01x02 - Running Scared

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Witch". Aired: February 2015 to present.*
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Cassandra Nightingale moves into an old, abandoned house which is reputed to be haunted by its original owner, "The Grey Lady". Through the course of the story, seemingly magical things happen, and the community attributes these occurrences to her. Everyone begins to wonder if she is really a witch.
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01x02 - Running Scared

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Good Witch...

It wasn't your herbs or powders or whatever.

I never thought it was.

I did, and for that I'm sorry.

Haven't seen your dad around.

My dad passed away.

I dedicate this wing in his honor.

I just woke up one morning with such a strong feeling that I needed to share Grey house with the world again.

So George and I are reopening the bed and breakfast.

Can I help you?


(Sigh) I didn't see you there.

Oh, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you lost?

I'm looking for Grey house.

Well, you found it. I'm Cassie Nightingale, the owner.

I didn't make a reservation...

You don't need one.

Oh... great, thanks.


I'm exhausted.

Not just from traveling.

Let's get you a room.

We can work out the paperwork tomorrow.

So you're here for the heritage ball and 10k run?

No... Yeah... no.

No, vacation.

Well, I'm glad we got that settled.

Now let's get you settled.

♪ ♪ ♪

Nick! Nick!

He's at my house.

He's supposed to be at his house.

Oh, he didn't tell me that.

He's grounded.

Didn't mention that either.

But I sensed he was hiding something.

What you call "hiding" I call "lying".

(Sigh) Sorry.

It's been a rough couple of weeks.

I'll send him home.

Nah, it's okay.

It's not like he's roaming the streets.

He's got adult supervision... From an adult he actually likes.

Oh, he likes you.

Who said being a parent was a popularity contest?

As a matter of fact, the more he dislikes me, the more I know I'm doing my job.

Ha! It's a thin line.

Between love and hate?

With Nick, that line's almost invisible.

That's what he'd like you to believe.

So you're getting ready for the big race?

I don't race anymore. I just run.

Offset of caffeine... and the stress of being a single parent.


The whole town is talking about you.


But if you were at the race, the whole town could talk to you.

Okay. Thank you, but no thanks.

You ever tried meditating? You know, instead of running.

Uh... I don't have time to meditate.

Well, if you have time to run, you have time to meditate.

I don't like meditation.

You've tried it?


Then how do you know you don't like it?

I don't have to try walking on broken glass to know I wouldn't like that either.

It's an interesting analogy.


I've got to run.

(Cassie laughing)

No, no, no! The banner will be the first thing that people see when they enter Middleton.

You do not get a second chance...

At a first impression.

Our banner must be majestic.

It must wave and announce, not block and annoy.



When people run into the banner, they will be annoyed.

You know, it's a fun run, and dance.

Look what our centennial did for us a few years back.

Why, this festival could be a game changer for Middleton.

I mean, who knows what might come next?

A food festival, a jazz festival...

Oh! Maybe even a film festival.

I have big plans for this year and they all start and end on the success of the heritage festival.

Oh! Madam Mayor!



Why is Nick here?

Uh... he just showed up.

Oh, he has a home.


So please send him back there.

I think he might surprise you.


He surprised me when he almost let me take the fall for stealing the school mascot.


(Sighing) Mom, I see a lot of things, but the one thing I don't see is that Nick is a good guy.

Are you okay?


It's not me. It's Anthony.

I think something's wrong with his family.

But maybe I'm wrong, right?

And maybe what I see won't happen.

I'll keep a good thought for Anthony.

Thanks, mom.

(Sarcastic chuckle)

It's nice to have you join us.


Thanks, Cassie.

Just for the record, I came here for the food, not the company.

So you decided to run the 10k after all?

I thought I'd just walk briskly and finish sometime before nightfall.

It's good to have goals.

How about all of you?

Well, I love the heritage festival.

And the run?

About the only way you could get me to love a 10k run is if you put Ryan gosling at the finish line.


So, what happens at a heritage festival?

Oh, the locals gather under a full moon and sacrifice anyone from New York.

It's a lovely tradition. We start the morning with the race and we end the day with a big ball.


The whole town is invited.

You should come.


I don't do fun runs.

You sound just like your dad.

I'm nothing like my father. Okay?

5... 4... 3... 2...

Great day for a run, huh?

Uh... yeah.

You okay?

I'm... just not used to having company when I run.

In New York, I always ran alone.

Yeah? Well, you're not alone anymore.

