02x10 - Skinwalker

All episode transcripts (season 1-10) for the TV show "Smallville". Aired: October 2001 to May 2011.*
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A young Clark Kent struggles to find his place in the world as he learns to harness his alien powers for good and deals with the typical troubles of teenage life in Smallville.
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02x10 - Skinwalker

Post by The Zookeepers Apprentice »

Act 1 Teaser

A LuthorCorp construction team is wrapping up work for the day in an open field in Smallville. Day. There is a large sign in the field showing a picture of several large buildings and it says “Corporate Plaza, The Leader in High Tech Office Space.” The foreman, DAN HAMMOND, says goodnight to the workers as they exit through the gate of a chain link fence.

Dan: Goodnight, boys.

Man #1: Hey, goodnight.

Dan: Good job.

Man #2: Thanks. See you tomorrow.

Dan: See you tomorrow.

The last of the men leave and Dan closes the gate, locking it with a chain and padlock. He puts some equipment away on a shelf, and when he turns around, he comes face to face with a middle-aged Native American man, JOSEPH WILLOWBROOK.

Dan: Damn it, old man, I told you before. You're trespassing!

Joseph: How can I be trespassing on land my people owned for thousands of years?

Dan: Out of my way, chief. I've got a job to get done.

Dan starts to move, but Joseph stops him.

Joseph: You don't understand the consequences of what you're doing.

Dan: Are you threatening me?

Joseph: How can I be threatening you? I'm just an old man.

Dan: You got a problem, take it up with the big guy. (He unlocks the gate and opens it for Joseph to leave) Get the hell out of here.

Joseph walks outside the fence and watches Dan as he locks it again and walks away. Then Joseph walks away.

We see a shot from high above the construction site and the light fades as day turns to night. Dan is next to a large t*nk that says “Flammable Gas” and he takes a nozzle to fill his own truck's gas t*nk before leaving. He starts to fill the t*nk when he hears a rustling in the trees behind him. He turns around but sees nothing, and he continues to fill his t*nk. He sets the nozzle to pump on its own, and walks a few feet away from the truck to look around. There is a soft rumble of thunder as rain starts to fall. He sees the branches on the trees move with more rustling and runs back to his truck. Opening the door, he grabs a tackle box and pulls out a flare g*n. As he loads it, we see a slightly blurry shot from the point of view of something coming toward him from behind. He turns around to fire the g*n and a white wolf jumps onto him, knocking him to the ground. He screams and blocks his face with his arm as the wolf barks at him furiously and scratches his cheek, drawing blood.

At the same time, the nozzle is still pumping into the t*nk and the gas is starting to overflow onto the ground. Dan points the flare g*n into the air and fires. Both he and the wolf are illuminated by the red glow and the wolf looks at the overflowing gas t*nk and then at the flare g*n. As if knowing the danger, it runs away, leaving Dan on the ground next to the truck. Dan looks into the air and sees the flare arcing downward, headed right for him. It hits the ground and the truck explodes, setting off a chain of huge explosions around it.

The wolf sits at the edge of the field, watching this from a safe distance. The noise dies down, and the wolf runs away.

[Opening credits]

Act 1 Scene 1

Clark and Pete are riding through sandy hills on dirt bikes. Day. Their engines roar as they race next to each other on a clear path. Pete takes the lead and goes over a small dirt hill serving as a ramp, and sends him into the air. Clark follows and they both land perfectly. They continue through the field and Pete makes another jump before they both stop outside the fence of the construction site. They see the damage of the night before and several police officers questioning the workers.

Pete: What are the police doing here?

Clark: Some sort of an accident last night. An expl*si*n.

Pete: Well, maybe this will convince LuthorCorp to finally get the hell out of Smallville.

Clark: It's an office park, Pete, not a toxic waste dump. What's the harm in that? Come on, I'll race you back to Miller's Bend.

They rev their engines loudly and speed away down the trail, speeding past a cop.

Cop: Hey, kid, watch yourself!

