33x14 - Live Reunion Show

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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33x14 - Live Reunion Show

Post by bunniefuu »

It's been my dream since I
was nine years old to play this

Game and have this experience.

This is what dreams are made of.

I feel like I'm inside my
television right now.

This is where the fun begins.

And I'm playing for so much more
than the title of sole survivor.

Mom, this is for you.

I love you so much.

My mom told me right before I
came out here, you can do

Anything that you set your mind

Jeff: adam wins!

I set my mind to one goal,
winning this game.

It's a dream come true.

jeff: congratulations to

Adam on winning the 33rd
season of "survivor," huge


Before we get into your story,
glen, give us one sh*t.

I want to say thanks to all of
you guys.

What a season.

These are all the people that
made one of our best seasons


Really great job.

all right.

So, adam, obviously we talked
allotted, there's been a lot of

Great game play.

You had to make some risky moves
and some good maneuvers to get

There, but the foundation of
your game is what made it so

Unique, and it was your purpose
for playing, which was your mom.

My mom and I and my whole
family have been huge, huge

"Survivor" fans, and even just
to be in this theater right now

Would have been a dream come
true, let alone to play the

Game, let alone to win the game.

And, so you know, my mom and I
almost got on the "blood versus

Water" season together.

So when I got this opportunity
to potentially go out and win

This game, there was no doubt in
her mind what I should do.

And my mom was the healthiest
person you could possibly


Jeff: here's what I found
really interesting about your

Connection is that we wanted you
on the show, told you, that and

Then you found out your mom was
sick, and I said, look, this is

A big deal, we'll bring you back
next year if you want, just do

What you think is right, and
that's when the story really

Turned when you told your mom
that and she said, you got to


My mom lived at 100%.

She always was dancing and
smiling and laughing and loving,

And when an opportunity to make
your dreams come true is in

Front of you, she would have
never passed it up.

And she wanted the same for me.

And so I talked to my mom, and I
talked to my dad, and I talked

To my brother about it.

And I said, if now is not the
right time, we can do this

Later, and my mom said, you have
to go now.

And we needed something to look
forward to, something to

Brighten her spirits.

Jeff: and do you think...

Could you feel... Did you feel
like you could connect with you

When you were out there even
though there's no communication?

The hardest part about the
entire thing is not the food,

It's not the sleep, for me it
was being away from my family,

And yet there was this energy
that I know that she was sending

Me from home.

I know because of who she was,
and I know because she recorded

Videos for me while I was away
that I could watch.

For her to live my experience
right along with me, and when I

Found those idols and when I won
immunity, and especially when my

Brother came out there, she was
with me.

And she's with me tonight.

Jeff: beautiful.


you know, there's a really

Interesting moment, and I got
asked about this as much as

Anything out there, which was
when you finally decided to tell

Somebody, you tell your
adversary in the game, jay, and

I really want to understand, in
fact, we got a tweet that

Represented a lot of people that
asked that, why did you finally

Open up?

Jay, I want to ask you, why do
you think adam came to you?

Me and him have been fighting
forever, you know, but we're

Like brothers, and I think he
just needed an outlet on the

Island, and I think he respected
me so much, even though he hated

Me at the same time.

We're messed up.

It's the most dysfunctional
relationship I've ever been in.

So I love him, so I showed him
respect, so he came out there

And, yo, dude, I love you, and I
got to tell someone this because

It's k*lling me.

So it made sense to you?

Jeff: I knew he was doing
that for his mom, as well, and

His family.

Drew: so adam, okay, you
spend 39 days out there.

You don't know what's going on
back home.

You can't even call when the
game is over.

You have to get on a plane and
fly home.

You have your reunion with your

Walk us through that.

So I get on the absolute
first flight I can from l.a.

Back to san francisco because I
just need to be home.

I can feel her calling me home.

And my mom had two days before
during final tribal council

Probably, my mom was walking
around the block and she was

Thriving still, and I got home
and I was able to tell her, I

Said, mom, I love you so much,
and she was there with me.

She was.

And she said, I love you.

I said, I love you, I love you.

She said, don't stop saying

My dad and my brother, we were
all saying it.

And she d*ed an hour after I got

And I needed her to know, and I
don't know if she heard me, but

I... Oh, god, this is... This is
crazy because my life, right

Like, it's such a beautiful
story, like I can get that

Looking outside of it, this is
my life.

