Midnight Sun (2018)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Midnight Sun (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

I have this reoccurring dream.

I'm a little girl sitting with my mom, and she's singing to me.

I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and the comfort of her arms around me.

And I wanna stay there.


When I wake up, I miss the dream.

I want so badly for this dream to be real, but that would be impossible because my mom died when I was really little.

And I can't go out in the sun.

Like, at all.

I have a rare genetic condition called Xeroderma Pigmentosum, or XP, which basically means a severe sensitivity to sunlight.

If the sun hits my skin, I get skin cancer, my brain starts to fail and I could die.

Pretty fun, right?

So, I spend all my time indoors behind special windows, hanging out with my dad who is the best dad ever.

Thank goodness, because growing up, kids were, uh, what you'd expect.

No way. Yep, a vampire.

That's why they have special windows.

Don't worry. She can't get us during the day.

But at night, stay far, far away.

But not everyone was afraid of me.

Hey, Morgan. What's wrong with her?

She has something called XP.

Basically, the light from the sun, it-it hurts her.

So she can't ever go in the sun.

I can't be in the sun for too long either.

Can she play at night?

Yeah, but... See you tonight.

Oh, and I like pizza!

From that point on, it was me, Morgan and my dad.

Until one day, I saw Charlie.

And that was it.

I was completely, totally, utterly hooked.

Stupid tree.

I saw him every day.

And yet, he had no idea I even existed.

Over time, watching Charlie go by just became a part of my routine.

Along with constant doctor appointments.

Sleeping during the day and staying up all night, which, from what I've heard, is the schedule of most teenagers.

And playing music every chance I get.

All things considered, I've got a pretty great life.

But I still hold onto my dreams.

Stupid tree.

No matter how impossible they may seem.

Jeremy Pierce.

Kendall Porter.


Peter Rathbard.

Charles Reed. Yeah, Charlie!

Congratulations, Charlie.

Katie Price!

What are you wearing?

Oh, cap and gown. Huh?

The faculty and staff always wear one.

Here you go. Thank you.

Most importantly, this is for you.

Hmm. Mm-hmm.

I assume, as valedictorian, you have a speech prepared. Yes?

Um, yes.

That's me putting on my glasses.

I like that. Nice touch. Thank you.

Um, first, I would like to thank my headmaster.

Well, I mean... My Spanish teacher.

De nada.

My English teacher. It was my pleasure.

But I really wanna state for the record that my gym teacher had absolutely no idea what he was doing...

What? Oh, you suck. I lift weights.

Hey, this is for you.

This is one of the lamest things I've ever seen.


I had to go to three stores to find something this lame.

I mean, it's horrific. Yeah! It's the worst.


All right.

Are you ready for your present?

There's a present involved? Oh, there's a present, yes!

Of course, there's a present. It's graduation...

This just keeps getting better and better.

This is Mom's.

Look, I know it's kind of old, so if you want a newer one I totally under...

No, I love it! Thank you. Thank you so much.

You look just like your mother.

Lucky you. She was hot.


Try and get some sleep. All right?

I can't believe this is happening.


That's a good one.

Uh, something weird's going on right here.

Hey, Dad, um... I was wondering if I could go play my new beautiful present at the train station tonight.

It's 10:00.

Why can't Morgan just come over? You could play here for me.

Morgan's busy with her family.

And, Dad, I love playing for you, I really do, but I also need to get used to playing in front of other people too.

Please, please, please.

Fred will be there. He'll watch out for me.

And I graduated today!

Isn't that the American tradition, to extend my curfew?

Okay, I'll extend your curfew one hour.

Which means midnight, okay?

Hey, and text me right when you get there, or I'm not just gonna call Fred, I'm actually gonna come down there.

And it will be so embarrassing, it'll become urban legend on why kids should stick to their curfew! I love you.

Oh, boy.

Oh. Hey, don't do that thing.

What thing?

That. I mean, you look all sad and it makes me sad.

Please just chug this beer and come hang out!

Dude, you dodged a b*llet, man.

You were gonna be up at the ass crack of dawn every morning taking tests, nowhere near the beach.

And now, we get to do this... our whole lives.

Hmm, I forgot, doing this our whole lives, it's way better than a full ride to Berkeley.

Zoe Carmichael. 3:00.

Charlie... you're in trouble. What did I do this time?

You didn't get me a drink.

I did not know you were thirsty.

