29x08 - Wrinkle in the Plan

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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29x08 - Wrinkle in the Plan

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on


Congratulations, you are


Jeff: after blood and water

Merged, there were two battling


One led by jeremy.

We got me, nat, julie.

Baylor, and you.

Jeff: the other alliance

Led by josh.

It's me and reed, alec, wes,

And pete.

Jeff: both were fighting

For jon and jaclyn.

For the third tribal in a row

We find ourselves in the middle.

This is a big decision.


Jeff: but it was josh who

Convinced them to join his

Alliance and blindside jeremy.


It looks like we're going to

Be voting jeremy out tonight.

Jeff: fortunately for

Jeremy, julie made a shocking


You're quitting the game.


Jeff: throwing a wrench

Into josh's plan to take out

Jeremy and leaving the game up

In the air.

Somebody maybe just got a

Million-dollar break.

Jeremy is on borrowed time

Now, and I don't think he even


Jeff: 11 are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

You know, I'm so pissed that

Julie quit that way.

I just-- I woke up, like, going,

"Are you serious?"

You don't quit!

Because julie quit, we didn't

Have to go to tribal, and it

Really threw a wrinkle in the


I mean, I think for everybody.

My alliance has their plan to

Vote josh out.

We're ready to go.

But we can't do that until we

Get to a tribal.

This is the part of the game

Where it's like, I know I'm

Playing the game, but I don't

Know if we're just being


You know?

Because we're just going around

Trouncing jeremy, we got him,

Trouncing missy and baylor, we

Got him, and then blindsiding


Oh, well.

We didn't have a tribal last


So nobody knows exactly where

Jaclyn and I stand right now.

They think I'm solloid that

Side, I'm solloid that side.

But the fact is we decided on

Taking out jeremy.

This move is a big move.

Yeah, it is.

I mean, jeremy is the leader

Of the pack.

And to take him out this early--

Well, think about it.

Josh is the leader of the other


That's why I think it's so

Good right now that people are

Asking how do we work who jon

And jaclyn, instead of saying,

"Hey, get jon and jaclyn out."

Yeah, so we're fine.

Jeremy is going to be going

Home very, very soon.

Originally we told him we were

Down with voting out josh so I

Don't think he has any clue

Whatsoever that jaclyn and I

Have flipped, but ultimately, I

Do need to consider what my best

Path is, and my best path right

Now does not include jeremy.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

All right, you guys ready to get

To today's reward challenge is





Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you're going to

Divide into two teams.

On my go, you'll race to load

Heavy puzzle pieces on to a


You'll then push that cart to

The base of a tower, where you

Will use those pieces to build a


Once the temple is built, one

Person will race to the top of

The temple to unlock a statue.

You'll then work together to

Hoist the statue to the top

Raising your tribe flag.

First team to raise their flag

Wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing





Jeff: it's a nice one.

It is a "survivor-"style taco



My gosh!

Jeff: chicken.



We've been talking about this



Jeff: vegetarian.

Wash it down, beer.


Jeff: iced tea.

And margaritas.


Jeff: all right, we're

Going to do a school yard pick

To figure out our teams.

We'll get started.

All right, we have our two


It is keith, natalie, reed,

Jeremy and wes taking on jon,

Alec, baylor, josh, and jaclyn.

Missy was not picked, has no

Shot at the reward.

Here we go for a big reward.

Survivors ready?


These are very heavy pieces.

You will have to work together.

The question is how many do you

Put on each load because you've

Still got to get that cart all

The way to the end and that

Won't be easy.

Yellow with four.

Yellow going to go for five.

One, two, three, go!

Jeff: yellow heading out.

Dig, dig, dig, dig!

Jeff: yellow with a bit of

A lead.

Blue got one very wobbly piece.

It's going to take somebody's

Head face-off it falls.

Lift up.

Push up while you're doing it.

Jeff: gotta get to the end.

There you go.

