Are you Amish or something?

No. I'm from Brooklyn.

Well, you're in the city now.

It wouldn't be a sin
for us to see your legs.

If you pull your waist in,
you might look like a woman.

Is that all, Mr. Draper?

Hey, I'm not done here.

I'm working my way up.

That will be all.

Peggy, right?


Oh, and it's time
for your : meeting.

Oh, and sorry about
Mr. Campbell here.

He left his manners back
at the fraternity house.

She's a little young
for you, Draper.

The future Mrs. Pete Campbell
is a very lucky woman.

- When's the wedding again?
- Sunday.

Did Ken tell you about the bachelor
party tonight?

He sure did.

So do I get
first crack at her?

Word is she took down more
sailors than The Arizona.

How old are you, Pete?

I just turned .

I bet the whole world looks like
one great big brassiere strap

just waiting
to be snapped.

You are good
with words, Draper.

Campbell, we're both men here,
so I'm gonna be direct.

Christ, are you already
sleeping with her?

Advertising is
a very small world,

and when you do something
like malign the reputation

of a girl from the steno pool
on her first day,

you make it even smaller.

Keep it up, and even
if you do get my job,

you'll never run this place.

You'll die
in that corner office,

a mid-level executive
with a little bit of hair

who women go home with
out of pity.

Want to know why?

no one will like you.

Oh! Here are our
miracle-workers now.

You know Pete Campbell, of course,

your account executive
if you choose to do business with us.

And this handsome fellow is Don Draper,

the best creative director in New York.

Well, at least the building.

A pleasure to meet you.

- Sorry about that.
- I'm Rachel Menken.

Oh. Uh, sorry.
I was expecting...

You were expecting me to be a man.

My father was, too.

And you are?

Why, Don,
you remember David Cohen

from the art department.

Of course! David.

One of the rising stars
here at Sterling Cooper.

Why don't we make
ourselves comfortable?

Miss Menken,
you can tell us what you have in mind.


That's very subtle.

Isn't that your shirt?

Had to go all the way to the mailroom,
but I found one.

So you must be Peggy Olson.

Joan Holloway sent you over.

She's a great girl.
How is Joan?

She sends her regards.

She's a lot of fun.

Must be a scream
to work with her.

Yes, it's pretty

Try to make yourself


I see from your chart,
and your finger,

that you're not married.

That's right.

And yet you're interested
in the contraceptive pills.

Well, I was...

No reason to be nervous.

Joan sent you to me
because I'm not here to judge you.

There's nothing wrong
with a woman being practical

about the possibility
of sexual activity.

Spread your knees.

That's good to hear.

Although, as a doctor,
I'd like to think

that putting a woman
in this situation

is not gonna turn her
into some kind of strumpet.

Slide your fanny toward me.
I'm not gonna bite.

I'll warn you now,
I will take you off this

medicine if you abuse it.

It's for your own good,

The fact is,
even in our modern times,

easy women
don't find husbands.

I understand,
Dr. Emerson.

I really am a very
responsible person.

I'm sure you're not
that kind of girl.

Now, Joan...

I'm just kidding along here.
You can get dressed.

I'm gonna write you
a prescription for Enovid.

They're $ a month,
but don't think

you have to go out
and become the town pump

just to get
your money's worth.

Excuse my French.

So what Don is saying
is that through

a variety of media,
including a spot during

The Danny Thomas Show,
if you can afford it,

we could really boost

Then, a % off coupon
in select ladies' magazines

will increase your
first-time visitors.

Once we get them
into the store,

the rest...

is kind of up to you.

Mr. Draper, our store
is years old.

We share a wall
with Tiffany's.

Honestly, a coupon?

Miss Menken, coupons work.

I think your father would
agree with the strategy.

He might, but he's not here because
we just had our lowest sales year ever.

So I suppose
what I think

matters most right now.

Miss Menken,
why did you come here?

There are a dozen
other agencies

better suited
to your... needs.

If I wanted some man
who happened to be from the same...

village as my father
to manage my account,

I could have stayed
where I was.

Their research favors
coupons, too.

It's not just research,
Miss Menken.

Housewives love coupons.

I'm not interested
in housewives.

What kind of people
do you want?

