30x01 - It's Survivor Warfare

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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30x01 - It's Survivor Warfare

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: after 29 seasons and

15 Years, "survivor," the great


Est social experiment on

Television, is once again

Breaking the mold.

These 18 americans have been

Divided into three tribes based

On their occupation and approach

To life.

The white-collar tribe, made up

Of a yahoo executive, a media

Consultant and former college

Professor and a retail buyer.

They're used to being in charge

And calling the sh*ts to get

What they want.

I'm a buyer for a major

Department store.

I am demanding.

I've made pretty much every

Person that's ever worked for me

Cry at one point.

I guess I'm the devil, yeah.

As a college professor, I

Taught a class on "survivor."

There are very few things in my

Life that I've set my mind to

That I haven't achieved because

I step on the people whose

Assistance I need to get to that

Next plateau.

In corporate america, I've

Worked in some hard-core


Everybody wants your job, and

It's the same thing on


Everyone's going for the same


Game on, baby.

Here it is!

Jeff: the blue-collar

Tribe, this group is made up of

A state trooper, a barrel racer

And a postal worker.

They're used to hard work and

Physical labor and aren't afraid

To get their hands dirty to get

The job done.

I work in the oil and gas


I'm normally the one that is

Covered the most in oil, covered

The most in mud.

Same thing with this game.

If you're not getting your hands

Dirty, you ain't going to win.

My hands are going to be filthy.

I'm a single mom and I'm a

Hair stylist.

Having a little girl is hard,

But it's made me who I am.

Mentally, there's no one on this

Earth who is as strong as I am.

I've worked for the post

Office for 22 years.

I am here to live my dream.

I have dreamt about being on

"Survivor" since season one,

Episode one.

I plan on being remembered, one

Way or another, you will not

Forget me.

Jeff: the no-collar tribe.

This group includes a sailing

Instructor, a youtube sensation

And a coconut vendor.

They use their free spirit

Mentality to further themselves

In life.

I'm a searcher.

I'm an adventurer.

I fly by the seat of my pants.

I do what I want to do when I

Want to do it.

Of course I want $1 million.

Money makes life easier.

Have you ever seen an unhappy

Person on a jet-ski?


When people hear I'm in law

School, they probably assume I'm

A corporate dog-eat-dog girl.

That's not who I am.

I'm in it for the poor,

Broken-down people.

I'm in the anarchy.

I'm the greater good.

As a coconut vendor, I seek


I'm a seer of real.

I live life in a way where I'm

Guided by my own decisions.

There are just no rules for me.

My personality is a lot like

Surfing a wave.

Let me surf for a second.

Jeff: it is the ultimate


White collar versus blue collar

Versus no collar.

I always want to be the guy

In charge, and I'm here to win

$1 Million.

Fast money, loose women, lots

Of champagne.

Are you kidding me?

I don't want them to think I'm a


I want them to think I'm here to

Enjoy the beaches.

No, I want to beat you in


Jeff: which way of life

Will prove to be most valuable?

People look at me and think

I'm a meat head.

When it comes to competition,

I'm filet mignon and they're a

Bunch of steak 'ems.

Jeff: in the end, only one

Will remain to create the prize.

New it's game on.

Jeff: 39 day, 18 people,

One survivor!

As a "survivor" fan, this is

My life's dream.

I wanted to be on "survivor"

Since I was 16 years old.

Ten years of applying, and yet I

Have never been better prepared

To play this game.

This is insane.

Bianca: welcome to

"Survivor: worlds apart."


Bianca: you have been


Jeff: you have been divided

Into three groups based on

Profession and life.

The question is: which of these

Groups is best suited to the

Game of "survivor."

Yellow, you're the white-collar


Professionally you're in a

Position of authority.

Your approach to life is


You like calling the sh*ts and

Being in charge.

White collars tend to make the


In the back in the middle,

What's your name?


Jeff: tyler, ring true for


The idea of office environment,

Some authority?


I enjoy setting team goals, and

Usually the best way to see

Those through is to take the


I work in arguably the

Largest and most cut-throat

Talent agency in all the world.

I don't believe there will be

Any problem going from the urban

Jungle to the actual jungle.

Jeff: blue, you are

Fittingly blue collar.

Professionally you're usually

Physically involved in your

Work, meaning you are earning it

Every day.

You don't always make the rules.

More times than not you're

Following rules that have been

Set by someone else.

Guy with the cap, what's your


My name is dan.

Jeff: dan, does this ring

True for you, this description

Of blue collar?

Hell, yeah.

Jeff: you're with your


Brothers and sisters,


We built the heart of america,

Blood, sweat, tear, calluses on

Our hand, sore at the end of the

Day but a smile on our face

Knowing we accomplished a good

Day's work.

Jeff: how about the woman

In the front with the necklace.

What's your name?


Jeff: lindsey, do you agree

With that?

The winner of this show is on

This mat.

Jeff: all right.

That brings us to red.

You guys are the no collars, the

Free spirits.

Your professions tend to be

Centered around passion.


Oh, yeah.

Jeff: you don't really make

The rules.

You're really not following the


No collars tend to break the


Guy in the back, what's your



Jeff: you embrace that

Already, don't you?


As soon as I saw these people, I

Knew I was with my family.

Jeff: how is that possible

Just looking at a group?

First smiles you see.

