01x09 - Chisel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "MacGyver". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"MacGyver" centers around Angus "Mac" MacGyver, who creates a secret U.S. government organization where he uses his extraordinary talents for problem solving and his extensive knowledge of science to save lives. A reboot of the 1985–1992 ABC series of the same name.
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01x09 - Chisel

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on MacGyver...

Can I help you?

I'm a friend of MacGyver's. Is he home?

Boze, that's not my friend.

(whispering): Put the phone down, Wilt.

MacGyver: Where is he?

Get down!

Mac! What the hell is going on?!


(glass shatters)

You see him?

Who the hell are you?

Riley: I wanted to tell you, but they would've sent me back to prison.

So, you lied to me, too.

And Mac's been lying to me for years.

He's supposed to be my best friend.

He's still your friend.

You've all been lying to me.

Why should I believe you now?

Hey, man, you talking to me yet?

I've always told you everything. I'm just sorry you didn't feel you could do the same.

It was just protocol.


A man showed up at my house with a g*n and you gonna talk to me about protocol?!

And then, this man who wants to k*ll you, he tells me I don't know you at all.


That everything you ever told me was a lie.

And you know the worst part?

I know this lunatic k*ller was telling the truth, while my best friend... lied.

(door opens)

(footsteps approaching)

♪ ♪

Mr. Bozer, the purpose of this meeting is to determine if you are a security threat to the United States.

Security threat? Me? Securi...

I'm not even an empty threat.

Are you kidding me?!

Mac, come on, back me up here.

Look, Bozer, it's just standard practice in cases like this to do this...

Standard practice?!

And who are you?

Yesterday you was my friend, today it's like I don't even know you.

Mr. Bozer, if you could sit back down.

We'll start by reviewing your employment history.

You know what?

I been here long enough.

I'm going home, okay?

Have your people call my people and, uh, we'll get something on the books.

Great. John Cena works here, too.

Look, I know my rights.

Okay? You can't keep me here forever.

Technically, we can.

Can I talk to you outside?

Look, I know you have a job to do...

We have a job to do.


We have a job to do and while we are doing that job, we can't treat Bozer like he's some suspect.

Unfortunately, Mac, he's been exposed to confidential intelligence, which makes him a national security threat.

No. No, he isn't.

He's my friend.

I'd rather quit the Phoenix today than see him treated like he did something wrong.

♪ ♪

Yeah, but why's Thornton got to go all DEFCON One?

I was a civilian once.

I found out about you guys.

None of this happened to me.

Oh, no, you're different.

Patti let you in on our little secret, because you have a specific skill set.

We can use... We're using you.

Yeah, whatever, Jack.

So, you're saying just because Bozer can't hack the Pentagon his only options are witness protection or a black site?

I'm not gonna let it come to that.

Jack: No, no, wait.

Hold on, don't tell me.

Let me guess what it is this time. Uh...

Chinese separatist, city of Madrid, with the candlestick.

I thought we agreed not to use any Clue references during our briefings.

I would never agree to something like that.

Milton Bradley was an American hero.

What kind of trouble are we looking at?

Actually, we're gonna stop the trouble before it begins.

Larger agencies like the CIA, NSA are busy reacting to !sis and Al Qaeda, Phoenix will use its off-the-books invisibility to be proactive, going after the next !sis before it becomes !sis.

Which brings us to...

Latvian terror cell, Dieva Roka.

Responsible for three att*cks in Latvia in the last month.

They currently have fewer than 50 members, but they're stepping up recruitment in a big way.

So, I'm guessing this is our chance to stop the cancer before it spreads.


And this is how we're gonna do it.

Janis Lapa, architect of the organization.

Janis knows all the group's members, future plans and he just popped up in Riga after months being off the grid.

We froze all his assets, but his mother died last month, so...

In 18 hours, Janis has an appointment at the Latvian National Bank to collect his inheritance in person, and when he does...

We'll be there to collect him.

The bank manager sold us out.


(alarm ringing)

Where's Janis?

He made us.

And ran. We need to split up.

Okay, you're with me. Let's go.

If you see Diva Rickshaw, you let me know and you duck.

We have got to stop letting you come up with code names.

Hey, I let you nix Living La Dieva Roka, didn't I?

(g*nshots pop)

Got him.

(onlookers clamoring)


Yeah, kind of figured that. Where you at?


I don't know. Some kind of loading dock?

Well, just have him keep trying to k*ll you, and I'll follow the sound of the sh*ts.

Okay, I'll try not to die before you get here.

