02x04 - Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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02x04 - Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus

Post by bunniefuu »

Excuse me, sir, there's no smoking.

We're outside.

It's our policy. I don't make the rules.

Then change your policy. It doesn't make any sense.

We are outside, for god's sake.

Sergei, what are you trying to prove?

I'm not trying to prove anything.

I'm just trying to enjoy a cigarette.

If you don't put that out, I'm going to have to call the police.


I'm putting it out. There.

Are you happy?

Are you happy?!

Is everybody happy?

This is how it started in n*zi Germany, you know?

Man: Call 911!

[ Telephone dialing ]

Man #2: Oh, my god, he's got a g*n!

What are you doing?



♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do, hey, who's in charge here? ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, all this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

I can't believe it!

Man, we really lucked out. That's Adrian monk.


He's the best crime scene investigator in the department.

We studied all his cases at the academy.

Huh, really? Never heard of him.

Oh, I can't believe he's here.

It's like meeting Mick Jagger. Oh, that's sharona, his nurse.

He has a nurse?

When his wife was k*lled, he didn't leave the house for, like, 3 1/2 years, until he met her. Now he can't do anything without her.

She's pretty hot, huh?

You think so? Hey, maybe they're together.

No, monk's not with anyone.

He's still hung up on his late wife.

That's the one case he can't solve.

Ha ha. Look at him... Adrian monk.

Oh, he's the man. Whew.

Hey there. What's your name, son?


Officer Myers, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the area.

Me? What'd I do?

Nothing, but it's your socks.

They don't match.

My socks? What...

I lost one, sir, so I... They're pretty close.

Look, I couldn't care less about your socks. It's monk.

You're distracting him. He can't concentrate.

What's taking so long?

Maybe next time.


Okey-dokey, bad man all gone.

He's directing traffic on ridgewood Avenue.

Did he understand?

No, he didn't understand. I've known you a long time, Adrian, and I don't understand.

Can we just focus on the work now?

All right, it's 12:30, the place is packed.

Everybody's having a good time.

The perpetrator comes down the fire escape and leaps down.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. He leaps down?

Yes, leaps down. Now, the maitre d' is trying to call 911 on the cell phone, comes to confront the perp.

The perp does a spin move, kicks the phone out of the maitre d's hand.

At this point, he pulls a g*n, fires one round right through the guy's heart.

A k*ll shot.

From here? What is that? 30 feet.

34. I know, that's a hell of a shot.

Look at this.

We pulled that slug out of the planter box.

What did he use, a Cannon?

It's a .454 from a ruger casull.

They use it on safaris to stop elephants.


And who was the victim?

Uh, his name is Sergei cluvarias.

They're running it now.

Table's set for two. Who was his date?

Some broad. She ran off.

We'll have a sketch soon.


Where is the sugar?

Sugar? The sugar cubes.

This bowl's empty. All the other bowls are full.

You're right. What's that mean?

I don't know.

What about the cashier?

No, showed zero interest.

This wasn't about money.

Disher: Or it was, and he got scared away.

What's that?

Wood shavings.

Wood shavings?

Sawdust? Randy?

What happened next?

Well, the getaway, which is why you're here.

I thought this might be right up your alley.

No pun intended. What pun is that?

Because of the alley.

Shecky, can I continue? All right.

For once, the witnesses are all on the same page.

They all saw the perp jump to this table, and then leaped up to this bar and did a somersault, and then over the valet, runs down the street and makes a left turn down the alley.

Is there a circus in town?

A circus?

Ha ha. Circus. That makes a lot of sense.

Disher: Sir?


We just got a positive on the victim.

He's the master of ceremony at the dratch & denby traveling circus.

Master of ceremonies? Yeah, the ringmaster.

At the circus. The circus.

The circus.

Dratch & denby circus.

Founded in 1947.

They do 400 shows a year in 65 different towns.

Cool. Ha ha ha.

Payroll, 240 people.

Yeah, and he's using the term "people" very loosely.


You okay?

I'm not really in my comfort zone here.

You have a comfort zone?

Yes, I have a comfort zone.

I've never seen your comfort zone.

It's not very big. It's, uh...

It's kind of small.

I-I don't have a comfort zone.

Where do we start?

Well, we follow the g*n.

There's a ruger casull handgun registered to an employee here.

Yeah, his name's Nikolai petroff.

He's, uh, one of the animal trainers.

You go on ahead.

