30x01 - Lightning Strikes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x01 - Lightning Strikes

Post by bunniefuu »

[energetic music playing]


-[both groan]
-[Zayto] Where is he? Where's Zedd?

[woman] Here you are.

Let's toast to your freedom.

[Zedd] Yes, I am thirsty.

For conquest!


-[theme song playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space
Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin' ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away ♪

♪ Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin' ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[Zedd] Morphin Masters,
Power Rangers, and a monster army.

Who exactly are you?

[Bajillia] Bajillia Naire,
CEO of Squid Ink Inc.

The galaxy's largest
and most evil weapons corporation.

We came to Zordnia to mine this planet,

but a strong energy signature
led us to a crystal with you inside.

Forty scientists d*ed
to get you out, but it was worth it.

Now, with your help,
we can drive our profits sky-high

by starting an intergalactic w*r.

[Zedd] And who will be in charge
of this little arrangement?

[Bajillia] You, of course.

My fleet, my factories,
everything I have is at your service.

[Zedd] Excellent. Because if not...

[Bajillia gasps] Yes, sir.

[Billy grunts]

[Ollie] Wait. [grunts]

Is that Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger,
Billy Cranston?

He owns Cranston Technologies...


...and travels in space.

[Amelia] Careful. You're gonna make
your girlfriend jealous.

-[monster grunts]
-[Ollie] Oh!

[shouts] I'm on fire! I'm on fire!


Some research trip
this turned out to be, Billy.

[Billy] Sorry.

-[Amelia] Mick? What are the odds?

[group] How'd you get here?

Long story.

[group laughs]

[Mick gasps]

[Billy grunts]

[Ollie] Maybe he will let me help him.

[Blue Rangers grunting]

[Ollie] An honor
to fight by your side, Mr. Cranston.

Where's the rest of your team?

[Billy] On Earth, out of signal range.
It's good to have some assistance.

So, uh... what's the hot goss?

[Amelia] So much to catch you up on.

For a start,
I'm a Rafkonian, so I can show you.

[Mick gasps]

[Amelia] Our enemies, Void Queen
and Void King, were actually my parents.

They were corrupted by Sporix energy.

Six months ago, we turned them good again,

but not before
the Nemesis Beast was unleashed.

Zayto sacrificed all the Zords
and himself to save us.

Today, Zayto returned
with a mission from the Morphin Masters.

They needed us to fight Lord Zedd.

[Amelia] One cosmic portal later,
here we are to help.

Oh, wow. Huh.

[girl] OMZ!

The original supervillain
and fashion icon himself.

[Bajillia] Calm down, deary.

[girl] We're gonna be best buds.

And my socials
will reach a zillion squid fans.

[Bajillia] Squillia, just give Mommy
a status update on my secret w*apon.

[Squillia] Ugh. Scrozzle's not done yet.
He's so slow.

-Now, do you moisturize?
-[loud blast]

[Bajillia gasps]

[Zedd] Your forces
are getting obliterated.

[Squillia] Don't worry.
See that over there? It's a Squidrill.

-And you'll love what that baby can do.
-[phone chimes]

[Bajillia] Zentinals.

[loud whirring]

[Zedd] An infinite army.

[Bajillia] Our Squidrills
can strip the resources of a planet

to create minions
that'll obey your every command.

[Zedd] Then the time has come
for me to take charge.

[Squillia] Are you gonna fight? Ooh.
Mom, can I go too?


[Bajillia] Now you're 218,
I guess you're old enough.

But take a Copyguard. It'll keep you safe.

[Squillia] Let's go, uggo.
This is my time to shine.

[Zedd] No, it's not.

-[people groan]
-[Zedd] Cries of pain on a b*ttlefield.

I've missed this.

[Izzy] There's the piece of meat
we want to grill.

-[Javi] He's got a whole entourage.
-[Zayto] Not for long.

[Zedd] Yeah. Come and get me. [laughs]

[Ollie grunts]

[Zedd] Cranston.

It'll be a pleasure
to crush you once and for all.

[Billy] Even with your brain exposed,
you still remember me. Impressive.

