01x13 - Like Father, Like Daughter

Episode transcripts for the TV show "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". Aired: September 5, 1983 - 1985.*
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The most powerful man in the universe, He-Man, holds up his sword to Skeletor saving the planet from evil forces.
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01x13 - Like Father, Like Daughter

Post by bunniefuu »


And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

You sent for me?

Are you ready?

Oh I'm ready.

...and the army?

The army awaits my command.

No, my command.

Oh yeah, of course!

Well, I hope He-Man tries to stop
us, because this time...

we will crush him!

There, that should hold him.

He won't be able to get out of that.

Well, it looks like you've done it
again, Man-At-Arms...

He-Man could put this to good use.

Right, Father, I'm sure he could.

Is that it?
Can I go now?

Go ahead and try, Orko.

You weren't supposed to be able to do that.

The Lasso should have held you
until we released the controls.

Well. Looks like you,
better get back to the drawing board,huh?

Maybe if we changed the diode output.

No, I think it's the
oscillating frequency, Teela.

Well, I'm sure you can
get this invention...

this Lasso, to work.

Absolutely, if...

we adjust this knob over here,
that will control the radiation flow.

Well, this is all very interesting,
but, you'll have to excuse me.

Have fun with the Lasso.
I... have an important appointment.

Important? Hah! I'll bet.

Why can't Prince Adam show some
interest in something other than fun,

fun, fun!

I wish... he would.

Come on, Cringer.

We have some work ahead of us.
The Sorceress wants to see us.

Oh, I just hope it's not dangerous.

By the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Lets go, Battle Cat! To Castle Grayskull.

[shouting] What are we waiting for?

We came as quickly as we could.

I knew you would. There's no time to lose.

Skeletor has a new scheme
that threatens Eternia.

You must go to the region of Stardica,

but the only thing in Stardica
is the old fortress that...

hasn't been used in years.

Until now.

Skeletor has Trap Jaw and
Beast Man assembling a huge army...

to take over Eternia...

and ultimately Castle
Grayskull and its secrets.

I'll ask Man-At-Arms to join me.

That is wise. But be careful.

Things are not always, what they seem.

I'll do my best.

I agree with you, Teela.

The problem with the Lasso must be in
the electromagnetic radiation output.

We have to adjust the wavelengths.
Make them shorter.

Like this, father?

Yes, that's fine.

Now if we amplify the
electronic circuits...

creating a circular laser...

Shall I adjust the control knob?

Yes, move it two stops to the right.

Good, Teela. I think we almost have it.
Just a little more work.

I though I'd find you in here, Duncan.


Hello, Teela.

What is it?

It's Skeletor.
He's using Beast Man and Trap Jaw...

on a plan to take over Eternia.

What is his plan?

He is raising some sort of army.
That's what we have to...

find out and stop. Whatever it is.

Yeah, when Skeletor's on
the move, there's no time to lose.

Then, let's go.

No Teela, I want you to
finish working on the Lasso.

But, Father,
my place is with you and He-Man!

You'll be of much more
help working on the lasso.

Yes, father.

So you really think you and
your friends can stop me, He-Man?

Trap Jaw can make these Serpentoids
as fast as we need them...

and with my strategy,
Beast Man will lead them to victory.

Then I, Skeletor, will rule
Eternia... and soon Castle Grayskull.

My army will stop
He-Man once and for all.

Orko, will you come to
the workshop immediately?

Immediate enough?

Huh? That was fast.

Well, I am a magician, and for you Teela...

I would do... anything!

You're sweet, ahem.

Now, I think I've perfected this
Lasso and I need you to help test it.

Must I?

You said you'd do anything for me.

Oh, sometimes I talk too much.

All right, Teela.
What shall I do?

Float over there, please.

Okay, Orko. Try to get out.

I did it! The Lasso works!

Hmm, no reason I shouldn't
join my father and He-Man...

now that I've fixed the Lasso, is there?

After all, the Lasso might
be of great use to them.

Uh Teela, would you get me out of
this, please?

Uh, oh, sure. Just a sec.

Trap Jaw and Beast Man
could be pretty tricky...

especially when Skeletor's
calling the sh*ts.

Uh... Teela?

