08x02 - The Longer You Stay

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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08x02 - The Longer You Stay

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

It's impossible
for that woman

to be my mother.

This information is there,
I can get it.

You're not going
to quit, are you?

You're fired.

Have you talked to Weaver
about an attending position?

If she wanted me, she would have
asked me about it.

I never got a chance
to thank you

but I got my

chief resident confirmation.

I won't let
you down.
I'm sure you won't.

Don't talk to me about Luka.

I don't want to wish
bad things for you

and I don't want to sit
on the sidelines

waiting for you
two to break up.




You stay away from my wife.

140 patients, 27 admissions.

It has to be a
shift record.

I got a record for you.

There's a guy
in Exam Four

that swallowed 50 hot dogs
in 19 minutes.

Shift record,
as in, shift over.

Who has Pelar now?

Which one's that?

Kidney stone
camped out in Seven

since this morning.

I admitted him to Urology.

I just need
a diet order.

Two gram sodium.

Thank you.

No, this is my
personal property.

Two gram sodium
in Seven.

I'm out of here.

No, wait.
I need help
with a foley.

It's my personal property.

What room?
Right here.

What's the problem.

He's drunk,

and he won't
give up his beer.

Give me...
Is it open?

Oh, Abby, I need help.

I need to pee.

Sorry, I just punched out.

That's going to cost you.

Where's Mark?

What do you want to do,
take it home?

Mark Greene,
your Attending.
I think he quit.

I need to pee.

Give me the beer.

No, no, no beer.

Kerry, have
you seen Mark?

Oh, good, Elizabeth

I need you
to see a post-op seroma.

Could you let
me put my baby
down first?

Where's Mark?
Try Curtain Three.

No urine in the last hour.

Yeah, bolus another liter
of Ringer's.

Call for a renal code.

Dr. Weaver?

X-ray's behind and
my wrist fracture
wants to leave.

you're Chief Resident.

Don't check with me
on every patient.

You have to learn
to keep things flowing, okay?

Well, we don't
have time

for the ones we
can move quickly.

Turf and admit,
treat and street.


Bag him, prep the neck.
One percent with epi.

What do you think
you're doing?

Sorry, we got jammed.

You told me to
meet you in the
parking lot.

A drunk boating accident.

Busted his face.

We need to crike him.

This is exactly
why we need a weekend nanny.

Weekday nanny is bad enough.

It doesn't make us
bad parents, Mark.

Just want
to raise our children.
Then you need

to be home when you say
you're going to be.

I'm an hour late
for my shift.

Sats are
down to 84.

Introducer needle.

Five more minutes.

Finish the procedure,
give it to a resident

and meet me upstairs.

You're in
trouble, Doc.

You're being stubborn.

I'm not being stubborn.

You have six
weeks to go on
your residency

you don't have a
job anywhere else

you know she's looking
for another Attending

and you're still
not talking to her.

She should ask me.
You're being

I don't think I'm being...

Hey, can you
try for a line

on Barney
before you go?

He's back with cellulitis.

I'm off.

Connie said you found a vein
last time.

Yeah, I know,
but I'm off.

He's asking for you.

I'm off, I'm off.

I'm gone, I'm
out of here.

Some place important
to be?

Yeah, home. I
have to be back
here at 7:00.

Have a good night.

See you tomorrow.


Talk to Weaver.

How did it sting
you in there?

( unintelligible ):
It flew in my Coke.


A bee flew
in his Coke.

Dr. Weaver,
I'd like to ask
you a question.

Airway's clear.
No wheezing.

50 of Benadryl PO.

Better get that
new attending
in here, huh?

Uh, yeah.

Hey, Haleh, I need
a visual acuity

on the foreign body
in Eight.

66In a minute.

Are you actively

I mean, is it word of mouth?

Are you head hunting?

I'm running
a classified
in the Annals.


Unresponsive initially.

Woke up with an amp of D50.

What's the half
life of Glyburide?

Ten hours. Overdose?

60 milligrams.
Admit him.

The hypoglycemia lasts
for over a day.

Because I was thinking
about applying.

For Attending?

It is my next step.

Oh, yeah, right, of course.

You don't sound
very enthusiastic.

No, it's just
we were hoping
for someone

at least five years
post residency.

But yeah, certainly.



In case
you can't find anybody better.