Now you do.

I'm sorry. It's okay.

Is that the bad one?

Well, now that you're not swimming, maybe you'll have a little extra time for me.

I also have some extra time for you.

And I'm not swimming. You were never swimming, idiot.

Zoe! Get over here, bitch!

Hold on!

You're coming to my graduation party, right?

Yeah, I think so.



What... What are you doing?

Dodging another b*llet.

Come on, dude. It's our graduation night.

I'm not feeling it, boys.

I'll see you later.

Thanks. You're welcome.

Hey, yo, Fred.

I was wondering if I was gonna see you tonight.

What, and disappoint all my fans?



I didn't mean to freak you out.


Uh, me? I'm not freaked out. Don't worry about it.

Here, I'll help you. I'm not a freak.

Why are you packing up? Where are you going?

Um, home. I gotta go home.

Home? Wait, you live here?

Wait, you didn't go to Purdue High.

No. It's a very different school.

And I graduated today and my dad's a super big worrier.

So, I really gotta... Oh, God.

Um... I have to go.

Wait! Wait! Whoa. What... I'm sorry, why are you...

What's the rush? What...

Um, I have to get home to my cat.

Your cat. Yeah, it died.

So, you're not in a rush then, right?

No, no, I am. I have to plan the funeral for my, um, dead cat that died.

Yeah, it's super dead.

Wait! Wait! Wait!

I didn't even get your name!

You haven't noticed any changes in her? Motor functions still seem strong?

Yeah. Yeah, no loss of intellectual function, no difficulty swallowing or talking.

Believe me on that.

And no corneal ulcerations.

Really, there's nothing to suggest any neurodegeneration.

Any exposure to sunlight?

No, of course not.

I'm gonna refill her prescription for you this time, but she really should be coming to these appointments with you.

Yeah, well, you know teenagers.

They get embarrassed by their dads.

She has XP, Jack. I know exactly what she has.

It's not gonna fall into remission.

And every year, the risk becomes more serious for her.

So, if she's exposed to even the slightest bit of sunlight...

She won't be.

She's reached that age we talked about. She won't be.

Any word on the University of Washington study?

I submitted Katie's name for their Phase Two trials, if it even gets that far.

I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Research funding being what it is, we're talking about a disease that affects only one in a million people.

We're in luck, 'cause she is one in a million.

A cat funeral?

Please stop saying it out loud.

No, I mean, I've heard that dead pets can actually be an aphrodisiac.

Morgan, what should I have said?

Any other combination of words in the English language.

Like, "Hey, I'm Katie Price.

I've watched you outside my window for the past 10 years, and I've been in love with you, stalking you every minute of the day."

Okay, don't start with that... Or how about, "Hey, you may remember me from kindergarten, when everyone called me a vampire."

No one remembers that!

What did I do? It's bad, but we'll fix it.

I feel so stupid and lame.

Well, at least you have M&M's. So...


So, you've just gotta make up for it next time.

There's not gonna be a next time.

You don't know that. I do.

This is good. This is what Taylor Swift does.

She has awkward interactions with boys, and then she just writes amazing songs about it. What?

Oh, no, no.

Oh, come on. What's happening?

Did you see my notebook when you came in?

Your notebook notebook? No.

I think I left it at the train station.

Oh, God. Can you please go get it for me?

Morgan, it's so important. Please.

You know, I would, but there's, like, a few other poppin' cat funerals that I was gonna hit today.

No, no! I'm in a corner! Oh!


My friend's been looking for that.

You know her? Oh, wait.

Morgan, right? We had English class together.

I'm Charlie... Charlie Reed, yeah. I know.

And it was a history class.

But how do you know her?

Did she just move here? Notebook first.

Or you could just tell me where she lives and I could drop it off.

I have a better idea.

Hey, Dad, I need to go to the train station to pick up my notebook.

Fred has it.

Okay, text me when you get there and be careful.


Holy pregnant cow.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Thank you.

Purdue Creamery.

Morgan. Hey. How's your second date?

How could you do this to me?

Oh, my God, I'm in sweatpants.

My hair, it's-it's a mess. It's tied.

Oh, my God, I look like an idiot.

Oh, please. Katie, you're super freakin' hot, okay?

I can't even see you right now and I can tell you look gorgeous.

Hi, excuse me. Can I just get a large...

Can you not see I'm on the phone?

He really likes you, okay? I can tell.

