15x04 - Internal Affairs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x04 - Internal Affairs

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Well, that would seem like a good place to start.



Next week?

You remember I'm going away?

I think we've... established that I have abandonment issues, but, I think I'll survive.

Oh, I know you will.

Olivia, I...

I got you something to remind you of that.

What's this?

You said the one you used to wear was being held as evidence.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey, Groves.

You're late, Cassidy.

Another victim of NYPD's highway therapy?


Only today, I took the four train.

It only took me an hour to get into this place.

Rockaways to the Bronx for me.

That's how they punish you.

When you get on the job, no one tells you NYPD stands for "now you're persecuted daily."

[Shower running]

[Door slams]


You gotta hold on to this.

What is this?

Safety deposit key.

Where's it at?

You don't need to know that yet.

Anything happens to me, friend of mine will tell you where the box is.

You take what's in the box to the New York Times.

Are you serious, Groves?


Since I turned on them at the 12th, they've tapped my phones.

They're following me...

Hands up. Don't move.

[All shouting at once]

Cassidy, you're my witness!

Everything they say will be a lie!

Tase him, tase him!

You're my witness!

[Electricity crackling]


This place seemed...

Seemed bigger when it was empty.

We'll figure it out.


You okay?

Uh, yeah, I'm sorry. It's just a... it's a, uh, work thing.

Want to talk about it? You're allowed.

Mike Groves, cop on my shift, they came for him.

They tased him.

They hauled him off to Bellevue on a psych hold.

He just lost it?

Well, he was definitely acting paranoid, but then they did come for him.

Groves told me he was exiled to the Bronx for making noise about his former precinct, the 12th, for cooking their books.

Transferring the whistle blower, sure, but sending him to the rubber room?

Yeah, but then after the 12th got rid of him, he didn't get the hint.

So he goes to I.A.

So they drive him crazy, and then they send him to the psych ward.

I don't know. Maybe they... maybe they did it to discredit him.

Maybe Groves is actually crazy. I don't know.

But I feel like I should go to I.A.

And tell them what I saw.



Brian, they took your shield.

You sure you want to rattle that cage?

Yeah, but what if, like... what if Groves is telling the truth?

What, you're the only person in his life?

What... what... what about going to the P.B.A.?

Oh, come on, Liv. Seriously?

What? What, his lawyer?

His... his family?

Hey, Brian, for once in your life, take care of yourself.

[Whispers] And me.


[Indistinct chatter, phones ringing]

Hey, how was the move?


You know, I haven't had a roommate since the academy.

You would not believe how many T-shirts that man has.

You can winnow 'em down a few at a time.

He won't notice.

Morning, detectives.

What are you doing here?

Nice to see you too. Is your captain in?

Lieutenant Tucker, what brings you to S.V.U.?

Your office free, Captain?


You too.

I was just talking about you last night.

I'll bet.

But enough of the small talk.

I have a problem.

And I need your help.

I.A.B. needs S.V.U.'s help?

You gotta be kidding me.

It's not my dream either.

Here's what I can tell you.

We're looking at compstat issues in the 12th.

The 12th?

Some of the cops in the unit are losing complaints.

Yesterday, our key witness, who had been an officer in the precinct... forcibly institutionalized.

And medicated.

At the 12th's request? That's hardball.

Officially, he was deemed a danger to himself or others.

Tucker, what does this have to do with us?

Among the crime stats that saw a drop were sexual assaults.

Now, we've investigated a few, but our whistle-blower, whose credibility is now shattered, claims he knows a woman, Tanya Jenkins.

She reported a r*pe to him.

It was never entered into the complaint system.

I'm confused.

This is a complaint against Tanya Jenkins for assaulting a cabbie.

There may be more to it than that.

I need you to check it out.


This is from Christmas.

How long's I.A.B. been sitting on it?

Look, I'll do my job. You do yours.

She's a possible r*pe victim.

I thought you might be sympathetic to that.

I hope you told Tucker to shove that file where the sun don't shine.

Now, Rollins, that wouldn't be politic.

Tanya Jenkins, accused of as*ault, and some cop in a cuckoo's nest says she's a r*pe victim?

I.A.'s setting us up.

That's always a possibility.

Don't put words in the vic's mouth.