You know, it's that free smile,

It's that I live the way that I

Want to live my life, not

Governed by anybody else's


Jeff: guy in the front,

What's your name?


Jeff: rodney, when you look

At this other group, do you feel

Like you're in the right spot?

I move furniture, so

Basically the office people, I

Move office stuff, I move

Jacuzzi, all the stuff the lazy

People who sit at the desk don't

Want the move, so I'm hard


That's why you see me.

I'm jacked.

I work hard and play harder.

I use my mind to outwhit


I'm a hustler.

I'm a salesman.

This is what I do.

Every davie to sell myself to

Get money.

Jeff: white collar, you

Look like you're acheing to get

Into this conversation.

What's your name?


Jeff: you're shaking your


We work just as hard and we

Have just as much free spirit as

Anyone else here.

Jeff: guy in the back,

What's your name?


Jeff: joaquin, what do you

Make of being on the white

Collar tribe?

I wouldn't choose any other


May 9:00 until 5:00 dunn define

Who I am.

Jeff: great point, to judge

A book simply by its cover can

Be a very costly mistake.

Let's get to it.

White collar, you're now going

To pick one person to represent

Your tribe.

Choose somebody.

Anyone want to volunteer?

Jeff asked someone to step

Out front and take on a weighty


One thing I've learned from

Studying this game is the

Biggest mistake you can make is

Putting yourself into a

Leadership position.


Jeff: joaquin.


Jeff: joaquin, take a

Couple steps forward off that


Right there is good.


Blue collar, same thing, pick

One person to represent your


That's cool.

Jeff: blue collar, who is

It going to be?


Jeff: dan, are you

Comfortable being selected?

It's a double-edged sword.

This could go either way.

Jeff: dan, take a couple

Steps forward.

All right, no collar, who are

You going to pick to represent

Your tribe?

I'm down with that.

All right.

What's your name again?


Big surprise, they're having

Hard time deciding anything.

Jeff: all right, white --

No collars, who are you going to


Do you need a white comer to go

Over there?

We don't get offended.

It rolls off our back.

Jeff: who will it be?


Jeff: woman in the front,

Why will?

He promised us sandwiches.

That's why we picked him.

Jeff: you're going to make



Jeff: using what?

I have a whole resource out


Jeff: from the ocean you're

Going to make sandwiches?

It's going to be nice.

Jeff: you're still not

Backing down.

That's how we do it.

Jeff: all right.

Will, take a step forward.

I had a video that went viral

Of me and my wife dancing and

Singing at the gas station.

People liked the video because

Sometimes people take life too

Serially and don't take

Advantage of an opportunity like


Just live in the moment.

Just put your guard down and

Just have fun.

Jeff: will?


Jeff: dan, joaquin, you're

Going to pick a second member,

And this person is going to join

You in making a very big

Decision on behalf of your


Who do you want to join you?

Choose somebody.

Anybody volunteer?



You're in.


It's all you, boss.

Jeff: woman on the end,

What's your name?

I'm so.

Jeff: so, being a leader

Can be a very precarious

Position that you put yourself


But I'm standing with someone

Else, so if I'm falling, he's

Falling with me I guess.

Jeff: dan, why mike?

He volunteered.

Jeff: no collars, will, you

Turned and pretty quickly chose



Jeff: what was it about


Jenn is a free spirit like

Everyone on this map.

I know I can trust her and she's

Going the make the right

Decisions for our team.

Jeff: all right.

White collar, your tribe name is


Here's map to your home.

Blue collar, your tribe name,


No collars, your tribe name,


Head back the camp.

When you get settled, each pair

Will separate and make a

Decision for their tribe.

Good luck.

Head out.

Yeah, baby.

Jeff said everyone go back

The camp.

I could see the other two tribes

Going, those white collar people

Who work in the offices, we want

To k*ll them.

But to me, class has nothing to

Do with it.

It's "survivor" warfare.

I love being a no caller.

I can just see it in people's

Eyes that they're fun kind of


I think as a tribe, the game

Plan right now is to be really

Laid back and let it flow.

I kind of live life that way.

You probably are wondering

About my ears.

I'm completely deaf.

I lost my hearing seven years

Ago, so I have cochlear


That's how I hear.

They were all extremely shocked

When they found out I'm

Completely deaf.

I know that I'll be at a

Disadvantage, but the most I can

Do is go into it 110. And give

It all I've got.

You guys want to walk around,

Figure out where we're going to

Set up camp?

We need to do something.

I think we need to make a

Decision based on what it might


We had to make a decision

Before the tribe.

So we said, okay, we have the

Make decisionings as a group.

Number one, we're working as

A team.

That's how you win.

We have the vibe.

It must be something.

Honest, deceive.

All right.

You want me to read deceive?

Deceive: if you choose to

Deceive, you'll receive a small

Bag of beans to take back to

Your tribe.

It will only last a few days.

You will be given a clue to the

Hidden immunity idol.

Honesty: if you choose to be

Honest, you will receive a huge

Bag of beans and it will show

You can be trusted.

If we wanted to be dishonest, we

Could have a clue for the

Immunity idol and take a small

Bag of beans.

Or we could be honest with the

Tribe and take a humongous bag

Of beans.

I think we should bring the

Big bag and let them know.

Ultimately we're making a

Decision for our tribe, so

Obviously the choice is the big

Bean bag.