Clark and Pete continue on the trail side by side. They come to a point where the trail forks in two directions. Clark goes to the left and Pete goes to the right. When he gets to another straight path, Clark goes over another dirt hill and lands the jump. But at the bottom, there is a fallen tree lying across the path and he runs into it, sending him flying off his bike in a front flip and landing on his back. As soon as he lands, the earth gives underneath him and he falls through, plummeting a very long distance past underground cave walls until finally landing at the bottom with a thump. He takes off his helmet and tosses it aside as someone walks up from behind with a flashlight. It is an attractive Native American girl KYLA. Clark sees her.

Clark: (Confused) Lana?

Kyla: Don't move. (She kneels down next to him)

Clark: I'm fine.

Kyla: You're in shock. You fell over 100 feet. (She rips open his shirt) You don't have a scratch on you.

Clark: (Sitting up) Just lucky, I guess.

Kyla: That's some incredible luck you have.

Clark: Where'd you come from?

Kyla: I was just over there doing research for my grandfather. The landslide must've opened up that wall.

Clark: I didn't even know there were caves down here.

Kyla: If LuthorCorp has its way, then there won't be anymore. I'm Kyla, by the way.

Clark: (He pauses, looking at her) Uh... (He gets up and helps her up) Clark. Clark Kent.

Kyla: The invincible Clark Kent apparently.

Pete: (At the top of the hole) Clark! Clark! You down there?

Clark: Yeah, Pete, I'm all right.

Pete: Hey, man, you gonna need some help or can you jump your way out?

Kyla looks at Clark strangely.

Clark: I've got some company down here. (To Kyla) Funny guy, huh?

Pete: All right, man. As long as you're all right.

Kyla: (Looking past Clark) Oh, my God.

She walks past him and shines her flashlight on the wall.

Clark: What is it?

Kyla: It's the legend of Numan. My ancestors have passed down this story for generations. (There are primitive drawings on the wall) They said it had been written in the earth long ago, but nobody ever knew where it was until now. Thank you.

Clark: Sure, no problem.

Kyla: You don't understand. My grandfather's been searching for this wall his whole life. It was prophesied that Numan would fall from the skies in a rain of fire. (She shines her light on a crude drawing of a man falling from the sky) They say that Numan will have the strength of ten men and will be able to start fires with his eyes. (There is another drawing of a man sh**ting fire from his eyes) It probably sounds silly.

Clark: Not to me.

Kyla: I've got to tell my grandfather about this. Come on, I'll show you the way out. Try and keep up.

She hands him his helmet and he takes another look at the pictures with a look of excitement on his face. He starts to follow her out and stops at another wall. Engraved in the stone is an octagonal groove, just like the one on his spaceship. The shot fades into a shot of the octagon on his ship as we go to:

Act 1 Scene 2

Clark and Jonathan are standing next to the ship in the storm cellar. Day.

Jonathan: It's an octagon. It's a very common shape, Clark.

Clark: Okay, but what about the story? How many people fall to earth in a meteor shower and can sh**t fire from their eyes?

Jonathan: Clark, I understand how important it is for you to figure out where you came from, but those drawings could have a hundred different interpretations.

Clark: (Unwrapping a piece of metal with symbols on it) You pulled this from the spaceship just before it closed.

Jonathan: I don't see what that has--

Clark: Dad, these are the same symbols that are in the caves. Kyla's grandfather's been studying the story of Numan. Maybe he can read this.

Jonathan: I want you to be careful what you tell those people, Clark.

Clark: Dad, if they can tell me who or what I am, it's worth the risk.

Jonathan: Son, we don't know anything about Kyla or her grandfather for that matter.

Clark: I know. That's why I invited them over for dinner.

Act 1 Scene 3

Joseph, Clark, Jonathan, and Kyla sit at the dinner table as Martha takes their dishes. Night.

Joseph: According to the legend, a man came from the stars and fell in love with the mother of our people. Out of that forbidden affair, the Cowachi people were born.

Clark: Do you know which star he came from?

Joseph: The legend only tells that he left one day and flew back into the sky, promising he would send another.

Jonathan: And that would be this Numan person you've been talking about, right?

Joseph: Yes. Of course, that was 500 years ago. He's a little late.

Kyla looks at Clark, smiling softly. Clark smiles back.

Joseph: You're not from around here, are you, Clark?

Martha: Um, actually Clark is adopted.

Clark: These, uh, these symbols seem to make up some sort of alphabet.

Kyla: That's the really weird part. (Clark smiles at her again)

Joseph: Our people don't have a written language. I've seen a symbol here or there on artifacts, but never in a pattern before.