Just dot your "I"s and cross your "T"s.

We have all heard rumors about the 12th.

I mean, if somebody is covering up r*pes, they need to go down for it.

I don't like this already.

Well, that makes five of us.

Fin, Rollins, go talk to this cabbie.

Benson, Amaro, the woman.

And report to me.

For reasons that should be obvious, I'll middle with Tucker.

Wait, wait, hold up.

What do you... what do you mean?

You think that Cassidy went to I.A.?

Officer Groves, Tucker's witness...

Cassidy was with him when he got tased.

And the next day, Tucker just happens to come to S.V.U.?

Well, what does Cassidy say?

I can't get a hold of him.


Tucker knows you're living together?

You know what?

Take sixth.

Less traffic.

[Car door slams]

She's puking, says she has no money.

I threw her out.

She starts swinging at me.

The cops pulled up.

You file as*ault charges?

The two cops told me I should.

Said if she tried to accuse me of anything later, I could use it.

Okay, but a week later, you told the D.A.'s office that you wanted top the charges.

She didn't say anything.

I didn't want to go to court.

Cops arrest her?

I don't know.

I drove off. They dealt with her.

If this girl's accusing me of something now, she's lying.

The cab driver dropped the charges.

Besides, it was my fault.

I had been drinking.

I'm going to meetings now.

Tanya, we're not here to talk to you as a suspect.

We need to know what happened to you that night.

You can tell them I said nothing happened.

It's all cool.

Tell who?

Look, I was confused.

I was wrong.

I was drunk, got in a fight with a cabbie, end of story.

Tanya, if you just...

I'm late for work.

I have to go.

Tell them that nothing happened.

Well, something happened that night.


But she was obviously drunk.

If the case is a dog, and you're trying to keep stats down...

Well, then you tell her that she'll be charged with as*ault to get her to drop the whole thing.

Meanwhile, if she was r*ped, then he's still out there.

West and Quinn... were the responding officers that night.

Any chance they'll be straight with us?

Lieutenant, we're looking at this cabbie for a string of sexual assaults.

He filed a complaint against a woman here last December, maybe trying to blame the vic.

She was drunk.

Yeah, a lot of nightclubs around here.

Weekends are a zoo.

All right, here it is.

Cabbie filed, wouldn't testify.

D.A. dropped it.

Okay, well, maybe she said something to the responding patrolmen about the cabbie?

West and Quinn?

Well, you can talk to 'em. Tour's about to start.

Oh, great.

West! Quinn!

Detectives Benson and Amaro, S.V.U.

Hey, how you doing?

Good, how you doing?

You remember a cabbie fighting with a woman around Christmas?

The holidays? Maybe a dozen.

Tanya Jenkins.

Mid-20s, red hair, fair skin.

Oh, yeah.

She was a friggin' mess.

Threw up all over herself and the cab.


Well, the cabbie's name came up, other complaints.

Do you remember Tanya saying anything about him being a little hands-y?

To tell you the truth, we weren't really looking at him.

I mean, she was drunk and disorderly.

He was the complainant.

So you brought her in that night?

These binge drinkers, we kind of have a catch-and-release policy around here.

I tell my guys to just try and make sure that they get home safe.

You mean you took her home?

Well, she wasn't going to make it on her own.

Easy prey, hot and sloppy.

The cabbie had her address.

Is there any chance he went back?

Who knows? Maybe.

But I tell you, this girl, she was so wasted, there's no way she'd remember anything that happened.


So you think these unis buried a r*pe.

Look, something happened to Tanya that night, but she's been pressured into denying it.

The responding officers went out of their way to say she was too drunk to make a credible witness.

They also wanted us to know that they drove her home that night.

Any chance it was the cabbie?

None. I tracked his fares.

He had an airport run right after the cops took Tanya.

Then he sat at JFK till he caught a fare to Westchester.

Okay, let's check the 911 calls, compare them to the precinct log, see if somebody called in a sexual as*ault that somehow dropped out.

Hey, Rollins, why don't you and I check those 911 calls?

I can stay.

No, no.

You just moved in. Go home.

Besides, might be good to catch up with Cassidy.

[Cell phone beeps]

Oh, you're finally home.

Yeah, sorry.

It was a bitch of a day at the courthouse.

