Hellboy (2019)

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Hellboy (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »


NARRATOR: The year is 517 A.D., known as the Dark Ages and for f*cking good reason.

An endless w*r between the armies of man and the creatures of darkness has raged across Britain.

And in retribution for man's injustices to creatures, the immortal witch Vivienne Nimue had spread her deadly plague threatening to wipe mankind off the face of the Earth.

And so at Pendle Hill, beneath an ancient oak tree, King Arthur... Yes, that King Arthur, and his powerful wizard Merlin, were forced to surrender to Nimue, the Queen of Blood.

NIMUE: Well, well, well.

The great King Arthur comes to Pendle Hill.

NARRATOR: However, believing man and monster were never meant to live in harmony, Arthur ambushed Nimue.





Betrayed by her most trusted witch, Ganeida.

No mortal w*apon can harm me.

Excalibur! This is no mortal w*apon.


NARRATOR: Pissed off, Nimue unleashed her deadly plague.


NARRATOR: With one swing of his legendary sword, Arthur severed the Blood Queen's head.

But even that wasn't enough to stop her.

So he had her cut up into pieces, each one locked in a separate casket.

This is not over. I am vengeance eternal!


NARRATOR: Sealed with a holy prayer.

Only the words from a man of God may break this holy seal.

NARRATOR: Arthur then ordered his bravest knights to ride off and bury her wretched remains in the far reaches of the land, where no one would ever find her.

Not even the devil himself.

BROOM: (OVER PHONE) I mean it, son.

No drinking, no fighting, don't cause a scene.

HELLBOY: Relax, Dad. It's not my first time in Tijuana.

BROOM: Why do you think I'm telling you all this?

HELLBOY: Ruiz is my friend. I just wanna bring him back.

BROOM: Agent Ruiz is not your friend.

He's someone you get drunk with.

Three weeks ago, we sent Ruiz to investigate a nest of vampires.

We haven't heard from him since.

HELLBOY: I'm on it.

A reliable source told me where I can find him.

BROOM: Call me when you have him.

HELLBOY: I'm not going to call you.

BROOM: Just call me! It's a simple extraction.

Get Ruiz out of there and bid adios without making a big mess. Again.

HELLBOY: I got this, Dad!

You know me, I have a gentle touch.

Ah, shit! Not again.






CROWD: (CHANTING) Camazotz! Camazotz! Camazotz!

Camazotz! Camazotz! Camazotz!






Ruiz! Esteban, is that you?


CROWD: (CHANTING) Camazotz! Camazotz! Camazotz! Camazotz!

What's up with the Camazotz crap, huh?

The B.P.R.D. sends you down here, investigate a nest of vampires and you went silent about three weeks ago.

I miss you, man.

Come on, I'm here to bring you back in.

Come on, buddy, let's go.


(IN ENGLISH) So come on, bring me in.






Okay. Hey, what happened to you, man?

What's with the get-up, huh?

Training? Training for what?

(IN ENGLISH) To k*ll you!


Okay. Hang on to that for me.

You look good in purple.


(GROANS) Ouch!

HELLBOY: It's been a lot of fun.

Can we get out of here?

What did they do to you? (SNARLS)


Ruiz! Let's have a drink and talk about this!

You're a good agent!

Buddy, come on. Come on, don't you remember?

Backyards? Drinking beers on the porch?

We used to play guitar, man!

You'd play all that hippy acoustic crap and I'd play real music. (GROWLS)


To hell with this!



Hey, I'm sorry, man.

(CAMAZOTZ GROWLS) Are you okay?

Come on, I don't wanna hurt you, partner.

I know you're in there somewhere. Talk to me.

(SNARLS) You play the hero, but I really know what is under your mask.

Oh, yeah? Is that so? Let's see what's under yours.






HELLBOY: Ruiz! Stop this!





No! No!



(WEAKLY) I know you... Anung un Rama.

Your heart beats with rage.

I know which side you'll choose at the end.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean... I...






That's okay, little guy.

You're just doing what you're doing.

I'm not judging.


No, it's Josh.

People confuse us all the time.

AGENT STRODE: Come on, we gotta go.

How did you find me?

AGENT STRODE: Twitter. You don't exactly blend.

Look, sorry about Ruiz, but we gotta take you back.

HELLBOY: You can try!

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on, big guy. Easy.

We're just following orders.

He wants you back.

The old man sent you?

All he told us is its important.

We need to go.


(IN ENGLISH) They're buying.

REPORTER: (ON TV) Details are still emerging with regard to the tragic events in Mexico.

There's very little information known about Hellboy or the secretive agency that apparently he works for.



You missed a spot. May I?

Hey, Dad.

BROOM: My father used to say shaving was the most important part of a day.

Separated the gentlemen from the Philistines.

It takes a real man to hold a blade against his own throat every day and not cut the jugular. (CHUCKLES)

Grandpa Bruttenholm, he was all teddy bears and rainbows.

He was an unrepentant assh*le, but he taught me how to shave.

Like father, like son. (CLICKS TONGUE)

Drowning in tequila for three weeks may temporarily numb the pain.

All it ever really does is exacerbate your sorrows and the state of your liver.

I know you're upset about Agent Ruiz, but it's part of the job.

Everyone here knows that.

Job didn't k*ll him, I did.

And I buried him 16 feet under the earth right by the chapel of the Virgin Guadalupe, just to make it proper.

He had become unholy, a vampyre, a creature of darkness beyond salvation.

A creature of darkness beyond salvation?

You mean, we don't all just deserve a little gentle horn shave every now and then?

You're different. You always have been.

If my face could talk, it would disagree with you.

I think it's a beautiful face.


(IN ENGLISH) The end is coming. The end of what?

I don't know. Those were Ruiz's last words.

That and something about Anung nun...

Does it ring any bells?

Nah. Apocalyptic mutterings.

Now there... Don't you look handsome!

I'm gonna take your word for that, Pops.

Why'd you bring me back, anyway?

Don't tell me it's 'cause you miss me.

Do you recall the Osiris Club?

Oh, yeah. Strip joint in Jersey.

No, the other one.

