02x05 - Assassin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Numb3rs". Aired: January 2005 to March 2010.*
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An FBI agent recruits his brother, a mathematics genius, to help solve crimes.
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02x05 - Assassin

Post by bunniefuu »

Daniel, come on, let's go!

Honey, I've got to get to the lawyers. I don't want to be late!

DANIEL: I'll be right down, Mom.

( doorbell rings )

( g*nshots )

( car engine starts )

( tires squeal )


( officers talking indistinctly )

20 bucks says that g*n goes nowhere.

I don't know, I think we might find something.

Doesn't look very professional to me.

Why's that, 'cause he missed?

Pros miss, you know.

Yeah, only this one didn't.

DON: So who is she?

Victim's name is Lucinda Shay.

Shay... why do I know that name?

She was the Chief Financial Officer at the Syntel Corporation.

Oh, yeah, that's that energy company.

The big stock fraud case.

Bankruptcy, all that?

And Shay was the whistle-blower.

Her testimony was supposed to sink the other executives.

Looks like she did pretty well before she blew the whistle.

DAVID: Witness for the prosecution doesn't show for a prep session.

AUSA called the marshals and they find this.

Multiple g*nshots.

They found a Beretta lying near the body.

Four spent rounds.

Estimated the time of death a couple of hours ago.

And why weren't the marshals on it?

Nobody ordered protective custody.

Why's that?

It's a white collar fraud case.

Nobody expects Martha Stewart to go down in a hail of b*ll*ts.

We should get the whereabouts of everybody she was testifying against, that's for sure.

You really want to ask the CEO of the Syntel Corp where he was at 8:00 a.m. this morning?

Yeah, that's right.

Thomas Galway.

We'll ask if we get past the lawyers.

We all use math every day.

To predict weather... to tell time... to handle money.

Math is more than formulas and equations, It's logic.

Math is more than formulas and equations.

It's rationality.

It's using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know.

COLBY: This is the preliminary report on the sh**t's g*n, David.

The serial number is intact.

g*n show in Nevada, private collector -- no background check, no record of sale.

As predicted, the g*n is a dead end.

DAVID: I don't know why that makes you happy.

That could leave us with about 6,000 suspects.

Every single ex-Syntel employee.

We should see if we can get the whiz kid in here to give us a hand.

"Whiz kid"?

I assume you're talking about me?

Charlie. Hey, I didn't, you know...

That's all right --

I'm going to choose to take it as a compliment.

Hey, thanks for coming. No problem.

Hey, did the kid see anything?

Well, if he did, he's not saying anything.

I didn't know Lucinda Shay had a kid.

Yeah, a little boy named Daniel.

DON: What, you knew her?

I met her a few times.

When the scandal first broke at the SEC, I was asked to examine the accounting related to Syntel's offshore partnerships.

She was very helpful.

COLBY: Yeah. Well, a sweetheart plea bargain will do that for you.

You know, I don't think she understood what Syntel was doing at first.

But once she figured it out, she blew the whistle.

Was her son there when... Yeah.

What can I do?

Well, we're putting together a list of former employees and shareholders.

Maybe you could narrow it down?

I've already analyzed the company's SEC filings.

It's a pretty good picture of who made money, who lost money.

All right, well, whatever you can do, we'd appreciate it.

You got it. Thanks.

What's going to happen to her son?

We don't know. She's a single-parent mom.

I'm trying to run down the father, any other relative, but, uh, so far no luck.

( knocks )

I'll be right back, okay?

How's he doing?

There's some blunt affect in response to the trauma.

What's that, like some kind of post-traumatic shock kind of thing?

A little.

This is more immediate and hopefully it's temporary.

But he's like an overloaded circuit.

He's just shut down right now.

I'm going to need him to talk to us.

I know that.

But he's too fragile right now.

I know, but if he knows who sh*t his mother...

It's exactly the problem.

He probably did, and he's a little boy and he's terrified.

