09x08 - First Snowball

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x08 - First Snowball

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

What's the appeal process?

A promise:
you must give me

you word that you will
never treat patients.


Then you will fail,
Mr. Nathan.

You called the M.P.s?

You are under arrest

for unauthorized absence from
the United States Air Force.

Lock me up,
and throw away the key.

Eric's been a bad boy.

Thanks a lot,
Abby, thank you!

It's Sergeant Eric Wyczenski.

Whiskey, Yankee,
Charlie, Zulu

Echo, November,
Sierra, Kilo, India.


Yeah, hold on.

Do you know
his squadron number?

I don't know.

I'm not sure.

You don't have
a central directory?

Johnny's up;
pulled out his hep lock.

Get Connie.
I'm off.

Uh, no, no, no, I'm calling
on behalf of a family member.

No, no, no.

Okay, then, can you transfer me
to the confinement facility?


They don't talk
to family members.

Abby, I'm not going
to lie to them.

I just want to
know where he is!

I said, stop staring!

She offered her cat
a heaping teaspoon...
Get away, freako.

Sine equals...
I said, get away!

Uh, hello. Lieutenant Michael
Gallant, US Army Reserve.

What are you doing?!

Are you deaf?!
I said get away!
Just stop it!

Crazy ret*rd
won't stop staring at us.

Well, he's not hurting anybody.

He smells
like piss, man.

Okay, this way,
come this way.

Can't you keep the
mental cases locked up?

Hey, hey, hey.

He's not at Great Lakes.

What happened?
I kept trying to call you.

I couldn't get any
cell phone signal
on the base.

It's just, it's a law.

It's a rule.
It's a constant.
Sit down...

But they did keep Eric there
on Thursday night.

They told you that?

They held Eric in the brig there
three nights ago

and then transferred
him the next morning.

Transferred him where?

Nebraska. His base.


It might as well
be Manilla.

There's like a hundred
offices on that base.

Is that Army or Air Force?

I was desperate.

I thought he could
use m*llitary lingo
or something on them.

Great, thanks.

Okay, so they gave me
the number

to the 55th Wing
Judge Advocate's Office.

I left five
voice mails there.

They're closed
all weekend.

Oh, did you get the name
of his attorney?

I can call back.
No, that's okay.
Thank you.

I'm just going
to go there.

I'm just
going to go there.

Okay, all right,
why don't we do this.

Why don't I call the travel
agent and see if we can book

a mid-day flight
out for tomorrow?

I'm going to go tonight.

Well, then you can confirm
he's there.

I've been trying to confirm
where he is

for three-and-a-half days.

Do you even know if there's
a flight out tonight?

Yep, United.
9:30 to Omaha.

My shift just started
five minutes ago.

I can't dump it now.

You don't have to come.

You can't go by yourself.

I usually do this
by myself.

Hold on, let me see
if I can find Chen
to cover for me.

She left five minutes ago.

Do you even know how
to get on to a m*llitary base?

I don't know, there must
be a visitors' center.

You have to have a sponsor.

I'll figure it out.

You should at least take
Gallant with you.

Yeah, that's exactly what
I need, a med student.

Well, to us he's a med student;
to them he's an officer.

I'm sure he has
better things to do.

He's been on a base before

like you said,
he speaks the lingo.

Can you...
call me a cab please?

Maybe a few
T-shirts there.

just pick out anything
that doesn't look like
I slept in it.

What about toiletries?
Toothbrush, toothpaste...

I'll just buy that stuff
when I get out there.

My socks and underwear,
in the second drawer.

Just make sure you pull
them from the top.

'Cause those are my
respectable underwear.

Oh, right, yeah, yeah.
Were they open?

Yeah, just made it.


Dry cleaner.
My uniform.

Thought it might help.

You don't have
to do this, Gallant.

Never been to Omaha.

What's that?

Internal medicine exam
next week.

Oh, that's great

you coerced a med student
into failing his rotation.

I'm on a 10:00 flight,

I get in at 11:30.

Just call me
on the cell phone
if you need anything.

When are you
going to sleep?

Just get in the cab.

Thank you.

I'll see you in Nebraska.


( sighs )

Okay, Frank, what do we got?

Four-F with abdominal pain,
Exam Three.

One, two, four, five,
ten, 11

22, 44, 55, 110 equals 284.