Hi-yah! [grunts]

[Mick sighs]


[Zedd grunting]

[Amelia yelps]

[Billy groans]

[Zedd laughs] All my dreams
are coming true.

[Billy groans]

[Squillia] Whoo!

[Aiyon] Man, I missed you.
There's so much to tell you.

Like, I opened up my own café.

[Zayto] For real?
Can't wait to check it out.

[Ollie] These monsters are relentless.
I wish we still had Zords.

[Amelia] Ours are long gone.
Gotta make do with what we have.

Wanna make some portals
and send 'em packing?

[Ollie] You're a genius.

Cosmic Dino Key. Ready.

Cosmic gateway, activate.

[enemy] Ah. Pretty.

[Amelia] Hey, bozos.

Your commute home
is about to get intergalactic.

[enemy, echoing] No!

[Aiyon] Yeah! Now we're kickin' it.

[Zayto] The band is back together.

[Zedd grunts] Was this part
of your mother's foolish plan?

[Squillia] She's got way more to come.
But since Scrozzle's not ready...

Doodrip, get down here.

[Doodrip grunts]

[Zayto] Who's that?

-[Doodrip] Doodrip, reporting for duty.
-[Izzy] Doodrip? That's your name?

[laughs] Man, you should sue your mom.

[Doodrip] Hey!

[Rangers groan]

[Aiyon] What just happened?

[Doodrip] That's poison
Zedd uses to turn Rangers evil.

[Izzy] No evil vibes here.

[Zedd] If you had any brains,
you'd know the poison was designed

only for that Blue Ranger.

[Aiyon] Wait. Does this mean...

[Ollie] Zedd has a new ally.
Cosmic gateway, activate.

[Rangers groan]

-[Zedd shouts]
-[Zayto groans]

[Aiyon] Zayto!

-No! No!
-[Zayto screaming]

[Amelia] Ollie! How could you?

[Ollie] Easily.

-[Amelia] No more portals!

-[Aiyon] I just got him back.

[Zedd] Ha! Hilarious.
You did all right, Doodrip.

-Still, you're fired. Take him away.
-[Doodrip] What?

Wait. No. I was employee of the month!

[Mick yelps]

-[Master Red] Mick Kanic.

It's an honor to finally meet you,
Mr... Master Red, sir. [sighs]

But the odds
are totally stacked against us.

[Master Red] You are not wrong.

[Mick cries out]

Ah! I love the feel of ninja steel,
and the suit still fits.

[Squillia] #MyFirstBattle.

[Mick shouts]

[Izzy yelps]

-[Mick] Hi. Don't mind me.
-[Izzy] Mick's morphed? Whoa.

[Squillia] Mom, there's
another Ranger now.

[Bajillia] Scrozzle knows
I'll destroy him if he's not done soon.

[Scrozzle] All finished.
No destroying needed.

I'll collect my check now.

[Bajillia] Take it up with Accounts.
But first, activate the Master Captivator.

[Scrozzle] Out of the way, Dinkworth.

[Bajillia] Months of development,
oodles of cash, but now it's ready.

[Scrozzle] Whoo-hoo!

[dramatic music playing]

[Bajillia] Look at
that gorgeous green energy.

-[Aiyon] What happened?
-[Zedd] Now that... that, I like.

[Bajillia] Works like a charm.

[Izzy] No!

[Bajillia] Now that pretty pink energy.

Oh! Oh!

Keep going! Keep going! [cackles]

[Billy] What?

[Bajillia] Five out of six.
Time to complete the set.

[grunts] You're not getting paid
if you don't catch that last one.

[Scrozzle] But my rent's due. Fire!

Come on. Come on.

-[Javi] Huh? Whoa.
-[staff whirs]

[Master Red] You know where to go.

[Javi] Okay.

-[Scrozzle cheers]
-[Bajillia] Six for six.

[Billy] Regroup!

[Javi] Master Red showed me where to go.
Let's scram.

[Zedd shouts]

[groans] Bajillia better have planned
for this too!

[Zedd] They're gone. Do something.

[Bajillia] There's no need
to concern yourself.

It'll be a cinch
for a Squidrill to find the Rangers.

Besides, the Morphin Masters
can't help them.

