05x12 - Living Nightmare - Flint, MI

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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05x12 - Living Nightmare - Flint, MI

Post by bunniefuu »

He has oftentimes tried
to destroy this house.

This is not her house.

He's a very violent person.

It's like it's taking,
you know, over her life.

- What did the voice says?
- "Leave."

Her family was haunted.

This is not good.

There's a lot of chaotic energy,
and he'll flip out.

She's not okay.

She's a disaster.

"You're mine. You can't escape."

My name is Amy Allan.

What's happening?

I see dead people.

It seems like a devil.

I speak to dead people.

He's pissed off.

And they speak to me.

I felt real fear.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

I think she's being m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York
City homicide detective.

Serial k*ller pops in my head.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

Nobody believes me.

It's my job to reveal them.

- Do you think there's still bodies there?
- I do.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

You got problems, I got news for you.

When we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

This is our house...
whether they like it or not.

Or time to get out.

This is their house, the house of the dead.

I'm back in Flint, Michigan.

I got a call from a local sheriff

who's literally scared for his mom's life,

and he's not talking about street crime.

He says there's something in the house

that's really trying to hurt her,

and he has no idea how to fight it.

Hopefully, Amy and I can help him out.

Before Amy arrives,

I look for any leading information.

This house is filled with
photos and religious symbols.

Once they're covered or removed,

the location will be
ready for tonight's walk.

As soon as we pulled into the neighborhood,

I feel horribly ill, dizzy, nauseous,

panic, and this anxiety

because of whatever happened here.

It definitely is very present,

and my head is like [bleep] k*lling me,

like, all the back of my
head is just k*lling me.


Well, Ryan, I'm glad to be here,

especially knowing you're a fellow cop.

- You called because of your mom.
- Yes.

And she's going through
some tough times here.

Correct. My mom lives here alone.

She's had multiple things happen here,

and it just seems to
have gradually escalated,

and she told me that every
night something occurs,

whether it's a noise, seeing apparitions,

stuff getting thrown,

feeling like something's
standing at the end of her bed,

something getting in the bed with her.

I know my mom.

If she says something's going on,

I know something's legitimately going on.

Now, how long has she been here?

Seven years.

Did you ask her to move?

No, because I know she couldn't.

times aren't the best for anybody.

So, let me ask you another question,

what do you think is going on in this house?

According to the neighbors,
somebody passed away in here.

- Okay.
- Previous owner.

And I think it's probably him.

I don't know much about it,

but I could've researched
what exactly happened here,

obviously being in law enforcement...

- Right...
- a lot more than I did.

And I guess that's because I
didn't really want to know.

Now, it's got to be tough for you

knowing your mom's here alone.


I mean, she's not comfortable in her house.

You want to be comfortable
when you come home from work.

You want to feel safe. She doesn't.

If my mom's not comfortable in her house,

I don't feel comfortable
bringing my wife who's pregnant

and my baby in this house.

There is definitely something here.

Oh, there's something wrong
with the [bleep] tree.

What do you mean?

Very bad things have happened.

Several people have been injured.

I feel like a kid got hurt,

like, I'm actually seeing these
weird things in the trees.

They're walking around, breaking branches.

I don't know if they're dead
people or something else.

They definitely can shape shift.

What's gonna scare you is
what they're gonna show you.

Yeah. There's some creepy [bleep]

Now, Ryan,
why'd you bring me into this bedroom?

Well, this is where I stayed
for the couple of months

that I lived here with my mother,

and this is where the situation occurred

that started making me look into, you know,

exactly what was going on here.

Okay, what happened?

Well, I was sleeping,

and then the next thing I know,
woke up for 15 seconds.

I was pinned down in my bed,

and it was like I was paralyzed.

I couldn't do anything.

And I saw him holding me down.

He was right in my face laughing,

like, "I'm doing this to you,

and you can't do anything about it."

Okay, were you dreaming?


I mean, I was clear-minded.
I knew where I was at.