We're going to poke around on our own.

Meet you back here in a bit, but stay out of trouble.


Excuse me.

Uh, can you toss me one of those?

Go ahead. It's okay.

Just throw it.


Just go ahead and throw it.

I got it.

And throw it. Just...

Just throw it.

Throw the ball. He says just to throw it.

Throw it... now!

Oh! [ Groans ]


Let's go. Sorry.

So what's the plan?

We find the stables.

Why the stables?

Missing sugar cubes.

Very good.

Hi. Hi, I'm Adrian monk, and, uh, this is sharona Fleming.

That's a beautiful horse.

She's a percheron, one of the strongest horses in the world.

What are you doing? What are you... don't... don't touch the horse.

Why not?

People sit on that... Sweaty circus people.

No offense. Do you want a wipe?

Will it make you happy?

No, but take a wipe.

What is your name? Ariana dakkar.

Miss dakkar, we're investigating the death of Sergei cluvarias.

Why talk to me?

You were with him last night, weren't you?

At the cafe when he was k*lled.

Who told you that?

No one told me. You shouldn't have taken all the sugar cubes from the table.

I shouldn't have run away, I know, but I was scared.

I was sure she was going to k*ll me, too.

"She"? You think the k*ller was a woman.

I don't think anything. I know exactly who it was.

I know she was crazy, but I never thought she would try something in public.


Natasia lovara.

She calls herself the queen of the sky.

An acrobat.

Sergei's ex-wife.

Jealous bitch.

She couldn't stand the thought of him having a life.

If she's miserable, everybody else has to be miserable.

She tried to k*ll him before, six months ago, but there wasn't enough evidence to indict her.

If you knew who did it, why didn't you go to the police?

She was afraid.

You're not a citizen yet, but you're about to take your naturalization test.

She was afraid to draw attention to herself.

How did you know that?

That pamphlet in your bag...

You're studying the U.S. constitution, something no citizen would ever do.

Good luck, by the way.

Thank you, Mr. Monk.

Thank you.

We'll be in touch.

[ Gasps ]

[ Trumpets ]

[ Snorting ]

[ Cats growling ]

Nikolai petroff?

Who's asking?

This shiny little piece of metal's asking.

Are you Nikolai petroff?

Are you trying to scare me, huh?

This pussycat weighs a couple of hundred pounds.

It could rip me apart in a heartbeat.

I ain't scared of her. You think I'm scared of you?

Excuse me.

You may not be scared of the lieutenant, but you've got plenty of reason to be scared of me, 'cause I got a little cage like that downtown.

It's not much bigger and not a whole lot friendlier.

And if you obstruct my investigation, sir, for one moment further, you're going to spend some time in it. What's your name?

Yeah, okay. I'm Nikolai petroff.

Can we make this fast? I have a show in 30 minutes.

You're not going to cancel the show after what happened?

Most people around here are celebrating.

Really? I take it Sergei wasn't very well-liked.

Not by me.

Well, it's no secret. You're going to find out anyway.

Until last week, I was with Ariana.

The woman he was with last night.

To hell with both of them.

What is it you do around here?

I'm a wrangler.

Anton the great goes into the cage. I watch his back.

You watch his back, so you've got a g*n in case there's a problem.

That's right.

And that g*n's a .454 ruger casull.

That's right.

Can we see it, please?

Nikolai: What happened?

You don't know?

I swear to god I checked it last night.

Sir, sir, just step back, please.

Where is it?

I was hoping you could tell me.

Phone it in, get s.I.D. Down here right away.

You, sir, are going to have to find somebody else to feed your kitty cat.

You're coming with me.

There you are.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I turned around, and you weren't there.

I like it when I turn around and you're there.

I'm... I'm sorry. It's just... I don't know.

It's okay. Let's go.

I think we should talk to natasia, the ex-wife.

I got a good feeling about her.

I can't help but notice you're not moving.

Are you blind?

What kind of detective are you?

Can't you see that I'm upset?

You said you were fine.

You're impossible.

What? What's going on?

You promise you won't laugh?

I never laugh.

I'm scared of elephants.


When I was 7, I went to the zoo, and I saw a baby girl fall into the elephant pit.

And she was hurt? No, she was fine.

They got her out, but it scared me to death, and now ever since then, whenever I see an elephant, i-i-i freak out, and I start shaking.

I can't help it. I hate 'em.

[ Laughing ] Oh, brother.