Yeah, must've been, 'cause I kept calling you.

I know. I tried calling you back, and we just kept missing each other.

This place looks great.

Thank you.

What's up?

Tucker came into the squad today.

Turns out your friend Groves was on to something at the 12th.

Did you go to Tucker about it?

No. I didn't go to him.

But Tucker came to me.


Yeah, tonight.

That's why I was late.

He wants me to go undercover for him at the 12th.

What did you say?

I said no way.

You don't trust him, right? I don't trust him.

What does he want with S.V.U.?

Well, it looks like two officers from the 12th coerced a sexual as*ault vic into dropping the charges.

So we're working the case.

Hold on a second. Let me get this straight.

It's okay for you to work I.A., but not me?

[Cell phone jingles]

I gotta go.

What, now?

It's, uh, this r*pe case.

Rollins. She just found something.

Sorry, I'll be back soon.


Okay, sorry to drag y'all back in.

No, you're not. That's your thing.

We checked the 911 calls, okay?

There's no assaults, but there are two pretty bogus-sounding calls made from payphones...

A homeless man and a noise complaint, both made from Tanya's block.

Tanya's block? Who responded?

West and Quinn.

They gave 'em back as unfound.

But that puts them on her street.

For pretty much the whole night, yeah.

The apartment building next door had a security camera.

We got the video.

Good news.

Quinn and West weren't lying.

They did bring her home.

And bad news... they didn't just drop her off.

West went back in. Twice.

And this is the first time they go up.

15 minutes later, Quinn comes back down, waits in the car, leaving West up there for another half an hour.

All right, at 3:30, West and Quinn respond to the first 911 call.

West goes up for another hour.

5:00, second call, same payphone.

West goes up for another 40 minutes.

So the 911 calls were an excuse for West to go back up and Quinn to cover.

Groves, Tucker's key witness, told him that she reported her r*pe the next day.

Is there any record of that?

Yeah, precinct reception has her signing in 11:41, signing out 1:02.

No report of who she spoke with.

Well, somebody got her to k*ll the complaint.

Scared the daylights out of her.

Wait a minute. This is for I.A.

They go after cops.

Yeah, these aren't cops.

They're rapists.

They got their music cranked, treated the street like a mosh-pit.

Depending voice I.D., I'd say both calls were made by Officer Quinn.

We're looking at more than fixing stats here.

These guys are rapists.


All these tapes prove is official misconduct.

Tanya was assaulted that night.

Eight months ago. No r*pe kit.

She's drunk.

She's one reluctant, unreliable witness against two decorated cops.

She's not reluctant. She was intimidated.


Somebody at that precinct told her to keep her mouth shut, and now we need to find out who it was.

Just let me talk to Tanya and tell her that we're on her side.

Slow down.

All right, these officers find out they're suspects, they're gonna lawyer up.

So you're tying our hands.

No, all I'm saying is let's get our ducks in a row before we go hunting.

Detective Benson, walk me out, please.

[Door clicks open]

So that boyfriend of yours, even for a mick, he's thick.

Excuse me?

He's on court duty up in the Bronx.

He goes undercover for me, he gets his shield back.

Yeah, he mentioned that you brought that up.

Yeah, but he's tripping over himself with reasons why he can't do it.

Thinks there's bad blood between us.

There is.

So what?

This is a chance for redemption.

What does he have to do?

I get him transferred into the 12th.

He partners with West.

Builds trust. Gets an admission.

Maybe even catches these guys in the act.

And has to rat those guys out.

Thin blue-line crap from you?

These guys are rapists.

If it makes you feel any better, I will put you and Amaro on as his backup.

Listen, talk to Cassidy, all right?

Do you want him busting his hump in the Bronx courts until he breaks like Groves?

This is what I get for good stats?

They send me rookies, screwups, and burnouts...

No offense.

None taken.

Look, I know I gotta earn my way back in.

I appreciate the chance.


Yes, sir.

This is your partner.

Kenneth Parker.

I really appreciate the...

Save it.

Rookie, rule one: Just speak when spoken to, okay?

Let's roll.

West, your newbie: Brian Cassidy.

The guy who got busted with hookers.

He's trying to earn his way back into the department's good graces.

Accord him every courtesy.

You know, take my advice.

