01x20 - A Picture from Life's Other Side

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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01x20 - A Picture from Life's Other Side

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Nashville...


Sing to me.

In the middle of the living-room, with a whisk?

You gone crazy?

You've just been nominated for a C.M.A Award.

I just got nominated for female vocalist of the year.

How would you like to come home with me?

That's not a good idea.

Looking at you, I don't really see much of an outlaw.

Is this stuff true?

You took Jason's song.

It's just a song.

Hello? Do you have any idea what you've done to my daughter?

Dante. What the hell do you want?

What kind of tape?

(Rayna) Thank you, Charlotte! Good night!

(Audience cheering loudly)

Great show, as always.

Thank you! Ooh, I am so happy this leg is over.

I can't wait to get home to the girls.

And auditions, right?


(Chuckles) Well, Marshall says we gotta close the label deal by the end of the month.

He... he can't just make up some random deadline like that.

Well, yeah, he can do that if he wants to.

It's been a couple of months.

We can't keep letting the "perfect" be the enemy of the "good."

But perfect is the enemy of the good.


I'm not settling.

(Juliette singing indistinctly)

How long we gonna have to do this in private?


Just till I can tell the girls, get 'em used to you being around, professionally and privately.


Does that sound good?


You know, speaking of professionally, um...

My whole work schedule just really loosened up, right?

(Laughs) Yeah. (Laughs)

Maybe we could do both.

Wanna come over to my house for dinner tomorrow night?

You, me, and the girls?

(Cheering continues) Thank you, Charlotte!

You guys are the best!

I'd love to.

Good night!

(Cheering loudly) Mmm.


Okay. Here we go.

(Continues humming)


(Stops humming)



What do you mean "what"? You were smirkin'.

I... I'm not smirkin'.

It's just, you're working on a new song. I think that's cool.

Am I?

You've been humming that same thing for days.

That's what I do when I got something new stuck in my head.

You know, you should probably get it down on paper before it disappears.

You know, you did a great job playing the other night.

I woulda told you myself, but... you kind of bailed on me.

Was that because they told you to stay away from me or because you couldn't keep up?

I bailed 'cause it seemed like you were a little... over-served.

That is a very ballsy thing to say to your boss.

You are lucky you're cute enough to get away with it.

You wanna help me get those lyrics down on paper before they disappear?

I'll take that as a "yes."

(Door opens)


Are you ever gonna have a recording session that doesn't end at dawn?



We work till the music feels right.

Yeah, the only reason you're working on that is because that producer guy has got you thinking you're some kind of outlaw.

Well, maybe I am some kind of outlaw.

(Laughs) Yeah, a tickly one.

He just thinks working on this image will create some attention... not just locally but for labels, too.


What's with all the dresses?

I'm playing at the Opry. Remember?

(Scoffs) Of course I do.

I also remember... there's gonna be thousands of people there watching ya.

(Cell phone rings) And your debut's a big deal.

Jack. Hey, man.



Well, hell, yeah.


What's that?

Uh, it's, uh, Vandy Radio.

They want me to go in to do some kind of show tomorrow.


Apparently, everyone's calling in, asking for my song to be played.

Baby, that is so good! Well done!

All right.

Okay. (Sighs)

Are you going again right now?

Yeah, Jack needs me to go...

(Motorcycle approaches)

Prep or something.


(Engine revs, turns off)

Uh, do you have any idea when you'll be back?

(Door closes)


And... I vote the blue dress.



He looks like he hasn't slept or showered in like a week.

You know, I couldn't tell if he had.

(Truck door shuts)

You ready for your big Opry debut?

(Forced laugh) No. Thanks for for asking.

(Engine starts)

Come on. You gonna knock 'em dead.

Handpicked by Rayna Jaymes?

(Clicks tongue) Got to.

So, uh, is she just introducing you or... her label, too?

(Sighs) No, she has to pick one more act before she can officially launch the thing.

But, um... she's having some secret session at sound check tomorrow.

If she finds the right person, she'll announce us both, or it's just... me.


Teddy's moving forward with this new parcel he's chosen for the stadium site, which leaves us with a prime piece of real estate to develop.


I'm thinking mixed use high-rise.

What do you think?

(Clock ticking) Daddy?

Sorry. What?

We were just talking about the next step for our land.

