33x10 - Million Dollar Gamble

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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33x10 - Million Dollar Gamble

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on
"survivor," there are three

Idols in play, held by adam,
david and jay.

It's between me and you.

Jeff: after the merge,
chris, bret and sunday saw

Jessica as the biggest thr*at.

I'm worried about jess.

Jeff: but the majority had
already made their decision.

It's the safest bet to split
the votes between taylor and


This is the last meal.

Jeff: with little hope
left, taylor revealed adam's


Adam has an advantage in this

Jeff: but the tribe
couldn't forgive him for

Stealing food.

You ate it?

Me and jay ate it because we
thought you were voting us out.

Jeff: sending him to the

Taylor, the prescribe has

11 Are left, who will be voted
out tonight?

11 Are left, who will be voted
out tonight?

Man, that was some tribal,

That was insane.

If I can just say, I am very
sorry to all of you for not

Telling you.

It was not possible because
taylor knew about the advantage

That I didn't want to reveal to
the group yet.

Taylor stole food from us,
that's why he's gone.

Let's look at the bigger picture

Oh, man, taylor and jay
dragged my name through the mud,

And now everybody knows about my

I want jay out of this game so
badly I can taste his blood in

My mouth.

Is there any food left from
the feast hidden somewhere?

I do know where it is.

He said he proved -- moved it.

Well, I don't know.

Dude, so I'm in tribal
council just thinking, tails,

Stop talking, dude, you're
burying me with you.

Not only are you going out, but
now you're making sure I go out


How am I going to clean this up?

So I unbury the food just as
good faith, hey, here's the

Food, this is what's left and
I'm going to be honest.

You found it?


Because now my back is
literally up against the wall.


But considering the fact that I
have not used my idol this whole

Time, perfect because now they
really think I don't have one.

I don't care.

He stole food.

Did anybody not know he was a
complete moron?

Taylor leaving was my goal.

Taylor left.

Next move, let's go.

Jay is seemingly on the bottom,
but he's not right now in my


Let's get real, you
understand that?

Oh, yeah, I know.

Well, I know what to do.

We have to get rid of jay, you
know what I mean?


It's got to be jeff.

90% Of it is jess is a strategic

10% Is I owe her one more blind
siding paulie in my alliance.

If I don't hit her first, she's
going to hit me.

We have to have six solid.

Me, you, sunday...

We should definitely do this,
but we got to tiptoe.

Big time.

This is a small tactical
squad that's got to go in and

Take out jess.

If it's the last thing I do, I
will vote her out.

Sunset was nice, but


It's hard to have a bad day
after that, you know?

In "survivor," you've got to
find a way to connect with

Someone who is drastically
different from you, and I do

Flirt with ken.

I just... You look at ken, and
you're like, ken, ken wouldn't

Have any sort of crush on me,
because look like at him.

For a few seconds you can
look at the sun and it doesn't

Hurt your eyes.

But maybe, just maybe, yeah,
ken and i, yeah, no,, yeah, I

Could... I could... I could see

How are you feeling this

I didn't even know where the
vote was supposed to end up.

I figured it was taylor, but I
didn't know for sure.

Obviously you have more
information than me at this

Point because I wasn't a part of
that big alliance.


So david, chris and I brought
together the big votes that

We've been seeing, right,
because we each have our people.


But now, you know...

Now the game heats up.

I'm done working with jay.

It's time to jump off the
sinking ship on the a life raft.

And that life raft's name is

Now that you are letting

Me in on all this, there is
something I have to tell you,

Jay does have an idol.

We found it together on ika
bula, but if anybody else finds

Out and that gets back to jay,
then I'm screwed.

So that's me giving up

No, that's good.

I want to give up information
to really solidify this right

Now that you and hannah are my
alliance right now.

Good, we're 100%.

Thank you for telling me.

Telling zeke that jay has the
idol is a way to build trust

Between zeke and i.

Just don't say anything.

I won't.

I know you won't.

But I don't want to tell too
many people.

But telling one individual who I
need to build trust with

Definitely doesn't hurt my game.

If anything it only helps my

He told me jay does have an

That's good to know.

Jay does have an idol.

Did you hear what will told

No, what?

Jay has an idol.

We know jay has an idol?

I can confirm jay does have
an idol.

Yeah, he does have an idol.

Will told zeke that jay has
an idol.

Jay has an idol?

That's coming from will?


He's turning out to be kind
of handy.

I need to have the most power
in the game.

Everything in "survivor" is
about relationships.

There is no better way to build
trust with an ally than

There is no better way to build
trust with an ally than

Revealing the location of a
hidden immunity idol.

On top of that, a person with a
hidden immunity idol has a major

Advantage in this game, but if
everybody knows that they have

It, that advantage decreases

If we have a misinformation
campaign and make someone else

Feel like the target.

Knock jess out.

That's fine.

I think we do knock jess out.

But we got to keep the blind
side between six or seven people

And leave it be.

Look, hannah and will, got
'em on the line.

You got your people.


Keep our eye on the prize.


Let's do it.

Yeah, buddy.

We want to get jay to think
he's the next one to go so he

Plays the hidden immunity idol,
but in actuality, chris wants to

Vote out jess.

You now, we've had these two
nice votes, a lot of people

Voting together.

But now the time has come to
turn on each other.

The opening sh*ts have been
fired and the w*r is about to

Get bloody.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Oh, no.

Jeff: all right.

You guys ready for today's
reward challenge?



Jeff: for today's challenge
you're going to be divided into

Two teams of five.

On my go you'll swim out to a
raft and work together to pull

Yourself to a platform.

You'll climb up a ladder,
retrieve a key, slide down a

Pole and race to shore.

Once you have all your keys, you
will unlock a set of blocks and

Then stack them so that there
are no repeating colors on any


First team to finish wins

Want to know what you're playing


Jeff: it is a floating
pizza restaurant that will be

Anchored 50 yards outside your
camp where you can enjoy pizza,

Chicken wings, cold beer.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: while the losers sit
at camp so close they can almost

Smell it, so far they'll never
taste it.

That's messed up, jeff, but I
love it.

Jeff: that's "survivor,"

Yeah, it is.

Jeff: we're going to draw
randomly for team, which means

One person will not be on a


I think everybody would feel
that I'm such a crappy swimmer,

Nobody wants me on their team,

David, don't do that.

Jeff: are you already
bailing out of this challenge?

It's just that I don't have a
lot of confidence in my swimming

Ability, and I don't want people
to blame me for them missing out

On pizza and beer.

You can do it, dude.

Never give up.

Don't do that.

Jeff: david, what does it
feel like to feel that support?

