01x08 - Chuck Versus the Truth

Complete collection of Chuck episode transcripts. Aired: September 2007 to January 2012.*

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When a twenty-something computer geek inadvertently downloads critical government secrets into his brain, CIA and NSA assign two agents to protect him and exploit such knowledge, turning his life upside down.
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01x08 - Chuck Versus the Truth

Post by bunniefuu »

Mason Whitney: Who are you ?

Reardon Payne: I'm a poisoner by trade.

Specifically speaking, I'm your poisoner.

Do you know where the codes are?

Mason Whitney: No. I told you.

Reardon : Okay.

We're gonna try that again.

Do you know where the codes are?

Mason Whitney: Yes.

How did you make me do that?

Reardon: My poison starts as truth serum.

Your assignment is simple, Mr. Whitney.

Just get me my codes.

You have approximately three hours, give or take, before you die.

As soon as I have my codes...

I'll give you the antidote.

Sarah: You ready?

Chuck: Maybe we're in over our heads.

Sarah; It's time.

Chuck: Sure it's not too dangerous?

Sarah: I'll be an inch away.

Chuck: I'm scared.

Sarah: Let's go over it again. Make sure we have our bases covered.

Chuck: God, who'd thought going out to sushi with my sister and her boyfriend would make me so freaked?

Sarah: Okay. Last night we saw a movie.

Chuck: What was my snack of choice?

Sarah: Sprinkled milk duds over your popcorn. What was I wearing?

Chuck: Blue top, little buttons.

Sarah: Oh, you like that one?

Chuck: I like all of 'em. What movie were we...

Scooter; why is this door locked?

Chuck: What are you doing?

Scooter: Girl on top. Ms. Walker.

When herr wienerlicious signs your paycheck, I doubt he's factoring in make-out breaks with your Boy-toy.

Sarah: I'm sorry. I had to act fast.

Lou: I keep pressing the button and nothing's happening.

Chuck: Is it fully charged? 'Cause sometimes this...

Lou: My entire life is in this thing. Okay?

I got names, places, dates, times, music, photos, recipes...

Chuck: Wow, uh, you-you cook, too?

Lou: What if I lose everything?

You know, I can't start from scratch.

I can't be the person that I was before this thing came along.

Okay, I'm freaking out!

Chuck; Listen to me, uh...

Lou: Lou.

Chuck: Lou? Really? Lou, I wouldn't put...

This is kind of my world, you know?

This is what... This is what I do, and i...

I do it pretty good, so...

Trust me.


Lou: I know I'm totally spazzing out. I'm sorry. It's just...

A little overwhelming to even consider...

Chuck: No, no, no, no, no. Don't go there. Come back.

Go to a happy place.

Is there something that you think about that quiets the voices that are in your head?

Lou: Turkey.

Muenster cheese.

Egg bread.


Chuck: Was that a, was that a sandwich?

Lou: Yeah, they're my passion.

Chuck: Uh, the... Sounds, sounds pretty delicious.

Lou: I own a deli in the mall and I often think about meats and cheeses.

Chuck: Ah, yes. Who doesn't?

Look, i-i, uh, I promise you that if you come back tomorrow, your phone will be all fixed up and Good to go. Okay?

Lou; Really?

Chuck: Yeah.

Lou: Thank you. So much.

It's been nice talking with you, Chuck.

Chuck: Yeah, you too, Lou.

That rhymed. I-i-i didn't actually mean for that to rhyme, I’m sorry

Lou; It's okay.

Chuck: Okay.

Morgan: ♪ mind-cheater. ♪
♪ saw you. ♪

Chuck: Saw me what?

Morgan: Saw you what? Dude, are you kidding me?

Mind-cheating with the broken phone girl.

And why wouldn't you?

Her hair looked so much like licorice, I wanna chew on it till I make myself sick.

But you, well, gee whiz, Chuck, you already have hair to chew on.

Chuck: What? What the hell are you talking about?

Morgan: Name Sarah ring a...

Hot blonde with two big bells?

You know, just because you didn't actually do anything with licorice hair doesn't mean you didn't want to.

Think about that. Mind-cheater.

Chuck: Don't.

Morgan: saw you.

Chuck: Get... Ah!

[b Reardon[/b]: Your assignment is simple, Mr. Whitney my codes, they're still here.

