13x22 - Homefront

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
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13x22 - Homefront

Post by bunniefuu »

Gibbs: Previously on NCIS...

Bishop: British prison break has left two convicted felons loose.

McGee: Jacob Scott. Former MI6.

Caught selling U.S. nuclear Intel to Russia.

NCIS are the ones who put Jacob Scott in prison.

I asked Homeland Senior Division Chief Morrow to join us.

Formerly Director of NCIS.

Gibbs: McGee.

Got a network security alert.

What the hell is it?

Someone accessed our records using a duress password.

What did he get away with?

McGee: It's a single file. It's old.

What was the operation in '02?

Juniper Strike.

Russian National, Nika Razin.

She was his wife.

Boss, this is a hit list?

Where would he start, Gibbs?

Tom. Tom Morrow.

Fornell: The man who ordered the whole damn thing.

(baby fussing)

Marshall: I'll be back real soon, okay?

Daddy loves you, baby girl.


Anne Marshall: David?

The van's here.

Listen... six months is gonna fly by.

No, it's not.

Yeah, you're right.

The pizza in Iraq tastes like ketchup on cardboard.

(quiet, wry laugh)

I need you to take care of your mom and sister while I'm gone.


Protect them for me.

I will.

(sighs gently)

I love you, buddy.

(anxious breathing)

Protect them for me.

(anxious breathing)

Dad: Protect them...

Put it down.

I had to do it.

♪ NCIS 13x21 ♪
Original Air Date on May 2, 2016

♪ ♪

Anyone want this? I'm not hungry.

You're Bishop. You're always hungry.

Eh... not after funerals.

Anyone else find it weird that Tom Morrow had so many friends?

McGee: Seriously.

I mean, he wasn't exactly the warm, welcoming type.

He always was with me.

And me.

Me, as well.



Ducky: Yep.

Abby: Me, too.

Give me those waffles.

Abby: I prefer to celebrate life, instead of mourning it.

So, like, when I die, I want you guys to throw an all-night rager.

When do you think Tony will be back from his secret mission?

Not a secret, Abby.

Gibbs sent him to England to track down leads on Jacob Scott.

After k*lling Morrow, every agency is after Scott.

Only so many places he can hide.

Ah! There you are.

Hey, Duck. Not staying.

Grab your gear. We got a home invasion in Jefferson County.

Gibbs... breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

I insist that you have something.

(slurps) Mmm!

Officer Fields: Minor's name is Henry Marshall.

Father's a Marine, deployed in Iraq for the last six months.

When we found that out, we got on the phone to you.

Kid says he was getting ready for school.

Heard someone breaking in.

Saw the intruder entering with a Kn*fe, ran to his dad's safe for a g*n, sh*t the perp.

(siren approaching, helicopter whirring)

Where was he hit?

Left leg.

Neighbor heard the sh*t. Called 911.

Bishop: Gibbs... got a b*llet.

Must've gone through and through.

Or he was grazed.

Either way, it was enough to send him packing.

My third attempted smash-and-grab this week.

Likely looking for drug money.

Is that a problem in this area?

Typically, no.

A few blocks over, it's a different story.

How's Henry doing?

EMT is checking him out.

14 years old. He's pretty shaken up.

You know, you look at him, you wish you could take it all away.

I had to go to work early this morning.

Henry was going to get a ride to school from a friend.

(sighs) I wasn't home when it happened.

Well, we're going to need him to come down to NCIS and give a statement.

He already talked to the police.

We prefer to hear it firsthand.

I'm sorry, but he is in no condition to talk to...


I can do it.

They need to catch this guy.


Wait-- can we pick up Cora?

Cora your sister?

She's at daycare.

It's out of the way.

I-I don't want to keep you waiting.

Tell you what, Henry, I'll drive.

We'll pick your sister up along the way, okay?

And the crime scene's been processed?

Home invasion foiled by a kid.

It could have ended up a whole lot worse.


(knocking on door)


Ah! Agent Fornell, thank you for joining us.

