02x25 - New Frontiers

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x25 - New Frontiers

Post by bunniefuu »

Male Guard: This giant lock-up for one single prisoner?

What did this guy do, blow up a planet?

Not one planet, 13.


Such a mistake using weak-minded guards to protect our master.


Corvus Glaive?

This will only be a moment, Supergiant.



Proxima: We waste time.

Our master is not patient.

Designed to be impenetrable.

The slightest motion will drop his cell into obliteration.

Black Dwarf?


Open for Ebony Maw.


Welcome back, master.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Iron Man: It sure is, Cap.

You do know Earth's behind you, right, Tony?

Yes, but our future is out there, Hawkeye.


You ready for me to fire up DAN?


Data Analysis Network.

Our new frontier. Fire it up, Ant-Man.

Iron Man: DAN is the most cutting edge satellite ever created, monitoring the vast reaches of space.

What makes you so confident we're prepared to operate on an intergalactic level?

Avengers always rise to the challenge.

Stop looking in the rearview mirror, Cap, and start looking out the windshield.

There could be an alien spacecraft right around the corner.





You gonna let some alien push you around, Thor?

Not without pushing back.

Iron Man: Origin unknown?

Sounds like a new frontier to me.

I got 'em.

Hulk, we're in the vacuum of space.

Maybe this one time, smashing isn't the answer.

Let's hope that's an invitation, not a threat.

Use caution. We don't know what sort of enemy we're facing.

It is you, the legendary Avengers.

I feared my mission would fail.

I've come light-years in the hope you truly exist, and here you are.

Looks like the kind of enemy that att*cks with hugs, Cap.


Hate hugs.

My people, my world, will be saved.

You know about the Avengers light-years away from Earth?

One does not defeat Thanos without the universe noticing.

We've heard tales of you destroying Space Phantoms, outsmarting Galactus, draining the Infinity Stones.

Some of these stories must be exaggerated, of course.

Nope, not really.

And who might you be?

A young Avenger-in-training?


Uh, I'm Hawkeye.

You know, I... I've been here since the beginning.


We have not heard tale of you.

But I'm certain if the mighty Falcon has taken you under his wing, you will become a great warrior.

Well, I'm starting to like this guy.

My colony, New Korbin, is under siege.

Raiders like we've never seen before plunder our land.

You are our only hope.

New frontiers, Cap.

We have to act, Tony, but we can't leave Earth unprotected.

Black Widow: Don't worry about us, Cap.

We have everything under control down here.

We're already Earth's mightiest heroes.

Ready to be the universe's mightiest?

Falcon: New Korbin's atmosphere is breathable, but it contains elements I've never even heard of.

This is potentially dangerous.

And definitely exciting.

Look at that energy surge at the Equator.

My gear can't even read what it's emitting.

Captain America: That's exactly my concern.

Rushing into a battle we're not prepared for is a dangerous strategy.

Bucky and I weren't ready when we faced Red Skull, and it's haunted us for decades.


Smash here, smash there. Same thing.


I do not care for this game.

Iron Man: If we find ourselves pushed to the limit, Cap, we'll do what we always do...

Push ourselves further.




No offense, kid, but that is one ugly pet you've got there.

Captain America!

Seriously? Does no one know me here?

Clear these creatures from the town square.

Let's get you home.

Dar! Where are you?

Looking for someone?

I thought the Avengers were only a children's fairy tale.

(STAMMERING) You're real?

Guess so.





Whoa, what is up with that? I never miss.

The gravity's stronger here than on Earth.

You're gonna have to compensate.



Who dares interfere with my master's mission?

Master? So she's not the big bad?

The mighty Avengers of Earth. You might have heard of us.

Apparently we're legendary in space.

I have heard of Earth, and Proxima Midnight is not impressed.


Mjolnir will leave an impression.

Hmm. Hopefully you are not the strongest Earth has to offer.

Falcon, those energy readings I got on the ship?

They're coming from that pyramid.

Something tells me that's what this charming lady and her friends are here for.

Already on it.

Still having fun, Tony?

Getting out of our comfort zone is a good thing.

It makes us better Avengers.

Then I must be getting great, 'cause I'm way out of my comfort zone.

These energy readings are coming straight from the planet's core.

Whoever's doing this is making Galactus look like an amateur.








These creatures make Frost Giants looks handsome.



Off me, beasts!

This alien atmosphere must be playing tricks on my hearing.

Sounded like Falcon said "Thanos."

I did.

He's siphoning that polarized particle flow into himself.

This is exactly what I was afraid of, Tony.

We stumbled right into Thanos' battleground.

All right, I'll admit this is a little more adventure than I was hoping for.

Quake, mortals.

The universe shall soon bow before my master.

Blah, blah, blah.


Fighting on alien soil, there are too many unknown variables.

We just have to get to that pyramid before Thanos is done fueling up.

Then we shall.

Never smashed a pyramid before...



Great, Proxima brought the freak show to town.

Ebony Maw, of what does the human speak?

It is an Earth reference, Supergiant. He's joking.

How typical.