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, come on, sharona.

You're not a kid anymore. You just suck it up.

We're on a job here. I need you now.

What did you just say?

I said I need you... No, no, no, no, no.

Before that.

Did you just tell me to suck it up?


You know, I can't believe you, Adrian.

You have thousands of phobias and quirks that I have to deal with every single day, and I am always there for you. Aren't I?

Answer the question. Yes or no?


Right. I am.

And now I just have one tiny little problem, and you have the nerve to tell me to suck it up?

Don't you have any compassion?

You're the most selfish, inconsiderate man I have ever met.

Great. Now I'm upset.


Ms. Lovara?

Come in.

I'm Adrian monk.

This is my assistant sharona.

She'll say hello later.



I'm investigating the m*rder of your ex-husband.

Of course. Whatever I can do.


Suck it up.

Okay. Anyway, sorry to hear about Mr. Cluvarius.

If you are sorry, you didn't know him.

I understand it was not an amicable separation.

Sergei was a terrible husband and a terrible ex-husband, but he's an excellent late husband.

No, it was not, as you say, amicable.

It'd be foolish of me to pretend otherwise.

Everyone here knows how I felt.

I should warn you, ma'am, anything you say can be used as evidence against you.

Are you taking notes?


Is this you? Da.

And, uh, and you're also a sharpsh**ter.


Where were you last night, Ms. Lovara?

I was here alone.

I was reading Tolstoy.


This book?

The spine hasn't been cracked.

No bookmark, no pages folded over.

How do you know where you stopped?

I remember where I stopped.

Could you excuse us?

Get away from me. Come on.

Call the captain, tell him to meet use here.

She's the guy... Motive, no alibi, and she already tried to k*ll him once.

Mr. Monk, if you would like me to come with you, all you have to do is ask.

If you wouldn't mind.

Not at all,

A leopard and panther wrangler.

Yep, he works with the leopards and the panthers, and he's got a .454 ruger casull handgun, which he says he can't find.

He had the hots for the horse trainer the Vic was seeing.

And get this...

He's a trapeze artist wannabe.

He's been practicing. They say he's pretty good.

And that's how we spell primary suspect.

Hmm. He's left-handed.

Well, yeah, he works in the circus.

What's that supposed to mean?

They're freaks. They're all ambidextrous.

Says who?

Circus people are ambidextrous. I read that somewhere.

I like the ex-wife.

You should have seen her. She's cold as ice.

Cold as ice with a broken foot.

She's got a bad temper.

A bad temper with a broken foot.

You keep coming back to the foot.

Monk, the k*ller did a somersault, and then ran away in front of witnesses.

That's precisely why I think it's her.

Why else would the k*ller jump around like that in front of witnesses?

There's only one reason...

To prove...

Prove that she could.

Suck it up.

Are you guys all right?

Yeah, we're fine.


Okay, as I was saying, she has a broken foot.

It's in a cast.

We don't know if it's really broken.

We haven't exactly been sleeping here, monk. Lieutenant?

Her story checks out.

She broke her left foot two weeks ago in Kansas City.

She always ended the show with something she called the triple tailspin.

You know, it's her specialty move.

Anyway, she, uh, missed the bar or something and fell 25 feet in front of 750 pretty freaked out people.

[ Coughs ]

[ Coughs ]


She missed the net?

She never used a net.

She go to the hospital?

No, she's a romani gypsy.

They don't believe in doctors. She set the bone herself.

So she never saw a doctor, which means a doctor never saw her.


All right, monk.

Lieutenant, see if our queen of the sky will consent to an X-ray.


Thank you. You're welcome.

You want to finish it?

You know, when Karen and I were having trouble last year, we went to a marriage counselor, a guy named mosely. Decent guy.

He didn't help us much, but I'm sure Karen has the number if you'd like it.

We're not married, and if we ever get married, sh**t me.

You know who you should never marry?

The elephant man.

I'd marry the elephant man before I married you.


You know what that means?

Yes, I know what it means.

Here it is.

So, is it really broken?

No, it's not broken.


It's shattered.


The radiograph indicates multiple fractures of the tarsal and metatarsal bones consistent with a crush-type injury.


There are also fractures along the tibia and fibula at the medial and lateral malleoli.


What happened to her?

She fell 25 feet from a trapeze.

That would do it.

Doctor, let me ask you something...

Somebody with an injury like this, could they do a somersault and then run away?