Now, Ryan, after experiencing what you did,

and knowing what your mom's going through,

I mean, that's got to have you worried

that every night she comes
into the house alone.

This is not her house.

What the hell?

I'm seeing, like, this guy.

He's, like, a big guy...

built, tough... and he's naked,

and he has, like, a crust all over his body.

He told me that he was
a convict and a felon.

He definitely acts out a lot.

The man does not like anyone in here.

Anybody in here is gonna get it.

And I do see him, like, coming up

and, like, you know, just, like, bam!

Bam! Over and over and over and over.

He pretty much hated any...
everyone when he was alive,

and he hates everybody now.

I think he's even lifted the bed.

To the living,

it kind of looks like a big,
black shadow entity,

you know, like,
just looming and just [bleep] going nuts.

Now, Cyndi, you're Dawn's younger sister.


Now, you know your sister better
than anybody, I would think.

Have you seen any change in her?

Yes. A lot.

- In what way?
- It's this home.

It's like it's taking,
you know, over her life,

like a man takes over a woman's life...

- Right. Right...
- controlling man.

And it doesn't want her to go anywhere.

Okay, so, now,
the obvious question I'm gonna ask you is,

have you had any experiences
while you've been here?

Yes, I have.

Well, Dawn and I were down here,

and I was standing, like, with my back

towards the fire burner,

and I feel like a quick tug on my shirt.

Did you get caught up on anything?

Were you moving or were
you standing next to...?

No, I was in the middle of the room.

That's strange.

Anything else?

A couple months ago, I thought I saw a man

standing at the bottom of the stairs.

- Of these stairs?
- Yes.

Like, watching me come in.

Okay, what did it look like?

It was just a shadow of a man.

It was so dark, I couldn't see through it.

I don't like it being here right now.

Now, Dawn's here alone.

I'm curious what your opinion is

as to whatever's here wants from her?


Her. Meaning?


- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

All right.

- Sorry.
- It's okay.

That's your sister.

Seeing that convict, this is his area.

Oh, he's pretty physical,

like, he's pretty... a solid person.

I think they do feel him pulling people,

like, grabbing their arms,
like, "Get over here!"

or "I'm trying to talk to you!"

He's like, "I'm good. I can do this."

He has oftentimes tried
to destroy this house,

and then the walls won't be
able to hold him anymore.

How does he try to do that?

Well, he was showing me
with the oven and the gas...

Yeah, like,
I wouldn't want to be down here with that.

And he was [bleep] around with gas.

So, I talked to your son.
I talked to you sister.

They're worried about you.

Yeah. I'm not as outgoing
and as happy as I used to be.

I'm just getting so used to things going on

that it's just, like,
"Oh, it happened again,"

or I hear a noise, and it's like,
"Okay, it's in here."

So, do you think that whatever's
here is controlling you?


Your son don't want to
bring his family here.

And I just feel like whatever's here

enjoys that, that way I'm by myself.

I feel watched.

I'm not alone.

I'm just with it, whatever's here.

Now, knowing you've had experiences

throughout the house,
is there any place you can show me?

Sure. Yeah. Okay.

I don't spend time down here
'cause it gives me the creeps.

What's going on?

Well, I've heard a voice.

So, what did the voice say?

It said, "Leave."

I left very quickly.

Could you tell if it was
a male or a female voice?

To me, it sounded like a man.

Was it threatening?

Yeah, to me, it felt threatening,

when somebody tells you
to leave your own home.

Anything else?

I was coming in from the garage,

I heard a squeaky noise, and I looked down,

and I see my basement door opening.

There was no wind, nothing,

and I saw it open halfway, it stopped.

And I just ran out in the front
yard and called my sister.

- Nobody was in the house, I assume?
- No.

Now, I notice that you're
visibly more nervous

talking inside the house here.

Oh, very nervous.

I normally don't talk about it in the house,

because I feel as if when I do,

there's gonna be more activity at night.

Okay, so you feel us talking
about this inside the house

is gonna make things worse here?

