01x19 - Quest for He-man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". Aired: September 5, 1983 - 1985.*
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The most powerful man in the universe, He-Man, holds up his sword to Skeletor saving the planet from evil forces.
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01x19 - Quest for He-man

Post by bunniefuu »


And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

They've seen us.

Good! If He-Man is at the palace,
we'll draw him out for sure.

It's Tri-Klops.

And Trap Jaw.

By the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Mind if I tag along?

Alright, but hang on tight.

If we can just get his engine,
we can force him to land.

Fire away, He-Man.

I've seen every move
long before you make it.

You can see everything, Tri-Klops...

except what's right in front of you.


Hold it!

Unless you want me to use this freeze

ray, you'll come quietly?

After all this trouble,

Skeletor's plan had better work.

It's Trap Jaw.

You forgot about me, didn't ya?

Here's where I give you the hook, Trap Jaw.

Here I am, hero. Come and get me.

I'll go easy on you, He-Man,

your sword against my energy bow.

Whatever you say, metal-mouth.

What is this?


I'll go after him.

Let him go. I have what I came for.

At long last, my revenge

against He-Man will be complete.

It's Skeletor. I should have known.

Your mistake will cost you dearly,

old enemy.

I'm about to rid Eternia of

your hated presence forever.

You'll feel nothing, He-Man.

But you will no longer be a problem to me.

By the powers of darkness, evil and fear,

I command He-Man's memory to now disappear.

Oh no. What have they done?

Doorway, now prove that Skeletor is clever.

Sweep He-Man inside you
and hold him forever!

Hey, w-w-where did he go?

To the Crossroads of all Universes...

where he is destined to spend
the rest of his days...

wandering an alien world.

Not knowing who he is
or where he came from.

And now...


Stay right where you are.

Let me take care of them.

Oh, no, you don't.

We've done what we came to do. Let's go.

Skeletor. Evil-Lyn!
Hey... hey what about me?

Don't get any smart ideas
about biting through the bars,

because they're electrically charged.

That takes care of Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops

but what about He-Man?

I'm going with Orko and the
others to speak to the Sorceress.

Frankly, Skeletor's spell might
even be beyond her powers.

It is a most difficult problem, my friends.

With all the vast number of
worlds that make up the universe.

Finding the one He-Man landed
on would be, virtually impossible.

There must be something we can do?

Well, there is one being I know who...

observes all that happens in the cosmos.

Only he could point the way to He-Man, now.

Zodac, rider of the Cosmic spaceways,

appear for us. We need you.

My thanks Zodac, for coming so quickly.

With the fate of Eternia's
champion at stake.

I could do no less.

Gee, Mr. Zodac.

Sir, could you really bring back He-Man?

Though I observe all that

happens in the cosmos, Orko.

I cannot use my powers to change things.

I can, however, give you this.

The wand will work with your
magic and will guide you.

I can tell you no more than that.

You mean we have to depend on Orko's magic?

We're doomed.

Orko, Cringer and Ram-Man
must make the journey.

You will be needed here, Man-At-Arms.
-I understand.

Now hurry, my friends.

I sense He-Man is in great danger.

Where... where am I?

What am I doing with this?

Wait, don't run away.
What are you creatures?

Stop, what are you doing?
You must be one of Plundor's evil g*ons.

Well, I know how to deal with you, monster.

I went easy on you this time.
But If I ever see you...

harming another Shminavit.

But I've never seen those
creatures before, I ...

I don't even know where I am.

And I suppose you're not one of
Plundor's hench-thugs, hmm... ?

No, I, I don't know who I am.

You remind me of someone...

Someone I knew back, on...

Now that you mention it, you do
look like a stranger to these parts.

Why don't you come with me?
And we'll see

if we can figure out where you belong.


So that whiny do-gooder, Gleedil,

has found herself a new friend.

He's a powerful looking

brute, whatever he is.

Such a creature might

be of great use to me.

Me, Plundor the spoiler.

N-n-n-no, I'm not going.

Ah c'mon, you big 'fraidy cat.

But I hate going through the time corridor.

It's He-Man's only chance, my friends.
Good luck.

Remember little one, He-Man will

not know you when you find him.

Tell him to talk of home and
perhaps it will help him remember.