That's what I see. I'm gonna pick up the pace, my heart rate's dropping.

Oh, I can keep up with you, don't you worry. I actually started doing this because of you.

Pardon me?

Well, at my first appointment, you told me to take up some sort of exercise program, remember?

I've always liked running.

I've told a lot of my patients to ought to, but they hardly ever listen to me.

I will always listen to you.


Hey there!

I'm Brandon.

Oh, Ashley!

This is my stepson, Brandon.

And you're all checked in.

I need to pay you.

Do you take cash?

Wow, you never see that anymore. People always seem to have cards, but no one seems to have cash.

It's all I have.

And it's totally fine.

I'm really not hungry.

By the way, my plans might change.

I don't know if I'll be here too long.

Well, um... make sure you stop by the shop before you leave. Bell, book and candle.

Sounds very mysterious.

No, there's no mystery. At least not at the shop.

No credit cards?

Driver's license? Passport?

She's not boarding an international flight, she's staying at a Bed and Breakfast.

Well, I'm a cop, and what I see is trouble.

Mm... trouble and troubled are two entirely different things.

Hello there!

Hey doc!

What brings you in today?

I'm just having a little trouble with my left knee.

I just don't want to be out of commission for the big race. You're new in town so you probably don't know that I'm undefeated.

This is what happens when I overtrain. It's fluid retention, but it's not infected. I know what that feels like, so I don't need antibiotics, but I thought...

Do you mind if I take a look at it?

Yeah, go ahead.

So are you racing?

No, I don't do fun runs.

10k is not exactly a fun run.

Well, it's not a marathon.

It's over 6 miles.


You know what I think is fun? Winning.

Now see, if I ran, it'd spoil all your fun.

That's impossible.

I graduated from medical school in three years.

Nothing's impossible.

Yeah, I know.

I was all-American in track.



Me too!

No way!

High school, a long time ago.

Yeah, a little longer for you than for me, huh?

Oh and for the record, I was all-American in high school and college.


Thank you.

I gotta say, once you've run the New York and Boston marathons in the same year, everything just pales in comparison. Which means I'm not running.

And neither are you if I don't drain that knee.

Is this gonna hurt?

Only if I want it to.


Derek, can I help you?

I don't know.

(Bell rings)

Do you have a problem?

Uh... kind of.

Hey Cass, do you think...

Do you have something that might be able to help me out with women?


I've had a lot of first dates lately, but not a lot of second dates.

I sense that you have a vacancy in your life that's about to be filled.


Okay! And I don't need anything?

Everything you need for love, you already possess.

Thanks, Cass.


He's sweet.

(Bell rings)

God, I hate it when they love to exercise. I haven't run this much since that orthodontist in Waresville.

Well, here. Try this two times a day and before you go chasing... and running.

Not all of us can live next to the hottest bachelor in town.

If there's an easier way to get that man alone that doesn't involve sore feet and wearing a paper exam gown, I'm all ears.



I'm in town for the...

For the 10k.


Be careful. Your gait if off, which is straining your back, causing some bad muscle spasms, I bet.

She's like a holistic Sherlock Holmes.

So, what brings you to my shop?

To be honest, memories.


I met my lovely wife in Middleton.

I asked her to marry me right on this very spot.

Mind you, way back then, this was an open field, not a shop. And she's passed on.

It's hard to let go.

I'm also here to fulfill a promise.

My wife always wanted to run across the state one 10k at a time.

She got sick, couldn't finish.

I promised to finish it for her. Middleton's my last race.

It's good to keep our promises.

(Bell rings) Ashley!

How was your walk?

My walk? Oh... right.

It was great.

Well, I...

I can see you're busy.

Um... see you back at the house.


(Bell rings)

Try this, for your hip and back.

By the way, have you...

Have you seen Grey house?

I heard it was abandoned and boarded up.

Oh no. No, it's very much alive.

Some people say I brought it back to life, but the truth is Grey House actually brought me back to life.

It's a magical place.

I'd love to see it.

I think you should.

Don't wait too long.

(Bell rings)

I cheated on you.

I went to see Sam.

I'm not in competition with Sam.

I believe in western medicine.

So what would you have said?

That your knee is talking to you and it's saying, "stop training so hard."

I can't help it. I'm a guy.

I always want to win. You know what I mean.

Don't you think you could ease off a little, now that you know Sam isn't running?

I'm not competing against Sam.

If you say so.

Dr. Radford! Yoo-hoo, Dr. Radford?