We're not in the individual


We're doing the best for us as a


It's a team effort.

So you want to be good guys,

Or do you want to be bad guys?

How do you want to start?

My heart says I want to be a

Good guy, but villains win this


But I think it's too early to

Be a villain.

I agree.

I think we should take the


I think we should take the

Bean, as well.

You sure?


Take the beans.

Take the beengs, dude.

We have to do the right thing

This early.

I agree.

Take the beans.

My inclination is to go with

The honesty simply because at

This stage of the game, to throw

Deceit, I personally think it's


People, what are you all


You have to focus on trying

To build that camaraderie.

Basically we get over there,

And there's an honest and a

Deceit tab in front of us.

The honest tab said, if you are

Honest and you don't take the

Advantage, then you get a big

Bag of beans.

We took the big bag of beans.


It's too early in the game.

I don't believe that's a full

Bag of beans.

I think they chose the other


That's not a big bag.

What was the other one, four


Trust takes time.

Hopefully we just earned a


If you've given us a reason

To think you're lying and not

Being honest, you know, then you

Have to live with that.

They screwed us.

Either they believe us or

They don't.

There's nothing we can do.

We made the right choice.

You know what, we have to go

With it.

I mean, yeah.

The hard part is not


The hard part is not looking at

Your hands when you're juggling.

What if I do this?


My name's joaquin.

I'm from new york.

I'm a marketing director.

I'm in training.

So first thing you do in

Training is introductions.

I'm tyler, and I just until

Recently was working at the

Largest hollywood talent agency.

You name, how long have you

Worked here, what have you done.

That's kind of what we did.

We're in the ashamed of being

White collar.

My name is max.

I live in southern california.

Right now I am a researcher and


They all knew what to do.

It was like clockwork.

Jeff said that when we got

Back to camp, joaquin and I

Would have to walk off and make

Some sort of decision.

Make sure you have your story

Straight before you go back the


Honestly, I know what we're

Doing, we're taking that


The question is, what are we

Going to tell them?

That means we're in an

Alliance right now.

I think we were in an

Alliance when you stepped


The other possible decision

Is go with the honest route.

That's a silly decision.

She's a cutie.

She's really cool and down to

Earth, but I'm like, come on,

Who the hell is honest.

Are you here to make friends or

Are you here to win $1 million.

Let's go, cutie.

If I have an advantage, I'm

Going the take it.

You know you want that, as well.

Joaquin was so sure.

There was nothing about him that

Wanted to be honest or like work

With the tribe.

You have to go with your gut.

What is your gut telling you?


Let's do it.

Ultimately that gut instinct to

Have that advantage won, not too

Far from where you clench your

First, you can satiate your need

For power.

Nestled in a nest with no need

To climb, this just may be your

Finest hour.


So where you quench your thirst.

So that's where the well is,

Wherever the well is.

Nestled in a nook.

I love having an advantage.

But that means I have to trust


That's scary, too.

You're stuck with me now.

I feel like I'm making a deal

With the devil.

That's fine.

That's perfectly okay.

The decision we ultimately

Made was to deceive.

We took the clue.

Did you hide it?


My biggest fear is putting

Target on my back.

My whole game could come

Crashing down around me.

When so and joaquin come back

The camp, they have this bag

That's tied shut.

What was it all about?

You were gone for a while.

We had a dilemma.

What was it?

There were three boxes.

There was one that said honest,

One that said deceive and one

That said neutral.

And we picked neutral because

Whatever... If we picked honest

Or deceive, they said there was

Going to be some sort of like

Caveat with it.

I don't know what would have


Is it rice?

It's beans.

We wanted to pick honest...

We didn't know what the hell

Was going to happen.

Listen, better to be neutral.

Day one, right in

I don't really trust so, and


I'm thinking they have secludeed

The hidden immunity idol.

I would do the same thing.

I can't be pissed off at anybody


This is a game.


I think that bag of beans is

Really small.

They're terrible liars.

I don't buy that for a second.

As a "survivor" fan, I knew

It's honesty or deception, and

They clearly chose deception.

So I want to immediately start

Connecting with people.

I want to see what they think

About me.

I want to see if anybody there

Is willing to engage.


I think we can be strong.

Carolyn's like, I'm just so

Happy to be here.

So am i, girlfriend.

Do you want to do this?

All right.

We're good.


Oh, my gosh.

She was down.

Also I get a really good vibe

From max based on appearances,

You now, like a hipster academic


So and joaquin are way too


They definitely know where the

Idol is at.

So carolyn and I were talking

This morning and saying...

So and joaquin are getting



Yeah, I agree.

From that point I had a great

Bond with carolyn.

I had a great bond with max.

That's three of us in a tribe of


As long as we know us three

Are tight, we can work it from


Oh, my gosh.

Crab dinner.

Got him, got him.

Mama's eating dinner tonight.

We're blue collar workers.

We saw what needed to be done.

We all jumped into it because

We'll find a way.

That's what we do.

You got it, you got it.

And there is fire.

Oh, boo

>>-Yeah, baby.

We got a fire built in the first

Two hours.

In one sentence: blue collars

Kick ass.

Thank you.

I have this.

This whole arm is just family


And I have like an ocean piece

On my leg.

When I saw my tribe, I was

Really happy.

I you get a girl all tatted up.

She has artwork on her body.

She wants to express herself in

Some way.

