06x08 - Torn Apart - Struthers, Ohio

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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06x08 - Torn Apart - Struthers, Ohio

Post by bunniefuu »

She's losing blood...

We're terrified.

I don't even want to come home.

He would k*ll people.

They found a mutilated body
with a large amount of blood.

Her neck got broken.

I can't protect my kids.

They don't have answers.

People crawling on the floor towards them.

It's bad in here.

Something bad's going to happen.

My name is Amy Allan.

There's panic.

And it's almost like a butchering.

I see dead people.

They all d*ed horribly.

I speak to dead people.

Get out of here.

And they speak to me.


But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

It doesn't matter where you are.
I'll find you.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York
City homicide detective.

This guy's a real piece of work.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

I feel like I live in a house of Hell.

It's my job to reveal them.

This is not good.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end...

I want my life back.

When we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

Is he trying to k*ll her?

Or time to get out.

Oh, my God.

This is going to k*ll us.

I'm in Struthers, Ohio.

It's a small city right next to Youngstown.

I got called by a woman who
sounded desperate and alone.

She said something in the house

is attacking her and her two kids.

Making matters worse,
her husband doesn't believe her.

She told me she's got
no place else to turn.

Before Amy arrives,

I need to make sure the home
is clear of any personal items

or family photographs that
may influence her findings.

When I'm finished,

the location will be
ready for tonight's walk.

Right away,
I'm seeing a few mutilated people.

They are chopped up.

And there's pieces of a
person coming together,

and they form a woman.

And she is, like, begging to make it stop.

Then, a male comes up.

He's very well spoken, uh, educated.

- I think he was a doctor.
- Okay.

But he says that when he was alive,

he did do some things that were wrong.

And he had a very interesting,

I thought, reaction to the mutilated chick.

He was, like, "Ah."

I don't know what the
[bleep] happened to them.

So Joan,
after I talked to you on the phone,

I wanted to get here as soon as I could.

You sound like you're going through hell.

I'm just very grateful
that you guys are here.

We are living in a nightmare.

First, we started hearing noises.

Then, it went to things moving

to seeing shadow figures.

Then, it started getting physical.


What year did you guys move in here?


You live here with...

My son Dalton, my husband John,

and my daughter Delani.

When it gets to the point
where I can't protect my kids,

that's where I draw the line.

You look like a happy family in this photo.

- No.
- Okay.

We're not happy now.

- There's been no support.
- In what sense?

My husband not believing me,
not believing my daughter,

not believing my son.

It's tearing the marriage apart.

So it's you and the kids against
whatever is in this house,

and your husband is out in left field

- somewhere with this whole thing?
- Mm-hmm.

Dalton was scratched on
the back of his neck.

Delani was scratched on her back.

I was pushed going down
to the basement one day.

And I do know the elderly woman

that lived here before we did,

they found her at the bottom
of the basement stairs.

Really? Was she dead?

- She d*ed a couple days later.
- Okay.

It's taken a toll on my health.

I've been in the hospital
six times due to rib pain.

It feels like somebody is squeezing me.

What... what makes you
think this is paranormal

- and not just...
- The doctors are baffled.

They've done bone scans,
CAT scans, MRis, X-rays.

You name it, they've done it.

Okay, that's interesting.

I want to know who is here,
why they're here,

and I want them out.

I keep getting this wave of illness.

Uh, and it is very much in the stomach.

Uh, very nauseous.

It's almost like being
punched in the stomach.

Ugh. Geez, man.

There's a lot of stress in here.

Yuck, yuck, yuck.

The doctor, he didn't want to come in.

Aw, geez.

He's like,
"I shouldn't even be here anymore."

He's like, "Ah,
let's just get this over with."

- Okay. So, Joan, you sleep down here?
- Right.

- But it's unfinished, obviously.
- Correct.

And I'm assuming this is
also where you got pushed?


I was coming down the stairs one day.

I got to the third step.

Felt a push on my back

and just crashed right
into this wall right here.

Did you have any laundry
or anything like that?


So you couldn't have missed
a step by not seeing it.


Okay. Did you tell your husband?

- No.
- Why?

I didn't think he would believe me.

Now, you told me the previous owner

fell down the flight of stairs,
and they found her here.


You think that's a coincidence?

