03x12 - Getting Davy Jones

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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03x12 - Getting Davy Jones

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when
the lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was
much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must
somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way we all
became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way we
became the Brady Bunch. ♪

There must be someone
we can get for a guest star.

We're a great
entertainment committee...

Four meetings and nothing!

We better get somebody quick.

It's two weeks before
our senior prom.

Unless we get
someone this weekend,

on Monday we'll have
to tell Mrs. Robbins

that we bombed out.

Marcia, guess who's here?!

Jan, we're in the middle
of a very important meeting.

What's more important
than Davy Jones?

He's here!

I don't care who's
here. We're...

Davy Jones!

He's here in this house?

No, he's here in town... see?

Let me see.

"Davy Jones, teenage rock idol,

arrived this morning for
personal appearances."

Oh, wow! You know I
got to get to see him.

Davy Jones!

I got to tell Cindy.

Gee, wouldn't that be something?


To get him to
entertain at our prom.

Davy Jones?!

You're kidding!

Well, why just Davy Jones?

How about the Beatles,
the Fifth Dimension

and the Carpenters, too?

Before you start making jokes,

just take a look at this.

Go ahead, read it.

"Miss Marcia Brady, President
of the Davy Jones Fan Club:

"Dear Marcia, I
want to thank you

for your interest in my career."

Let me see.

"If I'm ever in your city,

"I'll be happy to show you
my appreciation any way I can.

"With best wishes,

I am your friend
always, Davy Jones."

Well, it's probably just
one of those form letters

that his publicity
guy sends out.

It is not, it's handwritten!

Besides, he wouldn't say,
"If I'm ever in your town,

I'll be happy to show
you my appreciation"

if he didn't really mean it.

Well, that's right, Doreen.

I still say it's
publicity stuff.

Davy Jones is not the
kind of person to lie.

If I asked him to entertain at
our prom, I'm sure he would.

Well, maybe he would.

Oh, come on, don't be
silly, she's just bluffing.

Bluffing! I'll show
you who's bluffing!

I'll go right over to
his hotel and ask him.

You really think
you can get him?

If I say I'll get
him, I'll get him.

Are Jan and Cindy
still grumbling?

Well, they've gone from
kind of a low grumble

to a kind of a high grouch.

They really wanted
to see Davy Jones.

Well, I know, but I just
didn't think that Marcia

would appreciate
their tagging along.

I'll bet he would have liked it.

They sure are fans of his.

Yeah, from the
reaction around here,

he's the hottest thing
since pepperoni pizza.

Okay, who doesn't want
me to know the ball score?

Which one of you
is Jack the Ripper?

I think Marcia cut out something
that was on the other side

of the sports page, Mr. Brady.

Honey, now, I
want you to be calm.

Don't get too excited,
but Davy Jones is in town!

No, not the Davy Jones!


Never mind, we had our
idols, too, when we were kids.

Yeah, I remember when I found
out Frank Sinatra got married.

I wore black Bobby
socks for a month.

Hey, did you hear
about Davy Jones?

Isn't it great?

What about him?

He's in town!

He's gonna sing at
Marcia's school prom!

In person!

Oh, big deal!

Yeah, what's so special
about Davy Jones?

Yeah, all he does
is bang on a guitar

and yell his head off.

Yeah, anybody could do that.

Anybody! There are over
2,000 Davy Jones fan clubs.


How many Peter Brady
fan clubs are there?

I don't know, I haven't
counted them lately.

Well, it doesn't take
long to count to zero.

You're just jealous.

Jealous! Of what?

♪ I'm wild about you, baby ♪

♪ Wild about you, baby! ♪


♪ Wild, wild, wild! ♪

Hey, Davy, baby,
don't break your guitar.

♪ Wild, baby... ♪


Linda, you'll never guess

who Marcia Brady's getting
to entertain at our prom.

Hold on to your skull.

Davy Jones!

Yes, Katie, I said "Davy Jones."

Well, I didn't believe
it myself at first,

but Marcia's gone right
down there to meet him.

Boy, our prom is
going to be out of sight.

Pass the word, okay?


Hi, honey.

Sorry about that, Dad.

That's all right. How did you
make out with Davy Jones?

Were your knees shaking
when you met him?

My knees didn't get
anywhere near Davy Jones.

Wasn't he at the hotel?

He sure was, and so
were a thousand other kids.

It was so jammed I couldn't
even get inside the lobby.