Because I don't think ever in 33
seasons of "survivor" anybody

Has said I'll sit out because I
don't want to wring you guys

Down, then havana rest of the
group saying, you can do it,

Man, don't give up.



It feels really good.

These guys have really been
helping me deal with my anxiety

And fear, and I'll never for...

You're good, man.

You're good, dude.

I'll never forget the support
that they've given me, like game

Or no game, I'll never forget

That said, I do not want to

Choose a rock, brother.

Jeff: everybody's picking

All right.

Let's do it.

All right.

We have our two teams.

It is ken, jessica, chris, david
and will taking on bret, zeke,

Sunday, hannah and adam.

Jay picked the odd rock.

He will not compete.

Here we go.

For reward, survivors ready in

You got to get to that raft and
then pull yourself in.

Everybody's got to be on the



Jeff: orange is starting to

It takes a lot of teamwork to
move that raft.

Ken, jessica, chris, will and
david with a slight lead.

Got to get everybody to that
platform before you can start

Working on the keys.

Now you've got to untie five

Go, orange!

Purple now slowing down.

Got to get everybody on that

Ken up first for orange.

Ken's got a key.

He drops it.

He's got to go back and get it.

Come get it, come get it.

Jeff: purple now at their

Hannah is going to go up first.

Don't drop it.

Jeff: ken's got his key.

Take your time.

You got it.

Go ahead, hannah.

Good job, hannah.

Jeff: hannah has her key.

Ken lost a lot of time.

Good work, hannah.

Jeff: go!

It's jessica now.

Here comes hannah.

You got to get all the way up,

Put it on the reef.

It is now sunday going up for

Jessica now has a key.

Quickly down that pole.

Come on, sunday.

Jeff: sunday has a key.

That's it, sunday.

Let's go, sunday.

Jeff: a big fall by sunday.

You're all right.

Jeff: it is now chris
heading up the ladder for


Sunday is struggling in the

Come on, chris.

Jeff: chris has his third

Sunday taking a long time with
that second key.


Adam is now going up for purple.

Chris is sprinting through the

A huge effort by chris.


Will is heading up.

Good job, will.

That's it, that's it.

Jeff: adam has a key now.

Orange with a one-person lead
right now.

That's it, come on.

Jeff: adam fighting through
the water.

Now he's got to track down that

He's got it.

Will has a key for orange.

Adam back with the third key.


It's now zeke heading up for

Will back with the fourth key.


David the last one to go for his

You got this.

Come on, dave!

Come on, dave.

Jeff: zeke working on
untying the key.

David untying the key.

Zeke heading down the pole.

David down the pole.

No problem.

Come on, dave.

Jeff: get those legs up,
let's go, zeke.

David finally in the water.

He has the last key for his


I'll do first key.

Jeff: go!

It is now bret up for purple
looking for that fifth and final


You're looking to unlock four
locks right now.

Come on, bret!

Let's go, bret.

Jeff: ken working on that
first lock, and he's got it.

Chris now working on the second


Now zeke going for that first
lock for purple.

Orange already has one.

Chris has the second lock for

That one.

Jeff: zeke has the first
one for purple.

Quickly the third lock.

Here comes david.

Demand still working on that
second lock.

David has the fourth lock

That was quick.

Adam finally has it.

Orange can now take those blocks
up and start stacking them.

Sunday now working on that third
lock for purple.

It is david and chris.

You don't want any repeating
colors on any side stacking

Those blocks.


Jeff: sunday has the third
lock for purple.

Got it.

Jeff: chris has the fourth

Go, you're good.

Is that good?


Over here.

Over here.

Jeff: it is zeke and demand
trying to make up a lot of time

On the puzzle.

David and chris have had a lot
of time to study it and work on


If there are any repeating
colors, it's not right.

Come on, guys.

Jeff: david and chris
trying to figure out what is


It's easy to get three, it's
getting that fourth one that

Takes the work.

Is there a pattern?

Next side needs red.

Jeff: or is it just process
of elimination.

Zeke and adam think they have

Yes, this looks good.

Jeff: are they right?



Jeff: this is good.

That side is good.


Adam, zeke, hannah, sunday and
bret in a huge come from behind.

Sorry, man.

I'm sorry.

No, no, no.

I'm sorry, guys.

Jeff: zeke, bret, adam,
sunday, hannah, nice afternoon,

Pizzeria brought to you.

You'll enjoy the works while
these guys dream about it.

Grab your stuff, head back to

Thanks, jeff.

This is cool.

Where is the food?

Oh, my god.


Oh, look at those waves.

Are you kidding me?

Give me the lettuce.

I want the lettuce.

This reward is my first

I couldn't help it.

My body just reacted with

I like collapsed into myself in

We have to be quiet because
they're literally right there.

I also felt pretty guilty
because I could see people back

At camp, people who you know are
hungry, and I've been on that

Side of it.

Here's a chicken wing.

Guys, it's crazy, but sound

I'm sure they can hear us.

I'm eating.

I don't care right now.

It's just crazy.

I don't care what everyone
else saw back at camp.

Rewards are huge for your game
because it makes you feel human


It's like I was sitting in a bar
having a few beers and some

Pizza with some friends.

Can you give me a beer.


Plenty of beer for bret.

I took a beer.

I like the other one better.

It feels good because zeke
and I really bond.

I think that's going to be a big
help down the road because he's

Been a lot closer with chris,
and I needed that bond.

Zeke, here.

Cheers, brother.

Is this everything you
dreamed of?

This is very nice right now,

This does not suck.

Everyone, this is for you


Oh, my god.

Oh, my gosh.

Got some lettuce.


No way.

Thank you so much.

All right.

Everyone take it easy.

Take it easy.

To get a letter from home, I
don't know that anyone will ever

Know what that meant.

I'm so dpld we won this one.

The other four saw that it meant
a lot the me, but they don't

Know that my mom was diagnosed
with cancer.

And one of the hardest parts out
here is the fear at any point

It's not going to be good news
for me.

So every day that I know my
mom's doing okay, and every day

That I stay here that I make it
further in the game, that I get

Closer to that loved one's visit
and closer to the end, is

Another big win.

My dad sent a message.

Wait, let me see.

Nice the hear from family,
isn't it?

Just that little piece, it's
enough to keep me going.

To get me through these last two
weeks of the game.

Is everyone ready?

Three, two, one...

It was cool of jeff to put
that right out there in front of


But so goes the game.

So how you holding up, man?

Like pizza and beer is
exactly what I was craving, and

I've been craving for days.

But you know what... We'll have
our own dinner here.

Mentally and emotionally, how
you holding up?

I don't want the cry again.