Oh, definitely tonight.

So, I'm seeing a big guy.

One thing that he likes to do,
you know, like, slamming doors.

He'll flip out and he'll, like, throw a fit,

and, like, you know, bashing himself,

like, full body, like, into the walls.

And that's something that
the living would experience?

Yeah. Yes.

There's a lot of chaotic energy.

He's very good at, like,

throwing his [bleep] on other people.

Like, in life he could hit them, you know,

in death he can be as physical as he can be

so, like, "Feel that. Take that. Feel that."

He's really, really good at that.

This is a storage room, I guess, right?

This is my storage room.

I only come in here when I
need to get something out.

What the hell is this?

Well, one day I came in,

and I keep a bouquet of flowers in this box.

Okay. And when I came in,

one single flower from that bouquet

was in the middle of the floor.

So, could have somebody come
down here and moved the flower?

No. Nobody comes into the house.

So, what's with the frames?

It's Christian,
and I just felt safer putting them there.

When did this happen,
a week... like, a couple days ago?

No, it's been at least three years.

It's been like this for three years?

Yeah, at least three years.

And you've left it here on the floor?

I left it on the floor.

And if I ever come down
here to get something,

I just walk around it.


And what do you think the
meaning of the flower was?

That whatever's here,

it's wanted me to accept the flower.

And I said right out loud,

"I am not accepting this flower.
I'm leaving it right here."

A woman is crying a lot down here.

I think she's not okay.

Mentally, she's not okay.

She's a disaster.

Very thin.

She's decaying,

and it hurts also in the back of the neck.

It hurts.

Ahh, and she said... Ow!

Man, it hurts really [bleep] bad.

Oh, my god.

I don't know how old she is, mid-20s maybe.

Very depressed all the time.

How would the living experience that?

They would feel her.

They would feel a lot of stress.

They would feel her get into bed with them,

sleeping there, talking to them,

touching, caressing, like petting almost,

like petting them, and snuggling,

like, trying to snuggle up.

She wants a mom and a dad.

This is a very active room.

Okay. What's going on?

I was sleeping on my back,

and something leaned
over and gave me a kiss,

like it was a goodnight kiss.

Not in a romantic way?

Not in a romantic way at all.

Anything else going on in here?

When I'm sleeping,

it will come and sit down on the bed,

and I wake up because I can feel something

going down on the bed... Okay.

As if someone's sitting down on the bed.

I just can't move.

I'm trying everything, and I can't move.

I've tried ignoring it

I guess I can't ignore it anymore.

I want my granddaughter to
be able to spend the night.

Doing these investigations

for as long as I've been doing them now,

everything you're describing to me,
this is not good.

I'm glad your son called when he did.

You know,
putting your head in the sand doesn't help.

Look, I've done it for what?

It's almost six years now.

Well, I hope you know that I
believe what you're telling me.

Thank you.

The depressed girl likes it in here a lot.

This is her bed... her bedroom.

She comes here.

She likes to sleep on that side.

She would like to just
stay up here all the time,

but she can't.

She goes from the basement to here.

She'll walk down the hallway,

and I think that people have
seen her walking in the hallway.

But when the living come,
she hangs on to them.

Yesterday Ryan told me

he thought somebody passed
away at his mom's home,

so I made a few calls,
and it turns out it's true.

I'm on my way back to Dawn's place

to meet the previous owner,

who tells me her husband died unexpectedly

right inside the house.

Let me ask you a question.

Are you a little sad being back here?

Just feel kind of funny.

Funny? I feel like crying.

How long did you guys live here for?

We lived here a couple of years.

Do you remember the
years that you were here?

I think maybe around 2003.

He passed away in 2005.

He died in the house?

He died in the master bathroom.

Was it sudden?

Yeah. Very sudden.

He was 52, I believe.

- Okay.
- I didn't find him right away.

I was bringing in some of the groceries,

and I thought it strange

that he wasn't out there helping me.