John, can you clear toe lac
in Curtain Two?

I'm off.

He's been waiting
five hours.

I can't get to it.
We need the bed.

I'm meeting my parents
for dinner.

You can dispo him
in 15 minutes.

I have done my share
of dispos today.

For me?

Sorry. Give it to Malucci.

Malucci is not here
for another hour.

Cleo is stuck
with pulmonary edema.

I'm baby-sitting
four I.C.U. players.

We're down
two nurses

and the rack
is overflowing.


If you could
just take one
easy patient.

That's all I'm asking.

All right.

One patient.

Thank you.

Wait. What room?

We were unloading
the volcano.

I dropped the base
on my foot

between the lift
and the platform.

Yeah, the show ends

with this big volcano expl*si*n
with all this real

live lava
and steam and crap.

Not real lava.

No, but it's real-looking
lava, though.

Um, this is more
than just a cut.

No kidding. Damn thing almost
sliced my toe off.

Yeah, it was just
hanging there

like a big noodle
or something.

I'll have to do
a digital block.

Have to wait
for X-ray.

Have to sew a
two-layer repair.

You signed up for it.

It's going to take
more than an hour.

Well, hurry up.

Maybe we can catch
the end of the show.

The guys are opening
up for Metallica.

What guys?

We're roadies for
Touching Wood.

All right! What's the song?

"Rapture Bitch."

I like that song.

It's not their only song.

It's not even
their best song.

I'm going to numb
the two nerves

in your toe and
wash this out.

Then we'll take
you for an X-ray.

Do you want to
wait outside?

No, I'm cool.

( thudding )

( laughs )

That happens.

Check his vitals.

Run a liter of saline
if he's postural.

Carter, he's not breathing.


The surgery caused
the infection?

It may have contributed, yes.

But because
of his compromised state

he wasn't able to fight off
the infection

even with the appropriate

I told him not
to drink so much.

If you'd like to go in
and see him

I'll be in there
in a minute.

Yes, please.

Jacy, Jacy,
could you take her?

Oh, of course.

This way.

( baby crying )

Sorry. He
started seizing.

We had to give
him Dilantin and
get him to C3.

We're not doing this anymore.


No more weekend shifts

that are even remotely
close to one another.

We just got jammed.

Four hours should
have been enough.

Mark, I am not explaining
to a woman why her son d*ed

while my baby is screaming
in her face.

I'm not.

I said, okay.

She missed her nap.

Just get her home.

Give her four more ounces
and put her down.

Is the milk


But you will have
to take another out for tonight.

Okay. I got it,
I got it, I got it.

( baby crying )

Is that our
homeless guy?

Post-op bacteremia.

He d*ed of sepsis.

He has a mother?

we all have a mother.

Hi, yi, hi.

Yes, yes.

She's a little cranky.

That's all right.

It'll be all right.

Give me some
cricoid pressure.

Sats are down to 90.

All right, I'm
in. Bag him.

What did you take?

I didn't take anything.

The paramedics gave it to me.

What did he take, dr*gs?


Uh, I don't know.

Some beers, some pot,
some Georgia Homeboy.

Is that liquid G.?


Call for a vent

BAL and a tox screen.

Cleo, I need you
to take this guy.

Respiratory arrest
from a GHB overdose.

I can't.

I'm off duty.

I have the stampede.

What stampede?

Guitar player collapsed
at a rock concert.

The crowd just
mobbed the stage.


At the United Center.

No way.

Metallica or us?

Any head injury?

He just slumped
to the floor.

The crowd
went nuts.
History of seizures?

Girlfriend might know.
She rode in with him.

Okay, ask her.

Dr. Weaver,
do you have

an intubation
from the

Apneic on scene.

Pupils are equal
and reactive.

Carter tubed
his friend.
He thinks

they mixed the alcohol
with GHB.

BP is 122/78.

Dr. Weaver

three crush
injures rolling in.

Okay, I'll be
right there.

Blood gas, BAL

and tox screen,
and have Carter

follow their labs together.

Oh, and there's
a guy at the desk

in a ponytail
says he knows you.

Take a name.
Make him wait.

BP 100/60 pulse, 110.

Complains of abdominal pains,
but no LOC.

multiple contusions
to the trunk and extremities.

Is his family
coming in with him?