Jacob gave Esau 220 goats,
and 220 sheep...

Come on, Johnny.

Let's see if we can
get you something to eat.

Come on, foot.

Come on, come on.

You're saying delayed

but you mean
canceled, right?

Well, how long
does that usually take?

Go ahead.

Can you give me
any kind of estimate?

Go ahead, I got it.

No, I could be here a while.
Go ahead.

Uh-huh. Have they even started
to plow the runways yet?

...must be all.

The sum of all the numbers
should equal the sum

of each of the columns
in each of the rows.

That's part of the magic...
must be equal, must be all.

Sum of the major diagonals

should be equal to
each row and each column.

Uh, that's a little
more tricky

but it can be done

if you know the secret
of the magic.

The sum of any two numbers
geometrically equidistant
from the center...

You okay?

Yeah, it's just worse
when I wake up.

At least you
got some sleep.

Did it just stop snowing?

Yeah, but don't expect
to go anywhere.

I have another
12 hours anyway.

At least they'll
be quiet.

( phone ringing )



Hey. Hang on.

( spits )

Hey, where are you?

Uh, looking for Eric's
commanding officer.

You get on the base?

Yeah, you were right.
Gallant's a fast talker.

I'm looking at one of those
Stealth plane things right now.

Did you, uh, see the news?


No, what happened?

Three feet of snow,
dumped in seven hours.

Carter, I can't hear you.

Three feet of snow

dumped in seven hours
last night.

The airport's closed.

I'm at work.
I can't get my car

out of the
parking garage.

The El shut down.

The El!

Forget it!

Is he there?

Eric... is he there?!

Uh, I-I-I don't know.

Nobody seems to know
anything actually.

And I thought the m*llitary

was supposed to excel
at communication.


Everything all right?

Yeah, I'm, I'm fine.

No, no, not you.

Off the phone!

You're a civilian
in a restricted area.

Get off the phone!

Carter, I'm going
to have to call you back.

Tell her
to get off the phone.

Abby, get off the phone.

Talk to you later.

Uh, sir, your office issued
a visitor's pass

and suggested we look for you
in Hangar 12.

We didn't mean...
That, Lieutenant,
is Hangar 13.


Oh, what?!

Oh, sir.

Wyczenski's sister?


Funny guy.

Popular, too.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel
much responsibility

to this squadron
or the Air Force.

Is he here?

Because nobody is
telling us anything.

Ma'am, I just came off
a 72-hour, live-fire exercise

short one air traffic

But if Sergeant
Wyczenski was apprehended

Wait a minute, aren't you
his commanding officer?

If he was...
You don't know
if he was arrested?

...picked up in Chicago,
he'd be brought here.

Go to your hotel; leave your
number with my office.

My brother is suffering
from a psychiatric disorder.

I'm well aware of the near-miss
depression, ma'am.

No! Bipolar disease.

Manic depression.

He needs to see
a psychiatrist.

He needs to be evaluated
and medicated now.

So wherever he is

wherever you seem to have
lost him, he needs help.

Did you hear that?
We're closed.

City offices.
Read the sign.
We're county.

I see they haven't plowed
the bay yet.

No, they're having some trouble
getting them on the road.

Chuny, Lydia wants to know
since you're stuck here anyway

if you'll take her shift.

Tell her to break out
the shovel.

Hey, repeat troponin's
negative on five.

Send him home with a sled
and some huskies.

It is so quiet.

I know, kind
of freaky, huh?

So you're trying to
rent a snowmobile?


Do they deliver?

I don't know.
I can't even get them
to answer the phone.

Okay, rack is empty.

Triage is clear, and labs are
pending on my only two patients.

So what do I do now?

I don't know.
Go play in the snow.

Hey... Ella.

Oh, please tell me
daycare is open.

Uh, there's a kindergarten
teacher in Exam Four.

My nanny couldn't get
out of her front door

the snow was so high.

what windows are for.

Look, I'm soaked
to my knees.

All we did was walk
from the El.

The El is open?

I wouldn't do that
if I were you.

We're outside.

On an Air Force Base.

What, do you need
clearance to smoke, too?

You can't talk
on a cell phone.

You can't smoke.

You see that truck?


It's jet fuel.

Amy Lockhart?


Lieutenant Ottenson.