It's easy entry the talk about


What's that there?

Natalie, even though we'll

Never see each other again,

We'll always be together.

You lost your sister?

A few years ago.

She lives downstairs in the


I knock on the door on monday.

Her car ain't.

There I'm like, what happened?

I tried getting the door, it's


I busted through a window.

I see her face first on the

Ground, blood surrounding the


I found my sister in cold blood

Two years ago.

Coming into "survivor," I knew I

Could get to any girl's heart

With that story, so it makes me

Solidify when I have this tattoo

On my arm, they can tell I'm

Telling the truth and being


My strategy from day one, get

The girls.

Girl, they want to sit back and

Let man take the leader role.

So I want to get the girls.

I want to be their leader and

Take them to the merge with me.



Right here.

So I grab this piece of bamboo

I'm about to cut.

I happen the see this scorpion

Go by.

It's in the that big of a

Scorpion at all that big enough

That I'm sure if it stung you it

Would do some damage.

Want to eat him?

First instinct is protein.

So I cut its tail off.

All right.

Now we're talking.

You going to eat that thing?

I never had one before.

How does it taste?

Down the hatch.

It tasted like crap.

Did you eat a scorpion?

In the tasty.


When you guys are starving

Later tonight and I have a

Scorpion in my belly, don't be


I knew when I came out here if

There was an extra chance to get

Protein, I was going to take

That chance.

It just so happens that might

Not have been the greatest

Decision I ever made.

Did you eat it raw?

Is he puking?

He's puking?

He ate a scorpion.

Maybe not the best decision

To eat a scorpion on the first

Day of "survivor," but I'm the

Type of person, if I see an

Opportunity in front of me, I'm

Going to go grab it.

I'm going to run as fast as I

Can and clench on as hard as I

Can and ride that bull for as

Long as I can.

I saw the scorpion.

I seized the opportunity.

And I paid the consequence.

That's your boy.

That's weakness leaving the


This is our first coconut,



I feel like we should have bongo


So sweet.

No color -- comeer is a

Wonderful little community.

Everything is going great.

We're meshing and flowing

Smoother than hot butter.

I'm so happy.

There's something about jenn

That just seems real.

That makes me comfortable,

Completely, emotionally secure,

Physically secure, and it's


I used to have feathers in my

Hair, not that that's an

Immediate connection.

But I was like, my people.

I saw your smile, your big

Bright eyes.

Instant connection.


You and I with our

Intelligence, we really could

Make it all the way.

The guy with the feathers,

Right off the bat he pulls me

Aside and tells me he thinks we

Have a kin madrid spirit, I like

You smile, I want to go to the

End with you.

He's everything I expected him

To be.

And more maybe.

If you create friendships the

Way I do.

It's really hard to break a


It's nice to have one person

You know.

The anchor.

One of my greatest weaknesses

Is my intense attraction to


Jenn brought an element of

Herself here and so did i.

I want to play with somebody

That's like that.

When I want something, I get it.

He's playing this game a

Little harder than I would have

Seen coming out of those


I'm thinking, it is worth it to

Play whatever he thinks I am to

Him, but right now it's worth it

To have ally to, have people on

Your side, so that's my approach

With him right now.

Let's raise this up here.

At least that's off the ground.

We can do that.

Vince said he wanted to do

The shelter a certain way.

And I said, hey, man, whatever

You want to do.

You know, very no collar of me,

But in this situation, I have a

Lot of skills that I bring to

The table.

I've worked in construction.

I've built a lot of things.

We have these really long

Bamboos that we can use for the


This is just the top of our


How about we get this up and

Go with the frame.

I think that's a lot more


I'm thinking stick this up

There, put three or four frames

Here and put it on.

I just want to get a roof on.

>>I'm in the a big fan of

Something telling me to do

Something I know is wrong.

I know what we need to do to get

It secured.

So at some point politeness goes


You want to bring this one in

So we have less space to fill?

Let's just put it together

And see what happens.

We're spontaneous, remember?

We're the spontaneous tribe.

Let's keep going.

Watching joe want to do it

His way and only his way, it was

A huge red flag.

We're in no-collar tribe.

We need to have collaboration,

If we don't have that, it's

Going to be a problem.

That's kind of high.

What's the one thing we're


We're missing somebody to make

The decision.

Let's make some decisions.

Make a decision.

I think we're probably going

The need three posts is what we

Said, yes?

That's stupid.

That's the dumbest thing you can


Why are you upset?

Why are you concerned in

Because the support is going

To be...

I'm starting to get


Dan definitely gets under my

Skin because he says things that

Are just over the top and


He's one person that doesn't


Bamboo is hallow.

It won't stay.

It will split the bamboo and

Drop us.

I am a fat guy.

It's not going to hold.

Dan with his age and being

Male, he wants the prove himself

That he knows what he's talking

About, but he's dealing with 20

Year olds, and he's twice their

Age, so you're going to have to

Listen to them, but he doesn't

Have those social skills to work

It out.

I think that's way too high.

Dan, what do you think?

Make a decision.

No, no, no.

I'm the only one that wants


Now you're changing your


First you said lower it.

Don't be wishy-washy.

I agree with her.

I think it should be lower.

Well, say that.

Every time I say something, I

Get yelled at.

Now I don't say something and

I'm still getting a hard time.

We discussed it earlier.

I'm agreeing with you.