And if we push him too far now, we may never get what we need.

All right, all right.

Hey, Daniel.

I'm Don Eppes. Remember? From before?

Look, I'm sorry about what happened to your mom, but...

You know, I know how rough this must be for you, what you must be thinking.

Actually, you know, to be honest, I don't know what you're thinking, but I do know something about what you're feeling.

You know, not too long ago my mom d*ed.


She was like the one person who had the right answer for everything.

You know, I mean all the time.

And then all of a sudden she was gone.

( sighs )

Here's what I'm hoping.

That you and I maybe could partner up.

Maybe help each other out.

I need to know if you saw anything this morning, Daniel.


You sure?

The doorbell rang.

( doorbell rings )

DON: Mm-hmm.

And your mom answered it?

Did you hear any voices?

( g*nshots )

Just the g*n.

What about after?

Did you see anything, hear anyone?

All right, okay.

Hey, that's a good start. Good job.

I want...

I want her to come back.


I know you do. Me, too.


I wish you wouldn't do that.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

But why are you splitting a tree-pruning algorithm?

I'm trying to reduce a cumbersome set of variables to a common point.

Okay, well, a bit of pruning I understand, but why divide it into subsets?

Because I'm dealing with two different groups of suspects, each with almost opposite motives for committing the same crime.

One set lost money and wants revenge.

The other made money and wants to keep it.

Oh, this is about Syntel Corp.

How do you know that?

Well, I heard about the Chief Financial Officer being k*lled.

You might recall I lost a considerable investment in Syntel.


Well, you got an alibi for this morning?

I'm kidding.

Oh, no, don't be so quick to dismiss me as a suspect.

Why, how much you lose?



Look, in my defense, I didn't count on being defrauded.


Well, are you okay, financially?

Let's just say the words "publish or perish" have taken on a brand-new meaning.

But, yeah, I mean, fortunately, I've hedged my bets on Google.

Well, help me, then.

I've, uh, I've got to combine two different groups of suspects, according to monetary incentives and risk-reward ratios.

So we need to rank them according to their motive for committing the m*rder.

That's right.

Okay, what do these variables here express?

Well, I derived them from the bankruptcy data.

I assigned probability values to motives according to the suspects' current circumstances.

Current circumstances.

Like what, where are they now or...?

Right. Okay.



Just as a thought experiment...


What if you didn't know the story of the Garden of Eden?

Adam and Eve.

LARRY: Let's say you met them after they were exiled from Eden.

Now, if they both suffer equally under the same punishment, how would you know which of them had taken the bite from the forbidden fruit?

CHARLES: The outcome doesn't provide us enough information to discern the inputs.

If I really want to figure out who's guilty, I've got to reconstruct the original fraud at Syntel.


You've got to go back to the apple.

NADINE: Always happy to take a walk in the park.

DON: Well, just so you know, I mean, I know you're prosecuting Thomas Galway and the other Syntel executives.

You caught the Lucinda Shay m*rder.


I guess it's true what they say: dark clouds do have silver linings.

Ah, you're too kind to me.


Look, I figure losing your witness is obviously not going to be great for your case.

Without Shay's testimony, I can't prove Galway authorized bogus Syntel accounting.


Can you put the m*rder on him?

What, you think a CEO of a Fortune 500 company would k*ll a federal witness?

Pull the trigger? Probably not.

Galway's pond scum.

If hanging onto $40 million is involved...

All right, well, where do I find him?

At the moment, he's in Vancouver.


Galway rubbed some pretty powerful elbows.

The judge gave him a travel pass.


He should be back tomorrow.

Not that it matters.

Well, why do you say that?

The guy's got a legion of attorneys.

There's no way they're going to let him talk to the FBI.

What if I offer him protection?

A revenge thing.

I knew there was a reason I liked you.

If he turns me down, he looks guilty.

Because if he's involved in Lucinda Shay's m*rder, the guy knows that he's not in any danger, right?

It just might get you in the door.