I don't want to talk about it
really, but like I really

Appreciate your support and
everyone's support and you guys

Have really been awesome.

Dude, what you've done and
what you've accomplished, the

Ways that you've evolved,
changed, grown since you've been

Out here, everybody respects.

I'm on a journey, and it's
about coming out of this game as

A better person than the person
I walked in as.

My whole life I've had this
gigantic fear of death, but over

The years, it became something
far worse.

It morphed into a fear of life,
and that's why I'm here.

I'm here like start taking
control of my life, and I really

Believe that if any experience
can give me that power, it's

This game of survivor.

Even though I really wanted to
win that challenge more than

Anything, like it's nice to
reconnect with you.

We're always going to be good in
this game, you and i, okay.

I'm still about final three with

I want to sit next to you there.

I trust you, that's why.

You know you can, man.

Ken and I had some alone

He gives me a sense of
confidence within myself.

I'm realizing in life and in
this game, you have to take

Control of your own destiny, and
you know what, timing is

Everything in "survivor."

But the threesome of chris, bret
and sunday is too strong.

I'm uncomfortable with how deep
in this game they've made it.

It's time for me, jessica and
ken to make a big move right


Chris, bret and sunday...

They're a threesome.

We got to break that up.

We have to cut off one of
their heads.

Three of us vote out chris.

Oh, yeah, I gotcha.

I think hannah and zeke will
vote against chris.

And adam.

You're 100% sure on zeke?

Look, here's the deal...

I'm just telling you what I
see happening.

Honestly, if I had to pick
anybody in this game that's

Playing it the best, it's zeke,
but for this particular vote, I

Believe that, maybe I'm wrong, I
believe it's in his best

Interest to get rid of chris, as

David wants to vote out chris,
which would be incredible,

Because I feel like he's the
arch nemesis out here.

We had some issues on our
initial tribe together.

So as far as I'm concerned,
chris needs to go home.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's
immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first,
ken, I've got to take it back.

Once again immunity is back up
for grabs.

For today's challenge, you're
going to stand on a narrow beam

While balancing a statue with a
long pole.

At regular intervals you're
going the move further away from

The statue, making it more
difficult to bounce.

If at any point you fall off the
beam or your statue drops,

You're out.

Last person left standing wins
immunity, safe from the vote.

Losers go to tribal council
where somebody will be the tenth

Person voted out and the third
member of our jury.

We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

Let's do this.

All right.

Everybody has their statue
balanced at the end of the pole

In this challenge and it's on.

You can push it off or it can
fall backward.

Either one and you're out.

What about ants crawling on
your stomach?

Jeff: do you have apts
right now or daily?

Literally I have ants
crawling on me right now.

Jeff: we'll go five minutes
in this section and we'll move a

Little further away from that

All right.

Everybody has transitioned to
the second staining of this


Now the balance beam is a little
more narrow.

You're a little further away
from the statue, a little more


We'll go five minutes again in
this section.

Sunday's pole inching closer and
closer to the top of her statue,

But she's still in it.


Jeff: hannah drops.

She's first person out of this

No sh*t at immunity.

Have a spot at the bench.

And ken is the second person out
of this challenge.

We are down to nine.

All right.

Everybody has now moved back to
the third section of this


The beam just got even narrower,
and now you're even further away

From the statue and holding on
to more pole.

Ken's ants have moved on to

Jeff: adam with ants and

Not a good combo.

Nine people still left in this

And no sooner do I say, that
we're down to eight.

Chris right behind her.

Will drops.

Will is out of the challenge.

Jay, the slightest bit of a slip
and jay is out followed right

Behind him by bret back to back.

You have something in your eye?

An ant crawled in there.

Ants proving to be a big
nuisance at this challenge.

We are down to four, jessica the
only woman left in this

Challenge along with adam, zeke
and david.

We are now in the last phase of
this challenge.

Both of your feet are at the
furthest end of the beam and the

Most narrow.

You're fully extended on a
ten-foot bamboo pole.

We go now until we have a

No more time limits.

Zeke quickly in trouble.

The statue moving.

His pole has dropped now to the
very bottom.

Here comes the wind.

And the wind knocks adam out.

Adam is out and we are down to

It is jessica, zeke, and david.

Zeke trying desperately to keep
that statue balanced a lot of


Out of nowhere jessica drops,
and we're down to two.

She looked so solid.

That's how difficult this
challenge is and how much toll

28 Days can take on you.

It is now zeke and david.

David has proclaimed himself the

Who would have predicted this
final two?

Zeke very close to dropping
again and saves it again.

David looking very solid.

Don't lose your concentration.

Keep doing what you're doing.

Let's stay here all day.

Zeke back and forth.

Teetering dangerously close to

Here comes the wind again.

Big gust blowing david's buff
nearly off his head but he's

Still in it.

Zeke drops.

David wins individual immunity.

Nice job.

Nice work, david.

Good job, dave.

Jeff: huge battle between
zeke and david.

All right, david.

Good job, dave.

Great job.

I'm proud of you.

Good job, zeke.

Jeff: david, come on over.

Way to go, david.

Good job, dave.

Jeff: individual immunity,
I got to ask, you came into this

Game and you have been so
vulnerable about the things you

See as flaw, your inability to
swim, you're not as athletic,

And yet here you stand with the
most valuable thing around your

Neck that you earned.

You're going to make me cry
again, jeff.

Jeff: what is it?

There are so many people that
watch this game and think, I

Could never this that.

You were one of them.

Yeah, and I'm just trying to
like tamper down that voice in

My head that says I can't and
start listening to a voice that

Says I can.

Jeff: david, safe tonight,
will live to see day 29, make it

To the final ten.

As for the rest of you, somebody
will be voted out and become the

Third member of our jury.

It will not be you.

Grab your stuff, head back to

See you tonight at tribal.


Thanks, jeff.

This immunity necklace can
only be the beginning.

It can't be the end.

It's a risk to put your foot
down, but if I have anything to

Say about it, chris is going to
go home.

David, congrats.

Thanks a lot.

I appreciate it.

Thank you for all the

Nice job, buddy.

Thanks, man.

Appreciate it.

So the immunity challenge was
today, and I freakin' blew it,


Good job, brother.

Amazing job.

Now I have to go the tribal
without immunity, and it freaks

Me out because I have no idea
what's going on.

What's the word?

I don't even know.

Yeah, you do.

Multiple words.

I know I'm one of them.

No one wants to talk to me.

All I know is if I feel it in my
gut to use this idol, I'm going

To pull it out and throw it out

Something in my gut says if
we don't get jess out, we're

Going to get played.

