02x04 - Ghosts of the Past

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x04 - Ghosts of the Past

Post by bunniefuu »

Heads up. Some HYDRA loyalists from Skull's old knitting circle h*jacked a S.H.I.E.L.D. armory.

They're threatening to blow it up, unless we release him.

Sending you the GPS tag now.

Falcon: That base is just outside Seattle. If they blow it, it'll wipe out everything in a 50-mile radius, them included.

They're loyal, not smart. We'll handle it.

You sure you don't want some backup?

Big green t*nk with fists, feet, and a penchant for smashing?

No. This could be a ruse to draw us out of the tower and make a grab for Skull.

We'll stick with the original plan.

Suit yourself. I'll be watching your backs from here.

This is going to be good. Cap and Falcon are the best combo this side of chips and guacamole.

Any questions on the plan?

What plan?

Kidding! A little pre-fight levity.

See you inside.

[Winter Soldier growls]

All right, all right, HYDRA, you got us.

Skull will be delivered to your door momentarily.

I also included free salad and breadsticks.


I don't... I don't know. [alarm blaring]

[HYDRA soldiers scream]

You guys didn't stand a chance with Skull leading you.


You think you could take us without him?

HYDRA's full of surprises. Stay focused.

I'm on it!

Found the b*mb. Buy me 58 more seconds, Falcon.

I can do this all day, Cap.





[screaming] Falcon!

Wings clipped. Any ideas, Tony?

Twenty seconds left, and Cap still hasn't diffused the b*mb.

Try to hit the water.

Love to, but those jagged rocks are in the way.

[grunts] Huh?

You saved me and diffused the b*mb?

Not exactly.

That was insane! Up top, partner.

I can't believe I almost lost you, soldier.

Yeah. They must not have had high-fives in World w*r II.


All right. Hey, we got to finish up those HYDRA agents.

Already took care of them.


[Winter Soldier growling]

Hmm. Partner...

Falcon: I know this sounds crazy because we're already on a team together,
but I learn so much working with you, I don't know, maybe we could, like, make a two-man team?

You know, be my mentor?

I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sorry.


Iron Man: You all right?

Me? Oh, yeah, I'm all good.

Good! I've got something in the lab I want to show you.

Project "rebuild the robot my dad left behind to be my friend and protector" is not going as planned, but maybe you can help me crack it.



There are no blueprints left for Arsenal's assembly, let alone the AI programming.

Basic motor functions work, but I can't tell if it's residual reflex or budding intelligence.

What do you think? You all right, Sam?

Yeah. Maybe it's dumb, but Cap and I did a few missions together, awesome ones.

I was thinking he might want to train together, like Hawkeye and Widow.

Or me and the robot head.

But Cap wasn't really hot on the idea.

Doesn't surprise me. He was frozen in ice for decades.

Anyway, you know what happened to his old partner Bucky, right?

I know he didn't survive the w*r. Is there more to it?

Yep. But if you really want the details, ask Widow.

She's memorized all those old files.

Thanks, Tony.

[taser fires]


If I make this, you're gonna keep your big Asgardian mitts off the remote for the whole weekend.

Aye, but you must hit every target.

Yeah, yeah. Easy-peasy. [chuckles] Get it?

Indeed. Perhaps I should have bet against your ability to make a jest, instead.

[Hulk snoring]




In your Viking face! [Hulk roars]

Oh, come on, Hulk! I just won dictatorship over that!

You'll have plenty of time to watch TV recovering from this... Huh?

[all coughing]


Usually, I can force anyone to tell me what I want to know, but this is the first time someone's wanted to tell me something, and can't.


Less numbers, more Thanos.

I need the part where Earth doesn't get blown up by a mad titan from across the galaxy.

Widow, can I hit you up for some answers on something?

According to Skull, the answer to everything is "five."

That help?


Do you know what happened to Cap's old partner?


He was Bucky before you got to him.