That's what I'm thinking.


No problem.

Turns out I'm a pretty cheap date.

Hey, Charlie.

Hey. Seen Don?

He went to meet the prosecutor in the Syntel case.

They're working some angle to get us close to the executives that were about to go on trial.

Oh, good.

Because my analysis is taking longer than I anticipated.

Why's that?

I realized that the only way to accurately assess motive for any of these suspects is to reconstruct the original fraud.

Oh, yeah? How long will that take?

Um, I need to correlate functions from several million transactions in Syntel's trading business.

But you know, if I use the supercomputer at school, it should only take a few hours.

Yeah? A few hours? That sounds good.

I'll give them the old "I'm trying to stop a k*ller" line.

Maybe they'll push me up.

There you go. Thanks, Charlie.

How's our kid doing?

Uh, I guess he's a little better, but you know, how would any of us be doing in his situation?


Any word from Family Services?

There is no father in the picture and we found a grandmother in Bethany, Oklahoma.

She has a heart condition and she can't fly.

So what happens to him?

Well, tonight he's going to go to this group home.

Oh, come on, you've got to be kidding me.

That's a nightmare.

You know what those places are like.

I know, but I called WITSEC and they won't put a minor into custody without a court order.

And you know what?

It's really not any better than a group home is, anyway.

I know, but I just don't want him to get twisted around, till whatever chance we have of getting what he knows is gone.

Well, I don't like this at all, but you and I aren't set up to take care of a kid.

What are we supposed to do?

Charlie, is that you?

No, Dad, it's me.

How you doing? Fine.

What are you doing here so late?

Dinner's been put away already.

No, that's okay. Look...

If you're looking for Charlie, he's not here yet.

Actually, I think I can talk to you.

I'm sure he'll be okay with it, but...

And who is this?

This is Daniel.

ALAN: Are you sure we can do this?

I mean, legally?

Yeah, I mean, remember my friend Nadine?

The prosecutor, she said it was okay.

Plus, Witness Protection wouldn't take him.

You do realize that if anything happened to him, it's our responsibility.

I know. You're right, it's probably not a good idea.

I don't know, I mean...

As opposed to what -- putting him in one of those homes the same night his mother was m*rder*d?

That's what I thought.

What I meant was... something better not happen to him.

Yeah, I know.

Don't worry, you did the right thing.


Hey, buddy.

He makes a pretty good sandwich, huh?

Mom's is better.


Yeah, I'm sure that's true.

I was thinking about what you asked me.

You know, about what I saw?


There was a car.

After I heard the g*nsh*t, I looked out the window.

Do you remember what kind of car it was?

It was black or blue, maybe.

Big... but not as big as an SUV.

You think if I showed you some pictures, maybe you'd remember?

I mean, you just have to do the best you can.

It's, uh...

So did you find them?


The people who k*lled my mom.

Why do you think...

I mean, are you remembering something?

They were talking...

at your office.

They said there are, like, 6,000 people who wanted to k*ll my mom.

Oh, no, no, no.

Oh, no, that's not, that's not...

I think the thing is, um, you know, sometimes when we don't know who the bad guys are, we start with a really big list.

And, uh, it doesn't mean everyone on it wanted to hurt your mom.

I mean, in fact, I really think we're probably just looking for one person.

Where am I gonna sleep?

I thought I'd put you up in my room.

How's that?

Where will you sleep?

I don't live here -- it's from when I was a kid.

But it's a pretty good room -- I think you'll like it.

But you're gonna stay, right?

You're not gonna leave?

Yeah, I can stay, sure.


You got it.

DAVID: Here's another one for Lucinda Shay.

"If God strikes you down tomorrow, my prayers have been answered."

Buddy, that doesn't even move the needle.

Look at this one.

"I'm gonna bleed you dry, bitch, just like you bled my family."

Tell me this guy's up on the board?

Yeah, big time. He's right there.

We're not narrowing it down, though, are we?