Oh, Orko! Hold on. I'll let you out.

[sigh] The things I do for you!

There's no sign of
anyone, much less an army.

They're around here, somewhere.
And we have to find them.

I don't even see any guards.

That is strange.

We better split up.

You check over there.

Stand Back!

Duncan, try to get back to the Sky-Sled.

It's time to send your...

Friend, for
Man-At-Arms, Beast Man.

Yes, Skeletor.


Beast Man,
command you to do my bidding.

and do it now!

Good, Beast Man!

My plan, is working... perfectly.

Hand on, Battle Cat.

He-Man, help. Help!


Beast Man must be behind this.

But what does Skeletor have in mind?

I'll get to the bottom of this.

Glad you could drop in, Man-At-Arms!

I'm, I'm sorry I don't feel the
same, Beast Man.

Forget it. You won't not need this.

You won't need anything.

Trap Jaw.

Yes, Skeletor.

He-Man has taken the bait.
He's coming to rescue Man-At-Arms.

Get ready to release our army.

I'm ready.

I do not understand it.

Why isn't the fortress defended?

I don't know,

and we still haven't seen any of
Skeletor's so-called unstoppable army.

That only puts me more on guard.

Let's go.

Good going, Battle Cat.

Where's that coming from?

Looks like he...

or should I say they have
just answered your question.

C'mon, Battle Cat.

No, you don't.

Oh! Would you like to dance?

There's another one,
Battle Cat, over there.

Look, it's a machine.

The Sorceress warned us that things
aren't always what they seem,

and she was right.

I wonder what other tricks
Skeletor has up his sleeve.

Just wait, He-Man.

Ah, the fun has just begun!

Get them, my little beauties.

So this is the Masters' unstoppable army.

Well, we can take care of
them, right, Battle Cat?

These, these creatures are showing
up faster than we can stop them.

This reminds me of a game
my mother told me about.

It was called: bowling.



C'mon, Battle Cat.

That's right, He-Man.
Keep fighting,

but I can put out more
Serpentoids, than you can handle.

Ah! Finally, He-Man.

Even you can't stop us.

I'm not through yet.

He-Man! Over here.

Catch, He-Man.
The Laser Lasso works now.

This won't do you any good
now, He-Man.

Teela, how do I...

Just turn the knob on the right
to increase the force field.

We don't have any time to lose,

and I think they're mass
producing these Serpentoids.

You can stop the production
with your Freeze Ray, Teela.

But where's my father?

He was captured by one
of Beast Man's creatures,

and I'm not leaving until
I find him safe and sound.

Battle Cat, c'mon, let's go!

In here.

Hold it right there, Trap Jaw.

That'll do it!

Not so fast, Teela, you can't stop us.

You idiots!

If I'm not there,
nothing is done right.

Return, Trap Jaw,
and you, Beast Man...

to Snake Mountain. Immediately.

You haven't won yet, He-Man.

Your precious Man-At-Arms is
still in my not-so-safe keeping.

My father?

Now why don't you just try to find him?

This scanner can detect any life force.

I'm picking up something.

That's the mountain.

What's that?

Fools, you've set the
self-destructive mechanism.

It was designed to keep out intruders.

Now it may keep, Man-At-Arms, in.

He-Man, in here.

Over here.

We're coming.

Where's the destruction device?

Right, next to me.

Thank you, He-Man.

Phew, that was a little
too close for comfort.

There's just one more matter to clear up.

I better dismantle what's
left of Skeletor's army.

So, when I got the Lasso to work,
I decided to follow you and He-Man.

Oh no. Not me again.

Hey, what's going on?

I'm sure you wouldn't be interested.

Oh, don't be so sure.

You know, Teela, sometimes things
aren't always what they seem.

In today's story...

I asked my father for permisson
to do something I wanted to do.

When he didn't give it to
me, I did it anyway.

I was lucky. Nothing happened to
me, but it could have.

Now maybe mothers and fathers
aren't always right...

but if they don't always let
us do something we want to do,

there's generally a pretty good reason.

All in all, I think it's
pretty nice to have someone...

who's always trying to
do what's best for us...

And who loves us enought to say 'no' when
it would be much easier to say 'yes'.
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