Albert wants retail. I want mixed use high-rise.

No. Baseball stadium.

I'll talk to my friends on the zoning commission.

You tried that already. That didn't work.

You think I don't remember who I've talked to?

I'm just sayin', I'm gonna try again. That's all.

And I'm saying that I think that that's a battle that we've already lost.

Are you sure you really feel up to being this... involved?

(Juliette moans)

(Dante) You like that?

(Dante breathes heavily)






He's agreed to give us the S.D. Card.

For how much?

$2 million.

I'd suggest letting me try to negotiate him down.

No. I want that video, and I want it destroyed... before the C.M.A. Awards.

Juliette, my professional advice?

Get this guy locked up.

Are you kidding? No!

No reports, no cops, no scandals.


Is that not why I hired you?

(Mouths word)

(Footsteps depart, door opens)

Baby, is there anything that I can do?

(Door closes)

Mama, I just need to be left alone. Okay?

(Maddie) So you haven't found a second act yet, right?

No. Don't you get any ideas.

(Door opens)

Oh. I'm looking for a guy anyway.

What about Deacon?


He is a guy.



It's true.

I think my mom's looking for someone a bit younger.

Oh, wow.


No offense or anything.

(Laughs) No offense taken, but you do not get any pie.

Oh, that's a beautiful pie. Thank you for bringing that.

Made that myself.

Smells delicious.


Hey, what can I do to help?

You know what you can do? You can take these people in the other room, keep 'em occupied so mama can get dinner done.

All right. Let's go, people.

You're going to play a song with us.

I don't know. I saw y'all in New York do "Ho Hey."

I'm pretty intimidated you might blow me out of the water.

Okay, so does that mean that you know the song?

Yeah, I can probably pick it out.

Maybe you should just play. I'm really not that great.

Oh, the hell you're not.


(Laughs) Oh, sorry.

(Laughs) Wow. It's true, though. She's better than half the session musicians I play with.


Absolutely, yeah.

Tell you what... you start off, and, uh, I'll come in behind you.

(Playing "Ho Hey")

♪ I've been trying to do it right ♪
♪ I've been living a lonely life ♪
♪ I've been sleeping here instead ♪


♪ I've been sleeping in my bed ♪

(Both harmonizing)

♪ sleeping in my bed ♪

(Guitars stop playing) Hey, dad!

(Teddy) Hey, honey.

Dad. What's going on here?

We were just making some dinner. Surprised to see you.

Yeah, well, Maddie left her soccer gear in the car.

I figured she'd need it for her game tomorrow.

Can I have a word with you?


(Lowered voice) What the hell is this?

I thought I made my decision clear.

And I walk my the house, and he's just sittin' here?

(Lowered voice) Teddy, we are getting a divorce.

This is not your call.

You didn't want them around Peggy, and I honored that.

I don't want my daughters around him.

(Whispers) You were having an affair.

So were you, emotionally, the entire time that we were married.

Don't you try to rewrite history.

Daphne was not exactly born out of a shell of a marriage.

We loved each other, all right? That changed.

Those girls are always gonna be your daughters, but don't you think you can come in here and dictate what my life is gonna be.

Everything okay?

(Whispers) Yeah.

(Footsteps approach)

(Inhales deeply)

These are some of the lyrics that I was working on.

All right.

Do you remember the melody I was humming?

Yeah. It was kind of a love song vibe, right?

Uh, no.

I'm not interested in love songs.

Country music staple, isn't it?

It's hard to write about things you don't believe in.

You don't believe in love?

Well, let's put it this way... pretty much everybody that has told me they loved me in my life has lied.

I don't know if it was me or... they just weren't capable of it. I... the point is, I'm pretty damn sure it doesn't exist.

It does.

I've been in love.

And how did that go for ya?

Thanks for coming in today.

Nice job.

Thank you.

No. No.

They're all really talented guys.


I'm just not... I'm not feeling it.

Star power.


We gotta find the right person. All right, 0 for 10.

Tomorrow's another day.


Excuse me, Ms. Jaymes?


Name's Will Lexington.

We met the other night at the Edgehill party.

I'm Scarlett's friend.

Right. I remember.

Well, you'll remember me for a lot more than that if you allow me five minutes of your time.

Hey, I'm sorry. Will, is it?

