26x08 - Blindside Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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26x08 - Blindside Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": drop your buffs.

We are switching tribes.

Oh, man!

Jeff: at the new bikal

Tribe, the favorites had a

Numbers advantage over the fans,

But it couldn't mend an old feud

Between phillip and corinne.

I would like to dump phillip

As soon as possible.

Corinne consistently has

Conversations with michael and

For me that's ub acceptable.

Jeff: while the new gota

Tribe was riding high, malcolm

Was gathering information--

I have the idol.

Jeff:... To plot his next

Move alongside eddie, erik, and


I want to spearhead having

These four guys join forces.

Jeff: at the last immunity

Challenge, gota continued their

Impressive winning streak.

Gota wins immunity!

After phillip didn't deliver a

Win for bikal, he claimed losing

Was all part of his plan to take

Out jewel yark the weakest of

The fans.

I mean, it's complete crap.

This is compliet a lie.

We're still on with

Splitting, right?

There's no point splitting

The vote.

I want to make sure he trusts


Jeff: but phillip's feud

With corinne--

I have the numbers without


Jeff:... Made him consider

Taking out her new ally,


At tribal council, bikal went

Along with corinne and

Unanimously vote out their

Weakest member.

Eighth person voted our the

Request 9 survivor: fans versus

Favorites," julia.

Julia, the describe of tribe has


12 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Michael, congratulations.

Oh, my god.

Thank you so much.

I'm so happy to be here.

Thank you.

A true survivor.

Know it was hard probably to

See julia go.

It was her or you, so... Tribal

Was this this whole rigamarole

Of splitting vote, but obviously

I did my job.

I made sure michael stayed.

It was beautiful.

And so michael's mine.

I'm so happy.

Congrats, baby.

Thank you.


All of a sudden phillip pulls

Dawn and I aside like an

A.d.d. Kid.

He can't wait, he's got

Something he wants to say.

There was one thing we didn't

That I didn't clue you in on.


I threw the challenge today.

No way.



Cochran knew about it, but

Basically you noticed what I was

Doing but you didn't figure it


You said, "phillip, pull the

Line in quicker."

Remember that "pull the line in


I wasn't pulling it in quicker.

There was no point in saying,

"Phillip I know you didn't throw

The challenge."

Like I would say to a normal

Person, "you're kidding, right?

You didn't throw the challenge.

It was the biggest joke of the


It was tough for me to do

That as a competitor but I

Thought there's no way in hell

I'm walking over there with

Having only gotten rid of one


You could have just told us.

We would have said okay.

When I actually made the

Decision it wasn't before.

It happened in the game and I

Was like, go for it.

I knew you guys were going to

Want me to do that.

At the challenge.

That's convenient.

That's around the same time that

You blew the challenge.

I just don't believe it.

Like just say, "I screwed up on

The challenge."

It's annoying.

Are you kidding?

It's, like, really embarrassing

For him.

I know.

It's times like these where

You're like, yes, he's a loyal

Alliance member but he's so

Cuckoo for cocoa puffs, there's

No question phillip has to go.

You know what's a nice


I don't think that most of the

Fans have a brain.

I think only michael does.

I don't think sherri, eddie, and


Can't judge them until I get

Around them.

They're not savvy players.

It's remarkable.

We all get together, try to

Avied any one-off conversations

Because they're going to be


We've got a beautiful thing

Going on right now.

I just want to be sure our

Alliance is hyper vill jant.

But keeping it fun.

It's day 20 and we're

Anticipating a merge some time


I tried really hard to play this

Time like it's a brand new game

But this is about the point

Where last time the game fell

Apart for me really within a

Two-day time period, cochran had

Flipped and everything change.

I'm going to go to the well.

I think it will be good for me.

You want to go by yourself.


You sure?


It is kind of funny that I

Cry so much.

But it's almost impossible not

To cry when I think what a

Million dollars can do for my


I have six children.

I mean, that's college.

That's life changing for their


There's so much on the line.

I want to make sure I don't sit


Last time I let my game go to


I let cochran flip.

I didn't tell anyone.

I didn't change, like, the

Outcome for me.