Well, Don's still waiting to hear back from Charlie, so...

I really figure one of the executives for this, you know?

Maybe even Galway.

But there's some real hostility here, man.

Ah, you can't blame them.

These people got shafted when Syntel went bankrupt.

They lost their life savings, their pensions.

Meantime, the executives, including Lucinda Shay, they all got rich.


MEGAN: Hey, have either of you guys found something on Morton Standbury?

Yeah, oh, yeah. Morton Standbury.

Here he is -- he was in Marketing pretty low level, though. Why?

He's got a bunch of write-ups in his HR file -- supervisor said he had a quick temper.

I think we should be concentrating on the real threats.

We read this guy's letters. They all seem to be pretty tame.

MEGAN: Well, the more aggressive stuff is actually therapeutic.

It's kind of giving a voice to your rage.

It's not nice, but it's healthy.

Standbury, on the other hand, his anger is controlled, it's almost methodical.

He blew up at his exit interview, so much so, that they pushed for a psych consult.

No. Sounds like he goes up on the board.


You were here last night?


Why didn't you sleep in your room?

Well... Dad went out.

Yeah, he went to pick up some food.

Right, so who's upstairs?

Look, I couldn't get ahold of you, so I asked him, and he said it would be okay.

Okay for what?

For Lucinda Shay's kid to stay here.

Of course, yeah, that's fine.

Daniel Shay is upstairs?

Look. I also I need another favor.

I got to get to the airport to see if can I catch up with Thomas Galway.

You think you can hang here just for a bit until he gets back?

You need me to baby-sit.

I just don't think it's good to leave him here alone.

I agree.

Actually, I have a way with children, so...

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. I've been told I do.

Good. It's just for ten minutes.

Come on, I'll introduce you. Thanks.

( engine whirring )

( tires screeching )

Stay in the vehicle, sir.

Hands on the dashboard, please?

Thank goodness we're offering him protection.


DON: I assume you all have permits for those bulges in your jackets?

Yeah. What's your deal here?

BODYGUARD: Private detail for Mr. Galway.

DON: Uh-huh.

If you want to know more, you'll have to speak to him.

I do want to know more -- gonna want to see permits, too.

Thomas Galway.

Is there a problem? Don Eppes, FBI.

I'm Agent Megan Reeves.

I'm Edward Barret, I'm Mr. Galway's attorney.

What's this about?

Well, we've reason to believe your client here, his life might be in danger.

Is he joking?

Do we seem like we're kidding?

I assume this concerns the death of Lucinda Shay?

Well, it's a m*rder, actually.

And we have no reason to believe it doesn't.

MEGAN: Unless you know something we don't?

I've got nothing to say to you.

Well, all due respect, sir, for someone who was just told their life is in danger, you don't seem very afraid.


My father did receive a thr*at on his life early yesterday morning.


I received a note at the house.

Is there any reason you didn't notify us?

You expect me to notify the people who are trying to put me in prison?

I expect to see that note, sir, and I will.

We'll be waiting for your subpoena.

( engine starts )

MEGAN: That went really well.

Miss your mom, huh?


I miss my wife sometimes.

I lost her about a year and a half ago.

You know... it's really okay to miss someone that you love.

Well, uh... I think somewhere... it might even make them happy.

Sounds weird, huh?



You just reminded me of Don.

Really? Yeah.

Yeah, I'll tell you a secret.

When he was your age, he would never let anyone see him cry.

He wanted everyone to think that he was a tough guy.

Still does sometimes.

So what is that you're reading?

It's a book on cars.


Don gave it to me to try and help me remember.

Can I see it?

So does he ever cry now?

Who, Don?

Eh, I don't know.

Some wise man once told him that it was all right to cry when he's sad.

And, um... this wise man, well... he's hoping that someday Don's going to figure out it's okay.

Are you that wise man?

Well, that's another secret.

( chuckles lightly )

( scribbling, pecking )

( pecking continues )

( chuckles )


Don sent me down to check and see what you got from the supercomputer.