You get busted back to walking the beat your age, put in for your 20.

Nice to meet you too.

Yeah, let's go.

Rules: I decide where we patrol, when we stop to piss.

Got it?


And no personal talk.

I don't give a rat's ass about you or your kids.

Hey, same here.


That prostie you and your captain were banging...

She as hot as she looked?

Screw you. But yeah.

Cassidy's gonna have a hard time with this guy.

So... [grunts]

That partner of yours...

I'm not getting in the middle of something, am I?



[Laughs] Screw you.

[Engine turns over]

I think he'll be just fine.

So the 12th, what do you get?

Mostly drunk wall street guys and club kids?

Name an ass hat, you got it, right?

Yeah. Some douche bags too.

Any working girls?

Ain't you been busted enough?

Hey, man, I'm an old dog, but I do like new tricks.

Just watch the club girls.

They get drunk. Next morning, walk of shame.

They get, uh, buyer's remorse.


Ooh, like this one.

[Horn honks]

Hey! Hey, Tanya!

I just want to get home.

Hey, I'm just checking to see if you're all right.

You still going to meetings?

Six months.

One day at a time.

That's good. That's good.

I'm just here if you need me, if you need a friend.

Stay safe.

She seemed nice.


Somebody do a number on her?

More like she did it to herself.

First, he r*pes Tanya, and now he says that he's looking out for her.

Control, intimidation.

It's a complete abuse of power.

It's ugly, but not enough to make a case.

[Indistinct speech on radio]

Ugh, Friday night.

When are things gonna start picking up around here?

Take it easy.

It's a full moon. We'll get there.

So, the new apartment, how's that going?

Good, you know.

It's nice having someone to come home to.

Yeah, I miss it.

And, uh, your sessions?

You like the guy?

I must have sent over a dozen or more survivors to him, and turns out I was right.

I feel safe there.

Look, Liv... you know, I'm here if you want to talk about anything.

Nick, you want to know what's great?

Is that you've been normal with me, and I appreciate that more than you know.

Available units respond.

Female, white, drunk and disorderly, just north of Gansevoort Plaza.

[Siren wails]

You're a loser! You can't touch me!

I don't like losers.

Back up! Hey!

Tell him to back up!

Hey, back off!

Hey, back off! Relax!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey.

Back off!

Got a hot box in the 12th. We're in luck.

Gretchen, is there a problem here?

Yes! That guy grabbed my ass.

Which guy?

The wrong one.

Yo, yo, yo, bye-bye.

So let me get this straight.

If the right guy grabs your ass, you'd be okay with that?

Huh? [Giggles]

Like you? [Laughs]

Nice upgrade on your partner.


How about you two drive me home?

Do you want me to just assume the position right here?


Come on. Walk away.

There we go.


There we go.

Watch your head.

You got a live one there, brother.




All right, Gretchen, upsy-daisy.


There you go.

[Laughing] My hero.

All right, you wait here.


Hold the fort.

If I'm not back down in 20 minutes, you spring me with a bogus call, all right?

She can get clingy.

Hold on, we're just gonna let this happen?

Well, it sounded consensual, Liv.

I mean, they obviously have a history.

She's drunk!

So are half the people on this street tonight who are going home to have sex.

I mean, what do you want to do?

Everything all right?


West is upstairs assisting a woman in need.

You know not to put this in the memo book.

What memo book?


Maybe we'll see you later.

She's been up there for 20 minutes.

Cassidy should go up.

Liv, they're testing him.
[Horn honks]

Sleeping beauty, wake up.

[Cell phone beeps]

So, Gretchen... my turn?

Next time. My girl Quinny needs backup.

What, she doesn't use the radio?

You're quick. Like a real detective.

[Siren wailing]

[Engine turns over]


Took you fellas long enough.

Ride the radio.



Listen to the radio.

What is this?

Easy, cowboy.

[Soft techno music playing]

Welcome to the 12th.

A happy ending to a successful first tour.

Wow, you, uh, you shouldn't have.

But we did.



My name is Lila.

Hey, Lila.

That's a, um, that's a pretty name.

You're a pretty lady.

Aw, you're so sweet.

Come. Let's have some fun.

All right.

Have a little fun.

Oh, yeah.


Yeah, right there.

He's just working.

Oh, yeah.

