02x41 - The Easter Games

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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02x41 - The Easter Games

Post by bunniefuu »

Easter games


Mr is finally here let's set up a possum


too bad these decorations are getting a

little old my Garland still looks fine

oh my meatballs the decorations are

after me oh

what we need is a plan so we can have a

possum Easter party hey buffycats

let me introduce the greatest party

planner in the

room and they'll say hello to my auntie


hello there sweet hearty Auntie Lizzy

knows everything about parties and

Auntie where did you go you over here

this Kitty origami is fantastic it

impressed everyone at the party for her

majesty Felix the first oh


but there is one thing that can never be

missing at any party

thanks Auntie Lizzy you're welcome

catnip tea is just the thing to give you

a boost when it's time to throw a party


ah yes yes yes too much sugar


wow it's fantastic and this is just the

beginning what will make this party

truly possum it's an Easter egg hunt

here are some chicken and she takes

no no no we need these eggs for the hunt

how does it need

you and I'll hide the eggs in three

different spots around town and you'll

have to find them sweet hearties but


no no no no call me auntie Lizzy

um okay Auntie Lizzy

we can rehearse after the game Lampo

well said pillow you start hunting in

five minutes

five seconds maybe too long for my tummy


Easter Egg 1

hello Captain black this is Auntie Lizzy

oh looks like you're already getting to

know her oh this place is so odd

it needs a splash of color that's it I'm

here can we ask why Auntie Lizzy is here

Easter game where can we hide this

Easter egg


I've got something totally inspiring for


idea let's attach the egg to this rocket

then place it on the launch pad and send

it into orbit


thank you so much sweet hearties


Auntie Lizzy and pilu have hidden the

first egg at the captain black


fellow cats in Black we know an Easter

egg is hidden here and I'm gonna find it

unlikely Lambo over very unlikely over

almost impossible but you may use our

computers over and out

thank you the Easter egg is flying in


Oh no

well I have to get it back to earth

right away


watch out Lampo you've only got three

lives clear the way


Lambo you just lost the life ah relax

meatball I've got two left


alien give me that egg

what's going on

Lampo you've got one life left it'll be

plenty Milady

now just wait for the right moment to



space ignition accomplished


now let's go find the second egg

Easter Egg 2

hi buddy hi Terrence

Auntie Lizzy and I are playing a game

could you help us hide this egg

I'm fine with it if Terence is

oh it's okay by me if it's okay bye



going oh Auntie Elizabeth what they need

uh pinata we'll tie it to the ceiling

with a bunch of other pinatas it won't

be easy to find with so many tied up


thank you so much retardies

my whiskers are telling us that Lizzie

and pilu hid the second egg at the


hi buddy endurance did you hear about an

Easter egg hidden around here I ain't

gonna tell you nothing meatball actually

I'm the one who won't tell you nothing

meatball I'm pretty sure the eggs in one

of those pinatas

to find out you gotta break the pinatas

using this here stick

that sounds easy

but you can't see what you're hitting at

oh that sounds hard

thank you

tomato flavored cat treats they smell so



spicy tuna flavor oh what a yummy smell

you only got one chance left

since I can't use my eyes I'll use my

nose I just gotta find a pinata that

doesn't smell like cat treats

that's it


possum meatball

and now let's go find the third hidden


Easter Egg 3

Easter egg I'll hide it in my piles of


my furry fellas are going to take a long

time to find

it in the meantime we'll make the final

arrangements for our Easter party


whiskers are telling us Auntie Lizzy and

pilu have hidden the third egg and

neko's galleon


hello there my friends what brings you


hi Neko we are looking for an Easter egg

and I'm gonna find it

but you don't have much time

you must find the egg before the bird

pops out of this cuckoo clock

my lady I'll give you a hint you will

find the egg only if you're on a roll

I wonder what that means

time is running out you gotta hurry


I'll never find it this way I can't see

the egg in this mess just a few seconds

left Milady what did the clue say only

on a roll

I've got a buffy brainstorm

roll the egg out of this mess


with a cat food move




we found all the eggs and this game gave

me an idea for our new song


Auntie Lizzy

and now I'm going to sing a song

dedicated to Auntie Lizzy

just kidding The Buffy cats are here to

sing along a spectacular Sing-along song



she's the perfect one


she's a sweet and Noble cat who is very

classy oh so kind and precise







and now let's all have a nice chocolate


oh this teal make you sing like a



a bit too much lemon sorry

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