It was just a little unnerving

when I kept calling his name...


And he never responded.

I'm sorry to bring this up.

It's okay. Okay? Yeah?

- You okay?
- Yeah.

You sure? All right.

I know this is tough,

and I really appreciate you helping me.

Thank you.

What did he do for a living?

He was a career soldier, 231/2 years.

This is a picture

when my husband came home from the Gulf w*r.

What kind of guy was he?

He was very fun-loving,
he liked to be the clown.

Go to family reunions.

This is one photo that we had taken,

I believe it was on one of
our anniversaries in Hawaii.

That's where we were stationed.

I miss him a lot still.

- I got to ask you an odd question.
- Okay.

When you did live here,

did you ever have anything happen here

that you experienced that you can't explain?

Mm-hmm. Yes.

- You did.
- Definitely.

I always felt somebody was staring at me.

After he died,

I could really feel like
maybe he was the one.

You think maybe he was here

right after he died in the house?

I think so. Just for a little while.

It was a good feeling with that.

I feel like there is another shadow entity,

like, crawling down the hallway.

It's, like, really fast.

In military they train you,

like that movement when they're crawling.

It's, like, nighttime,
somebody looking down the hall

is seeing this thing
coming at them like this.

He's confused about where he is.

That's why I say military,
'cause it's almost like

he's doing tactical assessing, you know?

Like he doesn't know he's in a house.

Do you know if he
interacts with the living?

I saw this kid seeing a shadow person

crawling down the hallway.

Was in a crib.

Probably two or three years old.

in just about every investigation,

I reach out to a local historian

to see if they know anything
about my client's property.

I just got a call from a local archivist

who says he hit pay dirt.

It seems the original owner
of Dawn's land suffered a lot.

I'm heading over to meet with him now

to see what he found out.

Now, you mentioned on the phone

that the original owners
of my client's property

had a rough go of it.

What do you know about them?

The Utley family came here
around 1848 from New York State.

More than likely, they're Methodist.

John came out here with his wife,
Lydia, and their four children.

Well, you mentioned they had
a tragic time on the land,

what'd you mean?

Well, they had 16 grandchildren
between the three sons.

And six of them died fairly
young, before age 15.

- That's a lot.
- That's quite a few.

We do know that they had a set of twins,

a boy and a girl,
and they died at age one day,

no cause of death listed.


And then a grandson, Clarence,

who died at 15 years, 5 months from dropsy.

All right. What about the other three?

We have no idea.
They all died before death records.

Well, that's a lot of tragedy
for just one family.

Those weren't the only deaths.

The one daughter-in-law died at age 41.

Now, Michael,
you mentioned the original owners

were John and Lydia.

Now, what winded up happening to them?

Lydia died in 1861. She was in her 60s.

Then John dies, 1874. He's 86.

We're talking about a lot of tragedy here.

Talking about six grandchildren,
a daughter-in-law,

and John and Lydia all
dying on the property.

Yes, in a short period of time.

I see this little woman.

She's, like, very motherly...

and very nurturing.

She is thrilled that this is happening,

which is strange, because she's religious.

I want to say that she's Christian.

She's excited that we're here.

I think she had several sons.

She says that the family...
her family was haunted.

She thought, "Oh, it's a family curse."

I thought that they were demons

and that the family was for some reason

being haunted or tormented by these things

through the generations.

She was just hoping and praying

that it wouldn't happen to her sons,

but now, you know, and now she feels bad,

because it did, and it is,
and it's not gonna stop.

I've already uncovered 10 people

who died on Dawn's property,

eight of them way too young,

but I still need to see
if there's anything else

that might help my investigation.

Searching through the archives,

I find one of Flint's most
notorious criminals...

Tommie Nesbitt.

Turns out he lived right next
door to my client's property.

I don't know if it's
gonna help my case or not,

but I got to know more about it.

I made some calls,
and reached a retired detective

who said he's gonna look into it for me.

So, Robert,
what were you able to find out

about this Tommie Nesbitt guy?