I know.


Bye Brian.

Nice welcome.

Seems like I landed in the right place.

How much do I owe?

Always on the house.

They take care of us. We take care of them.

Call it a "quid pro ho."

Liv, hey.

Look, what you thought you heard before...

Hey, you were working.

I was.

So we don't have to talk about it.

What? I just want...

Tucker's waiting.

I know it's not r*pe, but they did admit to being on the take.

I was listening the whole night, all right?

Dereliction of duty, maybe.

Tucker, what do you think?

West is not going to confess to Cassidy the second he meets him.

He leaned on Tanya.

That's subjective.

Well, they were testing Cassidy tonight.

Now he's got their trust.

If he spends more time, they're gonna slip up.

Look, captain, with all due respect to your unit's undercover abilities with escorts, they might slip up, or he might slip up.

Either way, they make him, my whole investigation goes south.

Your whole investigation?

Something shook loose, yeah.

There are more moving pieces than expected.

There might be more girls.

So we go through the West and Quinn incidents, and we find them.

And then what?

The other vics are gonna be just as drunk, just as scared.

We get a reliable witness.

You're I.A.B.

Set up a honey trap.

West likes his women drunk and disorderly.

I can do that.

[Indistinct speech on radio]

Ah, thank you. How much I owe you?

Nothing. We're a friendly precinct.

Any available units, 10-34 at 460 west 15th.

as*ault. Suspect is female, white, 30, possibly intox.

We got this.

Central, two charlie will handle. Out.

Two king on the backup.

Oh, Quinny wants to see the show.

Let's do it.

[Siren wailing]

That's my car!


That was my clean car!

Oh, I paid you for the night. I paid you.

Hey, take it easy, sweetheart!

Hey, whoa, whoa.

Be careful with that.


Sir, please.

Calm down, sir.

What are y'all looking at?

You want me to cuff you right here?

Hey, stop it!

Are you arresting me?

Hey, that's up to you.

Why don't you come with us?

Oh, okay.


I'll come with you.


I'll come with you, then.

Pretty girl like you can make this easy, or you can make it hard.

You don't want a record, right?

I paid for the night, and...

[all shouting at once]

[Groans] You want the record?

You can either stop fighting, or you can cooperate.

Get the door, get the door.


I'm cooperating.

Drop her in there. Watch your head, all right?

What are you gonna do to me?

See if you can't cooperate.

Let's go, come on. Get under there.

Get her in.

Looks like she wants it the hard way, no?

I feel dizzy.

I'm spinning.

You know, I don't know what it is with you women.

Low self-esteem?

Just wanted a good time.

That's one way to find it.

We're gonna do you a favor. Gonna drive you home.

Get there. Maybe we can work something out.

See if you deserve to get off this drunk and disorderly.

Work something out?

That's his play?

I want this guy.

Cassidy, get her keys in case she falls asleep.

That disco ball yours?

I got some house keys, and I got a, uh, I got a driver's license.

Come on.

If you're not arresting me, let me out.

It's not happening.

Sector Charlie, disorderly 10-91.

Show us with one female in the auto en route to 451 west 19th street.

Stay close.

Captain, they're on their way.

Rollins was so good, she scared me.

What happened?

West hauled her in with Cassidy while Quinn distracted me.

She thr*aten you?

She just told me I should stop picking up drunk white women.

Here they are.

I don't want Rollins in there any longer than she has to be.


Okay, okay.

Get off.



Ooh, she's a real slut bag, ain't she?

Yeah, she's kinda sweet looking, though, right?


I don't do 'em ugly.

Least we didn't have to shower this one first.

Hey, what happens if we get a radio call?


Answer it.

We can always come back and check up on her later.

I mean, we got her keys.


Gimme 15 with her.

[Moans softly]







[Cell phone rings]

Oh, come on.

Cassidy, hold on.


I gotta make a phone call.

Well, I told you the next one was gonna be yours.

Put her to bed.

Are you sure?


She came looking for some strange.

You don't want to disappoint.

Yeah, but she likes you, not me.

She likes cops, you know?

Take your time.

Warm her up for me.



No, no. No, no, what are you doing?

No, no, no, no, no.

Get off me.


I was trained for this.

[Moans softly]

Why is he making Cassidy go first?