I'm your brother's
detailed counsel.

Um, has he been charged
with something?

No, not officially.

Is he acting combative,
or argumentative?

I don't know.
Or delusional.

I haven't seen him yet.

I just got the jacket
this morning.

Okay, can I go in there?

'Cause I really need
to talk to him.

He's not here.
The Judge Advocate...

Just wait a minute!

Wait. His C.O. said
that they took him

to confinement
Friday afternoon.

And transferred to base
hospital Saturday morning.


Oh, my God,
I'm so sorry.

I'm-I'm sorry.

I thought you were Malik.

Do I look like Malik?

Sorry, man, you ain't
that good-looking.

Ooh, what are you doing?

You told me to play in the snow.

You can't let him out-flank you
like that.

Yeah, right.

Commuting on skis.


Skiing to work.

Yeah, I don't live far.

Nice coat.

Goodwill box.

Hey, did you find him?

Abby's brother.

Oh, I'm just going
to try and catch a train

to Midway
and wait for it to open up.

Where are you going?


She's already there.
She left last night.

You didn't go with her?

I had a shift.


I sent Gallant with her.


Yeah. Why?

Carter, we've got
multiples coming in.

Luka's here.

Three criticals:
one adult, two kids.

Some drunk plowed
through a family

making a snowman
in their front yard.

Where's Weaver?

She can't get
her car out.

The El's running.

And it's hard walking
through the snow with a cane.

She's disabled,

( muttering ):
I thought we were closed
to ambulance traffic.

How is anybody
going to get in here anyways?

We'll be doing
a hot unload.

Stay with me.

Always approach
the helicopter
from the front.

It'll be windy
as hell up there

so if anything blows away,
don't chase after it.

It's far too easy to
become disoriented.


You need some help?

I got it.

Your stethoscope
will be useless.

So will your ears
for that matter.

Rely on your
other senses.

Look for chest excursion

feel the pulses,
study the monitor.

Pulse ox, E.C.G.,

they'll tell you all
you need to know

about the clinical status.

Don't even try to take
a history until...

You have a tremor
on the left.

That's the Sinemet--
it works faster when I chew it.

I've only ever noticed
it on the right.

Have you had symptoms
on the left before?

Oh, stress, you know.
Sleep deprivation.

Or a progression
of your disease.

My rotation's almost over.

Why do you do
this to yourself?

Working these insane
hours at the hospital
when you should...

Please don't treat me
like I'm dying, okay?

Can we just go
get this patient?

Keep your head down!

Stick with me, and stay clear
of the tail rotor!

Looks like they gave him
a drug called Depacot.


And Zypre...

So apparently he's coherent.

He's scheduled to go up against
a Rule 706 Sanity Board at 1200.

Up against?

It's just a formality.

If he was psychotic...

actually is the term, manic.

Then they won't take him
to court-martial.

They'll process him
on a medical discharge.

How long will
they hold him here for?

If he's mentally stable,
they'll probably release
him immediately.

So no one calls me
to get a family history

or gives me any time to
set up treatment for him?

You're just going
to boot him out?

If he'd asked for family

I'm sure that someone
would've contacted you.

You can't count on him.
He's not thinking clearly.




The doctor is in with him now.

Get a name?
The mother screamed
for Toby and Matt.

I don't know
which is who.
Toby. The other one's Matt.

Cushing response

vital sign negative.

Pupils blown
seven millimeters


No corneal or gag reflex.
His brain is mush.

Tell me the drunk driver
d*ed on impact.

It was one
of those monster trucks.

He was out

He hit the whole family?

Dad was inside
getting a carrot

for the snowman's

CT's ready.

Okay. Uh, scan the belly
along with the head.

I need to get to
the other one.

You thinking
epidural hematoma?
If we're lucky.

Pressure's down to 90,
set me up for a central line.

Pulse ox
is only 85.

Is that the mother?

Yeah, c-spine
is clear.

Jumped in front of
her kids; truck hit
her straight on.

Does your belly
hurt, ma'am?

( whispers ):
The chest.

Flail segment,
32 French.

Please... oh, my boys...


save my boys.

Full trauma panel.

Type and cross
for four

portable chest
and pelvis.

All right, another unit
on the second line.

Let's set it
for a femoral.

Do we have blood yet?

We better, he's got
massive contusions

and crepitus
over the left chest.