I don't know.


So, is that the only thing

- that's happened to you down here?
- No.

I was laying in bed one night.

All of a sudden, the rib pain.

I open my eyes, and over here,

there's three shadow people.

And they're leaning over like this,
just looking at me.

Were you sleeping, and then got awaken...

Oh, honey, I'm sorry. You okay?

I'm sorry.

No, no, no. Come here.

It's all right. It's all right.

I'm here. I believe you.


It was the worst feeling in the world.

I couldn't sit up. I couldn't move.

I couldn't talk.

10 seconds later, it was just,
like, phew, they were gone.

Scariest thing I've ever encountered.


Oh, my.

So now I'm seeing there's this dead female

and a living lady.

Dead lady, living lady have
some kind of attachment.



So the dead lady is trying
to jump the living lady,

but the dead lady doesn't
know what she's doing.

So when she tries,

she kind of [bleep] up
the living woman's body.

Makes the living lady sick.

Like, cellular problems.

The living lady has experiences

when the dead lady is trying to jump her.

That's when she sees the
other [bleep] dead people.

I see, like, a person sitting up in bed

looking down this way and seeing,

people crawling on the floor towards them.

And it's all the mutilated people.

Can't breathe, freaking out.

So, John, I was talking to
your wife about the things

that are going on here
and why she called us in.

It's got me concerned.

You guys have a pretty bad situation.

She seems to think that
you're not supportive

of what her and the kids are going through.

I believe them, but I don't have answers.

Have you had any experiences
at all that you can't explain?

There's one I know of that, you know,

Joan and I just kind of
didn't see eye-to-eye on.

It took place down in the basement.


And as we were speaking,
I seen this glare kind of like...

kind of swoosh and went this
way up towards the wall.

What did Joan think she saw?

She thinks she saw something paranormal.

So, what do you think you saw?

I feel it was a glare off of a car

and a glass block of where I was standing.


So, you see where the problem is here

between you and your wife?

Yeah. It causes tension.

I... I don't deny it one bit.

Are you trying to not
accept what's going on here?

No, I've tried.

Um, there's times where
nobody has been home.

I've just sat in the living room,
you know, nothing on,

everything off, just sat.

Waited for a noise, a boom, anything.

I wish something would happen.

Because dead lady
all about taking over.

You know, she wants a... a life back.

So this is why she's trying
to jump the living woman

who is here.

What would happen if she managed
to jump the living woman?

She would take over the
living woman's body,

and she would use it so
she could live again.

She would probably do
very bad things to men.

Do you have any idea
what she would do to men

if she managed to pull this off?

I think either she would t*rture
them or try to ruin their lives,

or possibly try to k*ll them.

So, Delani, uh,

- I talked to Mom today.
- Mm-hmm.

And she told me about what
you guys are going through.

You're having a tough time, aren't you?


It makes me really depressed.

- Like, the whole situation.
- Okay.

It'll make me cry a lot.

But I just don't tell anyone.

So, what kind of things
have you experienced?

When I lay in bed at night,

I see a shadow figure stand
outside my bedroom doorway.

Okay. Can you describe it to me?

It's tall, and it's very dark.

I can't see any facial
features or anything.

It's just black.

- Is it shaped like a person?
- Mm-hmm.

Would you say it's a man or a woman?

I'd say a man because
it's larger than a woman.

Do you feel that this thing
is threatening, or...

I think it's trying to scare me.

Are you frightened to the point

you think it's gonna hurt you?


So, honey, is there anything else going on?

I've had scratches on my lower back.

And can you describe the scratches for me?

Um, it was three scratches.

Like, a diagonal.

This one right here.

How did you notice that
the scratches were there?

Did you feel them, or...

Um, I went to sit down,

and it started burning.

Sometimes, I don't even want to come home.

It's scary here.


The doctor guy likes it in here.

But to him, it's different.

It's more like an office.

He gets very angry when
people come in here.

I think that they see him
as a very tall darkness.

I don't like how he feels in here.

Uh. Oh.

This is a mess. This is so messed up.

Joan told me that the
previous owner of her house

d*ed after falling down a flight of stairs.

I made some calls, and
the story checks out.

I managed to track down
the victim's nephew,

and he said that wasn't the only tragedy

that his aunt suffered
while she lived there.