Probably still testing him.

I don't like this.


Ah, ah, ah...

No, no, no, no, no!

Ah, ah, ah.

No, no, no.

Hey, sorry to break it up, but we gotta go.

Now, West?

This party's just getting started over here, man.

I got a call.

She's cute. I like her.

Did they get a call?

We would've heard it.

They're on to him.

So what do we got?

Over by the river.


Report of somebody sh**ting rats.

Come on.

Amanda, you all right?

I'm fine.

What just happened?

I don't know.

It didn't feel right.

It was like West was playing us.

Benson, Amaro, where's Cassidy?

His wire went dead 45 seconds ago.

West's car was in front the whole time.

No one went by us.

Fin, check the back.

Give me your cell.

[Dialing] Quinny, you know what to do.


Yeah, hi, there is a man on my fire escape with a g*n, 475 west 21st street, and he's coming back.

Hold on a second. Let me get this straight.

You're commandeering cabs, making 911 calls from my phone?

That's your plan?

Shut your mouth.

Where is he? Where's Cassidy?

He's gone.

We found a back door out to 20th street.

Also found his badge and wire in the stairwell.

They must have had a second car.

Got the 911 call.


Female voice reporting a suspicious man with a g*n on west 21st street.

Oh, my God.

A man with a g*n?

They're setting Cassidy up.

Or it's a decoy call.

Benson, Amaro, track it down, and stay on their radio calls.

Fin, Rollins, get a GPS on Quinn's patrol car.

I'll call Tucker.

Look, you got this all wrong.

I don't think so.

You worked with Groves up in the Bronx.

So what?

What are you?

His avenging angel?

He's a nut job.

As for you, where is she? Where's Quinn?

I don't know!

You don't know? She's your partner.

She told me to drop her here.

Then she got in a cab.

Said it was personal.

You stop covering for her.

I just got out of the academy three weeks ago.

I do what she tells me.

Suspect fleeing across West Side highway toward marine terminal.

That your sector?

Sector king to central, we are en route, on foot.

Relax. Just relax, okay?



So what did Groves tell you about us?

Nothing, I...


I told you, nothing!

I swear, nothing!

Oh, yeah, I.A. just put you undercover on a whim.

Oh! Agh!

Get up.

Hey, hey, hey. Don't lie again.

What did he have? What did he give you?

Nothing, I swear.

Now's your chance.

I swear to God.

Take it, Cassidy.

He said nothing.

Take it!

That's it. You blew it.

sh*ts fired.

10-13, suspect is sh**ting. - [g*nshots]

Sector Charlie, I can't find my backup.

sh*ts fired! I don't know where...

They're not here!


You're gonna sh**t me in the head with my own g*n?

No, not us. The perp grabbed it.

This is your last time to tell me what Groves told you!

Nothing, I swear to God. He told me nothing.

Look, I... I tuned him out, okay?

This guy is a walking bitchfest.

You know that. You know that about him.

He's not motivated.

Get up! Get up!

Talk or start running. Five, four...

You're not running, Cassidy.

Three, two...


Quinny, you want me to call in officer down, or you want the honor?

Hey, how about I call it in for you?


We're on the job.

Oh, not anymore, you're not.

Put the g*n down now.


On your feet.

Come on.

Let's take a walk.

You all right?


We got 'em.


West and Quinn.

You don't have to be afraid anymore, Tanya.

But I do need you to tell me what happened.

And you'll believe me.

You'll do something about it?

Yes, I will.

That I can promise you.

Will you trust me?

He seemed nice at first.

Helped me upstairs, got me cleaned up.

Then I remember the sound of him opening his zipper.

I tried to push him off, but he held me down.

He came back twice that night.

And the next day, when you went to the precinct, you spoke with Officer Groves.


He took me to his lieutenant.

That night, West showed up angry.

Said I was a drunk slut.

I should be smart and keep my mouth shut.

I knew not to trust that lieutenant.

But officer Groves, I thought he was on my side.

He was.

We've got you on video going to Tanya's apartment, three times.

This is entrapment. You set me up.

You and that dirty cop, Cassidy.

I want my P.B.A. rep.

I want my lawyer.

Good luck with that.

Your partner's giving you up right now.

No, she's not.