Unload now, unload.

Blue doing a nice job of working


Everybody digging.


Jeff: blue at the end.

Start unloding.

After 19 days, these pieces are

Very heavy.

Yellow can start heading back.

Natalie, reed, keith, jeremy,

Wes, working hard it for those


Let's go!

Blue now heading back.

Let's do it, go!

Go, go, go.

Yellow loding more up.

Jeff: one of the biggest

Rewards so far this season.

Everybody can taste it.

Blue slowing down.

Jon and alec trying to pick up

Some time.

Great team work by yellow

Working together very well.

They've had the lead from the


Can blue pick it up?

Yellow with their last few


One, two, three, push!

Jeff: yellow heading out,

Once again father and son

Working together.

Push hard here.

Here we go!

Jeff: blue trying to pick

Up some time.

There's a lot of weight on this


Come on!

One, two, three!

Jeff: you got it!

Unload yellow.

Yellow can start building your


That one first.

Last one, guys.

Jeff: blue with the last



Jeff: you cannot give up on

Yourself in this challenge.

It's too big a reward.

Blue is very close.



Jeff: they're there!

You're going to build a temple

Now with all of these pieces.

Yellow with a nice early lead to

Building this temple.

Blue team has their first pieces


Yellow with another piece.

Let's go, get that corner!

Jeff: blue has a lot of

Time to make up.

They are moving quickly on this


Everybody giving everything they


Come on!

Go to you!

Come on!

Jeff: every second is going

To count in this challenge.

Guys I'm going to run up,


Jeff: yellow getting very

Close to finishing.

Let's go!

Jeff: can blue pick it up?

Don't give up!

Jeff: yellow with the last


Their temple's done.

Natalie heads up to the top for


That's it.

Start hoisting it.

This could be it.

Blue team fighting to get back

In this.

But it's too late.

Win reward!

Jeff: keith, reed, jeremy,

Natalie, wes, huge reward.

Smiles on everybody's face.

All right, big decision to make

From the winning team.

Before you enjoy your reward,

You're sending one person to

Exile island.

Oh, my god.

Let's send somebody who

Hasn't been.

I feel bad about sending


What do you think, jon or alec?

Jeff: who's it going to be?

We're going to send jon.

Jeff: going to send jon.

Why jon?

Well, jon's a big guy.

We felt like he can make it

On his own.

Jeff: so, jon, this is

Actually a compliment.


I'll take the compliment.

Jeff: all right, here's a


Grab it, head out.

Enjoy your meal.

Think about me while you're

Tasting it.

Jeff: jon will return in

Time for the next immunity


All right, keith, jeremy, reed,

Natalie, wes, grab your stuff,

Head out.

Enjoy your afternoon.

"Survivor-"style taco bar.

Baylor, jablin, alec, josh, and

Missy, got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff, head back to


Oh, my god.

Are kidding me.

Are you kidding me?

You have margaritas.

You have chips.

You have tacos.

You have beer.

Cheers, guys.

To the ""w"."

We won the award and it was


We got to come to the

"Survivor-"style taco bar.

I feel really bad because josh

Has been talking about this from

The get-go.

We have an eclectic mix of

People from two different

Alliances together who don't

Have anything to talk about

Necessarily and we're all

Justice trying to keep things

Calm and keep the homeostasis.

Who wants the cheese case dee


Are we supposed to be talk

Strategy like other people do on


We're just eating.

There's no alliance here.

It's jeremy and me on one side,

And reed, keith, and wes on the

Other side.

You know, if we had missy or we

Had jon over here we would be

Strategizing the entire time.

I don't know about you all,

Put last night, julie was kind

Of my pick, and it comes up she


But if they said julie is gone

But you all are still going,

Man, I had no idea after that.

If he would have said still

Going to tribal, I would have

Been screwed.

I don't know about him, but I

Didn't know--

Keith comes out and says, "if

We had to vote somebody out

Yesterday, I don't know what we

Would have done.