He apparently likes to be in jail.


He became a thief at the age of 12.

He was caught stealing from orchards

adjacent to his neighborhood.

I got to assume we're not sitting here

because this kid just stole fruit.

No. But the crimes increased and escalated.

By the time he was 13,

he was sent away to juvenile hall.

His first prison time was
for breaking into trains

and stealing mittens and gloves.

Once he got out of prison,
did he straighten out?

No. He continued to commit crimes.

In 1904,
Tommie robbed a hobo on one of the trains,

and the train was moving,
and during the robbery,

the hobo fell off the train

and eventually died from his
injuries that he received.

And he winds up in the fight,
throwing him off the train?


And Tommie was charged with robbery

and sent to Marquette
Prison for 5 to 25 years.

He told the justice

that he wanted to be a
world-class bank robber.

How much time does he wind up doing?

Seven years.

- Seven years.
- Yes.

All right, so do they parole him?

Well, his mother became sick at that time,

and when he was in prison he
learned he had tuberculosis,

or TB.

That was one of the
reasons they sent him home,

both his mother was sick and he was sick.

They spent a lot of time
talking about this kid,

like he was a real famous criminal here.

Well, he was famous.

Some of the articles referred to it as,

"Tommie's in jail again," or something,

but first name only.

So, what winds up happening to this guy?

Well, he came home.

And 30 days after that
or a month after that,

his mother died from her disease.

And in June of 1912, he died of TB.

So, this kid was just born bad, basically?

I would think so.

I'm seeing the big violent guy again.

This guy causes problems.

He said he's a convict and a felon,
and he has a g*n.

He's spinning the g*n.

And he's like, "Aw,
sometimes you got to play the game."

This big guy is the most advanced

and dangerous entity in the house.

I'm going back downstairs
to see if I can get

any more information about
what he was like in life.

He was a very violent person.

He was always carrying a g*n,

you know,
he always had to take care of business.

I encountered a lot of
dead people during my walk,

but the dead woman
interacting with the living

concerns me the most.

There's two people in the bed,
and then there's a dead female

who is in the bed in between them,

but she's kind of cuddling
the person to the left.

She has long hair. She's pretty thin.

She has dark circles under her eyes,

you know, sunken cheeks.

Is this what you saw?

Yes. That's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our findings

to each other and our
clients for the first time.

Well, Amy, I'd like you to meet Dawn.

This is her home. She lives here alone.

the reason we're here is 'cause her son Ryan

and her sister Cyndi are
really worried about her.

She actually thinks that
something in this house

is trying to take her sister's soul.

Now, when I spoke to Dawn,
it seems like she was in denial,

but the more I was talking to her,

the more I think she's ready

to face what's going on in this house,

and meet it head-on and fight it.

With that, I'm gonna have Amy tell us

about what she saw on her walk.

When I walked in the house,
I saw an elderly woman.

She is extremely religious.

She's very motherly, very nurturing.

She said that she had several sons,

that she was very proud of them.

But she did have a regret,

and that was not telling her sons

that she felt their family
was being haunted by demons.

And she didn't tell them

because she was praying that
it wouldn't affect them.

- It would go away.
- Right.

And she feels guilty because it ended up

that they too were seeing
and having experiences.

Well, the only woman that
comes even close to that

is the original owner of your property.

A woman named Lydia Utley.

She had several sons,

and she was a religious woman...
she was Methodist.

But there was some tragedy in her family.

I came across a whole bunch of death records

for the entire family.

- Wow.
- Uh-huh.

Now, the three sons that she did have

all lost two kids each on this property.

So she lost six grandchildren,

five of them under the age of three.

Now, one of the sons actually had a wife

who died at the age of 41.

His name was Asa.

They all died on the property,
the whole family did.

Oh, my gosh.

I encountered a male who was tall and thin,

and it seemed to me that he
seemed lost and confused.

Didn't really know he was, like, in a house.