Listen, why don't you just, uh, let us listen to your demo and then we'll circle back to you, okay?

Look... look, I... I've been waiting outside till you saw everybody you needed to see before busting in here.

And I'm pretty sure you didn't find anything close to what you're looking for.

Well, we saw a lot of talented guys today.

No, you saw a lot of guys in boots they bought downtown.

What you haven't seen is somebody who can actually rope a steer.

You're listening to Vandy Radio, and I'm here with local artist Gunnar Scott.

Tell us what inspired your song "g*n for a mouth."

Just kinda... came to me one night.

It feels a little outside the law, a little dangerous.

I like to do what I want.

Just trying to get that into my music.

That must affect your romantic life.

Do you wanna comment on that?

Let's just say I do what I want there, too, if you get what I mean.

Gunnar's gonna be performing tomorrow at the bar on 2nd.

(Punches radio button)

That's enough of that.

(Amplified voice) ♪ a showman's life ♪
♪ is a smoky bar ♪
♪ and the fevered chase ♪
♪ of a tiny star ♪
♪ it's a hotel room ♪
♪ and a lonely wife ♪
♪ from what I've seen ♪
♪ of a showman's life ♪
♪ nobody told me ♪

♪ about this part ♪

(Electric instruments playing)

♪ They told me ♪

(Woman's voice harmonizing along)

♪ All about the pretty girls ♪
♪ and the wine ♪
♪ and the money We gotta get his demo to Marshall.

If I can find it.

Find it.

(Door closes)

Tell me you've got the video.

He never showed up.

Why don't you just call him?

Why don't we think about that? Oh, right.

Because he uses a different disposable phone every day.

He may have gotten spooked, or maybe something happened to him.

Maybe he got hit by a bus, and all my problems will be solved.

(Cell phone ringing and vibrating)

I don't recognize the number.

Put it on speaker.


I know I'm supposed to talk to your security guy or whatever, but I figured I'd cut through the red tape.

What do you want?

Well, I... I went to the spot, saw your guy there with the briefcase with the $2 million. He was on time.

That's all great, but that's when I realized I made a mistake.

The price is going up.

(Chuckles) I'm gonna need $10 million.

You're insane.

Well, somebody out there understands the value of this thing on the lnternet.

And I know how important the C.M.As are to you.

$10 million.

Tomorrow, same place, or you're not gonna like the questions you get on the red carpet.


It would've just been cheaper for you to go to A.A. like every other addict.

As key members of the board, I felt it was important that you know where the company stands from my perspective as C.F.O.

And the truth is, I fear we're at a crossroads.

Yes, my father has survived his heart attack, but he's a long way from full recovery.

Cut to the chase, Tandy.

Are you asking for our support if you make a motion to replace Lamar?

I'm asking for your support should my father decide to transition to chairman emeritus.

If he "decides"?

What you really want is for us to endorse a coup.

Well, someone has to protect Wyatt lndustries and all its holdings.

I'm not sure this is pure concern on your part.

But given Lamar's age and circumstance, it's clear a change should be made.

Let's make sure we do this with grace.

Nobody wants to feel stabbed in the back... even if that's what's happening.

(Keys jangle, door closes)

Nice interview.

You were listening?

Yep. Tend to support the people I'm dating, but according to you, we're not dating, so that was pointless.

(Scoffs) I'm just... I'm...

What, doing what you want?

Trying to build a following, all right?

Jack says if I can...

I don't care what Jack says.

I care about you.

And I don't understand this whole thing you're doing.

I don't... I don't get it.

What? It's... it's not a big deal.

It's stolen lyrics, a whole new wardrobe, and a fake past.

It's not all fake, Scarlett. You know that.

You walked away from the kind of life that your brother led because you know that it only ends in grief.

You might wanna consider doing that again.

And, you know, if the Opry is not outlaw enough for you, you don't have to come. That is fine.

Oh. (Chuckles) Come on.


You know I would never miss it.


(Closes car door)

(Starts engine)

We gotta get him vetted, but he is our guy.


(Laughs) With a... with a week to spare.

Yeah. (Chuckles)

In fact, tonight, when I introduce Scarlett at the Opry, I'm just gonna go ahead and announce the new label.

Sure. I don't know about his name, though.

Lexington? It's like a...

Lexington is such a good Southern name.

You think?