I want your kind of
people, Mr. Draper:

people who don't care about coupons,
whether or not they can afford it.

People who are coming to the store
because it is expensive.

We obviously have
very different ideas.

Yes, like the customer
is always right.

Gentlemen, I really thought
you could do better than this.

Sterling Cooper has a reputation
for being innovative.

Miss, you are way out of line.

Don, please. Let's
not get emotional here.

There's no reason
we can't talk this out.

Talk out what? This silly idea
that people are gonna come

to some store they've never been to
because it's more expensive?

It works for Chanel.

Menken's is not Chanel.

That's a vote of confidence.

What Don's saying is,
Chanel is a very

different kind of place.

It's French,
it's continental, it's...

Not just another
Jewish department store?


You were right, Roger.
This place really runs on charm.

This is ridiculous.

I'm not gonna let a woman
talk to me like this.

This meeting is over.
Good luck, Miss Menken.

Hey, Don,
I don't blame you.

She was way out of line.

Adding money and education

doesn't take the rude
edge out of people.

Roger's not gonna be happy,
so I guess that's good for you.

I'm not gonna pretend
I don't want your job,

but you were right.
I'm not great with people,

and you are. I mean, not counting
that meeting we were just in.

So I'm kind of counting
on you to help me out.

There's plenty of room at the top.

Look, I'm sorry
I was so hard on you before.

It's just this damn
tobacco thing.

You'll think of something.

A man like you
I'd follow into combat blindfolded,

and I wouldn't be the first.

Am I right, buddy?

Let's take it a little slower.

I don't want to wake up pregnant.

Dr. Emerson's a dream, isn't he?

He seemed nice.

He has a place
in South Hampton.

I'm not saying
that I've seen it,

but it's beautiful.

Now, don't be nervous,
but this is

the nerve center
of the office.

You and your boss rely
on the willing and

cheerful cooperation
of a few

skilled employees.

Never snap, yell, or be
sarcastic with them.

And above all,
always be a supplicant.

I know you girls are busy,
but we've got a new one.

Peggy, this is Marge,
Nanette, and Ivy.

I brought you some things.

I guess a sort of
"getting to know you" gift.

Well, aren't you
a sweetheart.

If I know Joan,
the candy's for me.

Joan, you're not fair.

You know
she has to lose pounds

by the Christmas party.

I think you look great.

That's because
I'm sitting down.

You can come back and visit
any time you want, honey.

Who does she work for?

Don Draper.

They got rid
of Eleanor?

She moved on.

Draper wasn't interested.

Well, she couldn't
get a call through.

Rude little thing.

I see that you've got
your hands full.

Don't want to be
a bother.

Nice meeting you.

you have great legs.

I bet you Mr. Draper would like them
if he could see them.

Sterling Cooper.
How may I direct your call?

I just don't know
what we have to do

to make these government
interlopers happy.

They tell us to make
a safer cigarette,

we do it,
and then suddenly

that's not good enough.

Might as well be
living in Russia.

Mm. Damn straight.

You know, this morning
I got a call

from my competitors
at Brown & Williamson,

and they're getting sued
by the federal government

because of the health claims they made.

Yeah, we're aware of that, Mr. Garner,

but you have to realize that through
the manipulation of the mass media,

the public is under the impression
that your cigarettes are linked to...

certain fatal diseases.

Manipulation of the media?

that's what I pay you for.

Our product is fine.

I smoke 'em myself.

My granddad smoked 'em.

He died at years old.

He was hit by a truck.

I understand.
But our hands are tied.

We're no longer allowed to advertise
that Lucky Strikes are safe.

What the hell
are we gonna do?

We've already funded
our own tobacco

research center
to put this whole

rumor to rest.

And that's
a very good start.

But it may not
affect sales.

Don, I think maybe
that's your cue.

Well, uh...

I have been, uh...

thinking quite a bit
about this,

and, uh...

I mean, you know I'm a
Lucky Strike man from way back, so...

I might have a solution.

At Sterling Cooper,
we've been pioneering

the burgeoning field
of research,

and our analysis shows
that the health risks

associated with your product
is not the end of the world.

People get in their cars
every day to go to work,

and some of them die.

Cars are dangerous.

There's nothing
you can do about it.

You still have to get
where you're going.