Mary was my aunt.

Uh, she married my uncle Nick.

They got married in 1937,

and here's a picture of their honeymoon.

Okay. So now, how did they wind up

on the property that
I'm investigating now?

- 1943, they bought the property.
- Okay.

And they lived there...

- Forever.
- Okay.

Until they passed away, yes.

Before we get to your aunt
Mary's accident in the house,

you mentioned that she
had some other tragedy.

What... what were you talking about?

Yes, uh, she lost her youngest son

which was, uh, Nick, Jr.

He was 35 years old.

He was k*lled in a motorcycle accident.

He was... he hit a guard rail.

And, uh, he was decapitated.

Geez. When did this happen?

Uh, it happened in 1973.

Can we talk about your aunt's accident?

Ah, yes.

My aunt was 95 years old.

- It happened in 2003.
- Okay.

My uncle Nick had already
passed away in 2001.

But she was alone,
living in the house by herself.

Apparently, she fell
down the basement step.

She laid there for three days,
uh, just barely alive.

The mailman noticed that
the mail was backing up,

and the neighbors would knock on the door.

So eventually, they called the police,
and they came in.

And when they got into the house,

they found her at the foot of the steps

in the basement barely alive.

Here is her obituary.

So this poor woman basically
laid there for three days.

Yes. One or two days after that,

she had passed away,

probably from her injuries from the fall.

What the hell?

I'm seeing a thing that looks
like a half-man, half-wolf.

It's growling. Grrr.

It doesn't seem human.

Um, it does something to the human body

when it's around.

It almost makes you lose your footing.

So it almost, like,

debilitates a person, makes you dizzy.

Fall down... likes to make you fall down.

And then, it does something to the heart

so it can take this energy
from the human heart.

So you feel very, very weak.

But its intention is not to k*ll.

Um, it likes to keep, like, a stash.

So far,
I've got a family living in fear

and a previous owner that d*ed
after falling down the stairs.

But I still need to see
if there's anything else

that can help my case.

Searching through old records,
I find Thomas Struthers,

who is one of the original
owners of Joan's property.

Turns out he suffered a
lot in his time there,

losing not one but two adult children.

I'm on my way to meet
with a local historian

who promised to look into it for me.

This guy, Thomas Struthers,

what's his connection with the
property I'm investigating?

Well, he was born on your
client's property in 1803,

and his father was Captain John Struthers,

the founder of the city.

And then, when he turned 17 in 1820,

he went to college, became an attorney.

And in 1831 he got married to Eunice Eddy.

Okay, so now, I know from the research

I did that he lost two adult kids.

- Yes, he did.
- What was the story with that?

Here is the family portrait.

That's Thomas and Eunice.

And then, this is Thomas, Jr.,

and that's Anna.

In 1871, Thomas, Jr.

Contracted typhoid fever at the age of 27.

He was having dinner that night,

said he didn't feel well.

And by 4:00 a.m., he was dead.

What a shame. Okay.

So now, what about Anna's death?

In 1880, she ended up getting severely ill.

She dies of what they call consumption,

and she was 32 years old.

Okay. So, when does Thomas die?

Thomas dies in the year of 1892.

He was 89 years old.

The doctor guy, he's very dramatic.

How... how he expresses
himself is direct and honest.

I think he is a perfectionist.

I think he d*ed from a heart att*ck.

So there's something a little weird.

So the doctor guy is talking about Ed Gein,

who was a serial k*ller.

And I think when his mom d*ed,

that's when he went crazy.

And he... he would k*ll people,
and he would, like,

use their skin to make [bleep] stuff.

There's something with this,
and it's really agitating me.

During my research,
one other thing caught my attention...

Three chopped-up bodies
found in rail road box cars.

And the train's last stop

was less than a mile from
John and Joan's house.

Now, this may be a long sh*t,

but I've reached out to
a local police captain

so he can tell me all
about this unsolved crime.

Cap, thanks for meeting me.
I appreciate that.

Reason I called you is
because of the article

I came across about the
three chopped-up bodies

in the box cars.

Were they found here in Struthers?

No, they were found in Pennsylvania.

Um, but it was determined
that they had been

sitting in our Struthers
yard for several months.

And I'm pretty close to
my client's property.