What's he doing here?

Good to see you, too.

How come you never responded to my Snapchat?

Leon, seriously, what's he doing here?

It's a joint update on our progress overseas.

Agent DiNozzo's been working alongside MI6 in their search for Jacob Scott.

DiNozzo... with British Secret Intelligence?


I can just hear the endearing Bond impressions.

So where exactly is “The Spy Who Loved Me”?

Well, he left London this morning.

He's following up a lead in Russia, which... brings me to why you're here.

It's the top sheet Scott stole on Operation Juniper Strike.

It's the raid that k*lled his wife.

That's Scott's hit list?

List is incomplete.

Our files only divulge the name of the NCIS agents involved.

The identities of the MI6 operatives were redacted.

By whom?

By the Chief of MI6, Jessica Terdei.

She fell off the grid after her retirement in 2008, but Agent DiNozzo left us Intel on her whereabouts, with an MI6 contact in London.

I'm ready when you are.


Glad I caught up with Sherlock over the weekend.

Gibbs... you already have a case here.

You won't be going anywhere.

So... I'll be hunting the hound of the Baskervilles on my own?

Not exactly.

Tom Morrow served this office with distinction.

Scott took out one of our own.

And I want answers.

Our plane leaves in an hour...

Dr. Watson.

(quiet laugh)

No, Tony, I am not interested in a Russian mail-order bride, but thank you.

What do you mean, “Why”?

'Cause I'm with Delilah.

Yes, it's serious.

Dasvidaniya, Tony.

What's the latest?

Tony is tailing Jacob Scott's father-in-law.


At a Russian bath house.

Mm! At least he didn't send us any visuals.

(both cell phones blipping, chiming)


I can't un-see that.

Spoke too soon.

Give me an update.

Uh, Abby got a DNA match to the blood found at the Marshalls' house.

Our intruder is Mickey Doyle, 36, an ex-con and violent offender.

Been suspected in a number of drug-related murders in the area.

Doyle's last known address is his RV; matches the description of the one seen on Marshall's street before the break-in.

Got a BOLO out on that.

Checked with all local hospitals.

No patients matching Doyle's description have been treated for a GSW to the leg.

Robbery isn't Doyle's MO.

You think he broke in for another reason?

What do we know about the family?

Before moving to West Virginia eight months ago, they were stationed in California.

Anne Marshall worked as an Assistant District Attorney in San Diego, where she had quite an impressive conviction record.

What about the husband?

Master Sergeant David Marshall.

He has been training Iraqi troops at Al Taqaddum Airbase for the last six months.

Scheduled to come home last month, but his deployment was extended due to a security issue.

Yeah, we haven't been in contact with him yet.

Base's comms are down.

A Special Ops Marine, and a former ADA.

It's possible something in their past made them a target?

Find out.

Anne Marshall: I don't think my work made us a target.

I'm a receptionist.

People I deal with don't even know my name.

We thought you were a lawyer.

Not since we moved from California.

To practice here, I have to pass the West Virginia bar.

But your husband must get reassigned all the time.

There's no provision for m*llitary spouses?

Depends on which state.


(baby fussing)

Anne: Okay, here we go.

Good girl.

Honestly, I would choose to stay home if I could, but when my sister was ill, we took on her medical bills, and it drained our savings.

So I work during the day, and I study for the bar at night.

I never meant it to affect my children this way.

Do you know who broke into our house?

Yeah, we do.

His name is Mickey Doyle.

Is that him, honey?


Have either of you seen this man before today?


If he's after us, does that mean he's going to come back?

McGee: Well, we don't exactly know what's going on.

So until we do, we're going to have an agent posted outside your home.

Does my dad know what happened?

Bishop: We tried to make contact, but base communications are still down.

Can you find out when he's coming back?

We're going to do our best.

(horns honking, brakes squeaking)

Fornell: So, where is this contact of DiNozzo's?

What's with you?

Haven't eaten since DC.