That's impossible. The pain would k*ll her.

She couldn't even hobble away.

What if she took pills... Painkillers?

We took a blood test before the X-ray.

Came up negative. No dr*gs, no painkillers.

She's clean.

Thank you.

What are you doing? You don't smoke.

I do now.

This is a hospital, for god's sake.

You can't smoke in here.

So? Suck it up.

Okay, I'll suck it up.

You two stay here. I'll bring the car around.

No, I'm going with you.

Mr. Monk.

Would you mind?

I can't open it myself.

Can't you?

You saw the x-rays.

Do you have any other questions?

Just one.

How did you do it?

I like you, Mr. Monk.

You appear to be a careful and cautious man, but inside, in your mind, you are like me.

You are up there working without a net, risking everything.

It is the only way to live.

Steady, steady, no, no.

[ Grunts ]

All right.

Natasia. Over here.


Uh, thank you. Thank you for coming.

What did you want to see me about?

Did your girlfriend forget her routine?

Ha ha. No.

I just wanted you to know I got your back.

Don't worry, I would never tell anyone.

Tell them about what, heinz?

You know... About how you did it.

How I did what?

You know, um, my trailer is over there.

A couple of nights ago, I couldn't sleep.

I looked out of the window, and, uh, I saw you.

Come on, don't make me say it.

I always thought you were a smart woman, natasia.

Very smart. Very pretty.

What do you want... money?


What would I do with money?


I just want to spend time with you.

I-I like you.


But I like you, too.

Oh, I think we've got a lot to talk about.

Maybe I can buy you a drink.

I would like that...

Tomorrow, after the matinee.

I'll come to your tent.

No, no, no. Better I meet you here.

There's something I want to show you.

Good. Good.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Ring ]


It's me... Adrian.

Adrian monk... your boss.

I know. What do you want?

I'm at the circus.

I thought you were going to meet me here.

I told you I was taking the day off.

Are you allowed to do that?

No, so fire me.

Please... it'll be my birthday present.

Got your flowers.

Oh, good, good.

The card was blank.

I know, I-I... I didn't know what to say, so I just... I just left it blank.

How did you know they were from me?

They're all the same height, and all the flowers have the exact same number of petals on them.

Yeah, look, uh...

Sharona, I-I just wanted to say I'm... I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry.

That's not good enough.

I'm very, very, very, very sorry.

You just don't get it.

Yes, I do.

No, I-I don't.

It's not that easy.

You can't just apologize.

You have to really think about how you treat me, Adrian.

You really hurt me, and you have to try to understand...

Wait, there she is. I got to go.

Be careful.

Please don't... don't do that.

Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Don't worry about them. They know how to fall.

It's the first thing we learn.

You brought your camera, Mr. Monk.

Oh, sure. I love it here. It's so upbeat.

You hate it here.

You think I can walk.

You're trying to catch me.

You're right. I was.

You saw the x-rays, Mr. Monk. How can I walk on this?

I'm curious. What is your theory?

Some people have a very high threshold for pain.

They can take it.

Mm, nice try, but any doctor will tell you it's impossible.

Besides, I was married to Sergei for 15 years.

That's enough pain for a lifetime.

You fell two weeks ago. Is that right?

Your point?

Your cast looks... Looks like new.

No scuff marks. It's not even discolored.

Again, nice try.

My old one was itching.


So I put a new one on four days ago.

[ Organ playing fanfare ]

The show is about to begin.

You are missing it.

You're wrong, natasia.

I'm not missing a thing.

Man: The lights are coming on in the big top.

Hurry up, folks, get your seats.

So, how's the case coming?


Not good.

Bad. I have a suspect.

She doesn't even deny she did it, but I can't prove a thing.

Hmm. Well, how... How's that make you feel?


Okay, so what do you do when you feel angry?

I get mad.

Adrian, you've had tough cases before.

You usually don't get this rattled.

What's going on with you and sharona?

She's still not talking to me.

She says I don't get it.

Well, I-I think maybe she's right.

What don't I get? I don't understand.

I can't tell you that.

You mean...

You know, but you won't tell me?

Adrian, you're going to have to figure this one out for yourself.

I'm sorry.

I'm... I want to make sure I understand this.

I have a problem.

You know the answer.

That's right.

I'm paying you.

That's right.

But you won't tell me.

That's right.

Adrian, the answer is inside you.

No, doctor, the answer is inside you.