The whole thing started with


I saw ciera's reaction.

I saw kelly.

Now I try to change tactics.

I have to lay back and shut my


Do you want me to stay or go

Get firewood?

Whatever you want to do?

I just want to be of use


I'll go get some firewood.

I'm in a no-win situation.

I'm really in a bad position

Fast with this tribe.

The guy with the beard, he's

Kind of bossy.

We need to get our harry potter

Grandfather out of here.

I am in the faring well in

This game.

I try to stay out of making a

Decision, I try to make a

Decision, it doesn't matter.

It's tough.

I agree.

You are taking a little heat.

I noticed that today.

You are taking some heat.

I don't want you to feel like

You don't have a friend in the

World because you know you got a

Friend with me.

I hear that.

I hear that.

Mike's great.

He really wants to stay


That man is a walking ray of


He's absolutely the glue holding

Us together now.

There's probably a million

People who wanted to be here,

But we're here.

Still the best day ever.

How come you know how the

Start a fire without flint?

I saw this on youtube and I

Did it every day before I came

Out here.

Joe says, I can make fire,

So, joe, go make fire.

You say you can do it without

Flint, I'm going to sit here and

Try the watch you do that.

I don't know if you want


I do.

That looks amazing.

My princess.

Stop it.

I like joe a lot.

I think his personality is


He's a good-looking dude.

He's tall, he's muscular.

He should be on the cover of a

Romance model.

Do you need help blowing on

The firewood?


Do you need help blowing on

That wood over there?

Got to make this hole a

Little bigger.

This game means the world to


I have been such a huge fan my

Whole life.

I said I can make fire, so I got

To back it up and make fire.

I see it smoking.

You got it.

One good one.


Keep going.


Go, go!


For me getting the fire was

The best feeling in the whole


It was really good.

It scored me some points with

The tribe.

I'm going to get some water.

I already have something

Going on with jenn, but it seems

Like she wants to ride the wave

That joe's making.

That worries me because I don't

Trust him.

So I have to further explore

This relationship with jenn.

I have to really feel out who

She is as an individual person.

I want to ask you a real

Human-to-human question.


Do you feel more of a

Connection with joe?



I'm not playing this flirt game.

You're not attracted to him?


Not even a little?


I think vince is jealous.

One of the first things out of

His mouth is, so do you think

Joe is attractive?


But you like him?

I like him as a human being.

I like you as a human being,


It's not like I prefer him over

You at all.

He's obviously got these little

Puppy dog feelings that

Apparently he had for me hurt.

But I know how to handle him.

I think.

It's still me and you?

You still want that?

I do.

Do you?

You're freaking me out?

You don't seem like you're

Wanting that?

I do.

I really want that.

I do.

But I'm not seeing enough


I would really like if jenn were

An honest person, but I just

Don't feel that.

I just feel like she's being


Are you less stressed now.

If you give me a good hug.

Vince is the most paranoid

Person out here.

Dealing with him is a lot.

Calm down, you know?

He's driving me nuts.

That's a good hug.

Oh, I needed that.

And don't hug me forever


We smell bad.


We smell bad.

Do not get this all over my


There's our lovely abode.

It just looks like a train


It's not so bad.

We have a roof.

We're going to work on it today.


My thoughts are, the shelter

Is very average.

It was probably the worst night

Of sleep I've ever had in my


What kind of shelter do we

Want to build?

I'll take a nice little


Our tribe is white collar

People who run the show.

But the reality is we've got to

Grab our lunchboxes and grind

Things out with the blue

Collar-like work ethic.

Let's work on an action plan.

I'll slither down here.

This could use a little bit more

Coverage here.


There's nothing there.

What are we doing wrong?

Come on.

Who would have thought it would

Be that damn hard to make a


Nobody knows how to make a damn


None of us do.

Why would we?

White collar.

We hire a blue collar to go make

Us a fire.

We're not getting fire, but it's

All right.

You know?

I'm going the start going to

Look for that immunity idol.

When so and joaquin came back

To camp with that bag of beans,

I kind of figured they had a


So I watched them like a hawk

Because if they're looking

There, then maybe it's over


So made it so freakin' obvious.

She's searching in that tree

Like there's no tomorrow.

I kind of know from watching

Seasons past the types of things

You have to look for.

It's got to be something that's


It looks different.

I saw this funny-looking tree,

And I'm like, okay.


I got the idol.

Oh, my god!

I open it up, and I'm like, you

Have found the hidden immunity


The magical part of this is

Everyone thinks that so and

Joaquin have the clue and

They're all still looking.

It's hilarious.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

Are you guys ready to get to

Your first immunity challenge?


Bring it on.

Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you're going the race

Down a ramp, go through an

Obstacle where you will make

Your way to a large wooden crate

Containing a ladder.

You have a choice.

You can open it using a key to

Unlocklear, or you can untie


Both will release the ladder.

Once you have the ladder free,

You will use it to go up, across

And down a tall platform and

Through another series of


You will then use the ladder to

Help you make your biggest

Decision in this challenge,

Which puzzle to solve.

There are three choices.

The first puzzle has only five

Pieces in it, but it requires

You to see the big picture.

If you can do that, you can

Solve this five-piece puzzle

Very quickly.

The second puzzle has ten pieces

In it, and it requires you to

See things more visually.

If that's the way you think, you

Will whip through this puzzle.