The inflight meal was inedible.

They didn't serve you tea and biscuits?

No, I wasn't in first class.

It was credit card points.

It's a fine day for a stroll, is it not?

You from MI6?

It's a fine day for a stroll, is it not?

Indeed it is, but I prefer to saunter.


...Semper Occultus.

What the hell was that?

Agent DiNozzo left instructions for a coded exchange.

You're kidding me.

God Save the Queen.

What is it?

It's Jessica Terdei's MI6 application request from 1984.

DiNozzo's highlighted her “in case of emergency” contact.

It's an uncle.

Hugo Radcliffe, from Warwickshire.

There was no mention of any family in her personnel file.

Well, then Agent DiNozzo has left us one hell of a breadcrumb.

Gibbs, I want to celebrate the fact that you are a builder and... a catcher of bad guys, and a man of gleaming silver hair.

Abbs, what are you doing?

People said such nice things about Tom Morrow this morning, and it just made me realize that we shouldn't wait until people are gone to celebrate them, so I'm starting a movement: #LivingRocks.

Although I'm a little bit afraid that people might think I'm talking about an actual rock that's alive, although that would be really exciting, too.

Abby, I think the fact that you're celebrating people is awesome.

McGee, I want to celebrate that you can light up a room as fast as you can ping a phone.

Well, thanks.



Oh, my God...

Gibbs, you just used the word hashtag in a sentence.

Getting to the point.

So... this is the 38 that Henry used to sh**t Mickey Doyle and this is the b*llet.

What'd they give us?

Well, the fingerprints and the ballistics match Henry's story, but the real conversation piece is not this g*n.

It's where the g*n was kept.

The Marshall family safe.

It's equipped with a memory drive that logs a time stamp whenever the safe is accessed.

McGee: Henry said that he ran to go get the g*n when he heard Doyle breaking in.

Yeah, but according to the log, the last time the safe was accessed was two days ago.

Got the w*apon out before the break-in.

Why would he do that?

Why would he lie about it?


You talked to Henry before, and you want to be the one to talk to him now.

Well, there's more to it than that, but...

How old were you when your father was in the m*llitary?

He was out before I was born.

Right, and with your family, you were the one deploying.

Meaning what, McGee?

Boss, serving on the home front, it's a very different thing.

Well, you would know.

I think I got a really good sh*t at getting through to Henry.


Henry: So, your dad was an admiral?

Yeah, four-star.

Did he deploy a lot?

Mm, all the time.

I remember this one day, before he was gonna leave, I accidentally fell out of a tree, broke my arm.

I was, uh, I was six years old and, uh, I remember my arm was k*lling me, but, uh, I was smiling all the way to the E.R.

'Cause you didn't think he'd leave if you were hurt.


Did he?

Dumb question.

You know, I remember every time my dad would leave, I'd get all these feelings, you know, like... you're angry and you're sad, and... and you're afraid, you know, and you're proud...

I understand it.

I'll tell you what, it's easier... if you don't keep all that to yourself.


I know why you brought me here.

I lied because I thought I could handle it on my own.

Handle what?

A couple nights ago, I was out late.

I was walking by this alley when I heard yelling, and I saw these two guys.

One of them... one of them stabbed the other one.

Did you see who did it?

It was the picture you showed me.

Mickey Doyle.

After he left, I went over to the guy on the ground.

He was dead.

I heard Doyle coming back, so...

I ran home and I got my dad's g*n from the safe.

And you've been holding on to it since then, right?

He knows what I saw.

He's gonna k*ll me, isn't he?

Hey, what do you got?

Around midnight, last Sunday, Henry Marshall was walking down on Dresner Avenue, passed an alley, and saw Mickey Doyle s*ab and k*ll an unidentified man.

Henry was the only witness, and the break-in was to silence him.

How did Doyle track him down?

Well, we're not exactly sure yet, but Henry's pretty sure he wasn't followed.

What about the body?

County morgue says that they have two stabbing victims that match the description Henry gave, but neither are from an alley, so it's possible the body was moved.