They left my mom.

No, they didn't.

They left her in the snow.

Hey, Matt, follow this light
with your eyes for me.

She's here; we're
helping her.

Where's Toby?

He's here, too.

( gulping )

Decreased on both sides,
bilateral thoracostomy.

All right,
ten blade.

Pressure's holding,
but he's tachy.

All his ribs
are shattered.

He should be dead.

He would be if his
mother hadn't jumped

in front of him.

Have you talked
to him?

Just briefly on
the phone.

( sighs )

It's happening...

It's happening
to him.

He showed up in Chicago
with this girl...

he had just met,
and I knew he didn't

have that much leave,
but I, mostly I just...

I saw it.

I just felt it...
right away.

I should've called you,
I'm sorry, but...

I didn't know
what to do

and then the MP's came
and they arrested him.

Actually, I...
I got him arrested.

Abby, don't start.

This is not your fault.

No, no, I, I,
I needed to know.

I had to know

so I called here
and I got his medical records

and they had misdiagnosed
a depression in May.

They thought
it was stress

which is why he was
transferred here.

We thought it
was situational.


I made him see
Dr. McMangus.

You knew about
his depression?

McMangus is a mood
disorder specialist.

Even he thought
it was PTSD.


Mom, you're bipolar.

Insomnia, loss of appetite,
inability to concentrate.

It was all specific
to the event

and resolved
without medication.

Do you even know
anything about
your disease?

Yes, Abby,
I know a lot about it.

Why didn't you
just tell me?

I wanted to
protect you.

Protect me?

What about protecting him?

Your brother didn't
want you to know.

Can't get a pressure.

No femoral pulse.
Check a doppler.

V-fib, crash cart, thoracotomy
tray, and prep the chest.

It's blunt trauma.

She had a pulse
and was talking.

10 blade. Get FFP
from the blood bank

and page

Yeah, if they
can get here.

The husband wants
to come in.


Rib spreader.

Metz and pick-ups.

Sir, you've got
to come with me.


( Corday grunts )

Oh, God...
No pericardial

no cardiac

Nathan, now.

Sir, you've got to
come outside with me.


I'm her husband, I'm...

Your wife is
bleeding into
her chest.

The doctors are
trying to save her;
now come with me.

Aorta is cross
clamped at 10:27.

Heart's empty.

Please, please,

Blood must be in
the right chest.

Get me another tube.

Set up a thoraseal!

Dr. Corday.

Swab stick,
suction on high.

The boy's not
on 100%.

Carter thinks a
rib punctured
his heart.

( sighs )

Squeeze in four units
then try to defibrillate.

3-0 nylon
and opsite.

What happened?

Rib lacerated
his LAD.

He's got a huge
V-Q mismatch,
low pO2

and diminished
lung compliance.

Troponin is 32,
CK 925 with 20% MB.

He's having a massive MI.

Cath lab first?

Probably irreversible
heart muscle damage.

Okay, let's call
cards and set
up for a swan.

Carter, Abby on two?

All right; just get a number,
see if I can call her back.

You can't repair the
coronary artery?

It'll just be feeding
a dead heart.

Another run, ten beats.


Okay, okay,
call the perfusionist.

We're going to put him

on bypass.

Just do it.

Susan! Susan!

Neuro-surg is on
the way

but all they can offer
is ICP monitoring.

No subdural?

Diffuse cerebral

with intraparenchymal

and complete
effacement of
the ventricles.

Knocked out the
brain stem.

Okay, get a stat EEG
and mobilize transplant service.

Is that Toby?

Sir, sir, I'm Dr. Corday.
I need a word with you.

Aren't you working
on my wife?

I'm working on
your family.

Uh, how bad is he hurt?

He wasn't talking.

There's a massive swelling
of his brain.

He... he's in a coma?


he's brain dead,
I'm afraid.

Brain dead?
I'm sorry.

Dr. Corday, we still
can't get a rhythm.

Be right there.

1500cc's out the right side.

Susan, can you
help Luka?

Yeah. Get him
in the suture room.

Look, I know
this is sudden.

But your other son Matt,
his heart is failing.

The artery that feeds it
was severed by his rib.

His lungs are bruised
and filled with blood.

Oh, God.

I'm afraid his
only chance

is a heart and
lung transplant

within the next
six hours.