And it's real, and I told her I

Jeff: so you knew?

You had a sense?

Do you think she heard you?

I don't know honestly, but it
doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

Her spirit.

It doesn't matter because she

That's what moms do.

She knew.

She absolutely knew.

Jeff: that's awesome.

Well, there's another aspect to
this story that's very important

To you, and that is that adam's
mom passed from lung cancer,

Even though she never smoked,
was an exercise enthusiast, ate

Healthy, so there's clearly
research that needs to be done

To understand what's happening,
and to honor his mom, adam has

Partnered with stand up to
cancer to raise money

Specifically to fund research
for lung cancer, and very cool,

Bristol myers squib company,
which is a major supporter of

Stand up to cancer, has offered
they're matching donations for

Adam's efforts to raise money up
to a total of $100,000.

So it's an amazing gesture that
will hopefully inspire people

Tonight to want to give.

In fact, we're going to put the
web site up now.

If you're inspired by this, you
can go to the web site and give

Now, a really cool tribute.


I have been asking people.

I started this campaign six
months ago asking people to

Contribute the lung cancer

I want to be a part of it

I want to donate the $100,000 of
my winnings to this cause.

Jeff: wow.

And I hope other people will
be same.

Jeff: so you're kicking it
off with $100,000, and we have

Matchling sponsor for another

Adam, honestly, thank you to you
and you family for sharing this


I'm sure it touched a lot of
families and I'm glad you were

Part of it.

And thanks to all of you.

Thank you all.

Jeff: and even though this
is a somewhat awkward transition

To make, adam's story really
does speak to the biggest theme

Of this season, which is
powerful personal stories where

People like david discovered
what they were capable of.

Take a look.

My whole life I've had this
fear of death.



But over the years it morphed
into a fear of life.

And that's why I'm here.

He lives a fearless life.

I want to walk out as the man my
father was.

I'm going to work hard to make
that happen.

Immunity idol.

Good work.

I'm just trying the tamper
down that voice that says I


Jeff: david wins immunity.

Way to go, david.

The penny experience can give
me that power.


It's "survivor."

jeff: david, you went

From... Most of my friends said,
oh, that guy is first off, and

All of my writer friends said,
you finally put a writer on the

Show and this is the guy you put

But you transformed into a

You were a power player.

What happened out there?

Sum it up in a nutshell the

I just got out there and I
got into the game, and I just

Had this vice in my head that
was telling me that no one likes


They don't like you.

And then I'm surrounded by these
people and they show me such

Love and support, and I realize
they really do like me, and the

Irony is that's what made me
such a big thr*at.

Jeff: so do you hear from

Are people on the streets
saying, I related to that?

People have reached out with
their own issues with anxiety

And they've been cheering me on
and being super supportive and

Relating to it.

If I can make them feel a little
less uncomfortable, that's


Jeff: I love that.

Right behind you zeke almost an
equally powerful story started

Out and said, I'm the millennial
nerd, I don't fit in.

You started making fire and
everything happened and you


Let's take a look at your

I willive in brooklyn.

I know how to ride the subway
and that's the extent of my

Outdoorsy skills.

I'm the doughy little gay guy.

A lot of people didn't believe I
could hack it out here.



Good to see you.

But against all odds -- fire,
fire -- I'm reaching my


Tribal was amazing.

I feel like I'm my best version
of myself out here.

Today I am a warrior.

This is my hero.

This is the strong person I look
up to and I model my behavior


jeff: zeke, what I wondered

About with you, whereas with
david I felt him sort of

Stumbling and struggling to
figure out, you seemed to be

Realizing, I'm powerful.

I can do this.

Could you feel that happening?

I think I could.

Gosh, I got blindsided
immediately and knew I had major

Work to do, and rung by rung I
pulled myself up from the bottom

To the most powerful position in
the game.

And after a couple allies
deserted to me, I had to

Convince four people I
previously blind sided to stick

Their hand in a bag of rocks for
me, for me that's the highlight

Of my experience, to convince
four people I blindsided to

Stick their hand in a bag of
rocks for me.

Jeff: what was it about

You're not given many
opportunities to test you're.

The down side is if you don't
test yourself, you never know

What you're capable of.

I think I've undervalued myself
for most of my life.

And "survivor" allowed me to
discover that I'm much stronger

Than I ever possibly could

Jeff: amen.