MacGyver: When we were kids, Bozer and I first bonded over a shared love of fireworks. But we didn't have a lot of money to buy them, so I started building them from scratch. Now, we were young and dumb, and frankly, it's a miracle I still have all my fingers, so what I'm about to do, don't ever try at home.

(can hisses)

(expl*si*n booms)


Jack: Looks like you didn't need me, after all.

Yeah, Mac, we got a problem.


He just sent out an S.O.S... to every contact in his phone.

In a few minutes, this area is gonna be swarming with t*rrorists.

Go find Riley.

We need to get out of Latvia now.

You okay?

Bozer: No.

I'm not okay.

That's why I'm doing my Shirshasana.

It releases tension... which you are the direct cause of, by the way.

Ordinarily, I do them in my yoga class, but because of you, I've missed every session this week.

Quite a sacrifice you've made for your country.

Have a seat.

Look... Director Thornton, you seem like a, a person with, uh... feelings.


How long are you gonna keep me here?

If it were up to me, I'd let you leave now, but Oversight has a few questions about your phone records.

More than a dozen calls to China.

Yeah, that's Li Baozhai.

Li Baozhai?

She sells medical grade liquid silicone at a great price.

Medical grade silicone...

For prosthetics?

You know how no one saw your hit man's face because he was wearing that dope ass George Washington mask?

Who you think made the mask?

If y'all ever find it, I'm gonna want it back, by the way.

Is this where you make your prosthetics?

Yeah. Wait.

Why are they marked as evidence?

You searched my stuff?

Then I guess the secret is out.

Now you know the truth.

I go briefs.

Never boxers.

Sometimes commando, but only when it's laundry day.

Thank you... for that imagery.

But let's just stick to your phone records.

I have a few more questions.

Jack: Seriously?! What is the speed limit in this country? Like, six miles an hour?

(car horn honks)

Let's go.

Riley, how much longer until we get to the air strip?

Three miles.

You guys will never make it.

Yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence there, Yanni.

My name is Janis.

Oh, wait a minute, let me think...

Mm, no, I don't care.

A cop took one of our guys three weeks ago.

You know what we did to him?

Is there any way to keep you from telling us?

No, no, that's okay.

Go ahead, tough guy, tell us.

Let us just say his memorial was a closed casket service.

(tires screech)

(Jack groans)

(car horn honks)

Let's go!

Some of us have to get to the airport!

MacGyver: I'd lay off the horn, Jack. Those are his t*rror1st buddies searching cars.

No, by all means, keep honking.

Jack: Hey!

Come on!

How about a little courtesy reverse?!

MacGyver: Guys, we've been made.

Now's the time to bail. Let's go. Go!

(shouting in Latvian)

Come on, come on.

Riley: Did we lose them?


"how do you say, “N”" in Latvian?

(speaks Latvian)

Something tells me that's not how you say, “No,” Jar Jar.

Shut up.

They boxed us in.

They set up a perimeter.

Can you use their phones to track them?

His cell phone should've given us all their numbers.

Been trying, but Janis's text blast ordered all of his contacts to ditch their phones and it looks like they obeyed orders.



We need a bird's-eye view.

Can you bring up a satellite image?

Not unless you want to wait 30 minutes for a satellite to pass over.

Or we could make a satellite of our own.

Stay with him.

Jack: What?

Jack, I need your cell phone.

Dude, I don't have an international plan.

Jack, come on.

Just use the damn sat phone.

Sat phone's too heavy.

Just give him your phone, Jack.

Give him yours.

Well, I would if I had it on me.

I didn't bring it!

Oh, that's convenient.

You know what? I figured you'd be okay with it since I was using the cell phone to save your life.

Well, what kind of techie doesn't bring a phone?

So what's the plan, Mac?

When Bozer and I were kids, he was making a movie, and said he needed an aerial shot to sell the scope of the scene. So, we took his dad's video camera and hooked it up to a homemade hot air balloon, sent it into the sky.

Did it work?

I imagine it did. We never saw the camera again, but I'm sure the footage looked great.

Second time's the charm and all, right?

♪ ♪

Do we have picture?

Riley: We sure do.

Jack: How you supposed to steer it?

You don't.

Jack: Seriously?

You're getting me a new phone, homie.


Okay, they're blocking the street behind us but the one in front of us is clear.

All right, let's go.

(grunting) You're wasting your time.

You're all gonna die.

Death don't scare me.

I'll get a little cardio in beforehand.