Weak-minded species always use humor as a mental defense from true danger.

Let us make it clear for him.

Corvus Glaive...


We are Cull Obsidian, the Black Order, Generals of Thanos, and we are your doom.

Wanna-be dictators with over-inflated egos.

Guess this isn't such a new frontier, after all.


The glory of Thanos!

New frontiers, Tony said.

Push the boundaries.

Thanks a lot.

On my world, we devour intellect.

I was hoping for a full meal, but you will clearly just be a snack.

Hey, you're not the first person on this planet to try to it's own...



They've got a telepath.

We don't know what other power sets we're dealing with here.

Proxima: This is the only power set you need to worry about.

Avengers, assemble?

Avengers, assemble!

Proxima: Despite your efforts, the Black Order never fails.

The Black Order have never battled the Avengers.



Falcon, you said the gravity was stronger here on New Korbin?

Yeah, about .2 Gs.

Let's see if that's enough to help.

Tony, you were right.

We did need to get out of our comfort zone.

This planet is different from Earth.

Let's use that to our advantage.

It's not just gravity that's different.

The air has some sort of crystalline particles in it.

Crystal? Send me the specs. I've got an...

With a quick armor adjustment, this crystal air should give my repulsors a major boost.

I love you, science.

The only person I want in my head is me, lady.

My ice arrows are good, but they're not that good.

The foreign elements in the atmosphere are bonding with the freezing agents in your arrows.



Hawkeye is truly mighty!

Right? About time someone noticed.

More gravity, more smash!


Korbinite: Yay, Avengers! You've saved us, Avengers!

Tide's turning, time to let Thanos know we've come for a visit.

Iron Man: I think he already knows.

The master calls. Thanos rises, and we of the Cull Obsidian, the Black Order, are prepared to receive him.


Someone's got a new look.

Thanos respects one thing only...


You defeated me in the past.

For this reason, I will spare your planet, but the rest of the universe is mine.

Cross me again, and I will not hesitate to destroy your precious Earth.



Iron Man, I received your coordinates.

Thanos 2.0?


Man, wasn't the old one bad enough?

He has stolen the Quantum Force from our planet's core.

But you need not worry about New Korbin any longer.

We all heard Thanos' declaration.

We cannot expect you to sacrifice your own planet for ours.

Cap, I guarantee I know just what you're thinking.

Are we all agreed?

Put this ship back on New Korbin.

We're strangers to you.

You would risk everything to save us?

If Thanos is allowed to run free in the universe, every planet's at risk, Jeter.

Let's start by saving yours.

If it comes down to it, you two are Earth's last line of defense.

We understand.

We'll keep the lights on for you.

You were right.

We weren't prepared for all of this.

This battle is far from over, Tony.

Thanos has departed to prepare the next world.

He orders us to take anything of value from this planet and burn what's left.


That is all Lord Thanos leaves in his wake.

What about the destruction of your world could possibly make you smile, youngling?


On Earth, that is called "The highest of fives."

The Avengers?

My master made you an offer.

This is our counter-offer.

Try it.

A mind as primitive as yours, I will consume your every thought.

How you feeling?

Such rage! My brain is aflame!


I will offer you to my master as a trophy.

He will honor Proxima Midnight as a loyal servant!

Proxima Midnight?

That was the name of my junior high punk band.

Is "Chill out" too...

Eh, that's too cheesy, right?


Get clear.

You see what these aliens are doing?

They do not know us, but they fight for us.

We cannot let them act alone.


Get off our planet!


Korbinite: Hey!


Leave... Us... Alone!



Fall back to the drop ship.

And don't come back!

Would you look at that? Nice work, guys.

Now let's help the Korbinites claim...


Thanos: Avengers!

I gave you one chance.

You will not get another.

We do not need one.

My Black Order was going to destroy this world for me.

Now, these two will.

This world is doomed!

Next... Earth!

The core's been pushed too far.

We can't stop the destruction.

We have to go after Thanos.

Not before we save them.

Let's go, no one gets left behind.

Let's go, guys.

Is that everybody?

Everybody but Thor and Hulk.


Iron Man: That's everyone, Jeter. Planet's evacuated.

Jeter: We may have lost our colony, but thanks to you we have not lost our lives.

The Avengers are even greater than the legends have claimed.

Great, like Tony needed a bigger ego.

If we push the Avenjet, we might beat Thanos back to Earth.

We don't have a second to spare.

Jeter, thank you for your assistance.

We only wish we could've done more.

Thanks to you, I believe the greatest days of the Korbinite people are still yet to come.

Child: Hawkeye.

Someday I hope to be as great a warrior as you.


Oh, come on.

Why is no one around to hear that?

Captain America: Avengers Tower, can you read? Widow? Ant-Man?

Iron Man: Still nothing? Maybe cosmic interference.

Falcon: Entering Earthspace, and scans show no sign of Thanos.

We beat him here.

Thanos isn't the only thing we're not seeing signs of.

What are you talking about?

Falcon: Earth...

It's gone.

We're too late.

I pushed us too far, and Earth paid the price.
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