Just try to be yourself. Don't ramble too much.

And call me afterwards.


Oh, my...

Wow, you exist.

I thought I was dreaming last night or something.

Were you in the REM stage of sleep?


That's when most dreams happen, actually.

Yeah, your brain activity is super high and functioning, and your eyes are just going nuts behind your eyelids.

It looks super weird. It's like a typewriter or something.

Um, anyway, thank you for...

Wait, I, uh... I still don't know your name.


It's Katie. Katie, I'm Charlie.

Wow, that's a weird name.

Thank God you told me it 'cause I wouldn't have known it otherwise.

Thank you.

Wait, what... You didn't...

You didn't read through it, did you?

Uh, just a little. I...

What? What?

Are you serious? You read through my journal?

Look, I... This could have been a diary.

I mean, it is, kind of.

Um, I'm... I'm really sorry.

You left really quick the other night, and I really had no idea who it belonged to, so I just looked through it quickly.

But I like that you still handwrite things.

It's... It's cool. It's old school.

Thanks... for finding it.



What, another cat died? You have to...



I... I had to... I... I'm... I'm walking home.

Can I walk with you?

Um, yeah.

So, you were home-schooled, huh? Man, that must have been wild.

Actually, it was the exact opposite of wild.

My dad's pretty protective.

He's not, like, watching us right now, is he?

Oh, yeah. He has his phone tapped into every camera.

So, um, what did you think of the songs you read?

Without my permission, I may add.

Um, honestly, I don't know.

I mean, you can't really read a song, right?


I guess I'd have to hear you sing them.

Um, so anyway, I'm right up here.

So, you don't have to walk me.

Wait, you live up there?

I-I don't understand how we've never met.

I've probably skated by your house, like, every day on the way to practice.

It's a... funny coincidence.

Um... thanks.

Hey, you wouldn't wanna do something sometime, would you?

Um... together?

Yes, us together. Hanging out.

Um... I'm really busy during the day.

But... I could be free at night.

I could be free at night.

Well, you should put your number in here then.

I'm old school too.


Thank you.

That is so romantic it disgusts me.

What did he say about your XP?

It didn't come up.

What do you mean, it didn't come up?

I-I didn't bring it up.

I'm not gonna just randomly be like, "Hey, dude, by the way, the sunlight's gonna..."

Like, look when you tell someone you're sick, then you start to become more like a disease and less like a person.

It's... I'm gonna tell him, I promise, but I don't know when I'm gonna see him again.

I do.

You know that annoying guy who works with me at the ice cream shop?

The nerdy one you hate? Yes, Garver.

His parents are out of town tonight and he's throwing a party.

And he told me to bring friends.

So, I'm gonna bring you... No, no, no, no, no...

And you're gonna bring Charlie. No.

He's gotta, like, you know...

Doesn't... I have to wait till he texts me first, right?

Yeah, totally.

And then, you know, his squire will send a note via carrier pigeon asking if you'd like to merge your kingdoms.

What is this, 18th-century England?

You're a hot, young, badass woman.

You're gonna text him whenever you damn well please.

Be confident, okay?

Give him the facts. Okay.

Play a little hard to get. All right.

Make sure that he knows he's not the only reason you're going.


All right.

Oh, no.

This is gonna be a tame, safe, parent-friendly party.

Ah-ha! It's a totally lame party.

You know what we should do? We should stay here.

We'll get Hunan Chinese. You guys love Hunan, right?

Put some Netflix on. It'll be perfect.

Dad, you know I'm a good kid.

You know I'm not gonna do anything crazy.

But I swear, if I spend one more night here, just listening to everyone else outside my window living their lives, I might go crazy.

Tomorrow night, we can order way too much chow mein, and have a movie marathon.

All right. Yes, thank you!

You're the best dad in the world.

Thanks, Mr. P!

Okay, um, Charlie's gonna meet us at Garver's at 8:00.

We have to get ready!

Dude, what are you talking about?

We have, like, three hours.

We're already behind.


Mr. P! May I present Katherine Price of Washington.


Peanut... you look amazing.

Bye, Mr. P!

Let's go.

God, I can't believe Garver's throwing a kegger.

You came.

Is there any chance that you, or your hot friend, hey, know how to get beer out of a keg?

Oh, no.

You didn't get a tap? I didn't realize they were separate things.

Why would they sell me a barrel of beer I can't even access?

Garver! What the hell?