I guess every kid in
town is trying to see him.

Why didn't you try phoning him?

I did.

It cost me 30 cents just to
hear the hotel operator say,

"All of Mr. Jones'
lines are still busy."

Well, honey, if
you can't see him

and you can't talk to him,

I don't know how you're
going to get in touch with him.

I don't either.

Well, you did the
best you could, Marcia.

It's all anybody can do.

I guess so.

Well, there's still time to get
someone else for the prom.

At least there's no harm done.

There she is!

Oh, Marcia, this is fantastic.

It'll be the best prom ever.

I never thought you could do it!

Well, how was he
in person, Marcia?

Is he as neat as he looks?

Oh, I could die
when I think of it.


Hi, Mrs. Robbins!

Oh, hi, Mrs. Robbins.

We're all so proud of you.

Good morning, Mrs. Robbins.

Oh, I've never seen
the students so excited.

You've done a magnificent job

for the entertainment committee.

Well, I really haven't done
anything, Mrs. Robbins.

Oh, oh, now, don't
be modest, dear.

The minute I heard, I
got the art department

right to work on that banner.

Mrs. Robbins, could I please
talk to you a minute in private?

Why, of course.

Mrs. Robbins, I
didn't expect all this.

I haven't even talked
to Davy Jones yet.

Well, now, that's no problem.

I'm sure as soon as you
do see him, you'll arrange it.

The children tell me you're very
good friends with Davy Jones.

Oh, first class bell, dear.

Mustn't be late.

Hi, doing homework?

No, I'm writing a
telegram to Davy Jones.

A telegram?

Yeah, I'm getting desperate

after what happened
at school today.

This may be the only
way I can reach him.

That's a good idea.

How does this sound?

"Dear Mr. Jones:

"I hope you remember
me, Marcia Brady,

the president of
your local fan club."

I'll tell you how it sounds.

How? It sounds dull.

That's what I was afraid of.

Hi, Marcia.

Oh, maybe you can help me, Greg.

What's going on?

Well, I'm writing a
telegram to Davy Jones

and it sounds dull.

Let's hear it.
Yeah, let's hear it.

Okay, "Dear Mr. Jones:

"I hope you remember
me, Marcia Brady,

president of your
local fan club..."

No wonder it sounds dull.

You got to catch
his attention first.

That sounds logical.

Sure, start by buttering him up.

Take it down like this.

To Davy Jones,

star of stage, screen, radio,
television and jukeboxes.

You are the
grooviest, the greatest,

the most right-on...

Greg, I think that's
a little too much.

No, you've got
to lay it on thick.

I'd love to get a
telegram like that.

You would.

There's got to be a better way
to catch Davy Jones' attention.

Hey, I've got it.


Take this down!

Davy Jones. Dear
Sir, you have just won

a $10 million sweepstakes.

For information,
call Marcia Brady at...

What's that got to do
with singing at the prom?

Nothing, but it'd
sure get his attention.

Thanks for all
your help, you guys,

but just let me work
it out by myself, okay?


A $10 million sweepstakes!

$20 million?

Yes, I'd like to send
a telegram, please,

to Davy Jones at the
Royal Towers Hotel.

Good luck.

And this is very important:

I want this telegram

to be delivered
to him personally.

But you have to!


No... forget it.

They won't deliver
it to him personally.

They won't even
guarantee that he'll see it.

Why not?

Because he already has
600 telegrams waiting for him.

They're keeping them
all at the hotel desk.

Honey, I know you're
in no mood for a lecture,

but you really should
never promise anything

until you're sure
you can deliver.

I know that now.

Well, look, there must be
some way to get in touch

with that untouchable young man.

If there is, I
can't think of it.

Marcia, Davy Jones is on TV!

On the Hank Colman Show.

It just came on!

Dad! The Hank Colman
show goes on for 30 minutes.

Yeah, so?

Well, if I could get down
to the TV station right away,

maybe I could ask Davy
Jones about the prom.


You just got yourself
a ride. Come on.

Oh, good!

We'll be back in a bit.

Okay, bye, honey.

Excuse me, is the Hank
Colman Show still on?

Yes, sir, it still has
a few minutes to go.

Oh, great.

Do you mind if my
daughter and I wait

until the show's over?

She would like to meet
Mr. Colman's guest star.

I'm president of his fan club.

The head of the Department
of Sanitation has a fan club?