What we're talking about is
we move on jess, but we got to

Play it up to jay that you
better play you idol.

Chris and brad are ready to
vote out jessica, and that's

Exactly what I wanted to do the
last vote because I'm worried

Literally every day that she's
putting something together to

Get me out of the game.

Nobody should tell him to
play an idol because he'll know

We're trying to flush it.

Well, we are.

Tonight's the night that we
finally make a move on jess.

My man zeke and his group are on
board, and in a perfect world,

Jay would play his hidden
immunity idol tonight.

It would be flushed.

And jess would go home.

It's written in stone we're
going after jess and that's it.

Well, I'm just making my
pitch to you and maybe it winds

Up with yours and if not let me
know what your is.

I feel like we have to go
after chris.

Chris wants to go after jess,
and david wants to go after

Chris, so this is what I am
deeming the gen x civil w*r.

I think I feel secure because
will will vote with hannah and


This is going to be real easy
I think.

I'm tight with chris, but if
this w*r starts, I want to have

The power and the control.

So now it's time to pit the gen
xers against each other.

You know chris is coming after

Chris is targeting jess.

He's been targeting jess since
the beginning of the game.

So jessica's not safe as long as
chris is in this game.

You are next according to
chris, okay.


His plan is to vote you out
next and get jay to play his


I wonder what's going on
between zeke and chris.


I have been told point blank
that my name is getting written

Down by chris.

And that's a scary feeling,
because I feel like he's got it

Out for me, like he has been
gunning for me since the

Decision to vote paul out.

If I get voted out, I have to
give the legacy advantage to

Someone else.

But that's not happening,
because I'm a fighter, and I'll

Do whatever I have to do to

Chris is going to be voting
for me and not jess.


Obviously you, me, ken, dave
are 100%.

I do think that zeke is with us.

I think so, too.

But it's not 100%.

I wish it wasn't coming to
this already.

Why can't we just vote out jay.

We will, but we got the take
care of the chris problem first.


The best thing for me is to
have chris go home, but we need

To have zeke.

Tonight I have to trust an
enormous amount of people.

What do you think in.

You know, both sides think
they're pulling off a blind side

And they don't want to feel like

I know it's a game of trust.


Right now I have what I've
always wanted to have, which are

Options right?

Two sides think they're
pulling off a blind side.


That's crazy.

And we're trying to flush an

My click of nerdy millennials
can work with chris, my buddy,

Or I can work with david, and
make this huge move.

But it's hard for me because
like I trust both of these guys.

To win this game, you have to
know where you're going, and you

Have to know who you need to get

And so this next vote is all
about amassing the soldiers I

Need to march my army down the

Need to march my army down the

Jeff: we'll now bring in
the members of our jury.

Michelle and taylor voted out at
the last tribal council.

So, jay, pick up from last

The food scandal erupted, taylor
is voted out, that leaves you.

Yeah, today I kind of felt
like this loan wolf just

Traveling around waiting for a
cr*ck to happen or someone to

Approach, but I'm still on the
outs right now, jeff.

Jeff: david, did you see
that going on in relation to


Because he had to be a central
figure in the conversation one

Way or the other.

Well, that's an interesting

There are different voting
blocs, so tonight is about

Whether the voting blocs decide
to unite to eliminate a single

thr*at or there's a division and
multiple targets emerge.

So it's predictability versus
blind side tonight.

Jeff: zeke, is voting bloc
the right term for what's


I think we're seeing some
permutation between a voting

Bloc and alliance, but it's
premised upon trust, just as an

Alliance is, but it's smaller.

Jeff: hannah, what is your

It's between an alliance and
voting bloc.

I call it a trust cluster.

Voting blocs can be broken up in
the blink of an eye and an

Alliance never changes, but a
trust cluster is somewhere in


Jeff: bret, where do you
weigh in on the trust cluster?

why do you think that's funny?

It's amazing to hear you say
a word I just created.

It's the fan in me.

Jeff: hand narcotic you're

I love it.

Jeff: so bret, do you think
there are multiple trust cluster


Yeah, jeff, I do.

My thing is the trust part of

You know, who can I trust going
forward in this game and getting

Rid of people I can't trust
going forward in this game.

Jeff: chris, where is the
game right now from your point

Of view?

I think there's a couple
groups, but where are you going

To fall trust-wise within those

Every vote the line gets drawn
again, but trust should not be

An issue tonight.

Jeff: and yet, adam, tribal
after tribal, when I read the

Last vote, there's somebody
going, oh, my god.

Another blind side.

I think it's because, jeff,
there's sort of a cold w*r


And the question is: can we
focus on a single thr*at and jay

Would be one of those people
that we're talking about.

Jeff: jay, backhanded

Thank you.

I know what's happening.


I'm like the biggest target on
the board right now, so it's

Kind of nerve-racking at the

Jeff: sunday, where do you
think this vote is going to go


I think it's more about who
we can't trust than who we can

Trust at the end of the vote,
but the truth is when you have

To trust somebody, the only way
you can trust them is by looking

At their past actions.

Jeff: who here believes
they've done something that

Might be viewed as a past action
that would get them a vote?


So we've got adam and jay, and
that's the whole food thing.

Jessica, what's yours?

I unfortunately had some
run-ins with the gen xers way

Back when.

Jeff: chris, she's talking
in code.

Do you know what jessica is
referring to?

Yeah, she blind sided bret
and paulie and me, but you have

To have a short memory in this
game, so jess has nothing to

Worry about.

Jeff: david, how certain
are you that tonight's vote will

Go as you think it's going to

I actually feel 100% certain.

Maybe it's because I'm wearing
this necklace, but I'm not

Worried about tonight's vote.

Jeff: zeke, david is 100%.

Where are you?


This is fantastic.

Sunday, how confident are you?


Jeff: chris, 100%?

You bet.


I'm 100%, jeff.

I'm sure.

I'm ready to go.

I have no idea what the hell is
going to go on tonight.

Jeff: zeke, if somebody had
approached jay, the last thing

Jay's going to do is say, yep,
I'm some it tonight.

Yes, that's very true.

From a group of people who have
all participated in blindsides,

We're very good at playing that
we can stick to the plan, so

Appearances are very deceiving.

Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Will, you're up.

You still are holding a
grudge, regardless of what you

Said tonight at tribal.

Just too big a thr*at.

Jeff: I'll go tally the

If anybody has a hidden immunity
idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the
decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked
to leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote, chris.




We're tied, two votes jessica,
two votes chris.



We're tied again.

Three votes jessica, three votes


That's four votes chris.


Tied again.

Four votes jessica, four votes


That's five votes chris, four
votes jessica.