Oh my, don't you look so very fit in your little running outfit?

(Sighing) Thank you.

So glad to see you taking part in our run, reaching out and embracing the Middleton community!

I'm not... running.

Well, I can lead you to water, but it is you who must drink... Or run, as the case may be.

What about you? Are you running?

Me? Oh, heavens no! My fellow citizens and constituents don't want to see their esteemed mayor running down the middle of the street all sweaty.

No, I officiate. And I hand out the medals.



"Oh"? What is "oh" supposed to mean?


I could run, should I choose to do so.

I didn't say you couldn't.

Well, I think you did.

And I accept your challenge.

But I didn't challenge you.

Oh, no, no, no. You can't take it back now. I will see you on race day, Dr. Radford. (Sigh)

If you're out of that oil, you're using too much.

You want to ask about Ashley?

That's her name?

Yes. You know her?

I know someone like her, that's all.

Just someone?


I see.

It's troubling to talk about.

Oh, for me, the truth is big trouble.

Maybe you could use some comfort food.

Food I don't need.

Sometimes we don't know what we need until we find it.

The Beaster down the road is excellent.

Ha, thanks.
(Indistinct shouting)

He's running in the race?


Nice! Nice!

You're a runner, right?


You could help him.

Why would I do that?

(Sigh) Sorry. What was I thinking, asking you to care about something besides yourself?

That's just crazy.

Well, see you.

(Indistinct shouting)

She's very pretty.

It's Catherine, my daughter.


I haven't spoken to her in a long time.

Well, all hope can't be lost.

She sent you that picture.

Actually, I found it when my wife died.

She'd been in touch with Catherine for a long time. Didn't tell me about it.

Well, I am a glass half full kind of girl, so keep the faith.

Excuse me.

Can I get you something to drink?

Coffee, thanks.

With whipped cream?

Whipped cream?

It's good.

My mom doesn't take it any other way. Small world.



(Crickets chirping)


Hey Grace.

Mom's getting ready upstairs.

Want me to get her?

Getting ready?

Yeah. She's meeting Ryan for dinner.

Oh, really?

I can get her.

No. No, I just wanted to bring this back.

Tell her it was delicious and sweet of her to take pity on us, culinarily*** speaking.

I will tell her. Thanks.

Actually, I should probably thank you.

Nick's helping Anthony work out to get ready for the run. He said it was your idea.


I know he's doing it mostly just to get out of being grounded and get out of the house at night.

At night?

Anthony has a band after school.

He does?

So the only time that Nick can train him is at night after dinner.

That makes sense.

Anyway, thanks for planting the idea.

He's a good kid, even though he tries to hide it.


(Phone ringing)

Oh, sorry. Excuse me.

It's Sam.

Oh, hi.

No, no, it's completely fine that you call.

Really, your knee again?

No, no, that sounds kind of serious.

You should be on it. I'll come to you.

Yeah, I'll get my bag and I'll be right over.


Are you ever gonna let me pay?

I owe you.

You do not owe me.

I do!

You were there for me.

I was there for you. We're even.

It's not easy being alone.


No, it's just... it's nice you and I have each other.

Yes! Yes.

What are you trying to say?

I'm not.

Yes, yes, you are. You're doing that thing that you do when you say it without actually saying it.

What are you trying to say?

It this about Sam?

Because Sam is not alone. He's got his kid, right?

Okay, so maybe he feels like he's alone because he's new in town, but maybe, just maybe, that's by choice.

Because people from the big city, they're like that.

They just like to be by themselves, right?

No one chooses to be alone.

Hermits do.

I'm serious.

No, I'm serious.

Hermits, by definition, are loners.

Sam's not a hermit.

Look, small town life is just not for everyone.

All I'm saying is that alone or not, I'm not so sure that Sam is long for Middleton.

Well, not without some help, he's not.

Dr. Radford.


You're actually my first house call.

Since moving to town?

Since... ever.

Well, aren't I the lucky one?

Come on in!

So you haven't told me how you did this.

Did what?

Your knee.

Oh! Right.

How did you hurt your knee?

I... tripped.




Are you new in town?


That sounded cheesy. Sorry.

I'll try it again.

(Sigh) Hi.


Was that better? (Laughing)

(Cellphone vibrating)


Hey! What are you up to?

Um... training, really hard.

Is Nick with you?



[Yeah, we just finished]

Our algebra homework and we're in the middle of a k*ller game of halo. Ha! Ha! Ha!