The British occult society formed in 1866 by the ranking members of the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra.

Ra? I met Ra once in the underworld.

He's a close-talker.

You know, like us, they fight against the forces of darkness and our organizations have a long-standing relationship.

They're old friends of mine.

And they've requested your assistance with a giant problem.

Oh, yeah? What's that? Giants.


GRUAGACH: Hellboy stole the life I might've had.

Banished me into an existence of misery.

I now only live to k*ll him.

BABA YAGA: I too have suffered at Hellboy's hands, so I know your pain.

I felt yours, so I summoned you here.


I will guide you to a witch, Vivienne Nimue, cut to pieces but alive and waiting.

Restore her!

She will make you powerful again so you can have your vengeance.

GRUAGACH: I thank you. This is not going to be easy.

GRUAGACH: Maybe not.

But to be whole again, I can do it.


Go now.

GRUAGACH: I don't get it. What's in it for you?

(GROWLS) That is no concern of yours, beast!

In the end, I'll have my way and Hellboy will pay what he owes.


Your guest, m'lord.

Hellboy, welcome. Lord Adam Glaren.

And may I introduce my associates, Dr. Edwin Carp and August Swain.

HELLBOY: Hi. You guys ever been to the Osiris Club in Jersey?

It's like this, but just with strippers.

May I?

Does it do anything special?

Yeah, it smashes things real good.

We are so very glad you accepted our invitation.

Wasn't really my choice. Ah.

Yes. The Professor.

Your father and I go back a long way.

Yeah, I heard.

The Osiris Club has been long dedicated to preserving the secret history of Great Britain.

It affords us certain insights into individuals such as yourself. (CHUCKLES)

SWAIN: We've also given vital counsel to your B.P.R.D. on occasion.

HELLBOY: Look, maybe we could just get on with it.

Unless you flew me halfway around the world just so that we could, uh, have a little history lesson.

Perhaps we should just show you.


Secret door.

SWAIN: Giants once dominated the British Isles.

Vile, loathsome creatures.

As likely to eat you as look at you.

They've always been a problem.

Bodies buried all over England.

It's a curious feature of giants that they occasionally rise from their graves and wreak havoc.

And when they do, we organize a hunt.

The wild hunt. HELLBOY: Oh, catchy.

And I thought I had a big head.

Clearly, you guys are old pros at this.

Why do you need me to help you k*ll a giant?

Three giants, actually.

One, we can handle, perhaps even two.

But three, that's a different matter altogether.

This particular trio is terrorizing the New Forest.

Sucking on the bones of anyone unlucky enough to fall foul of them.

The marrow, you see. They can't get enough.

Hmm. So, if any were to reach a population center...

It's Miller time. (CHUCKLES)

LORD GLAREN: This is not a task to be taken lightly, Hellboy.

These are Gigantum Mortis. Very unpleasant.

Just ask your father.

Trevor was a guest of the hunt, when we took one down in '43. Uh-huh.

I always knew Dad aged well, but you guys...

Picture looks like it was taken yesterday.

LADY HATTON: There's a reason for that.

The phenomenon you so rightly observed was the byproduct of a seance the four of us, along with your Professor Broom, were involved in just before the w*r.

Allow me to introduce our resident seer, Lady Elizabeth Hatton.

The spirit I made contact with that night was exceptionally powerful.

It warned us that something was coming.

Something that would end mankind.

And that we'd been chosen to seek it out and destroy it.

Ever since, we've aged at a snail's pace in order to fulfill that mission no matter how long it took.

Okay. And this thing you're worried about, did it show up?

Oh, yes.

You did.

I was there the night that you came into the world.

World w*r II was coming to an end.

Germany was all but defeated.



But the Nazis still had one last trick up their sleeve.

They turned to the infamous necromancer Grigori Rasputin.

On an island off the coast of Scotland, they gathered to invoke an ancient occult ritual...


...intended to turn the tide of w*r back in Germany's favor.



LADY HATTON: But something went wrong.

The ritual didn't turn out quite as they planned.


(g*ns COCKING)


LADY HATTON: Fortunately, legendary n*zi hunter the Lobster arrived...


LADY HATTON: ...leading the allies on a daring raid.




Here, so the devil knows who sent you.



As for the rest of you goose-stepping bastards, beware of my claw for I have come to inflict justice on all of you.

LADY HATTON: Professor Broom and myself were working with the allies at the time.

With his knowledge of the occult and my gift of foresight, we led a secret mission to the island to k*ll whatever abomination was summoned from the depths of hell that night.


Hold it!

I'll take it from here.

LADY HATTON: Instead, we found you.

LADY HATTON: Your father never told you, did he?

Why he was really there that night?

Must've slipped his mind.

Rasputin brought you in the world as a w*apon.

With patience and understanding, Broom turned that w*apon into a force for good.

"Patience and understanding."

You sure we're talking about the same guy?

He saw something in you that the rest of us could not.

And he raised you as his own son.

You should get some rest, Hellboy.

The hunt will assemble at dawn.

HELLBOY: So I'm devil spawn and a n*zi.

Great. Thanks, Dad.


(SHATTERS) Oh, come on!










Where is it, monk? (WHIMPERS)

Come here, you f*cking bastards! (GROWLS)


Come here! Have you got it? (MONKS SCREAMING)


I wonder, does screaming break your vow of silence, brother?

You know what I'm looking for. Where is it?


Show me!

Come on! (MONK GASPS)



Come here, monk!




I f*ckin' hate iron! (WHIMPERING)

Open it. Speak the words.

You know only the words from a man of God can break the seal.

(WHIMPERING) f*cking open it!


Have I gotta do everything meself?



(IN ENGLISH) Welcome back, Your Majesty.

What, are we trick-or-treating or hunting giants?

Tradition. To honor the brave huntsmen who've come before.

HELLBOY: And the pig stickers?

LORD GLAREN: Another tradition.

Used by giant slayers throughout the ages.

With a few modern modifications, of course.

Five times as potent as an electric chair. Mmm.

Not enough to k*ll a giant, mind you. But, uh, still, quite handy in subduing the creatures. Would you care for one?