Cigarettes are exactly the same,

so why don't we simply say,

"So what if cigarettes are dangerous?

"You're a man.

"The world is dangerous.

"Smoke your cigarette.

You still have to get
where you're going. "

That's very interesting.

I mean, if cigarettes
were dangerous,

- it would be interesting.
- Except they aren't.

That's your slogan?

"You're going to die anyway.
Die with us"?

Actually, it's a fairly well-established

psychological principle
that society has a death wish,

and if we could
just tap into that,

the market potential is...

What the hell are you
talking about?

Are you insane?

I'm not
selling r*fles here.

I'm in the tobacco

We're selling America.

The Indian gave it to us, for shit sake.

Come on, Dad.

Let's get out of here.

The bright spot is,
at least we know

if we
have this problem,

has this problem.

Gentlemen, before you leave,
can I just say something?

I don't know, Don. Can you?

The Federal Trade Commission
and Reader's Digest

have done you a favor.

They've let you know that any ad
that brings up the concept of cigarettes

and health together...

well, it's just gonna
make people think of cancer.

Yes, and we're
grateful to them.

But what Lee, Jr.,
said is right.

If you can't make
those health claims,

can your competitors.

So we've got
a lot of people

not saying anything
that sells cigarettes.

Not exactly.

This is the greatest
advertising opportunity

since the invention
of cereal.

We have six identical companies
making six identical products.

We can say anything we want.

How do you
make your cigarettes?

I don't know.

Shame on you.

We breed insect-repellent
tobacco seeds,

plant them in
the North Carolina

grow it, cut it,

cure it, toast it...

There you go. There you go.

But everybody else's
tobacco is toasted.

No. Everybody else's
tobacco is poisonous.

Lucky Strike...

is toasted.

I don't think I have to tell you

what you just witnessed here.

I think you do.

is based on one thing:


And you know what happiness is?

is the smell of a new car.

It's freedom from fear.

It's a billboard
on the side of the road

that screams with reassurance
that whatever you're doing...

it's okay.

You are okay.

It's toasted.

I get it.

You had me worried.

I don't know if you were drunk

or not drunk,
but that was inspired.

For the record,
I pulled it out of thin air,

so thank you, up there.

You're looking
in the wrong direction.

So now that I've got you
in the afterglow here,

what do you say you reconsider
this presidential campaign?

I don't know.
Bunting and babies?

That's hard work.

I would make hash of it.

That's adorable.

Consider the product:
he's young, handsome,

Navy hero.

Honestly, it shouldn't be too difficult

to convince America
d*ck Nixon is a winner.

Mr. Draper,
you've got visitors.

Could you be a little
more specific, honey?

We heard
you saved the day.

Aw, thank you, boys.

I appreciate it.

I told them
how amazing you were.

I'm still tingling.

Looks like you're all going to engage
in a little mid-level camaraderie,

so I'll be on my way.
Don, thanks again for the home run.

I love to come through.

Any chance you could patch things up
with Rachel Menken?

Any way you can be as charming
as I said you were?

Haven't you had enough of my magic
for one day?

She's worth $ million.

You're a whore.


Could she get us a little more ice?

Yes, Mr. Draper?

Just a minute.

Fellas, I think this party's gonna
have to move elsewhere.

We'll move wherever you want,
but it's : .

The bachelor party's underway.

I don't know.

Oh, come on, Don.
All hands on deck.

Aren't you gonna help
give Pete his big sendoff?

Maybe next time.

Come on, guys.
Don will join us later, right?

If Greta's research
was any good,

I would have used it.

What are you
talking about?

I'm saying
I had a report

just like that.

And it's not like there's
some magic machine

that makes identical
copies of things.

I still think
she was right.

Have a great night, Pete.


I heard you were
amazing in the meeting.

Fear stimulates
my imagination.

I just wanted to thank you
for a great first day,

and for, you know...

standing up for me
with Mr. Campbell.

First of all, Peggy,
I'm your boss,

not your boyfriend.

Second of all,
you ever let Pete Campbell

go through my trash again,

and you won't be able to find a job
selling sandwiches in Penn Station.

He said he left
his fountain pen in here.

I didn't know.

I hope you don't think
I'm that kind of girl.

Of course not.

Go home.