This is a tame, safe, parent-friendly party!

Uh, do tame parties have sundae bars?

I think it's so cool.

No, don't listen to her.

Okay, she's never been to a party before.

She doesn't understand how dire the situation is.

We gotta go. What, you're leaving?

No, no, no. I just made a huge thing of chili.

Garver, chili is not a party food.

You see, the party's just kicking off.

What's Charlie Reed doing here?

Oh, my God.


You look really amazing.

Um... oh, it's all Morgan.

No, I don't think so.

For you, good sir.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

Beef chili, huh?

Mm. That's top shelf, buddy. That's fresh.

You know, I really thought we'd have a bigger turnout, but...

I told you not to go up against a cheerleader.

What cheerleader?

It's the mean blonde one with a convertible.

Zoe Carmichael? Yes.

She's having a party tonight as well.

Must have dinged our turnout.

Do you guys wanna go there?

Well, I like the idea.

Hey. I was wondering where you were.

Who are these people? Oh, these are my friends.

And they brought you a keg.

Great. Come on in.


Hey, what's up, man?

You good?

Hey, I'm gonna go take a lap upstairs.

Away from you two.

Thank you.

Your friend Morgan, she seems cool.

Yeah. She's really cool.

How long have you guys known each other?

I don't know. Like, forever.

He's back. Oh!

Charlie! Whoa!

Whoa. Who is this?

Uh, Owen, Wes, this is Katie Price.

Hey. Hi.

Katie, you're... you're...

Um...- You got Charlie to come to a party, and make a smile-like feature.

Our boy hasn't looked this good in a long time.

There you are.

I'm still thirsty.

Wanna get me that drink now?

I'm actually about to go take Katie on the house party tour.

So. You ready?

We'll be right back. Nice meeting you guys.

Nice to meet you, Katie. Take care.

I can quench your thirst. Shut up.

Would you like to dance with me?

Garver, what on earth makes you think I'd ever want to dance with you?

You know, if you tell anyone about this, I'll k*ll you.


Hey, hey!

Hey. Gotta stay hydrated.

Thank you.

This is really interesting.

I don't think I've ever seen this happen.


Classic high school, awkward party.

I've only seen it at the movies.

I gotta show you this. Come on.

Oh, God. Come on.

Okay, similar to what's going on over here.

We just kind of hold here.

And swing the hips awkwardly.

Am I doing it? Yeah, you're kind of.

And then I would slowly back up.

Everybody! This is the best night of my life! Yeah!

You wanna go someplace else?


I-I don't get it.

How could they just take your scholarship away?

Well, I had to have surgery.

And they didn't think I could ever swim again.

And no more scholarship meant no more Berkeley.

I'm really sorry. Yeah.

So, how did you do it? How did you hurt yourself?

It was just a freak accident.

You know, I fell down some stairs and...

And that's not true.

That's kind of what I tell everybody.

I got really drunk one night at Owen's house.

And my friends dared me to jump off the roof into the pool... and I clipped the edge with my shoulder.

I'm such an idiot.

I don't wanna be that guy, you know?

Then don't be.

You know, my mom used to take me here when I was little.

Really? She sat me right there.

And, um, she tried to teach me how to play the guitar.

Actually, this watch was hers.

I spent so much time looking at this thing on her hand.


um, she died when I was little.

She was in a car accident. I'm-I'm so sorry.

You know, we can go someplace... No.

No, no. No, no. No, I'm... I'm good.

You sure? Yeah, yeah. I promise.

You wanna see something cool?


This is yours? No.

But it's something I'm taking care of for the summer.

It's a Jespersen 53.


One of these days we could take her for a sail around the harbor, we can watch the sun set.

That sounds perfect.

Um, just, let me get out of...


So, what are you gonna do this year, now that you're not going to Berkeley?

Well, first I'm gonna get a new truck.

And then I'm gonna drive across the country.

You know, I've been in the pool my entire life, and, uh, I haven't got to see much else, so...

Um, what are you gonna do... I'm not doing anything.

I'm just gonna take some online courses, I think.

But I'll just be here.

I, uh... I meant what are you doing tomorrow?

Oh. Oh! Oh, God.

Um... I...

I'm busy during the day, but I can be free tomorrow night.

That's perfect.

I'll see you tomorrow night? Okay.

I have something to tell you.

I don't actually have a cat.

No shit.