He must not have gotten my message.

I guess not -- ooh, can I take one of these?

Which message?

There was a glitch in the data run.

Can you just tell me which one you're taking?

This red one.

That's very interesting.


So how little is this glitch, because Megan profiled seven ex-employees, all who have the potential to be the k*ller.

And anything you have might help us take this guy down before he has a chance to sh**t another Syntel exec.

I think I have one of these names on my list, actually.

Yeah, Morton Standbury... but the probability of Morton's guilt is less than ten percent.

( dialing phone )

I mean, that's hardly conclusive. Awesome. Thanks.

David, hey, it's me.

Listen, Megan was right on with her hunch.

The Standbury guy is a match.

MEGAN: How'd you find him?

Wife's credit card you gave us.

What'd she have to say?

That Standbury's angry, blames Syntel for their situation.

She thinks he might have cracked -- is he here?

Talked to the manager, he hasn't seen him, but I showed him the warrant, and he gave us the key, so...

He's on the third floor.

There's two stairwells, but this one over here is blocked off because of an earthquake retrofit.

Let's check it out.

Morton Standbury!

FBI! We have a warrant!

MEGAN: Clear.


MEGAN: Oh, boy.

Oh, check this out.

I got Thomas Galway, Lucinda Shay, and a whole slew of Syntel execs.

That's everybody.

( rattling )

We'll take the other stairway. I'm with you.

Put the bag down and stop!

I said put the bag down and stop running!

COLBY: I said drop the bag!

He's got a g*n!

David, Megan, he's got a g*n!


Ma'am, step inside. Step inside.

Put it down now!

Drop the g*n!

Drop it!

Don't make this any harder than it needs to be, Mr. Standbury!

I'm not doing anything for you!

We're FBI! We just want to talk to you!

You're FBI?

I talked to your wife, Mr. Standbury.

She's very worried about you.

My wife... What are you...

How do I know that you're who you say you are?


Here you go.

Now toss the g*n.

All right.

Toss the bag!

Down on your knees.

On your knees!

Hands behind your head, now!

You do not understand. Please.

Let me stop them.

We're more worried about stopping you now, Mr. Standbury.

DON: You think he sent it?

The Galway death thr*at?


Standbury's letters to Lucinda Shay were different, you know?

They were long, detailed accusations, and this one just says

"you're next," so no, it doesn't fit the pattern.

Did the lab get anything?

Apparently there's nothing to get.

There's just a fax sent directly to the courier.

Well, there's a tag line on the sending machine, no?

Well, it was sent from a computer, and we didn't find one at the motel, and David and Colby are tossing the house now.

But, you know, he really could have sent it from any public terminal.


MEGAN: But he's saying this whole thing is just a misunderstanding.

And what does he mean by that?

I don't know.

You're going to have to ask him yourself.

He's refusing to speak to anyone but the lead agent on the investigation.

You want to tell me what you're doing with surveillance photos of Syntel executives, Mr. Standbury?

( scoffs )

Are you the man in charge here?

As far as you're concerned, I am.

You guys really dropped the ball on Lucinda Shay, didn't you?

Are you proud of what you did?

Is that it?

I mean, I've got her 11-year-old boy out there.

You want to tell him about it?

Don't you dare try to put that woman's m*rder on me.

I told you people.

You told us what?

They think they're going to get away with it, but they're not.

k*lling her, it's not going to matter.

They want to play hardball with Morton Standbury, well... they don't know what hardball is.

I've been collecting evidence for the lawyer lady.

You're talking about the U.S. attorney?

She thinks she knows what's going on, but she doesn't.

The people that she's after -- she's not going to find them.


I tried to tell her.

I lost everything -- my job, my savings.

( sighs )

But they're not going to get away with it.

What are you doing?

Didn't see you there.

What is all that?

I'm trying to resolve an anomaly in my data.

What does that mean?