No, he's by himself,
but it was crazy.

All sorts of people were

Who would bring a seven-year-old
to a heavy metal concert?

One, two, three.

All right, portable C-spine

chest and pelvis.

Trauma panel.

Dip a urine.
What's his name?

I'm Dr. Finch.

Do you know
your home phone number?

I can't breathe.

We'll help you.

They were pushing me.

Good breath

I know, but you're safe now.

Epigastric tenderness.
No rebound.

No guarding.
Sinus tach at 112.

Is there a Dr. Benton
in here?

Yeah, that's me.

A unit called in
from Saint Rafe's.

An E.R. doc thinks
he's got your kid over there.


Uh, deaf, three or four.

Reese Benton written
inside his jacket.

Yes, is he okay?
It sounds like it

but they're looking
for a parent.

Where's Carla?
Who's Carla?

His mother.

I don't know,
I was here.

Dispatch asked
me to see

if I could find you.

Lily, get another surgeon.
Peter, go.

What sort of look are you
going for here?


Bought a TV?


Anything else?

A Sony Play

I was thinking more
along the lines of furniture.

You know, a table,
chairs, a bed.

I got an aquarium.

Yes, I see.

Couldn't get a bigger one, huh?

The next size up was
pretty expensive.


I-I thought we were going
to go out to eat.

I'm still hungry.

Do you want to play?

I don't think so.

We can hunt
zombies together.

Couldn't we just reason
with them?

I think I'm just going
to go home.

No, no, no,
stay, stay.

No, no, no.

The zombies and the pizza
isn't really mixing.

You're right.

Let's go.

I only agreed to
suture a toe lac

and now I've got
three patients.

Well, those two are basically
the same guy.

Just order
the same stuff.
Get Chen.

She has a bad
head trauma.

I don't care. Get her.

I'm handing this off.

You know that
guy might be
famous one day.

You can say
you helped save his life.

We're in the emergency

Ask for Dr. Finch.

It's extension 7614.

I'm trying to be gentle.

That hurts.

What happened
to Peter?

Personal emergency.

This is Kevin.

Crushed against the stage
at a Metallica concert.

Hello, Kevin.

Aren't you a
little young
for Metallica?

They didn't start yet.

It was the warm-up group.

We're trying
to track down
his parents.

Got the answering machine.

Any evidence of bleeding?

No. Liver and spleen are intact,
but there's moderate


Could be an abdominal wall

small bowel perf,
maybe a bruised pancreas.

Want to get a CT?
And serial exams.

We'll see if anything

declares itself.

Kevin? Oh, my God.

Kevin, I'm so sorry.

You let go of my hand.

I tried to hold on.
I'm sorry.

Is he okay?

Who are you?

Marla. I'm his baby-sitter.

His parents let
you take their son
to rock concerts?

My boyfriend came over

with tickets.
We were going to leave early.

He was going to be
in bed by 11:00.

Do you have
a cell phone number for them?

Did you call it?

I wanted to find Kevin first.

You found him.

Draw up etomidate,
sux and grab surgery.

Is that our last
crush victim?

I don't know.
I just got here, chief.

Multiple rib

He needs
two chest tubes.

Try Curtain Three.

Get out of those
gym clothes.

Chief, I just got here.

Come to work dressed properly.

Dr. Weaver?

Yosh, give
me a hundred
of Mannitol

in Exam Four
right away.

Do you have a minute?

I figure you're probably
not thrilled to see me.

I screwed up last night.

You know what?
Whatever it is

I'm not interested in
a private investigator.

Hey, Frank,
still waiting
on that head CT.

Just went down.

How long?
Who knows?

Well, get radiology
on the phone.

I found her.

There's a new
database service

for adopted children

for their birth parents.

I ran a couple
of old clients through

and you hit.

I double checked
this time.

It's your mother.

Anyway, if you're interested,
it's $400.

My new cell is
on there.

Hi, Doc.

Hey, still here?

He never leaves.

You do?

Only because
you take so long to move.

You know them?

We met at lunch.

Is the smoke going
to bother you?

No, I'm fine.

Hi, Luka.


Delirium Tremens,


Diet Coke and a couple
of menus, please?

We stop serving at 10:00.

It's like 10:02.

I'm sorry.

I'm starving.

Do you have
any appetizers or anything?