Oh, it's all right, I got traditions of my own.

Oh, God. I don't have to wear the hat, do I?

(CHUCKLING) No. We're very well aware of your distaste for horns.

It's my honor, as master of the hunt, to wear the headdress.


And here we are. Long Shadow.

HELLBOY: Don't you have a jeep or a motorcycle or something?

That wouldn't be very sporting now, would it?

He'll bring you home safely.

For the record, this wasn't my idea.


Three sets of tracks. Just as Lady Hatton foretold.

I count four bodies. Parts of them, anyway.

LORD GLAREN: They'll be back. What makes you so sure?

Giants don't leave food behind.

The tracks are heading north, toward the river.

This is where we'll make our stand.

They'll use the bridge to cross.

We can take up positions in the brush on either side.

Yeah, seems like a perfect spot for an ambush.

My thoughts exactly.




HUNTSMAN 1: Let's get him! HUNTSMAN 2: Take him!


After him!




LORD GLAREN: Bring him down!




Did you really think we needed your help to k*ll something we've been hunting for centuries?



LORD GLAREN: We will never allow the devil to sit on the throne of England.

It would usher in the apocalypse.


I must confess when Lady Hatton first told me about her vision and what needed to be done I was hesitant.

Broom was so certain of your potential and you have done so much good.


But fate is a fickle beast.

And now I must do what your father should have done those many years ago.


If it's any consolation, your head will make a wonderful addition to our gallery.





- Oh, Jill! GIRLS: You are going down!

WOMAN: Oh, I thought it was the same toe.


You have no idea how many I had to k*ll.

I'll have you playing Twister in no time.

Sorry, too soon.

And soon you shall reap the reward for your efforts.

I didn't know if you'd be hungry or what, you know.

A thousand years in a box and I'd be starving. (LAUGHS)

You wouldn't believe what people throw away these days. Cookie!

Revenge is the only sustenance I require.

Look at this.

A world ravaged by w*r and poverty led by feckless fear mongers. They've replaced swords with singing competitions.


(GRUNTS) Well, not for much longer.

What about my other hand?

You're certain you can retrieve it?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

And you'll restore me, as you promised?

Don't worry, you'll get what's due.

All good things come to those who wait.

Bring me the last box. Make me whole again.

And together, we will baptize this world in blood.



That hurt. Okay.





HELLBOY: Well, look at that.

I guess you did need my help after all.

Wait a minute.

I thought there was supposed to be three.



Whoa! Whoa!






God, I'm gonna feel that in the morning. (GRUNTS)

HELLBOY: Come to papa.

Hold still, handsome!


It's f*cking wet in there!


Hey, pal!


What have you been eating?


Oh, shit, I forgot.


Yeah, it's just you and me now, princess!








HELLBOY: Is that my Uber?

GIRL: There he is.

That's him. MAN: Let's get him.




Welcome back to the land of the living.

Hardly a scratch left. You heal fast.

Where am I?

Bacon, eggs and black pudding, do ya?

You look like you could use a proper English breakfast.

Go on, sit down before you fall down.

How did I get here?

A man with a van.

Actually, four men.

You owe me 300 quid, by the way.

I'm sorry, do I know you?

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

"The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

"Beware..." "...the Jubjub bird..."

"...and shun the frumious... "...the frumious..."



Little Alice Monaghan.

Not so little Alice Monaghan.


This is what you do now, huh? You what, you read tea leaves?

You, uh, you tell people's fortune?

I make use of the gifts I was given.

Oh, yeah? You let folks talk to their dead relatives?

For what, like five bucks a pop?

More like a tenner. (WINCES)

Missed one.


You'll have to eat around the burnt bits.

(SIGHS) And lucky for you, too.

If it weren't for the dead, I never would've found you.

They keep blathering on. Especially Mom and Dad.


They say hi, by the way.

Sorry. I didn't know.

Why would you?

Maybe if you'd given a flying fig and checked in on me once in the past 20... (VOICES WHISPERING)

What? No, he doesn't. Just let me deal with it.

More dead people?

I told you, they never shut up.

What are they telling you now?

They're saying I should k*ll you while I have the chance.

You see, they know what you don't, that I've got a shotgun under the table loaded with angel bones aimed right at your todger. (COCKS g*n)

(SIGHS) Seems like everybody wants me dead nowadays.

They give you a reason?

Only that the end is coming.

And it'll be you that brings it.


Google-translate that, would you?

(IN ENGLISH) It's just something that a friend told me, you know.

Like a prophecy.

You gonna sh**t me or what?


The dead might be afraid of your demon ass, but I know you better.

Besides, I still owe you one for saving my life when I was just a kid.

So, what are we doing down here?

Avoiding the glass.


Armed police! HELLBOY: Stay here!

ALICE: Jesus Christ!

BROOM: That's my boy.


Hello, son.

BROOM: I just don't know why you were so angry with me. You couldn't have knocked?

Well, I told you, after we cleaned up the mess you left behind with the giants and you weren't there, I feared the worst. Thank God you're all right. Okay?

You know what hurts worse than being stabbed in the back?

Being stabbed in the back.

Oh, come on. You can't possibly believe that I knew the Osiris Club was plotting to assassinate you.

You know what I can't believe?

I can't believe you showed up on n*zi island all those years ago just to k*ll me.

Yeah, that's right, I bumped into your old flame, Lady Hatton.

She, uh, filled me in on a couple of the missing pieces of our family narrative.

Well, if you wanna dig up my sordid skeletons, I'll be the first to hand you a shovel.

But this is not the time, and there's someone I wanna introduce you to, okay?

Major Ben Daimio, head of Special Ops for M-11.

M-11? My son.

I thought you guys disbanded after the w*r.

And I thought we were supposed to be fighting monsters, not working with them.

Who you calling monster, pal?

You look in the mirror recently, Scarface?

Is that meant to be humor? Maybe.

My therapist does say that I rely on jokes as a way to normalize.

Normalize, right. Good luck with that.


So glad to see you two are getting along.

Since this is on British soil, it'll be a joint operation.

Please, I don't need any help kicking the dentures out of the Osiris Club, all right? I got this.