All right.

We're going to take a quick

But when we come back, I think
it was the moment of the season,

And it was when bret confided in

I want to see that moment, and I
want the find out why zeke.

We'll be right back.

Jeff: well, when you do a
season like this where you pit

Two cultures against each other,
what you're hoping for is to be

Surprised by that clash of
culture in a beautiful way, and

We've got it when bret, the
tough gen x boston cop and zeke,

The self-described millennial
nerd, provided what I think was

The moment of the season.

Well, I will tell you you're
not the only gay guy out here.



I'm playing a game here.

I didn't grow up in a time when
it was normal to talk about

Being gay.

I'm hoping from here on out I
can be that way, you know?

I'm a different generation.

I never even thought about

I owe a lot to bret's

I would not have been able to
come out at 15 were it not for

The pioneers that paved the way.

I think that really reflects
this millennial-gen x divide.

Cheers, brother.

jeff: bret, I happen to

Have a bunch of friends over
that night to the house to watch

That night of "survivor," and,
yeah, that applause, my friends

Went, oh, my god, that's the
most amazing thing I've ever


So the same question I have for
adam and jay, why did you pick


You know, it's funny, seeing
zeke in his favorite shirts, I

Said, I'm never going to
identify with this guy.

I never talked to zeke until
after the merge.

Once we merged, we started
having small conversations,

Started leaving to larger

He's really a fun guy to talk

We had some great conversations
out there.

Then we had a couple nice

We had the beers going and we're
jumping off floating pizza


It was... We just started to
form a bond.

Jeff: you felt safe?

I felt safe and I wanted to
solidify the bond and say, I

Know the struggles you went
through, I went through them


Jeff: very cool.

It was a great moment, and we
had allotted, again, we had so

Many people asking the same
question, joyce stevens tweeted

At me, had you come out to
people before?

Yeah, since my mid-30s I
started telling close friends

And family.

And I think 35 years old, the
rumors were getting out.

One of my buddies at work called
it the worst-kept secret at the

Boston police department.

But I started to kind of tell
people close to me, just to let

People know.

Jeff: have you had people
come it up to you and say, thank

You because I've been thinking
about doing the same thing.

A young kid in his 20s that
I was friends with, I knew the


He said, hey, I don't know what
to do, I'm scared, what's going


So it's been great.

You know?

Jeff: changing lives.

Well, listen...

well, there was another great

Moment this season, equally
compelling, it was on the beach

With hannah and ken.

I do flirt with ken, but you
look at ken and you're like, ken

Wouldn't have any sort of crush
on me, because look at him.

Just the first few seconds
today, you can look at the sun.

You can, you told me that.

It doesn't hurt your eyes.

But just maybe, yeah, ken and
i, yeah, no, yeah, I could... I

Could see that.

jeff: if only we had a

Camera on hannah while she was
watching that going, this is,

Oh, my god, so weird.

Hannah, that to me, the reason I
love that moment is that it

Really captured your spirit,
which was you have insecurities,

You got nervous just watching a
challenge, but you didn't care,

You just let it fly, and as a
result, people really related to


What did you discover about
yourself either through the

Process or through people coming
up saying, I dig you so much?

Yeah, I definitely feel
bolder and more self-assured

Than the first time I voted or
when I started this game.

I think that for me it wasn't
about conquering my anxiety but

Learning to find people I could
open up to and to push through

And it's weird washing it back.

I was very vulnerable on tv, and
I was very scared, but I've had

So many people reaching out and
tell me that they too have

Experienced anxiety and panic
att*cks and not only did that

Make me feel not alone in this
whole thing, but I really feel

Like if I can help or we can
help one person with anxiety go

To the job they want or go on a
date with somebody really

Handsome, you know, then they
should do that.

Jeff: speaking of which,
this is also a theme in the


Kristin moore says, "hannah's
ability to flirt with a hottie

Is every goal I've ever had."

You are a flirt.

I mean, look at this group of

You had these boys with their
shirts off and, I was just... I

Was like, I'm going to be weird
and flirt with the prettiest

Face on the island and just see
what happens.

jeff: ken, what is really

Amazing, just as we were
watching this finale, I was

Watching it back stage with one
of my buddy, we get to you.