The Department of Sanitation?

That's who Hank
Colman's guest is today.

No, it's Davy Jones.

I just saw the start
of the show at home.

Oh, that was done yesterday.

Mr. Colman tapes his
shows one day in advance.

Oh, no.

I'm... I'm afraid you're 24
hours late for Davy Jones, Miss.

Well, honey,

we'll just have to try to
think of something else.

When's the prom?

In a week, Dad.

Yeah, Brad.

Well, look, I just thought

since your brother plays
golf with the hotel manager,

it might be worth
a chance asking.


Oh, yeah.

Well... okay, Brad.

Yeah, thanks a lot.

What did he say, Dad?

He says If I can find a
way to get to Davy Jones,

let him know,

because he's got
a teenage daughter

who's dying to meet him, too.

Isn't there someone
else we can call?

Honey, your father and I

have done everything
we can think of.

Except... What?

It's just too crazy.

What, Mom?

Yeah, come on, what?

Well, it really is crazy.

But why couldn't we check into
the Royal Towers this weekend?

At least Marcia would be

in the same hotel as Davy Jones.

Yeah, that is crazy.

I told you.

I know, because I called
and they're already booked.

What am I gonna do?

Marcia, I think you're
at the end of the line.

I think you're gonna
have to tell your teacher

that you just couldn't get him.

Dad, do you realize
what you're asking?

You have a responsibility
to other people.

Honey, you have to
give the school a chance

to find someone else
to entertain at the prom.

Well, I've still
got this weekend.

Maybe something will happen.

Well, I hope so,

but if not, you'll have to
tell your teacher on Monday.


I'm sorry, Marcia.

Me, too, honey.

When the whole school
hears I bombed out,

they'll all hate me.

Not everybody, Marcia.

Your real friends
will stick by you.

After Monday, I
won't have any friends.

I might as well quit
school or move away

or something!

There's got to be some
angle we've missed.

Well, if there is, we
better find it quick.

Why don't you and the other kids

put your heads
together and think.

I'll put my heads together, too.

At least it's
worth a try, Peter.

Anything is.

Yeah, Marcia's desperate.

Okay, you guys stand
back and make a little noise

like there's a
crowd in the room.

Here goes.

Royal Towers Hotel.

I can't hear.

Davy Jones' room, please.

Mr. Jones' lines are busy,

and there are
many calls waiting.

Tell him it's an
old buddy of his.

He'll take the call right now.

Who's calling, please?

Pete Brady. I manage one
of his favorite rock groups.

Davy baby said
to call the minute

we made the scene in town.

What's the name of the group?

The Three Desperadoes.


I'm sorry, I've never heard
of the Three Desperadoes.

Oh, we're a big group.

We're over here
rehearsing right now.

Sing something.

Like what?

Anything, anything
you know the words to.

Listen to this, operator.

♪ Hooray, Hooray... ♪
♪ My country 'tis of thee ♪

♪ Sweet land of liberty... ♪
♪ Is on his way... ♪




Did she hear us?

She heard ya.

Thanks, Sam.

Yeah, I'll tell Marcia.

It might just work.

Okay, bye.

Hi, Alice.

Greg, Sam just
had the wildest idea.


He finally proposed?

No, it's not that wild.

He delivers meat
to the Royal Towers

and the chef is a
personal friend of his.


So that might just get Marcia in

to see Davy Jones,

even though his
idea is a little far out.

Listen, nothing's too far out

for Marcia right now.

Yeah... listen,
his idea is that...

Who is it?


Come in.

You sure I look all right?

Watch your voice, will you?

You're supposed to be a boy.

Oh, yes.

That's better.

We've come to get
the breakfast dishes.


We're certainly happy
to be of service to you.

You're our favorite
singing star.

Of all time.

I've got every record
you ever made.

Yeah, and she... he
plays them all the time.

I'm even president
of your fan club.

I'm sorry, kids.

You're not... You're
not Davy Jones.

I'm his manager.

David left a few minutes ago.

Could you tell us
when he'll be back, sir?

Oh, who knows?

He's over at Atlas Records

cutting an album.

I've got to get
down there myself.

Atlas Records.

Hey, what about the dishes?


Listen, I'll get them.

You change and
get over there fast.


Oh, thanks, Greg.

Okay, Davy.

What's say we make one, huh?

