01x06 - Wrench

Episode transcripts for the TV show "MacGyver". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"MacGyver" centers around Angus "Mac" MacGyver, who creates a secret U.S. government organization where he uses his extraordinary talents for problem solving and his extensive knowledge of science to save lives. A reboot of the 1985–1992 ABC series of the same name.
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01x06 - Wrench

Post by bunniefuu »

MacGyver: We all have things that scare us. What scares me most is not being able to keep the people I love safe.

(Riley and Jack grunting)

(grunts) This is not good!

I had a dream I was buried once.

How'd it end?

I died, that's how it ended!

We're not gonna die.

Yeah, that's what Jimmy Hoffa kept telling himself.



Well, I'm sorry I don't know every one of your hillbilly cousins, Jack.

Jimmy Hoffa was not a hillbilly cousin.

Never mind. Never mind.


How much longer we got, Mac?

About an hour, maybe more.



(grunts) Hey!

(engine stops)


MacGyver: Hey, hey!

Man, we conserve oxygen.

If we exert ourselves, we have about 15 minutes, maybe less.

If that.



I'll choose the longer option.

Next time you say, "I know how to get away from 'em," let's all take a vote before you decide to drive us into a ditch.

They ran us off the road!

You saw it. You were right there.

And second of all, next time we're fleeing some-some tin pot dictator with his computer thingy that controls his air defense system, I'll put our escape route to a quorum, all right?

Is that fine with you?

You're not using the word "quorum" right.

Help me out here, Mac.

A quorum doesn't mean a vote, Jack; it means you have the right amount of people present to vote.

I stand by the spirit of my words.

Anybody want to quorum our escape?


MacGyver: No time.

You two, in back now.

MacGyver: Sure, you can't be there all the time for the people you care about, but when you have a chance to help, you have a responsibility to do whatever it takes to ensure their safety, to get them home.

Hey, don't let me die this way.

I'm not.

Airbags... One of my favorite things. I know, I get excited about some weird stuff, but come on. Explosions that save lives? That's pretty damn cool. As any car owner's manual would explain, electrical sensors near the engine detect rapid deceleration and use heat to trigger an expl*si*n of gas, which inflates the cushion, which saves your life. But what they don't tell you is that this expl*si*n contains enough force, when properly directed, to shatter glass. Even heavily-reinforced bulletproof glass.

How'd you learn to do all this?

This one I learned the hard way.

Close your ears.






Oh, Mac, I could kiss you right now, buddy.

Just knowing you want to do it is enough, thanks.

Can we just go home now, please?


Yeah. Absolutely.

(door creaks)

Yeah, yeah!

Yeah. Happy Halloween, gentlemen!

Hey, Mac?

They were out of poppy seed, so I got you onion.

Slush molds.

(gasps) Ay!

(chuckles): Oh, man. If you give me a heart attack, you know what to do, right?

Probably not.

What is this stuff?

I already told you. They're slush molds.

Bozer's prosthetic mask hobby.




You know, the guy's pretty good.

Bozer: Thanks, Jack!

Appreciate the props.

But there is still room to improve.

These babies are just for practice, all right?

I'm getting ready for Penny's Halloween party this Saturday.

Oh, yeah.

Jack, you're going as President Taft.

President Taft?

Come on, man. He was fat.

See myself more like a Grant or Eisenhower type.

You know, all ex-general style.

So you're in?


You hear that, Mac? The whole squad going.

Me, Jackie boy, my soon-to-be girlfriend Riley.

(MacGyver chuckles)

And you.

As long as I don't have to work, and I don't have to be Nixon.

Come on, man. What kind of work is a think t*nk gonna be doing on All Hallows' Eve?

Researching candy consumption trends in L.A.?

I'll tell you, Peanut M&M'S and Kit Kats tops everyone's list.

There, work done. You're coming.

Jack: Bozer's right, man. Let's get our party on.



Thornton: Again.

We've been at this all morning.

I think it's time to hit the showers.

Is that what you're gonna tell a trained merc when he has you cornered?