Like you need to be a decision

Makener this game.

You can't let the game happen to


You have to be the one that

Makes the decisions.

Those are the people that win.

There's a big boat coming

Towards us.


There's a boat coming ashore.

It's a boat and it's turning!

Something's happening.

Oh, my god!

We've been saved!

I don't know what's going on,

But something awesome is about

To happen.

These cool diewdz in their

Vincent boat just pulled up.

Get me off of this island!

Do you speak english?

He's got a note.

Oh, my god.

Read it.

Gota tribe, gather up

Everything you need for the

Remainder of your time in

Carammon pup will need this key

When you arrive at your new


( Cheers )

The note says a new home.

So we're thinking merge time,



We load up the boat.

I'm ready to get back with

The old favorites, phillip,

Cochran, dawn.

I haven't seen them fair while.

Now that it's an individual game

I have to worry about everybody.

It's exciting but I have to be

On my toes.

Onward and upwards.

Oh, my god!

No way, you guys!

Seeing the boat coming and

That the merge had arrived is

Always the part of the game I'm

Most excited about

( Applause )

It was like an awesome moment

To than you've actually made the

Merge and all these people that

You haven't met thus far are

Going to be injected into game

With you which is kind of nice

Because you're really sick of

Talking to the same people over

And over again.

Welcome aboard.

I didn't know what kind of

Welcoming we were going to

Receive but it was like

Everybody ran on the beach.

It felt like friends,un.

Welcome to the other beach!

It's ironic, because we've

Been so at each other's throats,

Fans versus favorites but they

Gave us a new of nice warm


Read the note.

Oh, my god.

Let's open that thing



( Applause )

Green, baby.

All right, us.


Yeah, I love it.

The first thing we do, of

Course is go right for the food.

So the food goes down, and dawn

Goes into mom mode and starts

Making sandwiches, cutting the


Literally cutting the cheese.

I'm so happy to be here


Congratulations, everybody.


Especially you guys had such

A hard first half of the game.

What are you talking?

Seven losses in a row?

No big deal.

We're all with each other


Do we know our name?

I think we should with


We were like what if we

Called it douglas.

Enil dame means new


Everyone is cool with that


I'm okay with that.

It has a nice ring to it.

The fact the of the matter

Sijust wanted to name the tribe

After my mom, her name is

Madeleine, and it's madeleine


It's enil adam.

I may be butchering it.

This is the dumbest name ever,

And it has too many syllable

Fraum, I want my hug.

Oh, yeah.

It's good to see my girl.

I know.

Okay, I belief in my peeps.

We know favorite have to go all

The way.

What happens after six, we don't

But we know how to play this


I can tell you right now,

Cochran, myself, daun-- and me.

Tight tower.

It's a tight four.

When you're laying in bed

Tonight pretend you're boston


That's what I do.

We can win.

Thp one of us four could win it.

It would be tough but it means

Make something streakic moves at

The right time.

As long as the powerful men from

The fans goes first--


One thing I know about

Corinne is that the people that

She would try to go to now would

Be the fans but she wouldn't do

It too soon.

To me, personally, this first

Vote... It's not a huge deal.

I mean, there's eight favorites

And four fans, so I feel secure

In my alliance and my alliance

Within an alliance but it's a

Lot scarier now because it's

Individual and people start

Getting hungrier and they want

To start making moves and this

Is the time.

This is when people start

Scrambling, and in scrambles,

Anything can happen.

Malcolm, you have no idea.

He was awful to me.

It was like the crazy phillip

From the other season times 10.

We didn't know what to do with



He was nasty to me.

At one point I was like,... Take

Phillip out.

I don't plan on sitting

Around for a long time.

How do we work this.

There were not enough members of


Reynold and eddie are

Completely in my pock.

Erik floats around but he's

On board with the guys.

I've got michael.

That's six.

I haven't liked this passive

Plodding along game I've been

Playing with the favorites.

And I've been looking to make my


We have a very fragile

Six-person alliance that the

Expoint there are 12 people left

In this game.

That's not a clear-cut majority.

If we can get through one vote

And keep our numbers intact then

We have the ultimate power to do

What we want.