Rayna Jaymes?


You've been served.


What's it say?

It says I'm not allowed to have the girls within 100 feet of Deacon Claybourne.

(Door slams)

A restraining order?

(Sighs heavily)

I took the necessary action to protect my children.

Deacon has been around our girls their entire lives.

Yeah, and so have I, but I'm not anymore, and I'm not gonna take the chance that without me there to safeguard their well-being...

Oh, no, this has nothing to do with the girls.

This is about your ego and your fear.

No, Rayna. I'm doing this because I don't trust you.

This is never gonna stick.

I'm the mayor of this city. So trust me, it'll stick.

What happened to you?

I took your father's advice, and I grew a pair.

(Footsteps retreat, door opens)

(Dog barking in distance)

(Knocks on door)

(Door creaks)

Long time, pretty lady. Glad to sse you back.

You got the oxy?

I do. One moment.

How much?

$30 a pop.

(Siren wailing in distance)

I need something else, too.

(Cell phone rings)



Last night was a lot of fun, wasn't it?

It was.

How'd Teddy take it after?

He didn't take it great. He has issued a temporary restraining order.


Yeah, I'm not allowed to have the girls within 100 feet of you.

Are you kidding me?

You know, he's... hurt. Lashing out.


I still see you, right?


Am I gonna see you at the C.M.A. rehearsals today?

Yeah, you will.

All right.

I'll see you there.

Hey, you know what?


I love you.

Love you, too.

(Gasps) Hey.

Who were you just talking to?

You just standing there, eavesdropping?

No. But I heard you say, "I love you."

Why don't you come sit?

Um... I was talking to Deacon.

Since you heard all that, uh, you...

I want you to know that we are... we're seeing each other.

You used to date him, right before you married dad.


Is that why dad got so mad when he saw Deacon here?

(Breathes deeply)

You know, hon, all this stuff that you're asking me about?

It's really grown-up stuff.

And it's private.

So I want you to trust me that when I think you're old enough, I'm gonna tell you all about it.

(Knock on door)

Guess what?

I auditioned for Rayna Jaymes.


I showed up at that private session you told me about.

Oh, my God. I did not tell you to do that.

No, it's fine.

She remembered I went to the, uh, Edgehill party with you.

And, uh...

(Bottles clink)

I'm pretty sure she liked me.

(Laughs) Oh! Damn, you have got some moxie.

And you're just being yourself, aren't you?

That's refreshing.

Meaning what?

I don't know.

Did you hear Gunnar on the radio?


I did.

It's like this whole outlaw thing has gone way too far.

Well, maybe you could talk to him. He listens to you.

(Exhales deeply) I don't know, Scarlett.

You used my name to go see Rayna Jaymes.

(Bottles clink)

It's the least you could do.

All right.

Thank you.

(Amplified voice) "Juliette, did you know that the C.M.A. Award for vocal group of the year has been won seven times by female groups?"

(Amplified voice) Uh... wait. Do I really have to say that?

We'd like for you to stick to the script if at all possible, Ms. Barnes.


Even if it's dumb? I mean, who talks like that?

Let's take it from the top, okay?

Oh. Uh, okay.

"Juliette, did you know that the C.M.A. for vocal group of the year has been won seven times by female groups?"

(Flatly) "Hmm. Maybe we should form a group."

"Well, you know I'd love to, but I think I'm washing my hair that night."

Pause for laughter, then...

"This year, the nominees are... "

I'm sorry. This is stupid.

It's just stupid.

Okay. Let's take a break.

(Indistinct conversations)

Oh, what, are y'all together now?

We've always been friends.



Mm-hmm. Thank you very much.

Appreciate that.

Uh, this water's too warm.

Are you new or incompetent?

I'm... I'm sorry, Ms. Barnes.

Are you kidding me?

Complaining about the water and the lines?

Can you be professional for once?

You know what? I will, when I get a little respect around here, whether it be from the P.A. or the country music association.

You gotta earn that.

Let me tell you a little secret... if you do happen to win that award, it doesn't mean you've earned anything.

♪ a-well, rich man, poor man, beggarman, thief ♪
♪ ain't nobody neither cause your mama ain't in grief ♪
♪ first time, never mind, third shot, character ♪
♪ found that I'm a fool beyond a shadow of a doubt ♪
♪ if my mama could've seen me in this prison ♪
♪ it'd break her poor heart ♪
♪ said if my mama could've seen me in this prison ♪
♪ it'd break her poor heart ♪

(song ends, cheering)

Thank you.