Time to take a shower?


How bad's his funk?

That's cute.

Unfortunately, combat isn't cute.

Being in the field isn't cute.

Getting one of your teammates k*lled because you're not ready is definitely not cute.

I know you're tough and smart, but you're not a trained operator.

This has to be second nature, or else it could cost lives.

Maybe even your own.

Now, again.


Better. That's all I get?

We're gonna do this until it's perfect, not just better.

(door buzzes)


Ms. Thornton? You have a call from the FBI.

Thornton: Charlie Robinson... How do you know him?

EOD's a small world; we worked a couple missions together.

Spent two weeks in Kabul dismantling IEDs.

127, to be specific.

It was a company record.

Anyways, he's one of the best b*mb techs I've ever worked with.

Last I heard, he was doing b*mb analytics for the FBI at Quantico.

Still is.

I get a call from the deputy director.

Said Agent Robinson needs to see you.

Only you.

Is he okay?

FBI agents in New York found and disabled an expl*sive device in the parking garage near the U.N.

Agent Robinson was brought in from Quantico to examine it.

He took one look, called headquarters, requesting they find you.

I was told you're the only other pair of eyes he trusts to look at this device.

Charlie's one of the best. If he needs me, then it must be serious.


Peace talks are taking place at the U.N. in 24 hours.

If someone's planning to disrupt them with v*olence, it could set the talks back years.

So you're wheels up to New York in 30 minutes.

MacGyver: Good to see you, Charlie.


California's treating you well, huh, Mac?

I figured you'd be tan and fat by now.

Nice to see you, Charlie.


So what do we got?

Charlie: They found it wedged against a support column in a parking garage a half block from the U.N.

First techs on scene followed a standard course of action, deployed a water cannon to disable it, X-rayed it, and when it came up clean, they brought it here.

I was called in a few hours later.

It's crude build, sloppy technique.

Off-the-shelf components, electric detonator, cell phone trigger.

This is nothing you haven't seen before, Charlie. Why'd you call me in?

The expl*sive compound is PETN.

Pure PETN.

Made from the heart medication itself.

That would take some serious technical skill to pull off.

Not a whole lot of people who could do that.

I could think of only one.

He's doesn't operate in the U.S.

I know.

And maybe I'm just jumping at shadows, but that's what I needed you here for.

So, please, take a look, tell me I'm wrong.

A secondary device.

3-D printed polymer detonator, invisible to X-rays.


My God, Mac, it's activated.

A Trojan horse. Get everyone out of the building!

This is Agent Robinson! Get everyone out of the building!

MacGyver: In other words, a b*mb within a b*mb. One of the nastier techniques a b*mb maker can use.

Think you've disabled one b*mb, only to find another inside.


Explosions are incredibly interesting, when you aren't about to be k*lled by one. We measure an expl*si*n by a number of factors: detonation velocity, detonation pressure andbrisance. That's a fancy French word for "shatter capability." Right now, I'm dealing with PETN, an expl*sive compound with a very high brisance, meaning the expl*si*n will be big and fast, so I have to direct the blast somewhere else.

(tires screeching)

Let's get to cover!

Charlie: That would've k*lled every agent in the building.

That was the idea.

Trick the FBI into bringing the b*mb inside, get as many agents and experts around it as possible, and then you know what.

So then I'm not crazy.

You thinking what I'm thinking?


(sirens approaching)

The Ghost is back.

(siren whoops) All right, this way.

(indistinct chatter)

(helicopter blades whirring)

(helicopter blades whirring loudly)

Hey, let me through!

That's my C.O.!

Soldier: He's dead. I'm sorry. There's nothing you can do.

It was The Ghost, man.

(sirens wailing, emergency horns honking)

Thornton: The Ghost has never operated on American soil, Mac.

Why would he target the U.N.?

MacGyver: The new peace treaty means dozens of countries laying down arms.

It means less jobs for a b*mb maker who travels the world selling his expertise to anyone who will pay.

The Ghost doesn't have a cause or an ideology.