Who are you texting? Hmm? No one.

Morgan, who are you texting? Garver.


Um, I can't hear you when you're whispering...

Garver! I made out with Garver.

No! He's really, really cute.

And he totally likes you.

By the way, can I tell my dad that I'm going over to yours tonight, so I can go hang out with Charlie later?

You're asking me to help you lie to your father, so you can hang out with a guy?

I've never been so proud of you!

Uh, Dad, I'm gonna go over to Morgan's tonight.

Is that okay? Yeah, yeah, no problem.

Hey, how was that party?

Party was nice.

Did you meet any fun people?

No. Not really.

Everybody was kind of just, like, ugh, you know?

Nobody was really there. It was just...

So I'm gonna... skedaddle.

Love you. Love you more.

I'm lying.

Well, you were rambling, so I kind of figured.

I'm going to go meet a boy named Charlie Reed, who's really nice and sweet.

And I really, really like him... a lot.

Are you mad? I'm not happy that you lied to me.

You know you can always tell me anything...

I know, I know. I'm sorry.

Do you trust this guy? Yes.

Will I hate him? No. No, you won't. I promise.

Does he know about your... I haven't told him yet.

No, Katie... But I will...

No, I am not comfortable with him not knowing.

I know, I'm going to. I just need a little bit longer of...

What? ...being someone more than just a disease.

Katie. It's just a few more days, please?

Like a normal girl.


Is it okay if me and Katie hang out tonight together, the entire night?

I already admitted everything.

What, you couldn't make it two hours?

It's pathetic. I could've made it two hours.

What does Katie Price wanna do?

There are so many things I wanna do.

I have always wanted to do this.


What about that one over there?

Um, that one's called Altair.

And it's 16 light years away, which means the light we're seeing now, was actually created when we were two.

Are you okay?

The Berkeley coach called my house the other night.


Yeah, I mean, I guess one of the other swimmers transferred out and another spot opened up.


That's so crazy. You could get your spot back?

I mean, technically, yeah.

There's this huge meet coming up next month, and the Berkeley coach is coming down to watch.

But I'd have to get in shape by then, which is probably impossible.

And then I'd have to swim, like, my best time ever to show that I'm fully rehabbed...

You can totally do it.

There's also some reasons to stick around here next year.

Katie, I wanna take you on a real date tomorrow.


And you also need to meet my dad.

Why don't you move a little closer there, Cody?

My-My name's Charlie.

Charlie. Yeah.

Huh. I didn't know that.

Is that what you go by? You go by Charlie and not Chuck or Chuckie or C-Town?

No, sir, I... just Charlie. Charlie, okay.

You ever been arrested? No, sir.

When's your curfew? It's 1:00 a.m.

What time do you actually get home? Like, 2:00.

That's not one 1:00, is it, Charlie?

No, sir, it's not. You said your curfew was 1:00.

Yeah. Yeah.

Relax, I'm not a cop.

How many times a week do you shave?

Shave, uh, like four... four times a week, sir.

Who's your team? Seahawks.


Well, because they're great.

And one time I was at this burger place and...

Richard Sherman actually ate some of my fries.

That's awesome.

Okay. Charlie, here's the deal.

Katie appears to be very strong, and she is.

Hey. She's dealing with...

Hi. Hey.

What you guys talking about? Nothing.

We were... We're just getting to know each other.

Thank you so much for letting me take her out, Mr. Price.


Oh, don't forget your... guitar case.

Wait, I'll hold it for you.

Uh, hold on a second. I wanna get a picture of this.


All right. Just a little. There you go.

A little room for the Holy Ghost.


And... open.

I believe these are for you.


Where are we going? I know nothing.


Don't even try. Thank you, Fred.

Okay, rule number one.

When you're on a train, you must always travel with Chinese food out of a backpack.

Well, I wouldn't know. I've never been on a train before.

Neither have I.

Really? Really.


I still cannot believe that we grew up in the same town since we were younger, and I've never seen you out riding your bike, or out with a lemonade stand.

And I would've bought your lemonade.

No, you wouldn't have. I don't like lemonade.

Who doesn't like lemonade?


You know I know the real story, right?

You and your dad are in the witness protection program.

And you have both testified against a mobster.

Very close, but, uh, the truth is...

I've been sent here to monitor you.

Right, and I've been given specific instructions to never be seen in the daylight, and I've been watching you this whole entire time from the safety of my own room.