Clark: So you don't know what they mean.

Kyla: Grandpa's studied a lot of ancient languages. I'm sure with some time he can decipher what the symbols are.

Joseph: If Luthor doesn't get at the them before we do.

Clark: Mom, maybe you can talk to Mr. Luthor.

Joseph: You know Lionel Luthor?

Clark: Know him? Mom is his executive assistant.

Martha: Clark, I'll do what I can, but it isn't that easy. The situation isn't that black and white. That complex will create a thousand desperately needed jobs.

Clark: And you think that's more important than these caves?

Martha doesn't have an answer.

Jonathan: So, um, does anyone want coffee with their pie?

Act 1 Scene 4

Clark is looking through his telescope in the loft. Night. Kyla watches him.

Clark: You want to have a look?

Kyla: I kind of like seeing it with my own eyes.

She walks past him to the window and he smiles.

Clark: So these legends, you don't think that they're like Venus and Apollo and all the other myths? (He walks up behind her)

Kyla: Just ‘cause something's a myth doesn't make it not true. Here. (She takes his hand and points his finger to the sky) Do you see the bright one right there? If you follow the stars around it, it makes the shape of a wolf's head. (She puts his hand down on the window ledge and rests her hands on top of it) See how one of the eyes is missing? Our ancestors say that there used to be a star there. That's where Numan came from.

Clark: And what happened to it?

Kyla: (She turns to face him) You tell me. You're the one who fell from the sky.

They stand facing each other for a moment, not realizing that Lana is there watching. Clark finally notices.

Clark: Lana.

Lana: Your message sounded urgent, so I just came over. I didn't realize you had company.

Clark: Thanks. Lana, this is Kyla.

Lana: Hi. I don't think I've seen you at school before.

Kyla: Oh, I go to Grandville. I'm just here doing research for my grandfather and rescuing any guys that happen to fall into my life.

Lana: How'd you two meet?

Clark: In these caves, under the new LuthorCorp site. That's actually why I called you. If this new LuthorCorp complex goes ahead, the caves will be destroyed, along with ancient paintings that Kyla's ancestors drew.

Kyla: They're our only link to the past.

Clark: Defending a good cause sounds like something Henry Small might be into.

Lana: We're not exactly at the father-daughter favor stage yet. But I'll ask him anyway.

Kyla: Thank you, Lana.

Lana: No problem.

Act 1 Scene 5

Lionel is walking on a treadmill in the study. Day. He is talking with Sheriff Ethan.

Lionel: So, it's not the first time he's been involved. Thank you, Sheriff. I'm glad you told me. That's very enlightening.

Ethan: We'll keep you posted, Mr. Luthor.

Lionel: Thank you.

He leaves as Martha enters.

Martha: Hi, Ethan. Lionel, what's going on? I thought the police were done with their investigation.

Lionel: Oh, the sheriff's not ready to call it an accident. Apparently, Joseph Willowbrook, the Native American who's spearheading the protests, has a history of civil disobedience.

Martha: They think it was sabotage?

Lionel: Uh, let's just say they're not ruling it out. (He stops the treadmill) Maybe I should have done this project in Grandville.

Martha: (Helping him down) Smallville needs those jobs. (He sits down and she kneels next to him) Um, I sent flowers to the foreman's family and I arranged for you to, uh, do a condolence call tomorrow afternoon.

Lionel: Good thinking. I don't want to be perceived as uncaring.

Martha: I didn't do it for that reason. I did it because it's the right thing to do.

Lionel: You know, there are times when I'm with you, that I'd swear I was talking to my wife. She was a lot like you, Martha. The same unflinching honesty. I miss that.

Lex: Hope I'm not interrupting.

Martha: (Standing up quickly) Hi, Lex.

Lionel: Lex. Always good to hear your voice, son.

Martha: Well, I-I need to get home early today, so I'll see you tomorrow.

Lionel: All right.

Martha smiles at Lex as she leaves.

Lionel: (Stands and walks to Lex) Believe me, Lex, I know how hard you've been working. You engineered an employee buyout of the Smallville plant. Now look at you. (He puts his hand on Lex's shoulder) You're building an empire of your own without my help. But your success shouldn't prevent us from joining forces when a lucrative venture comes along.