The third puzzle has the most

Pieces at 50, but it is also the

Most straight forward.

The only problem with that

Puzzle is 50 pieces.

All of these puzzles average the

Same amount of time to finish.

If you put the right person on

The right puzzle, you can finish

Much faster than average.

The first two tribes to finish

Their puzzle wins immunity.

This is the immunity idol.

If you have the idol, you are

Safe from the vote.

You're not going to tribal


You can't be voted out.

First tribe to finish wins this.

Second tribe to finish wins


They both mean the same thing.

Losers go the tribal council

Where somebody will be the first

Person voted out of "survivor:

Worlds apart."

In addition you're playing for


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: first tribe to

Finish, this will really come in

Handy, a massive fire-making


Second tribe to finish, not as

Much, but still effective,

Flint, bragging rights to boot.

Give you a minute to strategize

And we'll get started.

Here we go.

It is the first challenge of

"Survivor: worlds apart."

For reward and immunity,

Survivors ready?


Everybody attacking the hay.

Got to high-step this second


You all right?

Yeah, got it.

Lindsey takes a fall.

Not as easy as it looks.

Come on, come on.

Jeff: one person now

Working on this ladder.


Jeff: all three tribes have

Chosen to use the key to

Unlock locks.

Nobody took the knot.

Lindsey for the blue collar and

Joaquin for the white collar.

20 Keys three of them work for

Three different locks.

Any time you want, you can

Switch out.

It's no, sir, it's not.

Jeff: joaquin will jump out

And turn it over to so, and so

Will start on the knot.

Lindsey is dropping out and

She's sending in mike to do the


Vince is giving up on the key.

He's putting joe on the knot.

Let's go, baby.

Huge change of events straight

Out of the gate.

All three tribes not not afraid

To change it up.

So working on the knots for the

White collar and she's whipping

Through them.

Mike is working on his fifth


Joe working on his sixth


Joe has made up a lot of time

For the no collars.

So continues to lead.

Mike trying to catch her.

Joe in second place for the no


You got it, mike.

Don't panic.

Jeff: blue collar quickly

Falling behind in this


So has the last knot.

Open it up!

Jeff: release that ladder

And head out.

White collar in the lead.

Let's go!

Jeff: joe on his last


There it is.

Open it up, no collars.

Get that ladder and start


It is white collar, no collar

And blue collar.

Mike with five knots left.

You're still in this.

Keep digging.

There are three stages, up,

Across and down.

White collar now working their

Way across.

No collar is up the ladder.

Blue collar still working on the


You're all right, mike.

Don't panic.

Jeff: white collar now


No collar taking a lot of falls.

White collar now working

Together maneuvering the next


You've got to slide that ladder

Through the slots.

Mike is on his last knot for

Blue collar.

Blue collar has their ladder.

We are neck and neck right now.

White collar through the first


We can make it up.

Jeff: blue collar is up.

Now they have to get across and


It's now no collar in the lead.

White collar in second.

Blue trying to get back in it.

No collar through the second


Now the big decision, which

Puzzle will they choose.

White collar's through.

They're going to decide on which


Let's go, blue collar.

Come on, come on, come on.

Jeff: five, ten or 50

Pieces make a decision.


Jeff: no collar is going

For the middle puzzle, the

Visual puzzle.

Which one?

Jeff: white collar is going

For the easiest with the most


Big surprise from the big brains

Of the white collar.

And as predicted for the no

Collars, they picked the visual


No pressure.

Shirin is taking the very

Logical puzzle where what you

See is what you get.

We're not in a million years

Doing this.

Oh, god, I'm sorry.

Jeff: blue collar, work


Get back.

Jump in.

Jump in.

Jeff: jenn already stepping


Joe now in.

Joe now working the puzzle and

He has first piece.

Shirin quickly working trying to

Figure out what is this puzzle

Because once you figure it out

It will go very quickly.

Blue collar through now.

Choose your puzzle.

You got this, joe.

Joe with his third piece.

How do I get over there?

Jeff: now blue collar can't

Figure out how to use the

Ladder, falling further behind.

Joe is flying through a

Difficult puzzle while shirin is

Struggling with what should be

An easier puzzle.


Middle one.

My fingers.

My fingers.

Jeff: rodney takes the

Ten-piece puzzle, the one that

Requires you to see differently.

Joe with another piece.

Shirin, do you have this?

I know what it is, it's


You got it.

Jeff: joe with another


No collars very close to


Joe down to three pieces left.

Make it two pieces left for no


A huge victory out of the gate.

Joe is one piece away.

From winning the first challenge

In "survivor: worlds apart."

And he has it.

No collar wins immunity and


We're looking for second place.

Stick it in.

No, flip it.

Turn it.

Right there.

Sierra has the first piece in

Her puzzle.

Getting a lot of help from her


Shirin starting to panic has

Made very little progress on

What should be the easiest

Puzzle out here.

Shirin is swapping out.

Max coming in now.

Sierra, let me switch with




Jeff: sierra swapping out.

Mike coming in now.

Losers go to tribal council.

You do not want that to be you.

Look at the big picture.

Jeff: mike with the second


Immunity is ours if you can

Do this.

Jeff: it is mike versus


Mike with his third piece.

Blue collar, holler, holler.

Jeff: max is making a lot

Of progress where shirin


Does he have enough time to


50 Pieces is a lot more than


There you go, baby.