Join me at the bar, buy me a shot, stick around for some more.



What the hell you doing here?

Thought I'd come check out your show, see how you're doin'.

You know, this probably ain't the best place for you to be right now.

What's that supposed to mean?

That hat and that buckle.

It's not your scene, man.

Yeah, well, I got news for ya.

(Glass clatters)

Probably not the best place for you, either.

(Lowered voice) You know what? I wanna do this, okay?

I have to do this.

So why don't you back off, let me finish my set so I can get to the Opry to see Scarlett, okay?

You gonna show up like this?

(Man) Where'd you do time?


All that singing about prison... what I wanna know is where you did time.

Or if you even did.

You know what?

It's none of your damn business.

That's what I thought.

You think you're some kind of tough guy. Give me a break.

Hey, hey, buddy. Why don't you just, uh... keep your mouth busy with the cheap beer you've been sucking on?

(Grunting) Hey!

(All grunting)

(Bottles shatter, indistinct shouting)

Your accountant said to come up with the $10 million in cash, you'd have to liquidate some of your securities... several stocks, bonds, mutual funds.

But that would do it.

Yes, but will it satisfy him?

Addicts are never satisfied.

(Under breath) She would know.

(Normal voice) He's never gonna stop, is he?

You don't deserve this. You don't deserve any of it.

You didn't do anything wrong.

So I'll go ahead and set up the exchange?


Let him sell the video.

Call "The View." Tell them I have an exclusive for 'em.

If the world's gonna find out, they might as well hear it from me.

Baby, you don't want this.

What... what about your new album? What about the C.M.As?

Mama, they've already counted the votes, okay?

I either won or lost.

But, baby...

Look, this way, he makes less money, okay?

And the world just finds out what they already know.

(Whispers) I'm a train wreck.

Y'all can go.

You, too, mama.

I'm gonna take a bath, clear my head for tomorrow.

(Clicks pen)

Look at you... reading, drinking tea.

I think Tandy's right. You are starting to relax.

(Chuckles) Your sister just likes to think she knows me better than I know myself.

Uh, sit down, please.


I can only stay a second.

I'm on my way over to the Opry, so...

I realize I have not asked you for a favor since I was 16 years old.

(Laughs) I am well aware of that.


(Chuckles) Yeah, well...


Teddy has, uh... served me with a restraining order.

He wants to force me to keep the girls away from...


Honey, his rationale doesn't matter to me.

Don't you worry about it.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

That's what happens when you move 'em up the ranks quickly.

They get too big for their britches.

Well, it's gonna be a great night.

You're gonna be amazing out there with this, uh, incredible band in there.

(Chuckles) Hi!


You're gonna have such a good time, you're gonna forget there's even an audience.

I highly doubt that.


Hey, Steve. How you doing, man?

Deacon. How are you?

I'm good. Good to see you.

Good to see you.

Scarlett, welcome to the Opry.

Mr. Buchanan, such a pleasure to meet you.

Thank you for having me.

Please, call me Steve.


So this is the "into the circle" dressing room, reserved for artists making their Opry debut.


That's you.

(Laughs) Okay. (Laughs)

Make yourself at home.

Thank you, Steve.

Thanks, Steve.

Good to see ya.

I don't feel like I belong here.

I'm pretty sure they all felt that way.

But you do.

And I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

Just your mama could've been here.

Me, too. Her boss is such a jerk, but... she needs that job, so...

Yeah. Well, if it's any consolation, I'm here.

I'm so glad.

Girl, you are shakin'.

Yeah. (Chuckles)

Look, I'm gonna go get you some of that herbal tea you like, all right?


All right. Peppermint. Okay.

Thank you.

You okay?


(Indistinct conversations)



Hey, it's Gunnar. Leave a message.

(Exhales deeply) Hi, baby, it's me.

If you're out in the audience or... or somethin' close by, can you give me a call so I can... bring you backstage? 'Cause I...

I just really, really, really want you here.

Okay, I love you. Bye.

Scarlett O'Connor?

Yes, ma'am.

Guy in the audience asked me to give this to you.

Thank you.