Um... it means that something, um, in this big equation here doesn't make sense, and I'm trying to figure out why.

It's as if those that made money and those that lost money are canceling each other out.

Your brother said you knew my mom.

Yeah. I did.

I didn't know her well.

You know, I only met her a couple of times.

But I liked her.

What she did took a lot of courage.

She was pretty nervous.

She didn't think I knew, but I did.

Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing.

That's what she always says.

You know, that nobody's perfect.

It is an imperfect world, isn't it?

Your mother was a very smart lady.

Yeah, I remember him -- he called my office a bunch of times, told my assistant he had evidence against Syntel.

Did you talk to him?

He showed up with a grocery bag full of magazine cutouts and stuff he got off the Internet.

We had him pegged as a nut.

Well, he's a nut with an alibi, 'cause three different people at Kinkos remember him.

He was there all day photocopying stuff out of the grocery bag.

Great, so here we are, back at square one.

Not necessarily. Your brother's here.

He's really excited about something.

Oh, yeah?

To properly assess the motive for k*lling Lucinda Shay, I needed to reconstruct the original fraud at Syntel.

And you were able to do that?

Yes, and I think you have a very strong case against Syntel, by the way.

Mm, the Eppes family's full of silver linings.

So, Syntel is an energy company, right?

Yes, natural gas, oil, electricity.

Right, but where they really made their money was trading energy futures.

There's nothing illegal about that.

No, you're right. However, when I was analyzing the trading patterns at Syntel, I found a trading group who was perfect, always, never wrong, once.

How can they never be wrong?

Trading futures is really just betting on the price of something in the future, and these traders manipulated the future.

Wait, so you're saying they're cheating.

Syntel controlled key sections of the power grid, so all they had to do was shut down a switch, say it was for maintenance, and the energy supply was restricted.

Right, and demand drives up the price.


How much are we talking about here?

These five traders made profits of $312 million.

NADINE: Three hundred...

Charlie, can you prove this?

Well, the proof is in the perfection.

"Nobody's perfect" is not just an expression.

In this case, it's a statistically demonstrable fact.

Our case against Galway was focused on debts that Syntel is hiding in offshore companies.

But these Syntel traders -- this is the first I've heard about it.

And I didn't figure it out until I re-engineered the fraud.

I mean, it wasn't obvious.

You'd have to be looking for it like I was or be the author of the original accounting.

Lucinda Shay designed all of Syntel's financial reporting systems.

Could she have found it?

Yes, and I think there's a very high probability that she would have.

Well, then I think she must have been k*lled to hide this.

Right. So we might be looking at the wrong group here.

Oh, you definitely are.

I mean, before I factored in this manipulation by the traders, none of the executives who were indicted or their former employees scored nearly high enough to be considered suspects.

Any idea who does?

Five perfect traders.

Those are the people you should be looking for.

So I thought Charlie cleared Galway along with the other executives.

Yeah, well, I asked Charlie to run his motive model again, factoring in the possibility that someone knew Lucinda Shay was on to the fraud.


Mr. Galway popped right back into view.

So if he's a part of the fraud, then, huh, he sent himself a death thr*at?

DON: Makes him look like a target, gets us to take our eyes off him as a suspect.

Yeah, I'll call you back.

Agent Eppes.

Uh, we're looking for your father.

We were told we might find him here.

Yeah, he just left. Is there a problem?

Is it about the note?

I'm sorry, we don't discuss ongoing investigations.

My father is under a lot of pressure right now, okay?

Yeah, committing stock fraud could do that to you.

And I know what you're thinking, but you know, a CEO of a company like Syntel cannot be responsible for everything everyone is doing at his company.

Was your father involved in the trading business at all?

Yeah, of course. It's one of our most profitable divisions.

Well, most profitable for some, right?

You know, I don't think my father should talk to you guys after all.

What are you worried about?

Your father's just an innocent CEO, right?

If your father's involved in a m*rder, protecting him could land you in a hell of a lot of trouble.