And he was crawling down the hall,

and I think because of how he
was doing what he was doing,

he probably was military at some point.

And also, I do think that it's very possible

that the living might see
him as a shadow person.

I was hoping this wasn't gonna happen,

but you guys knew that the
previous homeowner died here.

His name was Ron.

I was able to talk to his wife
and actually meet her in person.

Patsy and Ron wind up moving
into your house in 2003.

Now, Ron wind up dying of
a massive heart attack

suddenly on December 17, 2005.

Amy, you mentioned he may be a military guy,

well, Ron wind up serving
23 years in the Army.

This is him here.

When I talked to her,
she felt that she was still here

'cause she stayed here
two years after he passed.

What do you think about this guy?

I never encountered him
here as a conscious entity.

So, he might have moved on then.

Now, you guys have theories about this guy,

so at least now you have an
answer about what the deal was.

So, what else?

When I was in the basement,
there was a male.

- He is a fairly big guy, bald.
- Oh, my gosh.

And he's very solid for a dead person,

and I saw him, like,
banging up against the walls,

like, just like throwing a fit.

So, I feel he can be a physical threat.

He doesn't want to be here anymore,

but he is trapped here.

Sometimes he'll be interacting
with a living person here.

So, like,
grabbing their arm or pulling them.

So, he gets physical in the basement?


Well, you've been tugged, right?

- Yes.
- Tell Amy about that.

Dawn was showing me her basement,

and I felt somebody grab
the back of my sweater

and tug on it.

And I turned around and
there was nothing there.

And I was in the middle of the room.

Now, tell Amy about the door incident.

I came home in the middle of the day,

and I heard a noise, the creaking noise,

and I looked down and saw
the basement door opening.

Didn't you see a shadow at
the bottom of the stairs?

I was coming in the back door,

and out of the corner of my eye I saw a man

standing at the bottom of
the stairs looking up at me,

like, waiting for me.

What did he look like to you?

He was just all... he was tall, big,

and he just stood there
like he was something,

- that, "I am here. I'm the boss."
- Mm-hmm.

When I was upstairs,

and I went into the guest bedroom,

he was pissed.

That's his area,

and he does not like anybody in there.

Basically, he said

that anybody who comes
in there is gonna get it.

I do see him, like, coming up

and, like, you know, just, like, bam!

Bam! Over and over and over and over.

I think he's even lifted the bed.

the one thing I didn't mention to you

is that Ryan here is actually a local cop.

Now, being that he's a cop,

I take his testimony a
little bit more seriously.

Why don't you tell Amy what happened

in the guest bedroom to you?

It was about a 10- to 15-second situation...


Where my hands were pinned...

All right... up like this.


He was looking at me, like,
"I can do this to you...

and I am doing this to you,
and I'm gonna do it to you."

- That sound like the guy?
- Yes.

Do you know anything about him,
like, when he was alive?

He told me that he was
a convict and a felon.

Extremely violent and angry person.

He kept showing me a g*n

that he always had on him,
never left his side.

And he kind of indicated to me

that he had done bad things with it.

One guy comes to mind.

I don't know if it fits or not,
but it's the guy

that lived right next door on your property.

This guy named Tommie Nesbitt.

Career criminal. He's all over the papers.

I mean, every cop in the town knew him.

He winds up doing burglaries on the trains

that went through here,
and then he robbed a hobo,

a bum, and in the fight on the train

he fell off the train,
and the guy wind up dying.

He went to jail for that,

but they didn't charge him with the m*rder,

they only charged him with the robbery.

Now, he wind up only doing seven years,

and they did pardon him,

but two of the reasons
were because he had TB,

and his mother was dying.

And when he was released,
he wind up coming back here,

living with his mom right next door.

Few months later he winds up dying of TB.

He died in 1912.

Kind of sounds like...

- Uh-huh...
- this guy.

You're not gonna sleep well tonight.

I haven't.
I don't sleep well most of the time.

- Anyways.
- I've been ignoring it,

just hoping it would go away on its own.

