01x21 - Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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01x21 - Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on total drama island,

campers got sent out on safari.

they made like they were zookeepers.

although, some of them

might want to look at other careers.

and heather and duncan formed an alliance,

which helped a little,

although everyone else helped by sucking.

this week, our six remaining campers

Will get way too close for comfort.

Will heather and duncan's alliance

Survive another challenge?

Will heather avoid the boat of losers yet again?

And who will be voted off this week

In the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet?

Find out tonight on total drama island.

Mmm, cheese.

leshawna: keep it down out there!

What's going on out here?

Is that the doughnut copter?


Welcome back to total drama island

Over the past six weeks, we've watched

Campers push themselves to the limit

And then get their butts kicked

Off the island by their fellow campers.

Sucks to be you.

ezekiel, eva, noah,

justin, katie, tyler,

izzy, cody, beth, sadie,

courtney, harold, eva again,

trent, bridgette, lindsay,

d.j., And izzy again. only six campers remain,

And after six weeks of bugs,

Crappy camp food, and even grosser bathrooms,

Our six finalists are about this close to losing it.

We strove to come up with the best way

To help the campers de-stress,

Then decided it would be way more

Fun to handcuff them together

And see if we couldn't push 'em over the edge.

Did duncan's parole officer send a care package?

Nah, all in the name of today's challenge,

The tri-armed triathlon.

Tri-armed? Like three arms?


Three challenges, three teams of two,

Three arms per team.

Have you met these people?

I am not being chained to any of them.

Winning team members both get invincibility

From tonight's vote.

Six long weeks.

I don't know how much more of this I can take.

The person who's creasing me the most...


The guy is in a permanently good mood.

No one is always in a good mood.

And if he says, "dude" or "cool"

Or eats with his mouth open

One more time, I think I'm gonna

Seriously damage him.

The camp is great and all

And I'm seriously stoked to be here.

Yeah, I miss my buds back home.

Yo, if you're watching,

This is a shout-out to all my bros back east, man!

It's not that I don't like everyone who's left.

They're just kind of downers.

Except owen.

That dude can party!

Leshawna's cool, but gwen and duncan

Are like so serious and heather is freaking me out

With all her strategy talk.

I thought getting to the final six

Would be like a big party, but it's kind of heavy, man.

This place is t*rture, man.

At least in juvie,

We had a half-hour of television a day

And they kept the lunatics locked up separately.

I mean, this outhouse this is the only place

I can go for peace and quiet.

Oh, and you do not want to come in here after owen.

(Inhales deeply)

Oh, man.

And I don't know what courtney said to leshawna,

But all of a sudden, she thinks I'm a "nice guy"

Or something, and she wants to be my friend.

I don't have friends.

Got that?

Yo, this is a shout-out to all my sisters back home.

What's up, y'all?

Girl, you would not believe the crazies they got up in here.

But I came to win and I'm hanging on, baby.

Only five more campers to go.

Yeah, baby!

Final six!

Place at the table!


duncan: keep it down!

It's pretty awesome to be here.

I'm so psyched, dude.


chris: first of our three challenges,

Competitive chow down.

Oh, come on.

This is like a dream I had once.

The doughnut-copter dream?

You've had it, too?

Each team will choose a feeder and an eater.

eaters must put their hands behind them,

making it even more difficult for the feeders.

one last thing.

This is the wimp key, a skeleton key

that will open any handcuffs.

You'll be offered the wimp key at each challenge

to unshackle yourselves from your teammate.

but if you choose to accept it,

you'll both be eliminated.

Hello! How do we win this thing?

Chef's getting platters for each team.

Title goes to the team who finishes their

Platter of delicacies fastest.

I'll do the chowing down.

I don't think so, scrawny chicken-leg boy.

Arm wrestle for it then.

You on, fool.

We don't need to fight or anything, eh?

We're a team, babe.

You be the eater then.


No, wait, I'll be the eater.



Oh-ho-ho-ho! Delicious.

I don't think chicken is green in nature.

Mmm, maybe it's lemon-lime chicken.


You can be the eater.



C-could we go a little slower?

One, two, three, open.

Oh, you gotta try this quiche.


Go faster!

They won't count it if we drop it.

Slow down!

Oh, cheesecake's delish!

I am not here to try the food.

This is a contest.

I am done with this spoon-feeding.

Let's work with your strengths.

chris: the winners are...

Heather and owen!

All right, owen, way to go!

You are one champion eater.

What a team.

Uh, thanks.

Heather was really nice to me when I won the eating contest.