I feel like sherri is the

Easiest person.

She's weird.

You'll see.

It's uncomfortable dealing with


If we take sherri out first

And then phillip.

He's the head of this nonsense.

As long as phillip goes, the

Whole organization will crumble.

I missed you so much.

You have no idea.

The most amazing thing about

Malcolm in a five-minute

Download we can get on the same


He's like I have reynold and


Do you have mike snell and I'm

Like, yup, michael is mine.

Oh, my god.

Thank god for malcolm.

We're going to vote together on

The first vote and blindside the


I've yet to be involved in a


It's time.

Blindside time.

"Can you stomach the stress

Of tribal council?

Have you bitten off more than

You can chew?"


"Swallow your pride and a

Whole lot more."


"Or by this evening you could

Be through."

Eating things?


No, gross.

Bugs, tarantulas, worms.

Oh, my god!

I'm really not looking in

Order to this.

Tree mail comes and what is

It, my one weakness-- eating

Disgusting stuff.

It is going to be a true test,

And I guess it's fitting.

The time I need it the most,

Personal immunity, it's going to

Be the thing that's hardest for


The worst part is when you go

Home and like you're about to

Hook up with the chick's and

They're like didn't you eat a

Cow's... Or something.

He is worried it might damage

His dating prospect, that he

Partook in something gross,

Particularly alienating women.

For me I need a rehabilitation.

It might add a wild streak to me

And make me look a little more


I think this is exactly what my

Love life needs.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Jeff: you guys ready to get

To your first individual

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first,


Get rid of this.

Individual n-

Jeff: tribal immunity is no


No mas.

Jeff: individual immunity

Is what you covet.

I like it.

Jeff: for today's challenge

You will take part in a

"Survivor" classic.

It's a food-eating competition

Where you will race to get down

Local delicacies.


Jeff: it won't always be


They won't always be familiar

But these are things that are

Eaten out here every day.

You'll square off in a series of

Elimination rounds until only

Two remain.

Winner gets the immunity

Necklace ssafe at tribal


Everybody else gets to tribal

Vulnerable, and somebody will be

Votedly out tonight.

We're going to draw for


We'll get started.

I'm so nervous!

Come on, corinne!

Suck it up!

Mine moved a little.

Jeff: all right, we have

Our first round of six.

Andrea, sherri, corinne, erik,

Eddie, and malcolm.

The first three to finish will

Move on to the next round.

Let's reveal and see what you're


It's moving.

Jeff: this is beatle larva.

It's running off the plate.

Jeff: this takes us back to

Season one, first time we did


I'm going to be sick.

Is it going to bite me?

Jeff: first three to finish

Move on.

Survivors ready?


Go, go, go, go, go!

Jeff: everybody throwing

Them in, nobody messing around.

Go corinne.

Jeff: show me an empty

Mouth when you're done,

Completely empty.

Andrea's good, that's one.

Looking for two more to move on.

Immunity on the line.

Malcolm is in.


Come on, come on!

Jeff: one spot left.

Eddie is in, that's it.

Sher eerk corinne, and erik are

Out of this challenge just like


Jeff: all right, we have

Our next round-- reynold,

Brenda, phillip, michael, cock

Expran daun.

You're eating the same thing the

First six ate.


Oh, my god!

Jeff: more beatle larvae.

Wait, you have to put your

Hands down.

Not yet.

Can I go whole.

Jeff: dawn put your food


Don't call it food.

Put it down?

Jeff: just wait.


Everybody put your

Hands on the


Three more from this round will

Move on.

Survivors ready?


Come on dawn, you've got it.

Jeff: you've got to show me

An empty mouth.

Chew, chew, chew, chew, chew.

Enjoy it.

Cochran, like that.


Phillip, one spot left.

Dawn looking for it, michael,

Brenda, reynold, who's going to

Join phillip and cochran?

Michaels that.

Moving on

Keep it down!

There it is!

Michael, phillip, and cochran

Moving on.

Dawn, brenda and reynold out of

This challenge.

No sh*t at immunity.

So disgusting!

Jeff: just like that we are

Down to six.