Information is a comeback, baby.

Jeff: blue collar was in

Dead last.

They have now caught up and they

Are very much in this.

We need this immunity.

Jeff: max has one-third of

His puzzle done, but will it be

Too little too late.

We're in this game, mike.

Mike down to two pieces left.

Good job, blue.


You got this, mike.

Jeff: mike down to one

Piece left.

He could win immunity for blue

Collar and keep them safe

Sending white comer to tribal


Spin it around 180 degrees.

Yeah, like that.

?ieflt and he has it!

Blue collar wins immunity and

Reward sending white comer to

Tribal council.

Yes, yes, yes, yes!


Holy comeback, batman.

Never over until it's over.

Damn right.


Jeff: no collars,


Immunity is yours.

Nobody going home tonight from

Your tribe.

Blue collar, nobody going home

From your tribe.

That's right.

Mikey, take that.

Jeff: all right.

No collars, come get your reward

And head back the camp.

Thanks, jeff.

Jeff: nice work.

Blue collars, not a massive fire

Making kit, but it will get the

Job done.

Here's flint.

Grab your stuff, head back the


No tribal council tonight for


All right.

White collar, somebody from your

Tribe will be the first person

Voted out at tonight's tribal


You have a very interesting

Afternoon awaiting you.

Grab your stuff, head back the


We'll see you tonight at tribal.

Oh, my god, the challenge

Today was a disaster.

A disaster.

I mean, we were in the lead

Until the very end.

And it was definitely shirin and


They were the weakest links on

Our team.

We were in the lead.

We started off first.

And it went downhill from there.

Shirin said from the start that

She's great at puzzles, but we

Lost the challenge, which is

Fine because you got to step up,


You guys want to talk about


I think we all know what

Needs to happen, but no one

Wants to start doing it.

Shall we make a schedule like a


This is so white collar.

It's going to be a girl

Tonight, we all know that.

I'm going to get water.

I need to drink about 17 of


Everyone is going to see the

Girls as weaker than the guys.

I know we all like each other,

But one of us is going home

Tonight, plain and simple.

Should we take this


We should.

First things first, I'm --

You crushed that side of the


What are you thinking?

What's your initial...

Where did it all fall?



Is that what you're thinking?

Don't get me wrong, but the

One thing she has is a clear


And carolyn didn't want the put

Her neck on the line.

As a business person, I

Expect people to deliver.

If you don't deliver, that's a


Shirin was weak physically today

And she didn't perform during

The puzzle.

Carolyn is playing the safe


She's not volunteering to put

Herself out there, so I'm

Leaning toward carolyn at this


If we say carolyn, I can

Convince joaquin that's the

Right thing to do.

The hard part is to get the

Three guys to vote toward



Are you going with carolyn?

Shirin felt really bad about

Letting us down.

What I'm pissed about is

Carolyn is never going to step

Up to take a role where she's


That can be a great way to

Get ahead in this game.


I'm worried about so.

She's gone off with everybody.

If they want to keep the tribe

Strong, you got to go with the

Weakest link.

They might want me out because

I'm the oldest person on the


So who are you voting for?

I mean, I know you guys are

Thinking either me or shirin.

I don't think that's true.

I have one person set in mind


I already made my decision.


I'm very...

Your name hasn't been brought


So you're telling me I'm not

On the chopping block tonight?

Not on mine.

You have my word.

I can actually vouch for


Well, I'm down with that.

White collar people have

Interpersonal skills to know

When people are lying, and I

Think so lied about the clue

With the hidden immunity idol.

I don't trust her.

She's playing me just like she's

Playing everybody else, and

Right now I don't feel


Here's the deal.

I don't want you to start

Getting all freaked out, but

Your name has come up.


But I want strength.

And you've proven to be nothing

But strong.

Oh, my god.

I knew my name was coming up and

So was walking all along.

I'm thinking so brought my name

Up point blank.

It has to be a girl tonight,

Because the guys are stronger,

So if it's not me, it's one of

Those two.

What do you know about idols.

I don't think any of them

Have the idol.

I know that they don't.


Because I got the idol.

I'm bringing it to tribal.

There may be absolutely zero

Reason, and without even having

A further conversation between

Me and you, of you needing to

Play it.

I have a hidden immunity

Idol, so I know I'm not going

Home tonight, but I really don't

Want to use it tonight.

I want to go there feeling

Comfortable that it's not me.

So I need to get so out.

So's trying to angle me out.

I say it's got to be her.

I kind of think we should

Vote for so.

Shirin, carolyn and I have

Been true to each other since

Day one, but most of all what I

Want is to make sure I am with

The numbers.

If she's sending me home, I'm

Voting her out tonight.

The names on the table

Tonight are carolyn and so.

Carolyn stands out because she's


That's just the sort of small

Difference that can make you an

Outsider on a small tribe of six


On the other side of the

Equation is so.

She's certainly put herself into

A difficult position when she

Chose to lie to the rest of the

Tribe about the choice that she

And joaquin made.

What are you thinking?

I think we need to go after

The big man.

She's the wild card.

There's three of us, there's so

And joaquin and there's the big


What are you thinking about this


Well, on the one hand, you

Have people who lied to their

Fellow tribe mates.

That said, it's complicated by

The fact that so tore through

Those knots.