We were all up in the air."

And he's telling me this.

And I'm look at him like, come

On, I know you guys were

Targeting me.

Get out of here.

It tells me keith is at least

Trying to play the game, but I

Don't think he's very good at


I want three or four hard

Talk organization double cheese,

Double meat.

Take it easy.

Slow and steady.

Wins the race, yeah.

My dad said slow down, enjoy it,

And, of course, I didn't at all,

And I'm scarfing down burritos,

Quesedas, margaritas, and beer.

I just wish I had the will power

To control myself.

Your double meat.

Oh, yeah!

Two more and he's going to be


Two more of those babies.

Like I'm really worried about


It was all fun and gimuntil I

Felt like crap.

( Burps )

All right.

As long as you keep burping,

I guess you're okay.

Wesley is a good kid.

He ain't been in jail yet, you

Know, but he does make some


I can just give him my words of

Wisdom is about all I can do.



Wandering off.

That's my boy overloding over


It will pass, man, just


( Burps )


Who the heck raised him?

I don't-- his mamma?

I don't know.

Gosh darn.


The snails are pretty.

It will be plenty for all of


Well, the reward challenge,

Needless to say, we lost.

And, man, it was frustrating.

But, honestly, this couldn't

Have gone better as far as the

People I needed to be talking to

And the people I needed to be

Bonding with, so I'm going to

Put my little feelers out there

One more time with baylor to try

To get the target off my back.

Can I be honest?

Yeah, of course,.

I feel like you owe me at

Least one vote to not vote for


I literally pushed for you every

Single time to take you off the

Chopping block, and literally

Saved you once.

If your alliance is all gonna

Vote reed or myself, if you

Would not vote that.

Just out of respect because I

Feel like I stuck my neck out

For you a couple of times.

It was uncomfortable when

Josh came up to me and said,

"You owe me."

I almost feel like I'm being,

Like, blackmailed a little bit.

To me, that just doesn't seem

Like a guy who comes from a

Christian family and a pastor

For a dad.

I mean, I was taught that you

Should give a gift without

Expecting anything in return,

Soyy feel like I don't owe him


The thing that's been tossed

Around in my playing field in my

Ears, people say josh used you

And drug you long so he could

Continue using you for a vote.

I know.

And I know that's probably what

Your mom has been saying.

I was trying to solidify her and

Missy's votes for the couples

Just to give us a couple of more

Numbers, but missy is kind of

Controlling baylor right now.

And I don't think they're going

To vote with the couples so at

This point, I'm pretty fed up

With baylor.

I just a minute ago was talking

To her and I was like, "here's

The deal, baylor.

I did save you."

And I was like, "it would be

Great if you just gave me one

Vote at one point."

Not that it's going to help





I don't mind seeing my name.

I just don't want to go out, you

Know what I mean?


I really am hoping jon and

Jaclyn are being truthful but

All I can do right now is hope

They are and try and keep that

Relationship going.

Exile island is extremely


And being out here by myself


I'm lonely.

I miss jaclyn.

I do feel like with jaclyn in my

Game, she's, obviously, been

Helping me make all the


With me away, it gives jaclyn

Her chance to build those

Relationships up so that she's

Not just seen as, like the


"Here at exile, lack of water is

A double-edged sword.

It can quench your thirst for


For mother nature's cooperation

You must choose the proper


I open up the clue, and my reers

Immediately perked.

It's a clue to a new idol that's

Here on exile instead of back at

Our camp.

And this is huge.

It said, "lack of water say

Double-edged sword."

So I'm thinking I have to go

Searching while the tide is low

And the sword kind of looks like

A peninsula, and I look and

There's this big peninsula

Sticking out in the middle of

Exile island.

So I'm thinking it's got to be

Over there.

As I make my way around, there's

A billion rocks here.

I'm looking under all of them.

But I can't fiend an idol.