Tenth person voted out and the
third member of our jury, chris.

That's six.

That's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.

Chris, the tribe has spoken.



Jeff: well, alliances,
voting bloc, trust clusters,

Whatever you call it, this game
is being played at a very high

Level, and that means one thing:
more blind sides to come.

Grab your torches, head back to

Good night.

I was completely blind sided


It's disappointing.

I wanted to go further in the
game, but jess outplayed me,


I've been going after her for a
long time.

So I'm just having hard time
processing it.

But no regrets.

I'm coming home to my boys soon,
jackson, costner and my wife, I

Love you for letting me have the
adventure of a lifetime.

Love you for letting me have the
adventure of a lifetime.

Great move.

Holy crap.

I didn't know what the heck was
going on.

That's so awesome.

At tribal I thought I was going
to have the pull my idol.

I'm sitting there and no one was
really talking about me, don't

Use it.

It was a million dollar gamble.

I was right and my name didn't
show up once.

Sorry I wrote your name.

You don't need to apologize.

You have no reason to apologize
at all.

Sending chris home solidifies
things for the group that I

Trust because we had a plan and
everybody stuck to it, and the

Next vote should be jay.

He was totally in control.

That move needed to be done, and
I'm a huge fan of chris, but he

Would have gone the whole game.

I think that was sort of the

I want to say I'm sorry that we
couldn't have done this


In my mind you and sunday are
not on the bottom.

I appreciate hearing that.

I knew you and I had a really
good rapport the last couple


Tonight's vote went as I

It was necessary to see chris go
because chris was in a major

Power position.

He controlled bret and sunday.

I would love to move forward
with you if you'll do it.

I would love that, brad.

Let's talk more in the morning.

I saw I was going to need to
make a move against david and

His coalition if I'm going to
come for david soon, I need at

Least six.

Bret and sunday are integral to
that six.

And I like most of all that I
got to them before david did.

Look how calm the water is.

It's beautiful.

I just want to tell you guy,
just because I flipped doesn't

Mean that I'm like, okay, now
you, now you.

No, no, no.

We had to all think about it at
some point.


And chris was my buddy, too.

I know, I know.

He would have won this whole

He's a strong prayer.

It's outwith, outlast,

Just do what you can.

I still think jay should go,
don't you think?

The next target?


I want the make jay the next
vote, but the fact is the person

Winning this game right now is

And so I think I need to
eliminate zeke in three votes

Because I do want to get rid of

Then will.

Then zeke.

You guys know who is playing
the best game right now in.



I have an individual
conversation with everyone in

This game, gives up enough
information so people trust him,

He's going to win.

Unbeknownst to david, I've
signed on with zeke, because

David, I know he can be trusted.

That's why I'm nodding and
thinking, david needs to go and

He needs to go fast.

How you feeling this morning?

I feel good, man.

One of the things that concerns
me is I think david needs to go.

He mentioned to me this morning,
zeke's playing the best game,

Zeke's friends with everyone,
zeke needs to go.

Wouldn't you know, I wake up
this morning and david has

Already started to come for me.

It's understandable, right,
because I've already started to

Come for david.

You know about david, he's
got an idol?

I know, because he always has
an idol.

If we're going to snuff him,
we've got to do it without him

Knowing, and that's going to be

I'm the doughy little gay
guy, and a lot of people didn't

Think I could hack it out here.

I think it's developed a
toughness in me.

Today I am a warrior.

With my goal ultimately is to
make a move against david.

Got enough?

That's what I call boiling.

Ly make coconut popcorn for my

The thing about zeke and i, I
think we're chess players in

This game of "survivor."

I feel like I can read zeke's

I feel like we're having much
the same thoughts, and I hope

People see zeke as playing
harder than I am.

I don't think it will be is up
hard sell when it comes time to

Vote him out.

David and I are very similar
people, but like I understand

That I'm threatening.

David understands that I'm

I think people see it.

But I think david is more of a
thr*at to win than I am.

This is the w*r that everyone
has been alluding to, and now

It's a scramble for who has the

I had a good talk with brad
this morning.

He told me that david approached
him this morning.


And said that I am david's
next target.



So david has an idol.

He found it the morning after he
played it.

Get out of town.

I think the more dangerous
couple right now is will and


I just want to object to this
by saying that neither will nor

Jay is coming after me right

That's true.

I want both david and zeke to
feel like I'm in their corner,

And they're both two extremely
threatening players.

Look, like for the first time
someone has brought your name


I would love to work with

David and I are very similar,
both very neurotic people, but

It's been a month of zeke and me
working side by side, so I don't

Know who to choose, either zeke
or david.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's
reward challenge?



Jeff: for today's challenge
you'll be divided into three

Teams of three.

Your feet will be tied together.

Your arms will be bound to your

One at a time you will slither
through the sand through a

Series of obstacles.

Then you'll work together to
solve a puzzle.

First team to finish wins

Want to know what you're playing
for in.

Oh, yeah.

Jeff: the winning three
will be picked up here in this

Beautiful sand pit in the middle
of fiji by chopper.

You'll go up in the air and get
a nice tour of this beautiful

Place you've been living for the
last 29 days.

You'll then touch down and enjoy
a "survivor" picnic.

Oh, my word.

Jeff: fried chicken, mac
and cheese.

Mac and cheese?

Jeff: wine, beer, soft
drinks, pie.

Oh, lord.

Jeff: a nice afternoon and
a nice chance to strategize away

From all the losers.

There's one twist of this

Because only nine of you are
going to run, that means one

Person will not have a chance to
earn their sh*t at reward, and

They won't have to.

If you draw the white rock, you
don't participate, you

Automatically earn a spot.

Think of it as the "survivor"


We're going to draw for teams
and we'll get started.

Let's do it.

All right.

We have our teams.

It is hannah, jessica and adam.

It is will, dan and jay, and it
is sunday, zeke and bret.

David chose the white rock.

This is going to be one of the
most physical challenges, and

All david has to do is just wait
for it to end.

He's going on reward either way.

Here we go.

For reward, survivors ready?


Come on, sunday, you got it.

Jeff: hand narcotic will
and sunday like inch worms.

Will off to the fast start.

Come on, will.

Jeff: face down.

In the afraid to get dirty.

Will is working it.

Jeff: come on, willie.

Starting to lose those shorts.

An american flag about to be
left behind.

Hannah like an elephant.

And sunday in last.

Will very close to the relay

Go, ken.

Now ken has the start up and
over these mounds.

Here comes hannah.

Push, push, push, push, push,

Jeff: go, jessica!

It's now ken in the lead,
jessica digging.

This is difficult.

Come on, sunday.