Yeah, my father is not a m*rder*r.

Well, someone left Lucinda Shay's son without a mother.

An 11-year-old boy.

So you still think your father shouldn't talk to us?

It's the middle of the day. What are you doing here?

Is everything all right? Yeah, I was at the airport.

I thought I'd swing by and see how the kid's doing.

Well, this is not on the way from the airport.

Whatever. Where is he? He's right here.

Oh. Thanks.

Hey, buddy.

How you doing?

I've been trying to remember, but I can't.

Oh, well, that's okay.

Don't worry about it.

Look, if it's in here, it'll come out.

I mean, when you're ready, you'll probably be able to see it just like you were there, so-so don't stress about it, okay?

Can I get you anything?

What's going on? You okay?

The bad guys -- will they...

Will they come after me?


Look, I'll tell you what.

That's not gonna happen.

You want to know why?

'Cause we're partners.

Partners get each other's backs, and nothing is going to happen to you, okay?

'Cause you're my partner.

All right?

Oh, and they spoke to your grandmother.

They did?

Yeah, she's making arrangements to get you, and she's very excited to see you.

Look, Daniel, I'll be honest with you.

It's gonna tough for-for a while, but you'll get through it, you're gonna be okay.

You know how I know that?

'Cause I'm a good judge of people, and you're gonna be okay.

All right?

All right.

I'll check in with you later.



( sighs )

Do you have any idea what I could do with $300 million?

Three hundred and twelve.

You said you were all right.

No, I am.

I was talking about my application for the Talis Foundation Research Grant.

Why are you worried about that?

Because Ivan Tsgorski has taken over the chairmanship of the grant committee.

You att*cked his theory on polarization flux.

I merely pointed out certain characteristics of gravitational waves that he had chosen to ignore.

Larry, I was there when he gave that paper.

And you stood up and you called him a big, fat cheater in front of a room full of people.

Well, no. Now you're exaggerating.

That room could not have been more than half full.

Might we get back on task?

All right, okay, the money, the money, the money.

The money is not where we thought it would be.

It should show up in the company's cash flow statements, after the fraudulent transactions.

Yeah, but it doesn't. No.

You know, all these funds -- they would have been transferred electronically, correct?

I imagine so.

Electronic transactions have no mass and cannot be constrained in the manner of physical objects.

But they are bound by time, Larry, and time only flows one way.

Are you aware you have standing water in this corner?

I know about the leak. I called maintenance.


And they've got to tear out the wall and find the source of the leak.

What is with you today, Larry?

All I ask is for a little focus.

Now, what are we missing?

What are you doing?

I'm finding the leak.

Well... you're making a mess.

Well, by staining the currents, we can observe the ink spread out on the pooled water, and then figure out the flow pattern.

And once we know how it flows...

Yeah, you see?

It's not coming down from the wall.

It's coming up from the floor.

We were assuming the money flowed downstream from the transaction, so we were looking for it after the trades.

But the money was diverted upstream.


So you're saying the money was moved before the trades?

To an offshore partnership set up in the Syntel executives' original fraud.

I applied principles of fluid dynamics to the cash flow statements.

I found that the money was transferred through a series of loans.

So the traders used the fraud to hide the theft?


DON: Wait, someone eventually would figure out that $300 million was missing.

The traders knew that the loans would be written off in bankruptcy, and after that, no one would come looking for the money.

MEGAN: No one, except Lucinda Shay.

Guys, you'd better come see this.

You find the traders?

Not exactly.

Did you run the Social Security numbers?

That's the problem.

Show us. Run them again.

( beeping )


Yeah. Run the next one. All right.

( beep )

It's the same thing. These traders don't exist.

MEGAN: But that doesn't make any sense.

How can they not be real?

CHARLIE: It does make sense.

It's just a different kind of sense.

Wh-What does that even mean, Charlie?

Remember, the traders were too good to be true.

It's reasonable to expect that they are actually false.