♪ ♪

Come on!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, we're clear to the left, but there's a patrol up ahead, I think.

You think or you know? It's kind of important.

Well, she's right. It's just hard to tell because it's so high up.

Uh, it just popped, I think.

Okay, so no more Frogger?

I got an extra phone. You want to dig through the trash, try again or...

You said you didn't have your phone!

I know.

(men shouting)

Guys, start running now! Start running!

(men shouting)

I don't think we're gonna be able to run all the way to the airstrip.

No, but we might be able to run all the way to America.

Riley: What?

The Embassy?

Oh, those Marines are in for one hell of a walk-in!

Yeah and they don't know who we are.

(phone rings)

(phone beeps)

MacGyver: Call the Latvian embassy now!

We're coming in hot, and we have a bit of a misunderstanding.

Drop your weapons! Drop your weapons!

Don't sh**t, we're Americans!

Stop where you are!

Drop your weapons! Drop it or I will open fire!

Get me the U.S. embassy in Latvia, now!

(men shouting)

Marine: Halt, now! We work for the U.S. government!

t*rrorists are chasing us, they're trying to k*ll us!

(all shouting, clamoring)

t*rrorists are chasing us, they're trying to k*ll us!


I just got the most interesting call from the Director of National Intelligence.

Who exactly are you people?

Well, that's probably classified, but he's the front man for Dieva Roka.

He's your prisoner?

(men shouting)

Get down! Get down!

Marine: Open fire!

(indistinct shouting)

They're attacking the embassy?

How many Marines you got here?

Um, uh, you're looking at 'em.

I wish I was looking at more of 'em.

Get inside! Go! Now, now!

(indistinct shouting)

(shouting continues)


Yeah, I know.

I think we got a problem.

Admiral, I understand you're doing training exercises, but I have operatives in a hostile environment.

I'm trading calls trying to get you a better timetable.

Trade calls faster.

The U.S. Embassy is under attack and your carrier group is in the best position to send help.

So do it, now.

That was badass.

You a badass.

I said you could watch, but not talk.

Riley, what's your status?

Welp, this is my first embassy siege, and I'd say not great.

How long till help arrives?

Roberts: Yes, sir. We are going through attack protocols... Dumping all classified documents and securing all vital intelligence.

But we need ground help now.


Sit down.


Local police aren't coming.


The chief blames depleted manpower.

Sounds like he's afraid of these guys.

Jack: Hey.

This place doesn't have an armory.

Latvia isn't exactly a high value target.

This is a peacetime embassy with a civilian staff.

All of our g*ns and a*mo are out there on that wall with our four Marines.

Oh, great.

Will they last six hours?

'Cause that's the fastest Thornton can get reinforcements here.

(exhaling): Cairo.

(a*t*matic g*nf*re) (glass shattering)

Starting to feel like it.


Cairo was this bad?

It wasn't good.

We don't talk about Cairo.

We got six hours.

We got to hold down the fort till then.

Riley: Okay, embassy's security is ours.

Based on my count, we got about 14, 15 extremists.

The Marines are holding them back, but that grenade did mad damage to the front gate.

Any good news?

I'm pretty sure I saw the ambassador checking you out earlier.


Oh, yeah.

(glass shattering)

You know, 'cause I kind of felt like she was a little bit.


Nah, dude, she's super married.

I just couldn't think of any good news.

Oh, yeah.

Janis: You know... there is an easy way to end this.

Let me go and all of your problems go with me.

Everyone can go home to their families.


You're obviously unfamiliar with the U.S. policy of never negotiating with total turd balls.

You heard the ambassador...

These are civilians, not soldiers.

They're going to get slaughtered.

And it will be all your fault.

Your missing teeth are about to be my fault, if you don't shut up.

(exhales) Look.

I'm sorry this happened.

But all that matters now is staying alive for the next six hours until help arrives. In order to do that, we're gonna have to fortify the embassy.

It's the only way to keep these guys...

Or... we could just hand over your prisoner.

I mean, that's why they're out there.

Right? We can't put a man like Janis back on the streets.

In just one month, att*cks that he orchestrated k*lled 37 people.

With Janis in custody, we can rip Dieva Roka out from the roots before this group grows into an army.

He's the key to saving hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent lives.

My wife is eight months pregnant.

And right now, all I'm worried about is getting home to see her and...

If you listen to me, I will get you home.

All of you.

That's a promise.

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

But I can't do it alone.

I need your help.

Everyone's help.

So... who's with me?

We're all with you.

Just tell us what you need.