The tide was coming up.

I don't know if I'm going to get

Another chance to look for it.

I was like, I need to find it

Right now.

The next logical place that it

Would be is up on this big

Pillar right in the middle that

I haven't climbed yet.


Oh, yes!


Found me a hidden immunity idol.

Oh, thank you, god.

She is a beauty.

That's a game changer.

Then it's exciting to have that

Kind of power in the game

Because now whatever I want to

Happen really is going to


There's my idol!

I kept waking up to... Oh, man.

I haven't done that yet.

I wished I had burped and farts.

If I did, I would make sure she

Smelled them.

Wes and alec and keith,

They're just rude,un.

They're not even trying to hide

It, and they're laughing.


You and jon are the only


The rest of them, they're a

Bunch of pigs

They're so rude.

It's crazy.

I mean, as a firefighter, we act

Like that at the firehouse

Sometimes,un what I mean?

But as soon as a woman comes

Will in the room, you shut it


Everyone's on their best

Behavior because that's how

Youabt around women.

But these guys, theatre first

Ones to eat, like jumping in

Front of the girls.

I'm like what are you all doing?

Have some manners.

Here you go.

What is this?

It's trash.

What am I supposed to do with


Throw it away in the water.





I'm down.

I feel like a sl*ve, but I'm


You feel like a sl*ve?

You want some fish?

I mean, this ain't no charity


Alec treats me like I'm his

Baby sister who he wants to bug,

And that's been the case since

Day one.

So I'm kind of over it.

He's like that to all the


He's rude to me, too.

Just roll it off your back.

I'm trying but it's just


Moi mom is like, "just, let it


Unfortunately, I get bugged


Come on, baylor.

We'll come and get some wood pup

Ain't done nothing but lay there

All day.

At least check a pulse every now

And then.

I have to get wood.

Are we on break?

It's hard to get good help.

Okay, reporting to for duty.

If you were my kid you would

Have got wooped 10 times today.

It's the most chauvinistic

Group I have met.

I have seen rude people before

But this is the worst.

Girls, keep this fire going.

Natalie will do it.

I don't know if they will.

Did you hear what he said?

That was an annoying comment.

Like, shouldn't they try to

Be nice to me?

Like, they need my vote, and

Whatever I really want, jon will


So-- the guys on this tribe are

Really arrogant and rude.

I already knew that, but, like,

After jon left, oh, my gosh, I

Saw such a difference in the way

They treated me.

And I'm just like, screw you,


Without me and jon's vote, you

Don't have anything.

They're so dumb.

And also the fact that-- all

You do is--

Jon can vote with them, but

I'm not.

No way.

Again, we can't let jeremy


No, that's true.

We still need to touch base with


Although, we already got our


He wants to do, and it's time to

Do it who else you gotta touch

Base with?

I would think jaclyn.

Yeah, no, she's going to be


She's going to vote with jon.

She's been talking to baylor

This whole time.

No telling what in the heck--

I'm telling you, jon's riding

With the boys.

I'm tell you.

I feel as comfortableaise

Probably could right now because

Jon is a smart dude.

He knows that jeremy is a

Threat, and he trusts me, and

That's big dispp I know that

Jaclyn's going to do whatever

Jon says.

So this alliance is sticking

Together and as long as jeremy

Doesn't win immunity, we're

Going to vote him out.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

We'll now bring in jon returning

From exile island.

( Applause )


Hi, baby.

I was so worried about you.

Jeff: all right, you guys

Ready to get to today's immunity



Jeff: first things first,

Keith, I will take back the


You're not even going to help


I want to keep it.

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

Today we're going to see what

Kind of impact 21 days has had

On area mind.

I'm going to show you a series

Of symbols.

You're going to use your cube to

Repeat them back to me.

Get it right, you stay alive.

Get it wrong, you're out.

The last person left standing

Wins immunity.

Safe from the vote.