He might not have
thrown out the soup.

What is it?

Like a potato cream.

Sure, that's fine.

All right.


You're welcome.

Anyone here you don't know?

You want me to put him
on line for a unit bed?

No, he'll be extubated
by the time that he gets one.

( knock at door )

Who is that?
His girlfriend,
I think.

All right,
I'm going to find out

what's going on,
everything's cool.
Yeah, okay.

Look, he'll be okay, right?
Can you just
tell them

John's running a
little bit late?
Relax, be mellow.

They should go
ahead, start
without me.

I'll meet them
for dessert.

He's all good,
Thanks, 'bye.

Tell her
he's all good.
He's all good.

I saw him
stop breathing.

Yeah, we're helping
him breathe now.

Well, you don't just
stop breathing.

It's probably a
mixed overdose of
alcohol and GHB.

He should wake up
on his own in a
couple of hours.

Are those bloodstains?

No. Are you okay?

Yeah, my asthma just gets
worse when I get stressed out.

They look like
I need that back.

I'll give it back
to you. Take a seat.

Give me a good, deep breath
through your mouth.

If those are

They're not bloodstains.

There's a body
up there.

Can you be quiet?

( hyperventilating )

Do you have a history
of heart murmur?

No, just asthma.

You on something?

Just a little acid.

I'm not talking to you.

No, I don't do dr*gs.
Not anymore.

Any fever, chills?

Is something wrong?

Hey, don't touch that.

Haleh, find an open room.

Have somebody work her up
for endocarditis.

As in you?

Excuse me, I'm
Dr. Peter Benton.

My son is here.
He's a patient.

The cops just
brought me here.

No, three waiting
for med surg.
What's the name?

Reese Benton.
He's four years
old, he's deaf.

Right, have a seat, please.

Okay, yeah,
I'm holding here, yeah.

What's the name?

Reese, what happened?

Were you in a car?

Did you hurt your head?

( whispers ):
Let's see, let me see.

Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm his father.
Did he lose consciousness?

You have to keep
that covered.
Was he in his car seat?

You have to talk
to the doctor.
Where's his mother?

I'll get the doctor.

I know you're busy.
Tell me where she is.

Dr. Benton?
Julia Scoft.

So, the police
found you?


One of the nurses thought
that there was

a Benton at County
with a deaf son.

Um, what happened?

A single MVA.

Where's Carla?

Can he understand me?

Was Carla or Roger driving?

Your wife swerved
to avoid hitting...
She's not my wife.

Oh, she isn't?

No, no, no, we have
shared custody.

Well, does she have a husband
or a close relative?

Why, what's her status?

I really need to speak
to a relative.

How many people
d*ed here today?

I don't know.

You're afraid
to tell me.

( chuckling ):
I honestly don't know.

This place is
full of dead people.

Been to the dentist recently,
had any teeth pulled?

No, why?

Any infections?

My piercing's been bothering me.

Oh, it's so dope.

Your piercing?
Where is that?

Show him.



Harmony, I think that
you might have bacteria

in your bloodstream
that's infecting
your heart.

It's important that
we locate the source

so we can treat it.

( sighs )

Oh. Did you do
that yourself?

( sighs )

No, my friend, Fiona.

How long has it
been like that?

Three months.

She said it would take time
for the swelling to go down.

Definitely infected

and I'm going to
have to drain it.

No. Don't drain her.

Don't let them drain you,

Dianna, you're peaking.





Dianna, are you okay?

( groans )

I'll make a new chart.

So, what made you
become a nurse?

I can't remember.

Ever seen anything
like this?

How long
has it been like that?

Two, three years.

You should really get that
looked at.

So, look!

Uh, by a doctor.

You should ask Luka,
he's good with pus.




You're sure?

Yeah, I'm trying to quit.

You want to meet for
breakfast tomorrow?

We could do it early.

Hey, guys, what about my toe?
I was first.

All right, well,
next time

you're back
in town then.

I'm sorry, Dad.

I'm sorry too, Dad.
I'm so sorry.

How long do you
have to fix it
before it falls off?

Hey, Dave, I need you.

Suture that guy's toe,
he's already blocked.

I can't help
you, Carter.

I've got a
chest pain
rolling up.

Where the hell is Chen?

Somebody go get me Chen.

Are you talking
to me?