Thank you.

Okay, let's get to work.
(man panting) Get it.

(men grunting)

(glass shattering)

Down! Down! Down! (woman screaming)



Hey, uh, not to rain on your parade, but those guys out there are sh**ting AK-47s.

I'm aware.

So, even the heaviest door in the world can't hold up to that kind of firepower.

We're gonna need something thicker.

(sighing): You're right.

I said something thicker.


Roberts: What is he doing?

He's doing his thing.

MacGyver: Look, I'll be the first to admit... Physics can be boring, but when it allows you to calculate how many sheets of eight by 11 printer paper you'd need to stop a b*llet fired at you? It gets a lot less boring. Okay, to be fair, I'm making some estimates, but let's say a slug fired from an AK-47 has a mass of eight grams and a speed of 780 meters per second. Factoring in slug size and paper density, I can determine drag force, or in layman's terms: how much a single sheet of paper slows a b*llet down. Then, using the work-energy principle, I can calculate the distance this drag force would have to work to drop that b*llet's kinetic energy to zero. Or, put another way, to stop it entirely.

Eight inches of paper.

That's all we need to stop a b*llet. How many reams of paper do you have in the building?

Uh, I don't know. A lot.

Perfect. Get it all.

And every book you have.


(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

Okay, I'll take it.

You know, your friends are going to die in this embassy, Riley.

But you don't have to.

If you help me escape, I can guarantee your safety.

But if you wait until my friends get in...

(glass shattering)

You hear?

They will get in.

And you will die like everyone else.


Cool, I get it, so... you think I'm the weak link.

That you can scare me into doing what my friends won't.

I think you are smart enough to read the situation.

Oh, I am.

But you aren't.

I don't scare easily.

And you're wrong about your pals, too.

Am I?

You're in a U.S. embassy saying God-knows-what to a bunch of American operatives.

You're tainted now.

In prison, we call that a narc.

Someone who has cooperated with five-O.


That's how they see you now.

If I was one of your t*rror1st friends, I'd be a little concerned about what you've given up.

Nothing. I have given up nothing.


See, I know that, and you know that.

But do they know that?

They're not attacking the embassy to save you, Janis.

They're attacking the embassy to k*ll you.

(indistinct shouting)

Hey, hey, careful with the hammer.

I don't need you breaking any fingers.

I've swung a hammer before, Jack.

Not since everything went sideways with Bozer.

Don't tell me you're not distracted.

Hey, look, I get it.

I do. You two grew up together.

I am worried about him, too, you know.

I just keep thinking about every time he almost figured it out.

It's better that he didn't, believe me.

You know what they say...

Ignorance is how you stay alive.

"I think the phrase ends with “bliss”"

Don't matter how it ends.

I know it's what kept him above ground all these years.

Yeah, at what price?

Me betraying my best friend?

Uh, despite being offended, thinking I was your best friend, I will say this... “betrayal” is a harsh word.

You've done right by Bozer.

You didn't follow protocol and keep your distance.

Because he's a good friend, and you love him. Huh?

That's the thing about you, Mac, you got a big heart.

And deep down inside, Bozer knows that.

He just needs a little time to clear his head, that's all.

I never even considered what it would be like the first time somebody figured it out.

I mean, family, future girlfriend, wife, kids?

What does this job mean?

That I can't tell anybody anything?

That I got to lie to the people I care about most?

Unfortunately, yeah.

That's the price you pay when you're in this line of work.

Hey, you can lie, or you can tell the truth, and jeopardize the security of your loved ones.

Either way, it's not that safe.

That's the reason every one of my relationships ends up imploding.

The lies, the not being available.

It's not that easy just to duck out of the room every time the phone rings, you know what I mean?

You hear that?

(sporadic g*nf*re)

The Marines aren't sh**ting in bursts.


They're firing in single sh*ts.

They're running out of a*mo. They're trying to conserve.

Once they dry up, that front gate's gonna fall.

You know that.

We need to find a way to fortify it, get those Marines inside.

All right.

(g*nf*re continues)

Good, truck's still there.

We can use it to strike through the gate.

That's an awesome plan, I'm glad to be a part of it, but how are we supposed to get to that truck?

It's a lead shower out there, and you don't have an umbrella.

Same way the Greeks would have.

A two-man phalanx.

A two-man what now?

Hey, uh, Ambassador, can I get you to gather your people again?

I have another big favor to ask of you.

Would you mind taking off your Kevlar and handing it to me?

You want us to take off the one thing that's going to save our lives?