Lex: Come on, Dad. You don't need me as an investor in some random office park.

Lionel: No, not as an investor, Lex. I want you as my partner. Blame it on a brief bout of sentimentality.

Lex: Sentimentality is synonymous with vulnerability. You taught me that. You're on your own.

Act 1 Scene 6

Construction on the site continues. Day. Underground, Kyla climbs one of the cave walls as Clark shines the flashlight.

Kyla: The pictographs are a lot more detailed up here.

Clark: What do they say?

Kyla: It promises that one day Numan will protect the entire world. (The earth shakes slightly) Luthor's bulldozers. It's been happening all week.

Clark: I don't know if it's very safe for us to be here right now.

Kyla: Oh, Clark, get up here. You have to see this.

Clark puts the flashlight on the ground, aiming it at the wall, and climbs up to join her.

Clark: What is it?

Kyla: It's Ziget. He's like a brother to Numan. (There is a drawing of a creature with two heads) Legend has it, one day he'll turn against Numan, and together they'll be the balance between good and evil.

She takes a picture of it.

Clark: (Seeing a picture of a woman with a turquoise square beneath her) Who's that?

Kyla: It's the woman he's destined to be with. (Kyla touches the wall and we see the same turquoise square on her bracelet. Clark notices) That was handed down through the women in my family. I don't even know how old it is.

There is more rumbling and Kyla loses her balance, falling off the wall.

Clark: Kyla!

By the time she gets to the ground, Clark is already there and catches her. A large rock falls toward them. Clark lays Kyla on the ground and blocks her from the rock, which shatters on his back. They look into each others eyes and smile. Then he helps her up.

Kyla: How'd you do that?

Clark: Just adrenaline, I guess.

Kyla: No, yesterday you didn't have a scratch on you and... What, you sh**t fire out your eyes too? Clark turns away from her) Oh, my God. I was just joking. You-- you really are Numan.

Clark: I don't know what I am. (She looks at him) You don't seem very freaked out.

Kyla: (Taking a step toward him) Because I know what it's like to be different. (She puts a hand on his chest) Clark, it's okay. Maybe this could explain everything I've been feeling the last few days.

Clark: There are a lot of things about me that I can't explain.

Kyla: Clark, you don't have to. I grew up around a lot of things that seemed unexplainable.

Clark: Yeah, but I'm--

Kyla: (She puts her hand on his mouth) You try and use logic and reason to try to make sense of it, but you just have to give in.

They kiss passionately.

Fade to black.

Act 2 Scene 1

Lana puts some brochures down on a table at the Talon that say “Save the Cave.” Day. Henry Small is with her.

Lana: Thanks for your help, Mr. Small. It's really great of you to do this.

Henry: Yeah. To be honest, I'm glad you called. (He motions to the table and they both sit down) There's something I want to talk to you about. Lana, I got the test results back. (Pause) It looks like we share the same DNA.

Lana: (Takes a breath) So you really are... You're my father.

Henry: I don't think I've earned that place in your life yet. But I want to if it's not too late.

Lana smiles.

Act 2 Scene 2

Joseph and a group of protestors picket outside the construction site. Day. Martha and the new foreman walk to them from inside the fence.

Joseph: Mrs. Kent, if you're looking for Clark, he and Kyla are down documenting the caves.

Martha: (She and Joseph walk away from the protestors) Actually, I'm here in a more official capacity. Mr. Luthor would like to sit down with you and discuss your concerns.

Joseph: I'm usually better at spotting a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Martha: Mr. Willowbrook, I understand the importance of these caves better than anyone, but there must be a way for you and LuthorCorp to coexist peacefully.

Joseph: You have to forgive my skepticism, but every time the Naive Americans are asked to peacefully coexist, we've been k*lled or forced onto reservations.

Martha: Please, Mr. Willowbrook-- (Henry walks up)

Henry: You may get your day in court yet, Joseph. Based on discoveries in the cave, this cease and desist order is effective immediately. (He hands Martha a legal document) The hearing is set for a week from today.

Joseph: (To Martha) Tell your boss if he wants to talk, I'll see him in court. (Sheriff Ethan walks up) Sheriff, if you're hear to harass me about my permit to protest--

Ethan: Joseph Willowbrook, I'm placing you under arrest for the m*rder of Dan Hammond, the foreman at this construction site.