Chuck: Oh, and also, and also a... A crab hand-roll for the lady.

Light wasabi, but like light-light, almost as if you just washed your hands and only the residue Of previous orders remains.

Devon: Didn't realize how old-fashioned you were, Chuck.

Chuck:Oh, why? Cause I was ordering food for my girl?

Well, I guess I just know what she likes.

Sarah: You sure do.

Thanks, sweetie.

Chuck: Welcome, sweetie.

Devon; No, no. Old fashioned how slow you guys are taking things.

Ellie: Devon...

Sarah: what?

Devon: I mean you guy are joined at the hip, but that's not where you're supposed to be joined.

I mean it's like the east wing of our apartment has taken a vow of celibacy.

Ellie: That is none of our business. Um, edamame?

Sarah: Oh, your sleeve.

Ellie: Oh, sh**t.

Chuck: Are you ever gonna retire that sweater, Ellie?

Ellie: Hope not.

It's my lucky sweater.

Devon: More like my lucky sweater.

Was wearing it the first time I met Ellie in an epidemiology class...

Ellie; He told me that L.L. Bean must've stole the color from my eyes, so it really belonged to me.

Thank you for dinner.

Devon: Well, you guys wait here.

I'll get the car. I found a space around the corner.


Ellie: Can you hear me? what is your name?

♪ ♪

Can you hear me, sir?

Shallow respiration, thready pulse.

Chuck, check... Check for medical id.

Whitney: Help me, please. Help me.

Ellie: Just, just relax. We're doing everything we can.

Chuck: That's my sister.

Eleanor fay Bartowski is saving that dude's life!

That's my sister.

Saving that bad dude's life.

Chuck. S01E08

Chuck: Hey, hey, do you think, uh, do you think Ellie's okay?

Should I call the hospital again?

Sarah: You've called ten times in the past 20 minutes.

Chuck: Yeah, I know, but what-what about sweaty nuclear guy?

What-what if he hurts her?

Sarah: Come on, Chuck. People saw Ellie at the er. She is gonna be fine.

Devon: You spending the night?

My little pep talk must've inspired you guys. Mazel tov.

Chuck: Yeah, uh, actually, Sarah's just hanging out until Ellie gets home.

Devon: Why? She's a doctor, Chuck.

Emergencies happen.

You know, when somebody asks, "is there a doctor in the house?" that's our cue.

I'm gonna make some coffee. Do you want some?

Chuck: Absolutely.

Devon: Listen, I know it's been a while since you've taken your, uh...

Your bike out for a ride, you know.

But it is time to oil up that rusty chain, x hop on that seat, and start pedaling away, bro.

You never forget how to ride, okay.

Lock it out.

Come on.


Aw, hey, there she is.

Hi, honey.

Chuck: Ellie! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

Oh, my god, you're okay. Oh, my god, you're fine. You're fine.

Why wouldn't she be fine?

What happened?

Ellie: We tried everything. Nothing worked. I think he was...

Poisoned or had an allergic reaction or something.

I'm going to bed. Good night, guys.

Devon: Night, guys.

Chuck: Good night.

Ellie: Night.

Devon; Night.

Chuck: I'm getting way too comfortable lying and sneaking around all this spy stuff, okay.

I'm starting to feel that that is my real life.

Sarah: It's all to be expected.

It's an existential spy crisis of sorts.

Chuck; It used to be all compartmentalized, you know.

Chuck world and spy world.

But when I watched those ambulance doors close and my sister was behind them with that sweaty nuclear spy freak, my worlds collided.

I put Ellie's life in danger.

Sarah: No, Chuck, that guy was sick with or without the intersect in your head.

And spy world or no, Ellie helped that guy because that is what she is trained to do.

Chuck: Yeah, I guess so.

Sarah: There's something else I have to talk to you about.

Chuck: What's that?

Sarah: I'm a little worried about our cover.

I think it's time for us to make love.

Chuck: It's a hot coffee.

Beckman: The intersect was correct in identifying mason whitney; subject had nuclear Intel.

However, Bartowski incorrectly perceived whitney as a threat.

Sarah: Chuck's not wrong very often.

Casey: But he's annoying all the time.

Beckman: Whitney was a programmer for a top-secret project, code name: "sanctuary." when whitney disappeared, so did the sanctuary data embedded on a computer chip.