Look, I know everyone's scared, but these Marines have been outside risking their lives to protect us.

Now it's our time to protect them.

And you think giving you our vests will do that?

I know they will.

Let's do it.

(g*nf*re, indistinct shouting)

Well, the good news is it's working so far.

Yeah, so far. We need to pick up the pace.

All right.

(heavy g*nf*re)

(indistinct shout)

Let's go, let's go! Double time!


All right, get in behind us, Marines, we're falling back.


(Marines shouting)

Take cover!

Go, go, go, boys, get inside!

All right, move it! Inside!

Let's go, guys!

(Marines shouting)

All the windows and doors are secure.

Jack: The Marines are safe.

First floor is definitely hardened.

How much time we have left on the clock?

Uh, four hours.

That's pushing it, but we should be able to hold 'em off till reinforcements arrive.

Guys, big problem.

This is a live sat feed.

Look what's two blocks away and headed right for us.

(indistinct shouting)

MacGyver: We need to get to the second floor now.

(windows shattering, g*nf*re continuing)


We have an updated ETA on reinforcements?

Really hoping it's right away.

I'm counting 20 guys outside.


We have to destroy this intel before they reach the building.

All right.


Still think your friends are trying to save you?

Hey, you.

Hey, weird guy.

Look, I don't want to die, huh?

I can help. Please.

Let me help.

I thought I told you to shut up, Janet.

Nobody wants to hear from you.

I mean, it's not like we couldn't use an extra set of hands.

That's a double negative.

And you know how I feel about trusting t*rrorists.

Yes, but look around.

Everyone's tired. They're slowing down.

All the windows up here are still vulnerable.

We can use all the help we can get.

Yeah, okay, all right.

Okay, Sergeant, get him out of here.

You're gonna help us fortify this place... you hear me?

(heavy g*nf*re)

Jack: Stay down!

Those guys definitely bought their a*mo in bulk.

Jack: Mac, what are you thinking?

MacGyver: Time to get proactive.

Jack: Stay behind the safe.

All right?

Roberts: Yeah.

That was a present from the Latvian prime minister.

Well, uh, I won't tell him if you won't.

We're looking for cleaning supplies.

Grab everything.

(g*nf*re, men shouting)

♪ ♪

(multiple explosions)


(men shouting)

Almond Roca on the run, son!

(Jack laughing)

(speaking Latvian)

I'm not entirely sure their retreat is our doing.

Well, that's all right. We'll take credit for it anyway.


(men shouting)


I need an AM/FM radio and somebody who speaks Latvian.

(radio static)


(man speaking Latvian on radio)

Yeah, right there, what's he say?

“Our reinforcements have proven too strong for them.”

(man continues speaking Latvian over radio)

They've been ordered to fall back.

(mean shouting outside)

Jack: Yeah.

I like the sound of that.

(man speaking Latvian over radio)

And wait for reinforcements.

34 Dieva Roca soldiers will be coming here in under two hours.

Jack: Riley?

How much longer till our guys get here?

Three hours.

(g*nf*re continues)

Roberts: Just, um, can you please just keep her away from the TV?

I don't want her to see any of this.

I love you, too.

Yeah, can you put her on?

Hi, sweetie!

You got, you got an A in spelling.

I'm so proud of you.

Why don't you ask Daddy to put it up on the fridge?

You know, with your little flower magnet?

Mommy has to work really late tonight, but I'm gonna try so hard to come home and tuck you in.


I'm gonna try really, really hard.

(softly): Hey.

You want to say it, or should I?

We'll never be able to repel these guys for an hour.


You know it.

And I know it.

Everyone in here knows it.

Yeah, and that's what sucks.

When I joined Delta, before I shipped out, I organized a Dalton family reunion.

Invited everybody.

I told them I loved them and... explained to them why I was going to fight.

And I... got my affairs in order, I made a will...

You made a will?

Yeah, will.

But all you own is your two cars and the the complete works of Bruce Willis on DVD.

You're missing the point.

I've made conscious choice to put my life on the line for my country.

And so have you.

But these people, they didn't sign up for this.

MacGyver: Jack's right. They didn't sign up for this. This was all my doing. My choices brought us here. Just like my choices brought an assassin to my home. Bozer's home. It's not a great feeling, knowing your decisions have endangered people on both sides of the globe. I don't know how to stop a government agency from ruining Bozer's life. But I think I've just figured out how to stop the men outside from ending the lives of everyone in this embassy.

I have an idea.