[Zedd] Then it is only a matter of time
before we conquer the universe,

and the emperor of evil
will rule again! [echoing]

-[Aiyon grunts]
-[Zayto] Whoa.

[Javi] This is the place
Master Red showed me.

[Billy] Fascinating. I'm sorry about
what happened to your teammates.

I have no idea
what Lord Zedd's forces will do next.

But for the moment, we're safe.

Hey. Ollie is curable, remember?
We'll get him back.

[Mick] Wait a second.

Could this be the famous Altar of Zordnia?



This is exactly what we were looking for

before everything got all,
you know, blasty.


And now all glowy.

[Squillia] I can't believe
it's our job to find the Rangers.

This is way more fun
than buying subscribers all day.

Increase search range
to include thermal scanning.

[Zentinal] Yes, sir.

Life-forms detected.

[Squillia gasps, giggles] Bingo!

Are those animals, or...

[Amelia] Is it me, or does it look like
they may combine Zord-style?

[Billy] It's possible.

Probable, even.

I mean, this is the planet that my team
got the Shogunzords from years ago.

There are whispers of a lost group
of ancient Zords, the Cosmic Fury Zords.

No one's ever been able to even prove
their existence, let alone find them.

You think they're hidden
around here somewhere?

Weird hole thing. That carving
looks like a Morphin Master Staff.

Javi, try putting it in.

[Billy] Wait.

Even if the altar
is the answer to new Zords,

we just watched this absorb lightning.
It's filled with unbridled energy.

But this thing was built and designed
by Morphin Masters, not by mortal beings.

That would be a no-no on the staff-o.


[tense music playing]

-[Ollie] Hello, friends.
-Ollie's in there. We gotta get him back.

Prepare for total annihilation.

[Squillia] Time for battle mode.

[alarm blaring]

[group groans]

[Billy] Take cover!


If the altar's destroyed,
our chances of getting Zords are too.

[gasps, groans] A little too close.


[Javi grunting]


[gasps] Javi!

[gentle music playing]

[thunder rumbles]

[heroic music playing]

[gasps] The Cosmic Fury Zords.

Whoa! Look at 'em go!


I like that in my Zords.

[Squillia] Whoa! Not cool.

How did they find new Zords?

Did it work?

Yeah, but you activated the Zords.


-My... My... My arm.
-[gentle music playing]

The magic of the staff. The lightning.

It's gone.

[Javi sighs, gasps]

-He's going into shock.
-Ah. I know what to do.

You are gonna be okay. Yeah?

Get him away from this fight.

Hang in there. We'll be back.

Let's do this.

Right. Ready?

-It's Morphin' Time!
-[energetic music playing]

[all] Dino Fury Key!


Link to Morphin Grid!


[all grunt]

[Amelia] Ankylo Fury! Pink Ranger!


[Izzy] Tiger Fury! Green Ranger!

[Aiyon] Mosa Fury! Gold Ranger!

[all] Dino Fury Power!

-[Izzy] Which Zord's mine?
-[Amelia] Whatever you like.

But we need the lion if it's in the center
of the Megazord. I'll take it.

-[Izzy] Whoa.
-[Billy] Morphenomenal.

[Amelia] Surely it's like driving
a new car.

With no manual. And it flies. [laughs]

Why haven't you blasted
the Zords out of the sky yet?

[tense music playing]

[Aiyon] Anyone know
what these symbols mean?

I'm looking for "blast."

[Amelia] No clue.

[Billy] Negative.

[Izzy] Um...

Got it. It's the thingy
on the control stick.

[Billy] I wonder if...

Yes! I did that.
We can remotely pilot any Zord too.

[Aiyon] Oh, yes.

[Amelia] Wait. We can't blow it up
with Ollie inside.

[Aiyon] Our only other option is to run.

[Amelia] There's no way
I'm leaving Zordnia without Ollie.

We're gonna have to fight.

[Billy] Then we need Megazord power.

[epic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Fury Megazord, ready.

A Megazord made out of Christmas globes.
Very scary, guys.

[Izzy] We'll show you scary.

[Izzy] Cosmic Chameleo Lash.

[Megazord exclaims]

[Izzy groans] Hope that grows back.