Cap thought he lost his partner in the w*r, but it turned out Skull got his hands on him, did a number on his mind, and turned him into a living w*apon, the Winter Soldier, but it didn't go well, for Skull or Bucky.

Cap blames himself. [alarm blaring]

Tony, come in. Weird. No Jarvis, either.

Security system's still active.

If it's an intruder, they'll hit the data crux next, to take it offline.


James... "Bucky"...


Hmm. That's odd.


Cap, where's Iron Man?

We're the only ones left standing.

Most of the camera feeds are disabled.

We just lost power in prisoner detention.

Who's watching Skull?

Uh, we just were.


Skull's taken the Avenjet!

I can catch him!

Wait. It's banking back this way.

He's got control of the weapons. Locked and loaded.

[lasers firing]

You mind keeping it down?

Is that what I think it is?

If you thought it was Red Skull perforating your living room with laser fire from your own jet, you'd be right.

Actually, I thought the Hulk was getting another flying lesson.

Not sure which is worse.

We need to lead him away from the city streets.

I don't want the remains of Skull's escape plan crash-landing on my favorite pretzel cart.

I'm not so sure Skull's behind this.

Really? You can explain on the way. Where we're headed?

You stay and handle the jet, and I'll be on my comm.

Going solo?

Yeah, time to get out on my own anyway.

He'll be on his comm.

Iron Man: Widow, you round up the bigger g*ns, get 'em out here, and remind them we need Skull in one semi-coherent piece.

He's the only chance we have of stopping Thanos when he comes back to Earth.

[all snoring]

Hey, wake up, kids, time for school.

[all scream]

Why? [roars]

It was Thor's idea, don't smash me!

Okay, if you're all done napping, we've got a Skull to bust.

Falcon, I'll blow the door, you grab him.

Any time now, Falcon!

Falcon: Didn't know Red Skull had these kind of flying skills.

[gasps] It's empty.

Remote piloted. Must be local.

Running a trace on the signal now.

Let me try to override this thing.

Whoa! Shut down those lasers first!

Falcon: Got it!

Avenjet is in my control.

So much for my quiet night in the lab.

Question now is, "where's Skull?"

And Cap.



Just as I thought. This isn't a rescue mission.

It's a kidnapping.

No. It's revenge.

Bucky, revenge isn't what...

Bucky no longer exists, thanks to Red Skull.

There's only the Winter Soldier now.

[speaking German]

He's not kidding. The end is near, and like it or not, we need him.

Stay back.

You may have been my friend in the w*r, but now you're just somebody standing in my way.

Bucky, Earth is under imminent cosmic threat.

It's unlike anything we've ever faced, and Skull has information on how to stop it.

Don't care.

[train whistle blowing]

Next time it won't be on stun, Steve.

We're going for a little ride.

Actually, you're going for a big ride, and I'm positive you're not gonna like where you end up.

Captain America: Hey, Bucky!

Thought I taught you not to take cheap sh*ts.

I picked up a few lessons since then.

You trained me well, but you couldn't save me from Red Skull.

[both grunting]

He turned me into an even better w*apon than you are.

Dude, what's going on up there?

Captain America: Red Skull may have twisted your mind... but he didn't take your heart.

I know there's still good in you.

Deep down, you know this is wrong.

Deep down, I know everything you taught me is wrong.

[g*n powering up]

You couldn't save me. Maybe you can save them.

[all screaming]

[train whistle blowing]

Emergency break!


Now, that's what I call...

Forget me. Help them.

It's the Avengers!

See? This is why I hate public transportation, but love flying cars.


This reminds me of wrangling herds of wooly foxclores!

[train whistle blowing]


[both grunt]

Thanks, Iron Man!

Don't thank me for the rescue, thank me for not doing a "gotta catch a train" joke.

Just all in a day's work for the Avengers.

Thanks! Text you later.


How did you find me?

I hacked into your ID card and triggered a distress beacon.