Yes, actually, can you go
find her for me, please?

Dr. Carter, Pelar's
finally going up.


The kidney stone,
to Urology.

Good for Urology.

Well, Abby says she gave him
GENT, but it wasn't charted.

So, should I give
him a dose?

Not if she
gave him one.

Then what do I do?

Call her.

And if she's
not at home?

Call her cell.

You have the number?

You know what?

I need to yell at her anyway.


Having fun?


Are you out
having a good time?

No, not exactly.

What are you doing?

I am setting a wrist
on an LSDiva.

You're working?

Someone talked me
into coming back

into the E.R.
and begging Weaver

and I got sucked back
into the E.R. vortex.

I didn't tell you
to talk to her tonight.

Huh, did you give GENT
to the kidney stone in four?


Malik said you did.

No, that was
the gall bladder guy.

I thought you had
an early shift tomorrow.

I do. Luka dragged
me to this bar.

So much for quitting.

Oh, hey.


Who's that?

It's Carter.

Is that Luka?

Can you hang on a second?


The cigarettes...

I'm going
to Doc Magoo's
for a minute.

Page me if
you need me.
Things aren't dying down.

I've got five patients.
I'm not even on.

Okay, then sign out
and go home.

I got to go.

No need to hang up for me.

It was about a patient.
Are you ready to go?

If you want.

Yeah, Luka, I want.


What, now you're mad?

Finish your cigarette.
I'll pay the bill.

( train bell clanging )

Excuse me.

I'm looking for Carla McGrath.



I'm sorry, man.

Is that her?


Do I go in or what?

The doctor will
be right back.

What's he going
to tell me?

You should just wait.

Peter, come on.

What's he going to tell me?

She came in without
a blood pressure.

They worked on her
for over an hour

but she had massive
internal bleeding.

It was too severe
to repair.

Was she awake?

No, she was...
there was

a faint pulse
in the field

but, uh, she was pretty
much gone on impact.

We were supposed to go
to Wisconsin this weekend

but I had to work
last minute.

Are you sure Reese
is okay?

Yeah, yeah, he cut
his head, but...

Mr. McGrath?

Dr. Scoft.
I was the treating physician.

I'm here if you
have any questions.

Well, can I see her?

Of course.

I'll be out here
if you need me.

We had to trim
a little hair.

The doctor will be
with you shortly.




Mommy went away.

She's gone.

Mommy was hurt

very badly.


I can't.

She was...


She was bleeding.
The doctor...

Mommy went bye-bye.


She went to be with God.

( moans )

I can't.

She's sleeping.

She's sleeping forever.


I can't.

She won't wake up.

Look, no...

Sometimes people can't wake up.


Reese, Reese.

Mommy d*ed.

Mommy's dead.

( moans )

No response to Narcan.
BP's 108/76, pulse 110.

Kind of young for
chest pain, huh?

He complained
about it all day.

Thought it was the meatball
sandwich he had for lunch.

On my count,
one, two, three.

Any history of early heart
disease in your family?

Our grandmother had diabetes.

CBC, chem panel

12 lead, and a
portable chest.

What's his

Paul, can you hear me?
Pulse ox

to 98.

All right, well, no
evidence of trauma.

He just
collapsed, huh?

Yeah, he's been pushing
himself pretty hard.

His first solo show
opens Monday

I haven't seen him
sleep the whole week.

Does your brother do dr*gs?

No, I don't think so.

Are you sure?

This is the first time

I've seen him

since he moved to Chicago.

Let's get a tox screen.

Here's your EKG.

I mean, I don't
think he would.

He's an artist

but that doesn't mean...

ST elevations
off the charts.

He's having a major MI.

Heart att*ck.

He's 27.
It happens
with stimulants--

cocaine can constrict
the arteries.

Oh, god.
40 of tenecteplase,
got to bust the clot.

I need an attendant or chief
resident to order thrombolytics.

Come on, time is
heart muscle, let's go.

I'll pull it, but you
need to run this
by Chen or Weaver.

Well, get one of them!


Pressure's dropping
to 70/30.

Pulse is 130.

Bolus 500 of saline.
Halstead clamp.

Heard you had bleeders popping
up like prairie dogs in here.

Pediatric pancreatic

Splenic vessels
won't separate.

How old?

You're not taking
the spleen?