He builds bombs for money.

None of our techs have found any concrete evidence to support your theory, Mac, that the UN b*mb was his.

I mean, no DNA, no fingerprints, and even if there were, there's nothing to compare it to.

The Ghost has never been printed or photographed.

I chased this guy through Afghanistan.

I watched him k*ll hundreds of people.

We never came close to the man, but I spent a lot of time with his bombs.

I became very familiar with his style: the use of pure PETN, the mixing of techniques.

Look, we don't have time to debate this.

Thornton, he's here.

I know it's him, and I'm going to find him.

Hey, hey. If you're gonna do something stupid, you wait for me.

We'll do it together, all right?

Mac. You're gonna want to see this.

Analysis confirmed that this glass you found is from a camera.

That means he was watching?


And look what else the techs recovered from the Dumpster.

MacGyver: Pieces of a SIM card.

It was in the b*mb.

He was streaming video from the camera.

We can use this to trace the signal to his location.

Mac, all we recovered were fragments.

We don't even have a full SIM card I.D. number.

Doesn't matter.

Have photos of these sent to Riley Davis.

She should be on her way from L.A. with Jack Dalton.

Mac, there's no way anyone could piece all this...

You haven't met Riley.

Riley: This wasn't an easy one to trace.

Didn't get much to work with, but...

I always love a challenge.

GSM SIM chips have a 15-digit serial number.

We only had three.

But I was still able to use call records from the cell tower closest to the blast to track The Ghost's location.

No easy task in New York, where the buildings can reflect...

Hey, who are you talking to, Riley?

Uh... I-I thought you guys, but apparently I'm just talking to myself.


Take the next right.

I haven't seen you like this, Mac, since we first met back in the sandbox.

Yeah, I heard stories about The Ghost.

Seems like every soldier I talked to had a different take on it.

One guy said that he-he blew his jaw off building a b*mb, that he can't even talk no more.

Yeah. I heard that one, too.

I also heard he, uh, burned his vocal chords out, breathing in fumes over the years.

Well, whatever's true, guy sounds like a monster.

Yeah, well, that's the one thing all stories got right.

All the years I've known you, from Afghanistan to being back at home, you never told me what happened.

What did that son of a bitch do to you?


Uh, I'm gonna hold on to that one for now.


Just so you know, we're both here for you.

I don't mean just with a g*n and a laptop, you know.

If you ever want to talk about it.


(computer beeping)

Jack, pull over; we're here.

You ready for this?

More than ready.

Riley: Signal's coming from that door on the right.

He's a b*mb maker... trip wires.

Oh, yeah.

We need eyes on the other side of that door.

(whispering): All clear.

He's in there; he's right there.

(whispering): He's in there?

All right, move back, move back.

Riley: Guys, he's gonna get away.

Reinforced door. Come on, let's both.

It's all clear.

He's gone.

Jack, look.

If he was trying to disrupt these peace talks, he failed miserably, I'll tell you that much.

Mac, come take a look at this.

Looks like he's been watching you ever since you got to New York.

(electricity crackles)

That smell.

What smell?

Riley: Mac, there's smoke coming out of the keyboard.

Jack: That's normal, right, when you open one of those things?

Smell is military-grade plastic expl*sive.

Let's go, Ri.

Hey, come on. What are you doing? Let's go.

This is his computer, right?

Could be the key to catching him.

I'm gonna download as much of the hard drive as possible.

Mac, if I plug in, will it blow?

No. It's not connected to the CPU.

All right.

But, Riley, this thing is not just rigged to blow up the computer, it's gonna blow up the whole room.

Let's get out of here.

Then I guess you better stop it from doing that.

I don't want to die in Queens.

Please, don't let me die in Queens, man.

Okay, so how long we got till that thing explodes?

Judging by the smoke, I'd say about a minute, tops.

Jack, stop that truck.

Hey, buddy, I need you to stop that stinky thing!

I said stop! Stop! (grunts)

What? Do you got a death wish, pal?
Jack: Hey, could you not hear me? I have the right of way.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're-you're adding gas to a b*mb so it won't blow up?