Actually, it's your idea. (chuckles)

I don't remember having an idea.

The whole Jack Dalton family reunion thing.

Let's say it inspired an idea.

It's a little crazy, but I think it might work.

All your ideas are crazy, man.

Lay it on me.

We're never gonna keep these guys out of the embassy.

So let's invite them in.

(men yelling in Latvian)

Riley: Mac, I'm still a little fuzzy on how dish soap is gonna help us move that.

Because it changes the coefficient (straining) of friction.

I know it may not be readily apparent how rearranging furniture is gonna save everyone in the embassy, But sometimes you got to look stupid to do something smart. Bozer taught me that. Anyone who's ever roasted marshmallows knows that sugar's flammable. But combine sugar with a few extra ingredients, bring to a boil, then let cool, and you've got yourself a malleable putty that doesn't just burn, it explodes.

(g*nf*re, yelling in Latvian)

You wanted to help?

Here's your chance.

Call your friends.

Say this and only this.

All of our lives depend on it.

Especially yours.

(phone line ringing)

(cell phone rings)

(speaking Latvian)

MacGyver: He's saying something else, shut it down!

Son of a bitch!


(body thuds)

You just screwed us over, didn't you?

Not quite.

Oh, I put him on a delay and cancelled his call before he went off-script.

Call me crazy, but I never trusted this guy.

They're at the front door. They're gonna breach.


(men grunt)

(speaking Latvian)

(men grunt)



(walkie-talkie clicks, Mac grunts)

(softly): No.

Oh, no, no, no.

Correct if I'm wrong, but wasn't that supposed to go kaboom?



I need b*ll*ts.

Last one, stud.

(shell clatters on the floor)

Make it count. (frustrated sigh)

(yelling in Latvian)

(speaking Latvian)

They're looking for new way up.


Not good.

You need to find cover, Jack.

(chuckles) No, I'll race you.

(both grunt)

(men yelling)

(men coughing and speaking Latvian)

Jack: It worked, we got them trapped.

MacGyver: Yeah, but it's not over yet.

(glass shattering)

(grunting softly)

Okay, Riley, everybody out!

Let's go!

Come on, come on!

(men speaking Latvian)


(men grunting)

Ready to get out of here? Let's do it.

Let's go.

Let's go, everyone into the vehicles.

Had a blast, Jimbo. Get him in there, Marine.

(tires screech, car door closes) -

Marine: Let's move it, get in quick.

Jack: Listen to them.

You kept your promise.

Thank you.

Be sure to leave me a postcard from whatever hole we dump you in.

(men yelling Latvian in the distance)

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


You had me scared for a minute.

You still mad at me?

Oh, no, I'm still hella mad.

I'm just glad you're alive.

Look, of all the mistakes I've made... (g*n placed on table) and I've made a lot of them, the one I regret the most is lying to you.

You're my best friend.

And I never meant for any of...

Just to clarify, being mad at you is like being mad at a puppy for chewing your favorite kicks.

Especially since I know this puppy was just trying to protect me.

It's all good, Mac.

In fact, I'm actually proud of you.

You're proud of me?

Yeah, I always knew you could do more with your life than just work at some think t*nk.

(both chuckle)

And obviously, I was right.

(soft chuckle)


So, I had a talk with Thornton.


The good kind or the...

The kind where she's gonna let you go home.



But there is one condition.

We want you to work at the Phoenix Foundation.

Work with us.

Work with me.

This was Thornton's idea?

It was mine.

So you want me to be a secret agent?

Globetrotting across the world?

Putting my life on the line to make sure this country's safe for all the... men, women, and chil...

Well, actually, it's gonna be more of an entry level position.

I love you, Mac, but I am not getting your coffee.

(soft chuckle)

That'd be great because I do love your coffee, but these right here are a lot better.

Thornton's really impressed with these prosthetics.

And I bragged about your mad science skills.

So you nerded me out?


Hey, those skills are what got you a position in our lab.

It's like our old science class, but, like, a million times cooler.

So I won't be in the field?

Well, not at first.

It'll happen eventually.

Oh! Thank God, man.

Yeah, I was just trying to be macho, but danger is so not my middle name.

(both chuckle)

♪ ♪

So you'll consider the position then?

Yeah, I'll consider it.

Since clearly it means I'll have to put my budding film career on hold.


I'm in.

Let's do this.

Welcome to the Phoenix Foundation.

Man, chicks are gonna be all over this spy thing.

Yeah, but you can't tell them.


♪ My blood runs... ♪
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