Not if I don't have to.
4-0 vicryl.

How much blood loss?

Over a liter.

Dr. Corday?

Back in at 140.

Oh, must have torn
the splenic vein--

Side biting clamp.

Dr. Corday.


You're leaking.


Is that breast milk?

I should have pumped.

Is it sterile?

No, you're contaminated.
Scrub out, Elizabeth.

Fresh gown, fresh gloves.

It'll just leak
again-- go pump.

Hang another unit
of packed cells.



What the hell

does the guy want,
a suite at the Ritz?

I don't know,
his manager freaked out

when I said we had
to move him.

Excuse me.

I thought this guy
wasn't even famous yet.

It's not about fame,

Hey, Jim, can we clear
this whole area here?

Hey, so, what
should we do?

Find an open
telemetry bed.

You gave the last one
to his friend.

All right, any
open exam room.


Fascist. Geek.


Okay, where were we?

Dude, does it always take
this long to fix a toe?

When your buddies
come in OD'd, yeah.

Hey, that's not
my fault.

Are you saying
it's mine?

I'm just saying

you guys need more doctors
or something.

Dr. Carter, this
is Vincent Newberry's mom.


The OD you sent
to telemetry.

You don't
remember his name?

I see a lot
of patients.

He almost d*ed.
And I saved him.

What's my name?!
Do you even know my name?!

Hi, Mrs. Newberry.

What kind of doctor
are you?!

Why don't we take
a little step over here?

I'm still here!

I'm Dr. Carter,
I treated your son.

I heard he
stopped breathing.

down his throat

and a machine's been
breathing for him

for the past few hours.

Is he in a coma?

Not exactly, no.
He should wake up soon.

It's that "Liquid-G" junk

isn't it?

Along with alcohol, yes.

I told him to stay away
from that stuff.

It can be dangerous.

Where is he?

Your-your nose.


Your nose is

Oh, damn, not again.

Take a seat right here.

Give it a good pinch.

You know, every time
I-I get worried

it gushes like
a fountain.

Shouldn't I be there, I mean,
if he's having a heart att*ck?

You have to give the doctor
room to work.

Nitro's going
at ten mikes.

Titrate to a
systolic of 100.

Do you need
help, Dave?

A 27-year-old with acute MI,
I'm thinking cocaine.

We're ready
to push TNK.

Ah-- hold on, did you
get a tox screen?

I sent one, but he's k*lling
off myocardial cells

while we wait.

Any recent surgery?


Bleeding disorder?

Clotting well at the blood
draw sites, x-rays clear.

Dr. Chen?

pCO 2 on your subdural's
up to 30.

Oh, okay, uh...

Increase the AC to 16
and drop him to 80%.

So, what about
the cath lab?

It's the middle
of the night--

takes them
two hours to get in.

Uh... where's Weaver?

I can't find her.

Did you page her?


You want to wait
for him to arrest?

Okay, do it.

How about Reopro?

Only if cardiology
takes him for stenting.

He won't need it
if we lyse the thrombus.

Got the tox screen.


Cocaine, right?

Negative for cocaine

negative for amphetamine.

Or, he could have
just taken them

and haven't had time
to show up in his urine.

Did you do a lipid panel?

No, but we could add it on.

( alarms beeping )

We've got V-tach.

Charge the paddles!

Damn it, no pulse.
Starting compressions.

Charge to 200,
push an amp of epi.

It's too early for
reperfusion arrythmia.

Get ready to intubate. Clear.

Still V-tach.

Charge to 300.
Page Weaver again.


I'm taking a cab.

Where did you go?

I was waiting
for you outside.

Well, I-I thought you were
coming back in, I...

( both chuckling )


Sorry, that guy's father

got diagnosed with
prostate cancer last month.

He was asking
about treatment options.

You can go in and talk
to him, I'm fine.

It's okay,
he's calling tomorrow.

Okay, I'm fine.

Luka, you forgot
your credit card.
Oh... thanks.

The last two
were on the house.

Oh, no, how much?

Our treat.

We want to make sure
you're going to come back.

Then, here.
For you.

Thank you.
Good night.


Nice meeting you.


Could you be
a little bit
more rude?

Could you be
a little bit
more friendly?

I'm glad one of us is.

Go back inside,
cure cancer for the UN.

Where are you going?