I didn't really understand that.

So to all of the campers who have already left the island,

I just want to say first of all

That I personally prefer to call you "winner challenged."

Secondly, I know that some of you may have thought

That the strategy I used on the island was a little harsh,

But I was only playing the game

The best way I knew how.

It was never personal.

I admire each and every one of you,

And I hope that you'll consider that

When you think about who really deserves to win.


What a team.


Speaking of teamwork, how are you with toilet paper?

(Farting) ugh!

(Heather screaming)

Owen is revolting.

If I make it out of this garbage heap alive,

I'll issue a restraining order on his oversized butt.

No offense.

None taken.

Last chance for the tempting wimp key before part two.

Dare you!

Look, since you and I aren't really seeing eye to eye

On this challenge, maybe we should--

Shut up and focus, owen.

You're not getting out that easy.

It was worth a try.

Heather scares me.

What's the challenge, chris?

On the beach, you will find three canoes,

one for each team.

Your challenge is to paddle your canoe

While wearing handcuffs

all the way to boney island.

Once there, you will open a package

That is waiting for you.




I'm riding in front, sweetheart, no arguments.

Don't you pull that tough-guy stuff with me, sweetheart.

Why don't you just let little leshawna

Sit in the front so I can steer?

Pbht! Little? Are you kidding me?


Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

You do not wanna finish that sentence.

Push it big boy like it's

A big old truck full of doughnuts.

This one time, we had this

Massive pool party and my buddy jay and I

Decided to take our buddy's lawn

And replant it in the school foyer.

I don't care.

No, no, but it was like so awesome.

We put a cup and flag on it and actually putted

A few rounds before getting caught.

The principal gave us the longest detention

In school history.

Will you please shut up?!

Whoa, harshness.

Oh, I know.

I'm the harsh, weird, scary goth girl

Who's being all mean and snappish as usual.

Chill. I didn't say that.

Come on, paddle.

I'm doing all the work here,

And I know my half of the canoe isn't the heavier half.

Oh, you're about to get my paddle up somewhere

You don't want it to be.

Well, I'm about to get up in your face, and if I do,

You are not gonna like it.

Oh, yeah? I don't think you will.

I think you talk a big game, but underneath,

You're nothing but a big cream puff.

-Says who? -I've got eyes.

You've got it bad for courtney.

And don't you even try to deny it.

Oh, that's all you got?

Big deal. She's hot.

leshawna: she told me about bunny.

Oh, man.

You couldn't let d.j. Think his little,

Fluffy bunny abandon him.

Okay, fine.

My dog petey ran way on me when I was ,

And I didn't want d.j.

To have to go through the same thing, okay?

I knew it.

I knew underneath all that crusty shell

There was a big heart.

Yeah, well, just don't go spreading it around, okay?

You gonna paddle this thing in?

Secret's safe with me.

owen: ever since I was little, i've always felt like

No one really listens to what I have to say.

I'm a person who feels things deeply.

Owen, no offense, but I really don't care.

There! On the shore!

I see them! Hurry up!

Welcome to the second part of the second challenge.

back in episode , your teammate beth

stole the boney island tiki doll.

She said she returned that.

She lied.

She broke it up and flushed it down the septic t*nk.

-Ew. -Ew.

I know.

The pieces in those packs need to be returned

To the cave of treacherous terror.

and you want to do it double quick,

'Cause the longer you have the doll,

The worse your luck.

oh, yeah,

one of you has to piggyback the other.


Hop on, cowgirl.

Well, a guy's got his limits,

And mine's about --

Wow, those two are like milk and grape juice, eh?

Totally curdling each--

Geoff, this is a challenge.

If you--

That's more like it.

Oh, wow, scope all the beauteousness here.

Here, wait. Hang on.

Are we lost?

There is no beach on this map.

Nah, I remembered it from our last trip.

Isn't mother nature coolio?


That'll be totally perfecto for your wawanakwa scrapbook.

(Gasps) scrapbook?

Why will you not take this seriously?

What's going on with you?

Are you okay?

Look, you don't have to pretend

To be friends with me, okay?

I'm fine. So just leave me alone.

I wasn't pretending. I really like you.


And if we went to the same high school,

You'd probably invite me to all your wild parties, too.

I totally would.

But I didn't think you'd want to go.

Why not? I'm not cool enough?

No, you just seem like, I don't know,

It's not your thing, you know?

You probably think parties were pretty stupid, anyway.

Well, I wouldn't know. I've never been to one.