It's less than a mile from here.


Okay. Take me through what happened.

May 3, 1940,

rail road inspectors ran
across a rail road car.

And when they opened it up,
they found a mutilated body.

The body was cut up into
seven different pieces.

They immediately then called
the police department, you know,

to start an investigation.

This was the first box car
where they found the first body.

So, the bodies weren't together

when they found the first one?

No... no, they weren't. Three box cars

down from the first one,
they found a second body.

He was stripped down naked,

and there was the word "n*zi"
carved into his chest.

They also determined it was a large amount

of blood near the body,

and they determined that that victim

was m*rder*d in that box car.

The victim was a James
David Nicholson, okay?

He was originally from Chicago.

Moved down the line a little bit farther.

And by that picture,
they found a third body,

which they determined to be a female.

She was also mutilated
similar to the first body

that they found.


The dead lady who hates men is
dragging herself up the stairs.

What the [bleep] happened to her ass?

Is this before she d*ed?

The angry woman is showing me the events

that led up to her death.

And it's incredibly gruesome.

Someone is after her.

She's trying to get away.

Oh, she's frickin' [bleep]

She's young, um, 30, 40 maybe.

She hasn't been dead that long.

You know, 50 years.

Her head is pounding.
Her heart is pounding.

I feel like she's losing blood.

Someone is on her.

I think it's a male.

I don't feel very well.

She can't breathe. She can't breathe.

She's talking about her neck got broken.

So, what do we know about the victims?

They were all vagrants.

So this guy was going
after people that nobody

- really cared about.
- Yeah.

I mean, this screams
serial k*ller, obviously.

We determined it might be part

of what they called The
Mad Butcher of Cleveland...

- Okay...
- which was an ongoing investigation

of a serial k*ller.

Did they put a number on...

as to how many he might have k*lled?

There's been said it's been upwards of 50.

These victims they credit as
being number 22, 23 and 24.

Did they ever have any evidence

or any clue who might have did this?

One thing that was all
similar to all the bodies

was how precise it was done.

They said the person that did this

really knew what he was doing.

- So either a doctor or a butcher.
- Yeah.

Did they ever bring anybody
in to question them?

I believe they brought several people in,

but they were never able
to pin this on anybody.


More of the messed-up
dead people are over here.

There's a handful of them

just kind of gauging the amount
of body parts and whatnot.

They were struggling and struggling.

And then, it ended like this,
so it's, like, all [bleep]

We had [bleep] lives.

And then, we d*ed in a horrible way,

and it sucks.

And I am seeing, maybe, a rail road.

Like, I'm hearing that.

So I don't know if it was a train accident.

I don't know if they were on the train.

It doesn't seem like they were on it.

Whatever it was,
it was not handled properly at all.

And that's why these
people are not at rest.

They're freaking out. They're upset.

That's what I'm hearing,
is the right people need to pay.

I saw several dead people during my walk,

but the mutilated bodies
surrounding the living woman

had me the most concerned.

It was in the basement.

What she saw was all of
these people on the floor,

crawling towards her.

Some of them were missing limbs,

some of them, it was just their head.

They were all mutilated.

Bloody, pretty gory.

Is that what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our findings

to each other and our
clients for the first time.

Amy, you're looking at a couple in crisis.

Um, this is John and Joan.

They live here with their two kids.

This is Dalton, who is 13.

This is Delani,
who will be turning 17 very shortly.

Now, everybody in the house

is having experiences except for John.

And that's causing a little bit of tension

within their relationship.

Joan called us in because she's
scared for herself and the kids

and for her marriage.

She wants to know what the hell is here

and how to get rid of it.

So now that Amy knows a little
bit about what's going on here,

I'm gonna ask her to
tell us about her walk.


When I got here, I saw a lot of people

that were mutilated.

They were, like, chopped up or something.

There was, like,
moaning and crying going on.

And then, this woman kind of,
as much as she could,

put herself back together.

One of the things that she told me

was that they had had awful lives anyways.

And then, they d*ed horribly.

And then, I was seeing train tracks.

I also got a lot of anger
from these people,

and they were saying how what
happened was not their fault

and that the proper people
have to, uh, pay for it.

That's some pretty interesting
stuff you uncovered.

I did some research on a case.