No, this is bigger than you know.

St. Sebastian's has been att*cked and a relic was stolen.

Thought to be one of the Nimue Caskets.


Vivienne Nimue.

Also known as the Blood Queen.

An immortal fifth century sorceress.

Amongst her powers, she has a plague that almost wiped Britain off the map.

And this time it could be the world.

King Arthur himself took care of that monster.

He used Excalibur to dismember her, then locked the pieces in caskets and hid them throughout the country.

Very impressive, Major.

The Osiris Club discovered one in the '30s and kept it as part of their permanent collection.

Great. So we go back to the Osiris Club, we find this casket, we figure out whoever's trying to Humpty Dumpty this Blood Queen back together and we get a little payback while we're at it.

Payback? This isn't about revenge.

For me, it is.

Once the casket is secure, you'll be on the first flight out.

The Bureau can put you back in your cage.

HELLBOY: My cage? My cage!

I'm gonna ask specifically that you clean my sawdust.

Can't wait till you smell demon shit, pal!

ALICE: They tell me you're the man in charge.

DAIMIO: What's this? A bill for damages.

A million pounds? For a few broken windows?

You've gotta factor in the emotional trauma.

I'm sorry, who are you again?

I'm the girl who saved Hellboy. Who the hell are you?

Yeah, I wanted to thank you for that, by the way.

So, she's what, your bodyguard?

f*cking right I am. So let's go.

This is a military operation! Not a carnival sideshow.

Alice is the only person that I trust, all right?

So, you want me, she comes with.

Here, your new toy.

Do what you have to do.

I'm going back to HQ and try to locate the rest of the Blood Queen.

Good luck, hmm?

Professor. What about the girl?

Alice? She's a powerful spirit medium.

Take her with you. We need all the help we can get.

All right, we're done here! Let's move it out!

Well, aren't you gonna open it?


That's mega.

HELLBOY: He's probably overcompensating

'cause he's not my real dad.

That's some present.

Some dads get their kids LEGOs.


What's wrong?

What's wrong? Psychic migraine.

It's like a car crash in my head.

Something terrible happened here.


Stay here. Don't move.


Oh, God.

Hold. Move on my command. HELLBOY: What?

Can we go in now?

For f*ck's sake, help him! Can't you hear him screaming?








DAIMIO: What is that sound?


HELLBOY: It's Lady Hatton.

The psychic you were telling us about?

Clearly, she wasn't psychic enough.

Alice, picking up anything?

Her spirit's still with us.

HELLBOY: You think you can make contact?

Figure out what the hell happened here?

You might wanna leave, Major.

This kind of thing isn't pretty.

And miss all the fun? Not a chance.

Lady Hatton, can you hear me?


Lady Hatton...


Well, I'll be f*cked.

Nimue, she has returned.

Yeah, we know that.

Uh, is that why Osiris tried to k*ll me?

Man will fall to her darkness.

Those who call the shadows home will rise again.


I'd appreciate a prophecy with smaller and more relatable stakes.

The Queen must never find a king!

When Nimue is whole again, then your true destiny will be revealed.

This I have seen. Only then will...

Only then will what? Hey, hey! Hey!

You're just getting to the good part!

It's still here!



DAIMIO: Are you all right? ALICE: No.

A lady just came out of my f*cking mouth!


Stay with her.


GRUAGACH: Oh, f*ck!

I know you.


HELLBOY: Is that an arm?

f*cking let me go!

Oh, that's disgusting!

Didn't your mother ever tell you you shouldn't play with dead things!

GRUAGACH: My Queen, help me! I'm not ready yet!

My Queen!


NIMUE: Fascinating.

Never have I seen a creature quite like you.


Such power, such glorious potential.

There is no reason for us to be enemies, when we can be so much more.

They fear us. They call us monsters.

We yearn for the same day, when we are not reviled but lauded as heroes.

Seed by seed, tree by tree, stone by stone, we'll replant Eden together.

What happens next, only the fates decide.

DAIMIO: Hellboy!


You f*cking prick!

I missed, didn't I?



Hey! Tell me you got the bastard.

We pursued. The damn thing was just too fast.

We didn't even get a proper look at it.

HELLBOY: That ugly pig-faced son of a bitch.

But you did, didn't you?

You know what's going on here, so I strongly suggest you start talking.

It was the Gruagach.

The what? Are you sure?

Yeah. I'd never forget a face like that.

What's a Gruagach?

HELLBOY: We first crossed paths years ago.

Alice was just a baby at the time, and fairies loved to steal babies.

It's like living in a nightmare we can't wake up from.

HELLBOY: Who knows why, but when they do manage to get their hands on one, they leave a changeling in its place to pass for human.

She looks the same, but...

I can't explain it.

That's not my daughter.

(CHUCKLING) Oh, look at you.

Alice, aren't you the cutest little baby?


Your mom and your dad are, uh, well, worried that you've been acting strange.

It's okay. Uncle Hellboy is here.

And he's got just the thing for that.



Yeah, that's what I thought, you little bastard!

Ah, Jesus! What are you doing?

Iron. They hate the stuff.



Let me go!

Let me go! Ahh! This is child abuse!

I'm a little baby, you big f*ck!


FATHER: It's disgusting! MOTHER: What is that thing?

Didn't get!

f*ck off! (YELPS)


It hurts! It hurts! I promise! I promise!

The fairies will return her!

I swear! Just f*cking let me go!

Yeah, I'd love to take your word for it.

But you know what?

There's one problem, I'm just not stupid!



You slippery little bastard!


You better bring these people back their baby or I'm coming to get her myself!

And then you and your fairy friends are gonna be sorry!




About g*dd*mn time.


Oh, my God. She's back. (FAIRY SCREECHES)

HELLBOY: This better be a clean diaper, or I'm coming after you!

FATHER: Oh, wee Alice.

ALICE: Guess I couldn't avoid him forever.

Destiny always has a way of bringing things full circle.

HELLBOY: Destiny.

Stupid word for "coincidence."

Don't talk shit about fate. She's a vindictive bitch.

We carry every sin committed in our bloodlines.