Henry: Wait, m*rder? There has to be a mistake.

Ethan: I found a towel in Mr. Willowbrook's trash with blood on it that matched the victim's.

Joseph: (To Martha) Is this LuthorCorp's idea of peaceful coexistence? Framing an innocent man.

Ethan: Come with me, sir.

Ethan leads Joseph away and Henry follows.

Act 2 Scene 3

Lex is on his cell phone at his desk in the study. Day. Clark enters.

Clark: Lex?

Lex: I'm gonna have to call you back. (He hangs up the phone) Clark, is everything all right?

Clark: I need to raise bail money for Joseph Willowbrook. He's being set up, I think by LuthorCorp.

Lex: That's a pretty serious accusation, Clark. Don't get me wrong, I'm impressed by your conviction, but going head to head with my father? You're a little like David trying to slay Goliath.

Clark: Where do you stand?

Lex: Any culture that's left a legacy that would endure for centuries has earned my respect. I'm afraid it's a losing battle.

He stands and picks up some books from the desk to put them away.

Clark: Didn't David beat Goliath?

Lex: Your newfound advocacy wouldn't have anything to do with a beautiful doe-eyed crusader, would it? (Clark doesn't answer. Lex goes up the stairs to the bookshelf) Your mother told me about Kyla.

Clark: Lex, have you ever wondered if you were destined to be with someone?

Lex: You're asking someone who's been fighting his destiny his entire life. I'm a little surprised to see you've moved on so quickly. What happened to Lana?

Clark: It's a completely different feeling when the person likes you back. Lex, please, can you help me with the bail money?

Lex: (Coming down the stairs) I'm sorry, Clark. But I don't make it a practice to bail out alleged murderers.

Clark: Maybe I can get you to change your mind.

Act 2 Scene 4

A large banner that says “Save the Cave” is hanging in the Talon. Day. Lana is taking names on a clipboard.

Lana: (To a young man in a Crows letterman jacket) Thank you. (He walks away as Chloe enters)

Chloe: Hey, so it looks like Clark pulled you into his activist phase.

Lana: Between him and Henry, I didn't really have a choice. But they are fighting for something really important.

She gives Chloe a button.

Chloe: Thank you.

Lana: You're welcome.

Chloe: I've never seen Clark this passionate about a cause before.

They start to walk and Lana passes out buttons.

Lana: I don't think the cause is the only thing he's passionate about.

Chloe: Yeah, so what is it about Kyla that breaks through Clark's shining armor?

Lana: I don't know. I always thought Clark had trouble letting people in. I guess he was just waiting for the right one.

Chloe: You know, Clark's sudden interest in Kyla wouldn't have anything-- (To another student who takes a button from Lana) Hello. Wouldn't have anything to do with the letter that you wrote Whitney, would it? Sorry, I saw it on the counter this morning. It's one of the pitfalls of having a roommate.

Lana: Whitney and I have been writing to each other every week since he left. Actually, I've been writing him. He hasn't really responded much lately.

Chloe: Am I being really evil if I suggest that maybe he's trying to move on?

Lana: I don't know. Whitney's shared more with me since we broke up than when we were together. What is it with guys and their emotions? The closer you get to them, the more they keep everything in.

Chloe: Must be some sort of protective instincts. You know, maybe we should just stop falling for guys who are trying to save the world.

Lana laughs.

Act 2 Scene 5

Clark and Lex walk through the cave with flashlights. Day.

Lex: Not that I don't find the dank stench of a cave invigorating, but what does this have to do with Joseph Willowbrook?

Clark: I wanted you to see them for themselves. This is what he wants to protect.

Lex: Incredible. These may be more impressive than the caves at La Scalle.

Clark: Joseph and Kyla are trying to get a team down to authenticate them.

Lex: So you're doing all of this for some cave paintings?

Clark: I'm doing this because I think it's important for people to understand the past. Don't you?

Lex: Looks like a fascinating story.

Clark: Makes you wonder if the people who drew these paintings thought that we'd be here a hundred years later looking at them.

Lex: (He notices the octagonal groove on the wall and touches it. Clark doesn't see this) Somehow, I think they did.