Do you understand?

School was canceled

and, uh, the,
the, street was blocked.

The boys just wanted
to make a snowman...

Sir, do you

I need your permission
to take Toby's heart

and lungs and give
them to Matt.


This son is dead.

I might have a chance
to save your other one.

No, no, you just
s-save them... save them both.

I can't.

Elizabeth, you need to open
a right chest.

Kids... kids
are resilient,
they bounce back.

Elizabeth, I might need you!

Not now.
Drunken driver with
distracting injuries.


Look, I know
this is difficult

but I need
your consent now.

You can't just wait
a couple days

and see if...
he wakes up?


Sir, I'll be right back.


Okay. You need
to calm him down

explain it to him,
get consent.

He's not in the proper
state of mind to understand.

So you make him

We just have one sh*t
at his other boy.

What? They're worried about
national security?

It's protocol--
m*llitary's big on it.

Yeah, but they already said they
were going to discharge him.

How long can it
take to talk to
your lawyer?

I guess he needed
to brief him on
the hearing.

Hey, there's a PX
a few buildings over.

You want
something to eat?

Hey, you, uh, you
haven't eaten anything

since last night.

I'm fine.

Mrs. Wyczenski?
She's fine,

Look, Gallant, you
came here to help
me get on base

and I got on base.

Thank you.

Now you should go.

I mean, I can stay.

You have a test.

Well, Dr. Carter
said if I didn't...

I don't care what
Dr. Carter said.

Dr. Carter's
not here.

And besides, this
is my family.

You should go.

Well, there's
only one car.

Mom, do you have
a rent-a-car?


You take it.

Come on, go, go.

Okay, I'm going
to take him over
in 45 minutes.

Can I go in now?

He asked to see
his mom.

Okay, let's go.

Uh, only his mom.

Does he know
I'm here?

Yes, ma'am.

And he doesn't want to see me?

Not right now, ma'am.

I'll talk to him, Abby,
he'll come around.

Right this way.

( electric saw buzzing )


At least two more
liters in the right chest.


Vascular clamp.

Looks like a hilar injury.

Tore the pulmonary
artery and vein.

Got it.


Is he getting

He's trying.

Hemacue is 6.2

Comes in handy,
I guess.


He's good at talking
patients into stuff.

Cross another eight
of packed cells.

She's in arrest
too long.

We only got hemostasis
a minute ago.

He's in v-tach!

Four more units
on the rapid infuser

then you're done.

35 kilos.

Charge to 50.
Where's my perfusionist?

He's still trying to
get through the snow.
Everybody clear?

( machine buzzing )
.35 milligrams
of one to 10,000 of EPI.


Okay, bolus lidocaine and...

V-tach, pulseless.

Starting CPR.

All right, 120 again.

I got it.

He consented?

I showed him
the EEG.

And everybody clear?

( machine buzzing )

( alarms sound )

The heart's ischemic
and the lungs

can't oxygenate;
we need to move
him to the OR.

Whoa, we don't even have
a stable rhythm yet.

Lidocaine, another 20

IV push
and charge.

You got
his signature?

He's signing
And clear.

( machine buzzing )

Okay, then get
his brother upstairs.

Come on, man,
hold right there.

Okay, Chuny, we need
that transplant team here now.

Back to v-fib.

Damn it.

All right, charge again
to 120, procainamide

300 milligrams IV over
the next half hour;
charge again.

( alarm changes )

Back to sinus.

Okay, that's it, let's go.

Lido infusion at 40 mikes
per kilo per minute.

We shouldn't move him.

We have a window,
he's in sinus now.

Yeah, for ten seconds.

If we need to get him on bypass,
he can't last that long.

You want to do this?
Heart transplant?

You have any other ideas?

I'm here, kiddo,
it's not going to hurt.

I'm here.

We'll set up in the OR.

Have the bypass packages
standing by.

No, femoral, ten French.

Activate again,
we got to hustle.

What's wrong?

Hey, hold the elevator!

Sats down to 78.
He needs
to be suctioned.

You got to make this work.

We'll do our best.
No, you
promise me.

You promise me
this is going to work!

I'm sorry,
we have to get upstairs.

down to 80 systolic...


( sighs )

It's okay, baby.

You're going to help
your brother, okay?

You're going to help
your brother.