(Buzzer sounds)

What time do you think it is?

She's probably just about to go onstage, if that's what you mean.

(Door creaks, slams shut in distance)

(Dialing cell phone)

(Indistinct conversations)

(Cell phone rings)


(Sighs) Juliette?

No. She changed her mind.

She's not giving you any... anymore, now that you've raised the price.


I've got the...

$2 million that her guy was gonna bring you yesterday.

If you come over, I'll... give it to you if you give me that S.D. thingy.

Why should I trust you?

She triggered you.

I don't want her getting away with that.

I don't want her...

(Voice breaks) shuttin' you out like she does to me.

Then why do you want that S.D. card?

'Cause I love you. I love you.

(Scoffs) And I always have.

And the thought of you being with her sexually...

(Inhales deeply) makes me sick.

(Exhales deeply)

Where you at?

Somebody that I trusted videotaped us sleeping together.

And then he tried to blackmail me, hoping that I would do anything to make sure that footage never wound up on the lnternet.

I've made a lot of mistakes, but this time, I'm not so different from... anybody else out there.

I fell for the wrong man, and, uh... he broke my heart.

(Camera beeps and clicks) That was amazing.

How you feel about it?

Uh, embarrassed.


Well, you shouldn't.

For what it's worth, you're the bravest person I know.

(Whispers) Thanks.

(Cheers and applause)

(Cheering continues)

(Amplified voice) I wanted to come out tonight because I wanna make a very special announcement, and I wanted my friends here at the Opry to be the first to hear.

I'm about to launch a brand-new record label called Highway 65 Records.


This is a lifelong dream of mine, and I'm just so excited about it.

And, uh, I have a very special guest here that I would like for you to give a very warm Opry welcome to.

She is a wonderful, exciting new artist, and her name is Scarlett O'Connor.



Oh! Thank you.


(Amplified voice) Hi! (Laughs)

It's such an honor to stand here on this stage in front of y'all. Thank you so much for having me.

This is called "Looking for a place to shine."

♪ I jumped in ♪
♪ looking to make a wave ♪
♪ I was working what the good lord gave ♪
♪ well, baby, here I go ♪
♪ you'll be praying for land while I'm rocking the boat ♪
♪ I'm moving ♪
♪ come and join in my parade ♪
♪ I've been waiting for the rhythm to change ♪
♪ now the time has come ♪
♪ you can turn on the flames and turn up the sun ♪
♪ like fireworks ♪
♪ sh**ting to the sky ♪
♪ I wanna color the dark with the light ♪
♪ like a diamond ♪
♪ sitting on a ring ♪
♪ I'm just a girl that wants to be seen ♪
♪ every time ♪
♪ I'm looking for a place to shine ♪
♪ so take ten ♪
♪ if I'm a little too much to take ♪
♪ you'll gonna let a good time go to waste ♪
♪ so, baby, get in line ♪
♪ 'cause it's better to play than to sit on the side ♪

(Mouthing words)

♪ and I'm thinking ♪
♪ I busted through the door ♪
♪ leaving everybody begging for more ♪
♪ now you know it's true ♪
♪ when you're a girl like me, you got nothing to lose ♪
♪ like fireworks ♪
♪ sh**ting to the sky ♪
♪ I wanna color the dark with the light ♪
♪ like a diamond ♪
♪ sitting on a ring ♪
♪ I'm just a girl that wants to be seen ♪
♪ every time ♪
♪ I'm looking for a place to shine ♪
♪ I'm looking for a place to shine ♪

(Song ends)

(Cheering loudly)

Thank you so much! (Laughs)

Thank you, guys.

Thank you.

Good night, Nashville.

(Cheering continues)

(Door closes)

You're high.

So are you.

I didn't come here to reconnect. Where's the money?

Where's the S.D. card?

Money first.


Actually, you're not gettin' a cent.

What are you doing, Jolene?

Sparing my daughter the humiliation of having to go on television and explain to people what you've done to her.

That's your plan? (Scoffs) I can sell this thing and have it all over the lnternet before you can snort another pill.

(Whispers) Give me the S.D. card.

Don't be stupid, Jolene.




(Dante grunts)

(Exhales and inhales sharply)

Your Honor, my children call him "Uncle Deacon."

But he's not their Uncle.

Well, he's not a threat, either.