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ Look what you've done to me ♪

♪ Me ♪

♪ And my whole world ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ You brought the sun to me ♪

♪ With your smile ♪

♪ You did it, girl ♪

♪ I'm telling you, girl ♪

♪ Something unknown to me ♪

♪ Makes ♪

♪ You what you are ♪

♪ And what you are ♪

♪ Is all I could ask for me ♪

♪ And it's good ♪

♪ To feel that way, girl ♪

♪ Thank you, girl ♪

♪ For making the
morning brighter ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ For making the
nighttime nicer ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ For making a
better world for me ♪

♪ I'm telling you, girl ♪

♪ Something unknown to me ♪

♪ Makes ♪

♪ You what you are ♪

♪ And what you are ♪

♪ Is all that I want for me ♪

♪ And it's good ♪

♪ To feel that way, girl ♪

♪ Thank you, girl ♪

♪ For making the
morning brighter ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ For making the
nighttime nicer ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ For making a
better world for me ♪

♪ Thank you, girl ♪

♪ For making the winter warmer ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ For making the music softer ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ For making a
better world for me ♪

♪ Thank you, girl ♪

♪ For making the
morning brighter... ♪

Sounded great, Davy.


Relax for a second,
and we'll play it back.

♪ Girl... ♪

You getting it in there?

♪ Look what you've
done to me... ♪

Okay, signal if
you... Who are you?

Oh, I just wanted to speak
to Mr. Jones for a minute.

Miss, we're making
a recording here.

Oh, well, I'll wait
until he's finished.

I won't even make a sound.

Sorry, but no one is allowed

in the studio while
we're recording.

Please, I've just
got to see him.

I'm president of his Filmore
Junior High Fan Club.

That's great, but nobody
attends recording sessions.

But I promised my whole
school he'd sing at our prom.

He's just got to,

or I'll never be able to
speak to my friends again.

Kid, do you know
how many schools

want David to
sing at their proms?

There's just not
enough days in the year.

But I wouldn't have
promised the school

if he hadn't
written me a letter...

to me, personally, Marcia Brady.

He said he'd be glad to help me

if he's ever in town.

Tell you what, kid.

You leave me your
name and address

and I'll send you a copy
of his latest album, okay?

♪ Thank you, girl... ♪


♪ ...For making the
morning brighter ♪

♪ Girl ♪

♪ For making the
nighttime nicer... ♪

Mom, Dad.

Yes, honey?

I think I'll call
Mrs. Robbins now.

I thought you were
going to wait until Monday.

If I call now, she'll
have more time

to try to find someone else.

I'll get it.

Well, honey, you tried
as hard as you could.

Didn't help much.

Mrs. Robbins?

This is Marcia Brady.

Well, there's
something important

I have to tell you.


Um... Mrs. Robbins, I
have to call you back later.



Hi... that's the album my
manager promised you.

Oh, thanks.

But how did you...

Well, I heard what you said

over the studio microphone.


Oh, uh... this is my
mom and this my dad.

I mean, well, you know which
is which. No, I'm her father,

that's her mother.

Well, would you two excuse us?

Yeah, we were just
going in the other room.

Is it all right if I sit down?

Oh, yes, sit down anywhere.

Anywhere, huh?

Yeah, anywhere.

You know, I'm sorry about
the mess that you're in

because of that
letter I wrote to you.

Oh, no, it's my fault.

I never should have promised
I'd get you to sing at the prom.

Well, it's my fault, too.

I promised you
something in that letter.

When is your prom?

Friday night.

Okay, Friday night it is.

I didn't know we
had an audience.

Those are my
brothers and sisters.

You'll really come to the prom?

Well, there is
one little problem.


Well, I don't have a date.

Do you know a girl
that'd like to go with me?

Do I?!

Well, how about the flip side?

♪ Girl... Look what
you've done to me ♪

♪ Me and my whole world ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ You brought the sun to me ♪

♪ With your smile ♪

♪ You did it, girl ♪

♪ I'm telling you ♪

♪ Girl... ♪

♪ Something unknown to me ♪

♪ Makes you what you are... ♪

Hey, kids... Hey!

Hold it!

We're practicing, Dad.

What, cracking
the sound barrier?

Rock groups are hot.

Peter says we'll get rich.

Like loaded.

Here is a start.

Okay, what do you
want us to sing?

Anything, as long as you
sing it in the next block,

because I'm trying to get
some work done, okay?

Well, a buck's a buck.

Come on, you guys.
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