Sarah: Wait. So whoever has the chip essentially has a skeleton key to access our nuclear facilities?

Beckman: Precisely, agent walker.

In the wrong hands, this is potentially catastrophic.

Casey, bring Chuck with you to the morgue.

Maybe there's a clue only he can see to ascertain whitney's true cause of death.

Agent walker, search the body for the missing codes.

Maybe there's a chance he still has them on him.

Chuck: Dude.

This is weird.

You're back from lunch on time.

Morgan: Big mike's working me to the bone, dude.

He's got me on some extra assignment, says it was super secret.

Chuck; Don't tell me because if you tell me, it's not gonna be a secret...

Morgan: Wants me to help tang's wife pick out a gift for their anniversary.

Chuck: Well, that's great. I mean he trusts you.

Morgan: No, no, dude, I don't have time for this.

I'm a very busy man-boy.

Chuck: Morgan, think of it like this: think of it as an opportunity to learn something you'd otherwise Never know about our freakish leader.

Morgan: O... Kay.

Ms. Harry tang?

Poppy Tang: Thick mike say you help me pick prize for harry.

Morgan: Yeah, hi, I'm Morgan.

Poppy: Shh, big secret.

Poopie-cat is the jealous type.

Keep it under your head.

Morgan: Have any idea what harry wants?

Poppy: I buy him plasma TV, biggest you got.

Morgan: Okay.

I'm gonna go draw up the paperwork.

Poppy: Harry be so happy! Eat it up. x Give me some sugar, sugar.

Oh, yeah, there's some sugar.

Lester: This'll be helpful to us one day, Jeffrey. x Meet me in the home theater room tomorrow night.

Knowledge is power.

Jeff:,My mom used to say "knowledge is powder."

Lester: You don't talk about your mom much.

Jeff; She's doing a stretch up in the state pen at chowchilla.

Lester: Move, move.

Lou: Okay, just give me the verdict, Chuck; I can take it.

Chuck: You sure you want to hear?

Lou: If you're teasing me, please stop.

If you're not teasing me, don't lie to me.

Chuck: Good as new-ish.

Lou: I don't believe you.

Chuck: You can learn a lot about a person through their cell phone, by the way.

For example, I saw that you listed your nana first, under "a nana."

Lou; thank you.

Chuck; Hey, yeah.

Lou: You really saved my ass, Chuck.

Chuck: Wow, you love your nana and you have the mouth of a trucker.

You're a very complicated woman, Lou.

Lou: I brought you something.

For fixing it.

Chuck: Thanks.

A sandwich?

Lou: It’s the sandwich, turkey, Muenster cheese, egg bread
I’m even going to call it the Chuck Bartowski

Chuck: I can’t believe you’re going to name a sandwich after me

♪ ♪

Lou: You know, you should come by the shop sometime and taste it fresh.

Chuck: Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Yes, I'd love that.

Lou, this is kind of the biggest honor...


Sarah; Hi.

I'm Sarah.

Chuck: Lou... Lou is her name.

This is Lou.

I was fixing Lou's phone for her, Lou.

Who's that?

Chuck: That's Sarah.

Lou: Sh-she said that.

Uh, who's Sarah?

Chuck: Sarah... Is. .

What's the best way to describe...

Sarah is my...

Sarah: Girlfriend, Nice to meet you.

Lou; Nice to meet you, Sarah.

Uh, you should refrigerate that 'cause it'd be a shame for the Chuck to make you sick.

Chuck; Yes, absolutely, i...

Great idea.

Sarah: Uh, there's more to the mason whitney incident than we thought.

♪ ♪

Chuck: Okay, this is just a storage room.

They just happen to store people in this room, people who are no longer breathing and who are Refrigerated.

Casey: Man up, Bartowski.

Got to store 'em somewhere.

Better than stacked up on a curb like garbage, right?

Eyes on the prize.

Getting any flashes?

Chuck; Good lord, the man is naked!

Casey:,Appears rigor mortis has set in, too.

Find anything?

Sarah: Nothing yet.

No codes.

Hang on a second. What is this?

Reardon: I appreciate you taking the time to answ my questions, dr. Bartowski.

Ellie: Not at all.

Reardon: Okay, now, did the deceased hand anything to you?

Ellie: No.

Reardon: Say anything specific to you?