[Squillia] Yes, King!

[Izzy] My Zord's taken damage.

[Billy] I'll switch you out
with a link to Cobra Zord.

Cosmic Cobra Fang.

[alarms blaring]

[Amelia] Maybe we can scare Ollie
into submission with the mega att*ck?

[Aiyon] Good idea.

[all] Cosmic Fury Megazord.

[Amelia] Ollie, I know you can hear me.

Our att*ck is almost charged.
It's time to surrender.

[Squillia] Well, I'm out.

-[communicator beeps]
-Why on earth would I surrender?

[Amelia] 'Cause I don't wanna lose you.

[Aiyon] att*ck's at maximum charge.

[Amelia] He's not going for it. New idea.
Billy, I'm switching to remote mode.

[Billy] Copy that. Remote linking
to the Cosmic Lion Zord now.

[Amelia] Come on, Ollie.
I know you're in there.

Come with me.

I'm over you.

-Get her!
-[Zentinal] Yes, sir.


Snooze time!


[Zentinals groan]

Fire the blast, now.

[all] Cosmic Megablast.

[Squillia] This is good content.

[all] Cosmic Fury Victory!

[Billy] Oh, no.

I'm picking up hundreds of ships
arriving in Zordnia's orbit.

Those monsters have an entire fleet.

[Izzy] And my relief lasted
about three seconds.

Amelia, you got
the cosmic key off Ollie, right?

Sure did. Let's bail.

[Bajillia] And we built you
this fabulous Mega Squidrill,

full of helpful staff.

[Inkworth] Inkworth at your service.
Care for a snack or a deep tissue massage?

[Zedd] My tissue is fine!

[Inkworth] Oh, Inkworth, you fool.

[Zedd] You! The Blue Ranger
destroyed the others, yes?

[Squillia] Uh, well, about that. No.

They got all these Zords
and destroyed his Squidrill.

I saw them leave through a portal.
He was knocked out or something.

[Zedd groans] Power Rangers
should know not to mess with me.

My first order of business
will be getting rid of those Dino freaks.

[Bajillia] It's time for us to finish
what you started 30 years ago.

-Set the fleet's course for Earth.
-[engines thrum]

[Mick] I just need help
accessing the ninja nexus prism.

-[Izzy] Really? None of you are listening.
-[Tarrick] Making me crazy!

Even with the Zords, we don't
stand a chance against that fleet.

[Aiyon] We've got to find Zayto.

-[Tarrick] Don't know how we can risk it.
-[Mick] It's dangerous.

-[Pop-Pop] No one's listening!
-[Tarrick] We're not strong enough.


[group groans]

Thanks, Solon.

Look, I know that there's a lot going on,

but we won't get anywhere
if we're all talking at once.

Here's the deal, Lord Zedd has escaped.

And last time he was free,

he destroyed Rafkon,
and we barely survived.

Zedd has allies, powerful ones,
and the Morphin Masters can't help us.

Billy and I put word out
to the other Ranger teams

to prepare for possible invasion.

I'll warn my people.
The Rafkonians are here if you need us.

How about Zayto?
He just got back. Now he's lost in space?

-He could be injured...
-Don't think like that.

We're gonna find Zayto.

Seems to me the Morphin Masters
must have brought him back for a reason.

Hey, Billy.

How are Ollie and Javi doing?

No improvements yet,
but they're both stable.

[Izzy] What about Javi's arm?

Can we help him?

As far as I know,
something like this... it can't be reversed.

But he uses both hands to play guitar.

[gentle music playing]

[softly] He's gonna be so crushed.

[Solon] I have experience
with cybernetics.

He's not the only one
who's been through something like this.

Things won't be the same,
but they will be okay.

Solon's right.

We'll find a way to help everyone,
including Ollie.

Step one. I can help recreate
the antidote that cured him last time.

Soon, we'll be back to doing what we love.

You two will be ghost huntin',
and I'll be fixing sewage leaks.

All of this will be a challenge,
especially saving the Morphin Masters.

You've been through the wringer.

But from what I know of this team,

this is a challenge
that I'm sure you're all ready for.

Today... it's just the beginning.

[gentle music fades]

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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