Losers, tribal council, where

Somebody will be voted out.

Big stakes.

We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right, here we go.

First round.



Jeff: sun.



All right, everybody find the

First icon.

Reveal it.

Everybody has statue.

Everybody's right.

Next icon.

Seveal it.

Everybody shows sun except jon.

He has skull.

Correct answer, sun.

Jon is first out.

Jon, take a spot on the bench.

That is probably indicative of

Two days on exile island all


Next icon, reveal.

Everybody shows skull except

Reed who has temple.

If he's right, he wins.

But instead, you're out.

Correct answer is skull.

Reed is out.

Reed joins jon on the bench.

Next icon, reveal.

Everybody has an axe except wes

And alec, who are showing mask.

Correct answer, axe.

Wes is out.

Alec is out.

And we are down to seven.

Here we go.

Next round.




Tomia hawk, skull...

Jeff: sun.




Axe, skull...

Jeff: first icon, everybody


Everybody has axe except for

Natalie who has skull.

It was axe.

Natalie is wrong.

Natalie is out.

We are down to six.

Next icon.


Everybody shows skull except

Baylor who shows sun.

Correct answer, skull.

Baylor is out.

We are down to five.

Next icon.


Everybody shows mask except jack


Jaclyn has sun.

Are you second guessing, jaclyn?


Jeff: correct answer is


Jaclyn is wrong.

Everybody else is right.

We are down to four.

Everybody find your next icon

And reveal.

Very interesting.

Josh and jeremy both show sun.

Missy and keith both show


Correct answer is sun.

Keith is out, missy is out.

And we are down to our final

Two, josh and jeremy.

Come on, josh.

Jeff: big immunity on the


Next icon.

Find it and reveal.

Jeff: josh shows statue.

Jeremy shows temple.

One of suright, one is wrong.

Correct answer is temple.

Jeremy wins individual immunity.

Good job, man.

( Applause )

Good job, guys.

Jeff: jeremy, come on over.

( Applause )

Good job, jeremy.

Jeff: jeremy, safe tonight

At the vote, cannot be voted out

Of this game, guaranteed a one

In 10 shot at winning the

Million bucks.

As for the rest of you, after 21

Days in a very tough game,

Somebody going home tonight.

Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal



Freeze frame!



You missed you.

I have the idol.

Thanks, man.

I won the immunity challenge

Today, and it was a beautiful


I know that josh and his g*ons

Were coming after me, so it's


Good work today, y'all.

Yeah, you, too, man.

I'm pretty sure our alliance

Is all set with voting for josh.

The two of us have been battling

Each other for control of the

Game, but now it's all about jon

And jaclyn and I'm hoping

They're on my side.

Because if not, I'm going to

Have to keep wearing this

Beautiful thing, you know, in

Order to stay alive.

Who do we want it to be?

I say baylor.

All right.

What do you think?


He definitely wants to get

Baylor out, keith does.

Your dad will be good with



Let's just do it.

Because as long as j. And j. Are

On board, it will work exactly

As planned.

Right now the plan is to vote

For baylor tonight.

I tried to get baylor on my

Side, but she didn't go for it.

So she's got to go.

But right now, I'm relying on

Jaclyn and jon to go on our side

Because if not, today is my last

Day out here.

How was everything while I

Was gone?

Well, I don't like the guys

Anymore at all.

I don't think we should go with



Well, for one, they don't

Talk to me when you're not here.

They don't even regard me.

And just thinking about it in

All the immunity challenges, our

Biggest threats are those guys.

I can't win against them pup are

Going to have a tough time.

Why don't we just vote them out


Coming back from exile, I had

Initially thought that jaclyn

And I were going to be aligning

With josh and the guys.

But then jaclyn brought up some

Interesting information that

While I was gone, the guys were

Completely ignoring her the

Whole time and made her feel

Like crap.

I mean, this is the love of my

Life talking.

However, this is a game.