Uh, my wife--

uh, we'll bring him
in to my wife

and she's going to say good-bye.

Amp of bicarb in.
I think I broke
his last rib.

Keep going.
Good pulse with compression.

Shirley, where are we headed?
OR Two.

V fib.
Damn it.

Hold compressions.
Where are the paddles?


Oh, battery is dead, come on!

Let's go. Check
the connection.

Still energized.

Okay, stop, clear.

( sighs )

Okay, battery's dead.

Let's go, grab the slider.





Three milligrams per kilo
of heparin.

Then prep for THI cannula.

One, two, three.

Where's my
transplant team?

What do you want me to do?

Keep him in V fib.

Heparin's in,
waiting on gradient.

Run a V tach,
half bolus of lidocaine.

200 units per kilo.


Then one per mil of prime.

Right here.

Okay, meet the donor
at the elevator.

Get him prepped
next door.

Repeat BP.


Ten blade.

Starting bypass at 11:46.


You just got him hooked up now?

LAD is shredded.

Irreversible ischemic damage
to the left ventricle.

And I thought I had a snow day.

Get the harvest team going.





( sighs )

He doesn't blame you.

He just can't hide from you.

You saw him manic,
and he hasn't accepted it yet.

He's taking the meds.

Not by choice.

That could
take some time.

He's emotionally

and he's ashamed.

Try not be

I've got this down, thanks.


Were you expecting
a straitjacket?


You look nice.

Oh, fashion is key
at a court-martial.

It's not really
a court-martial, right?

It's a-a Rule 70...

I know what
it is, Abby.

You wanted out anyway, right?

Yeah. It's all a ploy.

You know I love you, right?

You know that.

I was worried about you
because I love you.

And you think I'm crazy?

No, not crazy.

Oh, right.

Um... sick.

Mentally unstable.

Suddenly plagued

by a psychiatric illness.

Truth is, I was having...
a pretty good time.

( clears throat )

I want you to come
back to Chicago with me.

( laughing ):
Oh, wow!

That sounds
like a lot
of fun. Um...

Maybe you could
call the MPs again.

Eric, you've seen this.

You know if you
don't stay medicated

it can get bad.

I mean, bad.

You could end
up wasting...

Abby, she's right here.

Yeah, I know she is.
It's not a secret.

She knows it.
She'll tell you.

She will tell you.

Mom, tell him.

Tell him, Mom!

Mom, tell him.

I'll be in the waiting room.

What the hell, Abby?

Yeah, what the hell.

You called her?

You didn't... do... ?

It took me three
days to find you

and I had to
talk my way

onto the base...

I didn't ask you to do that.

Yeah, but you
called her?

The most unreliable

undependable person
in our lives?

And you're dependable?

Yeah, to you I am, yes.

Well, I'm sorry.

I have to apologize
to poor Abby.

Poor, poor Abby.

My career is over

but she doesn't get
to be the savior again.

You need help Eric,
and Mom screwed up

the first time you went to her.

One-- I don't need help.

And two-- I didn't go to her.

She thought she saw something.

She dragged me to her doctor.

I went to make her happy

and her doctor proved her wrong.

She wasn't wrong.

Then why am I not allowed
to call her?

Better get going, Sergeant.


Make sure you
check my knee, too.

It's k*lling me.

I hit it on the
steering column.

Do you hear me?


Then get me something
for the pain, brother.

Oh, all the alcohol wasn't
enough... brother?

I only had one beer.

This the driver?

Right side tenderness.

The ultrasound looks clear.

Hey, what's your
problem, man?

You got Tourette's
or something?

Did you do it?

Ask me in six hours.

The transplant team is working.

Did you talk to the father?

Large seat belt contusion.

Safety first.

They let you be a
doctor like this?

Only on the patients
they don't care about.

Hey, did you just diss me, man?

I think he just dissed me.

Do-do you know what you did?

Do you have any idea?

Uh, yeah, I banged up my knee.

No, you k*lled
a whole family--

a mother, her
two little kids.

No, I hit a snowman.

They were making a
snowman, you jerk!

Mr. Nathan, perhaps you should
help out with another patient.

You have to give him time, Abby.

Oh, now you speak?

Now you have an opinion?

He can't feel
we're ganging up on him.

Just don't push him.

I didn't... push him.