That's good work, Tim.

Loop in Harpers Ferry PD.

Gibbs, I was doing background on Anne Marshall, and the situation she's in is completely unfair.

What situation?

The only reason she can't practice law here is because West Virginia's bar doesn't reciprocate with California.

So, her 15 years of experience went to nothing just because she crossed state lines.

Bishop, focus on the case.

It's not right, Gibbs.

When troops fight for their country, their families do, too.

Anne Marshall, all the m*llitary spouses out there, who-who fights for them?

We do.

Good, because I want to reach out to Joining Forces.

It's an initiative that supports m*llitary veterans and their families and...

I-I know what it is.

I'm looking into it.

I already made the call.

Oh... thank you.

You want to thank me?

(elevator chimes)

Find Mickey Doyle!

Anne: I knew Henry was acting strange, but I just assumed it was because his father's deployment had been extended.

I never could've imagined this.

Henry's situation is why I wanted to talk to you alone.

What about it?

The homicide he witnessed, the break-in at your house, they're connected.

We need to put your family into protective custody.

Is my son's life in danger?

Oh, my God.

We need Henry's help with the investigation.

My son's been through enough, Agent Gibbs.

What he needs right now is to feel safe.

The only way that happens is we find Mickey Doyle.

You're thinking he witnessed one of our stabbings from last week?

We're looking into it now.

Lead investigator is the same on both cases.

Name is Detective Swanson. I briefed him.

He'll take good care of you.

All right, thank you.



Special Agent McGee.



This is Henry.

Good to meet you.

Why don't you have a seat?

Can I get you a water?

Or a soda, or...?

No, thank you.

Swanson: Just want to get this over with, huh?

Yes, sir.

These... are my two victims.

Do you recognize either of them?

I-I don't know.

I'm... I'm not sure.

Now, Henry, before you look at these crime scene photos, you should know that sometimes people look a little different when they're dead, and... you don't have to look at them if you don't want to.

No, I... I want to.

It's not him.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Neither one's the guy I saw.
(dog barking)

That doesn't bode well for the health codes here.

Traditional pub, with charming locals.

Doesn't get any better than this.


Vance: Excuse me?

All due respect, you sound like a suit.

We are suits.

You have a better idea, Agent Fornell?

It's a local place. Speak like a local, you know?

May I?

Cheers, mate!

Well, that was natural.

Worked, didn't it?

What can I get for you fellas?

Hugo Radcliffe?


We're looking for your niece, Jessica Terdei.

It's imperative that we speak with her.

Who's asking?



W.C. ten gauge.

Now get the 'ell off my property.

Mr. Radcliffe... we're the good guys.

Vance: And we don't have time for this.

A man that your niece put in prison has escaped.

He's targeting people and she might know who's next.

It could even be her.

Fornell: See?

The good guys.

Let's take a drive.

Hey. You okay?

Oh, yeah, no, I was just thinking about this movement that I'm spearheading about celebrating people.

Oh, yeah.

How's that going?

Well, you know, I'm starting pretty close to home, but you never know with these things.

It could spread like wildfire.

Bishop, I want to celebrate that you can eat like Paul Bunyan, and your heart is as big as his, too.

Abby, I am touched.


Tell your friends.

Hey, will you help me with this?


Here, hold this.

So Henry said that Doyle stabbed the guy just in front of this door.

Hmm. Bluestar is good on this surface?

If there is a trace of blood, this is going to light up like a Christmas tree.

There are 237 days until Christmas, by the way.

(groans quietly)

Uh... not seeing anything.

Santa Claus is definitely not in town.

If the stabbing happened here, like Henry said, there'd be some trace of it.

McGee: Can't sleep?

I have this dream.

It wakes me up.

It's about my dad saying good-bye.


I understand, okay?

I know the feeling.

You're worried it's the last time you're going to see him.

I'm not lying about what I saw, Agent McGee.

Do you believe me?