Ellie: He just asked me to help him.

Reardon: Did you hide anything for him?

Ellie: I beg your pardon?

Reardon: Did he transfer anything to your person?

Ellie: I've told you everything I know, officer.

I'm sorry if I can't be more help.

Reardon: That's all right.

Okay, I think we have everything we need.

If you don't mind, I'd just like to get a quick photo for the records.

Sarah: Bug.

Reardon: All right.

Actually, I'm just going to move your hair back a bit.

It's just a protocol required for the framing. Okay.


Say "cheesecake."

Ellie: Cheesecake.

Sarah: What is it?

Casey: The guy was poisoned.

Toxic derivative of pentothal.

Initially, the subject becomes uncontrollably truthful.

After it accumulates in the occipital lobe, victim suffers from unconsciousness and eventually... Death.

Sarah: What's the timeline on this thing?

Casey: Can't say. x Could be a couple hours.

Could be minutes depending on the concentration.

Reardon: I just need you to sign this affidavit and we'll be all done.

Ellie: If I think of anything else, I will be sure to let you know.

Reardon: I'm sure you will.

Have a good day, sir.

Devon: Tiniest cop I've ever seen.

Scooter: You know the rules, walker.

Not while the green's out of the machine.

Sarah: Your parents did real number on you, didn't they?

Scooter: Yes, they did.

Sarah: Hi. Come here.

I just wanted to make sure we're all set for tonight's mission.

Chuck: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I mean, it's, you know, it's been a while since I've slept with someone-- no-no-not, not slept With someone, but slept with s... it's actually been a while since I've done either one, so...

Sarah: Chuck, listen, I know this is kind of uncomfortable.

Chuck; I'm fine. It's fine.

Sarah: It's just that we have to do it...

Chuck: Got it.

Sarah: mean not, not do it.

Chuck: I got it.

Sarah: so we don't blow...

Chuck: I got it.

Sarah; Our cover.

Chuck: I got it. I got it.



Hey!Hey, hey.

Hey, hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, Lou, listen.

About earlier with Sarah, I can explain.

Lou: Forget it, Chuck.

You don't have to be single to fix a broken phone, right?

Maybe our signals just got crossed.

Chuck: No, no, not at all. That's...

That's kind of what I'm trying to say is that they...

They weren't crossed.

You know, Sarah and I, me and Sarah, that whole thing, it's really very...

It's complicated?

Lou: Well, is she your girlfriend or not?

Chuck: Well, yeah, sort of, kind of hard to explain.

I really, really, very badly wish that I could explain.

Lou: Listen, if you're not going to tell me the truth, I'll tell you. Okay? x I like you.

I like almost everything about you.

I think you're cute, you're funny.

Our vast height difference intrigues me.

But want to know what I don't like?

Chuck: Very, very much.

Lou: I think anyone who cheats on his girlfriend is a big, fat, stupid jackass.

Chuck: Exactly, I concur.

Lou: Of course you do, which is why I like you.

Why don't we do this, okay?

If your situation ever gets less complicated, you just let me know. Okay?

Chuck: Okay. Yeah.

Lou: I got it.

Chuck: Have a great day. Drive safe.

Poppy: Morgan meet me in the home theater room tomorrow night.

Harry; Again.

Lester: You sure, harry? You've watched it, like, 20 times.

Harry: Again!

Poppy: Meet me in the home theater room tomorrow night.

Harry: Again!

Meet me in the home theater room tomorrow night.

Lester: Let's watch it again.
Sarah: Ellie let me in.

Wow, Chuck.

What do you think is going to happen here tonight?

Chuck: Why?

What do you, what do you think I think?

Sarah: Well, I don't know, the, the candles and the music.

I mean, you do know we're just spendinthe night together for cover, right?

Chuck: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Why, why would I possibly think anything else?

I mean, by now I'd say I'm pretty familiar with the concept of faking it, so...

Sarah: Chuck, we've got to take this assignment seriously.

Chuck: Okay, I'll lose the music.

You can change in the bathroom.

Sarah: That's okay.

Chuck: What?

You're giving me crap about lighting some candles and you come in wearing that?

Sarah: What, this? This, this is part of my cover.

Chuck; Well, it doesn't cover a thing.

Sarah: And what if Ellie or awesome were to walk in?

This is exactly what a girlfriend would wear to seduce her boyfrien I am just being professional.