Andrea, cochran, phillip,

Michael, eddie, and malcolm.

Three of you will move on to the

Next round.


Whees looets see what you're


Oh, what!

Jeff: these are ship worms.

Oh, my god!

Are they alive?

Jeff: they're not actually


They're part clam family.

Think of these as the ocean's

Equivalent of a termite.

They'll bore through ships,

They'll eat wood.

And they have bones.

You worms.

I like the fact that this is


It just wets my appetite.

Jeff: here we go.

Three are moving on.

Survivors ready?


Do it, do it, do it!


Jeff: gotta get it all the

Way down.

Take it down, guys.

Jeff: malcolm is there,

Eddie is there.

One spot left.

Oh, my god!

Jeff: cochran moving on.

Wow, that was fast.

Oh, my god!

Andrea, great job.

Jeff: you have a ship worm

Mustache, andrea.

Andrea, phillip and michael take

A spot on the bench.

We are down to three, eddie,

Cochran and malcolm.

Next round.

Take your spots.

Good job, guys!


Jeff: two will move into

The final round.

One of you will join the other

Losers on the bench.


You can do this, guys.

These are duck embryos.



Go get them, guys.

I can see the feathers.

Jeff: go ahead and separate

The shell.

Set it back down.

( Laughter ).

You can see the fecters.

Ety, there's nothing.

Jeff: you can see lailgt


This is a delicacy we used

Before but it originated here in

The philippines.

This is the real deal.

Mine's still moving.

Jeff: all right, here we

Go, two move on to the final


Come oguys!

Jeff: survivors ready?


Eddie, come on, come on!

Jeff: cochran!

He's moving on.

It is between eddie and malcolm

To join cochran in the final.

Eddie, who spits some up, but

He's got to find that to get it

Back down.

Malcolm still chewing.

Who's it going to be?

Let's go!

Malcolm, you got it!

Jeff: malcolm moving on

Versus cochran in the final


( Applause )

I love that cochran nailed


Jeff: eddie could not keep

It down.

I bit the beak.

That was the first thing bit.

Jeff: cochran, malcolm,

Takes your spots at the final


Cochran, in the finals of an

Immunity challenge.


Let's go, cochran!

( Applause ).

Jeff: this is david and


I mean, eating.

He said ginger kobashi.

What am I supposed to do against


Bring it on.

Jeff: let's reveal the

Final food item.

It looks like brains.

Jeff: you are right.

It is pig brains.

It's bacon!

( Laughter )

Back of your throat.

Swallow it whole.

Jeff: the first person to

Show me a completely empty

Mouth, wins immunity, it safe at

The vote, guaranteed a one in 11

sh*t of winning this game.

Survivors ready?


Jeff:s this going to go


Cochran pulls it out for


( Applause )


( Applause )


Jeff: take it in, brother.


Good job, malcolm.

Jeff: cochran, come on


I've been waiting my whole

Life for this.

It's going to touch my


It's going to be incredible.


Jeff: cochran!

Safe at tonight's tribal


Cannot be voted out of this


As for the rest of you, after 22

Days, somebody will be going

Home tonight.

Get your stuff.

Head back to camp.

I'll see you tonight at tribal




Good job, cochran.

Thank you.

Published my excessive


It's just I'm very aware there

Are very few challenges I have a

Chance of winning.

This is so bad-ass, too.

It really is.

I think it was tailor made

For me.

Today a immunity challenge was a

True "survivor" classic and the

Fact I got to the find round and

The final round was between me,

This little pip-squeak, and

Malcolm, the golden god of this


And the fact that I won is dream


You're a true survivor.

Thank you.

Great job.

We're leadership for you.

This over-the-top, somewhat

Obnoxious victory celebration

Because I know this moment

Probably isn't going to happen


Any other individual having that

Sort of display of basically bad

Sportsmanship it would have

Rubbed them the wrong way but

Somehow everybody seemed happy

For me.

And now I finally know the

Thrill of victory.

Cochran, of all people, won

Immunity today.

I'm happy for him.

You know.

I like cochran but since I dont

Plan on keeping him around that

Long I'm glad we got this done

Early so he can check that off

The bucket list.