Clark: Lex, these caves are part of our history. Saving these paintings might be the most important thing you'll ever do. What do you think, Lex?

Lex: Maybe more important than anything we can imagine.

Act 2 Scene 6

Kyla and Joseph hug in the Talon as Clark stands by. Day.

Kyla: I can't believe you got Grandpa out so quickly. (She hugs Clark)

Joseph: Thank you, Clark. Although I don't know how I feel about the fact that it was Luthor money that bailed me out.

Clark: Not all Luthors are the same.

Joseph: Why are you doing all this?

Clark: It's for a good cause. (Martha enters) Mom? I thought you'd be at work.

Martha: I was, uh, running an errand and I wanted to come by. Mr. Willowbrook, I'm sorry you got tangled up in the m*rder investigation.

Joseph: People don't get tangled up in things like this, Mrs. Kent. They get set up.

Martha: I don't think more false accusations are going to help anyone's situation.

Clark: But Mom, someone from LuthorCorp put the bloody towel in Joseph's trash.

Joseph: (To Martha) You may have come here with good intentions, but it's clear where your allegiances lie. Kyla, I think we need to go.

Joseph and Kyla walk away. Kyla turns back to look at Clark, then leaves.

Act 2 Scene 7

Clark enters the Torch where Chloe is on the phone. Day.

Chloe: Thank you.

She hangs up the phone.

Clark: Anything new in Joseph's case?

Chloe: You know, Clark, a simple “Hello, Chloe” goes a long way.

Clark: I know, I'm sorry. I'm just a little...

Chloe: Obsessed? I've noticed. I just got off the phone with the coroner's office. They finished the autopsy and there's a new development. I guess they found teeth marks in the foreman's bones.

Clark: What kind of teeth marks?

Chloe: Canis lupus. (Clark looks at her blankly) Wolf.

Clark: Takes Joseph off the hook.

Chloe: It's still a few notches this side of normal. I mean, wolves have been extinct in Smallville for 90 years.

Clark: The look on your face tells me you have a Wall of Weird explanation.

Chloe: Don't k*ll the messenger, but I found out that Kyla's tribe name translates into skinwalkers.

She shows Clark a picture of a wolf standing on its hind legs with a human posture and wearing a man's clothes.

Clark: What is this, some sort of tribal ritual?

Chloe: (Chloe gathers her things and they leave the Torch) It's a Native American myth where the humans transform into animals.

Clark: It's just a legend.

Chloe: Clark, sometimes legends are true. You know, this isn't the first time that Joseph's been arrested for his radical tactics.

Clark: Chloe, Joseph's not a m*rder*r.

Act 2 Scene 8

Martha comes out of a LuthorCorp office building and heads for her car. Night. We see a shot of her from a distance, in the blurry point of view of the wolf. She slows down, sensing that she is being watched. She looks around, then speeds up until she gets to her car.

After she unlocks the door, she gets in and goes to put the key in the ignition, but her hands are shaking and she drops the keys on the floor of the car. Suddenly, the white wolf jumps onto the hood of the car and barks at her angrily, its breath coming out in clouds of steam. Martha slowly reaches down for the keys, finally gets the right one into the ignition, and starts the car. She looks through the windshield, and just as suddenly as it appeared, the wolf is gone.

Fade to black.

Act 3 Scene 1

Clark comes home and into the kitchen where Jonathan is seated at the counter. Night.

Jonathan: Well, what do you know? You do still live here. Oh, uh, Kyla called for you. Twice. (He hands Clark the message) You two certainly seem to be getting pretty serious.

Clark: Yeah, I can be myself with her. For the first time in my life, I feel like everything fits. Like we're destined to be together.

Jonathan: But still there's something wrong. (Clark lowers his eyes) Why don't you have a seat, son? (Clark sits) What's up?

Clark: I have these feelings for Kyla, and I don't want to doubt her, but I'm not sure she's being honest with me.

Jonathan: Well, Clark, not everybody's exactly what they seem. I mean, we should know that better than anybody.

Clark: Dad, I think she knows more about the foreman's death than she's telling me. (Martha enters, shaken) Mom? Mom, what's wrong?

Martha: A wolf tried to attack me.

Act 3 Scene 2

Lex is looking at his laptop in the study. Day. Lionel enters.