You're already talking
about going back to Chicago.

They are discharging
him, Mother.

What do you suggest?

We put him up
in a psychiatric
hospital in Omaha?

I'm not so sure
he should be hospitalized.

Well, that's not
really your decision.

Is it yours?

You know, he only looks normal
because he's on Depakote.

And if you had
seen him...

I know the pathology, sweetie.

And yes

the easy thing would probably be
to try to commit him.

( laughs )


But he's got
to accept the disease

accommodate it.

And until he does

he needs to be

or he will go
off his meds.

You always did.

Well, he probably will
at one time or another.

But Abby, trust me on this.

It's like AA.

It's got to be his decision.

He's got to want it,
and it's way too early for that.

Mom, I have been living
with this disease

my entire life.

Please, don't lecture me.

I know you've been living
with this your entire life

but you've never been inside it.

What is that?

What is that?

"Inside it"

like you two have some sort
of special bond now.

'Cause you're both inside of it.

Abby, stop it!

This is about Eric.

You can't go back
to the way you two were.

There's no quick fix.

Your brother will be
struggling with this

for the rest of his life.


Has she been vomiting?

Twice this morning.

She started
to run a fever

so I brought her in.

Well, is anybody else
sick at home?

Her little brother
had an earache a
couple days ago

but he seems fine now.

Okay, well,
let's take a look.

Well, you can't take
my blood alcohol.

I don't give you permission.

We don't need
your permission.

So are you hungry at all, Kiley?


Any diarrhea,

( screaming and crying )

I'm sorry.
What happened?

It was an accident.
I'm sorry.

I think I scared her
more than anything.

Are you all right,

Did you hit the TM?

He just jammed that thing
in my daughter's ear.

I don't think
I really hurt her.

Well, why is
she crying?

( crying continues )


Where are
you going?

I'm going home.

Come back here and
finish the work-up.

No, thank you.

We were able

to get Matt stabilized
on bypass.

The transplant
team's at work.

Is there anybody
you'd like me to call?

When will you know?

It's a delicate procedure,
especially on children.

There's a waiting room
on the third floor.

I can take you
there if you'd like.

I can't seem to...

walk out of this room.

What-what time is it?


it's almost 5:00.

I'd be getting home about now.

Sylvia would probably
pick up a pizza

or some Chinese

because she got busy
with the boys after school

and didn't have time to cook.

Toby'd have a picture
that he drew

that he'd want me to look at.

Matt would want me
to test him on his math.

You made the right decision.

The only one you could.

We woke up this morning.

Everything was white.

And they were so happy.

We all got to stay home.

It may not seem like it,
but, um...

I know what you're feeling.

I-I understand what
you're feeling.

I'm sorry, Doctor

but you-you don't know
what I'm feeling.

You don't have any idea.

I don't even know.

My husband--

his name was Mark-- he d*ed...

My God, I was about
to say last year.

It was only
six months ago.

I tried to pretend

once Mark was gone,
that I could pull myself up

continue like normal.

But it doesn't work like that.

You see, you can't
run away from it.


It's like this big,
relentless wave...

( sighs )

...that you have to ride.

But in riding it

somehow, you hold on
to what you've lost.

And you find a way to go on
without shutting off.

It's not easy, but you do it.

I know...

someday soon

when you look
into your child's eyes

all you will see are
the beautiful things

that live on in him.

He needs to be okay.

I need him to be okay.

He will be.

( crying )

He will be.

Based on his testimony
at the board

they feel they don't have
enough information

to conclude that he
was mentally incompetent.

So what's he
doing here?

He's demanding
due process.

I'm trying to contact
the convening authority

to get him released
from pretrial confinement.

The door doesn't open
from the inside

so just pick up the phone
when you're finished.

Thank you.

You requested
a court-martial?


That's what the lawyer says
they're looking at.

I was gone less
than 30 days.

The worst they'll do
is discharge me.

Maybe give me a couple
weeks confinement.

You don't have
a couple weeks.

I haven't hurt anyone.

I haven't broken
any laws.

I haven't acted

I just needed
a change.

You went AWOL.

But that's between
me and them.

They want me to say I'm crazy.

I'm not going to say it.

Nobody's saying
you're crazy.

You're saying I'm crazy.

No, I'm not.

Come on, Abby!

You were there.