Jeff: go, zeke!

Come on, zeke, you got this.

Jeff: zeke going up and

Ken is moving very fast,
extending the lead for green.

Go, jay.

It's now green with a huge lead
over purple and orange.

Zeke new starting to get a
rhythm going.

Jeff: almost there, jess.

Jeff: jessica struggling.

Jay is flying through the

Once jay gets to the end, all of
green can release.

Go, green!

Start untying.

You can work on the puzzle.

Zeke is almost here, face down,
covered in sand.

Zeke looks like a "survivor"

Go, bret!

Orange trying to get it in now.

Jessica still trying to get up
that last mound.

I can't do it.

Jeff: will, ken and jay
working on that snake puzzle.

Good job, bret.

Jeff: bret is really

He's going to make up a lot of

Let's go, bret.

You're almost there.

Keep digging.

Jeff: that white butt
glowing in the sun.

Jessica really struggling.

A massive setback for purple.

Go, adam.

You can do it.

Jeff: you can make up a lot
of time in the puzzle.

Bret very close to the end.

Go, orange.

Will, ken and jay struggling.

Adam has now slowed down at all.

Touch that mat an you are good.

Go, purple.

Start untying.

We now have two groups working
on the puzzle, and purple is now

Back in it thanks to adam.

Jeff: come on, jess.

Come on.

Everybody working on the puddle

Ken, will and jay have had a big
head start working on this

Puzzle for a while.

Jessica, hannah, adam trying to
catch up.

We can do it, guys.

There it is, there it is.

Jeff: bret, zeke and sunday
are making a lot of progress

Very quickly.

I got it.

It is now will, ken and jay
that are trying to catch up.

Look at the piece and look
for it on the table.

Suddenly all three teams are
in this.

That is why you never ever give

Oh, my god.

Three people will join david
on a massive reward.


There we go.

Bret with another piece.

That's it.

Jeff: out of nowhere, it is
bret, zeke and sunday about to

Close the door on this.

Keep going, keep going.


Jeff: they think they have

And they do.

A massive comeback for bret,
zeke and sunday.

Reward and a "survivor" picnic.

We get our helicopter ride.

I got naked on "survivor."

Jeff: sunday, bret, zeke
and david, come on over.

Your ride is coming in right

Oh, my god.

I have an advantage in this
game that allows me to steal a

Reward from another player.

And I was very tempted to use
it, especially because david

Didn't earn this one, but I felt
like it was the best decision

For me to hang on to my
advantage and save it for

Another day.

Jeff: all right.

Adam, jessica, hannah, ken, jay,
will, got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff, head back to

Look at this.

Can you believe the water?

My dream was not only the get
on "survivor" but to win a

Helicopter reward, so this ranks
up there as one of my favorite

Days literally ever in my life.

I feel like I'm ten years old.



Cheer, guys.

Zeke, here we go again, brother.

I got a nice buzz on.

My new drinking buddy is

I don't really like to drink
beer, but I want to cultivate a

Relationship with bret.

If he wants me to be his new
drinking buddy, I'm his new

Drinking buddy.

I need to take a walk.

And then there were two, two

Sitting on a beach.

My drinking buddy.

My drinking buddy.

It's nice breaking bread with

We're going to be part of
each other's lives whether we

Like it or not.

I've been watching

It's just part of my life.

As you get older, you start to
learn who you really and you

Start to not care what people

What's up?

I'm trying to get closer to

I want to work with zeke.

I just like him as a person.

My family has a place down
the cape.

We'll do like july or august.


Right on.


I will tell you, you're not the
only gay guy out here.


I'm playing a game here.

I was going to tell everyone,
and then I had macchio group, I

Had again, chris, I was like, I
got to just shut my mouth here.

It just didn't happen.

Right on.

I'm a different generation.

No, I understand.

You know, we don't talk about

It's different for everybody.

I didn't grow up at a time
when it was normal to talk about

Being gay, and zeke finds
comfort in being himself.

I think that's great.

I'm hoping that as my life goes
on from here on out, I can be

That way.

I have never had a problem.

Like you tell your friends,
nobody cares, it's just in my


It's been in my head my whole
life, you know?

But, you know, you become 40,
and you're like, I don't care

What anyone thinks anymore.

You know what I mean?

I am who I am.

I have great friends.

I do whatever I do.

You know what I mean?


I never thought about not saying

I lived with not saying

So for me to come out here and
not say anything, it's... I've

Lived like that.

But you have to play
"survivor" the way you live your

Life, you know, you can't try to
do something new on "survivor."

I owe a lot to bret's

I would not be able to come out
at 15 were there not the

Pioneers who paved the way.

And I think he really reflects
the millennial-gen x divide.

He spent time in the m*llitary
during the don't ask don't tell

Era, where he couldn't have been
in the m*llitary if he told

People he was gay.

I'm excited that bret is getting
chance to reap the reward of

What he has sown.


Cheers, brother.

So zeke and I were starting
to talk, but we wanted to wait

Until you got back.

Thank you.

So what's your thoughts on


I'm nervous.

I'm nervous, too.


I'm nervous.

I'm glad he's here so I can... I
know what he's up to, you know?

I think if we can get dave and
will on board, I can bring in


We can pull off the blind side.

We have to make sure david
doesn't sense we're coming for



Bret and i, we have the
rainbow connection.

And bret, sunday and i, we're
all alike.

David is the biggest thr*at in
this game.

And I am delighted to hear.

This because now I think I have
united them against an enemy and

They are my loyal soldiers.

Hey, kids.

Hell he.

Hey, hannah.

How was it?

It was all right.

Shut up, bret, you loser.

So the winners get back.

Zeke, bret, sunday and david,
and I immediately grab david.

Want that get wood or


I'm playing between david and
zeke, but I'm going with my gut,

And my decision is to go after
zeke because zeke is cobd

Sending and he can be a

So bret tells zeke you're
gunning for him, zeke turns to

Adam and tell him you have an

But don't freak out.

Don't freak out.

Here's the good part.

There's in good part.

This is the good part, ready?


The good part is zeke trusts

No, but I appreciate that,

No, no, no, no.

So if he's going to make a move
against you, I'm going to know.

Here's the deal, hannah, my
idol is for me and it's for you,



Bret is walking toward the

So here's the thing...

You're making me so nervous.

Zeke is now telling people
that I have an idol at the


Oh, my god.

You look beautiful, like a
peruvian ozzie.

Hannah, I blew up my game

No, you didn't.

No, you didn't.

Hannah tells me that bret
told zeke that I'm gunning for

Him, which is like, oh, complete
miscalculation on my part.

I'm sorry.

