01x17 - Hide & Be Sneaky

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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01x17 - Hide & Be Sneaky

Post by bunniefuu »

chris: previously on total drama island.

campers searched for treasure

and yours truly put in an impressive performance

as a pirate,

but this was no ordinary treasure hunt.

some campers put their lives on the line

to snag their booty.

while geoff put his stomach on the line,

doing something that would make most people hurl.

but in the end the campers who went the limit were rewarded

with treasures that in hindsight

probably weren't worth the effort.

oh, well, except for heather,

who for the umpteenth time in a row,

managed to win the coveted invincibility prize

and avoid getting voted off.

meanwhile, trent and gwen's love train

went right off the rails, thanks to heather's scheming.

and it was trent who walked the plank.

ha, ha, arr.

who will be the next unlucky camper

To walk the dock of shame?

Who will lose their cool?

Who will lose their lunch?

Find out on the most shocking episode yet

On total drama island.

chorus: ♪ dear mom and dad, i'm doing fine ♪

♪ you guys are on my mind ♪

♪ you asked me what I wanted to be ♪

♪ and now I think the answer is plain to see ♪

♪ I want to be famous ♪

♪ I want to live close to the sun ♪

♪ well pack your bags cause I've already won ♪

♪ everything to prove nothing in my way ♪

♪ I'll get there one day ♪

♪ 'cause I want to be famous ♪

♪ nana na'na naana nana nana na nana nana na ♪

♪ I want to be, I want to be, i want to be famous ♪

♪ I want to be, I want to be, i want to be famous ♪

(whistling I want to be famous)

I am so glad they included grapetastic pop

In your reward last night, heather!

It's totally my favorite.

It's the only thing I've really been craving

On the island.

I cannot believe that leshawna shredded my clothes.

She is so gonna pay for this.

Well, you did steal gwen's boyfriend.

That's pretty major.

Shut up.


How can you drink this sugar water?


Heather is my best friend on the island.

I mean, sure, she steals my food and borrows my clothes

And calls me names, but that's what bffs are for,

Best female friends.

Who cares about friends?

In this world, there are shepherds and there are sheep.

And lindsay is a major sheep.


I think she really respects me and my strategical ideas.

I've got flip-flops with more brains than her.

But, hey, she's useful right now,

So I'll keep her close.

And when I don't need her anymore, I'll dump her.

Girl, you've got to put trent out of your head.

I know.

I just miss him so much already.

Well, baby girl, nothing heals a broken heart like revenge.

Today's challenge is a good, old-fashioned game

Of hide-and-seek.

You all get ten minutes to hide before chef hatchet

Comes looking for you.

with his military background

and advanced degree in man hunting,

he's uniquely qualified to make this game

excruciatingly hard.

What's with the water g*n?

The lifeguard chair is home base.

when he finds you, chef will try to spray you.

If you escape his blast, you can try to run to home base.

but if he catches you on your way, he'll douse you.

Ooh, so we're gonna get splashed by a bit of water.

Now I'm terrified.

Why don't you demonstrate, chef?

Not on me, dude!

So how do we "win" this game?

You've got three options.

One, don't get discovered in your hiding place.

Two, run to home base before chef blasts you.

three, once you've been caught,

help chef find other campers.

Do any of those and you win invincibility.

-All clear? -Ah...

You get ten minutes to hide. Go!


(Birds chirping)

Uh, lindsay, couldn't you do any better

Than hiding under your covers?

lindsay: fooled you. this isn't even my bunk.

Oh, chef hatchet?



chris: knock-knock.

lindsay: who's there?

The entire viewing world.

lindsay: the entire viewing world who?

You're gonna have to do a lot better than that

If you want to avoid capture.


My guess?

She's a goner.

(Birds chirping)

-Whoa! -Sshh!

Hey, guys, great hiding spot.

-Yeah! -Listen up, boys.

We're in trouble, okay?

There are six chicks on the island and only four dudes.

I know. Nice odds! Ooh!

No, butt-brain, bad odds.

If I noticed it, chances are that sooner or later

They're gonna notice it, too, and when they do,

They're gonna pick us off one by one.

We've got to do something about it.

It's not like they're exactly getting along.

Remember this morning?

(Shower running)

gwen: aah! who turned the hot water on?

Oh, sorry. ah, ah!

get off of me!

leshawna: ooh, I'm gonna get you!

(Glass shatters, crashing)

Well, I don't know, dude.

Bridgette and me, we kinda hooked up

I don't feel right about joining an alliance without her.

Let me tell you the truth about women.

They're all sisters, and when push comes to shove,

They're gonna stick together.

Haven't you ever seen a chick flick before?

Well, yeah, but--

Look, man. Now's the time, while they don't see it coming,

While we have the element of surprise.