Chuck: Yeah...

The world's oldest profession.

Sarah: Oh...

Well, that's real nice, Chuck.

What is the matter with you tonight anyway?

Devon: want to watch some TV, babe?

Ellie: No, read a book.

♪ ♪

Devon: You think Chuck's going to seal the deal with Sarah tonight?

Ellie: Gross, you're talking about my brother.

Devon: He's got your genes, babe, and I ought to know the bartowskis are very passionate people.

Ellie; Remember the last time we spent the night at your parents' house?

I found em bouncing around in the jacuzzi.

Devon: Whoa. Brain stamp.

Ellie: Shoe doesn't feel so great when it's on the other foot, now, does it?

And you know what? You know what?

What's up, what's up with the porno shorts, huh?

I mean, clearly mrs. Heditsian likes to enjoy all the hills and valleys, but really, really they leave, like, nothing To the imagination!

Devon: Okay. Babe, your uh ...

Your mood tonight is super-honest, and I think that's awesome.

Ellie: And then there's that.

"awesome." everything is so freaking "awesome." let me tell you something.

If everything is awesome and there is no unawesome, then "awesome" by definition is just Mediocre!

And when was the last time you did something nice for me?

Just bought me something for no reason just because it's a monday?

Chuck: We're starting to sound like them, aren't we?

Sarah: A little.

Are you okay?

Is there anything you want to talk about?

Chuck: What exactly are the rules with our...

Like you know, our, our thing?

Sarah: What do you mean?

Chuck: What do i... What do I mean?

I mean hypothetically speaking, are we allowed to see other people?

Sarah: Well, uh... Our cover is boyfriend/girlfriend, so tactically, that would be challenging.

Plus any prospective date would have to endure a rigorous vetting process to determine her Motivation.

Chuck: Wouldn't her motivation be love?

Sarah: Ideally, but you're a very important piece of intelligence, and you have to be handled with Extreme care.

Chuck: Well, that sounds very nice.

Sarah: Chuck, I don't have to be a spy to piece together the clues here.

You're interested in that Lou girl, aren't you?

Chuck: Well, i...

Devon: Come on, babe.

Get back in bed.

Ellie: You know what?

I think I'm just going to sleep on the floor.

Sarah: Chuck, we can't compromise our cover.

Chuck: Well, I feel compromised already.

Ellie: I have known him since the day he was born obviously.

When people would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he would always say the same Thing: "big boy." how cute is that?

Chuck: Ellie, you're k*lling me here.

Ellie: and now he is a big boy.

[/i] and I can tell that he is because he is with a big...

Big girl.

Devon: Sorry, guys.

Don't mean to muck up your mojo.

Tried to stop her.

Chuck: Is she drunk?

Ellie: Chuck, you need a haircut.

It's starting to make funny animal shapes.

Captain: Let's go, babe.

These two need their privacy, huh?

Ellie: When you were seven, I told you that a burglar stole the money from your piggy bank.

That was a lie. It was me. x At the time, I felt it was very important for me to have a backstreet boys fanny pack.

Sarah: Ellie, are you okay?

Have you done anything out of the ordinary?

Ellie: Words taste like peaches.

Captain: Okay, we going to go now.

Let you kids get back to doing whatever it is you're doing.

Have fun, all right.

Casey: Hey, sorry to bother you folks. Can you spare some milk? All out.

Devon: Moo juice coming right up.

Chuck: Casey, what are you doing here?

Casey: Getting some crosstalk.

Sarah: Why? What from?

Ellie; Those pajamas make you look like dennis the menace's father.

Chuck: Ellie. Ellie, Ellie!

Casey: Well, she was poisoned.

Pulled the video surveillance.

Man, posing as an officer, exposed your sister to the poison.

Chuck: Why would anyone want to hurt Ellie?

She doesn't know anything about nuclear codes.

She doesn't even want us to own a microwave ???

Casey: good news, means the person who poisoned her is Still out there looking for the intel chip.

Chuck: No, no, no, no. There is no good news.

Okay, you just told me that my sister was poisoned by the same stuff as a dead guy.

Sarah: Chuck, our medical teams are trying to identify the poisoning agent to create an antidote for Ellie.

Chuck; There’s no time!

If it's the same poison as the dead guy, that means Ellie's only got a few hours left.