No one wants us around.

Everyone wants to throw us

Under the bus.

So it makes sense to stick


I talked to corinne, she's

Totally on board.

Reynold is down.

Corinne bring along mike.


Phillip's definitely gonna be

Gunning for me or reynold.

This is the only stressful

One because the numbers are


They're huge.

I feel like I've got all my

Troops in line bbut the

Situation is very fluid and the

Only certainty is we are going

To tribal council.

There are a lot of independent,

Free thinkers around here.

They're going to have to fall

Into line if this thing is going

To work.

Luckily, corinne is in my

Corner, and she's definitely a


So what I'm thinking is we do

A split vote.

Between eddie and reynold.

Thereby sending one of the two

Power bases home.

That's the most prudent thing to


Yeah, well, I'm not a big fan

Of the split vote.

Just think about.

Let me pitch something else

To you.

Eddie and reynold and all the

Fans want sherri gone.

They don't like sherri.

Why don't we just take sherri

Out first and make it an easy

First vote and split the second


The problem for that for me

Is I want a big fish to go home

The first time.

I expected this was going to


Phillip is talkin talking about

Splitting votes and flushing


Idol out because I want to avoid

That at all cost.

I need reynold and eddie.

And I don't want them flipping


I believe in getting rid of

Of the power first.

I was furious that he

Wouldn't even listen to what I

Had to say and just his utter

Disregard for anyone else's


And that was it.

I wasn't already going to turn,

That sealed my fate.

Look, my only concern,

Really, is I don't want split


If you want to take out

Literally anybody I'll take them


I feel like sherri is an easy


Phillip will be the hardest

To convince.

But he's one person.

We don't need him.

We should strong arm him like he

Strong arms us.

That's what he does to me all

The time.

Corin adamant we don't

Target eddie and reynold.

If sherri goes, no sweat off my


Sherri is an easy vote and her

Elimination would lock the

Favorites' numbers in a way that

Would be irreversible.

I think at this point we need

To make a statement to him.

If he's completely

Outnumbered, he's not going to

Be a vocal minority about it.

What doesn't body well is corand

I know phillip hate eaching and

Have a suspicion of each other

That is unhealthy and if the

Favorites don't come together,

That is admitting to the world,

Fans including, that we're a

Dysfunctional group that doesn't

Trust each other, there are

Openings, and we're apt to fall

Apart, given the right catalyst.

And dawn is actually on the


She's probably willing to come

With us, too.

We have to get through the first


We have to knock out sherri.


Hopefully that laib slam-dunk

And then we can move from there.

I've hitched my wagon to this

Malcolm and corinne

Counter-alliance and they're

Receptive to the idea of

Bringing some of the fans in and

Over-throwing the tyranny of

Lord phillip of the high


And I'm just like, this is


Phillip's got this

Grandiose-- he thinks he is

Totally going to the end.

The way he walks around camp,


You have no idea.

It's so pompous.

I want to punch him every


I hate him.


As long as you trust me, I'll

Trust you.

Don't waiver.

Let's clean up the house.

Let's clean it up.

I'm going to go back.

Obviously, eddie and I have

Been delusionally optimistic the

Entire game.

If this vote goes as planned, is

It & sherri going gz home I'll

Definitely be in an alliance

That's calling the sh*ts and

I'll be back in business.

But what

I'm looking at is am I being


I do feel like this alliance is

A democracy?

Do I feel like when I come with

A point, do people treat me like

I'm an idiot.

After this vote, if phillip

Keeps treating me the way he has

I want him going gunn.

The reason it's easy to take

Phillip is you can get anybody

Behind it.

Malcolm would do it.

Eddie and reynold are very

Willing to play ball.

What about michael?

100% Vote.

That's, like, six people.

Malcolm, you--


If erik's in, too, that's,

Like, seven.

Corinne is suggesting I join

With them and break up the

Alliance of the favorites, and

I'm thinking, okay, here we go


Last time I played I came into

This kind of information, and I

Didn't share it with anybody,

And that was my downfall last


So I can't repeat that same


She wants to blindsside phillip

And the rest of the favorites

And she's got the fans to do it.