I believe you 100%, okay?

What's wrong?

TV reporter: A body pulled from the Anacostia River has been identified as Wayne Woods, a convicted drug dealer, currently on probation...

That's him.

...with intent to sell meth amphetamine.

That's the guy I saw get k*lled.

The body pulled from the Anacostia River was identified as Wayne Woods.

Local M.E.'s report matches Henry's story.

What do we know about Woods?

The streets are safer with him gone.

Thank you.

Now, that's just my professional opinion, but I'll let you decide, after reading his greatest hits.

You knew Woods.

Oh, yeah.

He's partly responsible for the escalating drug problem in Jefferson County.

Tried to bust him for months, but I could never get a charge to stick.

He must have friends in the right places.

And his share of enemies.

Woods most likely was taken out by a rival.

Poetic justice, when you think about it.

A rival?

Like Mickey Doyle?

That's a strong possibility.

Woods and Doyle were both criminal alpha dogs trying to mark the same territory.

We'd like Woods's body transferred back to NCIS.

I already made a call.

You should be getting it within the hour.

Like I said, we're on the same side.

(car engine)

Radcliffe: Here we are.

And in record time, I might add.

Fornell: That was the most terrifying car ride of my life, and I've driven with Emily.

Watch out. (grunts)

Vance: I could have sworn we lost a wheel.

Ah, we hit a few bumps.

Quit your moanin'.


Radcliffe: Come on.

This way.

(sheep bleating)

Vance: So why is your niece hiding off the grid?

Who says she's hiding?

Secluded cottage in the middle of nowhere.

Certainly seems like she's running from something.


You don't know Jessie.

That's far enough.

Quite the family resemblance.

These aren't friends of yours, are they Uncle?

These Feds think you're in danger.

Doesn't look that way from my point of view.

State your business.

Jacob Scott.

He's escaped from prison.

Then what the hell are you doing here?

The person you need to speak to is back in the States-- Tom Morrow.

Morrow's dead.

All right, then. Come on in.

I'll put the kettle on. Come on.

Henry's upstairs with his sister.

He was annoyed with me watching over him like a hawk.

Something he better get used to.

Everything okay?

I can't stop thinking about how close Henry came to being a body pulled from the river.

That's not going to happen.

Don't placate me, Agent Gibbs.

I've done my homework on Mickey Doyle.

You hacked NCIS files?


I called in a favor with a friend at the courthouse.

I got access to Doyle's record.

I prosecuted criminals like him.

I know how they operate.

They get away with m*rder by not leaving any loose ends.

My son is a loose end.

Hey... he is safe here.

You all are.

If Doyle tracked down Henry before, what makes you think he can't do it again?

My family's not safe.


Hey, Ducky.

Detective Swanson came through with the body, huh?


Meet Wayne Woods.

Although he was pulled from the river, his lungs were devoid of water.

Mm. He was already dead when his body was dumped.


His penultimate chapter ended with quite a struggle.

Contusions, multiple s*ab wounds... one of which pierced his aorta.

That was the manner of death.

Here, take a look at the entry wounds.

Ah, jagged.

Yes, but with a pattern.

The m*rder w*apon had a... distinctly serrated blade.


I want to celebrate the fact that you are a friend with a scalpel.

And you inspire dead people to talk, and alive people to listen.

Abby, what a lovely thing to say.


Anthropomorphic stones, how curious.

Abby, any thoughts on the m*rder w*apon?

Uh, yeah, like one big thought.

So based on the cutting pattern, it was a serrated combat Kn*fe, with a five-inch blade, and that's not all.

I ran the DNA from underneath Woods' fingernails.

I got a match.

(Abby typing)

Mickey Doyle.

Abby: Yep.

So... Henry was telling the truth.

He saw Doyle k*ll Woods.

So why wasn't there any evidence at the crime scene?

Maybe Doyle cleaned up his mess.

We didn't find a single trace of blood.

I mean, if this guy cleaned up after himself, he must be, like, really good at it.