The funny thing about plastic expl*sives...

Is now the best time for a science lesson?

Is they're partially made from gasoline, so... adding diesel should dissolve the compound just enough...

Should? Wait, you're relying on should?

Riley: You did it.


If I'm being completely honest, I wasn't 100% sure that that was even gonna work.


How often is he not 100% sure?

Oh, I've learned not to ask that question. Why? Did he fix it?



Riley: This is crazy.

Let me be more specific... This dude is crazy.

He has dozens of folders full of videos of his victims.

How many video files are there?

There's got to be hundreds. It goes back ten years.

You think it's some kind of video resume for potential employers?

No. I think he's just a sicko who gets off on watching people die.

Either way, we should let our analyst watch them all.

Any one of these could contain a clue that could help us...

Wait a second, did you say ten years?


Can I get in there?

Jack: What is it, Mac?


Uh, he, um... (clears throat)

I need to watch this video alone.

Are you sure about that?

Yeah, okay. Hey, everybody, uh, let's clear out, huh?

You heard me, everybody, let's go.

Leave the room, right now, please.

Thank you.

(helicopter blades whirring)

What's the hold up, Mac?

Damn thing's broke again, Al.

All right.

Finish fixing it; I can get this one.

Whoa, just give me five minutes.

We don't have five minutes, bud.

We got b*mb calls all over the city today.

Just patch up the bot, get it ready for our next stop.

MacGyver (over radio): Copy me in there?

Pena: Yeah, I copy.

I'm getting some funny feedback over the comm in here, MacGyver.

Are you getting the same thing out there?



Just stepped on a pressure plate detonator here.

I'm gonna... (grunts) have to disarm it while I'm on it.

Hey, Mac, I want to say thanks again for, uh, covering me the next three weeks.

It's gonna be weird going home.

But, uh... being a dad?

That's almost as scary as-as this stuff.

We're gonna name her Annabelle, after my mom.

Can you imagine? (chuckles)

Me with a daughter?

I just know it's gonna turn me into a big softie.

Don't tell anyone I said that.

All right.

This, uh, pressure plate detonator is disabled.

Is... is that a camera?

(MacGyver shouts)






You doing all right?


Annabelle? Who's Annabelle?


He named his daughter Annabelle.

I didn't know that.

When he walked into the house, his radio fritzed out.

I didn't hear any of this.

I was supposed to cover for him so he could go see the birth of his daughter.

And who is this guy again?

He was my C.O.

His name was Alfred Pena.

He was my EOD training officer.

He was the best.

Every trainee wanted him as their teacher.

And, uh... (sighs) well, he taught me everything I know about b*mb disposal.

All these years, and I didn't know this is how it happened.

How old's his daughter now, you think?

Uh, sh... she'd be at least five.


I never visited her or her mother.

I... (scoffs) never even called.

Hey, there's guys I have fought and bled with, okay?

Now that we're back in the States, we don't even talk.

Seeing each other just... reopens old wounds, you know what I mean?

Yeah, well... this wound's not gonna close.

Not until I find The Ghost and put him away.

All right. Let's make that happen.

So, looks like this guy also kept financial records on his laptop.

It's a tangle of shell and holding companies.

Very confusing stuff.

Which means you probably found something, right?

I did.

The same shell company that pays the rent for this apartment, they also own a warehouse in Queens.

(clears throat)


Stay behind me.

(crow cawing)


I'm first in. This guy could have...


(sirens wailing, whooping)

(urgent chatter)

Riley: They're inside.

That's him.

Blast trauma is so severe, it'll take a while to get a positive I.D.

Hey, why does it smell like bleach in here?

Acetone peroxide.

He must've been working on a triacetone triperoxide device.

That's why the expl*si*n was more gas than flame.

Figured he knew you guys were on his tail, wanted to burn the lab and split but rushed the build.

TATP, man. It's very unstable.


This guy was too good to make a mistake like that.