Classic witness protection program cover story.

All right, close your eyes and put your hands out.


And open.

Try and catch 'em in your mouth. Hey.

Thank you.

Oh, and look. We're here.

Wait, where are you taking me?

We're here.

Charlie, what is this place?

It's your surprise. Charlie, my man.

I thought Seattle was my surprise.

Come on.

Where are we going?

It's your first live show. Yeah.


So cool.

Thank you! Thank you!

That was seriously so cool.

I know.

That was, I mean, literally one of the best things ever.

Right? Oh, God.

Live music is beautiful.

You're beautiful.

You're the best.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Okay. Your turn.

For what?


No, no, no, no, no...

Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes... I am not...

You owe me a song. I can't do it... here.

Yes, you can.

Remember? Live shows are the best.

Are you hungry? 'Cause I'm hungry.

And you're always hungry.

Look, we can either have come all the way to this new city, underneath the stars and you don't play me a song... or we can continue to have the greatest night of our lives.

I'll be right here watching.

Go. Come on, we're waiting.

She's good.


Okay, I probably would have said you were good no matter what, but you were really, really good.

You know, you have to do something with your music.

No, I couldn't. You have to, Katie. It was amazing.

Are you ready?

For what?

To go swimming.

No, Katie, you know I don't swim anymore.

Yes, you do. You just haven't swam in a while.

And I've never swam in this water before, so you're gonna take me.


Come on! No, I'm serious. I'm not swimming.

But you made me sing and I didn't want to.

That was totally different. No, it's not!

Okay, do you have any idea how cold that water is?


We could've either come all the way to the beach under the beautiful stars and not go swimming, or we could jump into that water and continue to make this the best night of our lives.

I don't have a swimsuit. Neither do I.


You coming?

Hurry up!

Oh, my God. It's so cold.

Put your arms forward and then push.

The breast stroke? It seems like a trick.


See, this isn't so bad. You don't hate the water.

I don't hate anything when I'm with you.

Have you thought any more about your Berkeley spot?


You know, I just keep thinking about after the surgery, when I couldn't swim.

You know, I just realized I didn't even know who I was.

And neither did anybody else.

All these kids that I've been going to school with for 15 years, they... they just saw me as that guy in the pool.

I don't have to live that life anymore.

You know... you're not the guy in the pool.

But you're not the guy that doesn't try either.

Do everything you can right now and then decide.

'Cause now is all that matters.

You're right.


Speaking of tomorrow morning, ready for the greatest sunrise on the planet?


Charlie, what time is it?

It's 4:50.

It's not waterproof.

Oh, my God. What?

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Katie, wait!

Shit. What are you doing?

I need to go! Katie, wait! Katie!



Hey, get in. Let me drive you.

Go, Charlie, go!


What the hell is going on? You don't understand.

You have to go as fast as you can! Okay, I'm going. I'm going.

Katie, what... Please just go, Charlie.

You're scaring me. You have to speed! Faster!

Okay, okay!

Oh, my God.




Katie. Katie!



Katie, will you please just talk to me?

Katie, please, just talk to me! Hey!

Is she inside? Yes.

Is she in there? Move! Just move!

How could you let this happen to her? Let what happen?

What happened?

She not... tell you?

Tell me what? I have no idea what's going on! She's sick. She's sick.

What do you mean she's sick? She has XP.

She can't go in the sun at all. It can k*ll her. I'm sorry.


This is a nice hospital.

I bet they have really good food.

Katie Price?

We're ready.

It was like a second, if that.

Okay? Everything's gonna be fine.

We're good, Mr. P.


Is she okay?

Okay, Katie, you can sit up. Nurse Jane will take you back outside.

Um, actually, I wanna stay.

Okay. The sunlight exposure was minimal.

The physical effects you're seeing right now will heal.

But, as you know, XP generally lies dormant until there's a triggering event.

We won't know if that's what this was until we get the results back from your blood work and CT scans.

And if this was a triggering event?

We'll cross that bridge if we come to it.

If you experience any symptoms... unexpected shaking, muscular pain, loss of motor function, you need to let us know immediately.

Okay. I'm gonna go get dressed now.

I'm pretty busy during the day, but I could be free at night.

I can be free at night.

My dad's super protective.

What about UW?

What about the study? Have they started the second phase?

I followed up with them last week. No news yet.

Okay. Thanks.

All right, Charlie. Let's get back to work.