Back in May of 1940,

a group of rail road
workers in Pennsylvania

found a badly decomposed and mutilated body

in a rail road car.


So, when the inspectors
went out to the box car,

they found a body that was chopped up

- into seven pieces...
- Mm.

That was wrapped in a burlap bag.

And they found two more
victims in separate box cars.

Now, you may be wondering why
I'm telling you about bodies

that were discovered in Pittsburgh.

These trains had been in
Struthers for several weeks,

and they're pretty sure that the
bodies were here decomposing.

That rail road yard is less
than a mile from your house.

Now, they believe this
was the work of a guy

they call the Cleveland Butcher.

- Okay.
- This guy was never caught,

and they're pretty sure
he k*lled up to 50 people.

Now, you said the... the...
the victims said

- they had terrible lives, right?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, these were all hobos and...

and basically street people
that were being m*rder*d.

I got one of the police reports.

And one of the other clues
was the precision of the cuts.

They thought it may have been a doctor.

To this day, this case is still open.


- Interesting.
- Okay.

So this is what you might have seen.

Well, I might have been duped again.

I'm pissed. Okay.

What do you mean?

The first guy that I
really was involved with,

he was extremely articulate,
very well educated.

He stated that he was a doctor.

At first, I kind of had an...
an affinity for him.

But that began to change when
he started acting strangely.

When I was outside with
the mutilated woman,

he looked at her.

And then, he, like, went like, "Ah,"

which I thought was very
strange at the time.

But now that I think about it,

something definitely was off about him.

And now I'm just realizing.

Holy [bleep]

And then, I went up to the
back bedroom upstairs.

That's Delani's room, I think.

He thinks that room is his office.

He doesn't want any living
people in his space.

It really agitates him.

And then, I did see that he
would possibly be seen as,

like, a shadowy figure.

Explain to Amy how she sees
a dark shadow in her room.

She'll be laying in bed.

And sometimes, she'll look at her doorway,

- and he'll be standing there.
- Okay.

She has seen him multiple times.

The scratches Delani has.

I got a photo here I want to show you.

This is on her lower back.

- You took this photo, correct?
- Yeah.

Oh, my gosh.

Could this doctor do that to her?

I think it's possible, yeah.

So, what else did you see?

I went out into the backyard,

and I saw this weird dead person.

He was, like, half-man and half-wolf.

He does feed off the
energy of the human heart.

It's almost like a battery to him.

So he gets, like, charged up.

He likes to make people become, like, numb,

so they lose their legs
kind of out from under them.

Um, and that way, it disables them.

They'll fall down, and
he can try to, like,

get as much energy from the heart.

But his goal isn't to k*ll anybody

because that's his, like, food source.

You might as well tell her, Joan,

what happened to you with the stairs.

The first time I fell down the stairs,

my legs went out from under me.

The second time, I was pushed.


Four years ago, she had a heart att*ck.


Oh, yeah.

I was down in the basement,
and I felt like I...

I couldn't breathe.

And it just felt like the life
was getting sucked out of me,

and I couldn't get up.

Oh, my gosh.

How come you didn't tell me about that?

I didn't know that that would have anything

- to do...
- Right.

With what was going on with the house.

Nobody knew.

Nobody but him and my kids.

Did you ever have any heart
issues before you moved here?

- No.
- No.

I knew it.

The interesting part is that
Joan isn't the only person

to take a bad fall down those steps.

The previous homeowner,
a woman named Mary Vlosich,

she was 95 years old.

And in 2003, the neighbors
noticed that she wasn't around

and her mail was not being taken in.

So, when the police finally came,

uh, they found Mary Vlosich at the bottom

- of the basement staircase...
- Wow.

Where she laid for almost three days.

This is her obituary.

She d*ed a couple days later

from the injuries that she
sustained during the fall.

Now, she's 95. You figure, all right.

She... she fell.

But I talked to the nephew.

Apparently, even at that age,
she was independent and sharp.

I just find it interesting that she falls

down the same staircase
that you fall down twice.



You still skeptical?

My wheels are turning.

There's another person that I encountered,

and this woman is the one

who is causing the most problems here.

She was crawling up the stairs.

I saw a lot of blood.

Then, when she was up in the hallway,

I saw that somebody broke her neck,

and that is probably what k*lled her.