Oh, snap.

You've never been to a party?

No, okay?

Sometimes, I wish I had been.

That for one day I could be one of those happy,

Vapid girls who gets along with everyone

And is all excited to eat massive amounts of sugar

And do karaoke and cheerleading and ponytails.

I just don't think it's in my d.n.a.

Partying isn't in your d.n.a.

It's a state of mind.


When we get off this island,

You are coming to an awesome party chez moi!


Yeah, baby.

You're getting the lingo down already.


Uh, I'm not sure I'm ready for the woo-hoos yet.


We'll work on it.

heather: giddy up, fella.


Easy there, boy. Easy now.

We're in. Just a few more steps.

Ha-ha! You can take them, leshawna.

You crazy back there?

ain't nobody that tough!

This is a disaster.

There's no way they haven't already beaten us.

No! Wait!

I don't think anyone else has made it here yet.

We can still win this.

That was amazing.


Now that's what I call a woo-hoo.



Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!

Okay, don't think I'm some mindless party animal

Just 'cause I let loose with geoff.

That guy just brings out the party in people.

And that's a point for the gwen and geoff dream team.

Yes! That's my partner.

High five.

So an awesome day, huh? Moldy food fight,

Carnivorous beavers.

But it's time for someone to win this thing.

Point each for everyone but leshawna and duncan,

Who could still pull a stopper.

Today's final challenge.

-Aah! -Relax.

It's just eva.

Ew. Two evas. That is upsetting.

The totem pole of shame and humiliation.

your task, assemble the heads in the order

in which your comrades were voted out.

Unless you want the wimp key.

Time for heads to roll.

Nice guy justin.

Look, even this wood carving of him is smoking hot.

I mean, it's a good carving!

His features are so chiseled.

I mean someone chiseled them really well.

Well, look who I found.

Lindsay and beth.

Too bad neither of them made it to the final six.

What a shocker.

These pieces of wood have about as much brain power

As those two traitors combined.

Okay, I think katie was voted off fifth.

No, it was sadie.

Wasn't it katie?

I can never remember.

Katie was the one who was afraid of bad haircuts

Or was that sadie?


Let's see what our most argumentative team is up to.

What's this? Don't!

It's not funny, man.

Most guys kiss girls they like.

Dude carves her head.

Mr. Tough ain't so tough.


Who said we got to be tough all the time, huh?

Ugh, little miss crazy.

They should have made her wear a helmet.

We're not there yet.

Can you believe she's roaming the streets, wild?

Can we stop talking about this?

Seriously, she's a danger to sane people everywhere.

That's it!

Where's the wimp key?


Trent next, right?

We... Have... A... Winner!

Ledonca and shewanenan take it.

That means anybody can get voted off tonight.

We had fun, didn't we?

Mama always said if you can't say anything nice,

Don't say anything at all, in which case,

Heather would say nothing ever!

She is the meanest, the nastiest,

The biggest (beep)

In all of kalamazoo!

No offense.

Oh, none taken.

I sort of respect you for it.

-Never do it again. -Oh!

chris: you've all cast your votes

and made your decision.

the camper who does not receive

a marshmallow tonight

Must immediately return to the dock of shame

To catch the boat of losers.

That means you're out of the contest

And you can't come back, ever.

The first marshmallow goes to leshawna.

next duncan.

Four campers are left, but only three marshmallows.

The next marshmallow goes to heather.


yep, that's one sure fire way to wipe a smile off

a camper's face.

Show them a plate with exactly one marshmallow on it.

I ain't gonna front.

I knew that if it came down to a popularity contest,

I was gonna lose big time.

I had to vote off heather.

You made a big mistake a few weeks ago.

And I have a long memory.

I'd have to be an idiot to vote off

Anyone else at this point.

No hard feelings. It's just strategy.

I'm left with just one marshmallow for the night.

and either gwen or geoff is about to go home.

It's cool.

I had a good time.

What are you doing?! You're wrecking it!

The last marshmallow of the night goes to...


Geoff, it's time for you to go, bro.


Are you guys all crazy?

Geoff is the nicest guy in the world.

Yeah, bingo, sister.

As if heather could defeat nice.

The power of nice is huge.

And we're not worried about you in that department, gwen.

No sweat, gwen.

Ciao, dudes.


I have something for you.

My lens!

I went back to boney island.

I'm sorry.

There might be just a little bit of lake wawanakwa in it.

Makes it a better souvenir, right?

Right. Bye, geoff.

And thanks.

Wait up! Say cheese!
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