Look, I know I told you to play hard to get, but you should at least see what he has to say.

He's asking if he can come over and talk to you. Don't.

Please just delete them.


Look, if I read them, then I'm gonna reply, then he's gonna reply and then we're gonna meet up.

Which we can't.

Why can't you? I...

You don't have to be a martyr just to protect Charlie's feelings.

He's a big boy. I'm sure he can handle it.

I can't handle it. Okay?

He's gonna get hurt, and I'm not gonna be the one who hurts him.

So, please, can you just delete them?

Yeah. Okay.

We should do another set of tests.

The results could come back different.

Her brain has begun to contract.

Once the neural pathways... What about the study?

They shut it down, Jack.

I found out this morning. There's no funding.

No, I...

I did everything I was supposed to do.

I mean, from the time she was very young... no matter how much she... cried... or screamed or moaned...

I wouldn't let her go outside.

I wouldn't let her go to the park.

I wouldn't even let her go to the beach.

And she begged me.

She begged me...

for things that she had every right to.

And I denied her all of it.

I mean, for what? Huh?

For this? No.

XP is a disease that tends to take the joy from a child's life.

In all these years I've treated Katie, she's never complained, she's never sulked.

She always sees the good in things.

And the way she talks about you?

I've never seen a teenager so openly adore her father.

You're a good father, Jack.

How long?

It's hard to say for sure.

Hey, kiddo. Hey, Dad.

I'm starving. Wanna get some Chinese?

Uh, "yuh." Is that a yeah?

What are you doing?

I'm starting you an online dating profile.

What? Yeah.

Look, okay. So, I have this photo of you, which I think your hair looks better in.

But then in this one you have your camera. Oh, no, no, no, no.

This is not happening. No, no, no. This is happening.

Here, just take a seat. Wanna help me write it?

Oh, I don't know.

Okay, uh, here's what I have so far.

"World's greatest father and handsomest photographer." Oh, veto.

"Looking for a fellow adventurer interested in art, photography and nostalgia about the Supersonics."

Supersonics is good. That's important. I knew you would like that.

Um, "a partner in crime to travel the world with." I don't travel, honey.

Uh, you will though.

All right, we're not doing this.

Please, please, please, I want to.

You lost Mom and now you're gonna lose me too.

No. No, there's always a chance.

We've always known it's a matter of when and not if.

So I really need you to be selfish and... go out there and, you know, take those beautiful photos and start traveling the world again.

I want everyone to see your photos, Dad. Just stop.

Okay, I can't... I can't...

I just want you... to promise me that you're gonna take care of yourself.

I really want you to have as happy a life as the one you've given me.

And try and find someone that you can share these incredible adventures with.

Because having someone...

that's the best part.

So please, just pick a rando lady and take her out.



Promise me. I promise.


Now we can order Chinese food.

Come on! That was so a ball.

That's... That's not even baseball. I don't know what that is.

Oh, food. Finally. What took them so long?

Oh, my God. Charlie's outside.

I know. I called him.

What? Why?


you said the best part was having someone to share your adventures with.

So, go talk to him. Tell him the truth.

He deserves that.

And so do you.

You exist.

This time I was positive I dreamt you.

Charlie, I'm so sorry.

Katie, this isn't something you can just not tell me.

I'm so, so sorry I didn't tell you.


unforgivable and very selfish on my part.

We were never gonna work.

But I wanted us to.

You, me, we... we don't win in the end.


So I'm saying good-bye, Charlie.


You know, that was the worst break-up speech I've ever heard.

What? Yeah. Like a D-minus would be generous.

Zeros from all the judges Katie. It was a total flop.

I've never done this before! What do you expect?

Seriously, Charlie. We can't.

We can.

What I can't do...

I can't stop being with you.

Katie, I've done my research on XP.

I know what it is. I know what you are going through.

But we're not the couple who doesn't try.

You knew that before I did.

You've changed my life, Katie.

Okay, you can either just leave me here on this porch or... or we can have the best summer of our lives.

What's it gonna be?

Go, Charlie! Push it!

Go, Charlie!

That's it, Charlie! Come on!

Charlie, let's go! Whoo! Whoo!

Go, Charlie! Come on, Charlie! Go! Go!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!


Yeah! Whoo!

The Berkeley coach was impressed and they promised to keep in touch.

In touch is good. They'll be in touch. I'm so proud of you, honey.