If you told me, I would hear it, and then the answer would be inside me.

What do you got?


What exactly does "bingo" mean, Randy?

We got the m*rder w*apon.

.454 ruger casull.

Now, that's been fired recently.

Any prints?

It's been oiled down. How'd it get in there?

It's the backup Cannon. The cannonball guy says anybody could have dropped it in. They haven't used it in a week.

Backup Cannon. Good lord.

Get that down to ballistics. Put it on the fast track.

Excuse me. Are you guys about done?

Sir, could you step back? This is official police business.

Maybe I should come to your office and root through your stuff.

How'd you like that, huh?

I hate that cannonball.

Benjy, bring your bike around back.

How many times do I have to tell you?



Hello. It's me... Adrian.

I know. I'm looking right at you.

Listen, sharona...

Uh, I've been thinking about it, you know, it, and, uh, I just want to say...

"About your fear of elephants, "I was way out of line.

"I shouldn't have belittled you

"just because you were being...


Is that it?


My fear is irrational?

As opposed to... To what, your fears?

Well, the stuff I'm afraid of is, you know, based on fact.

It is?

Like germs.

Like, um, crooked paintings and... and... And sidewalk cracks and... and food touching and the wind?

Hey, the wind can k*ll. Hurricane edna?


At least they're things people actually encounter.

You have to make an appointment to see an elephant.

You have to sign up for a safari or something.

You don't get it. You never will.

I'm going to go play some video games.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, don't forget about your bike.

If you don't do it, your mom's going to have to do it.

Let's give her a break.


What did you say? N-nothing.

No. No, no, no.

Don't be scared. It was good.

You said "let's give her a break."

That was empathy.

That means you're thinking about how I felt.

I think you're getting it now.

I am.

So we're back to where we were?


But it's a start.



Steady, steady, no, no. No, no.

Ungowa. Ungowa.

Dede, bend down.

That's it.

Good girl.

Why are you dragging me back here?

Well, you'll see. Have a little faith, okay?

[ Gasps ]

No, no, Adrian, are you crazy?

What are you doing?

I spoke to the trainer earlier.

I told him about your problem, and we just thought that if you met the elephant, if you got to know her, maybe you could get over your... Fear.

Thank you, but I can't.

I can't, and I won't. I'm not doing this.

Mr. Monk, ah. Is this your friend?

Yes, this is sharona Fleming. This is Edgar heinz.

This is...

Right, and this is dede.

There's nothing to be afraid of, miss Fleming, nothing.

Look, see?

I'm petting her.


I'm petting her.

Elephants are very passive.

They're like children. Dede wouldn't hurt a fly.


Now you pet her.

I can't believe you did this. I can't believe it.

Come on, you don't...

You don't want to end up like me.

If... if I can do it, anybody can do it.

Come on.

Here you go.

Just... just like I did.

Go ahead.

G-go ahead.

Come on.

Oh, she likes you.

She likes you.

Um, we were just about to rehearse a couple of tricks. Would you like to watch?

Sure. Sure.

I really don't want to do this. Yeah.

Good, good.




Ungowa. I don't want to do this.



And now for the grand finale.

Oh, god.

Come on now. Don't worry.

He knows what he's doing.

[ Whispers ] Dede...


[ Trumpets ]




[ Splat ] Oh, my god!

Here you go. You want to sleep?

I can't. Every time I close my eyes, I see it again.

Oh, it was so horrible.

It's okay. I'm right here. I'll take care of you.

One hot cocoa coming up.

Here, I'm going to put on some music for you.

Thank you, Adrian.

Oh, are you kidding?

It's the least I could do.

You've been there for me every day.

And I spoke to that woman from animal control.

She said it was just a freak accident.

The odds against it were...

1,000 to 1.

I really don't want to talk about it.

Good idea. Sorry.

Is, uh, is this a dollop?


A dollop. It says, "add one dollop to the whipped cream."

I don't know. I think a dollop's like a teaspoon.

It doesn't say teaspoon. It says dollop.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be exact.

It's like a pinch.

How many pinches to a dollop?

I don't know.

Maybe it's more like a schmear.

I think it's three pinches to a schmear.


Ah. Forget it. Forget it.

I'll just make something else.

What, you're throwing it out?

Nobody can make this cocoa. The recipe's impossible.

Fine. I'll do it.

Yeah, maybe you should do it.

Do you mind if I sit down?