Blood Queen said pretty much the same thing.

So, that's what this is all about?

Some fairy tale w*nk*r you pissed off is now looking for revenge?

And he's now using the Blood Queen to get it.

I don't know about that. Maybe she's using him.

And how's that?

This Arthur comes along, chops her up into little pieces, buries her in boxes?

Maybe she just wants monsters to come out from the shadows and live again.

Great, so she gets another shot at wiping out mankind.

Hey, hey, hey.

We don't know that about her. Not for sure.

Collect our men. I'm taking them back to London HQ.



HAG 1: O night, faithful preserver of mysteries.



HAG 2: And ye bright stars and moon.

Succeed the fires of hateful day.



Careful, you slags!

The pain is fleeting compared to 1,500 years locked in a box.

I only live to serve, my Queen.

You only serve to get your revenge against this Hellboy.


Why is he so important to you?

(ROARS) He burnt me with iron and cursed me to a world of shame.

I could've been a person. (NIMUE GROANING)

Not this wasted, wandering thing.


I could've had a real life, filled with light and happiness. (SNORTS)

Hellboy stole that from me.

Poor creature.

Lust for vengeance has made us both blind with rage.

Nimue, Queen of Witches.

Nimue who lives.



Nimue, who can never die.



But now, I see a new path laid out before me, one that would lead to far greater glory.

And your Hellboy is the key. Hellboy? But...

Where are we going with this? I don't... I don't understand.

You will. (PANTING)

But first, we must complete one final task.


HELLBOY: Fish 'n chips shop? DAIMIO: We're here.

HELLBOY: This is it?

Were you expecting a sign that says "Secret Headquarters"?


Come on.

Mrs. Harker.


Whoa, I thought it smelled bad on the outside.

I'll let you two take it from here. I'm leaving.

And you, don't go anywhere.

Last thing I need is some freak wandering around scaring the locals.

ALICE: Where's he going? (BELL JINGLES)

Haven't we got to be saving the world or something?

Uh... (WHISPERS) He's an assh*le.


I need some ID, love.

Are you serious?

Rules are rules, I'm afraid.


Whoa. Mmm. Now I've been to purgatory and hell.

AGENT STRODE: It was an old b*mb shelter that was refurbished after the w*r.

Refurbished? You call this refurbished?

Oh, good, you're here!

This is all we got on Nimue so far.

We're fine. Thank you for asking.

Your friends at Osiris, not so much.

BROOM: No two stories are alike, but everything seems to suggest she won't get her full powers until she's completely restored.

Hey, hey, did you hear me? All your friends are dead!

And there'll be a lot more dead if we don't find her.

So perhaps you two would like to grab a book, do some research, maybe find out where she is, so we can bury her before she buries us.

Great. Homework. (GROANS)

No wonder Daimio took off.



DAIMIO: Agent Daimio, M-11. Is the package ready?

MAN: Sir, almost.

DAIMIO: You're sure this is going to work?

A lot of people have tried to k*ll him already.

Not with something like this they didn't.

It's cast from Judas Silver mixed with the blood of Saint Dominic, blessed by the Holy Father himself.

It will work, I assure you.

Assuming you've actually got to use it.

I mean, who's to say this bloke's not on the level?

Do you know what I did before joining the service?

I was an actuary.

I assessed risk based on a series of complex mathematical equations.

You see, people lie, but numbers don't.

And from where I stand, Hellboy doesn't add up.

The monster inside him cannot be denied.

It's not personal, it's just maths.

So, yeah, can't see letting him live.

Make sure it's a k*ll shot. Either the heart or the brain.

The heart it is.

Hellboy's brain is too small a target.

HELLBOY: Why does this book have so many words?

Let's say we find Nimue, huh? Let's say we find her.


Then what?

Well, with a righteous fury and a mighty fist, you'll smite her down.

Oh, now, come on, Hellboy, take your feet off Churchill's desk, will you?

ALICE: Whoa. Wicked.

Then what?

Then we make sure she doesn't come back for the sequel.

Then what?

Then the world will keep on spinning and we'll have another cup of tea.

And then...



What are you on about?

Just answer the question.

And then what? Well, we fight our next foe. It's what we do.

And then what? Guys.

And then... What?

You have something to say, say it.

Your moral high ground is founded on a pile of bullshit.

This is the B.P.R.D. We're the line in the sand.

That's the thing about sand, you can always draw another line.

Guys! BROOM: If we weren't here, this would be Satan's holiday home.

You know, maybe if humans weren't so keen on k*lling witches and demons and such, the witches and demons and such wouldn't be so keen on k*lling humans.

That's a false equivalence and you know it.

HELLBOY: There's gotta be another way.

The answer to every threat we face cannot be annihilation.

There's gotta be a world where monsters don't have to hide in the shadows, where they don't have to live in fear. Where monsters...

Has she got to you? Nimue, she got to you with her perfumed words and her perky breasts?

So stupid! BROOM: Oh!

I'm not even talking about her!

Then who?

We face every mystical and metaphysical threat there is, and yet you take me in. Why?

You were sent to k*ll me.

What changed your mind?

You did.

You gave me a g*n on my tenth birthday!

You sent me into the Wildungen forest to hunt a pack of wild hill trolls!

Here we go again.

No, we didn't play Snakes and Ladders.

We didn't play Go Fish.

I didn't coach you in football or baseball.

You made me a g*dd*mn w*apon.

I just wanted to help you become the best you.

If you, uh, loved me, maybe you could talk to some of your human friends that would want to see me dead, rather than unleashing me to slaughter my brothers and sisters!


Just solid parenting.

g*dd*mn humans.



Going down.

I pushed up!

Going down.

Up! Going down.

What the f*ck?

Up! Up! Up! Up! Down. Down. Down. Down.

Down. Down. Down.

Going down.






AUTOMATED VOICE: Lower ground.






Baba Yaga.








Baba? Baba Yaga!

Ah, cut the crap.

I know you're here.

Why'd you summon me?

You wanna play games, huh?

Tell you what, let's break out the Yahtzee.

Otherwise, I'm not interested.

BABA YAGA: I felt your hunger, and I have prepared a feast for you.