Hey, we had a BOLO hit on Doyle's RV.

On my way.

(knocking on door)


Suspect's down.

At least we know Mickey Doyle won't be bothering Henry anymore.

Yeah, well, whoever k*lled Doyle had a reason.

Henry could still be a target.


Looks like the Kn*fe Abby described.

(phone ringing)

Bag it, Bishop.

Bag all of it.

Yeah, it's Gibbs.

(agent speaking indistinctly over phone)



(agent speaking indistinctly over phone)

Well, you stay where you are.

Agent on duty can't find Henry.

Said he's gone.

Bishop, you stay here. McGee...

I think I know where he might be headed, boss.


(sighs with relief)

How'd you know I was here?

Well, if I were looking for Doyle, I'd go to the first place I saw him, too.

He's not going to stop until he finds me.

I just...

He's not going to find you.

Yes, he will.

Henry... he's not going to find you--

Doyle's dead.

Look, I need you to come with me back to Gibbs' house, okay?

You think someone else is after me now.

(voice breaking): What am I going to do?

Come with me back to the house, okay?

Your mom is worried sick, man.


I promised my dad I'd protect them.

It's my job to keep them safe.

I understand that, okay?

But it's my job to keep you safe, too.

So how about you help me do my job, and I'll help you do yours.

I might have been thrown by the accent, but you didn't seem surprised by Morrow's death.

I supposed I always had a feeling that operation would come back to bite us in the ass.

Operation Juniper Strike.

There's more to what happened than what's in the case files.

Our objective was to catch Nika Razin, the Russian buyer Scott was selling secrets to.

Who we now know was also his wife.

I figured as much.

Vance: So what exactly happened during the raid?

We used one of Scott's cell phones and lured Razin out of the Russian Embassy in Istanbul.

But the op went south, almost immediately.

An identified sn*per took her out.

The Russians would rather have her dead than captured.

That was our assumption, too.

But since the target was neutralized, the mission was deemed a success.

And the conveniently-timed sn*per hit was just written off.

Clearly someone on the inside leaked the details of the op.

Which is exactly why I conducted an off-the-book investigation.

All my operatives were cleared.

The leak did not come from MI6, it came from NCIS.

And why didn't you relay this information to Morrow?

I did.

Morrow's the one who buried it.

(sheep bleating in distance)


(sheep bleating)

We've got company.

We missing something?

Radcliffe: The herd.

They're spooked.


That's your early warning system?

Get down!

Fornell: Leon! Cover!


(engine revs, tires squeal)

I think they're gone.

You're telling me Jacob Scott is back in the UK?

Can't say for certain.

We were too busy dodging b*ll*ts to get a look at the sh**t's face.

Someone must've tailed us from London.

Wait, who knew you were there, Leon?

Handful of people from NCIS, MI6, FBI.

We got a mole, Gibbs.

Somebody doesn't want us poking around this case.

The list of people to trust just got shorter.

Okay, I'll get DiNozzo back from Moscow ASAP.

What about Terdei?

She's a target.

We got to get her someplace safe.

We're on the next flight out.

MI6 will follow up on local leads.

Watch your six, Director.

Got it.


Hi, Andy.

Thanks for meeting me.

First time I've seen you without a coffee in your hand.

I just had one.

Although, I hear the best coffee in DC is from the Navy mess.

Oh, working at the White House has its perks.


What do you got for me?

Walk with me.

After your call, I followed up on Anne Marshall.

Yeah, a talented lawyer like that should be practicing, not starting over.

I agree, but transferring professional certifications across state lines is a complicated process.

That kind of legislation takes time, Gibbs.

How long does it take to do what's right?

You and I both know situations like these affect m*llitary families all the time, but Joining Forces is making headway.

What about Anne Marshall?

I'll route her case up my chain of command.

Look, I have to get to a meeting, but I'll be in touch.

Bishop: This stuff from the RV give you anything?

Oh, yeah.

Proof that Doyle and his living situation are, in fact, disgusting.