No, no, no, I knew you'd be

You're not going home.

Hey, hey, don't get neurotic on

I'm not.


Because you're going to waste
your idol.

Can I pitch something, we go
after zeke now, let the vote be

Me, I play my idol, zeke goes

I want to see where zeke's
head is at.

If zeke finds out I'm working
with you, I'm...

If zeke finds out I'm working
with you, I'm...

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

Shall we get to today's immunity


First things first, david...

I hate to give it up.

Jeff: I know you do.

Once again immunity is back up
for grabs.

For today's challenge you're
going to stand behind a cage

Door, and you'll maneuver handle
through a maze.

Once your handle is free, you'll
unlock the door and race to

Complete a slide puzzle.

First person to finish wins
immunity, guaranteed a one in

Nine sh*t at winning this game.

Losers, tribal council, somebody
will become the fourth member of

Our jury.

Draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Here we go.

For immunity, survivors ready?


First you've got to untie your

Then you start working it
through the maze.

You are blind.

You cannot see where the maze is

You have to do all of this by

This is going to be about trying
pathways that work and then

Running into a dead end and
trying to remember, I don't want

To go back there.

Where was that?

How do I get get out of here?

It's so easy for me, I can just
follow the color.

I know if you're doing well or

Ly not be saying who is in the
lead and who is falling behind.

You will not know where you are
in the maze until you're out of


Everybody trying to figure this

Is there a pattern.

Am I at the same dead end.

You can use your hands to feel
ahead or you can just go for it.

But if somebody comes through
this quickly, you will have a

Giant start on that slide

Jay has his free.

Jay is through his door.

Jay can start working on the
slide puzzle.

Now we got it going on.

Now you are trying to catch jay.

Jay quickly gets to work on that
puzzle, sliding pieces around.

It look so close.

And you can be one piece off and
it's a setback.

This could be over quickly if
jay is good at slides puddles.

Panic really setting in.

Am I close?

Do I have a sh*t?

Jay thinks he has it.

That looks like the "survivor"
logo to me.

Jay wins individual immunity,
not even close.

Nobody even out of the maze.

Nice work, jay.

Good work, jay.

Jeff: that is an official
"survivor" blowout.


Jeff: jay, come on over.

Good job, jay.

Jeff: it was pretty to

That was great.

Jeff: individual immunity,
jay safe tonight at tribal


You will not be going home.

As for the rest of you, 30 days
is a long time the play this

Game, but for one of you, that's
as far as it goes, somebody

Voted out will become the fourth
member of our jury.

It won't be you.

Grab your stuff, head back to

See you tonight at tribal.

Thank you, guys.

We had an immunity challenge

Guess who came out champion?

I did.

I won.

I crushed these fools.

So who are you going to give it

Take your pick.


I still have an idol, but I'm
not saving it.

I saved it so long for myself,
I'm going to keep it for myself.

Just you and i?

It feels that way.

I have a favor to ask you.

Basically all I did, I was
trying the lure bret and sunday

Over to our side, and I told
bret that you know who the

Biggest thr*at in this game, is
and you mow who it is, right?



That's not a good thing.

I need to write down scek's name
tonight, you, me and ken?


Because he's gunning for me

Oh, lord.

I have to protect david and
vote for zeke, because david

Actually played a hidden
immunity idol for me, but if

David had just let well enough
alone and not said anything,

This wouldn't be happening.

He's going to vote dave?

I'm going to stay with david.

I made a promise to the man I
would never put his name down,

So I want to go out swinging and
fighting with david in this


I want to work with you.

David is a guaranteed winner.

He has an idol.

So would you say that overall,
ranking thr*at, that david is

The most threatening person in
the game?

Would you agree with that


It's said a little harshly,
but just...

Just concern is that fair?

I'm trying to make a larger

I know, I'm thinking.

I have attempted to cultivate
hannah as a very, very close

Ally, and as we're talking, it
becomes very clear to me that

Hannah does not have my best
interests at heart.

You don't talk to david and
tell him I'm coming for him.

You both know you're coming
for each other.

But you don't talk to him
about that, do you?

David, you both know it.


This is a question of whether or
not you're going to play the

Rest of this game with david or
with me.


I realize that I'm no longer
going to be working with hannah.

It was going to be david, but
david has an idol, and if david

Plays the idol, we're screwed,
so if hannah wants to become one

Of david's numbers, she becomes
my enemy and I have her no

Problem voting her out of the

Hannah is in david's pocket.

I don't trust hannah.

Neither do it.

Hannah is in david's pocket.

I'm going to vote hannah.


Got it.

I think we're good.

Jay, I'm writing hannah.

H after h hannah.

It's going to be david's army
or my army.

So I'm trusting bret and sunday
and jay.

So we have five votes together,
which is half.

Which means at worst we tie. Wan

David wants zeke out.

You and I need to stick together
and choose a side.

I trust you.

You and I genuinely want to sit
next to each other at the end.

What do you want me to do?

Who do we vote for?


Hannah wants to vote for seek
tonight, but I'm not confident

About the plan tonight because I
have been sitting back a little


And allowing hannah to run the
show a little bit.

And hannah is a nervous girl.

And it makes me nervous.

Adam wants to work with me.

I'm with you 120%.

Who do we have then, just...

Me, you, adam, jay, ken all
vote for zeke, which gives us

Five, but if they put five and
five, I'm the one they're going

To target.

You don't know that, just a
gut feeling.

You're nervous, you're getting

No, zeke, he doesn't trust

I know it's me.

I'm probably going to need your
idol tonight.


My ocd is going crazy right

It's like the anxiety is too

My body can't control it.

I feel like david should play
his idol for me because if the

Vote changes at all, it's going
to be against me.

It's f it's a 5-5 tie, let's
say I did play the idol and it's

Not you, then there's a revote,
it will probably come back to

The tie again, and then rocks
get drawn.

Tonight is huge.

If we really do have five votes
and there's no really anymore,

Who the hell knows what's
happening, but if we really do

Have five votes against zeke,
then it would be a tie, and then

We'll have to revote and it will
require somebody flipping.

Question is: who would flip?

My people, their people?

I'm not even sure that it will
be 5-5.

So I'm really schizophrenic
about what I'm going to do with

My idol.

I hope I play the idol for the
right person.

This is really the scariest part
of the game for me thus far.

This is really the scariest part
of the game for me thus far.

I'll bring in the members of
our jury.

Michelle, taylor and chris
voted out at the last tribal


All right.

So let's get into this.

At the last tribal council, I
asked, how many people are

Pretty certain you know where
the vote is going.

Quite a few of you said 100%.