And it can't be just acting on


We have a better time beating

Missy, natalie, baylor, and--

But we're not going to beat

Jeremy in the final three.

He's going to win.

How do you know?

How's it going.



What's up?


Who's going home tonight?

The plan right now is to vote


Everyone wants baylor out.

Because she's annoying.

And she's not doing anything.

I missed you guys so much.

I know.

Two days.

That was so brutal.

All right, kids, I'm going to


Jon and I have to decide

Which way to go.

I thought that jon was going to

Have my back, but he's worried

About teaming up with jeremy

Because his story would win over

Our story in the final three.

So jon's thinking really far

Ahead, which is stupid.

But now I feel like there's all

This up in the air with


Whose turn is it to go what

Are you all thinking?

Keith, are you basically

Like-- is that where you are?

Not really.

Can't you sway them, keith?


Here it is-- and I hate to be

Blunt, but baylor don't do

( Bleep ).

You know that.

Baylor sleeps and she goes over

And eats.

I've been here six days and I've

Seen her with one scientific

Wood in her hands.

I'm just telling you.

And what get me, I say, "come

On, baylor, "and if baylor

Says,"I'm tired.

I want to take a nap.

You jump in and you do it.

You protect your son, too.

Not like, that though.

Wesley-- lorld, no, I don't do

That to wesley.

I'm just-- I'm-- just the facts,


I've been through this

Gunning for baylor thing for a

While now and I got my ear bent

Already today by keith, "baylor

Doesn't do anything."

It doesn't feel good ever to

Have your child picked on.

I'm going to back her and that's

All that matters.

What did keith say?


He told you that?

To my face.

He's not real smart.

I know.

I need to talk to jon.

Yeah, you do.

I just found out that keith spit

Out my name to my mom, which is


You don't tell the mom that

You're voting for the daughter,


But now, I'm, obviously, on the

Chopping block.

I have, like, sickening

Butterflies in my stomach.

So I kind of just have to be

Prepared and hope that my

Alliance pulls through.



Tonight, jaclyn and I have to

Make a very big decision.

And the success we've had so far

Has been as a result of jaclyn

And I working together very


But this time, jaclyn's not on

The same page as I am.

We're gonna vote josh.

Hey, we're in control of this


If we get baylor out, let's do



I know.

I don't trust jon.

He's sneaky.

Tomorrow it's gonna be very


Either very clear or very




I want nothing to do with

Those guys.

But it feels like jon just

Doesn't care.

I feel so comfortable with missy

And jeremy.

Just think about it.

I think that's a big mistake.

After tonight, there's going

To be a good portion of people

Mad at us, no matter which way

We go.

It's hard because you have to

Weigh so many different things,

And we're still going back and


Hopefully we'll figure it out,

But no matter what happens,

Somebody's not going to be


Jeff: jeremy, let's talk

About today's immunity


You always wanted immunity but

Was there any added pressure

Today that you felt I need it?

This is the going to be a crazy


Let me tell you, jeff, today,

If I didn't win this, people

Were writing my name down and I

Knew it.

Jeff: josh, same question.

Jeremy clearly thought I needed

It tonight.

Did you feel that kind of



I knew my name was being tossed

Around so I knew I needed it for

Tonight's vote.

Jeff: wes, are the

Alliances known?

I think the alliances are


I mean, me, josh, reed, and alec

Teamed up with dad, and I felt

Like it was known to people that

We were working together type.

Jeff: jeremy, does that

Leave you natalie, missy,

Baylor, jaclyn and jon together?

It could.

I'm not sure.

Jeff: jaclyn, you're a part

Of a love pair.

Where does does that leave and

You jon in terms of alliances?

Well, jon and me have been

Approached by both sides so that

Kind of puts us in the middle of

Everything, which is


Jeff: jon how is that


There have been many tribals now

That you and jaclyn have been

Sort of the swing.

I can tell you that's that's

Not what we've been trying to

Put ourselves in.