You even tried to
hide it from me.

Mom was crazy.

She was out-of-her-mind crazy

and I'm not like that!

I'm not her.

You can say it all you want.

I'm not her.


Shirley, uh, she said
she saw you out here

on her break almost
an hour ago.

Are you okay?

No symptoms.

It's perfect
timing, huh?

You need something?

I owe it to you to give you this
in person... your evaluation.

You're not going
to open it?

Open it for what?

There's no middle ground
with you, is there?

Blind optimism
or self-pity.

It's just the truth.

It's going to cr*pple me.

( sighs )

Just when I learn how to deal
with another symptom

it progresses.

What were you expecting?


I expected time.

Enough time
to figure out a...

Time is going to kick my ass.

So, what, that's it?

You're just going to give in?

Isn't that what you wanted?


No, I wanted you to recognize
your limitations.

I thought you were trying
to prove something

but you probably saved that
little boy's life today.

You connected
with his father

when he was
completely lost.

You guided him
to make the
right decision.

Any idiot can suture a wound
or put in a chest tube.

But you have a gift, Mr. Nathan.

The gift
of a physician.

Now it's up to you to decide
if you want to share that gift

and then find a way.

By the way,
I keep my promises.

I failed you.

All they had
was diet Shasta.

They still make this?

I hope so.

( opens soda can )


they might ask you
to testify, you know.


Mom, I need you to be
with me on this.

He can't stay
in m*llitary jail.

I'm with you.

I'm sorry.

( sighs heavily )

I'm just scared for him,
and I'm... angry.

I'm angry at you...
for having to do this again

and you didn't do anything.


You're angry at me for...
giving it to him.

No, no, no, I didn't...

Nah... I know you feel
like a mother to him.

Why shouldn't you?

But I'm his mother
and I gave it to him.

I gave it to my son.

All I can do now is...
try to be his mother.

( phone ringing )

I'm sorry, I gave his lawyer
this number.

Go ahead.

I'm going to try to find us
a hotel room.

This may take a few days.


Hey, you turned on
your cell phone.


Well, did you find him?

Yeah, I found him.

They might court-martial him,
but I found him.

Did you tell them
that he was sick?

They already knew.

It's a long story.

You still snowed in?

Oh, the city's a mess.

How are you holding up?

Chuny, do we have
any spare monitors?

For what?

Fiber-optic otoscope.

Oh, try Trauma One.

It's a big machine.

Can she get something to eat?

She's starting to get her
appetite back.

That's a good sign.

What do you feel
like eating, Kiley?


That sounds good, but
you should probably
just have some soup

until your
tummy's settled.

All right,
the CT is negative.

She can go home,
drink some clear liquids

and come back tomorrow
for a recheck.

Excuse me, Dr. Weaver.

I never finished checking
Kiley's ear.

Oh, you don't have
to do that-- we're fine.

It's okay, I'm not going
to hurt her.

In fact,
Kiley's going to help me.

Can you tell him
that we're fine?

Don't worry,
she's safe.

I think I saw something.

So I want you to hold
the scope

and I want you to put it
in your ear very gently, okay?

You can get to watch it
on TV.


Yeah, you get to be
the doctor.

Is that my ear?

it's your eardrum.


Use cotton swabs?

Yeah, every night.

that's the problem.

The cotton swab rubs
the protective wax
out of the ear.

It can cause
an ear infection.

And what can you do
about that?

Well, I could give her
some drops

but it's better if she just
never sticks anything in her ear

smaller than her elbow.

My elbow?

I can't fit my elbow.

You can't?

Mr. Nathan

are you almost finished?

Yeah, almost.

You're needed

What is it?

Field is dry.
Anastomosis sites intact.

Elizabeth, you're either going
to make me famous

or get me arrested
for cases like this.

Mr. Nathan,
Dr. Carmichael.

I toil for eight hours,
you're the one with the honors.

Excuse me?

Over here.

Cardioplegia solution
is withdrawn.


Shut it down.

This is the part
where you jump out
of the airplane

and hope you packed

the chute correctly.

Better grab those paddles.


Paddles-- we're going
to need them.


That's your cue.


Heart rate, 70.

( quietly ):

And that, my friends,
makes it all worthwhile.

Start the epi.

Take down the catheters.

I guess his brother will always

be with him.

( quietly ):
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