Don't you look lovely.

Most think me grotesque. An old hag with one eye.

Oh, no, not me.

Probably because you did this to me!

I recall you trying to raise Stalin's ghost from the Necropolis.

I had to do something to stop you.

So you shot out my eye and put me in this prison.

You know, I thought that banishing you to an adjacent dimension was, uh, kinda clever.

Come. Sit.



Yeah. Quite a spread for just two people.

We celebrate her return.



You are correct to applaud her righteousness.

In her world, you will be hailed a hero!

They will build statues of you, 2,000 feet high!

Made from the bones of your enemies.

That'd take a shit-ton of bones.

What is for dinner?

Is that a child?

It's just a human child.





So clumsy. Sorry about that. I gotta go.

Gotta be there for that resurrection.

Gonna be better than The Beatles!

BABA YAGA: I can help you.

You can, can't you?

You know where Nimue is, don't you?

Such nice eyes.

Yellow as piss.

My favorite color.

I want one to replace what you took from me.

That's not gonna happen, sister.

Your time is running out, demon.

Once Nimue's resurrection is complete, her plague will strip the flesh from bodies.

All right, fine, take it.

Just tell me where to find Nimue first.

This is a sacred bargain.

Once made, it cannot be broken.

What, do you want it in writing?

No need.

Let's seal it with a kiss.



HELLBOY: How do you have hair on your tongue?

Go to Pendle Hill.

She will need to reclaim her blood in order to restore her power.

You only have until midnight.

Which shall it be, the right or the left? (GAGGING)

Now, this will hurt a lot.


You swore! You'll get your eye.

Soon as I'm done with it.

We never specified a time frame.

Should've been more specific.




You've been eating children!



(IN ENGLISH) Go! Take your eyes and have them for a while.


But cheat me and here's my curse, that you have two eyes to see the thing you love most in the world suffer and die!



BROOM: So, are you just not using doors anymore?

(CONTINUES GROANING) Don't keep us in suspense.

I just had a visit from Baba Yaga.

The Blood Queen's in Pendle Hill.


We're on a clock!


Glad to see you've straightened your priorities out.

HELLBOY: I'm not taking orders from you, old man!

I'm just drawing my own line in the sand!


Somebody, please, get me a mint!


It has been a long time, old friend.


ALICE: This is sick.

Do you know what they did to the witches at Pendle Hill?

They cut off their tongues, fed them to maggots and buried them alive right there on the spot.


Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.

ALICE: What did I say?

Ridding the world of evil is a dirty business.

What's with you and monsters, anyway?

One of them touch you funny as a kid?

I've been seeing freaky shit my whole life, and if it's taught me anything, it's that hate hides behind the most righteous faces.

Are you seriously gonna lecture me about faces?

Maybe you think I got these scars from shaving.

What happened? I'm not gonna stop asking.

You might as well tell me.

My unit was on a training exercise in Belize.

One of the local tribal elders came to us asking for help.

Their village was under attack by a man-eater.

It would come at night, carry off its prey.


Mostly men, but sometimes it was women and children, too.


Savage. Smart.

Totally without remorse.

All the while that we were hunting it, in reality, it was hunting us.


I was the only survivor.

I'm so sorry.


(RAPID BEEPING) We're coming up on target.


DAIMIO: There's no way we can land on that hill.

I'll get us up as close as I can.

Here you go, Queen. You'll be back to feeling your amazing old self in no time.

My life blood sustains you...


But now I must reclaim what is mine.

The others will be here soon.

What about Hellboy?

If he comes, I have a little surprise in store.

HELLBOY: Come on, it's almost midnight!

Time's running out.

Wait! Wait! Just wait!


I'm not a demon or a soldier. I'm f*cking knackered.

Just give us a sec. HELLBOY: All right.

Let me give you...


A hand!


Won't anything in this country stay buried!


(GROANS) Not now!








(g*ns FIRING)


Hellboy! It's almost midnight.

Go find the Blood Queen. We can handle this.

She'll spread her plague if you don't stop her!

There's no time! Go!

Alice, I'm not leaving you.

Go! Stop Nimue!

I'm out. Stay behind me!

Where the f*ck else am I gonna go?





At last...

I am reborn.

Yeah, you're looking good, Your Majesty. (LAUGHS)

(SING-SONG) She's the queen of the castle. (CHUCKLING)

They're here, my Queen.



GRUAGACH: They've come from out of the darkness to celebrate your return.

No more bowing and scraping, my beloveds.

That is not what I want.


I want an army, long hidden from the eyes of man.

I want the forgotten people out of the dark!

Those who have lived in dust, who have gnawed on dry bones while dreaming of blood!

That is what I want. Give me an army like that and we will make the daytime world weep!



Well, don't just cower there like mice.

Step forth.


Dear sisters.

How kind of you to grace me with your presence after hiding all these years.

Please, Nimue, for me and my sisters, have mercy.

Ganeida, did you show me mercy?



When Arthur cut me to pieces and buried me alive, where was your mercy then?

Don't, I beg you! Look at you.

Groveling like an animal.

Don't worry, Ganeida, I won't k*ll you.


But you must do something for me first to prove your newfound loyalty.

Take Hellboy to the one who can show him his destiny.

(g*n FIRES)

Oh, sorry! Did I interrupt?

Hellboy, you bastard!



I hope I'm not late to the party!



You've arrived just in time.

ALICE: There's too many.


Get off him!


Behind you!







Where'd you learn how to do that?

I don't know. Ever since the fairies took me, I've been able to do some weird shit.

Stay behind me.

Where else am I gonna go?

Get us out of here!

(HELLBOY GROANS) GRUAGACH: Know when to wait.

(LAUGHS) Not so f*cking funny now, eh?

My Queen, restore me now! Let me finish him!

Not just yet.

But you swore...

Ow! Mind your tongue, pig.


NIMUE: Get in.


HELLBOY: Where do you think you're going?

To give birth to a new world!

Yeah, by k*lling a lot of innocent people!


Why do you fight for those who hate and fear you?

All I wanted was revenge, until I saw you.

You can usher in the apocalypse.