Lionel: Lex. (As Lex closes the laptop, we see an octagon on the screen) Have I done something in the recent past to offend you?

Lex: There are so many ways I could answer that question, Dad.

Lionel: I am referring to the fact that you have posted bail for a man who allegedly m*rder*d my foreman.

Lex: Don't tell me you're afraid of an old man.

Lionel: I'm sure you know that this project has become a public relations disaster, but now you have added an entirely new angle for those damn treehuggers to exploit.

He sits on the other side of the desk, across from Lex.

Lex: You're right about the PR nightmare, but perhaps we can give it a positive spin.

Lionel: Is that your cryptic way of saying you've reconsidered my proposition, Lex?

Lex: No.

Lionel: No.

Lex: (Lex gets up and walks around the desk, leaning down next to Lionel) I'm offering to take this project off your hands. I'll match dollar for dollar what you've sunk into the complex.

Lionel: Buy me out? What advantage would you get out of such an impulsive act?

Lex: The satisfaction of seeing a local treasure preserved forever.

Lionel: No. No, I know you too well to believe you've become an activist, Lex. There is something about that land that is extremely valuable. And you know what it is.

Lex leaves and Lionel stares into space, his expression intense.

Act 3 Scene 3

Clark is cleaning a saddle in the barn. Day. Kyla enters.

Kyla: Hi. (She kisses him) I thought I was supposed to meet you later at the Talon.

Clark: I needed to talk to you.

Kyla: Oh. Is everything okay?

Clark: Kyla, I've been more open with you than almost anyone ever.

Kyla: It's okay, Clark. I'm not gonna tell anyone your secret.

Clark: I know, I trust you. That's what makes it so much more weird. What do you know about skinwalkers?

Kyla: (She smiles) Have you been studying up on me?

Clark: The stories say that people can turn into animals. Are they true?

Kyla: The visitor from the stars supposedly brought special green stones, and they had really strange effects on the people. That's when they said the first skinwalkers appeared.

Clark: So they're real.

Kyla: It's like you said, Clark, they're just stories.

Clark: Like the legend of Numan is just a story? I know how important your grandfather is to you, but I need to know. Is it possible that he's a skinwalker?

Kyla: (Angry) I can't believe you're doing this!

Clark: Kyla, my mother was att*cked by a wolf after she had an argument with your grandfather, and they found out that the foreman was mauled by a wolf.

Kyla: You can't actually think he's a m*rder*r.

Clark: Joseph would do anything to save those caves.

Kyla: I thought you were on our side.

Clark: Those paintings are very important, but not enough to k*ll innocent people over.

Kyla: If this is how you think of us, then maybe we weren't meant to be together after all. My grandfather's right. Lionel Luthor controls you all!

She storms out.

Act 3 Scene 4

Lionel walks down the hall at the mansion. Night. He stops at the door of the study and tilts his head, listening to something. Then he enters the room and sits down by the fire. There is an end table next to the chair with a bottle of brandy and he pours a glass. He sits back and takes a swallow. Something grinds outside the door and Lionel turns his head in that direction.

There is thumping and scratching on the outside of the door.

Lionel: Lex? Who's there?

The scratching at the door stops and we hear the wolf howling as it scurries away. Lionel turns around, listening as more wolves join in the howling, seeming to come from every direction. He holds still, sensing something behind him. We see him turn around from the wolf's point of view. The wolf is above him on the second floor with the bookshelves. It barks at him and drools.

Lionel walks quickly in the other direction and comes face to face with another wolf sitting on the pool table, growling and barking.

Fade to black.

Act 4 Scene 1

The wolf on the pool table continues to bark at Lionel. Night. It reaches out and scratches Lionel's face.

Lionel: Aah!

He backs up, dropping his walking stick and falling into the chair by the fire. The wolf leans off the edge of the table and barks menacingly. Clark super speeds into the room.

Clark: Joseph!

The wolf stops barking and looks at Clark. They make eye contact, sharing an intense gaze. Two police officers come in behind Clark pointing shotguns at the wolf.

Officer: Don't move!

Clark: No, no! Don't sh**t. (The wolf jumps off the pool table and runs to the stained glass window) Joseph!