Her m*rder*r was a male.

And now she really dislikes men a lot.

She expressed the desire for,
you know, all men to die.

But then, I went down to the basement,

and she, uh, was there.

And she's very focused on a living woman.

Um, there's some kind of attachment there.

And what the dead woman is actually doing

is trying to jump you,

which is trying to take over your body.

But she's also very bad at it.

So this can cause, uh, you to be sick.

It can cause cellular issues,
possibly causing tumors.

Oh, God.

I've been in the hospital how many times?

Five, six.

Nobody can figure out what's
going on in your ribs.

The only answer that we ever get is,
it's all inflamed.

All her ribs are inflamed.

Or her gall bladder is inflamed.

Her intestines are inflamed.

But they'll shrug their shoulders,
don't know.

The pain is just so bad.

I told my husband.
I said, "All's I want to do

is just have another heart
att*ck and be done with this.

I can't do it no more."


So the... the other thing is,

any time the dead woman was
around the living woman,

it would trigger her to open and,
like, see things.

Like what?

So I had a sketch done

of what I think she sees when she's in bed.

Are you ready for this?

So I had a sketch done

of what I think she sees when she's in bed.

Are you ready for this?

She's woken up and seen
shadows around her bed.

And I've been telling you,
"This house is making me sick,

and I hate the basement."

I've been telling you, "It's the house.

It's the house. It's that [bleep] house."

Why are they around my bed?

What do they want? They want help.

What I've seen is when
someone kills someone

and they're still alive,

those people that that person m*rder*d wait.

They're always around that person.

When that person dies,
the victims are there.

Waiting on the person who k*lled them.


So it's my belief that
this dead woman is here

because you have abilities.

And that's what attracted her to you.

Unfortunately, this dead woman, I believe,

was a victim of this serial-k*lling doctor.

And due to that, um,

she has this attachment to him
as well as many other victims.

So they're all webbed together.

So what the dead lady would like to do

is take over your body

so that she can be essentially alive again.

What would she be able
to do if she did that?

There would be aggressive behavior,

towards the men in the household.

She would probably try to t*rture the men

in the household.

You know, she wants men to die.

Well, after our investigation,
we learned two things.

You're not crazy,

and you and your son may be in danger.

But we still haven't
answered the big question.

Can you get whatever is here the hell out

and live a normal life
with your family again?

For that, I'm going to turn
it over to my partner, Amy.

The situation here is
that it's not the house.

It's the unfortunate proximity
to some of these murders.

I want an individual

who is a male and who practices witchcraft

to do a ritual to push out the dead.

And then, I want him to do a blessing.

So once the witch comes in
and pushes the dead out,

where are they going to go?

They're going to go
outside of the perimeter.

They want the doctor to be brought forward

and to pay for what he did to them.

Now, of course, him being deceased,

the only way that he
can kind of pay for this

and they can find vindication

is that the public knows
this person was in fact bad.

After that, I want the witch
to take this tar water

and take a dropper

and put one drop in the
center of each room,

then to go outside and do the
perimeter of the property.

And just a drop every,
you know, several feet.

No dead are going to
come in and bother you.

So, once the witch comes in and does this,

she'll feel better?

Oh, yeah.

All the stuff that...

The shadow figures they're seeing?


Sounds like you're going to be okay.

He wasn't believing,
and I thought I was going crazy.

This is happening to her.

You have to respect that
and just be compassionate.

Just be there with love.

At the same time,

you have to respect that and be like,
"That's who he is.

He's not having this experience.

He can't see what I'm going through."

So, you have to meet in the middle.

When I'm up all night

being agitated sometimes by this

and I don't sleep all night

and I'm thinking I'm crazy at the time,

just tell me it's going
to be okay and just...

just hug me, and that's it.

I... I know you don't understand
because you don't see it.

I know that, but just believe
me because I'm your wife.

I do. I believe you.

Just believe... you believe me now.

No. I've always believed you.

Are you going to contact a
male witch and get this done?

Absolutely, I am.


I mean, whatever it takes.
Because, I... I mean,

I want everything back the way it was.

With all of the dead
inside this location,

Joan and John have their
work cut out for them.

But I believe that if they work together,

they'll be able to free
themselves of the evil

that's tormenting their family.
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