What do you want in your cocoa?

Do you have any of those little marshmallows?

How many? 10? Eight.

I'll have eight.

Eight's good.

Make it eight.



There's eight. You don't have to count.

4... 5...


1,000 to 1.

What's 1,000 to 1?

The odds of an elephant doing that.


It wasn't an accident.

Natasia: Energy!

Phillipe, you're dragging your feet!

Point your toes!

Let's do it again!

Excuse me. Natasia lovara.


I need to ask you one or two questions.

If this is about my ex-husband, you're wasting your time.

This isn't only about Sergei, ma'am.

You're also a suspect in the m*rder of Edgar heinz, the elephant trainer.

Don't be ridiculous. That was an accident.


No, it was homicide... Premeditated.

And we have the m*rder w*apon right here. Lieutenant!

Monk: You waited for Mr. Heinz to put his head under dede's foot.

And then you gave the command for the elephant to stomp.

She is well-trained, weighs over 4 tons.

A perfect k*lling machine.

Adrian, Adrian, I gotta go. Just tell me what happened.

Tell me what happened.

But I was nowhere the pen when it happened.

That's true.

You weren't there. You gave the command from across the midway over a walkie-talkie.


Lieutenant, could you check behind the elephant's ear?

Got it.

Careful with that, Randy. We need the prints.

Why k*ll Edgar heinz?

Well, you had no choice.

He knew that you had m*rder*d your ex-husband that Monday night.

Mr. Monk, you are demented.

Nevertheless, you did it.

Excuse me, I'm... I'm summing up the case here.

The k*ller ran away.

My foot is broken. You saw the X-ray.

All week, I've been asking the wrong question.

I've been asking if your foot was broken.

I should've been asking when your foot was broken.

It's true. You fell during a show two weeks ago, but it wasn't an accident. You said it yourself.

The first thing you learn is how to fall.

I'm guessing it was one of the best performances of your life, natasia.

And your fear of hospitals came in quite handy.

There was no X-ray.

Everyone just accepted the fact that your foot was broken.

What is your problem?

Hey, clown, take a walk.

Monk: The night of the m*rder, you slipped out of your cast and followed your ex-husband and his girlfriend.

You waited until they were in a crowded restaurant.

You needed witnesses to see you running.

That was the key to your plan.

I wasn't there, but I heard you were dazzling.

You really are the queen of the sky.

An interesting theory, Mr. Monk.

Perhaps you'd like to X-ray my foot again.

No need for that.

I'm quite sure it really is broken.


Now, you knew you'd be a suspect, and you knew that we'd want an X-ray.

It's not an easy thing to do...

Breaking your own foot.

After the m*rder, you came back here.

It was late. Everyone was sleeping...

Dede, ungowa.

[ Cracking ]

Monk: Everyone except dede's trainer.

His trailer was right there.

He probably woke up and looked outside.

Can't somebody do something about this clown?

Look, I'm a police officer.

Knock it off.

Go ahead.

Like Tolstoy, you know how to tell a clever story, but you need proof.

The elephant isn't talking.

Anyone could've put that radio thing in her ear.

Randy, take that down to the laboratory straightaway.

I don't think they'll find any prints. She's too smart.

I'm sure she wiped it down.

Then again, that walkie looks brand-new...

Which means she had to put batteries in it.

You did remember to wipe your prints off the batteries, didn't you, natasia?


All right, that's it, freak. You're under arrest.

For impersonating an officer.

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, get her! Get her!

Aah! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

Don't move! Go, go!

[ Muttering in Russian ]

Are you all right?

You must've been so frightened.

See, I'm empathizing with you.

I'm putting myself in your shoes.

Will you shut up?

Okay, that's you getting annoyed at me because I won't shut up.

So, um, that's me being compassionate and sensitive. I feel your pain.

Oh, god.

I'm feeling your pain.

I've created a monster.

See, mom? I told you she was friendly.

How do you feel?

Good. I think I'm over it.

Maybe there's hope for you.


What's wrong?

I think I stepped in something.


It's right here.

I don't see anything. I definitely stepped in something.

I have to go home.

We just got here.

I want to go home. Oh, just suck it up.

I don't think it's my turn to suck it up. I think it's your turn to suck it up.

Benjy: Hey, why don't you both suck it up?

Sharona: Excuse me, do you kiss your mom with that mouth?

No. You should. Come here.

I love you, mom. I love you, too.
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