But it seems like we have

Something painted on us that is

Like like, "talk to us, and we

Might help you."

I don't know what the heck it is


I don't know.

Jeff: natalie, when you see

That jon's getting approached

Bye everybody, what's the play?

Because everybody's probably got

A pretty good pitch.

It's so weird, but I feel

Almost protective over the

Original hunahpu.

And jon is smib felt I could

Trust so you need to pick a side

And trust movinged for.

The funny thing is, those guys

Were campaigning for jaclyn, but

When jon is not there, the

Behavior seems they don't even

Need jaclyn--

Which is so frustrating to


Everyone goes to jon, and then

When he went to exile, nobody

Really cared to campaign with

Me, and the second he got back

Today, it was all about jon.

And, you know, me and jon talk.

We make decision together.

So people shhh maybe be smarter

About that.

Jeff: do you not feel

Respected out here?

Maybe by a few people, yeah,

I would say that a little bit.

I can lay this out for you.

Okay, so I'm watching a couple

Of these younger guys pretend

Like they're in a frat house.

Jeff: you have to be

Talking about wes and alec.

You got it.

And they literally belch, fart,

Spit, they don't care if there

Are females there or not.

But we're not at the hilton,


And I haven't heard wesley fart,

Or spit.

But I've hay little bit of gas.

I'm sure everybody on this panel

Has had gas.

It's just a normal body


This is "survivor" and stuff

Like that is going to happen.

You're going to get dirty.

You're going to get northwest.

You're going to get gas.

Jeff: reed it's a

Fascinating thing to watch

Tonight because perception is

Reality to the perceiver.

If somebody believes they're

Being disrespected, like jaclyn,

Are you that way to them.

I think I've been nothing but

Respectful to the women out


But I would like to take I

Moment to go back to when

Natalie pitched her case to jon

And jaclyn, and I think it would

Be just as valuable for us to

Get a chance.

Jeff: all right, reed, make

Your case.

I just think you guys are

Both very powerful, and you're

Strong together.

You're both threats in


So if you side with a group of

Singles, what's to say they

Don't turn right back around ow

And vote you guys out.

Okay, wait, so you're saying

You guys aren't going to turn

Around and get him out because

Jonl is the biggest threat?

Absolute not.

All right.

Jeff: jon, you're being

Pitched from two groups, a group

Of five and a group of four.

Would you rather you guys

Weren't the linchpin?

I think right now, I feel

Like it's positive because I

Feel like jaclyn and I are kind

Of controlling our own fate, but

These decisions we're making,

They're game changers, and that

Can be scary.

Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Reed, you're up.

Sorry you can't handle

Hanging out with the big boys.

You're a strong player, but I

Stopped trusting you when you

Wrote my name down the first

Tribal and didn't tell me.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, baylor.



Two votes baylor.


We're tied, two votes josh, two

Votes baylor.


Three votes baylor.


That's three votes josh.

That's four votes baylor.

We're tied again, four votes

Bail ofour votes josh.

That's five votes baylor.

We're tied.

Five votes josh, five votes


One vote left.

Seventh person voted out and

The first member of our jury.


You need to bring me your torch.

I love you.

Jeff: josh, the tribe has


Time for you to go.

I'll have a cheeseburger for


Jeff: well, the question

After tonight's vote, is this a

Line in the sand or is tomorrow

A whole new game?

Grab your torches, head back to


Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor": with josh gone,

Reed is willing to lie, cheat,

And steal to stay in the game.

Desperate times call for

Desperate measures.

Jeff: and it throws the

Camp into chaos.

Keith has an idol.

You know keith has an idol.


It's about to get crazy.

I mean, this game is all

About trust and making

Alliances, and I never fully

Trusted the alliance I had going

Into tonight.

I think it just revealed just a

Little too much of who I was out

Here, and that sent me packing.

So I'm thankful that I got this

Far in this game and got this

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