The wolf jumps through the glass, shattering it. Clark runs to the window and looks out, but the wolf is gone. He sees a large pointy shard of glass still standing in the window frame and the tip is covered with blood.

CUT TO Clark running through the woods.

Clark: Joseph! Joseph.

He comes to the wolf lying on the ground, breathing slowly, bleeding from its stomach. The wolf's form starts to shift, and it morphs into a human. Kyla.

Clark: Kyla? No. No! (He runs to her and covers her with his coat, pulling her into his arms) Kyla. Come here. Come here. You're okay. Come here. You all right?

Kyla: (Weakly) I didn't want to hurt the foreman or your mother, Clark.

Clark: (Comforting her) Okay, okay. Why didn't you tell me it was you?

Kyla: I didn't want to lie, but I saw the look in your eye when you thought it was my grandfather.

Clark: I'm sorry, Kyla.

Kyla: You're the first person I thought I could trust. I knew that you knew what it felt like to carry such a big secret.

Clark: I have to get you to the hospital.

Kyla: Clark, stay with me. (She touches his face) I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't be the one for you... Numan.

She dies.

Clark: No...

He holds her close and rocks her.

Act 4 Scene 2

Martha and Lionel are driven to the construction site where all the workers are gathered at the gate. Day. They get out of the car and one of the workers approaches.

Man: Mr. Luthor, we're all shut down here, sir.

Lionel: What's the problem here?

Man: Some kid thinks he's a hero.

Martha: Clark?

She sees Clark standing in the middle of the field.

Lionel: Martha, I'm indebted to your son for his courage yesterday, but I thought you had a talk with him about this business.

Martha: I did. And I agree with him.

She pulls another one of Lionel's assistants over and gives him Lionel's hand.

Lionel: Are you willing to lose your job over this?

Martha: That's up to you.

Lionel: Martha. (She goes to Clark) Martha? (Whispered) Martha.

Clark: (When Martha gets to him) Hi. (They hug)

More cars approach, honking. Joseph and his people get out and Clark goes to him.

Joseph: Thank you, Clark. Kyla was right to believe in you.

Clark: I didn't save her.

Joseph: You did what you could. Know this. Kyla had faith in you, and so do I. Whatever your destiny, (He unwraps Kyla's bracelet and presents it to Clark) for the true one in your life.

Clark takes it and looks at Joseph with tears in his eyes. Joseph nods.

Lex drives up and gets out of his car. He goes to Lionel.

Lex: Dad, you always told me to choose my battles wisely.

Lionel: I hope I didn't use such an obvious cliché.

Lex: You should have taken my offer on this land.

He puts a legal document in Lionel's hand.

Lionel: What is this?

Lex: In light of the petition drive, the state has decided to exercise the Historic Artifacts Amendment, and buy you out at 30 cents on the dollar. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that LexCorp has secured the contract for the preservation for this entire area.

Lionel: Altruism is not in your blood, Lex. Believe me. I don't know what you're up to, but you found something valuable in those caves, and whatever it is, I'll find it.

He walks away.

CUT TO Lex in the cave with his flashlight. He goes to the octagonal groove on the wall, blows the dust out of it, and wipes it with a handkerchief. Then he shines his light around the cave, looking at the pictures. The shot stops at the picture of the two-headed creature.

Act 4 Scene 3

Clark is looking out the window of the loft. Night. Lana enters behind him and he turns around.

Clark: Lana.

Lana: I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about Kyla.

Clark: I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to know her better. You had a lot in common.

Lana: That means a lot, knowing how important she was to you.

They stand side by side, looking out the window.

Clark: Kyla told me there used to be a star right out there by the bright one. But it disappeared.

Lana: (On the verge of crying) It's amazing how quickly a light can go out.

Clark: (Turning to her) Lana, you're shaking. Are you okay?

Lana: No. No, I don't think so. I guess it hasn't sunk in yet.

Clark: Lana...

He turns her to face him.

Lana: Whitney's mom just called. He's missing in action.

She starts to cry and Clark pulls her into an embrace. She sobs against his chest as he holds her.

Fade to black.


This Episode of Smallville featured music by:

"Psycho Ballerina" by Jackpot

"Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones

"The Game Of Love" by Santana feat. Michelle Branch

"Outtathaway" by The Vines


Transcribed by: Kerrplop
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