I'm serious.

If you were, you wouldn't have asked the question.


Why would Nick be with me?

He's helping you train for the 10k.

Nick doesn't talk to me unless it's to insult me.

[He's gonna train me?]

He lied.

Yeah, he does that, like all the time.

[I just can't believe you fell for it.]

It wasn't just me who fell for it.

Whatever swelling you had seems to have gone down.

Well, you must have the magic touch.

(Both laughing)

So, what's my prognosis?

Well, I think you're going to live.

(Chuckle) But maybe I won't see you on my morning run for a while.

Oh, I don't know about that.

I'm a very fast healer.

Oh no!

I drag you all the way out here on a cold night to help poor little old me, the least I can do is offer you a drink and some hors d'oeuvres.



Please. I insist.

You do?

Well, Nick's out running tonight, so there's no need for me to race home.

He's actually training Anthony for the race. It's the first effort that I've seen him make since we moved here.

Oh... canapé?


Hey. Thanks.


King of.

Do you want to tell me?

Nick used me to lie to his dad.

Mm... and you're angry.


This is the second time that he's put me in this position.

I have to rat him out or be part of his lie.

There may be a third option that lets Nick know to stop using you as an option altogether.

Alright, I feel like I've been doing all the talking.

I like listening to you.

It's just that you know so much about me and I don't know that much about you.




No, no, no, it's okay. Are you staying in town long?

My plans are... They're kind of up in the air.

Alright, well...

What can we do to bring them down to earth?


I could use a job.

A job?


Alright. I could probably help you out with that.

(Small laugh)

Thank you.

So, why am I here exactly?


Why did you want me to come over?

Oh, um... to hang.

We hung earlier today.

(Sigh) It's getting late.

Time to go.

You're acting really weird.

Am I? I must just be tired.

Okay, goodnight.

Okay, goodnight...


Hey Anthony.

Hey Dr. Radford.

Are you and Nick finished for the night?

Finished with what?

(Door opens)

How was your run?


Hey. I saw you were up.

I am. So are you. Come on in.

I don't want to interrupt.


Is Ryan here?

No, he isn't.

Oh, okay.

Let's go inside.

Have a seat.

I promise not to make you meditate.

I'm not drinking any tea either.

Okay, well, ground rules are settled.

I don't have any coffee.

How about pie?

Ooh, that bad, huh?

Yeah. And you got any ice cream?

Vegan. It's made with nut butter.

If it's not made with cream, it can't be ice cream.

Try it.

I'm allergic to anything not made with animal products.


I don't know what to do!

Nick's got me on the mat and the referee is counting down.

I hate to admit it, but he's winning.

"Winning", but not "won". It's not over yet.

No, not yet.

Sounds like you need a new game plan.

Oh, Cassie! I'm in big trouble.

I... I can't even run around the block without needing oxygen.

Why are you doing that?

I have been challenged.

You have?

Yes, by Dr. Radford.


Yes, and...

(Panting) And Martha Tinsdale does not back down from a challenge.

Although Martha Tinsdale has never actually run in a race before.

Any kind of a race. So I thought I, perhaps, should do a trial run.

You know, see how it feels.

And if feels awful!

Why in heaven's name would anyone volunteer to do this. My feet hurt, my back hurts...

Cassie, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to finish.

Well, Martha, you really shouldn't just jump into an exercise program.


Not without, uh... having a thorough medical examination.




I'm getting to him, I can tell!

I am wearing him down.


Well, just be careful not to chase too hard.

He might pick up the pace and outrun you.


Hello, Sam! I should probably get back to my shop. don't leave on my account.

Oh, never.


Triple Espresso?

Sounds great.

No, no. It's on the house.

Thanks! How's your knee?

Remarkably better!

So I'll be seeing you on my morning run?



Will I be seeing you?


I think my running days are over.



Maybe I'm overdoing it a little with the doctor visits.


Oh, I'll miss you...

At the office.

I should go.



Cassie Nightingale.

(Phone ringing and general chatter)


Hold on one moment.


What's up?

You hired Ashley?

You know nothing about her!

This isn't the NSA. She's answering calls and making coffee. Plus she's got a lot of office experience.

You know, she knows things about the phones I don't even know.

Did you run a background check?

Yeah, she's filing out the paper work.

There's something off about her.

I've been doing this longer than you have she's fine. And she's a find!

I took her out for dinner last night.

A date?

Not exactly.

But I like her.

You're cleared to run...