You bypassed my security protocol?

Cap, the word "password" is not a strong password.

I planted a GPS tag on Skull when we captured him, but Winter Soldier must have disabled it.

Think you can bring it back online?

On it.

Remind you of anyone you used to pal around with, who later got turned into a cybernetically enhanced mercenary and kidnapped Red Skull?

What happened to Bucky is my fault.

That means it's my fault if we lose Skull and the only shot we have at saving Earth.

You want to blame yourself for something, blame yourself for letting the past keep you from kicking butt alongside kid genius here.

Or take the blame for eating Hulk's guacamole, because he's gonna smash me for that.

Falcon: Found him!

m*ssile silo in New Jersey.

Nice jetpack!

Thanks, soldier.

You heard him, let's move!

Aw. Jetpack...


James... Bucky...

This tracer won't be any help to them.

For reasons I can't imagine, Captain America doesn't want to see you hurt.

So I'll have to complicate his rescue attempt.

[alarm blaring]

Hawkeye: Hulk, this car's tight enough without having to smell your giant green feet.

This is why I want a jetpack.


Just lost the signal, but it looks like this is the place.

Those are heavy payloads headed here and for Europe.

They're state-of-the-art.

You need to take out the thruster, then the detonator within a half-second.

It's two-person job.

Or one really, really fast bird.

Cap and Falcon, you take the Atlantic, we'll take the locals.

Avengers, assemble!





This soldier of winter once fought for his country, now he would destroy it just to get Skull?

Skull got inside his head and rewired things a bit.

The hero soldier is gone.

Got another toy for you back there.

A jetpack?

Better. Different better.

Hello, beautiful.

Me gusta giant crossbow.

Did you not hear the instructions, circus boy?

First, the thruster, then the detonator.

Both targets.

I cannot catch a break today.

Can you map their trajectories and find the m*ssile that's headed to Belarus?

On it, but why Belarus?

Location of the HYDRA base where Winter Soldier was created.

Man, he's really not letting that go.

You were right. The leader of the pack has two warm bodies on it.

I've got Skull. You handle the others.

Nobody gives me a jetpack or a flying car.

Or deodorant.

Hold still.

The last time you and I flew above the Atlantic together, I took a long ice bath.

I'm hoping this goes better.





Bucky, this isn't the way!


You would risk everything for him?

Do you remember what he's done?

More than you know.

[both grunting]

What about the people in the cities where your missiles are headed? What did they do?

This isn't you, Bucky.

I told you, Bucky is dead. Skull made me into this.

I didn't have a choice about what to become.

He took that from me.

Three rockets left and no time to stop them.


Hulk, you missed your target. Thor! Hit it!

[Thor grunts]

Lunch is coming back up!



I fear the wrath of 30 lobster tacos on their return trip.

Captain America: You always have a choice.

If you do this, you're just completing the job Skull started... turning you into a villain.

You don't understand. You were turned into a hero.

I was turned into a monster.

You need to let go.

We can't let our past poison our present.


This rocket is 27 seconds from impact. You should let go now, too.

Captain America: Bucky!

You knew there wasn't enough time to stop the m*ssile and save Skull. Come on!

Hey, Cap, is now a good time to partner up?

Hang tight.

Thanks... partner.

Iron Man: Hope Skull enjoyed his big day out on the town.

You think Winter Soldier's gonna make another play for him?

No. I'd like to believe he let go of that part of his past.

Interested in doing some recon at a belarusian HYDRA base?

As long as I'm getting a chance to work with Captain America.

Sorry, I always work solo.

A little pre-fight humor?

I'll keep working on it. [Hulk roars]

We didn't eat your stupid guacamole!

And you flicked a pea into my nose!

If only I could take credit for such a feat, I would!

Nope. I pay the bills around here, I'm not taking a beating for eating his food.

Hulk: Hawkeye! I don't even like guacamole![/i]
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