Did Standbury say these people weren't real?

No, he said we would never find them.

What, do you think he'd figure it out?

I don't know, but he's right.

All right, look, I mean, where are we right now?

The suspect must be from Syntel's energy trading business.

That variable hasn't changed.

I've been through Syntel's HR reports.


Wait, wait, h-hold on. Dad, Dad, Dad, slow down.

You're not making any sense.

Right, don't-don't touch anything, don't leave.

I'm on my way.

What's up? The kid is missing.

I left him alone for, what... it couldn't have been more than five minutes!

It's okay, Mr. Eppes. We're gonna find him.

I went into the kitchen to get a couple a couple of cans of soda for us.

He was standing right over there, right by the table.

He couldn't have gotten away. It's not your fault, so could you please just calm down?

'Cause you're not helping the situation.

I would have seen him!

Hey, Don, give me a second.

I just talked to David. He said he found something in the Syntel employment records.

Charlie, you got to keep the line clear. Say what?

CHARLIE: Okay. Can you hold on a second?

Dad said he saw him here. I hit redial.

It's National Cab Company.

Cab? Why the hell would he take a cab?

SCANLON: All right, I'm on the cab.

Call me as soon as you get anything.

Megan, come with me. I think I know where he is.

Go that way. I'll check upstairs.


You okay, buddy?


Yeah, I was pretty worried.

I'm sorry.

You don't have to be sorry. I just...

I'm glad you're okay.

Did you come back to see if you could remember the car?

It was a Mercedes.

I saw the circle in the book.

You remember.

Good job.

These are employment records for the five traders.


Look who signed as the hiring manager.

What, are they all the same? Yeah.

( phone ringing ) Hold on.



Okay. Thanks for the heads up.

The judge just approved Galway's request to leave the country.

( sirens blaring )

( tires squealing )

DAVID: Get your hands on the car!

Hands on the car! Out of the car! Out of the car!

All right. Driver.

Grab a piece of the car!


We cleared this through the appropriate channels.

You have no right to detain Mr. Galway.

Actually, it's Junior I'm after.

We only have a warrant for him, for now.

You represent him, too?

What are the charges? The m*rder of Lucinda Shay.

That's just for starters.

Go ahead, Malcolm, take your moment, tell your dad.

What is he talking about?

MEGAN: He moved $300 million through one of your offshore trading accounts.

And then he offered a scam to cover his tracks.

DAVID: It's probably what brought Syntel down.

Is that true?

Look, I was, I was a Baker Scholar, Dad, at Harvard.

You put me on a trading desk.

I wanted you to learn the business.

Learn the business? You-you were taking nickels and dimes.

I-I earned $300 million, Dad.

MEGAN: So, you orphaned a little boy and 6,000 people lost their jobs, so you could prove that you were a bigger thief than your father.

You're a bigger something.

Let's go, Junior.

Hey, Malcolm?

Is that your car?


DON: Whoa, hey, I almost forgot.

Now, look, we don't give these to a lot of people, all right?

So, you're one of us now.

Okay, partner?

Call me whenever you want.

And your grandmother's going to be waiting for you when you get to the airport, so you got nothing to worry about.

All right?


It's okay to cry about your mom.

I mean, if you never did.


Come on. You don't want to miss your flight now, do you?

Come on.

All right, buddy.

Good man.

Thanks very much.

Take it easy.

( laughing ): What?

My hope for grandchildren has been rekindled.

Oh, don't start that.

I'm not making a formal request, I'm simply saying it would be nice.

Come on.

Dad, you do realize how long the odds actually are for this man?

Charlie, what's your problem, huh?

Well, given your dating pattern or absence of any dating pattern...

Look, I wouldn't talk if I were you, buddy.

I'm crunching numbers, kid. Oh, yeah.

Statistically, I'm on course to be way ahead of you.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, that makes sense, you're older.

All right, enough. Hey, keep it up.

It's a long walk home.
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