How many people tonight feel the
same way?




How many of you feel some sense
of security that it won't be you


you're the only one.

David, is it going to be just
another crazy vote, or is this a

Turning point in the game?

You know, I don't know.

Here's the deal: I feel like one
of those fruit bats back at

Camp, like the world looks
upside down.

This is the most chaotic tribal
I think we've seen yet, or at

Least it's about to be.

Jeff: really?


Jeff: jay that to me says
the game play is so good you

Guys are playing as if this is
your second time but it's not.

Honestly, everyone here is
playing full on pedal to the

Metal let's do this because
everyone is such a sooner fan of

This game.

All this whispering, I don't
know what is even being said.

Jeff: david, you're sitting
almost smack dab in the middle.


This is what's known as a trust
cluster muck.

There's no cluster.

Knock that crap off, all right?

Jeff: bret, why did that
get you so upset?

Because this... Enough with

Give me a break.

This is every man for himself
right now.

This is insane.

You talk.

You hope what's being told you
is correct and you move forward,

You know?

Jeff: well, would members
of zeke's alliance like to raise

Their hand?

Oh, david?

Would members of david's
alliance like to raise their


Oh, I'm going to cry.

That's a personal att*ck.

I didn't personally att*ck

Personal att*ck.

All right, all right.

That's where we're at right

Jeff: I don't even know
what to say.

Adam, what are you thinking
right now?

Are you nervous?

Hell, yes, I'm nervous, jeff.

I am now less sure of what was
going on than I was when I

Walked into tribal council

The vote is still very much

Jessica, you look like, huh,
how can it be live?

What's going on?

I am so it -- utterly

I have no idea what's happening.

Drew: ken, how do we know
when it's time the say, pencils

Down, let's vote?

We have the guillotine ready.

The Kn*fe is about to drop.

We're still trying to figure
out, whose head have we thrown


I've never seen anything like

There are so many conversations
happening right here.

I'm curious why we're so easily
mixed up by someone simply


That's insane.

Ken, this is the game,
welcome to it.


I'm very well aware of that,

What are we doing right now?

That's what I'm asking?

This is all smoke and

That's all nonsense.

Jeff: smoke and mirrors.

So zeke, is tonight's vote about
what is true and what is one big



Everyone wonders who they can
trust, who they think they're

Voting with.

I don't think anyone feels sure
that those they have had

Conversations with are going to
do what they said they were

Going to do.

Jeff: wow.

You know, tribal council is
theater, jeff, and I think we've

Proven that tonight.

I say we vote.

Should we vote?



Jeff: all right.

It is time the vote.

Will, you're up.

Will, you're up.

Oh, my god.

Get the hell off me.

Jeff: I'll go tally the

If anybody has a hidden immunity
idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

Sorry, jeff.



Here you go, jeff.

Hold on.

They were whispering over here.

They want to vote for ken.


Jeff, the idol is for ken.


All right.

Any votes cast for ken will not


I'll read the votes.

First vote, zeke.



I knew it.

Told you.



Two votes zeke, two votes


We're tied again.

Three votes zeke, three votes


We're tied again.

Four votes zeke, four votes


That's five votes zeke, four
votes hannah, one vote left.


We're tied.

Here's what's going to happen.

We're going to have a revote.

Hannah and zeke, you will not

Everybody else you can only vote
for hannah or zeke.

Will, will you come grab the

I'd love to, jeff.

I have realigned with you.


Trust me.

Please don't vote for me.


Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: I'll go tally the

I'll read the votes.





Two votes hannah, two votes



Tied again.

Three votes hannah, three votes


That's four votes hannah, three
votes zeke, one vote left.


Oh, my god.

We're deadlocked.

Here's what will happen.

Per the rules of "survivor," if
the eight of you can unanimously

Agree on either hannah or zeke,
they go home.

If you cannot, unanimously
agree, then hannah and zeke

Become immune and they join jay
and ken and all four become safe

And will, bret, sunday, adam,
david, and jessica will all draw


The odd rock goes home.

This is a do-or-die moment right

Guys, can the eight of us
agree that none of us are

Willing to give up our games for
either one of these two?

I don't want to go home.

I don't think anybody wants
to go home tonight.

So let the eight of us come to a
decision on one or the other

Because I'm not going home.

If I can pitch something, I
do believe zeke is playing the

Best game of the people, but if
you believe I am, fine, vote me

Out next, but tonight it has to
be zeke.

David is never going to let
me stay in this game.

Who wants to vote hannah?

Right here.

You wanted...

I was trying to get you out.

Who did you vote for?

You said you would vote for

I never said that and I
didn't vote for chris.

I don't want to draw rocks.

I do not want the draw rocks.

Well, it's going to go there.

So what I'm hearing right now
is complete disarray.

We don't have unanimous


Jeff: here's what has now

Because you guys can't control
your own fate by coming to an

Agreement, hannah, who is in
trouble is safe, zeke who is in

Trouble, is safe.

Jay has immunity, he's safe.

Ken has immunity idol thanks to
david, he's safe.

So six people will draw rocks,
will, bret, sunday, adam, david,

And jessica.

One of you is about to go home
after 30 days in survivor by

Making the biggest move you can
in this game, going to rocks.

There are five white rocks.

There is one black rock.

White means you're safe, black
means you're going home.

All right.

Oh, my god.

Grab it and don't look.

Jeff, I think I'm going to

All right.

Million dollar rock draw.

Black means you are out of this


Oh, my god.



Sorry, jess.

Sorry, jessica.

I didn't want it to go to rocks.

David did.

Oh, my gosh.

You played a great game

Great, jessica. .

Jeff: jessica, I think it's
more appropriate tonight to say,

The game has spoken.

It's time for you to go.

We drew rocks.

And now I'm out of the game.

I found the legacy advantage,
but since I'm not in the game

Anymore, I have to will this to
somebody, so I am leaving this

Legacy advantage to ken, and I
hope that he is here on day 36

So he can take advantage of
whatever is contained within

This envelope.

Jeff: drawing rocks is the
ultimate "survivor" all-in move.

With this many people making an
all-in move, it says the rest of

This game is going to be insane.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Jeff: next time on
"survivor," david gets a glimmer

Of hope.

I'm ready to start playing
this game hard.

I'm an endangered species.

That was music to my ears.

And the loved ones visit.

I think it is a perfect time
for love.

Flips the game.

I actually have an advantage
in this game.

This truly has been the most
incredible experience that I

Could have ever hoped for.

I'm incredibly proud of myself
that I made it as far as I have,

But I just switch my vote to
hanna I wouldn't be

Sitting here right now, hannah
would be.

Oh, my god.
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