The mayor alleges that Mr. Claybourne is an alcoholic.

He's a recovering alcoholic.

He has not had a drop in 13 years.

Your Honor, I've included a magazine article in my complaint which disputes that.

(Lowered voice) A hearing within a day of being served?

I wonder whose daddy got us on the docket so quickly.

Mr. Wyatt did place a call to my chambers, saying that both his daughter and the mayor would prefer privacy in this matter.

How thoughtful of him.

Okay. After careful review, I've determined that this case requires more than any sort of... temporary action or sidebar could solve.

Plus I'm gonna reset your custody arrangement without restrictions and dissolve this temporary restraining order.

We'll revisit this in full court in two weeks.

I'll see you both then.

(Gavel bangs) Thank you, sir.

There are several issues in front of us that materially affect the future of this company.


(Door closes)

(Chuckles) I've missed one too many of these meetings.

It's, uh... high time I came back to work, don't you all think?

You seem to be in my seat.

Now... where were we?


(Cell phone rings and vibrates)

It's your mother, but you're on in five at "The View."

Hold on. Where the hell have you been?

Baby, I'm sorry.

Look, I know I've always been a disappointment to you.

I know that.

Ma, what's wrong?

Um... look, you gotta promise me you're not gonna go on that show, okay?

Why... are you at the apartment?

Are you using?

You know, I don't know if I ever told you, but when you were a little girl, you had this... this... beautiful light about you.

(Line beeps and disconnects) Mama?




(Garbage disposal whirring, card clattering)

Cancel "The View."


Thanks for having my back back there, man.

I'm sorry it landed us here.



Not my first time in jail.

(Buzzer sounds)

Probably not my last.

Doesn't seem much like you, though.


I don't know what's like me anymore.

Hey, man, I'm really sorry about... hat thing I did.

I overreacted.

I was just, uh... surprised.

(Scoffs) Yeah. Yeah.


You know, when I was 17, my dad caught me... with a friend.

He... grabbed my ass, threw me in the truck.

He drove me out to the middle of the nowhere, told me to explain myself.

I told him I couldn't, 'cause I don't know what was going on with me.

He told me...

"can't live under my roof while you figure it out."

(Buzzer sounds in distance)


So what'd you do then?

Oh, I hitched a ride to Abilene, got a job, bought a guitar. I haven't been home since.

You ever figure out the answer to his question?

sh**t, man. All I know is, uh, only time I'm happy is when I'm up onstage playing and singing.

I'm gonna be a country music star.

I'll do whatever it takes to get there.

Me, too.



Oh, no, no, no, no.


Mama! Wake up!




(Wailing) No!

(Hangers clatter)

(Door buzzes)

So they dropped the charges?


(Door buzzes)

You're getting bailed out.

(Door closes)

I'm-a pay you back.


Thank you.

(Kisses) You're welcome.

Come on.

Look, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Please, I'm so tired. I'm so tired...

I didn't mean for it to happen.

I've tried fix it, and I can't.

What do you mean?

If I'm gonna bail you out, then I can't be around this.

(Whispers) What?

I can't be with you like this.




I know you love him, and I know you miss him.

Look at where we are.


Look, wait. No, you need to...

No, no.

I fell in love with you, not your brother.

(Woman) ♪ what we were ♪
♪ dry your eyes ♪

(woman on TV) A tragic turn in the life of country-pop diva Juliette Barnes.

The singer's troubled mother, long-term drug user Jolene Barnes, is suspected of sh**ting and k*lling sober companion Dante Rivas, before overdosing in an apparent m*rder-su1c1de.

Police insist the investigation is ongoing, but there is speculation that both Rivas and Barnes were under the influence of narcotics... (Turns off TV)

♪ forgive me ♪
♪ forgive me Hey.

(Door closes)

What do you want?

I wanna talk to you.

I want us to try to come to some kind of understanding like reasonable people.

I know you're scared. I know what you're scared of.

You will always be Maddie's father.

You're damn right.

I know.

You trusted me her whole life to not do anything to compromise your relationship with her.

You gotta keep trusting me.

I will not harm that.

(Sighs deeply)


Thank you.

(Voice breaking) Talia?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's just that I found this paternity test, and... (Crying)


I don't think that my dad is my father.

(Inhales and exhales deeply)
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