Here you are, this guy who can
fish, you won four challenge,

You can build a shelter,
ridiculously handsome, agreed,

And you're playing for your
daughter, and yet you have your

Own achilles heel, and it's not
dissimilar to most of these

People's, social anxiety.

Did this experience help you at


I spend every week dedicating my
time to denver who are homeless.

You look at these people, don't
judge a book by its cover.

You never know what someone has
gone through.

People look at me and judge and
assume all of these different

Things, but they don't know
about my speechism pend.

, My nervous twitch, what I went
through as a kid and the

Emotional distress I was under
for the first 25 years of my


I may look one way, but put me
in a room of five people or 500

People and I'm the wallflower.

This helped me the rise above

Jeff: and let's answer the
the big question: yes or no,



Jeff: it's complicated?

Very much so.

Jeff: glen, get a sh*t of
michaela, she's next.

One of the most electric,
combustible and absolutely

Entertaining women of the

We'll talk to her after this.

Jeff: welcome back
"survivor: millennials vs. Gen

X" live reunion show.

Michaela, here's my take on you.

You were dominating in

You spoke your mild at tribal
council, but I don't think you

Realized what a good player you
were until you revealed your

Strategy and then jay and will
took you out.

Is that true?

Is that when you went, maybe I
am a first-round draft pick.

That's 100% true.

I didn't realize how big of a
detriment that seashell thing

Was my game until I saw it on

So it never once donned on me
that people would say, oh,

Michaela is thinking ahead.

Because I was thinking, michaela
is thinking about doing this

With me.

Jeff: you were thinking

Yeah, but this isn't a loyal

Jeff: there is somebody who
was loyal.

Jessica, let's talk about that

It doesn't happen very often
where we go to rocks and

Somebody draws.

Did you really have any other

What were you thinking in that

I had no other options.

Basically I made the right

I picked the wrong rock.

That's what it boils down to.

Jeff: yeah.

This was a game, thank you,
this was a game where loyalty

Really mattered so much.

And how could I turn my back on
this guy right here?

I mean, the guy that saved me.

Jeff: your point is that...

What I was telling people was if
you say, all right, I'm not

Going to draw rock, you've just
lost votes.

I was being true to people
who were true to me.

On the other side there was no

So really I'm going to turn my
become on those that matter?

Jeff: is that rock on your

I'm kidding.

If I were in the final three, I
would have lost the final game.

It worked out for adam.

He put his hand in that bag of
rocks, too, and he's sitting

Here a winner.

Jeff: good point.

You have to take those chances.

Will, congratulations.

You're first high school kid to
play this game.

That's awesome.

You speak to other young
teenagers, young kids that I

Meet all the time because now
they can aspire and say, I want

To be like the guy, will, but
you also speak to parents who

Had to contemplate, wow, would I
let my kid in high school,

Cyclone, not eating, playing
with adult, big psychological

Things happening.

Was it an easy sell to your

Not at all, no.

I think my dad tried to keep it
together more, but I think they

Both really struggled with the
decision to let me go on this

Show where I am doing all these
crazy things like surviving

Cyclones and eating bugs, you
know, it's just all these crazy


And that was definitely a tough
thing to sell.

The way I sold it was by telling
them I'm probably never going to

Get on the show.

I'm going to apply.

I'm never going to get on.

Next thing I know I am on, and,
you know...

Jeff: they're committed.

I had to go.

Jeff: nice work.

You held yourself well.

You were a great first
representative from high school.

Thank you.

jeff: sunday, I want to ask

You something that I don't know
if we've ever even talked about.

We always have so many mom, you,
jessica, cece, lucy, what is

The message to moms who have so
many responsibilities to be a

Parent, to be a wife and all
these other things but still

Have some adventure they're

That it's never too late to
go for your dreams.

It's never too late to find out
who you really are.

You can be so wrapped up in
being a mom that that becomes

Your complete identity or
career, and there's always still

Some of you left to fine.

Take the step, go for the dream
and find yourself again.

Jeff: nice.

I love that.

I got to ask.

Taylor and figgy, so in true
millennial fashion, I honor the

Fact that you guys just embraced
it and went for it, didn't care,

Didn't think it would matter.

Figgy, what's the status?

There's a lot of talk out there.

What's the status of the

Yeah, so fig tails is put to

It's no more.