Out of the ashes, a new Eden will emerge.

Leave these frail, pathetic humans behind.

Be my king. And be revered for who you really are.

We belong together, you and I.

We do! But it's not gonna work, you know, 'cause I'm a Capricorn and you're f*cking nuts!

A demon sleeps inside you, and I will waken it.

ALICE: Hellboy! Hellboy!


NIMUE: Even if I have to take away everything and everyone you've ever loved.

HELLBOY: I got you, kid.

Congratulations, the Blood Queen has all her powers now.

GANEIDA: Don't touch it!

It'll only make it spread faster.


You got three seconds to make this right!

(GAGGING) I can't.


GANEIDA: Nimue's power is too strong.


There is one who can help you from the Old World.


You're not seriously gonna listen to her!

She could be leading us straight into a trap!

(HELLBOY GRUNTS) You can save your friend.

HELLBOY: We don't have a choice.

GANEIDA: Go to Black Fin.

High atop the cliffs there's an old goat path hidden in the rocks.

The way is treacherous, but you must follow it until you can go no further.

There, you'll find a passage into the bowels of the Earth, in a cave.

HELLBOY: This way, Daimio.

GANEIDA: The one you seek is there.

Merlin the Wise.

Wizard to kings, and king of fools.

Cursed to live forever buried in a hole for allowing Arthur to betray the truce.



Have you finally come to claim my soul?

That's the other guy.

Come on! My friend's been poisoned, and we were told that you can help!

I have seen this before. This is Nimue's work.

You cannot underestimate this witch.

She is evil incarnate.

There's still a chance if we act quickly.

But you must promise me something in return.

That you will do whatever is necessary to destroy Nimue, no matter the cost.

I can damn well guarantee it.






DAIMIO: Should we be worried about where that's going?



Welcome back.

Who's the new guy?

HELLBOY: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Hey, hey! Why did you do that?

Let your friends rest. They'll be fine.

What comes next is for you and you alone.

Hellboy, your story whispered itself into my ear and I realized fate had something else in store for us both.

Okay. Tell me, are there still tales of King Arthur in your time?

How he drew the sword from the stone?

Uh, yeah. Movies, too.

He's a regular pop culture phenom.

Give me your hand.

People believe that Arthur's lineage died with him, but it's not true.

The bloodline continued when Arthur had a daughter and that daughter had a daughter, and so on.

Ending with Sarah Bethany Hughes.

She used to fly to the Sabbath on the back of a demon in the shape of a goat.

And on Walpurgis Night, 1574, she married that demon.


That very night she was taken down to hell, where she delivered a son, Anung un Rama.

That last part, I've heard that before. What is that?

It's you... Anung un Rama.

Destroyer of all things.

The title you were given on the day you were born.

So, my mother was human.

And so are you. At least in part.

Son of Arthur, last of the royal lineage.

Blood of his blood.

Destined to be king of man.

Which is why I know you are the only one who can do what must be done.


Excalibur, the one w*apon that can stand against Nimue.

HELLBOY: Ah, looks bigger in the cartoon.

Only a true descendant of Arthur can wield it.

It is your birthright, Hellboy, your destiny.

This is how you will destroy the Blood Queen.







No! You gave me your word!

Take the sword before it's too late!

Take it!

Take it now!

You fool!

I used the last of my magic to bring Excalibur here.

Now the sword has returned to Arthur, the only man worthy of it.

You could've stopped her.

At least I won't be here to watch the world wither and die.



GRUAGACH: Run! Yeah, go on, run.

You pathetic bastards.



REPORTER: (ON TV) So far, the British government has failed to pinpoint the origin of the plague which is spreading at an unprecedented rate.

The Prime Minister has declared an official state of emergency and is urging British citizens to remain indoors and to avoid contact with anyone who may be infected.

Casualties are expected to reach 100,000 within two hours, with the British plague spreading to the EU resulting in massive fatalities over the next 24 hours and threatening to spark a global epidemic.

Listen up, ladies and gentlemen.

The shit has gone way beyond the fan.

Out there, there's a fifth century sorceress and her pig monster, who want to bring down the curtain on London and the world.

Now, please tell me where the f*ck they are!



I need to see some ID, love.

(DISTANT g*nf*re)

(ON TV) The infection rate is much higher than initially...

DAIMIO: You gonna tell us what happened down there?

Where's Gandalf?

He's dead. He offered me the sword, Excalibur.

He said it was the only way to k*ll the Blood Queen.

All right, so where is it?

HELLBOY: I didn't take the sword.

'Cause if I do, I'm the guy who's gonna bring about the end of the world.

You're the guy who's going to bring about the end of the world?

Get over yourself.


We've got a job to do. (CELL PHONE CHIMES)

We've got to go.

What's wrong?

The Blood Queen just took out the B.P.R.D.






We'll find your father. He's not dead.

Trust me, I'd know.

DAIMIO: Have a look at this.

REPORTER: (ON TV) I'm outside St. Paul's Cathedral, and right over there, hundreds of armed police continue a sh**t with an unknown assailant.






POLICEMAN: Get out of the way!


(g*n FIRES)

Hey! I'm on your side!

Sorry. My bad. M-11!

No one enters under any circumstances!

HELLBOY: Where is she?


GRUAGACH: Hello, Hellboy.

Sorry my queen couldn't be here to greet you in person.

That's not a good sign.

ALICE: How did he get so f*cking big?

Hellboy, as you can see, she's made sure you receive a proper f*cking welcome.

You've no idea how long I've been waiting for this.

I have some idea!

You know, I was the guy that sent little piggy squealing all the way back home.



I'll rip your f*cking head off!





Look out! (SCREAMS)


Little piggy, I brought your favorite! Iron!


That's not gonna work this time.

It won't budge!



(SCREAMS) Take that, you fucker!

Come here, you...

f*cking bastard.


Get out of here.

I'm not just gonna leave you! (GROANING)


GRUAGACH: f*ck off!









Look at ya. You got a face like a baboon's ass.

Now just lay there and bleed while I finish you off.

Oh, yeah?

Good luck with that, pal!




f*cking mutt.