Look, this is easy.

All we've got to do is find the codes, and we get get the bad guy to trade us for the antidote.

Okay, we do this kind of thing in our sleep.

Casey; Even if we knew where the codes were, at's not a practical plan.

Can't risk the bad guy endangering millions of lives for the one.

Chuck: This is my sister we're talking about, all right?

We can't just sit around and watch her die.

Sarah: Okay, the only clue we have so far is the bug that we found on Ellie.

Casey: Soundproof box.

Don't want the bad guy knowing we're onto him.

We've got a team working on reversing the tracking signal.

Hey, what are you doing?

Chuck:No! Found the codes.

Can't believe where mason whitney hid them.

I'm going to keep them on the lady doctor until we can move them safely.

Casey: Now the bad guy's going to come to us.

Not bad, Bartowski.

Do that ever again and I'll k*ll you.

Chuck: I'm going to fix this, Ellie, I swear.

Look, I know that you just think I'm just Chuck, your screw-up little brother.

But there's a lot about me you don't know.

See, I'm, I'm... I'm also Chuck, the guy with all these... Important government secrets in my brain.

I can make this better.

I will make this better.

Everything is so different now.

Ellie, everything is so different now.

I used to be able to come you, and ask your advice about anything.

And now, my whole life is, like, a lie.

Devon: Went downstairs to get Ellie's sweater from her locker.

Chuck: Her lucky sweater.

She could use it.

Thanks, devon.

Reardon: Okay. I've got what you want.

The antidote to save your doctor friend.

Give it to her.

She might live.

Just trade me for the codes.

Or... I can poison all of you and force you to tell me where you've hidden my codes.

And then you'll die, too, just like the doctor.

Your choice.

Chuck: I found them!I found them! I found them.

I got the codes. The codes are on the necklace.

Reardon: The vial

Chuck: Wait!

Sarah: Casey, wait, ???


Chuck: No, no, it's for Ellie.

Sarah: I'm sorry. There's no debate. It has to be you.

You're the intersect.

Chuck: I won't take it knowing that Ellie will die without it, that both of you have been poisoned, too.

Casey: You're a good person, Chuck, and I respect that, but I got a job to do.

So take it before I shove it down your throat.

Chuck: Okay, okay, fine. I'll do it.

Sarah: Thank you.

Chuck; I'll pretend to agree to take it, then I'll run like hell to my sister's room and make her take it.

Why did I just say that out loud?

Sarah: It'S the poison.

It makes you tell the truth.

Casey: You do that, I'll give chase, put a g*n to your head, thr*aten to pull the trigger if you don't Take it.

Chuck; Would you really sh**t me?

Casey: No.

Chuck: Yeah, don't waste the b*llet.

We're already dead.

I'm saving my sister. You know, if I had a blog this would be a really big day for me.

Do my laundry? Check.

Save my sister's life? Check.

Save my own life?

Final entry.

Sarah: I am so sorry about all of this.

Chuck: That's okay. That's okay.

It's not ideal, but I've lived a pretty good life, you know?

I mean, how many guys can say they've landed a helicopter and saved the lives of innocent people?

Casey: Courageous and honorable members of the united states military.

Chuck: And hey, and the silver lining is now I don't have to work out my five-year plan again.

Streamlined that down to about five hours.

Bad guy's name is riordan payne.

Used to be an olympic gymnast, blew out his knee.

Now he sells hard-to-find items, like nuclear codes, to hard-to-find people.

Lots of people want to spend lots of cash on these codes, but they're not going to get the chance.

Casey: Oh. Why not?

Chuck: Because this thing's going to lead us right to him. I got it.

I got it I got it.

Chuck: Well, who's better at it?

Casey: I am.

Casey: She is Damn truth serum.

Chuck; God, you're so pretty.

Casey, your jaw was chiseled by michelangelo himself.

Casey: Thank you.

Chuck: Oh, yeah.

Payne: Yes?

Who is it?

Chuck: The NSA, CIA and me, who's a little tougher to explain, but...

Casey: We all have our skill set.

Sarah: Freeze.

My partner would rather sh**t you in the face than let you get away.

Casey; You called me your partner?

Where are the codes, you son of a bitch?

Sarah: Where's the antidote?

Riordan: Actually, I was just about to enjoy a little antidote myself.