Put your curlers in.

We'll get a fresh start

Oh. And, Peggy,
I need you

to place a call.

I want to see you here every minutes,
whether you have drinks or not.

Uh, every five minutes.

Let's live here.

Better do more
than look tonight.

Do you have a girlfriend,

Come on. I'm Italian.

Is there some kind
of party here?

How did you swing it?

They work at the Automat.

He pressed a button,
and they came out.

I do hope we're not
interrupting anything.

Definitely not.

Well, I have the best seat.

What are we drinking?

More of whatever's making you
the way you are.

I love this place.

It's hot, loud,
and filled with men.

I know what you mean.

Oh, my God. I can
hardly feel it.

I have a feeling you're
like this all the time.

I like to laugh.

Is that right?

you stop that.

You said you like
to laugh.

I mean it.

It's... It's too...

Too delicious.

I said stop it.

- What do you think you're doing?
- You know exactly.

You know what, girls?
I think we should go.

Oh, come on.

You're hurting me.

I'll be good.

Buy the girls whatever they want.

So, uh, what do you fellas do?

You're looking at the finest
ad men in New York.

Hell, the world.

For the lady, a special Mai Tai,

and one whiskey neat.

So you're going
to ply me with drinks

and convince me
what a terrible mistake I'm making.

That is quite a drink.

You got in trouble,
didn't you?

I shouldn't
have lost my temper,

and I certainly
shouldn't have treated you

like anything
less than a client.

Apology accepted.

So you understand.

Now I do.

It was, uh,
refreshing, really.

I mean, actually
hearing all the things

I always assumed
people were thinking.

Well, I'm not really
as bad as all that.

I was under
a lot of pressure.

Another account.

Doesn't really matter.

No, it doesn't.

So, without
making things worse,

can I ask you
a personal question?

Don't you want to get
a second drink in me first?

Why aren't you married?

Are you asking
what's wrong with me?

It's just that you're
a beautiful, educated woman.

Don't you think that getting married

and having a family
would make you happier

than all the headaches
that go along with

fighting people like me?

If I weren't a woman,
I would be

allowed to ask you
the same question,

and if I weren't a woman,
I wouldn't have to choose

between putting on an apron

and the thrill
of making my father's store

what I always thought it should be.

So that's it.
You won't get married because

you find business to be a thrill.

That and...

I've never been in love.

She won't get married
because she's never been in love.

I think I wrote that
once to sell nylons.

For a lot of people,
love isn't just a slogan.

Oh, you mean love.

You mean the big
lightning bolt to the heart

where you can't eat
and you can't work

and you just run off
and get married

and make babies.

The reason
you haven't felt it

is because
it doesn't exist.

What you call love
was invented by guys like me

to sell nylons.

Is that right?

I'm pretty sure
about it.

You're born alone,
and you die alone,

and this world just drops
a bunch of rules on you

to make you
forget those facts,

but I never forget.

I'm living like there's
no tomorrow...

because there isn't one.

I don't think I realized
until this moment,

but it must be hard
being a man, too.

Excuse me?

- Mr. Draper...
- Don.

Mr. Draper, I don't know
what it is you really believe in,

but I do know
what it feels like to be out of place,

to be disconnected,

to see the whole world
laid out in front of you

the way other people
live it.

There is something
about you

that tells me
you know it, too.

I don't know if that's true.

You want another drink?


But you can tell your boss
that you charmed me.

So I guess we'll be
seeing each other again.

I'll be back in the office
Monday morning, for a real meeting.

I'd like that.

We're not buying anything.

for the first time today,

I'm not selling anything.

Does Peggy live here?

Hold on.

Do you know him?

It's okay, Marjorie.
We work together.

He's really drunk.

It's okay, Marjorie.


what are you doing?

Nothing. Just, uh, sitting in my room
listening to records.

I'm getting married
on Sunday.

I heard that.

You must think I'm a creep.

Why are you here?

I wanted to see you tonight.


I had to see you.


Yeah, Peg?

I'm going
to bed now.

I called the office.

They said you'd left.

I didn't want
to bother you.

It's no bother.

I just assumed
you were staying

in the city again.

There's a plate
in the oven.

you're not hungry.

I'm not.

I'll be right back.

Don't move.
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