TATP isn't called the Mother of Satan for nothing, Mac.

It's taken out many a talented b*mb makers over the years.

"Mother of Satan"?

Name paints quite the picture. What is this stuff?

It's a highly expl*sive substance popular with b*mb makers because modern scanners can't detect it.

It's also notoriously risky, because even the slightest touch can detonate it, as you see here.

I'm thinking this ghost got bit by his own monster as he was trying to flee New York.

And if he's dead, that means the peace talks are safe.

Mac... you got that look in your eye.

(soldiers chanting in distance)


Faster, MacGyver.

Your unit's in danger. Your friends are in danger.

You are in danger!

Now! Now!

(device beeps) PENA: And boom!

Angus MacGyver is dead.

There's no way that b*mb went off!

You sure you got it right?

Yeah. The posts were right.

The wrench angle was right. It was all right.

(water pouring)

And yet the b*mb exploded.

Guess something was wrong.

Hold on.

It wasn't a bolt fuze.

It was detonated electrically.


You were in such a hurry to build the rope system to remove the bolt, because that's what you thought the test was.

You didn't bother to step back, see the big picture.

If you used that RF jammer, you'd still be alive.

What's the first rule?

Identify what can k*ll you now and what can k*ll you later.

And what can k*ll you now?

The b*mb.


Getting emotional about the b*mb.

Remember, you have feelings about the b*mb.

The b*mb doesn't have feelings about you.

You are the best damn student I've ever had.

You've got courage and you've got heart.

Just make sure you step back, see things for what they really are, not what they seem to be.

Now... just for fun, pull the fuze out.

You got this.

I got this.

That's not The Ghost.

He had a go-bag packed and ready...

Passport, money, plane ticket.

And he had a computer over there, Mac.

It had just been wiped, ten minutes before we got here.

Thornton: This guy was ready to get out of town.

He burned down this place to cover his tracks.


That's how he works.

All of this. This is what he does.

He wanted us to believe he was fleeing, he wanted us to believe he was dead, so we'd call off the dogs.

He's still alive.

Whatever he was working on here, he completed it; he blew this place up to cover his tracks.

He's gonna try it again at the U.N.; he's gonna k*ll a lot more people, and I'm not gonna let it happen.


Neither are we. Listen. Hang on.

Stop, now. You heard what I said.

You don't get to do anything stupid by yourself.

Are you really sure about this?

Never been more sure of anything in my life.

Has he always been like this?

A man who trusted his gut?

Hell yeah.


Nothing but cops, b*mb techs and nerdy-looking diplomats.

What are you thinking?

I think we haven't thought of everything.

I think he could be any one of these guys.

Mac, we have no photos, no prints, no I.D., nothing.

Then we need to walk it again.

There has to be an approach we're missing.

All right.

Can you call up a live satellite of the area?

Yeah. Sure thing.


Okay, right there.

An NYPD mobile HQ just pulled up on the far side of that building.

There's nothing unusual about that.

One? No. Two? Yes.

That second truck is him.

Keep your eyes on that cop. That's him.

It's him!



Did that just click?

Do not... move.

(tires screech)

Get out!

(tires screeching)

Put an APB on that vehicle! Now!

Officer: Copy, ma'am!

(sirens wailing in distance)

That click you heard was when your body weight activated the detonator under the pressure plate.

Am I gonna die here?

When your foot comes off... it goes off.

Till I find out exactly what's going on here... you can't move.

MacGyver: Don't... touch anything.

I'm gonna go look for the b*mb.

I'll be right back.

I have a confession to make.


I'm starting to freak out a little bit.

Dalton, look at me. Look at me.

I want you to breathe, and I want you to think of something that's gonna make you feel calm.


Thornton: Yeah, I-I'm serious.

2010, I was in this job in Peru.

So I had to Skype into my fantasy football league draft.

I thought I was screwed with the 12th-round pick, but I remembered that the last pick in the first round is the first pick in the second, so, boom-boom, I get this great quarterback wide receiver combo...


If talking about your imaginary football league helps you stay calm, then... keep going.