Those guys are in her back

Pocket now.

Dawn just approached me very

Frantic saying corinne let it be

Known that apparently she

Reallied this group of troops

Together that gives her the

Numbers and post-merge control

Of the game.

And we're going to take out

Sherri, so we'll be at 11 and

They'll be at six.

We should have been voting out

Reynold or eddie, which is

Corinne's doing.


Oh, brother.

I promise if I had numbers to

Vote her out tonight, I would

Vote her out.

Would love that.

Sherri's a possible vote with

Us, so...

I think we have brenda.

Even we got brenda tonight.

Brenda, you, me, andrea,


Sherri is still six.

Then it's a tie.

Corinne, who I thought didn't

Have a strategic bone in her

Body, she's positioned herself

In a way that we have been

Basically acquiescing to every

Demand she's made.

So it's a sobering situation,

And if we don't come up with a

Plan it could be devastating to

My game and the game of my


What's up?

Apparently, like, corinne

Approached dawn and she made it

Sound like she has reynold,

Eddie, malcolm, erik, and


And if we vote off sherri

Tonight oorkts five versus six.

And they'll vote off phillip



If we're on the wrong side of

The numbers, we're dead.


Everyone was on board with

Voting sherri out, and then I

Heard that coirn is talking

About possibly flipping, and if

She can pull all these people,

Then we're all screwed.

So she's dangerous.

Corinne is freaking calling

Every vote.

I'm kind of up for a little


It would be fantastic if you

Think it's possible to do.

Well, if we can get sherri

And-- erik's wishy-washy.

I guess he would go along with

What malcolm.

It's ridiculous to think I'm

Counting on sherri, who is one

Of the fans, and even erik, of

All people.

He's the huge question mark

Because he distribute talk

Strategy to anybody which makes

Me nervous because I have no

Idea what he's thinking.

Corinne, she has reynold,

Eddie, and michael.

She has enough people to

Blindside you next vote after

Sher eerk which means then it's

Me next--

She's not thinking of anybody

But herself.

I've been saying that all along.

Why don't we get rid of her


I want to do that.

My core alliance came through in

A big way.

Corinne, she's running around

Telling everybody she's got a

Coalition to vote out who, the

Specialist, out of the game, me,

Phillip sheppard.

How dare she try to get me out

Of the game?

I'm the one who originally

Brought her in, and I will not

Allow corinne to take control of

This game.

Well, suffice it to say fitell

To you vote corinne and you did

It, you would have automatically

Changed your fate because this

Will tell me if I can use you


Phillip came up to me and

Said, "if you want to go further

In this game, you need to vote

Out corinne and come with us.

I'm fighting hard to stay in

This game, and I'm willing to

Make a really big move.

The problem si can't stand


He's so arrogant.

Just point to the name.

It's just not hanging right.


It's disconcerting that my

Fate in this game right now

Rests in the hands of somebody

Like sherri who is desperate for

Some sort of footing in the


And you have erik the ice cream

Scooper, somebody who distribute

Like strategy and proved himself

To be incompetent with playing

This game.

This thing's happening like

We have the numbers already.

So we'll just vote for sherri.

Malcolm came up to me and

Said, "vote for sherri."

Andrea said vote out corinne.

I have no idea what's going on

But I feel like I'm swing vote

So I'm suddenly becoming a very

Valuable player, which is so


I just wish I knew what I was

Going to do.

Jeff: wow.

12 People left.

So since the switch, only fans

Have been voted out of this


Michael, does it seem like a

Fair assumption to make that

That would continue tonight?

I think it is a fair


It's been pretty clear to us

That the favorites are going to

Be sticking together.

Jeff: corinne as somebody

Who has played this game you can

Appreciate what it would be like

To be in the position of the

Fans where it feels a little


Yeah, it's bleak, but, you

Know, a situation is never


And, you know, I'm not about--

If you come do me with a good

Idea, I'll probably listen.

Jeff: dawn, corinne is

Saying, listen, I'm open.

It doesn't have to be eight

Favorites, four fans.