Jeez, I'm just not sure.


Are you sure now?

Okay! Okay, okay!

We'll form our own alliance!


Wow, duncan.

-Juvie really made you a scary dude.


Now that we're all agreed, guys unite and save our butts

From elimination.

All: agreed.

Uh, are you in, dude?

Oh, I am so psyched!

A dudes' alliance, I love it.

It's so manly!

Yeah! Come here!

Mwah, m-m-wah.

All right, now clear out.

-What? -I was here first, dude.

This is my hiding spot.




(Door creaks)

Hey, heather!

What a coincidence.

We are just, like, destined to hide together.

What? What are you doing here?

Can't you find your own hiding place?

This challenge is called "hide-and-seek,"

Not "hide in groups and seek."



Ah, I love this show.

Dig yourself a hole.

Disguise yourself as a canoe.

I don't care.

Just do it somewhere else.

(Laughs evilly)

This is my kitchen--

Also known as forbidden territory.

Take her.









I guess you heard that, huh?


(Shouts) yah, yah, yah, yaya!

(Knuckles crack)



(Glass shatters)

You'll never get me alive!

(Izzy shouts)

(Hatchet shouts)




Nice, little skunks.


Technically, I don't have to spray you, but--

Please! Spray me!


Ah, come here, you.


Either I've been in the sun too long

Or that bird is talking to me.


(Both gasp)

What are you doing in my hiding place, man?

Your hiding place? It's mine.

-Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to get up here?


Look, we're tight and all, but--aah!

D.j., Are you okay?


oh, I landed on my keys. you guys are so busted.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Since there are two of them, why don't I bust one of them

So we both get invincibility?

Hey, I've got an idea.

Find your own!


I just found owen and d.j. In the lodge,

So I guess I have invincibility now.

My job here is done.

Gwen, looking fetch as always.


(Geoff groaning)

You're done, son.


I wonder where duncan is hiding?

How should I know?

It's not like the guys are forming a guys-only alliance

or anything.

Okay, they are forming one, but I'm not a part of it.

Okay, you broke me.

There is an alliance, and I joined it,

And I'm not supposed to tell you, but I did.

There, are you happy?

Wow, I really had to drag that out of you.

All right, already. You got me.


I guess that's everyone, then.

What about leshawna?


But I searched everywhere.

The water!

What took you so long, sugar?

geoff: whoo!

-izzy: yeah! -(all cheering)

All righty, campers, game's over.

Time to pick the loser and send them home.

Oh, yeah.

Can you hear us okay out there, bridgette?

bridgette: yep.

leshawna: sorry we had to keep you outside, girl.

we just can't stand that smell.

bridgette: that's okay.

i understand.

The guys are teaming up against us,

And as much as it makes me want to yak up my lunch,

We have to vote as a group

If we want any chance of winning.

bridgette: well, I say we take out duncan.

He's mean, and I'd tell him that to his face.

sounds good to me.

I don't trust that little criminal.

Speaking of trust, I don't trust that owen.

He's always happy and smiling.

It's creepy and unnatural.

I say we lose him.


Owen, yeah.

But owen is, like, the nicest guy on the island,

And he plays a mean game of canasta.

Have you guys ever played that?

It's so fun.

This is an elimination game, not a dance.

We have to vote someone off in order to stay in the game.

Hey, why don't you vote with us, izzy?

We'll be like bffs.

Best female friends.


You know she'll just dump you after the vote.

It's true, she will.



Okay, that was a limited edition.

I'll never be able to get that nail polish back.

I'm starting to think that maybe heather

Isn't such a nice person after all.

You with us?


Fine. Then let the chips fall where they may.

(Door slams)


so it's agreed. we vote bridgette off.

No, wait!

She could still be an asset to us.

Oh, really?

You dig the way she smells right now?

Why don't we vote heather off?

She's got dirt on all of us, dude.

Because we can't. She's got invincibility again.

Besides, everyone likes bridgette,

And she's great at sports.

We might not get another chance, dude.

All in favor of booting bridgette?

That settles it.

Here's to the guys' alliance.


There are only two marshmallows left on this plate.

you each racked up a lot of votes.

One of you is going home tonight

And cannot return...ever.

The next marshmallow goes to...



All right!

The final marshmallow of the night goes to...


(All gasp)

Okay, that was a shocker.

Even I'm shocked, and I knew the answer.

(Wolf howls, insects chirp)

Bridgette, I'm gonna miss you.

Me, too! So you didn't vote me off?

No way.

You didn't?

I could never vote you off, babe.

You're my girl.

Aw, I believe you.


Ah, okay.


geoff: good night, guys.

duncan and owen: good night!

duncan: sleep tight, geoff.

Oh, yeah. Good night.
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