Quinn, right now, this is all on you, all right?

You held the g*n on Cassidy.

You made the 911 call.

I don't know what you're talking about.

The same way you made fake 911 calls the night West r*ped Tanya Jenkins.

He didn't hurt her or any of those girls.

You believe this?

A female officer covering for her partner while he assaults drunk civilians.

He's got something on you?

Well, if he does, I suggest that you tell us, because he's in there right now ratting you out.


He has my back. He always has.

You don't know him.

Like you do?

That's right.

Well, five years, you know, riding around in a car together, you get close.

You guys were involved?

It wasn't like that.

He's married, has a kid.

So you banged him a few times, and now you're trying to prove that you're cool with him doing other chicks?

I don't know what you're talking about.


Let me ask you a question.

When's the last time you had a boyfriend?

Or even went on a date?

What, you gotta be 40, right?

Little more?

Probably wondering if you'll ever have a family, or... or if riding around with him for the next ten years will be enough for you.

He looked out for me.

How? Off the record.

My first year on, I was using.

Little coke.

I got hit with a random drug test.

And what, he got you urine?

Never said another word about it.

And you think that that means that he loves you?

He was holding that against you.

He knew that you felt that way about him.

And he was using that too.

I mean, what did you think? That... that he was gonna leave his wife and his kid for you?

A coke-head?

You spent the last five years sitting in that car, hoping that one day, that he'd look over at you and suddenly realize that you were the woman that he couldn't live without.

What was it he told Cassidy?

"Girls like Quinny, you throw them a couple crumbs.

They're so grateful, they'll do anything."

No, he didn't say that.

Yeah, he did.

And worse.

It's over.

It's not gonna happen.

It was never gonna happen.

I'm sorry.

[Knock at door]

That's probably your P.B.A. rep.

Well... [clears throat] we gave you your chance.


I don't need him.

Just so you know, it wasn't only West.

There was a lot of drunk girls, a lot of long nights.

Guys were either into that or on coke, on the take, or all three.

Get me a pad and pen.


First question: How did you know that Cassidy was undercover?

I, uh, got a call middle of the tour from my lieutenant.


That's what I was waiting for.

Hold on a second.

How did the lieutenant know?

'Cause I told him.


The whole house was dirty.

Kickbacks, extortion.

I had to know if the fish stank from the head down.

Are you kidding me? You leaked it?

Cassidy could've gotten k*lled.

He didn't. It worked.

Still, it's just her word, Groves', against the precinct, but it's a start.

Would it help if there was a paper trail?

Groves told me to take whatever was in this box to the New York Times.

Where is it?

Maybe if you got Groves out of the psych ward, he could tell you.

You had this the whole time?

I thought you wanted your shield back.

That's why I'm giving it to you now.


We done here, Tucker?

Get me Groves' release.

Excuse me.

Tell your boy he has to toe the line, captain, if he wants back in.

Well, he might have to.

I don't.

You set up my people to get k*lled to make your case.

Get out of my office.

Nice work, Detective.

Did you just throw Tucker out of your office?

That's not politic.

Well, screw him.

What's he gonna do, force me out?

I hit mandatory in six months anyway.

Stop it.

I do.

And with all this going on, I, uh, I forgot to tell you.

Munch put in his papers.


No, he didn't.

Yeah, the Mehcad Carter case hit him pretty hard.


It's okay, Liv.

Nothing changes... except what has to.



What the hell's going on?

They pulled me out of bed at 4:00 A.M.

Upon further reflection, the NYPD has decided that you're not crazy.

I got your release right here.

This a trick?

No. It's not a trick.

I'm here to take you home.

To Rockaway?

Unless you want to stay here.

Let's go.

Thank you.

Seriously, just like that?

Yeah, just like that.

We got Quinn to turn on West and your lieutenant.

The whole house is coming down.

Hey, Groves.

You're a hero, man.

I owe you.

Well, let's just get you home, brother.

Some night.


I'm still here.

We're still here.

And Groves is home with his wife.

Is Tucker gonna keep his word about your shield?

I don't know. I hope so.

Hey, we good?


You do believe me, don't you?

I mean, the escort, everything you heard...

Stop talking.

No, I'm just saying...

Has anybody ever told you to just keep your mouth shut?

Everyone. All the time.

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