(GROWLING) Daimio?

Let's eat some barbecue! (SNARLS)

ALICE: Hellboy! HELLBOY: Whoa!

What am I supposed to do with that?

ALICE: Improvise!


I'm gonna squash your f*cking head now.

Here, you red-faced twat! NIMUE: Enough!

Your Majesty.

Let him go, my pet.

We had a deal. I found you.

I set all this in motion! I was the beginning of it all.

And I am the end.


Forgive me. I needed someone to challenge Hellboy, push him to the edge.


But you promised!

To make you whole again.

Powerful beyond compare.


And for one brief, shining moment, you were. This ain't fair!

f*ck you, Hellboy!

HELLBOY: Yeah, f*ck you back.

(GRUNTS) All right, time to finish this.

But I don't want to k*ll you.

We are not enemies. We are bound together by fate!

Not this crap again, lady!

(SCREAMS) Some lessons bear repeating.



NIMUE: Just think how many spent their lives searching for Arthur's tomb.


It's been right here all along.

Go ahead. It's yours by right.

You can feel it, can't you?

How it calls to you.

Stirring the thing at the core of your being.

The thing you're destined to be.

Go ahead, take it.

You want to k*ll me, don't you?

Pick up the sword. Take it!


I don't know what your game is here, but I'm done playing!

Very well.


Dad! Dad!

Don't worry about me.

You do what you have to do and take out this bitch!

No! Nimue! Nimue, no! Let him go, Nimue!

Let him go! It's me you want! Take me!

I already have you.

You just don't know it yet.

No! No! No!



No. Please don't go.



Jesus Christ, mate. You're a mess.

Well, at least now I know why you've been acting like such a f*cking d*ck.

I need you to pull it together now!

He needs our help.

NIMUE: Save your tears.

His death is a mercy compared to what I have in store for the rest of mankind.

All because you were too cowardly to use Excalibur when you had the chance.

Both your fathers would be ashamed!






Come to me.

Come to me.










You're so beautiful.

Now you see that we were born to rule together.

Arthur was just a man.

In his hands, Excalibur was an instrument of death.

But in yours, you can build a new world, a better world for all our kind.

My Lord.

BROOM: Stop!

This isn't you, Hellboy. You're better than this.

Don't listen to this old fool. You were meant for this.

She wants to use you, make you into something you're not.

So stop being a whiny little shit and show her she's wrong.

Go forth and embrace your destiny.

Destroy your enemies!

BROOM: All this bitching and moaning about destiny.

Grow a pair! You're a man!

And a good one! Act like it.

Don't let a prophecy tell you who you are.

You decide for yourself.

He's lying!

You are the great beast of the apocalypse.

This is the real you! It always has been.

Burn out the past.

Be rid of the weakness.


My King.






This isn't over!

We are destined for one another!

We will meet again on the last day of the ending of the world!


Lady, quit while you're...

A head.

NIMUE: No! No!


You knew, didn't you?

This whole time.

This beast inside me.

My inner nature!

My destiny!

So did you.

Why didn't you k*ll me all those years ago?

You had a job, to protect the world from monsters!

I have never, ever regretted the decision I made that night.


Shut up and listen to me. There's things I need to say.

I tried to be the best father I could.

What the hell did I know about raising a kid?

I was a k*ller, and damn good at it.

Some beasts deserved it, some didn't.

But I did what I believed was necessary.

And if I have any chance of growing wings, it's because of you.


You changed me.

You changed everything.

And if there is ever an end in this seemingly forever w*r, it will be because of you and your strong right hand.

You are mankind's best and only hope, my boy.

Please. Please don't go. I'm not ready.

Oh, yes, you are.

Being your father was the best decision I ever made.

I love you, Hellboy.





ALICE: What's that?

A mistake.


I like cats.

I've always been more of a dog person.

ALICE: So, you're the king of England now.


ALICE: Well, I didn't see that coming.

HELLBOY: Okay, yeah, we're here.

Does anybody copy? Does any...

(SIGHS) Worthless piece of crap!




Ah, the Oannes Society.

They make Osiris look like Cub Scouts.

Christ! Another secret boys club?

Bunch of lunatics. What are they doing here?

And where's our back-up?

Ah! Come on!

Do not sneak up on me like that!

Don't you ever stop bitching?

I'm glad you could join us.

Yeah. Okay, come on, let's get your game face on.

It's not something I can just turn on and off like a light switch.

The transformation is an electro-chemical reaction to pain and emotional...


I'm sorry to say, it's a bit more complicated than that... (GROANS)

Welcome to the B.P.R.D.

(IMITATES GROWLING) Yeah, come on, let's do this.




Ah, nobody told me there was a dress code.



(g*n FIRES)




Hey, guys, check it out.

"Icthyo Sapien."

Anyone know what that means?

HELLBOY: (SINGING) ♪ Oh, Danny boy


♪ The pipes The pipes are call... ♪

I mean, it's fine, you know.

It's like, we got the job done and everything.

I put on a happy face.

But just feel, I don't know, feels kinda...

THE LOBSTER: I feel for you, kid.

The Professor was a good man.

Holy crap!


You probably get this all the time. And I don't...

I feel like such a jerk doing this, you know?

But it's like, I'm actually your biggest fan.

I... I... I've read about everything you've done...

Let me stop you right there. Okay.

I suppose you wanna see the claw.


Oh, my God!

It's impressive.

You're telling me.

I don't think your old man would wanna see you sitting around here moping.

No, you're probably right. Gotta get back in the fight.

Yeah. It's unfinished business.

Yeah, okay. Got myself k*lled.

Well, it wasn't your fault.

But listen. Yeah.

Big one's coming. Okay.

You won a battle.

Now you gotta go kick ass in the w*r.

I do?

Whoa! Okay! All right! Okay!

Now cut the shit, buckle up, get back in the fight.

I love you, Lobster Johnson!


Wow. All right, that happened.

He mocks me! And I've had enough!

Go! k*ll Hellboy and bring me his eye!

Can you do that?


And if I do?

I will grant you your greatest wish.

MONSTER: And that is?

I will finally let you die.
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