But maybe just not so much of the "boom-boom" talk?

MacGyver: Found the expl*sives.

It's, uh, enough to take out a city block.

Quick and painless.

Only if I mess up.

See things for what they really are and not what they seem to be.


Wait, he never uses just one b*mb.


That vent... I need you to unscrew it for me.

(MacGyver and Thornton shout)


(whispers): Slowly.

(Thornton gasps)


MacGyver: I knew it... A second b*mb... wired to the first one. Disarming the pressure plate detonates the vent b*mb.

I really, really hate this guy.

Yeah, me too.


That bolt fuze... It needs to be removed in order to defuse the vent b*mb.

But it needs to be taken out straight; otherwise everything will explode.

Hey, it's like that old game Operation.

Yeah, Jack, just like Operation.

Except with a much bigger bang.

Which is why your shaking hand is not touching that thing.

Hang tight, I've got a plan.

Sergeant, it's bigger than we thought. You've got to extend this perimeter.

Go, go! Let's move these people back! Now!

(sirens wailing)

Hey, Riley.


My Shelby Cobra.

If something goes wrong and I go boom-boom, I want you to have it.

No. No. Jack, we're not talking like that, Jack.

Wait, did you just say Shelby Cobra?


Okay, Jack.

You're gonna be my hands in there.

All right.

I need you to wrap the tape around the fuze, counterclockwise.

Then you're gonna take the wrench and slide it onto the fuze.

Do not... lift your foot off that pressure plate.



Okay, I'm gonna need a little distance to make this work.


Don't worry.

I'm coming back for you. I'm gonna get you out of this.

Hey, Mac.

Whatever happens here... it's not your fault.


It was never your fault.

I got this.

MacGyver: We go to great lengths to keep the people we love safe. We spend days and nights worrying about them. Did we do enough? Did we teach them the right lessons? Were we there for them in all the right ways? Could we have done anything more to keep them safe? But maybe "safe" isn't the right way to put it. Maybe it's better to say we'll do what we can to defend the ones we love. Maybe that word gives us a little more power.

No. No, wait, it's not safe! I've got to cut the wire! Don't move!

Stay still.


Okay. Now you can move.



Thanks, man.

Riley: So, I guess I don't get that sweet car?


I guess that's a big "no."

Yeah, sorry, kiddo.


You got a head like Peyton Manning. You know that?

(chuckles) Man, I'm so happy you guys don't have to work this weekend, and the whole crew can roll out to the party.

Yeah, after the week we just had, we could use a night out, don't you think?

Oh, yeah.

I can't believe I agreed to wear a mask.

Who am I going as again?

Well, I was going to give you Taft, since Jack didn't want him.

He was fat.


Why can't I get one of the cool presidents?

All right, forget Taft.

Clearly, American history is lost on you two.

I'll make you whichever president you want.

Sweet. I want Morgan Freeman.

Morgan Freeman?


Yeah, Morgan Freeman wasn't a president, Ri.

Uh, he absolutely was the president.

In the movie where the meteor destroyed the earth.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

It was one of my mom's favorite movies, okay?

I have fond memories of it.

Don't hate, or I'm skipping the party.

Say no more, my Nubian princess, all right?

I'm gonna turn you into the sexiest Morgan Freeman ever.

Hey, uh, I got to fit Mac for a mask, too, and these things take a while to pour and set and paint.

Anyone know when he's coming back?

Yeah, he'll be home soon.

He just had to take care of a little something.

Hi there.

My name's MacGyver.

There something wrong with your doll?

Her wings broke.

Can I see?

Is that better?

I'm Annabelle.

Well, it's very nice to meet you, Annabelle.

You know, your father was a friend of mine.

He was one of the bravest men I ever knew.

If you'll let me, I'd love to tell you all about him.



"Defend." That's a good word. It feels right. If there's one thing I'm certain of, this is a world worth defending, filled with people worth defending. The Ghost may have gotten away again, but that can wait until tomorrow. Right now... right now is a time to heal.
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