It's controlling her a little bit, I think.

He's my biggest concern.

He definitely does pose a real threat.

I mean, in a physical sense.

But he's fixated on getting out of here,

and he thinks that the only way to do that

at this point is that he
wants to destroy the house.

And what he was showing
me was gas line and fire.

He better hope I don't
pass away any time soon.

Anything else?

I went out into the backyard,

and as soon as I walked out there,

there were these really bad things

that would cause accidents and problems

and horrible things to happen to people.

And what I saw was, like,

all these, like,
kind of shapes in the trees and the brush.

They are shape-shifters,
so they will project themselves

in whatever manner will scare someone.

It's really bad.

They've caused a lot of accidents

to happen to people here.

Very bad things have
happened to people here.

could that explain some of the deaths...

the Utley's with their grandkids?

That's what I'm thinking.

Now, he won't bring his
18-month-old daughter here

or his wife who's pregnant now.

Yeah, no way.


These things,
they're capable of harming anyone.

And I know it's got to be
bothering you a little bit,

knowing what's here now.

Not a little bit, a lot.

I won't be
able to have Amore here.

So, I ended up going into the storage room.

Sitting there was this frail woman.

She... extremely depressed.

I think that you would feel
her stress and her sadness.

So, what she does is she tries to come

up to the master bedroom all the time.

She wants to snuggle in the bed.

She wants nurturing.

You know, I felt very much like
she was acting like a child.

Don't you feel people get on your bed?


But there's been times when I'm sleeping

and I feel someone sitting on my bed.

She's had a lot of experiences.

I mean, she's even had a kiss.

I just felt someone knelt down

and just gave me a kiss goodnight.

You never told me that.

Could that have been this girl trying to...


I did do a sketch of the
girl laying in the bed.

I did do a sketch of the
girl laying in the bed.

She looks very sad.

This looks like a male.

What I saw was a male and a female.


And her cuddling with the
mommy and daddy figure,

then she's doing with you, so...

How does that make you feel,
that you're not alone in bed?

Not good.

It's more than what I expected.

Well, Dawn, it's a good thing you have a son

that worries about you so much,

because if he didn't call us in when he did,

we don't know what would
have happened to you.

Question is, can you have a safe home

and make this the place you want to live in,

and live comfortably?

So, for that answer,
I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

For the things in the back,
they're some type of elemental,

and basically an elemental is a being

that never was in human form.

They're not supposed to be bad,

but I've encountered quite a few,

and I have seen them not be
good towards living humans.

So, I think that a shaman
should be brought in,

and having them do a ritual
to set up a permanent boundary

to keep those things at bay forever.

Then you could bring the kids over.

The second thing is to
have a psychic healer.

So, this person needs to come and go down

and talk to the girl in the storage room.

so this'll get this poor kid out of here.


So, now once that happens,
will Dawn start feeling any better?


You won't get no more sitting on the bed,

no more feeling depressed or isolated.

And then,
the third thing is hiring a male medium,

who's a tough guy, to come in,

and he is going to engage crazy guy.

He's going to, basically,
have to set this man straight,

and move him on.

The elderly woman,

once everything has been dealt with

and she doesn't feel like
there's a threat anymore,

she'll leave.

So, you got three major steps,

but at the end of all of it,
you have your house back.

I mean, do you feel better, Dawn?

I just didn't expect all this.

I'm just overwhelmed.
It's not a good feeling.

I feel better.
I mean, based upon what she said.

I mean, if it's fixable.

Something breaks and you can fix it.

That's the goal here,

is for you to be happy in your own home,

and for your grandchildren to come here

and him feel okay about coming here.

That is the goal.

Sorry, Mom,
that I haven't brought her over more.

You weren't paranoid.

You had a good reason,
but we're gonna fix it.

Dawn finally seems to understand

just how active and dangerous her home is,

but I believe if she follows my advice,

she'll be able to live a peaceful life,

where her family will
feel safe visiting her.
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