What kind of host would I be if I didn't offer you some as well?

(g*n chamber clicking)

Casey: Careful there.

Haven't k*lled anyone in a while.

Getting a little hungry.

Chuck: No, no, no!Wait, wait, wait! Don't, don't, don't!

Sarah: You have a flash?

Chuck: No.

No. I've just read tons of comic books.

And the villain always samples it first.

Casey: Good one, Chuck.

All right.

Very unsportsmanlike.

I like it.

Riordan: The antidote's in the cabinet, bottom right shelf.

Key is in my pocket.

Codes are in my right shoe.

Chuck: No, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.

Not yet. Not yet.

Sarah: Why? What's the matter?

Chuck: Nothing. It's just that this...

This will probably be the last chance that I have to know the truth.

I know you're...

You're just doing your job here, but sometimes it feels so real, you know?

So, tell me.

You and me. Us.

Our thing under the undercover thing.

Is this ever going anywhere?

Sarah: I'm sorry, Chuck.


Chuck: Got it...

Got it. Thank you for being host.

Even though I guess you don't really have a choice in the matter.

Not bad.

Beckman: Received the codes[/i] and now our weapons sites are more secure than ever.

Congratulations on a job well done.

Harry: Trying to have sex with my wife?

I'll kick your ass. ???

Okay, Morgan grimes.

You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Beckman: Major Casey, who’s infiltrated the htr.

Harry: I... I... I see nothing out of the ordinary here.

Carry on, Bartowski.

Sarah: Stay right where you are.

Chuck: Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. What are you goinyoto do with him?

Sarah: We'll take care of it.

Casey: Oh, you're good, tang, very good.

Harry: I am?

Casey: Oh, of course, you are.

I know you've been onto us for a while now, but you nailed us this time.

Harry: I... I did?

Casey: Course, you did.

I know you've always known that Sarah and I worked undercover for the government.

Harry: I knew it!

I knew Bartowski couldn't bag anyone as hot as blondie.

Casey: Oh, never mind Bartowski.

He's small potatoes.

Just the pawn we used to lure you here.

Harry: I'm the big potato?

Casey: U're the big potato.

We're requesting you relocate to oahu and await further instructinns on how to aid your country From there.

Harry: I'm going to be a spy?

Casey: No.

That would give a name to it.

Harry: Wow: Leave the buy more.

I never thought this day would come.

Don't know what it is about this place, but it gets under your skin.

Casey: Yeah.

Harry: Proud to serve my country in any way I can, sir.

Morgan: Hey, big Mike , you wanted to see me?

Big Mike: Thanks for your help with harry tang's wife.

Did me a huge favor.

Morgan: Yeah, well, just doing my job there, sir.

Big Mike: Oh, and grimes?

Morgan; Uh-huh

Big Mike: change the shipping address on tang's plasma delivery.

Send it to their new place in oahu.

Morgan: Oahu?

Big Mike: Tang got himself a...

Taste of the sweet life.

Manager of some pineapple factory.

Morgan: Wait. So, we're free?

No more harry tang?

Big Mike: Guess I'm not the only one glad to see him go.

Morgan: No.

Big Mike: Know he can be tough, but use your discretion with this information.

Morgan: I got so many secrets crammed in here, fire marshal wants to shut it down.

Big Mike: Had no choice but to give harry tang the assistant manager position.

Felt so damned guilty about...

Diddling his wife for the past six months.

No, I will not miss the man at all, but I will forever dream about the lady tang.

Sarah: oh, hey. I...

Didn't know you were coming by.

Chuck: Sarah, you know when you think you're going to die, and your whole life is supposed to flash in Front of you?

That didn't exactly happen for me yesterday.

In fact, mostly it was just a list...

That I saw.

A list of stuff that I haven't done and things that I haven't had a chance to say.

So today...

Today, I want to start crossing things off of my list.

And this is the first thing that I promised myself that I'd do.

We need to break up.


Chuck: You know, you know, like, fake-fake break up our pretend relationship.

I just can't do this anymore, you know?

The longer we go, the longer we keep trying to fool people into believing that we're a real Couple...

The person I keep fooling the most is me.


Casey: I meant to ask you.

When you were affected, did you say anything to compromise yourself?

Sarah: Uh... No.

But if I hadn't been trained to withstand pentathol, I might have.
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