Ahh. So good.

Hey, I'll be right back.


Hey, Charlie. Hi.

The rumors are true. Congrats. Thank you.

You were great in there. Thank you for letting Katie come.

I couldn't have stopped her.

Mr. Price, would you mind if I took Katie out tomorrow?


Yeah, I think that'd be fine.

Thank you.

Come on. Come on. I'm so confused. What are we...

What is this? It's for you.

Is this Katie? Yeah.

Let's do this.

No. Oh, my God, no. Katie. Katie, yes.

No, I can't. I can't. Yes, yes, yes. Yes.


This is so crazy. How... How did you even pay for this?

Don't worry about it. Charlie, your truck money?

I can't let you... Katie, it's already done.

Okay, you helped me figure out my dreams and now it's payback time.

I can't play anymore.

Then just sing.

Whenever you're ready, Katie.

Let's lay one down.

Thank you.

How did you get this?

Uh, this is the song I've been working on.

Stole your notebook again.

Oh. Oh, no.

Yeah, really good job.

Let me count our chips.

That one. That one?

That's Charlinium, because it is huge and powerful.

And that one is my favorite.

That one is Burritorium, because it's shaped like a burrito.

That one is Procyon.

It's 11 light years away.

So we were seven when that light was made.

That was, um, right around the time you got your first skateboard.


Charlie, that night we met at the train station...

I already knew you.

Wh-What do you mean?

In elementary school, you walked by window every day on your way to swim practice.

And in fourth grade, you started skateboarding.

And in sixth grade, you wore a Ken Griffey Jr. jersey every day for, like, a month straight.

And in ninth grade, you buzzed off all your hair.



every day...

I waited for you to walk by my window...

and it was the best part of my day.

If I had just looked up...

I could've been with you this whole time.

You were.


I love you, Charlie.

I love you too.

I can't believe you still like me after that buzz cut.

It was so ugly. Oh, my God.

Okay, there's some more chicken, but I'm eating the rest of the noodles, if no one wants them.

Okay. I'm gonna go to the marina. I'll be back in an hour.

Someday I wanna see this Beyoncé-worthy yacht you're cleaning.

Mm, you're gonna miss your chance.

Owner's back tomorrow. It's my last checkup.

See you in an hour? Okay.

I'll walk you out. All right. I'll see you.

One of these days we can take her for a sail around the harbor.

We can watch the sun set.


I... I wanna go with him.

Go where, honey?


Sailing on the boat.

I wanna go with him on the boat. Now.


It'd be better if you just... Please, Dad.

Let me do this.

It's okay, Dad.

I really want to.


I've waited my whole life to feel this.

There he is.

Hey, Mr. Price.

Glad you made it by before you took off.

Of course. I'm... I'm actually leaving today.

Wow. Yeah.

The first practice is in a couple of days, so...

That's exciting! Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Your coach sent me your schedule, so I'm hoping to make it down for a meet.

But why would, uh, my coach send you the schedule?

We stayed in touch, I guess, uh, after Katie reached out.

Katie reached out. Yeah.

She called him. Told him that he needed to take another look at you.

Uh, no, Katie never told me.

You know what? Hold that thought, all right?

I got something for you.

She wanted you to have that.

I, uh...

I never said sorry.

I never apologized to you.

I should have never kept Katie out that late and I...



It's nobody's fault. Okay?

We knew from the time that she was little that every day was gonna be a gift.

I should be thanking you.

All I ever wanted to do was make her happy.

And you made her so happy.

Thank you.

Good luck at school, son. Thank you.

Coming up next, we have a song that is blowing up on YouTube with over two million views in just two weeks.

Get ready to hear it all over the airwaves.

Just remember you heard it here first.

This is "Charlie's Song" by Katie Price.


Yes! Hey!

Hey, that's my girl! Hey, that's my girl!

Did you hear this? Put down the... Put it down! Listen! Listen!

Dear, Charlie.

I've always been more comfortable writing song lyrics than actual sentences.

There's no way I can articulate what you've meant to me.

Since that moment we first saw each other, or the joy you've brought me since I first saw you outside my window.

Even though our time together was short, the stars have been burning for every moment of it.

And the light from those moments will be shining down for the next thousand years.

I hope that somehow I'll be able to look down and see you, Charlie, and all of the incredible moments just waiting for you out there.

And if you need me, all you have to do is look up.

And remember...

I love you.
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