Tell me about it.

Oh, I will.

Exhibit A.

The Kn*fe that was confiscated from the camper.

It's got Doyle's fingerprints on the handle and Woods' blood on the blade.

Definitely the m*rder w*apon.

Definitely dirty.

Why would he be so careful to clean the alley, then not even bother to wash off the m*rder w*apon?

That's exactly what I just asked Major Mass Spec.

So, I tested some swabs from the alley.

It was scrubbed with a professional grade cleaner and then covered over with alley grime.

Whoever did it knew how to b*at the Bluestar.

Could be the same person that k*lled Doyle, trying to tie up loose ends.

Abby, I celebrate that you can take a tiny clue and turn it into a game changer.

And you give the best hugs ever.



It's spreading like wildfire.


Hey, I got something.

Go, McGee, go.

The day after Woods' m*rder, traffic cams near the alley were accessed.

Doyle I.D.'d Henry from the footage?

No, that's how they tracked Henry back to his house.

Doyle did the dirty work, but he wasn't the one who accessed the cameras.

Then who did?

Harpers Ferry Police.


Got a lead you might be interested in.

Yeah, Doyle is dead, I heard.

Bishop: You hear who sh*t him?

Dirty cop.

On the take with the drug gangs in the county, kept Doyle ahead of the law.

Well, you better start thinking real hard before you start accusing.

Not accusing.


What's this?

Traffic cams were accessed from your terminal.

You told Doyle where Henry lived, and then you k*lled him to cover your tracks.

What are you talking about?

I didn't k*ll anyone.

She's right.

Cameras don't prove anything.

No, but the unregistered drop g*n we found at her apartment does.

Oh, yeah, there's that.


Turn around.


I want a lawyer.

(phone rings)

Yeah, it's Gibbs.

Yeah, Andy.

With who?

Yeah, yeah, we'll be there.

Anne: I am so honored to have been a part of this.

I still can't believe I'm here.

Listening to everyone's stories, it made me feel like I'm not alone.

Because you're not alone, Anne.

One of the reasons we hold these round tables is to stay connected to our m*llitary families.

Special Agent Gibbs.

I've been briefed on everything you've done for Anne's family, and from what I heard, you've gone above and beyond.

It's my job.

Both NCIS and Joining Forces, their support has been...

I can't thank you enough.

Anne, we should be thanking you.

I mean, we know the sacrifices our m*llitary families are making and it doesn't go unnoticed.

Nor do the sacrifices of our veterans.

Honor to serve, ma'am.

Now, I understand that there's somewhere else you need to be.

Isn't that right, Special Agent Gibbs?


There you go.

Just let that sit, let it dry repaint it and it'll be like it never happened.

Your dad teach you how to do that?


(door opening)

(baby fusses)


What's wrong?

The security thr*at at your dad's base... it's over.

So we get to talk to him?

(laughing): Dad!

Oh, I missed you, buddy.

I love you guys.

I love you so much.

I won't be able to make it up until tomorrow.

Sorry, sweetheart, work stuff.

Call me when you get this.

A wife?



Smarter than I will ever be.

She's in boarding school up north.

Then you live here alone?

I do live alone, but not here.

This is Gibbs's place.

It's sort of a floating safe house.

Who's that?

NCIS agent.


He's on his way. Should be here any minute.

And this Gibbs, you, uh, you trust him?

Like no one else.

Though, he did sh**t me in the ass once.


Flesh wounds, they heal easily enough.

You sound like him.

I'd offer you tea, but he doesn't carry the stuff.

Choices are... water, beer, or bourbon.

Whatever you're having.

There's something I've been meaning to tell you since we got back from England.

What's that?

I've come around about your sheep.

Is that right?

They're very smart animals.

Alert... instinctive...

I might be in the market for one.

I know a guy. I could make the call.



(phone ringing)

(door shuts)

(phone ringing continues)

(gasping, weakly): Emily...

(ringing continues)

(ringing continues)
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