Ultimately out in the jungle, in
the wild, I had someone to

Confide in, and it was a
beautiful thing out there,

Someone to take away my

Ultimately it was my downfall in
the game, and I wish, no

Offense, I could have played as
the independent strong woman I

Am today from it.

Jeff: and no offense, it
was your choice.

It was my choice, exactly.

Blue eye, jeff.

I'm sorry.

Jeff: and taylor, I think
this is okay for me to say,

Right, you are the father of a
baby, a new baby.

Yeah, now.


Jeff: congratulations.


Jeff: you guys were great.

I think... I love the

I was super impressed with the

Chris, we have 30 seconds left.

This is a question I want to
know from you the lawyer, the

Thinker, how much of the time in
the game do players spend

Thinking about twists that might
be out there, like we had the

Legacy advantage, the reward
skill, things you haven't seen

But might come?

I think we spend a lot of
time, jeff, but I think the word

Is "adaptable."

You have to adapt your strategy
to these twists.

I think what a lot of these
great players up here in the

Front row did is adapt their
game when those twists came.

You can't... You think about
them all the time.

You can't predict all of them.

And really the best example of
adaptability is when I was

Blindsided, bret lost his true
love on the show and he had to

Adapt very well.

Jeff: up next, we're going
to tell you what we're doing

Next season, and we're going to
show you some of the people,

Familiar faces returning to play

Survivor: reunion will continue

Jeff: ah, fiji, the most
spectacular place we've ever

sh*t "survivor."

It looks like that for real.

Amazing island, crystal clear
water, world class surf, scoob

Diving, sunset, sand.

We liked fiji so much, we're
going back again.

Here's what "survivor" is doing
next year.

Well, you just made one of the
biggest moves in the history of

This game.

"Survivor" is the most mentally
challenging, fuzzically

Demanding -- all right, we're
going to have an evacuation --

And strategically complex
adventure game on television.

I'm just playing out numbers
in my head.

You probably see me going like
this quite a bit.

Jeff: the players have
evolved the game by pushing the

Boundaries with risky,
game-changing moves.

If you were to give up
immunity, then I would believe


I want to give individual
immunity to natalie.


Jeff: innovative methods
for gathering information.

I can hide right in there and
I'm within five feet away

Sitting in my spy shack.

Jeff: and all in
million-dollar moves at tribal


This is the other immunity
idol I've been hanging on to.

I'm giving it to eddie.

The looks on faces.

Jeff: the game play has
become so unpredictable that

Getting to the end now demands
the willingness to risk it all.

Here's the thing...

I'm drawing rocks unless
someone is voting my way.

I'm drawing rocks.

Jeff: and reveal.

Katie, grab your torch, head

Next season we are bringing
together the most competitive

Group of players ever
assessmentabled to battle it out

On the islands of fiji.

It's going to take big moves
for me to win this game, and I'm

Not afraid to do it again.

Jeff: they'll compete for
the million dollar prize and the

Title of sole survivor while
launching the game into its next


I'm the queen for a reason.

You don't get my crown just

Jeff: join us this spring
for "survivor: game changers."

I'm telling you, you did see one

Returning players.

Michaela will be back next

And let me introduce you to a
few more.

Tony, come on out.

Tony will be playing.

Ty, come on out.

Die la, -- kayla, come on down.


She voted out her mom.

Cerie, first woman to get up off
the couch is now a veteran.


The only person to never be
voted out, two-time winner.

And perennial favorite, ozzie.

This is going to be so fun, in
fact, glen, show that footage

From earlier.

These guys were here earlier

We set up some challenges

They went outside and played.

There it is.

We had a blast.

If you don't have a ticket to
the live show, I'm so sorry.

We have so much fun here.

We're going to have a great

Season 34, "survivor: game

We'll be right back.

Jeff: it's our last look at
this area's group.

Michelle, there are no grudges.

What is that a sign of?

No one here is bitter.

We all knew the game we were
coming to play.

That speaks to the amazing
evolution of this game.

Drew: so people aren't bitter

You get voted out, that's the
way it goes.

I love that.

That's the way it should be.

It's a great season.

If you want to sit up here one
day and play "survivor," the

Also, if you want to bid on
props from this season, go to

Proceeds go to stand up to

I will always say it: thank you
for your loyalty.

Thank you for staying us with.

We'll continue to try to give
you great "survivor" seasons.

I hope you like "survivor: game

It appears in march.

Good night.
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