I'm taking the El.

Still V-fib.

A hundred of Lidocaine,
charge again to 360.

Good breath sounds.
There you are.


I am not staying, I'm going
to pack this woman's nose

and then you are going to take
the rest of these misfits.

You sure there
wasn't GI bleeding?

Stool was quiet, negative,
no contraindications.


What happened?

Fatal MI

drug related.
You sure?

He looks Marfanoid.


Marfan Syndrome-- tall stature,
pectus excavatum, loose joints.

I thought you got
a history.

Yeah, I did-- the brother
didn't say anything.

He might not know.

They have weak
connective tissue

in the aorta.
You better
keep going.

He's dissecting.

Find the aorta,
you might get
a rhythm.

We gave


He had ST elevation.

You gave thrombolytics
to an aortic dissection?!

We didn't know
it was a dissection!

You flooded his aorta,
he's bleeding into his chest.

Thoracotomy tray.
No, he'll
bleed out

all over the floor.

Uh, O-neg, cryo and FFP.

We can do a chest tube
to confirm the humor thorax

and start a central line.

Okay, let's go,
prep the chest!

I was trying
to have fun.

Is that a crime?

No, go have fun.

I can be left waiting
in the street by myself--

I can certainly
walk home by myself.

Why do you have to make

such a big problem
out of everything

like you have an
insect in your anus?

Okay, it's "Bug up my ass,"
Luka, bug... up my ass.

If you're going
to insult me

you could at least
get the words right.

Fine, how's this?
Stop being such a bitch.

Okay, fine.
As soon as you grow up.

Right, you're
so mature.

Abby, you don't even
know what you want.

Yes, I do.
I want to go home.

You play games like a school
girl who can have any boy

and treats them
all like crap.

Luka, why don't you
just call me a whore

and get it over with?

I'm tired of it.

You're not that pretty,
you're not that special.

I'm pretty enough
in the dark, though

aren't I?

You're never happy,
I don't think

you're capable
of being happy...
"Happy"? Happy?

Six months ago you didn't care
whether I was happy.

If you're not depressed or
ashamed, you're just angry.

And you're married to a ghost.

At least I treat you
with respect.

Oh, I know; you're
a saint, Luka.

All right, hook up
the thoraseal.

I can't thread
the guide wire.

Just rotate the bevel
90 degrees.

Damn it.

Uh! No good.

Looks like his entire
blood volume.

How much
O-neg do we have?

Third and fourth
unit are up.

Get another four,
we need that FFP.

Where the hell
is Weaver?!

We've been paging her
for 15 minutes.

Doc Magoo's.

She said something about
going to Doc Magoo's.

Right, I know.

You're always so good,
and I'm so bad...

I'm sick
of being patient.

I'm such a mess
and you're so

I put up
with a lot, Abby.

Oh, and I'm a burden.

Carter, your mother,
your moods.

Why don't you just
break up with me?

I think
you want me to!

If I'm such a
horrible person

how could you possibly
want to be with me?

I don't know how
to be with you.

I don't know how
to help you, I...

I don't want help.

I don't want help.

I don't want to be pitied,
I don't want to be saved.

Okay, okay.


I give up.

What does that mean?

What does that mean,
what does that mean?

Why don't you
I'm done!

I'm done, okay?!
Carter can have you!


Okay, the catheter
is passing.

Any pulse with compressions?

A weak one.

Got the plasma.

Yes, run it
in here.

Are we cracking
him or not?

He can't clot, he'll

He already has.

Could you please
get Weaver, John?

Haleh, could you
page her again?

If we're going to try this,
we got to do it now.

I am not opening his chest
without Weaver.

Could you get her? Now?

Okay, go ahead, prep.
4-0 silk.

We can't wait.


Slow down, Doogie!
He's got a tube
in his throat!

You were going
to draw a blood gas.

Wait another hour.

Hey! Hey, we need
a private room!

( groaning )

( sighing )

Dr. Weaver?

Wait, where are you?

Chest tube output
is four liters.

Ruptured aortic dissection.

We gave 40
of tenecteplase.

Put the scalpel down.

He's had cryoprecipitate
and four units of FFP.

He might clot.

He'll keep lysing the thrombin.

Got to open the chest,
fix the defect.

It's a proximal lesion,
can't cross-clamp it.