On the other hand, when I think

About trust, carolyn thinks

She's at the bottom, I can't say

A bad thing about her.

Here's the way I look at it,

We need numbers and we need

People willing to work hard and

Be loyal.

Tonight's vote, fit just

Would boil down to physical

Strength, it would have to go in

The face of carolyn because

She's older than everybody else

On the tribe.

I look small but I actually

Pull a lot of weight.

On the flip side, if it's

Integrity, all arrows would be

Pointed at so, but carolyn

Changed a lot by telling me she

Had an idol.

I don't think I need the play

It tonight.

The logical argument is that

Carolyn should be first one to


I know how dangerous the

Immunity idol can be.

Tonight's vote can go either

Way, but I absolutely believe

That somebody is going to be


Jeff: behind each of you is

A torch.

Go ahead and grab a torch, dip

It in the flame and get fire.

It's part of the ritual of

Tribal council because in this

Game, fire represents your life.

And when your fire is gone, so

Are you.

Let's talk about the opening


Joaquin, you were picked the

First representative and then

You picked so.

You two had to go back and make

A decision on behalf of your


How did that go down?

It was a deceive box, a

Neutral box and there was an

Honest boxment and we went with

The neutral box.

Jeff: shirin, what was your

Sense of what was going on?

Jeff, I'm a big fan of the


This is season 30.

And there are big holes in that


I think that there was a clue to

A hidden immunity idol and they

Were being dishonest about what

Had gone down.

Jeff: max, you see these

Two for five minutes and that

Was first test of trust.

Jeff, I'm not angry at them

Or disappointed in them for

Making that decision, I would

Have made that same decision

Probably myself.

I just would have done a better

Job of lying about it.

Jeff: so how does this sit

With you?

It's a little heartbreaking

For it to come out this way.

Bottom line is, the four of us

Are really strong.

And I'm just hoping that, you


The four of us?

Oh, this is interesting.

And who are they?

Tyler, max, joaquin and so.

Jeff: so carolyn, shirin,

You are not in the core four,

Which is not good in a group of



A game is afoot.

A wise man once said.

Jeff: caroline, how does

This feel for you the hear the

Core four exist?

I'm the oldest one out here

First, person you think you

Can't do all the challenges and

Everything else, and yet max and

Shirin have been together with

Me from day one.

So is max lying to me then?

I think my name is on the

Chopping block.

Actually, yes, we were voting

You out tonight.

We decided that you are the

Weakest link.

You told me specifically that

It was shirin.

Yes, I had to tell you that.

Everyone sat here and said, we

Have to tell carolyn that we're

Voting shirin.

I think you've lied to me

From day one obviously.

Yes, I didn't trust you.


Well, good.

I don't trust you either.

You know these two ladies up

Here were our weakest.

What describes weakest

Because you opened a new knots?

How exciting is opening knots?

I think any one of us could have

Stepped up to open a new knots.

Tyler, do you agree?

I thought the reason we took

Over this challenge today was

Because of so.

Because of her focus and the way

She was able to see all 20 of

Those knots through.

It was pretty impressive.

It's what kept us in the game.

At the end of the day, we

Were trying to play as a team

And I was trying to be a team


The game started out and joaquin

Had to make a choice, ultimately

We got caught, but when it comes

To team challenges, I'm there

For the team.

I showed that today.

As opposed to me not being


No, you didn't step up once

At any single challenge.

You chose to stay safe and not

Attack anything.

Oh, really, because I have

Been working my ass off in camp,

Oh, by the way, I am just as

Athletic as anyone else.

So the fact that you would put

My name down today baffles me.

Jeff: tyler, with only six

People, you have to be right in

Who you vote out.

Jeff, our competition is

Against those other guys.

We make the wrong call tonight,

And we go in physically weaker

And emotionally weaker, whatever

Weaker for another challenge.

We're going to be right back

Here with you.

Jeff: max, how are you

Feeling right now?

Jeff, I am thanking the

"Survivor" gods for providing me

What I was hoping for, and this

Is a wicked downpour and lots of


Jeff: you're getting both

So far.

All right.

It is time to vote.

Joaquin, you're up.

I haven't trusted you from

The beginning.

You've lied to me from day one.

I hope it's you and not me


We have the keep the tribe

Strong, and you're the lesser of

Two evils.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked the leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote carolyn.



That's two votes for carolyn.


We're tied.

Two votes carolyn.

Two votes so.


That's three votes so, two votes


One vote left.

First person voted out of white

Collar versus blue collar versus

No collar.

So, you need to bring me your


So, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Good luck, guys.

Jeff: well, there's no

Doubt you guys are players.

Bigger question is: are you good


Did you make the right move


Time will tell.

Only good news about coming to

Tribal council, you go back the

Camp with fire in the form of


Grab your stuff.

Head back the camp.

Good night.

Stay tuned for scenes from our

Next episode.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor"... White collar takes

On the no-collar mentality.

What is going on around here?

Not even close.

Jeff: while nina is taking

On her entire tribe.

Don't touch me.

You think my tribe would try to

Make me feel like I belong.

This moment is my worst


I never would have imagined I'd

Be sitting here first one voted


They're definitely going to make

-- -- They definitely made

A mistake.

They kicked off someone who was

Clearly an asset in challenges.

This hurts a lot.

I'm trying to absorb the shock

Of it all
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