Talk of home? I got it.

I think.

But I get travel sick when I time-travel.

Farewell, my friends.

Hey. This is fun.

Let me out! I wanna go home.

Relax, Cringer.

We probably won't meet anything more

dangerous than a rabbit...
I hope.

This is the only way to fly.

Woo-woah, I think I'm getting travel sick.

Look, guys, Zodac's wand is

glowing, we must be close to He-Man.

Hang on!


Oh, I thought we cats
always landed on our feet.

We're here.

Uh, wherever here is.

Hey guys,

look at that swell
backscratcher someone lost.

That's no backscratcher,
it's He-Man's sword!

Can you follow his scent?

I-I got a little cold,
but I'll give it a try.

-Do you live here? -Yes.

This planet is called Trannis.

My name is Gleedil, I look after
the animals that live here...

what's left of them, anyway.

What happened?

Once, Trannis was a beautiful green world.

But that was before, Plundor took over.

He used his evil machines to cut

down the forests and spoil the rivers.

With their homes and water gone,
the animals had to move on.

Some of the animals d*ed out completely,

thanks to Plundor's destruction.

These pictures are, all thats left of them.

This one reminds me of...

Plundor's droids!

How did I do that?

No... no.

Sleep smoke.

Duh, still no other sign of He-Man.

This planet is so dirty I
can hardly smell anything.

We've just gotta find him.

It's a... it's a m-monster.

I don't think this friendly
pooch would hurt anyone...

in fact maybe you can ask
him, if he's seen He-Man, Cringer.

Grr? Growl?


He says his mistress and He-Man...

were taken away by a giant robot.

Rise and shine. Time to get up.

Greetings, stranger...

I'm Plundor, the rightful ruler of Trannis.

The rightful destroyer, you mean.

Oh, since you don't like what I've

done to the outside, Gleedil...

you'll be happy to know...

I've got a lovely spot
picked out for you in my dungeon.

You don't have to
share Gleedil's fate, stranger.

Oh, how would you like to help me...

become the richest man in the universe.

What do you mean?

Ah, in this container is the
life force of this planet.

Using my evil powers, I've turned
it, into a magic liquid...

which I can sell for millions.

Even billions.

I'll make a fortune.

You'll destroy a whole world
just for wealth and treasures?

I'd do anything for that.

He.. He says, He-Man is
inside that frightening place.

Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's knock him outta there.

No, Ram-Man.

We gotta play it smart.

Sneak up on 'em...

and take 'em by surprise.



Well, stranger.
What is your answer going to be?

I could use those muscles of yours.

I may not remember where I came
from, or even what my name is...

but I know what you're doing
to this world is wrong.

Oh, then you and Gleedil can both

stay in my dungeon, forever.

Ah! What's happening?

He-Man! Look. It's us.


Oh, my robot guards will
take care of you intruders.

can't you remember anything?

Do I know you?

Zodac said, I should talk of home,

and your memory might come back?

But I, I can't remember where my home is.

I'll take care o' these guys.

Speak of home. Speak of home.

Of course. Where else would
you be more at home, than...

Castle Grayskull! Quick, follow me.

Help... help!

Now hold the sword up and say:

By the power of Grayskull.

By the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!


Hurray! the power of Grayskull
brought your memory back.

Now, let's go to work.
We need your help.

Those aliens are turning my robots to junk!

But they won't get my magic liquid.

If I can't get rich from my magic liquid...

then nobody will have it.

Time to get off this joyride.

Thanks to you, He-Man.

Our world is pure and clean again...

and once Plundor's evil
factory is destroyed...

your planet should be
totally back to normal.

As a matter of fact,
I have an unwilling volunteer...

working on that right now.

That reminds me,
we have a score to settle...

with an old friend named
Skeletor, back on our world.

Is the time corridor
ready for Eternia, Orko?

All set. Where's Ram-Man?

I'll say one thing for these guys.

They sure know how to have fun.

C'mon, friends.

Let's go home.

In today's story,
He-Man came to the aid of a planet...

whose natural resources were being wasted.

this same waste is happening now...

and not on a distant planet,
but right here on Earth.

We must respect the plants and
animals before they disappear,

as some species already have.

There's beauty all around us. Protect it,

before it's too late.
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