Can we try anything else?

Stop compressions.

You k*lled him.

Almost done, okay?

One more.

Yeah. One more.

Hey, you okay, Reese?

The doctor...

will make it
better, right?


I know... Mom's gone.

Finished. I'll have
the nurse dress it

and then you're
free to go.

All right, thanks.

I can remove
the suture, right?

In seven days.

Listen, they're transferring
her to the morgue till morning.

I've got to find
a funeral home.

Did you call her parents?

Yeah, they're
on their way.

Listen, uh, Roger,
tell them that, um...

It's cool, it's cool.

Can you, uh,
can you take him tonight?

I'm going to have
to stay.

Yeah, I was
going to anyway.

Right, right.

Reese, you have to go
with your father tonight.


But I'll see you tomorrow

or the next day, okay?

I love you, too.

You don't know
what Marfan's looks like?

He's an artist.

His brother said
he was up all week.

I was thinking cocaine.

Did you check the blood
pressures in both arms?

I-I don't think...

Did you or didn't you?


You didn't recognize
the widened meidastinum?

Uh, not until
after he arrested.

Apical capping,
tracheal shift to the right--

it's classic for a dissection.

I was told
that it was clear.

I meant
no hemothorax.

Wait, wait a minute.

You didn't look at the X-ray

before you signed off
on thrombolytics?


( sighs )



No, I should have.

Yeah, you should have.

You didn't answer
your page.

We had to make
a quick decision.

You know what?
That's your job!

You make quick decisions

based on the information

You had the right information;
you didn't bother to look at it.

And you've never
made a bad call?

Not as stupid
and lethal

as this one.

Then show up
and make it yourself.

We paged you three times.

In a perfect world,
Dr. Malucci

I wouldn't subject any
patients to your care.

If you knew your ass
from your elbow

or even gave a damn....
I do give a damn.

I do give a damn.

...this man might
still be alive!

Look, he dissected
into his coronaries.

He'd probably never even
survive surgery anyway.

Well, we'll never
know that, will we?

The rest of the family
should be screened.

I'm going to go
talk to the brother.

Wait, Dave

I'll do it.

No, I will.

No one talks to anyone
about this case.

Is that clear?

Is that clear?


Ice that back, Carter.

( baby crying )

Get up and help me.



Get up and help me!

There's poop all
over the bassinet;

it's running
down her legs.


You didn't tighten
the bloody diaper!

God, what time is it?


Okay, okay, okay.

You know, I heard her crying
from downstairs.

Oh, sorry.

I told you to double up.

I thought I did.

Look at this!

Calm down,
it's not fatal.

Yeah, okay.

You take her;
I'll run her bath.

You know what?

Why don't you
just go back to bed

and I'll take care of her.

No. No, you don't
make me the bitch

just because you can't
follow simple instructions.

I was just offering
to take care of it.

Yeah, a splendid job
you've done so far.

Fine. You take care of it.

I've got a shift
in three hours.

Oh, and what do you think
I'll be doing in three hours?

I'm the feeding trough,

Elizabeth, if I could
breast-feed, I would.

Oh, great, great.

You take it.

Take it all.

The sore nipples,
the rashes, the hemorrhoids

the leaking
in your trauma gown

the public humiliation,
the sleep deprivation

the incontinence,
for goodness sake--

you take it, it's all yours!

( crying continuing )

( snoring )

There you go.

Watch out for that volcano
next time.

Hey, Malik, can you
dress that toe

and fit him
for a cast shoe?

Sorry, I'm off.

Can I help you?

Uh, did anyone
turn in a pager?

No, I don't think so.

Carter, I saw your lady
with the nosebleed.

Scheduling her
for a septoplasty next week.

She had a defect?

Yeah, that you could
drive a truck through.

I guess two grams of coke
a day will do that.

Nap note?

Yeah, I was supposed
to be off last night.

Well, you're not
in surgery.

Don't punish yourself.
Go home.

No, I'm on at noon.

I'm just going
to go pass out.

Bad idea.

You know what they say:

The longer you stay,
the longer you stay.

Hey, Connie, I need you
to dress a toe for me

in Curtain Two.

After my break.

Yeah, whenever.

Hey... Reese, what's wrong?

Bad dreams?

You want to sleep here?

Come on.

Okay, it's okay.
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