Just take it easy.

Ok, great! Thanks!

You know, you should do the race.

Really? Why?

Because small towns live and die by relationships.

And the run is a good way to start making more friends in town.

Is this you trying to help me?



(Laughing) Or maybe I just like the competition.

I don't want to see you fold up, head back to New York.

'Cause in my book, being the best is defined as beating the best.

You haven't beaten me.

Not yet! See you on race day.

(Door opening)

Well you're not going to win the race laying down.

I'm not running.


What happened?

My dad left last night.


Me too.

He could come back.

I heard my mom talking to some lawyer.

He's not coming back.

And I'm not running some stupid race.

It's not stupid.

Well I am.

You're hopeful.

Me, hopeful?


You hoped that if you ran in the race, your parents would show up together to watch you run.

Like they used to when you played peewee soccer.


And if they showed up together, maybe they'd stay together.

Like I said, it's stupid.


And you're running. And I am too!

You don't have to run.

But I do.

Thank you for coming. I am, as you know, a very busy woman.

Now, I think that I am perfectly able to run this 10k, but on the advice of friends and colleagues, I've decided to let you be the judge.


Yes, she was quite insistent I have a thorough exam before the race.


(Laughs with a snort)

Well, I have to say, I can't recommend that you run.

Really...? What... wait, really?

I feel some scar tissue.

You may have plantar fasciitis.

Oh dear!

Oh, it's nothing serious, but any pressure to your foot can cause a flare up.

Just to play it safe, I think you should sit this one out.

Well, if you insist!

Uh, I do.

As long as you know that I could've finished the race had I run.

Oh, I do.

Then I will follow doctor's orders.

Thank you.

No, thank you! Ahem.

That's my daughter on the right.

And that's Ashley standing next to her.

Well... her real name's Heather.

And, uh, she is my granddaughter.

And I can see the family resemblance.

So you knew?

That you and Heather connected, yes, I had a feeling.

But she doesn't know you.

No, no.

No, she doesn't.

Well, I think she'd wanna know she has a grandfather.

Not this grandfather.

(Door opening)

Hello, Ashley.


Hello, Heather.

It's Ashley.

My name is Ashley.

It's me.

I know, but I can't do this anymore.

I know you followed me here, I can see you in town.

I know I said I would but I don't think I can.

Of course I'm scared, why do you think I ran?

You can't protect me forever and, even if you could, I'm not ready to give up my whole life.

You have to find someone else.

Sorry, I'm out.

(Door opening and closing)

What did you do?

Excuse me?

My room, my stuff, my phone?

I had a sudden attack of feng shui.

Feng shui your own things.

Give me my stuff back.

Your stuff?


Did you pay for it?


See, what's yours is actually mine.

(Sighing) Ok, enough. I'm sorry. Sorry...

No, not nearly enough, but I'm getting there.

You break the rules, do something bad, we talk.

You don't really listen and then, we repeat the whole process over and over again.

You're not making any sense.

You and I...

Need a game changer.

What game!?

The game that you've been winning and I've been losing ever since the divorce.

Just give me my stuff.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

I'm gonna run the 10k and I was going to ask you to run it with me.

But I know you haven't run since your mom and I got divorced. And just like not running anymore, every destructive thing you do and continue to do doesn't hurt your mom...

Or me...

It only hurts you.

(Big sigh)

You and I don't have what I would call a solid relationship.

Last night, I couldn't sleep,

'cause I thought if I came down on you one more time, that'd be it.

No relationship at all.

I was afraid of losing what little we have.

But I'm not afraid anymore.

You've been using that fear against me you've been using a lot of things against me.

And that stops today...

Right now.


Evening. I'd like to speak with your chief.

Oh, he's left. Everyone has.

You're a us attorney.

I am. Perhaps you could help me with a witness for a case that I'm prosecuting.


Yeah, she's staying at Grey house.

I know.

She's a witness?

She was until she skipped town a few days back. Unfortunately, I'm running out of time.

For what?

Putting her fiancé behind bars.

Her fiancé.



Hi, Ashley.

It's Heather.

I have to go.

You need to stop running.

I can't! I don't want to cause you or your family any trouble.

I can help you. No one can.

I did this to myself.

Thanks for... everything.

Sorry for...



Heather, wait!

Where you will go?

There's a guy, who works for the government, he'll be looking for me.

The less you know, the less you can tell.

Its' better for both of us.

Leaving is a mistake.

I made a lot of those.
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