Well, there's 12 of us, and

12 Of us aren't going to be in

The final three so it makes

Sense that we're all trying to

Make decisions that will further

Us in the game longer term.

Jeff: cochran, does it

Concern you that corinne would

Be honest enough to say, "talk

To me."

That's opening a door.

That's one of the good things

About corinne, she is so open

And honest about it.

I would be a little more worried

If she didn't say she was open

To that possibility.

That would make me more


Jeff: reynold, what do you


You've seen fan gone, fan gone,

Fan gone, and you're up against

Eight people who know how to

Play this game.

If you're a favorite and

Played this game before you know

If you're not on the top three

Or four of this powerhouse

Alliance, now is the time to

Start making some moves.

You have four more chess pieces

To play with here, so I'm not

Count, the fans out yet.

Jeff: erik, reynold makes a

Good argument.

Not everybody can be in the top

Three in an alliance of eight.


I mean, it's just the way the

Game goes.

There's always going to be

Somebody on the bottom who is

Desperate to get back into

Something else.

So that's pretty much of the

Dynamic I feel like is going on

Right now.

Jeff: andrea, it's good

News/bad news being a returning


The good news is you played


The bad news is, you played

Before so you know at some point

Somebody is not going to tell

You the truth and it might be


I am so much more paranoid

This time around because I know

A lot of these people are really

Good at deceiving and really

Good at lying.

Jeff: corinne, would you

Agree with that?

I will give you a quote, mice

Tyson says everybody has a plan

Until you get punched in the


Everybody else, even the

Favorites, as comfortable as we

May seem, every one of us is

Waiting to get punched in the


Jeff: sherri, is there

Anything you can do if you're a

Fan at this point?

I think the fans don't have a


Jeff: do you believe that?

I do.

Jeff: reynold, tough spot

To be in if you're a fan right


It doesn't seem like there's

Anybody up here you can look at

And say they're an easy mark.


( Laughter ).

Jeff: would you agree?

I think there's a lot more

Maneuvering that's going on than

Is even coming out in this

Tribal council right now.

It hasn't all bubbled to the

Surface yet, but this bubble is

About to pop pretty soon.

Maybe not tonight, but there's a

Lot going on.

Jeff: you don't think

Tonight's vote is going to be a

Big shocker.

I'm not necessarily sure

Tonight's vote is going to be a

Big shocker, but I think there

Are some shockers on the way.

Jeff: all right, with that,

It is time to vote.

Phillip, you're up.

Corinne, you are one of the

Most selfish people I have ever

Met in my life.

You played a good game but,

Unfortunately for you, I wasn't

Looking for applications for new


You're dangerous.

I just hope that everybody does

What they said they were going

To do.

I'm really nervous.

Hey, lady, I'm sorry to write

Your name down.

I'm just trying to stay alive

Another day, and I hope you're

Not too upset.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has the hidden

Immunity idol and you want to

Play tno of now would be the

Time to do so.

Okay, once the votes are read,

The decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council

Area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, sherri.



Three votes sherri.



Five votes sherri.




That's three votes corinne.


Four votes corinne.

We're tied, 5 votes sherri, five

Votes corinne, two votes left.

Oh, my god.


Six votes corinne, five votes

Sherri, one vote left.

Ninth person voted out of

"Survivor: fans versus

Favorites," corinne.

You need to bring me your torch.

Corinne, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Well, judging from the look on

Corinne's face, that was

Anything but a straightforward


And I'm guessing it won't be the

Last time we are surprised at

Tribal council.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Captioned by

Media access group at wgbh

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor": it's time for

Malcolm to make a move.

If we're gonna do something,

It has to be now.

They thought they cut off the

Head of the snake.

Jeff: and eddie flirts his

Way back into the game.

I am indirectly hitting on


I don't know who goes out

Here and actually falls for


I mean, it's really rare.

In cabone, the people I

Played with were close to my

Heart, here, I didn't like

Anybody other than michael and


I knew there were problems,

Which is why I was looking to

Move out to a different


Unfortunately, I'm out of the


You just gotta look at it as I

Got to spend 22 days in an

Awesome paradise and I made some

New memories.
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